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"She hires someone to make her dark fantasy come true"

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Michelle knew she wasn’t supposed to be here, well, as far as her family was concerned anyway. People would completely freak out if they knew and only partly because it was a sex shop. The place wasn’t really built for people in wheelchairs, but it was manageable if she was slow and patient. It was a little thrilling because it was 'forbidden', but she was growing disappointed that she couldn’t find much of what she really wanted to see. There were a few furry handcuffs and silly things like that, but not really what she thought about, dreamed of, yearned for. She reached out her hand and touched the chain on one of the ridiculous sets of cuffs, feeling the cold metal and imagining it against her skin.

However, this is exactly where she had been told to be by the voice on the phone and she wasn’t about to stop after months of preparations and what she’d paid for this.

Her thoughts went back six months when she’d read that story online about the planned abduction and how it had excited her on more than a physical level. She spent the next several days wondering if that was really possible, could it really happen. Then she started poking around online and found what she was looking for. There were ads for fantasy fulfillment all over the place. She narrowed it down to ones that were local and didn’t seem as shady as most. She created new, throwaway email accounts and contacted each. Some were obviously scams. Others would have nothing to do with her fantasy. One seemed far too eager to start right now.

Finally, she found one she felt she could trust. They agreed to meet in person. Provided references who would also meet her in person. They had forms for her to fill out and worked with her to craft the perfect experience for her. They had negotiated the price and payments and a schedule. So, today, at the arranged time, she was in the arranged place and anxious and nervous and excited as she could possibly be.

A voice behind her brought her back to the present.

“The really fun stuff is in the back.”

She jumped and knew she turned scarlet in shock and embarrassment. She had no idea anyone was even in the store, let alone right next to her.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I wasn’t kidding, though. Would you like to see the good stuff?”

She glanced back and looked up at the source of the voice, the steady calm voice. He wasn’t particularly handsome but he wasn’t unattractive either. His hair was slicked back and he wore all black. He smiled at her gently and cocked his head a little to the side and he seemed to be waiting for an answer.

“Sure,” she said a little unsteadily.

“Would you like some help or do you just want to follow me?”

She debated her answer for a second. She didn’t normally like to be pushed around, but here she was seeking her secret desires and this man in black appears and asks for her consent to control her in a very personal way. This was the arranged escape clause. She had only to say no and he would walk away and she’d be left alone and get her deposit back. No. She wanted this and would go through with it.

“A little help would be nice. The aisles are pretty narrow in here.”

He smiled and stepped behind her as she unlocked her wheels and put her hands demurely in her lap. His pace was measured, but confident and she liked that. As he pushed her past the oblivious clerk and down a dim hallway. The logical part of her brain tried to speak up, but the secret part was too busy dancing and singing to pay any attention.

Then, so quickly it took her a few seconds to realize what had happened, her mouth was taped shut, a bag was put over her head, and her wrists were zip tied together. She felt herself lifted and carried quickly. She heard a door open and footsteps on pavement then she was roughly tossed down and she heard what she thought must be her chair tossed in next to here and the unmistakable sound of a sliding van door. She felt the van start to move and she started to try to take off the bag but a hand grabbed her wrists roughly and a voice spoke to her sternly right next to her ear.

“You’re a smart girl, Michelle. Show me how smart and stay very still so I don’t have to hurt you. Nod if you understand, Michelle.”

She nodded and began to whimper inside the bag, her sobs muffled by the tape. Apparently this was funny to someone because she heard derisive laughter as the van continued to drive.

She had no idea how far they drove or where. It hadn’t even occurred to her to try and keep track of turns, and it went on too long for her to remember anyway. She did think that the driver hit every pothole and bump in the road though as her head bounced against the hard metal floor of the van.

When it finally stopped, she was lifted from the van and she heard her chair being removed from it after her. There were steps and doors opening and closing but no one spoke or made any other sound. She was then placed in her chair. She looked around and could sense that they had entered a large room when they stopped. Once inside they pulled the bag off of her head.

She blinked, trying to get used to the harsh lighting. She looked around quickly, still terrified. They were in some kind of warehouse: corrugated metal walls and steel beams, a few skylights, and harsh fluorescent lighting. There were boxes on metal shelving in rows and along the walls, but where they stood was an open area surrounded on all sides and above by a chain link fence.

A man in a black nylon mask stepped in front of her. Her eyes widened as she looked down and saw a pair of angled scissors in his hand. He slipped them inside the waist of her jeans and she felt cold metal against her stomach, making her flinch.

“You don’t want to do that, Michelle. Stay very still. We don’t want to have to stitch you up just yet,” said the man with the scissors as he started cutting her jeans off of her. The scissors must have been very sharp because it went through them easily from the waist down to her ankle.

She started sobbing again and, again, she heard laughter. It came from behind her, from the man who was holding her chair still, so that her kidnapper could cut her clothes off. But also from someone else farther back, she tried to twist around to see the other man or men and the man with the scissors slapped her hard.

“Michelle, I told you to stay very still. You’re going to have a very difficult and painful time here if you don’t learn to follow instructions immediately and without question. Nod it you understand, Michelle.”

She nodded, feeling the tears streaming down her face and knowing her nose was running horribly. The man cut off the other leg of her jeans then removed her socks and shoes. He stood and cut through the front of her shirt and then across the shoulders, leaving her covered in just her bra and panties.

“Well, Michelle, you obviously didn’t think you were going to get lucky today with that mismatched, bland, cotton underwear. You should be glad I’m getting it off of you.”

He made quick work of the bra and panties. She had never felt so exposed and vulnerable. But, for some reason, even though she planned this, asked for it, paid for it, her mind was confused. The understandable terror and rage were there. But alongside that, almost fighting for control, was an enormous rush of joy and passion. It was like an argument in her head.

“I don't want to die. Oh God, I don't want to die.”

“This, this is it. What I’ve dreamed of and what we planned.”

“No one knows I was in that store. No one will be looking for me.”

She tried to beg and plead through the tape on her mouth for them to stop but, if they understood, they had no reaction.

The man with the scissors put it back into a sheath on his hip and picked up something off of a nearby table. She watched as he fastened heavy, leather, padded cuffs on to her ankles, snapping small padlocks onto the buckles. Then he went back and got two more cuffs.

“Now, I could take off the zip tie, Michelle, but I don’t think I can trust you yet, so we’ll have to do this the hard way.”

He worked the cuffs around her bound wrists, struggling a bit but still fastening them tightly and locking them in place and clipping them together. Then he pulled the scissors out again and cut through the zip tie. Turning again, he picked up what she recognized, from all her hours online, as a massive gag from the table.

“Now, Michelle, I’m going to remove the tape. Feel free to scream as loud and as long as you like, we’re so far away from people here that our closest neighbors wouldn’t hear a nuclear bomb go off. But, since all the screaming and crying and pleading gets tiring and annoying, I am going to gag you until you’re properly compliant and accepting of your place her. This may sting a bit.”

He snatched the corner of the tape on her mouth and, in the same motion, ripped it from her face.

It did sting. A lot. And there was drool dripping out of her mouth onto her exposed chest. She didn’t scream… at all. Instead she panted like a dog in summer. She wondered what she looked like and the two warring parties in her head argued between not wanting to know and desperately needing a mirror. Then the gag was stuffed in her mouth, forcing her jaw open and pushing into her mouth not quite to the point of gagging. It too was buckled and padlocked in place.

“OK, put her on the horse,” the man said.

The man turned her around in her chair and she saw a long padded bench. She was draped over it and then her wrists were separated and clipped to the front legs. She heard what must have been her ankles being clipped to the rear ones.

“Now, Michelle, you may be wondering why your ankles are cuffed. First of all, it’s because we don’t really know how little use you have of your legs. Second, even if you have none, it will help keep you in place. Are your breasts somewhat comfortable where they are? Nod yes or no.”

She nodded.

“Good, the time to make them hurt will come, but not for a little while. We have to see just how much you can and can’t feel from the waist down first. He turned to speak to someone else. “Start with the paddles.”

She heard people moving behind her and twisted her head to each side trying to see who and what and whatever.

“Oh, you want to see, Michelle. Show her, boys. Let her see what you’ll be using on that big round ass of hers.”

Two men, in suits and masks like the man with the scissors, walked in front of her holding long handled wooden paddles. The panic in her swelled as did the realization of yet another fantasy. The man with the scissors looked at her face and laughed at her again.

“OK, boys, get on with it. Show no mercy. Either she won’t feel a thing or she deserves it for pretending to need that chair.”

The first blow sounded like a gunshot in the big empty warehouse.

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It forced her forward and she felt the air across her back but nothing else and she neither flinched nor cried out against the gag. They seem to take this as a challenge as the next blows were louder and pushed her forward with more force. The man with the scissors never stopped looking her directly in the face. After what must have been dozens of blows, the two men came around in front of her again. They were winded and one of them was working his shoulder as if it were sore.

“Nothing? Seriously? Nothing?” said one of them.

“Yes. Absolutely nothing. This is very good. Our client will be very pleased. I’m curious though,” he said, moving beside her. She felt his hand glide down her back and then felt herself being shoved forward gently again. He came back around to the front with two fingers held up. They were glistening in the austere light.

She was mortified. She had hoped that side of her would stay locked safely in her head, but her body had betrayed her. She started weeping again as the man rubbed his thumb against his slickened fingers. The other men laughed at her again, but he just walked over and leaned close to her ear.

“I wasn’t sure, but I hoped you’d be like this, Michelle. This will make things much easier.”

He walked to the table and picked up a towel, cleaning his fingers but never taking his eyes from hers. It was like he could see all the way inside her and she wasn’t sure whether she was crying now out of fear or joy.

She was still crying as her arms and legs were released and she was roughly carried a large table and flipped over onto it on her back. Her wrists and ankles were fastened again as the two men talked about her.

“Man, she must not feel anything. The other ones all screamed when their asses hit the table.”

“Yeah, we’ll definitely be having a lot of fun with this one.”

The man with the scissors walked over with something metal in his hands making noise. He held them up above her face.

“Do you know what these are, Michelle? Nod if you do.”

She looked at the thin but sturdy looking metal chain and the fierce looking clamps on each end. Her breath quickened and she was sure she got even wetter. She blinked and nodded.

“I thought you would after I saw you looking at those things at the shop.”

He flexed the clamps a few times, opening and closing them slowly. His eyes continued to stare into hers.

“Now that we know what you can’t feel. Let’s see what you can.”

He pulled at her right nipple, pinching it and twisting it fiercely. She threw her head back and screamed into the gag, opening her mouth so wide that some of the scream escaped. He kept up the pressure and twisted farther not stopping until she ran out of breath and brought her head up to breathe in again. She had barely gotten her lungs filled when he pinched and twisted the other one just as hard. Her screams were even louder as she thrashed her head back and forth.

This time, he didn’t release it but pulled it farther and put the first clamp on. The jagged jaws bit into her flesh and new tears began to flow along with her scream. The first nipple was pulled and clamped as well and her screams went hoarse.

He let the chain fall to her chest and continued to look into her eyes as the pain stopped tearing through her mind and became merely unbearable. She finally stopped screaming and panted through her nose rapidly. Her vision cleared and she saw that he still stared at her. Without changing his focus, he picked up the chain and pulled it up slowly until she cried out again. He let it go slack slightly then pulled it again as her the tone and volume of her cries rose and fell.

This apparently highly amused the other two men as they started to laugh and suggest songs he should make her sing. He, however, did not seem to look at her with anything but the same intense stare. After what seemed like an hour, he dropped the chain and released both clamps at the same time. As the blood rushed back into her flesh, the pain, once again, tore through her making her scream and arch her back.

“OK, boys, grab the slappers and go to it,” he said, turning and walking away.

The other two men went to the table and each grabbed two leather straps that seemed to be fairly stiff and a little over a foot long. The swung them through the air and slapped them together as they returned to her. They stood on either side of her and began smacking her breasts with them… hard. Each blow made a loud slapping sound as it hit the soft skin on her breasts and she started screaming again. They began to hit her harder and faster with smiles on their faces. One broke out into a rhythm and they began laughing as they played a tune on breasts as she sobbed and screamed.

“That’s enough… for now,” said the man with the scissors and they stopped and put the slappers back. “Go take care of the van.”

The men joked with each other as they left the cage. The man with the scissors stood over her with that intense gaze again.

“I think that you’re in no condition to try anything, Michelle, but if you do, you’ll definitely regret it. Do you understand, Michelle? Nod if you do.” She nodded, still sobbing. “And you’ll behave yourself?” She nodded again.

He released her wrists and ankles and pulled her down so her hips were at the edge of the table then refastened her wrists above her head and her ankles to the legs of the table.

“I don’t entirely trust you, Michelle. Not yet. You’ve not been properly trained. Not been broken… yet.” To her horror, she felt his hand move down her stomach and saw it disappear between her legs. Without moving his hand, he spoke again. “Look at me, Michelle.” She raised her head. “I wasn’t sure before but now it’s clear that you are still a virgin. Now, for our client to use you as he intends, your pussy and ass will have to be prepared… trained… stretched, to be honest. It does seem a waste to take your virginity with an object. However, I’ll leave it up to you.” He pulled a dildo out of his jacket and held it up. “If you would like me to take it now, instead of using this, nod, Michelle.”

She thought for a moment. She was sure that this was definitely not how her mother imagined this happening, but she decided that this man was better than that thing. And, really, he was much kinder than the other two. She swallowed hard and nodded.

“That, Michelle, is the last real choice you will be given here.”

She saw him take a small package out of his pocket. He tore it open and removed a condom. He looked down as he, apparently, put it on. She was disappointed that she couldn’t see his cock. He put his hands on her thighs and thrust his hips forward, driving her back on the table. There was some kind of pinch inside her as he entered but she felt nothing else as he drove himself into her over and over. He still watched her face with that some impassive stare as he fucked her.

“Fucked,” she thought, “I’m being fucked.” The situation was so strange that it took a little while for it to sink in. Now, when she started thinking about it, she could feel something inside her, just a little. She looked at him. She wanted him to want her… to show some kind of desire for her. But between the mask and those cold eyes, she saw nothing. He just kept thrusting into her over and over, never faster or slower or harder.

Then something twitched inside her. She was sure she could feel something now. Her breathing started to quicken and deepen. Soon it was more than a twitch, her insides were tensing then they started to twist and…

“Aaaahhhhh,” she screamed into the gag as the something tension suddenly released in an explosion of sensations all over her body. Her arms and legs pulled against the restraints and she arched her back. She had no idea how long it took her to get control of her body and mind again but, when she did, he had stopped and was still looking at her in exactly the same way. He moved back and did something, she guessed, with the condom and walked away, outside the cage. He didn’t speak or react in any way. She lost control and started crying loudly and sobbing again. She cried until she couldn’t anymore and, when her eyes cleared, he was standing there with the same look in his eyes.

He walked over to the table, released her ankles, and flipped her over onto her stomach. She cried out when her breasts, still tender from the beating and clamps, hit the table. She was bent over at the waist and had trouble finding a comfortable place to rest her head. He fastened her ankles again and went to the table. She couldn’t see what he gathered then or when he put them down on the table next to her. She heard something but couldn’t tell what it was. He stepped around in to the side of the table that she was facing. He held up the dildo from earlier and what she recognized as a smallish butt plug. They were covered in something liquid and glistening, lube she assumed.

“Your training begins now, Michelle. You seem curious so I’ll show you what I’ll be using on you every time. You can see that they’re well lubed. We want you stretched, not damaged.”

He moved behind her again and she felt nothing until she was pushed forward. He kept a steady pressure against her for a few minutes and then she heard a wet sound and he walked to where she could see him again. He dropped the items into a garbage bag saying, “Won’t be needing those again. That was easier than I thought it would be. Perhaps we’ll be able to move through this faster than I thought.”

He went back to the table and showed her a larger dildo and butt plug. A strap also hung from his hand. He explained that would be used to hold the items in place. After he moved behind her, she heard the liquid sound of the lube being applied and again felt the pressure again and then the clicking of the straps.

“I’ll be leaving now, Michelle. I will be back.” He walked out and the lights went out. The fear took over again and she cried, surprised that she had tears left.

She had no idea how long it was before the lights came back on and all three men returned. The man with the scissors let the other two take off the strap and remove the items. The man with the scissors handed them some wipes and told them to make sure she was cleaned up. They released her wrists and ankles and lifted her back into her chair and turned her to face the man with the scissors.

“This is your home now, Michelle. There’s a toilet and a bed over there. You’ll be brought food three times a day and trained several hours a day. The rest of the time you’ll be left by yourself with your thoughts alone. That way, you’ll learn to look forward to your training. We’ll be leaving you now for the night. The gag will be removed, but screaming will only make your voice hoarser.”

One of the men removed the gag. She worked her jaw and massaged it with her hands noticing the weight of the cuffs as she raised them to her face. They cleared away everything but the furniture and locked the cage as they left, not even looking back at her. She was, as he said, alone with her thoughts and she decided that this was definitely the best money she’d ever spent.

Written by gushkinbanda
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