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Punishing Lily Part One

"A new semester brings new revelations."

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I walked into my lecture theatre, sitting heavily in the seat that my arse instantly recognised. I was early; a usual habit of mine on the first day. It doesn’t do to be late and the first day back is always the hardest. I was a bit too early, though, honestly. I found the idea of forty minutes waiting a little distasteful, but I was already committed. I stretched back in my seat, scratched myself and kicked my feet up on the table. I figured a bit of relaxation before another manic semester wasn’t too bad an idea, after all.

I was about to close my eyes when I heard giggling. I wasn’t alone.

I looked up, slowly, to see three people sat at the very back of the hall already. They watched me, giggling amongst themselves. Their laughter burst like a dam when I finally saw them.

“Good morning, sir,” they chanted like a nursery class, except their voices were lilting, seductive and sweet.

I should’ve felt a sinking feeling in my chest to see the three of them, but I found my pulse quickening and my mood lifted.

“Good morning, girls. What a bright start to a new semester you three are.”

I spoke with a joking tone, but part of me was quite serious. Even far at the back of the hall I could make out the three girls’ almost obligatory, capacious cleavages and tight clothing.

“Don’t hide up there. We’re all early, come down here and tell me about your holidays,” I told them, eager to see them up close.

The girls walked down the steps towards me, like a catwalk. Isabelle, Lisa and Lily: the three most eye-catching, troublesome girls in my class. Their walks gave away their flirtatious nature as they swayed their hips and strutted towards me.

Lily, at the back, seemed to be walking slower and more steadily than her friends. Her eyes locked with mine, though, and that same cheeky demeanour sparkled within them. Her lips curled in a little smile.

Isabelle hugged me as I stood up to greet her and Lisa followed suit. The two girls could not be more opposite. Lisa was the least intelligent of the three and, I suspected, the most promiscuous. A straight blonde, shorter than her friends but very curvaceous, Lisa drew more than her fair share of attention. Her figure was tightly packed into a tank top and mini skirt that left very little of her shape to imagination. She caught me licking my lips, but only grinned to see the effect she had.

Isabelle, however, was intelligent and, I guessed, uncomfortable with her friends’ attitudes and actions. She had wavy brown hair with a tall, lithe body shape. Isabelle was similarly dressed in tiny denim shorts, knee high socks and a black, mesh-backed, short sleeve shirt. She wore it uncomfortably, as though it wasn’t her choice of outfit – I suspected her friends dressed her. It suited her, nonetheless, and I couldn’t keep my eyes from drifting over her.

My mind trailed away for a second at the appetising thought of Isabelle being dressed by her friends. I was brought back to my senses as the girls parted, making way for Lily. She walked between them and straight up to me. She hugged me and sat me back down in my chair. A smile spread over her face and she brushed her hair from her eyes. She was perspiring slightly, I noticed. I took in the sight of her as she beamed at me.

Lily was the more rounded individual of the group – but the most trouble of all. She was sexy, feisty, intelligent and oozed confidence. Her long, black hair fell over her shoulders and down her back, framing her dark, sultry eyes. I felt them boring into me.

Her breasts were pushed up and bursting from the grey button-up, cap sleeved dress she wore. The material hugged her, around her ample breasts, showing off her curved, hourglass figure and tight, round arse. The dress ended just below her cheeks, leaving her bare, smooth legs in perfect view. Just where they belonged, I thought.

This was nothing new for Lily. I was convinced she was put on Earth to tease and give men frustrated hard-ons. She never failed to impress – her body was faultless and she knew it. It was her greatest tool and she used it willingly, dancing around the men in the class and giving them all convenient eyefuls. She was a gorgeous, sexy little tease.

Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to hold her down and fuck her - no doubt tight - little hole until she screamed my name and begged for more.

“Good morning, sir!” Lily lilted with a delicate, innocent smile.

“Good morning, girls. Are you all well?” I asked them.

Lily hitched up her dress a little – something I thought impossible – and sat down on the edge of my desk, facing me. Her right leg, tucked up underneath her, caused her dress to ride up even more. I resisted the urge to look, turning to Isabelle instead.

Isabelle answered me cheerily, rhyming off a story of theirs from the holidays. Lisa interjected every now and then, I remember, but all other details fail me. I’d like to say I paid attention, but my mind was elsewhere. In the corner of my eye, burning into my retina, was the unmistakable shade of Lily’s pale, exposed flesh. She contributed nothing to the conversation and I was sure she was waiting for me to look in her direction.

I focussed on Isabelle again, but found her distracting too. She was arguing over a detail of the story with Lisa, whom she slapped lightly. Lisa’s breasts shook with the force and my mind filled with the image of her top bursting open to reveal her gorgeous, show-stopping tits. I closed my eyes, partly to savour the image and partly trying to clear my mind of it. I wasn’t quite sure which.

I opened them again to find I was looking at Lily’s toned, silky legs. My subconscious took over, following the shape of her leg higher up her body, higher until my gaze darted to her exposed, naked sex. My eyes could’ve popped as I examined every tender inch of her, staring open mouthed at the smooth shaven, red and engorged lips of her beautiful pussy.

Lily’s weight shifted a little and her dress hitched even higher. I then noticed the thin string of beads that nestled between her lips. It was hidden by her folds, visible only before it parted her and disappeared between them, at the top of her mound.

A pearl thong. I knew what she was wearing immediately; I had long been a fan of them. A single string of pearls, nuzzled between her lips, was held up by a lace band. I realised at once why Lily’s gait had changed slightly – every step was torturous, feeling her pussy lips rubbing on the pearls.

I stared. I couldn’t help it, my mind froze and I stared at the wonderful sight before me, unashamedly, feeling my cock swell and harden. Lily coughed, squirming, and my eyes darted up to hers. She wore a wicked grin and her hips wiggled as we gazed at each other, her finger teasing at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes fell to my bulging crotch and she bit her lip, smiling at me. I looked away, quickly, adjusting the throbbing lump in my trousers.

Lisa had apparently taken over telling the story, not that I’d noticed exactly. She was talking animatedly about something I genuinely couldn’t begin to process. My mind was filled with the thought of Lily’s exhibitionism and the ever-present colour of her skin in the corner of my eye. My mind focussed to find Lisa bent over slightly in front of me, running her hands over the curve of her arse.

My brain reset immediately, shocked and confused.

“So while we were there, I bought this skirt,” she ambled on. “But I’m not sure if it makes my ass look big or not.”

Isabelle snorted, derisively, and turned away, but not before Lisa slapped her and hissed for her to shut up.

Lisa’s hands stroked the already tight fabric of the skirt over her arse and I felt the blood rush to my dick yet again. I had to suppress a moan. The bottom of Lisa’s cheeks peeked under her tiny skirt and I was sure I was about to see another pussy if she bent over much further.

She reached over, turning Isabelle around and bending her over in front of me as well. Her hand caressed her friends small, tight arse in its tiny confines.

“I mean, look at Bella’s! It’s so tight and firm. Sometimes I wish I had an ass like yours, girl.”

Lisa trailed off as both girls looked back at me, as if asking my opinion. My mouth hung open, lost for words.

“What do you think, professor?” Lisa asked and I noticed a slight edge to her tone that she couldn’t hide.

I coughed, trying to compose myself and still trying not to look in Lily’s direction.

“You both have excellent asses, girls, but maybe you shouldn’t be doing that in my lecture hall,” I said, trying to keep my tone level.

I gestured for them to turn around again, almost disappointed when they did. I heard a small giggle from Lily at my words. Filthy little tease, I thought to myself.

“Do you have somewhere else we can go, then?” Lily asked, winking to her friends and causing another ripple of giggles.

“Why don’t you take your seats again, girls, while I fetch myself a quick coffee?” I suggested, desperate to clear my head properly before others started arriving.

Lisa and Isabelle shared a smile and agreed cheerily, heading off back towards their seats. Lily stayed at my desk, watching me with her head cocked to the side. I took a breath and turned to face her, keeping my eyes up.

“Anything you need from me, Lily?” I asked, hinting slightly for her to leave.

Lily stared at me for a second before a smirk pulled at her lips. Her eyes dropped to the tent of my trousers and her tongue licked at her lips, slowly. My eyes descended too for a second, while she was looking elsewhere, and peeked under her dress, without even realising. My cock twitched, visibly, and I heard a murmur from Lily’s chest.

Our eyes met once more and she smiled, evilly.

“I’m sure I can think of something,” she suggested.

I suppressed a groan and the urge to reach out and grab her by the hair. I stood up and left the hall, leaving her where she was, desperate for a wash with cold water and a drink to calm me down.

I returned easily fifteen minutes later to find the class had filled up a little. The girls looked to each other, whispering, as I entered. My cock was finally calmed and I had a coffee in hand. I took a sip and found my seat again, determined to wipe my mind of the morning’s ‘entertainment’.

As the students trickled in, I sorted my papers and went through my schedule for the day, reminding myself of the new semester’s timetable. I looked up to find the hall full and watching me, expectantly. I cursed. My mind had slipped again and I’d been daydreaming of Lily, despite it all. I got to my feet and greeted my class.

An idea popped into my head that caused a smile to turn up my lips, as I explained the next semester of work to the class. I looked to the back of the hall and found the sultry, confident gaze of Lily in the back row. I called her down to me and the arrogance behind her eyes faltered for a second. She got to her feet and walked – gingerly, I was pleased to note - down the stairs to my desk. I handed her a stack of papers.

“Would you be kind enough to pass these out to your friends while I explain what they’re seeing?” I asked her, letting my smile loiter.

Lily’s gaze lingered on mine, knowingly, and she scowled slightly.

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She knew what I was up to, but she couldn’t hide the way she bit her lip as she shuffled back towards the seated students.

I continued my address, keeping Lily’s shuffling figure in view at all times. I lost track of my sentence once or twice as I saw her eyes roll back into her head as she bent down to pick up a dropped sheet of paper. Seeing the agony it caused her, and the frustration of being in public, stiffened my cock again, but I was past caring. I was busy enjoying my torture of the poor girl.

Her face was flushed and I noticed she was attempting to keep her breathing shallow, almost panting. She finished handing out the papers and gently made her way back to her seat, without a word. Internally, it was so satisfying to see the ultimate cock tease in my class reduced to such a desperate, horny state. She sat down and I carried on my discussion as normal.

Throughout the class, my gaze occasionally drifted in Lily’s direction. Her complexion had mostly returned to normal, but her eyes burned into me with an emotion somewhere between passion and anger. I smiled innocently in response and continued my lecture.

The end of the class seemed to take forever, but slowly it drew near. With only a few minutes left, I couldn’t resist another little game.

“Oh, Lily,” I called to the back of the class, noting the way her eyes widened and glared at me, “since you were such a dear about it earlier, would you mind passing out these exam results for the class? Their names are on top. Thank you.”

I continued on, not allowing her to interrupt. The way she stared at me for a few seconds made me wonder if she’d come down and smack me. Part of me could only hope.

She got to her feet and slowly shuffled down the rows of seats, walking bandy legged. She reached my desk and held her hand out for the papers, glaring into my eyes. I smiled again and pointed to the stack of papers on the other side of the desk. Her eyes narrowed dangerously before she walked around behind me, bending over to reach the papers. Her head passed mine and I took the chance to whisper in her ear.

“I thought you liked to tease?” I asked her, but she only looked at me. “And close your legs properly when you walk, or I’ll get you written up on a disciplinary.”

Lily’s eyes widened and her mouth opened to protest, but she was silenced by the intensity of my stare.

“You’re going to do as you’re fucking told for once. Get out there, walk properly and hand out those papers.”

Lily looked as though she might say something, but then her eyes glazed over and she obeyed, straightening up and walking out into the class again. I watched her go; just to be sure she walked normally. I could’ve grinned like an idiot when she did, despite the discomfort it must surely have been causing.

Lily wandered the rows of seats for the last five minutes of the class. With each minute her face became a deeper shade of red. When she came back to the lower rows, I could just make out the way her cleavage shone with perspiration. She was visibly struggling when the bell outside rang for the end of the class.

There was an immediate cacophony of noise and movement as everyone scrambled their things together and began to leave. Lily had just made it back to her chair when the bell went. She threw her things into her bag and hoisted it onto her shoulder. She took a deep breath before continuing, heading for the door.

“Lily dear,” I called out as she walked past.

She ignored me.


She turned this time, looking at me with a slight scowl.

“A word,” I told her, indicating she should wait next to me.

She stood next to me, waiting obediently, as the class filed out. I pretended to busy myself with a few bits of paperwork, but my nose kept catching the scent of her perfume. It was intoxicating and I sat drinking it in.

She coughed, impatiently, and I made a point to ignore her for a few more seconds before I turned around to face her. I smiled, she did not.

“What’s wrong, Lily?” I asked. “You’ve lost the bluster and confidence you had an hour or so ago. Something the matter?”

“No, sir,” she said, flatly.

I gestured at the spot she sat in this morning.

“You seemed happy enough sat here, before class. What’s changed?” I asked.

Lily’s eyes frowned slightly, unsure how to respond. I gestured for her to come closer to me.

“I’ll tell you what’s changed. I’m not prepared to deal with your constant cock teasing, anymore,” I told her. “It’s about time you were punished for the all little mini dresses, miniskirts, bikini tops, skin tight leggings, see-through tops… And pearl thongs.”

Lily’s eyes widened a little and her legs closed together. She bit her lip.

“P- punished?” she asked, unsure of her situation.

“Punished,” I said flatly, turning my attention to a few sheets of paper in front of me – god only knows what they were.

“As in…” Lily trailed off for a second, clearing her throat. “Are you going to write me up? Or…”

I turned, slowly, to face her.

“Or?” I asked, pointedly.

Lily gulped, but said nothing.

“Or?!” I asked, more forcefully.

“Or…” she could barely bring herself to say it, she was so unsure of her read on me. “Are you going to… spank me?”

Her last question was so timid you wouldn’t believe it was the same girl who would tease her peers with flashes of her tits and ass, daily.

Our eyes locked as the question hung in the air. I could think of nothing I’d like to do more, at that moment. Behind the coy look in Lily’s eyes, I could see the twinkle of passion and desire that was only ever inches from the surface.

“Spank you?” I asked her, licking my lips and letting my eyes drift over the curve of her waist and tight ass. “Do you think you deserve a spanking?”

Lily’s eyes shone in an instant, finally sure of herself. She chewed on her lip and stared at me before responding.

“If you think I’ve been a… naughty girl…” she paused, crossing her legs. “Don’t naughty girls get spanked?”

I stood, towering over her and closing the gap until she was forced to look up at me. My eyes feasted on the sight of her body, trapped so perfectly inside that little dress. I wanted nothing more than to rip it from her body. Lily’s eyes took on an innocence I wouldn’t have thought possible from her – and which I knew wasn’t.

Before I knew what I was doing, my hand was reaching out to her. I took her shoulder in my hand, letting my fingers grip and squeeze at her before I stroked down her arm.

“Naughty girls do get spanked, yes,” I told her, lost in the sensation of her smooth skin in my palms. “Are you a naughty girl?”

Lily bit her lip, trying to prevent the wicked grin she wore from spreading across her face, ruining her coy demeanour. Her hand slipped down her body and into the bottom of her dress. Her eyes closed and a small moan escaped her. I stopped, shocked for a second, while Lily rubbed herself in front of me. Her eyes opened and the fire I recognised flickered behind them. The grin spread over her face again.

“You tell me,” she said quietly, bringing her fingers up to my mouth.

The scent of her juices wafted beneath my nose – she smelled succulent. My mouth seized around her fingers and sucked them in, quickly. My eyes closed and I couldn’t resist moaning at the fine flavour of her pussy. I needed more of it.

That taste set loose my Mr. Hyde, like a magical potion. My lust burst forth, taking over my body and demanding I act. My eyes opened and I saw a flash of shock in Lily’s face to see the intensity in my gaze. She had no time to react before I’d grabbed her hair in my fist and pulled her over the desk. Her face was pressed into the wooden surface and she bent double, her ass overhanging the edge of the desk.

“You’re a tease,” I growled in her ear. “You parade around in your tight little clothes, showing off your body – your tits, your ass, even your pussy. We both know why. You’re a little slut, aren’t you?”

I let my hand stroke over the unbelievable curve of her waist and my fingers dig into the tight flesh of her ass. Her dress was already hitching up, it was so short, showing half of her ass already.

“Aren’t you?!” I demanded of her, spanking her through her dress.

“Oh! Fuck!” Lily’s entire body shook with the impact. “Yes, sir! Yes! I’m a dirty little slut!”

“You enjoy knowing the effect you have, don’t you? You love knowing how many hard ons you’ve given to people, you love knowing they go home and jerk off for you, don’t you?” I demanded, my hand stroking over her back as I spoke.

Lily moaned with every question, nodding into the wood. “Yes, sir, I love it!”

“You love the power,” I told her, quieter now. “You love the power you have over men. You love to control them, make them dance for you. Little puppets.”

Lily didn’t respond that time.

“Well now you’re powerless to me. You’re my little puppet. My little toy. How does it feel, Lily? Do you like to feel powerless to me?” My hand caressed her ass and crashed down against her to emphasise my point.

“Yes, sir! Yes, I fucking love it!” she squealed, her ass dancing across the table.

“You’re a cock tease,” I whispered in her ear. “You’re a naughty girl. What happens to naughty girls?”

Lily’s breathing was growing harsh, but she spoke well enough. “They get spanked, sir. Please, spank me, sir. I’ve been such a naughty girl.”

I brushed my palm over her covered ass one last time as it squirmed under my touch. I admired the shape and form it pressed out of her dress. My fingers gripped the thin material and eased it up, over the round of her ass. Her flesh was fully revealed to me at last and I bit my lip at the sight.

Her flawless skin was stretched, drum-tight, over the perfect plumpness of her arse. The peach of her cheeks was so inviting, I felt a sudden urge to sink my teeth into it. My hand stroked it, gently, marvelling in the smoothness of her skin.

Lily’s ass wiggled with the touch and small, giggled moans escaped her. My fingers took a grip of her meaty cheeks and she let out a small cooing noise. Right there, between her cheeks, was the return of the pearl string I’d seen earlier. I eased up her dress a little more to see the pink lace thong top she wore, suspending the string of pearls that buried itself between her sopping lips.

I licked my lips, feeling myself salivating at the sight of her kinky underwear. The palm of my hand cracked across her flesh without warning and Lily’s body jumped into the air with an excited squeal. I struck again, harder, and elicited a deep, giggling moan from her. Just knowing that this was turning her on – which was pretty apparent – caused my manhood to throb and ache. This gorgeous, filthy little minx was firing me up - with ease.

My lust grew and a wicked idea flashed across my mind. I caressed her stinging ass, soothing the skin, and reached for the long, wooden board ruler that lay across my desk. The first Lily knew of it was the sharp sting of it across both of her cheeks, sending more air rushing from her lungs.

Written by Lupus
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