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Pimping Zoe: Part 4

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Zoe lay sleeping on the bed after her mind blowing orgasm that made her pass out. She had to have orgasmed for almost two straight minutes before she collapsed. As a guy you just have to wonder what's that like, I mean don't get me wrong its very enjoyable for men but I don't think we come close to what women experience. As I stroked her hair I kept thinking to myself that in just three short days I had completely changed my whole life and it was all because of this wonderful woman. I pulled the blanket up over her body as she snuggled in under it. I thought rest now slave round two is starting soon enough. Oh the wicked thoughts going through my mind.

I went out to the living room and looked out my front window, Fred was out there with a bouquet of flowers and handing them to Betty, I couldn't hear what was being said but she seemed receptive to his posturing and they embraced and went inside. Nothing brings a family together like busting a two year old nut, I smiled at that and the wad of cash I had. Closing the curtains I started assembling the cage. The design of this thing was awesome completely modular, sturdy, and very mobile.

Around 7:30 my phone rang I answered it quickly since I wanted Zoe rested up for later. "Hello."

"Dude, its Manny. I know I said we were cool and I will stand by that but I need some more of that bitches hot pussy." Manny went right into what I believe was a rehearsed speech. I had never heard him like this.

"Manny what do you mean?" I asked carefully to make sure we were talking the same language.

"I need to fuck Zoe some more, man she is without a doubt the best fuck I have ever had." He said, "I have been destroying the ladies here at the bar trying to get anything close and no go man, I need some more of her."

"Manny, this is my woman we are talking about here, what happened before was a debt being paid." I told him, "Are you saying you want to buy some more time with Zoe?" I laid it out for him straight.

"If that is what it takes to get some more of her, how much man? Price doesn't matter just need to know how much so I can bring it." Manny declared matter of factly.

"How long do you want Manny? Time is money as they say." I asked him smiling to myself.

"An hour at least!" Manny said desperately.

"Alright bro, tell you what I will meet you at the hotel on James street. You know the one right?" I asked.


"Eight tomorrow night bring 5k, and you get one hour with Zoe." I said clearly inflecting there would be no negotiating.

"5K Damn, alright you got it tomorrow 8pm hotel on James see you then."

"Oh and Manny make sure you get the room." I said and hung up.

Well now that was quite unexpected but thoroughly arousing I wonder how Zoe will like that. I heard a knock on my door, looking at the clock I saw it was 7:51 hmm who could that be. I went to answer it and before me was the lovely Tiffany, several minutes early but holy crap she looked incredible. At just over 5' tall she had a solid C cup under her tube top, she was wearing daisy dukes that left nothing to the imagination on her ass, and the piece de resistance, thigh high boots giving her at least 4-5 more inches in height.

"TADA!" she said as she spun around showing me all her glory, "I found you!!"

"I never doubted you would Tiffany." I smiled as I let her into my house.

"OH wow!" she said, "You built it already." Referring to the cage.

"Yeah I just finished it." I said as I tightened the last bolt. "Want to try it out?" I grinned.

"Naaa I don't feel like it tonight, I need action." She seemed suddenly timid. "So where is this amazing girl that gets to have all this stuff done to her?"

"In the bedroom she is taking a nap, I want her all rested for tonight's festivities." I told her. "Want a drink?"

"Sure, where is your bathroom? I came straight here after work and only had time to change." She asked.

"Down the hall first door on the right." I pointed down the hall. Watching her head down the hall I went to mix some drinks.

When I got to the kitchen I realized I haven't eaten in hours and neither had Zoe, and Tiffany probably hadn't either. So I got out some chicken breast olive oil some seasonings and started to whip up some stir fry. After about twenty minutes I finished cooking up the food and started plating it when I looked up I didn't see Tiffany. Wondering where she was I went down the hall, the bathroom was empty. I heard some moaning at this point and followed the sound, it was coming from my bedroom. I peaked in and there was Tiffany and Zoe in a hard 69 going at it.

Watching them go at it was intoxicating, Tiffany was on top and she was literally ramming her fingers into Zoe's still moist ass as she motor boated her clit. Zoe had her arms wrapped around the little redheads back and ass as her face was clearly buried in her pussy as she lapped for all she was worth. I guess Zoe was getting the better part of Tiffany because she raised her head and moaned loud before diving back in to Zoe's pussy. By now my cock was hard as a rock watching these two eat and finger each other, it also let me check off another box in the anything category, Zoe would do women something to take note of.

I decided play time was over as I "Ehemed" the two twat lickers.

Zoe almost screamed in surprise, then started blushing as she got on the floor in front of me laying her head on my feet. "I am sorry master I didn't realize this was real till this very moment I thought I was dreaming."

I almost laughed at that but I also thought Zoe hadn't ever lied to me and she did just pass out an hour ago, it was plausible. Tiffany however had an impish grin on her face that was slicked with Zoe's juices.

"I couldn't help myself sir I saw her laying there and I had to touch her, you are so lucky sir she is stunning." Tiffany said.

I put on my best mad face, which had to be comical considering I was harder than Chinese algebra, "I KNOW SHE'S STUNNING!!!" I said with power and emphasis, "You did not have permission to come in here let alone sexually assault my slave!!!" by now I was getting into the role, the comedy had to leave as I saw Tiffany's face as she thought I was completely serious.

"Both of you get into the kitchen and eat the meal I prepared, because unless you are leaving Tiffany you will be attending me for the rest of the night is that clear? Or will you be leaving?" my no nonsense attitude coming out.

Tiffany stammered, "Yes sir, going to eat will be staying all night." as she and Zoe headed down the hall to the kitchen. I turned to follow them down the hall watching their asses bounce from behind.

They both went to the table and then turned to me and Zoe asked, "What food master?"

I said, "It's on the floor now be good little slaves and eat it before it gets cold!"

Looking down they saw two plates on the floor with the chicken stir-fry I made, no utensils just a plate on the floor. Zoe didn't hesitate she got on her hands and knees and started lapping at the plate like a dog. I could see her blushing as I watched her eat, I could also see I was right she was starving and she was eating fast, maybe she was afraid I would take it away. Tiffany not used to this was not so keen on the eating like a dog thing and was looking for another way.

"Tiffany, is there a problem?" I asked her, staring at her.

"Ummm no sir, I just don't see a fork sir." She said hopefully.

"That's because there isn't one, do you see Zoe? she is being a good little girl, NOW follow suit!!" I stated to Tiffany. She started eating the food with her fingers when I went over and smacked her hands. "No I said like Zoe!! If you cannot follow instructions you can leave."

Tiffany looked confused, concerned, scared, and also horribly excited. I don't think she realized what she had gotten herself into. I could tell part of her wanted to run, but the other part of her saw Zoe and wanted to stay. Lucky for me the stay part won, as she bent down and started eating her food like Zoe.

"Master." Zoe looked up at me with stir-fry sauce on her face and several pieces of rice. "May your slave have some water, please? The meal was delicious and much needed and I thank you for feeding me as I deserve."

I went to the cupboard and got a bowl going over to the sink, I filled it with water and placed it on the floor next to the plate. Where she started lapping the water up. It was official this woman was now a part of my life I couldn't see my life without her in it, I just prayed she felt the same way. Being with her made me feel complete, nothing like with Lois or any of the other girls in my past. This woman had changed me and I am happier than I have ever been.

Tiffany was just finishing her food when she looked at me, longing for water I would assume since I use a bit of salt and spice in my cooking. As well as wondering how to do it, since clearly I wasn't taking any BS. "Sir may I have some water as well please?" She said pleadingly.

I also got her a bowl and filled it and placed it beside her food plate. She looked at me and then she too submitted to the situation. She started lapping at the water but then she just stuck her lips under the water and sucked the water in. Meanwhile Zoe had finished her water and had crawled over to me and was resting her head in my lap as she caressed my leg. I placed my hand on her head rubbing her hair letting her know I was pleased with her, and then she sighed. Tiffany having finished her water looked around I could tell she didn't know what to do next.

"Tiffany this is new to you isn't it?" I asked her.

"Yes sir I have been spanked before, tied up before, and other things, but this is new, it's kind of scary and exciting at the same time I want to stay. I don't want to do something wrong though so I am nervous." She said that almost in one breath.

"Tiffany," I asked, "Do you know what a safe word is?"

"Yes sir it's a word someone would say if they aren't comfortable with a situation." she replied.

"Ok so if you had a safe word would you use it right now?"

"No sir, I am not comfortable but it is exciting to me I am soaking wet right now." She confessed.

I walked over to her and placed my hand right into her pussy shoving two fingers deep into her sopping cunt. She moaned hard as I touched her g-spot, and started squirming as I thrust my fingers into her over and over. She was indeed soaking wet, I pulled my fingers from her pussy and put them to her lips she took my fingers into her mouth sucking on them licking and kissing them.

"Tiffany, I want you to feel safe so I am giving you a safe word the word is "Atlas" if you say that word I will stop anything I am doing to you.

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But be warned if you say the word your fun is over. I want you to trust me and I want you to give in, so that I am in complete control. If that is what you want then remove your clothes and go kneel in the living room. If not then pack up your things and you may go."

Tiffany rose to her knees removed her remaining clothes which wasn't much after the pussy munch fest in the bedroom and she crawled to the living room, where she knelt and waited for Zoe and I. Looking at Zoe sitting there waiting for me to come back, I walked over to her looking at her posture as she waiting kneeling there her legs apart, her ass in the air, her hands behind her back, and her head lowered.

"You want some of that too don't you slave?" I asked as I shoved my fingers into Zoe's pussy.

"Oh God yes master, finger fuck your horny slave!" She cried out as I started finger fucking her. I didn't give her nearly as long when I pulled my fingers out she was close to cumming and almost cried when I stopped.

"I didn't give you permission slut. You dirty whore Zoe, you want me to finger fuck you after I fed you food on the floor like a dog don't you!?!?!" I said scoldingly. I grabbed her face making her look me in the eye. "DON'T YOU!?!?"

She looked up at me blushing and trembling in excitement, "Yes my master, I need your fingers inside my dirty whore pussy."

"Follow me on your hands and knees you dirty cum slut." As I walked into the living room towards the awaiting Tiffany. She was sitting there with her hands on her crotch as she watched Zoe, crawling behind me and she was rubbing herself. I walked over and slapped her face. She cried out, "OWWWWW".

"Did I tell you to play with yourself, little girl?" I demanded.

"No sir you did not." she said.

"Put your hands behind your back now." I demanded Tiffany to do and she complied. Zoe came up behind me and knelt directly behind me, I know this because I turned around and my raging hard cock was right at her face.

"Master may your dirty slut suck your hot, hard cock?" Zoe looked up pleading me.

My mind was going a thousand miles an hour where to go from here I had so many thoughts, so many ideas wanting to do them all I realized there just wasn't enough time tonight for everything but I should enjoy the moment while it lasts. "Yes cock loving slut whore, you can suck my cock if you can get my pants off without using your hands."

Zoe went to work immediately using her lips and tongue she undid my pants button and then proceeded to unzip my pants with her teeth. Watching her as she hungrily worked on getting to my cock was completely arousing to say the least. She worked my pants down with her mouth, shoulders, body, and her chin. I assisted by lifting my legs at the appropriate time. She got to my boxer briefs and grabbed the waistband with her mouth lifting the edge out and over my hard cock. Then she just yanked them down to my ankles, letting them go she came back up and swallowed my cock.

Zoe was inhaling my cock and I was truly enjoying it, feeling her lips and tongue seemingly covering every bit of my cock, when I suddenly felt another pair of lips on my balls as Tiffany had come over to join us and was sucking and licking my balls. She even stuck her tongue in my ass, which made me thrust into Zoe's mouth hard as she deep throated me. Tiffany moved around from the back of me and started kissing and licking any exposed part of my cock.

Zoe went licking down to my balls and Tiffany inhaled my cock while not as deep as Zoe could take it down, she did a quite respectable job. Zoe and Tiffany got into a rhythm where Zoe would take my cock deep then come up for air to let Tiffany take it deep. The sensations were extraordinary as they both worked as hard as they could to suck me off. I grabbed Zoe by the hair and started to ram my cock down her throat. Then I grabbed Tiffany and rammed my cock down her throat, Tiffany gagged hard as I didn't stop where she was normally stopping. I went in deep, she kept sucking on my cock and slobbering everywhere her spit dripping out of her mouth onto the floor.

I pulled my cock out of their mouths, "You two stay here don't move." I walked almost ran to the bedroom and grabbed a strap on dildo I purchased today from Tiffany, and now I was going to use it, on Zoe. Walking back to the living room both girls stayed as commanded and I walked over behind Tiffany and had her stand and step into the strap on. Cinching it tight I made she the clitty nubs were in the right place, by grabbing the schlong and shaking it up and down her knees almost buckled at the sudden contact on her clit.

"Tiffany lay there on the floor!" I commanded her. She moved quickly laying on her back in front of me.

"Zoe get over there and suck that cock like it was my cock you dirty slut!" I commanded.

Zoe crawled over to the strap on and started sucking on it lost in the moment she truly treated it as if it was mine. I almost got jealous, but I had other ideas, I could tell Tiffany was enjoying the treatment as she moaned more and more as the nubs rubbed her clit as Zoe sucked on the plastic dick.

I grabbed Zoe's hair pulling her off the cock looking her in the eye I slapped her face. "You dirty plastic cock sucker, is there nothing you won't do for me?"

"No master there is nothing I wouldn't do for you. I told you anything, I meant anything master, you have but to ask." She said plainly and clearly. I couldn't help myself I kissed her sticking my tongue in her mouth as we wrestled within her mouth, there was no doubt left in my mind. I knew I loved Zoe. I know you are thinking how silly it is to be in love with someone after only three days, but there it was, I did love her.

Releasing her from the kiss, "Get on that cock and slowly ride it gutter whore!"

Zoe climbed up onto Tiffany's dildo and slid her pussy down all the way engulfing the plastic cock in her hot pussy. She then proceeded to ride up and down on Tiffany. Tiffany reached up and was playing with Zoe's nipples rubbing them and touching them, this made Zoe moan. I wanted her to scream. I knelt down behind the two of them as they fucked each other, I placed my cock at Tiffany's entrance and slammed my cock inside her waiting pussy. Zoe felt the change and leaned back against me as I fucked Tiffany while Tiffany fucked Zoe. I reached around grabbing Zoe's nipples and I pinched them hard in a tight twisting motion that caused her to scream in pain, delight, agony or ecstasy who could tell at this point none of us could. Tiffany was thrusting upwards onto my cock trying to get more in which in turn thrust the plastic cock deeper into Zoe. Both Zoe and Tiffany were moaning and screaming as the cocks went into their bodies.

I pulled my cock out of Tiffany who cried out "NOOOOO, put it back sir I need more!!!"

Pushing Zoe forward till Zoe's and Tiffany's tits were rubbing together I put my cock at Zoe's ass pausing just long enough for her to realize what I was going to do, she almost said something but my cock slamming into her ass turned the words into screams of passion. I rocked my cock deep inside her ass as she was now filled with two cocks one plastic and mine. She became a true gutter whore screaming "MORE MORE FUCK ME MORE OH MY GOD I AM SO FULL OF COCK!!!" she bounced her ass up and down on my cock then down Tiffany's.

In the midst of all this the next thing she said was the most priceless, "OH MASTER YOU OWN ME BODY AND SOUL I AM YOURS FOREVER!! JUST KEEP FUCKING ME!!!"

Tiffany was the first to cum with all the pressure Zoe's body and my body pressed onto her clit she blasted a stream of female jizz all over my floor, A squirter who knew? I pressed Zoe down hard taking her body for my own. Using her as a street tramp slamming my cock into her ass over and over.


I slammed my cock deep within her ass and my body convulsed as I came. I sent stream after stream of hot cum deep into Zoe's bowels, she screamed out loud as she felt my hot cum inside her body. Then I said the magic word. "CUM!!!" And Zoe's world once again exploded into a kaleidoscope of sensations as the two cocks were buried inside her body she was overcome with lust as she felt the spasms of my cock and Tiffany's quivering.

As we lay there on top of each other catching our breath my doorbell rang, not caring one way or another I got up cock dripping walked over to the door. Looking through the peep hole I saw a policeman. I opened the door looking outside seeing the officer standing there.

"Hello officer, can I help you?" I asked.

"Excuse me sir there has been a noise complaint and someone believes that someone has come to harm within this abode, I need to check it out please step aside." He said almost pushing me out of the way. He turned the corner and saw Zoe's pussy still full of plastic cock, with my cum dripping out of her ass and Tiffany waving at him.

Zoe looked back smiled and waved too, "Hi officer Jack Sisco." I realized this was the same officer from earlier, that I made Zoe suck off.

"As you can see officer no one is hurt here, feel free to check the rest of the house." As I sat down next to Zoe, kissing her deeply again she wrapped her arms around me kissing me so soft and passionately. I knew she was mine but it wasn't formal yet. Jack walked through the house seeing no one else was here.

"Well sir its after 10pm there is a noise ordinance in this area. I will have to cite you." Jack said as calmly as he could.

"Jack is it?" I asked knowing the answer already, "You met Zoe this afternoon right, did you meet Tiffany? Tiffany say hello to the nice officer's cock please."

Tiffany crawled out from under Zoe and went over to Jack and pulled his pants down, taking his cock in her mouth Jack clearly over excited came in about 45 seconds. Tiffany didn't miss a drop and zipped him back up again. Kneeling before him looking up at him.

Tiffany said, "Anything else I can help you with officer?"

Jack had lost his mind this was without an doubt the greatest day of his policeman's career not one blow job but two in the same day. No one would ever believe it, but damn if he didn't know it. "No ma'am" Jack said smiling, "Everything here seems in order, but like I said please keep it down." Jack walked out the door closing it behind him whistling as he headed towards his squad car.

"Ok girls up and into the shower!" I told them both.

Afterwards all cleaned up in the shower we all crawled into my bed the two girls wrapped around me as we all fell into a deep sleep.

More To Come:

Written by Simonize
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