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Paradigm Shift Part 1

"A frustrated wife persuades her husband to be taught to pleasure her."

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Author's Notes

"Most of the action in this story takes place over a three-day period, and it is divided into four parts solely to comply with the site’s word-count limit on individual posts. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Readers may wish to wait until all four parts are available to begin reading."

“Honey, we need to talk.”

I hated saying those words, they are a husband’s worst nightmare, but I had reached the end of my rope.

We had just finished one of our Saturday-night BDSM-light sex scenes and we were lying on our backs next to each other on our king-size bed while sipping from bottles of ice-cold water. I’d prepared myself as I usually did, hoping for the best, but it had been a rather routine session. He’d spanked me, swatted me with our one flogger, and then taken me from behind both vaginally and anally. I’d reached a climax, but only one, before he’d flooded my ass with his cum and we’d relaxed with sweat dripping off of our bodies.

“What do we need to talk about?” he asked quietly.

“I’m sure you remember what it was like when you felt you were missing something in our relationship.”

He winced. “Of course I remember. I screwed up, had sex with another woman, and you really made me pay for it.”

“I know I did, but it taught us both a lesson, didn’t it?”

“Sure, it taught us to come to each other when we were unhappy over something.”

“You know I love you, Aaron, and I’m … I’m ninety-five percent happy and satisfied with our relationship.”

“Okay … so … what are you unhappy about?”

“I think you know.”

He hesitated, then grumbled, “Yeah, I guess I do. But I’m just not that kind of guy, Barbara.”

“In your training, both in the military and for the police force, they teach you to be assertive, to take charge of a situation, right? Like when directing traffic, or interviewing a witness to a crime?”

“Right, they do, but–”

“They do role-play to show you how to react and respond to different kinds of behaviors, too, don’t they? How to interrogate a suspect, the little psychological tricks you use to try to get them to confess or whatever?”

“Yes, you know they do.”

“Look, Aaron, I know you’re not naturally a dominant kind of guy, and I do love the romantic times we have together. But I want more of what we sort-of did tonight.”

“What do you mean, sort-of? I thought I did what you wanted.”

“You did maybe ten percent of what I really want, and it’s like an itch I can‘t scratch.”

He pondered that for several seconds. “I think I’ve known that for a while, but I’ve never been able to admit it to myself, because if I did I’d also have to admit that I’ve failed you.”

Uh oh, I thought, this is dangerous territory. Aaron’s self-image is very important to him.

“You haven’t failed me,” I hurried to reassure him. “It’s maybe more like you don’t really understand why I want what I do, why it’s important to me. But I have an idea about how we can maybe do more.”

He looked at me questioningly. “What kind of an idea?”

It was my turn to hesitate. But I’d been thinking about this for quite a while, and I knew if I was going to make any progress and stop being so damn frustrated I’d have to risk laying this all out for him. “I know a man who is willing to teach you some things.”

He instantly bristled. “What do you mean, you know a man?”

“Aaron, please,” I said softly, and I took his hand. “I know this conversation is upsetting you, but please, just hear me out.” I gently squeezed his hand, and after a brief pause he squeezed back.

“Okay, I’ll listen. How do you know this guy?”

“I only know him online; I’ve never met him in person.”

I watched as my husband slowly relaxed his hunched shoulders. “Tell me more,” he growled, and I had to force myself to be patient and speak softly and persuasively.

“From what he’s told me and what the stories he’s written, I can tell he knows a lot, and he’s done a lot, of the kinds of things I want to experiment with. He’s been in the lifestyle, what people call the world of BDSM, for more than thirty-five years. He’s seventy-nine years old, Aaron. He doesn’t live around here, he lives hundreds of miles away, and he’s not a threat to you or to our marriage in any way. But he can show you things I want you to see, to understand, about me and what I want to experience with you.” I put extra emphasis on those last two words; I wanted my husband to know that I really wanted him to be the one to take me on these sexual adventures in the future.

Aaron thought about what I’d said for more than a few seconds before he responded. “How do you know this guy’s for real? He could be faking all this knowledge and experience.”

I thought for a moment. “You’re right, I cannot be a hundred percent sure about him. But I’m ninety-nine percent convinced he’s for real. You know how it is when people lie; sooner or later they trip themselves up, contradict something they’ve said earlier. That’s never happened with him. I was skeptical at first, but he’s been completely consistent for almost three years and the people who’ve read his stories say the descriptions in them are accurate and realistic.”

“Okay, I see why you think he’s on the level. So what‘s your idea?”

“I want to invite him to visit us for a weekend.”

Aaron looked at me like I was crazy. “And what do you want to happen on that weekend?” he asked gruffly.

“I want him to explain some things to you and show you some things.”

“What kind of things?”

“Things about BDSM, and what he calls power exchange, and things about me that may help you understand me better.”

“He knows things about you? Things I don’t know?”

More dangerous territory; I’d better not tell him everything right now. “We talk about things, honey, and I’ve shared some of my … longings, what I want you to do with me.” I again emphasized how I wanted him, my husband, to be. “So he knows how I think about some things, and maybe he can explain those things to you better than I can, that’s all I meant.”

“Okay, I can see that, I guess.” He paused, then asked tentatively, “What do you mean by showing me things?”

“Well, he’ll probably bring a bunch of BDSM implements, what people call toys, and show them to you and show you how they can be used.”

“How they can be used? You mean on you?”

“Yes, that’s what I mean. He’ll want you to see how I react to them.” I’ll want you to see that too, I thought. I know he’ll turn me on, and then you’ll see what really rough play does for me.

“So … it’s okay for me to invite him?”

“I don’t know. Let me think about it.”

“Of course,” I replied, and then I rolled onto my side, wrapped my arms around him, and kissed him, trying to put as much reassurance as I could into it.

- - - - -

After letting my husband mull things over for a couple of days I sat down next to him on our living-room couch, took his hand in mine again, and reopened the discussion. “Have you thought over what we talked about the other night?”

“To be honest, I haven’t been able to think about anything else.”

“And?” I prompted. “Where are we? What do you think? Is it okay for me to invite him to visit for a weekend?”

I know you want this to happen, so … yeah … I guess so.”

“Okay, I will … but … there are some things you have to know … and agree to … for this to happen.”

“I think I know some of them, but maybe you should … spell them out.”

“Yes, I guess I should. Okay … he’ll see me … naked.”

“I figured that.”

‘He’ll touch me … intimately.”

“Yeah, I figured that too.”

“He may kiss me … and it won’t be a brother-sister kind of kiss, it’ll be … passionate, and I’ll be … returning it. He may put his mouth on my body, on my breasts, on my … you know.”

That gave him pause. “I suppose I should have expected those kinds of things might happen.”

“He’s going to hurt me, honey. He’s going to do a lot more than what you’ve ever done. But it’s what I want, what I want you to see, and I will have safewords in case things go too far for me.”

“What are safewords?”

“Safewords are code words that I can use to tap out, to tell him to slow down or to stop completely. Even though he’ll be doing all kinds of things to me, the bottom line is that I’ll always have the ultimate control.”

“Will he actually stop if you say one of your safewords?”

“Yes, he will, and you’ll be there to stop him if he doesn’t. But I’m sure he will.”

“Okay,” he grumbled.

“He’s going to turn me on, honey. You know how I am in our Saturday-night sessions, and they will be like a candle versus a megawatt searchlight. I’ll be focused on him, but you’ll be watching me with … another man, and it’s going to be … hard for you to watch, and to listen, and to learn. You’ll have to remember that it’s for your benefit, for you to see what works for me, what I really want. For him this would be one weekend, but for you, for us, it would be to enhance the rest of our lives together.”

My husband was obviously struggling with what I was proposing. “Will you … want to … have sex with him?”

I’d dreaded this question, because I knew the answer. “I … I probably will.” Then I paused and realized I had to be completely open with him. “No, let me be honest with you; you deserve that. I’m sure I will. But here’s the point. Whatever you say I cannot do, he will enforce that; from everything he’s said, and everything he’s written, I believe he has enormous integrity and he will abide by whatever limits you set for me.”

Aaron shook his head. “That’s hard to believe … that he would hold himself back like that. I know you, you’re sexy as hell, and I know what you’re like when you get going. I don’t get how any man could refuse you. Is he gay?”

I had to chuckle at that. “No, I don’t think he’s gay. He’s been married three times and he’s been in a committed relationship with a woman for the last twenty years.”

Aaron gave me a raised-eyebrow look. “How committed can it be if he’s willing to come visit us and … do things with you? And I have to wonder what this woman of his would think about that.”

“You don’t have to wonder; I’ll tell you. He’s explained to me how their relationship is one of dominance and submission, and in some ways it’s similar to an open marriage; they each can have interactions with other people for BDSM play, what he calls scenes. They have an agreement, a written document, that spells out how their relationship will be, how he’s in charge, what he can do and the rules for what she can do with other people, especially sexually.”

“That’s … hard to believe. How do you know this is really true?”

He sent me a copy of his agreement, what he calls his contract, including the signatures page, and it looks real. He even shared his final SF-86 with me.”

“I know what that is. It’s the questionnaire people have to fill out to get or keep a security clearance.”

“His was fifty-four pages long and it goes back decades on some subjects; it’s incredibly detailed, and no one would bother to fake such a document. But it does show that he’s had high-level clearances, so he obviously knows how to be discreet and keep secrets.”

Aaron’s expression was rueful. “You really do know a lot about someone you’ve never met.”

“Honey, you have to understand. What we’ve talked about in our chats and emails … he probably knows more about me than you do.”

He smiled when I said that, but then he got deadly serious. “Like I said, you truly want this, don’t you?”

It wasn’t really a question, but I answered him anyway. “Yes, I do,” I said simply. “I want it for me, but even more I want it for us.”

Aaron looked me straight in the eye. “I don’t want you to have sex with him.”

“Okay … I understand that … and I accept it … but could you be more specific?”

“I don’t want him to … fuck you … to put his cock in your … pussy … or … your ass.”

“Okay … I’ll tell him that. What about … other things?”

“I may not want to … watch you … with him … but you can do … whatever else …”

I had to know. “Are you sure about that?”

“Yes … I’m as sure as I can be. I may not like it, but I trust you. Actually,” he grinned, “because of what you’ve told me, I trust him more than I trust you.”

I grinned back at him. “I’m sure you’re right about that, and I thank you for that trust.” I kissed him, a long, lingering, passionate kiss, and then I took his hand and pulled him on top of me. “Now fuck my brains out.”

- - - - -

I’d told Harvey what Aaron’s limits were and given him our address in Northridge, and he drove up to our house promptly at five o’clock on Friday afternoon. Having arrived home only a few minutes before, I was still dressed as I’d been for work in a knee-length pencil skirt, ruffled-front blouse, matching suit jacket, and shoes with professionally appropriate two-inch heels. Unlike my husband, who’d gotten home from work earlier and had time to change from his police uniform into casual slacks, a polo, and loafers, I’d only had a brief time to freshen up. When we saw Harvey’s SUV pull up, I nudged Aaron and he went out to help bring in Harvey’s belongings.

When Harvey got out of his car I saw that he was wearing slacks, a dress shirt unbuttoned at the neck, and a sport coat, all in typical dominant-person black. He and Aaron shook hands and then with Aaron’s help he unloaded a rollaboard suitcase, two big duffels, and a case like those that people use to carry rifles and shotguns around. They brought all that stuff into the house.

I’d known that Harvey was a bit under five-ten, so with my work heels on he and I were close to eye level when he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Then Harvey put his hand in the small of my back and gently pushed me towards our living-room couch, and just that small contact sent a shiver up my spine. He sat in one of the two recliner chairs across from the couch, which left the place next to me for Aaron. I decided that I needed to get the conversation started before any awkwardness set in.

“How was the drive down?” I asked.

“It was fine, thanks. I lived in Southern California three different times while I was working and we’ve driven down here a couple of times since we retired, so I know the area pretty well.”

I was glad he said we, because I wanted to take every opportunity to remind Aaron that Harvey was in a long-term relationship and wasn’t looking to somehow seduce me away from him. But I also thought he might be reticent to start talking about why he was here, so I figured I had to get the ball rolling.

“As you know, Aaron and I had a long talk before I invited you to spend this weekend with us,” I ventured cautiously. “So he knows why you’re here, of course, and the kinds of things that might happen during your visit.”

“That’s good,” he replied. “I know some of those things may be disturbing to him, but I’ll do my best to minimize any discomfort by explaining why they’re happening and how they can be positive experiences.”

“I appreciate that, and I know Aaron will too,” I blurted out. Aaron didn’t look very convinced, though, so I took his hand and tried to send reassuring mental signals.

“I’m going to explain some things to you, Aaron, many of which Barbara already knows, and it may seem at times like I’m lecturing to you. So I want to say at the outset that I respect you, as a person and as Barbara’s husband, and I would never talk down to you. Do you believe me?”

Oh, that’s marvelous, I thought. It’s a great way to start; he’s working on getting Aaron to respect him at the same time.

“I do,” Aaron replied. “I’m sure you’ll tell me things I don’t know, and some that I probably won’t want to hear, but I know that’s why you’re here.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m here, and I’m sure about the second part of what you said. Did you know that Barbara filled out a questionnaire and a checklist for me?”

Aaron shook his head, clearly chagrined. “No, I didn’t.”

“I’m sure I know a lot more about her, and what she wants, than you do. Does that bother you?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I think it does. Why would she tell you things she hasn’t told me?”

Harvey didn’t hesitate, and I squeezed Aaron’s hand in mine and waited anxiously for the shoe to drop.

“She told me because we talk about a lot of different things,” he said carefully, watching Aaron closely for his reaction. “My guess is she hasn’t told you those things because she’s afraid they’ll upset you, or disgust you, or make you think less of her, and she’s afraid of having that happen.”

At first Aaron looked startled, then he looked angry, and finally he looked resigned. “I never want Barbara to be afraid to tell me something,” he admitted, ‘but I can see why she would be reluctant to tell me some things. Maybe it’s time for me to adjust my attitude.”

Holy crap, I thought with a sense of wonder. Is Harvey getting through to my husband already?

“I’m sure Barbara would like nothing better,” Harvey said soothingly.

“Can you give me at least a hint of what I’ve been missing?”

“I won’t tell you specifics of what she’s shared with me, at least not right now,” Harvey replied. “But what I’ll say in general terms is that what Barbara wants is for you to say and do vile and nasty things to her in a loving and caring way, and if you think that’s a contradiction, well, my role, my job here, is to do my best to convince you that in her case it really isn’t.”

Now Aaron looked shocked, but he gamely recovered. “Can you explain that?”

“Sure. Do you know what a sadist and a masochist are?” Aaron nodded. “There is good pain and bad pain, and people like me, people into BDSM, describe the good kind as sensual pain. The pain and pleasure centers in the human brain are very close to each other. Sometimes, in some people, under some circumstances, the signals get crossed, and that’s the case with Barbara. She gets to a point where she finds certain kinds of pain, sensual pain, to be extremely pleasurable. I say sensual pain because there’s a saying, an old cliché, that goes, ‘Even a masochist cries when she stubs her toe.’ So there’s a distinction between how different kinds of pain happen to someone.”

“Okay, I can sort of understand that.”

“You’ve seen drug addicts in the course of your work, right?” He nodded again. “Well, what they’re addicted to, as I’m sure you know, is the high they get from the drugs. The body’s response to some kinds of pain is to produce a kind of hormone called endorphins, and when it does those endorphins produce a natural high that turns the pain into a pleasurable feeling; it’s the body’s own opiate high.”

God, he’s good, I thought. He’s leading Aaron right down the garden path, getting him to agree with what he’s saying, logically taking him where he needs to get for this to work. I was more than content to just sit quietly and let Harvey handle the conversation; I knew he was telling Aaron things that he wouldn’t have really heard, really understood, if I was the one saying them.

Harvey looked at my husband and raised an eyebrow. “With your permission, I’m going to give Barbara some directions.”

Aaron nodded. “From what she told me, you’re going to do a lot more than that.”

“Oh, I will, before the weekend’s over,” he replied lightly, “and so will you. But we’ll start slowly and build the dynamics.” He beckoned to me and I let go of Aaron’s hand, stood up, and walked slowly across the room to stand in front of him. I was nervous, but also excited. It’s really happening, I thought happily.

“Turn a bit so Aaron can see your face,” he directed, and I silently complied. “You have only one possible Master, Barbara, and that’s Aaron. So you will address me as either Harvey or Sir as appropriate for the circumstances at the time. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Harvey, I do.”

He stood, went to one of his duffels, pulled out a gift-wrapped box, and then reseated himself. “I’ve brought something for you, something I think you’ll like,” he said with a smile. Then his face turned serious. “Take this, go to your bedroom, and put on one of your club dresses, a thong, and what’s in this box.” He paused, then held the box out for me to take. “Go now, Ann.”

I immediately felt a shiver run up and down my spine. Aaron knew that was my middle name, and Harvey had told me he’d call me that when we shifted from friends to dominant and submissive. My eyes widened and I broke into a blush, but I immediately bowed my head before I reached out and took the package from him. It’s starting, I thought gleefully. I can’t quite believe it, but it looks like it’s really going to happen. My knees momentarily weakened and I felt my pussy start to moisten with anticipation.

“Yes, Sir, I whispered, and I took the box and headed for my bedroom. But I stopped in the hallway and listened when I heard Harvey speaking to Aaron.

“Did you see her reaction?” he asked. “Did you see her face change when I called her Ann?” Aaron must have nodded affirmatively, because Harvey continued, “You’re going to learn to read her like an open book, and both of you will be glad you can.”

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I bounced on down the hallway to our master bedroom with a song in my heart and a big smile on my face as I went to freshen up and change into what Harvey had specified.

- - - - -

When I got to the bedroom I shared with Aaron I resisted the urge to rip the package open. Even though I had a pretty good idea of what I’d find inside I wanted to heighten and extend the suspense. I didn’t know Harvey’s plan and I had no idea what would happen later, so I grabbed a single-use enema and did my usual clean-out routine before putting my long blonde hair up in a quick bun and stepping into our walk-in-shower. I’d shaved my legs and armpits that morning and my pussy was permanently bare from the laser treatments I’d had when I was younger, so I was able to take a quick shower and then pat myself dry. I brushed out my hair and applied my make-up, and then I was ready to get dressed.

I selected a tiny lace thong from my dresser drawer and slipped it on, enjoying the sensuous feel of the silk against my skin. Then I went to my closet and chose one of my club dresses, a slinky little-black-nothing style with a deep V-neckline that showed some cleavage and spaghetti straps to hold up the bodice. I couldn’t wear a bra with that dress but I didn’t need one; despite their size my D-cup breasts were firm enough to be high and proud without support. I raised the dress over my head and then let it slide down my body; when it was settled the hem lay halfway down my thighs.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box Harvey had given to me to reveal the trademark red soles of a pair of Christian Louboutin sandals with wide ankle straps and 120 mm stiletto heels; at a little over 4.7 inches those were the highest heels Louboutin offered. I’d known from his writing and our online chats that Harvey had a thing for high heels, and he’d shown me a picture of these during one of our chat sessions. I’d admired them and said I’d love to have them, and he’d told me he would buy them for me if he ever got the chance. Now he’d done it. One at a time, I slipped my feet into them and fastened the ankle straps. Then I slowly stood up, holding on to the night stand until I was sure of my balance. I walked carefully across my bedroom and looked at myself in the full-length mirror.

“Oh, God,” I whispered. I looked wildly, outrageously hot. Those tall heels made my tanned, toned legs look impossibly long and my calves were like sculpted pillars. He really knows how to make me feel desirable. I hope this weekend will be as hot as I look, I thought, and I felt my pussy start to seep moisture.

I walked carefully down the hall in those very high heels, and when I got to the entrance to the living room I struck a pose. As soon as I did, both men stood up and Harvey turned around to face me. Aaron was gawking at me wide-eyed, but Harvey just stood there coolly with a slight smile on his face as though he’d expected me to look this good. That’s real self-control, I thought. He makes it so easy to submit to him.

“You look fabulous, Ann,” he said, and I blushed at his compliment. I knew I was attractive, and Aaron often complimented me on my appearance, but having the man who was going to control me for the weekend looking at me with that frankly admiring gaze had me quivering and tingling. Then he pointed to the throw pillow he’d taken from the couch and placed on the floor in front of the left arm of his chair. He looked over his shoulder and spoke to Aaron as I slowly walked towards where he’d directed me.

“Watch how she moves, Aaron. Those heels not only make her calves look more defined, more shapely, they change her whole gait. Her hips sway, her ass moves in a tight figure-eight, her whole body proclaims look at me, see how sexy I am.”

Now my husband was smiling proudly and nodding in appreciation, and I kept my head high and strutted across the room like a runway model until I was standing behind the pillow. Harvey turned to his left as I approached and then we were facing each other across the pillow.

“Pull your dress up to your waist,” he commanded quietly.

I reached for my hem and Aaron’s face went blank. Oh, shit, I thought worriedly. Is he going to change his mind and cancel the weekend? But he just folded his arms across his chest and watched what was happening. I slowly pulled my dress up until it was bunched around my waist and my tiny lace thong was exposed. Then Harvey reached into his pocket and brought out a length of silver-colored light-weight chain with what looked like a small fishing weight attached to one end and a very small padlock that he held up so both Aaron and I could see it.

“This is a Samsonite luggage lock,” he said conversationally, “the kind that people used to use before the TSA started rummaging around in everyone’s unmentionables.” He put the chain around me so it rested on my hips, then locked it in place. He kept hold of the attached weight and the remaining short length of chain for a moment and then let the weight fall. The chain fell against the front of my thong, bumping across my erect clit, and the weight bounced off  my vaginal lips. The sudden stimulus made my knees weaken and I felt a surge of sexual energy.

“Let your dress down and kneel,” he ordered, and I released my dress, smoothed it down my thighs, put my hand on the arm of the chair to steady myself, and sank down to rest my knees on the pillow. I sat back on the stiletto points of my new heels and Harvey resumed his explanation, speaking directly to Aaron.

“Dominance and submission are primarily psychological. She’s not actually restrained in any way, but she will be continuously aware of that chain around her body, and every time she moves it will rub across her pussy, causing a constant low-level stimulation. That combination will be a continual reminder of the fact that she is being controlled.”

God, he’s so right, I thought. The chain was very light, but I definitely knew it was there, and the weight had swung the chain away from and then against my pussy as I moved. That physical effect, and the mental impact of the symbolism on my mind, were amazing. The idea of being treated as an object, being spoken about but not involved in the conversation, was strange but arousing, and the effect of the chain on my psyche was absolutely brilliant. I was going deeper into subspace every minute and I already felt my pussy moistening further from the touch of the chain through my wispy thong. This is what I wanted him to do, to show Aaron how to take charge of me, how to read me and how to treat me. I love what he’s doing, and if Aaron learns even a small amount from what he’s doing this will be totally fantastic.

“I made a reservation for a booth at the Palm downtown,” he stated.

Aaron dropped his arms and started moving towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms. “In that case I’d better change into something more appropriate,” he said, and then he grabbed Harvey’s suitcase to take to our guest room where Harvey would stay during his visit and he left the living room.

“We’re out of the scene for now, Barbara, you may sit on the couch.”

“Thank you, Sir, but I’m fine; I like kneeling for you.”

He smiled. “Do you think Aaron will really be okay with what we’re going to do?”

“I hope so. I was scared when you told me to raise my dress that he was going to object, but so far he’s going along, so we’ll just have to see.”

“I hope so too. I plan to focus mostly on D/s tonight with only a little SM play, and then ramp things up tomorrow and again on Sunday.”

“I’m anxious for all that to happen, but I know you’ll pace things well and feed stuff to him in small doses that he can absorb.”

“Yes, and I’ll get him involved in a lot of it.”

“Good, very good.” After a few seconds, I added, “You’re showing me what I’d hoped you would; just thinking about this chain has me getting wet already.”

“Based on all our past discussions, I’m not surprised, but I am pleased. I can never really know how a new sub will respond until a scene actually starts.”

- - - - -

When Aaron came back to the living room he seemed startled to see me still kneeling on the pillow, but Harvey waved him back to the couch and then talked to him, again as though I wasn’t there. It was still a strange feeling, being talked about like an object, but my head was in the game and I was feeling very submissive.

“Even though I’ll be in charge,” Harvey was saying, “in public you are a couple and I’m the third wheel, a friend from out of town who’s joining you for dinner. So you should feel free to hold her hand, put your arm around her waist, or do whatever you normally would when you’re out together.” I knew he’d be discreet, I thought, but this really proves it. It’s another way for him to put Aaron at ease and confirm that he knows what he’s doing.

Harvey took my hand and stood up, helping me to my feet at the same time. “I’ll drive,” he said to Aaron, “and I’m not that familiar with the downtown area so you can give me directions as we go.” We exited the house and walked to his SUV, and when we got there he told Aaron to get into the back and he helped me into the front passenger seat. Then he pulled the belt down and across my body, running the back of his hand over my breasts as he locked it into place. I shivered from the erotic contact and I knew he could feel my hard nipples through the fabric of my dress. He looked hard into my eyes, then put his hand in my hair and turned my head in a way that was somehow both rough and gentle so I was fully facing him.

I held my breath, waiting to see whether he would kiss me. Go ahead, I silently urged him, kiss me, put your hand inside my dress and feel how excited I am, do something that tells me you want me. But he just nodded and released me, and I was both aroused and frustrated. He’s teasing me, I thought, he’s building the sexual tension between us, and I both love it and hate it. But I thought I understood what he was doing, and why he was doing it, and I rejoiced in both his control and his willingness to teach my husband to be the same way.

Aaron guided Harvey through the Friday-evening traffic to South Flower street and the restaurant. When we arrived at the entrance, Harvey said, “Aaron, help Ann out and I’ll park in the garage around the corner on Hope.” His use of my middle name told me that we were still in a D/s scene, and I was excitedly awaiting his next moves.

When Harvey returned on foot we paraded into the restaurant with Harvey following Aaron and me, and I could see men’s eyes following me as my body moved to the rhythm Harvey had described when I first walked in these heels. “Are you upset at the way men are looking at me?” I whispered to Aaron, and he surprised me. He smiled, and I was thrilled that he was proud to have me on his arm rather than upset at the attention I was getting. Then he did something even more surprising; he put his arm around my waist, which he’d done many times before, but then he let his hand slide down until it was caressing my ass. Oh, my God, I thought delightedly, is this really working? Is Aaron going to assert himself with me? I can’t wait to see what happens next.

When we reached the podium Harvey stepped ahead of us and spoke with the maître d’hôtel. We were immediately led to a banquette-style seating arrangement that was probably intended as a spacious two-top but was set for three people who liked each other and would sit close together. After we were seated with me between the two men Harvey continued to explain things to Aaron.

“I won’t have alcohol when I’m in a scene, but I know you must be at least a little nervous about this whole thing. So you should have a drink, a cocktail or a glass of wine, if that will help you relax.”

“I think maybe I will; what about Barb?”

Ann may have a glass of wine if you approve.”

Aaron paused in thought for a moment, then started to say, “Would you–”

“Don’t ask,” Harvey interrupted, and I turned to look at Aaron while he said, “Make a decision for her, order a drink for her or not as you choose, and that’s the way it’ll be. That’s what she wants, she wants you to take charge and make those kinds of decisions in your lives.”

Aaron frowned a bit, and Harvey said, “Ann, tell him whether I’m right.”

I looked into my husband’s eyes and softly said, “He’s right, honey, this is what I want.”

Aaron just shook his head, accepting my answer, and I breathed an internal sigh of relief. A server came and took our drink, appetizer, and entrée orders; Aaron ordered wine for himself and for me, Harvey ordered iced tea, and after Harvey ordered food for me and for himself Aaron ordered his dinner items.

After the server left Harvey slowly and discreetly put his hand on my thigh below the tabletop. Aaron had put his hand on my thigh in a restaurant, but it was always just an affectionate gesture. I knew Harvey’s touch was not intended to be affectionate, it was going to become erotic, and the very idea of it, the naughtiness of it in such a public place, was intensely arousing. I’ve always had a strong sex drive, and knowing what Harvey was likely to do this weekend had me primed for a sexual tour de force.

At first he just rested his hand there, but then he began to slide it lightly up and down my bare leg, slowly going closer and closer to my thong-covered pussy. He pushed his fingers against my other thigh and I silently spread my legs to give him better access, and then he touched my pussy through the thong and I couldn’t help quivering. I was already so turned on that if he touched my clit I thought I’d come right there and then.

“Be still,” he said gruffly, and then he turned to Aaron. “Reach down and touch her,” he directed. Aaron flashed a momentary look of surprise, as if to say What? Here? Now? But then he did and he was visibly surprised in a different way.

“Her thong is sopping wet,” Harvey said very quietly. “Does she always get this turned on when you take her out to dinner?”

“I … I don’t know,” Aaron admitted shyly, “I’ve never touched her in public like that.”

“Why do you think that’s happening?” Harvey asked him.

“I don’t know that either.”

I think it’s because of how she’s being controlled, her feeling that chain around her body, her head being in the submissive space; those things have her aroused. She knows, not in detail, because she doesn’t know my plan, but in general terms what’s going to happen this weekend. She’s thought about it, fantasized about it, and now it’s starting to happen. Do you like that she’s all hot and bothered like that, that she can be such a sexual person?”

Aaron didn’t need much time to break into a big smile. “Yes, I like it,” he said sheepishly. “I just never knew she could be that way. Do you really have a plan?”

I thought for a moment that Harvey was going to laugh, or at least smile, but he kept his face serious. “Yes, I have a plan. I’ll adapt it as we go along, because I can’t know in advance how she, or you, will react to what I’m going to do. But I do have a plan. You asked me what I knew about her that she hadn’t revealed to you because she wasn’t sure how you’d take it,” he reminded my husband. “This, her very strong sexuality, is one of those things, and I’m sure she’s glad you like it now that you’ve found out about it.”

No shit, I thought to myself. Being treated as a sexual object like he’s doing has me incredibly turned on. I can’t wait to find out what Harvey will show and tell about me next.

- - - - -

As we progressed through our dinner Harvey continued to gradually educate Aaron. I’d known for a long time how knowledgeable and experienced he was, but his obvious compassion for Aaron’s discomfort and his painstaking ability to put him more at ease were amazing to watch and listen to.

“Dominance and submission are mental states, psychological conditions,” he was saying. “Your wife is a strong woman, a powerful personality, an accountant who has been trained, as you have in your work, to take control of people and situations. But like a lot of people, maybe more than you can imagine, in her private life, in her relationship with you, she wants to give up that control, that power, and have you take charge.”

His approach to explaining things was perfect; he got Aaron nodding in agreement with what he was saying until he reached the point of the message he wanted to get across, and that had Aaron, almost involuntarily, agreeing with his conclusion. It was an impressive display of persuasion, and I found myself mentally nodding along with Aaron as Harvey proceeded.

“Explaining it that way makes sense to me,” Aaron said. “I think I now understand some of what she’s been trying to tell me.”

Aaron was starting to follow Harvey’s lead, talking about me without using my name, and that was exactly what was needed. If Harvey could get Aaron to think of me as an object of interest, rather than as the wife he loved, more than half the battle would be won.

“That’s why dominance and submission, what we shorthand as D/s, is referred to as power exchange,” Harvey continued. “She wants to exchange her power over herself, to give you that power over her.”

“That’s kind of scary, to have that power over someone.”

“Yes, it is, and it can be a challenge, but it can also be very rewarding.” Harvey touched my thong again, carefully sliding his fingers along my wet slit but avoiding my clit, then pulled his hand back. “Touch her again,” he suggested, “ and enjoy how rewarding it can be.”

Aaron touched me from the other side, and when his finger bumped my clit I felt a strong rush of sexual stimulation run through me. “Mmmm,” I hummed softly. I smiled at Aaron, and his face lit up in response. Nice work, Harvey. Then I amended that thought. Nice work, Sir.

“While we’re on the subject of definitions, let me talk about B-D-S-M.” He spoke each letter separately, distinctly. “Do you know what those letters stand for?”

“I’m pretty sure about the last two,” Aaron replied, “but why don’t you give me your definitions so I’m sure we’re on the same page.”

“Okay. BDSM generally refers to physical things versus the mental aspects of D/s. The B stands for bondage, which actually means any form of restraint. When you put handcuffs on someone, for example, you are essentially putting that person in a kind of bondage.”

Aaron looked thoughtful. “I never thought of it that way, but you’re right, I’m restraining them.”

“The D stands for discipline, which in one sense means the rules that a submissive is required by her dominant to follow. But as a practical matter discipline also refers to the corporal punishment that will occur when a sub breaks the rules, so in that sense it’s also a physical part of the equation.”

“To use your word in a different way, that makes sense,” Aaron said with a smile. “And from what we talked about earlier, I figure the S and the M stand for sadism and masochism.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Harvey complimented him. “So now I can talk about power exchange as being a spectrum of activities that ranges from purely mental dominance and submission to the physical sensations of BDSM. There are people at one end of the spectrum who engage in D/s with no physical activities other than possibly some punishments associated with rule-breaking. There are others who want to give and receive the physical sensations of SM, with or without restraints, but have no interest in the psychological dynamics of D/s. Most people are somewhere along that spectrum, enjoying both kinds of interactions to one degree or another.”

Aaron shook his head ruefully. “I have to say this is fascinating; I never knew anything about this kind of stuff. How prevalent is it?”

“It’s more prevalent than you might think,” Harvey replied. “Just consider how popular the Fifty Shades books and movies were a few years ago. As far back as the 1950s the original Kinsey studies reported that fifteen percent of the people surveyed had at least some interest in spanking or something similar. You never know what your friends and neighbors aren’t telling you about the bedroom games they play.”

“That’s amazing. Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course. Depending on the topic, I may think I shouldn’t answer you right away, but I promise I’ll give you my honest answer before the end of the weekend.”

“I understand why you say that. Have you always been this way?”

“Do you mean, have I always been a dominant?”

“Yes, that’s what I’m curious about.”

Harvey shook his head. “That one I can answer now, and my answer is no, not at all. I was raised by an old-fashioned Jewish Mother; you’re Italian, so you may have had the same experience, control by guilt inducement. If things had turned out differently, I might have become a life-long submissive. In a way, my being dominant is a kind of rebellion against my upbringing, but it took me quite a while to get the hang of it."

Aaron had been nodding in agreement, but then he said, "Excuse me, but what is there to get?"

"Well, for me at least, there are basically two aspects to that. The first is that giving is easy; people usually enjoy giving because it makes them feel good about themselves. But taking, on the other hand, is much harder, because we're culturally conditioned to feel guilty, or ashamed, or less-than-adequate whenever we take from others. So learning to enjoy taking, even taking what another person wants to give, can be a very difficult psychological adjustment. This is part of what you’ve been struggling with, isn’t it?”

“Yes, I think it is. Barb wants me to take control, and that hasn’t felt right to me.” He paused, then added, “But I’m beginning to see what that might mean for us as a couple.”

“Good, very good.”

“You said there were two aspects to your change in attitude; what was the other?”

“The second thing that can take some getting used to is the BDSM part, and there too it's largely a function of cultural conditioning. In our society, men are brought up to treat women well. The idea of a man hitting a woman, hurting her, especially a spouse or significant other, even if that's what she really wants, is often considered abusive. Overcoming that cultural taboo can be even harder than learning to take. But as you’re finding out, the rewards can be great.”

The two of them continued to take turns lightly touching me until we were ready to leave, and I was a bundle of nervous energy with intense sexual overtones as we walked out of the restaurant.

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Copyright © 2023 by Left Side Signals

Written by PatHarvey
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