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New Pet- Part 1

"Mr. Wolfe is looking for a new pet. Lita Hood is looking for a new Dom, they meet, how will it work?"

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“Mr. Wolfe, your 4:40 appointment is here,” the voice of his assistant Kimberly announced.

“Thank you Kimberly, send her in. Send all my calls to the service and call it a day. I will see you in the morning,” he responded.

He sat back in his leather chair, behind his granite desk. He wondered what he had gotten himself into. His appointment, a new potential pet for him to enjoy. All he knew about her was that she was needy, or that was the description his friend had given him.

The friend was a fellow Dom, however he did not take the lifestyle as serious. He had a steady, vanilla girlfriend and only practiced on the side. Apparently the new girl required more guidance and time than he was willing to sacrifice, so he had contacted Bart and referred him to her.

The door opened. He sat up in his chair a little. His right elbow pressed into the arm of the chair, his right hand rubbed the stubble on his chin. At fifty, he still considered himself in good shape. Although not as chiseled as he once was, his fast paced life allowed him to burn unwanted fat.

The big oak door closed. He placed both arms on the desk and scooted his chair closer. He watched as she walked in. Her heels clanked on the floor as she slowly approached his desk. She was dressed in a modest, church going dress. The top was buttoned at the bottom of her neck, the waist was tight enough to show off her thin hourglass figure. The hem went below the knee. He was pleased so far.

She was a pretty girl. He guessed she was around twenty-five or twenty-six, with ginger red hair. Her face was pale, with high cheekbones, small button nose and thin lips. Freckles highlighted her face. Her arms and legs matched her petite frame. Her hips were narrow, and her chest, although covered looked to be medium which pleased him.

“Have a seat Miss Hood, my name is Bart Wolfe, it is a pleasure to meet you.”

He stood and extended his hand and they shook before she took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He sat down and planted his elbows on his desk. His fingers intertwined in front of his face as he watched her.

She sat, she crossed her legs like a lady and placed her hands in her lap, “indeed a pleasure, Mr. Wolfe. You may call me Lita.”

He smiled as he sat back in his chair, “Lita it is then. Please, Lita, tell me about yourself.”

She took a deep breath. He could tell she was nervous. “This feels like a job interview,” she giggled.

Strike one, he thought. He enjoyed a good laugh, but her giggle reminded him of a young school girl from his past. He hoped it was only because of her being nervous, because he would not tolerate much of it.

“In a sense, it is, Lita. We both know what you are here for and it is a serious matter, to me. I do not take this lightly, and I will not waste my time on a meaningless affair. So before we can move forward, I need to know about you, I need to know what you expect, and then I will let you know what I require and expect, do you understand?”

She lowered her head as if she was ashamed of her remark, “Yes sir. I do understand.” Her eyes continued to look downward.

“Good. Now again, please tell me about yourself.”

Again she took a deep breath, but without the giggle. “My name is Lita Hood. I am twenty-eight years old. I am a physical therapist at Memorial Hospital. I am an only child. My parents split before I was born and I was raised by my mother.”

She continued to tell him about herself. Where she had grown up, hobbies and etc. He began to understand why she was so needy. She had very little to do with her father, but she had father issues. She needed a father figure in a sense. He nodded his head, and made a few notes as she continued.

“I am single and never been married. At this point in my life, I am undecided about kids.”

She stared up at the high ceiling of his office as if she was in thought “that is about it, or would you like to know anything else, Sir?”

Sir, he like that. She had some training so that was good. There was something about her that intrigued him. He suddenly wanted this to work out. He hoped she was the one.

“No, that about covers it, Lita. Now let me tell you about myself.”

He began giving her his information. His age, his hobbies and interests. At fifty, he had never been married and had no kids. He was a Senior Partner is a very successful corporate law firm.

After he finished they sat in quiet. He could tell she was in deep thought, as was he. So far, he was pleased with her. She was young, pretty and had some training. How much training he did not know. He thought it was time to test her obedience.

“Lita, I would like for you to stand up for me.”

Without hesitation, she stood. Her eyes immediately went to the floor, avoiding any eye contact. This was not a gesture he liked. He understood that some Doms did not tolerate eye contact with their pets, but he was different. He liked eye contact, he liked seeing the need and lust in the eyes of his pet.

“Look at me. Eye contact is a must at all times.”

Her crystal blue eyes immediately looked into his dark brown ones. He smiled. So far so good, he thought to himself.

“Please move behind the desk so I can get a better look.”

She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled around the side of the desk. Once she was behind the desk, without breaking eye contact, she rose to her feet. He smiled giving his approval of her actions.

Even with closer examination, he was not able to tell much more about her body. He could tell that her legs were toned. He imagined her thighs and hips were tight from being on her feet in her profession. He desired to see more.

“Remove your dress.”

Again without hesitation, she began to unbutton the buttons on her dress. One by one she threaded each button through the buttonholes, never once breaking eye contact with him. Slowly her pale stomach was being revealed. Her stomach, like her face, was sprinkled with freckles. Once the last button was unfastened, she pushed the dress off her shoulders and it fell to the floor.

Lita stood before him wearing nothing but a pink bra, panties and her high heels. He was not surprised to see how freckles covered her thin, toned body. Her breasts, he imagined were a firm 34B, not too big and not too small. Her hips were narrow and her thighs were as tight as he imagined. He did notice a small patch of dampness between her legs, and he smiled. She was enjoying this as much as he was.

“Remove your bra.”

She reached back and unclasp the buckles on her bra. The straps fell down her arm and she quickly removed it and stood with her hands on her side.

He ran his fingers over his dry lips. Her breasts were firm and perky. Her pink areolas surrounded her pink eraser sized nipples, which were erect. Freckles were splattered all over her pale chest.

“And now your panties.”

She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. He was pleasantly surprised they were not thongs. For some reason, he had never thought thongs were as sexy as the rest of the men in the world. He preferred a bikini, he wondered if his friend had informed her of that.

She bent at the waist as she pushed her panties down her pale legs. Then she stood up straight. He could see the desire in her eyes. He knew he could have her, but that would come on another evening, if at all.

He examined her. He was not pleased to see a thick patch of red, curly hair above her vulva. That would have to go, he thought. Her labia was full and pouty. He liked her aroma of desire as it began to fill his office.


She turned so her back was to him. Her ass was small but firm. No tattoos or piercings, so that was another plus for him. He cleared his throat, and she turned back to face him. He was pleased to see that her eyes immediately returned to his.

“Well, Lita. You are a beautiful woman, however, some things shall be altered, if you are willing to proceed. The test period, for lack of a better term, is just beginning. At any time, you are not willing or comfortable with obeying a request, you may say so, and the process will end, do you understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“You need to understand that this has to be pleasurable for us both. If you are not pleasured then I will not be, and that will defeat the whole purpose of the relationship. I do require some things, which you will learn when the time is right. Again, it is very important that you understand, the pleasure has to be twofold.”

“I understand, Sir.”

“Good.” He turned in his desk and took a pen and wrote something on a piece of paper. He turned back to her and extended the paper toward her. “Tomorrow at five pm, my driver will pick you up from your place of employment. He will take you to a boutique that is familiar with my taste. You will buy one dress, undergarments, and shoes. You will leave the boutique wearing the clothes you buy. At that time, my driver will bring you to me and we will continue.”

She took the paper and read it. As soon as she was done, her eyes returned to his. While she had been reading, he noticed droplets of her nectar forming on her vulva.

“If at any time you change your mind. Call the number listed and my driver will not come and you will never hear from me again. Do you understand?”

“Completely Sir.”

“Good. You may gather your clothes and redress in the ladies room across the hall. You are dismissed.”

Lita gathered her clothes and placed them in her bag and returned to her hands and knees. She placed the strap of the bag in her mouth and began to crawl towards the door. He looked up and smiled, “you may walk.”

She dropped the bag and stood. “Thank you, Sir,”

She picked the bag up in her hand and walked naked out of his office. Once the door was closed, he sat back in his chair and smiled. She was going to be a good one.

At precisely 5 pm the next day, Lita walked out of the sliding doors of Memorial Hospital. In the parking lot was a black SUV. When she walked toward it, a big black man in a black suit stepped out of the driver's side and opened the back door.

She smiled at him as she turned and stepped into the vehicle. The man made no facial expression as he shut the door. Within a matter of seconds, the vehicle was driving out of the parking lot.

The windows of the SUV was so dark that Lita could barely see anything outside. The drive lasted several minutes. Suddenly she felt the vehicle stop, and moments later her door was opened. She stepped out onto a sidewalk.

Her eyes had to readjust from the darkness to the bright sunshine. She turned to the driver to thank him, but he didn't give her time. He took her by the arm and led her inside the store in which he had parked in front of.

Lita knew the store, although she had never been inside. All the female doctors talked about the clothes and accessories, but she had never been able to afford such lavish clothing. The driver gently led her into the store.

Once inside, she was greeted by a middle-aged woman who introduced herself as Krista, the owner. Lita was impressed. Krista was a pleasant looking woman with enhanced breasts. Lita assumed the lady liked to show them off by the low cut blouse she was wearing.

“Mr. Wolfe is one of our oldest and dearest customers. He has told me what he is expecting, so let's not make him wait, okay?” Krista said in her best, fake, polite voice.

Lita only smiled and followed behind the owner. She followed her to a rack of lavish dresses. She pulled four off the rack and continued to walk. Lita stopped once to check out another dress. She noticed the price tag read, $3000 and she sped up to catch Krista.

Krista’s next stop was at the shoes. She stopped and looked down at Lita’s Croc-covered feet. Then turned and picked out two pairs of shoes just her size. She tucked the shoes under her arm and continued to the back.

Once in the back of the store, Lita saw an assortment of panties, bras and garters. She had never seen so many different styles. She picked up a pair of panties and held them up, they were crotchless. She was shocked to the point that she threw the panties back onto the pile and looked around to see if anyone saw her.

“This is where you will have to make the choices. I am not going to pick out the panties and bras you want. There is a limit, a woman has to be comfortable,” she laughed, “ I will tell you though, Mr. Wolfe does not like thongs, but anything else will meet his approval.”

Lita was pleased that she would not be expected to wear a thong. She had tried to wear them on one occasion, but the thought of that fabric in her butt made her uncomfortable. She spent the night twisting and pulling until she eventually pulled them off.

Krista carried the clothes and shoes into one of the dressing rooms while Lita plundered through the panties. She found three pair her size and held them into her hand. She then found a matching bra for each panty and walked into the dressing room.

She began to take her scrubs off when the door opened. She stood in her white sports bra and white panties when Krista busted in. She hung garters, belts and stockings to match the three bra and panty sets Lita had picked out. She smiled as she looked at Lita’s freckle covered body, then turned to leave.

Lita tried on each of the dresses, a red, black, silver and white dress all made the same style. Long with sequined busts, full backs, high cut, and tight. She glanced at the price tags and her stomach turned a flip. Each dress costed more than she made in a month.

She settled on the white dress, with white heels. She placed the white undergarment set to the side with the dress and shoes. She opened the door to return the other items but was met by Krista.

She handed the clothes off and returned to the dressing room. She undressed completely then put on the bra and panties. She attempted to put the garter and belt on, but it became twisted. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Krista immediately entered the dressing room.

Krista helped Lita place the garter belt on. She stayed on her knees and held the white stockings for Lita to place her feet into. She rolled the stocking up Lita’s legs and up to her thigh. Her face was inches from Lita’s panty covered sex. She inhaled a big breath, and Lita suddenly became nervous.

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Lita had never felt anything for another woman, but looking down at Krista’s big breasts had caused her to become wet. When Krista inhaled, Lita knew she was able to smell her arousal. This turned her on even more. Her nipples hardened inside the lacy bra as Krista rubbed up her thighs and hips while attaching the garter belt and stocking.

Krista rose to her feet. She was so close that one of her breasts came in contact with her vulva and lightly grazed it. Lita moaned as Krista’s breasts rubbed up her stomach. Krista’s face was inches away. Lita suddenly felt the urge to kiss her, but when she leaned forward, Krista stepped back.

“You are very sexy, Mr. Wolfe is going to be very pleased.” Then she turned and left the dressing room.

Lita took a deep breath and carefully put her new dress on. She zipped it and turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Krista was right, she did look sexy. She fumbled with her hair, but decided to leave it down. She gathered her work clothes and shoes, slipped her stocking covered feet in her new shoes and exited the dressing room.

The driver was waiting beside the vehicle when she left the store. He opened the door for her and she got in. She thought she noticed a hint of a smile as the door closed. She took that as a sign of his approval.

It was dark when the driver put the SUV into drive. The dark windows made it impossible for her to know where they were. She sipped on a bottle of water she had found while she wondered what the night would behold.

She had no clue what time it was when the vehicle finally stopped. The door opened and she stepped out. She was pleased to see Mr. Wolfe waiting for her as the driver pulled away. He smiled at her and she smiled back at him.

She stepped closer, her eyes fell, then she remembered his rule and immediately returned her gaze to his eyes.

“You look very nice, Krista did a masterful job as usual,” he said as he took her hand. He led her up the steps which led to a huge mansion. “We are meeting some of my friends. You do not have to be worried, we are only here to observe. It is a test, so to speak, to see how you react. Mind you, I do not participate in events such as this, but my presence is expected, we will not stay long.”

She suddenly became nervous. She was not sure what to expect. He squeezed her hand as the door opened for them to enter the house. She was surprised to see the woman at the door dressed only in a leather thong.

As they paraded through the corridor, she squeezed his hand. Being in contact with him comforted her. In the corridor was numerous people. All of the females were either dressed in revealing attire or completely naked. The men were all dressed in expensive business suits, and talked among themselves as the females paraded around.

Several of the females tried to catch Mr. Wolfe’s attention, but he politely declined each one. As they entered the main hall, the events changed significantly. In every direction she looked, Lita observed sex.

On the right, a woman was bent over a bench like contraption, her arms and legs tied to the legs of the bench. Men would take turns coming up behind her. Mr. Wolfe stopped a few feet from her as a man dropped his pants, placed a condom on his penis and penetrated the woman. They watched as he proceeded to pound her.

The woman moaned as the man sawed back and forth into her. Lita looked up at Mr. Wolfe. He was talking to another man and acted as if nothing was going on. She held onto his hand as she turned her attention back to the woman.

By this time, another man had stepped up in front of the woman. He had pulled out his fat cock and plunged it into her mouth. He held onto her hair as his hips thrust back and forth. Lita watched as both men used the woman. She could not help but become turned on. She felt her nipples press into the lacy material of her new bra. Her own pussy leaked inside her new panties.

When the man who was at the rear pulled out of the woman, he removed the condom and placed it in a wastebasket beside her. He turned and another woman waited on her knees beside the other. He stepped to her, and she opened her mouth and took his cock in. She cleaned the cum from his penis and the man stepped away.

About the same time, Lita watched the man in the woman’s mouth throw his head back and moan. Lita knew he was releasing in the woman’s mouth. He pulled out and refastened his pants and walked away. Almost immediately, two more men stepped up to the woman.

This time, the one in the rear, positioned his condom covered penis at her anus. He pushed in as another pushed his way between her lips. As Lita watched, she felt a tug at her hand. She turned her attention to Mr. Wolfe and he led her deeper into the crowded room.

Everywhere she looked, there was sex. Some men were in deep conversation as they fucked a random woman. Lita had never seen anything like it. She was comforted by Mr. Wolfe’s promise that she was not going to participate. As turned on as she was, she didn't know if she could willingly allow just anyone to penetrate her.

When Mr. Wolfe stopped to talk to another gentleman, it was near another display of sex. Two women were on a stage, locked in a 69. One of the women was a busty black woman. On top of her was a younger, thinner white girl. The white girl was blonde and her skin was as pale as Lita’s. The contrast of the dark and light skin together was an erotic sight.

Lita’s knees grew weak as she watched. The white girl lifted her head and opened the vulva of her lover. Lita’s panties grew wetter as she saw the dark skin open to reveal the pink inside. The girl lowered her head and sucked on the engorged clitoris as her hips ground her pussy against her lover’s mouth.

The two lovers rolled over, placing the black woman on top. She rose to her knees. Lita was shocked to see how big her breasts were. They hung down almost to her waist. She twisted her thick ass against the welcoming mouth of her young lover. The woman beneath lifted her legs as a man stepped up and penetrated her.

Lita looked at Mr. Wolfe. He looked down at her, smiled and returned to his conversation. Lita looked back at the action on the stage. The lovers had changed positions again. The older woman was on her back with her legs spread wide. The younger girl was on her knees. Her head moved back and forth as she stimulated her lover's clitoris. The man was now fucking the young girl doggy style.

He gripped her hips and was pounding away with no mercy. He plunged inside her and held his position. By the reaction of his body language, Lita knew he was filling his condom. He immediately withdrew and stepped aside and removed his condom. He stepped to another woman who quickly cleaned him before her placed his flaccid penis back into his pants.

Lita’s attention was on the women. She was amazed how the young woman never missed a beat at pleasuring her lover, even with the man fucking her. Her attention was drawn to the loud gasps of the crowd. She looked up and seen a masked black man step up to the young girl.

The man was completely naked, except for his mask. His torso was chiseled like a Greek god and glistened from what Lita guessed was baby oil. It didn't take Lita long to realize what the gasps were about. The man proudly showed off the biggest penis Lita had ever seen.

His penis had to be at least ten inches and as thick as a soda can. It hung down almost to his knees. Lita felt the moisture in her panties grow when he positioned his big black monster at the opening of the young white girl. He placed his big hands on her hips, and they almost completely covered her pale skin. With one hard thrust, he penetrated her.

The young woman’s head immediately jerked up, and a loud screech escaped her mouth. The room fell completely silent and everyone’s attention was on the three lovers. Lita looked up, even Mr. Wolfe was observing the erotic scene.

The masked man slowly began to work his monster in and out of the young woman. With every inward thrust, the woman let out a loud scream. As he worked her, she slowly became accustomed to his thickness and she returned her attention to the awaiting pussy under her. The masked man’s thrust grew stronger. The only sound in the large room was the sound of their bodies slapping and the moaning of the two women.

Lita remembered she had not seen a condom on the masked man. She was stunned that he had entered the girl unprotected. She could see from his reaction that it was not bothering him as he built up speed and force while fucking the young girl.

The older woman hit her climax. The young girl’s face disappeared between her lover's thick thighs. The older woman’s body jerked and she moaned loudly as the young girl continued to stimulate her clitoris and pussy. When her climax subsided, the older woman slipped off stage so everyone's attention was on the stars of the show.

The masked man pulled his monster from the young girl and she rolled over onto her back. He lifted her legs and he placed it back inside her. Her used sex was accustomed to the size of its invader and it slipped in much easier. Lita watched as his chiseled buttock squeezed tighly each time he thrust inside the young girl.

Lita watched as the masked man's massive balls swung between his legs. The sight reminded her of a large bull she had seen at her uncle's farm when she was younger. She was disappointed when she felt a tug on her hand.

She looked up at Mr. Wolfe, “it is time to go,” he said.

She looked one last time at the lovers on stage before she turned to follow him. They made their way through the crowd, and as they neared the exit, they heard the room erupt in applause. Lita assumed the masked man had hit his climax. She could only imagine the sight. She wondered how much semen he had planted inside the young girl.

The night was cool, Mr. Wolfe took off his coat and placed it on her shoulders as the neared the SUV. Lita was surprised when the driver was not at the vehicle when they arrived. Mr. Wolfe opened the back door and held it as she entered the vehicle.

In Lita’s mind, she hoped that once in the vehicle, Mr. Wolfe would give her some relief. The sights she had seen had her hornier than she had ever been in her life. Her new, lacy panties were soaked and her nipples had been so hard for so long that they ached.

“So tell me, what did you think about what you saw tonight?” Mr. Wolfe asked as his shut the door.

“I have never seen anything like it. It was extremely hot, but it was also very confusing. I can not for the life of me figure out why women would put themselves out on display and be used like that. It was hot to watch, but I am not sure I could do that.”

“So you thought it was hot? Did you get turned on?”

Lita opened her legs, “if you like, you can feel how turned on I am.” She smiled seductively at him.

He returned the smile, but did not take her invitation. She was very disappointed but kept her leg slightly open in case he changed his mind.

“The women you observed tonight were in that position because they disrespected or disobeyed their Dom. Tonight's event was a display of punishment. If we continue, you will attend one of these events every month. However, you will never be made to participate.”

Lita left out a sigh of relief, as Mr. Wolfe continued. “As part of the organization, I am required to attend, but pets are not required to participate unless the Dom wants them to, and I would never put you, or any other pet in that situation. My punishments come in private.”

Lita felt the vehicle shift and the driver’s door shut. In a matter of moments, the vehicle was moving. Mr. Wolfe placed his hand on her thigh. She anticipated it slipping underneath the hem of her dress and sending her to her climax, but it never happened. They road in silence back into town.

The SUV pulled back into the parking lot of Memorial Hospital. When the door opened, it was parked right beside her car. Mr. Wolfe got out and extended his hand to assist her. When her feet touched the asphalt he led her to the front of her car.

“Go home, think about what you saw tonight. Tomorrow evening, you are invited to my place. If you accept, the next step of your preparation will begin. If you do not accept, you will not be contacted by me again, do you understand?”

She looked into his dark brown eye and smiled, “yes, I understand, Sir.”

He lowered his head and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, “goodnight Lita.”

“Goodnight Sir.”

He took her car keys from her and opened her door. She sat behind the steering wheel. He handed her back the keys and shut the door. She started the car, and as soon as his vehicle moved she backed out of her spot and headed home.

The events from the night replayed in her mind on her drive home. As soon as she opened the door, she began to undress. By the time she made it to her dresser drawer, she was completely naked. She pulled her trusty vibrator from the drawer and flopped on the bed.

Her fingers pulled on her hard, aching nipples as she spread her legs. With her free hand, she ran the vibrator between her legs. Just as she was about to plunge it home, her phone rang. She groaned, and ignored it. She ran the plastic toy over her clitoris, and her phone rang again.

She didn't ignore the phone the second time. She didn't recognize the number, but answered it anyway.


“Did I interrupt anything?” Mr. Wolfe’s calm, demanding voice said over the phone.

Her eyes widened, “ah, no sir, not yet anyway,” she giggled.

“Good. I know you are turned on from the action tonight, however, you are not to pleasure yourself. I am trusting you Lita. I am trusting you to be honest with me and obey my request. If you do, you will be rewarded. Do you understand?”

Lita pondered a second. She had never been so horny. She knew she would not be able to rest with the buring inside her. She also knew that she desired to please him. Something about him made her want to make him happy, “yes sir, I understand, Sir.”

“Good girl, goodnight Lita.”

The phone went silent.

Lita got up, placed her toy back in its place, plugged in her phone and laid down to attempt to sleep. As she lay her head on the pillow, she wondered what the next step was going to be. She wondered how long it would be before he took her. She drifted off to sleep thinking about how wonderful it would be to feel him inside her.



Written by Richard_Head
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