“I have something to tell you,” he said as he stroked my hand.
I stared at him with a bewildered look on my face as we stood at my front door. He was the man of my dreams and I couldn’t believe he was going to do this, here and now, after such a perfect evening. His hands grasped my wrists as he took a moment to compose himself. My heart sunk into my gut as I imagined every possible outcome to this moment. He took a deep breath before stroking my cheek with an outstretched finger.
The lights were almost blinding as they flashed from colour to colour. The music was beyond deafening and even with them shouting, I could barely make out what my friends were saying. I held the glass to my mouth and slurped the last few drops of drink, before slamming it down on the wooden counter. Two names engraved in the wood caught my attention as I began to look down at my phone. I sighed harshly as it was a boy and girl’s name separated only by a love heart.
My friend Britney shouted something at me but it was lost in the din.
“Are you okay?” she asked, cupping a hand to my ear.
I nodded slowly before looking around the bar. Everywhere I looked, there seemed to be a happy couple laughing. Everyone was happy, everyone was loved, except me. Even with all my friends around me, I couldn’t help but feel desperately lonely. They had boyfriends to go home to whilst I was going home to an empty bed. It had been a few years since I had been in a relationship and I was certainly craving a nice guy to settle down with.
My friends downed their drinks and started to gather their handbags. They moved towards the door and I sauntered behind them, taking one last look at the happy couples drinking the night away. My ears popped as we made our way outside. The cool, summer night’s air brushed my cheeks. It felt so refreshing compared to the warm and humid club. The street was illuminated with bright lights and muffled music from every club in the vicinity could be heard.
Britney hailed a taxi whilst I hugged goodbyes to the rest of my friends. Even with their comforting hugs, I still couldn’t feel anything but the pain of being lonely. Taking one last glance at the flashing lights, Britney and I bundled into the backseat of the taxi.
“Where to ladies?” the driver asked.
I looked out of the window whilst Britney gave her address to the driver. I pressed my forehead against the cold glass as the driver began to speed towards Britney’s house. I felt the alcohol beginning to take its toll on me as my head started to spin and throb with the movement. Time seemed to be going slower and slower as we got closer to our destination.
“What’s wrong Piper?” Britney asked as I sighed again.
“I’ve been your best friend since we were kids. I know when something’s wrong, so tell me,” she ordered.
“Fine,” I responded. “Everyone is in a relationship and I’m single.”
“Single isn’t a bad thing, Piper,” Britney said softly. “You’ll find someone when the time is right.”
“How long will that take, though?” I pouted.
“Who knows?” she calmly replied. “You’re only twenty-five, there’s still a lot of time. Just try to have some fun whilst you’re young.”
“Okay, I’ll try,” I said firmly as the taxi came to a halt outside her house.
We quickly got out and stepped onto the path. Britney peered into the window and paid the driver as I stood looking around at the swaying shadows of trees. After she'd handed the money over, the driver sped away, leaving us in the glow of the streetlight. Britney embraced me tightly as if she was never going to let me go.
“I hope you had a good night. Take care getting home,” she whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Okay, love you,” she said and turned towards her house.
I started to walk down the street. I only lived a few minutes away but Britney always worried about me, probably because I was extremely petite. My heels clapped against the smooth tarmac path. The moonlight lit the areas not covered by the street lights. I looked at my phone as I reached my house. I ran my other hand down the garden wall until I felt the cold metal bars of the gate.
I hurried up the garden path to my front door. I shuffled a hand around inside my bag, looking for the keys. They took a few moments to find but finally, I managed it and quickly shoved a key into the lock. As the door opened, I stumbled into the house, a drunken wreck, and quickly slammed the door shut. I looked around in the darkness for a few moments before locking the door. I started to slowly climb the stairs on my hands and knees. My head was pounding when I reached the top and crawled towards my bedroom.
The streetlights beamed in through the window blinds, illuminating most of my room with an orange glow. The room began to spin as I climbed onto my bed. Within seconds, my head was buried in my pillow and everything became black as I passed out.
The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes. I grasped my pillow tightly as I raised my head. I looked around the sunlight filled room aimlessly. With the amount of beer I'd drunk, I was surprised I had made it home in one piece. I pushed myself up onto all fours and crawled to the foot of my bed where my laptop was whirring. I reached down and pulled it onto the bed, eagerly anticipating the photos that had inevitably hit my profile page.
As I clicked onto my social media page, I instantly saw the comments about how down I'd looked the night before. I then noticed the couples in the background again, and just as I went to click away, I noticed an eye-catching image in the sidebar. My eyes were drawn to the bold, red letters which read, ‘Looking for love?’
I couldn’t help but feel compelled to give it a shot. I moved the cursor to the advertisement and clicked on it without any hesitation. I skimmed through the terms of service on the website and clicked on the accept button. Taking a deep breath, I started to complete sign-upn up form.
I am a woman looking for a man.
Date of Birth: 27/06/1991 (age: 25)
Hair colour: Bottle blonde
Eye colour: Hazel
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 103 pounds
Measurements: 32A – 24 – 31
Body type: Petite
Interests: Volleyball, Football, Cheerleading, Shopping, Dancing, Watching movies.
Desired Username: MilkthePiper69
I smiled as I entered my username; hopefully, the men thought it was as funny as I did. As I finished writing my profile, a notification popped up. I was in shock as I hadn’t even put up a profile picture and already people wanted to talk to me. I clicked on the message which brought up a new window. With a name like ‘BigManDeuce’ I wasn’t really expecting much from him but, when I looked at his enlarged profile picture, he was everything I was looking for.
His teeth were bright and looked like pearls. His cheek dimples stood out against his clean shaven skin. I fell instantly for his baby blue eyes which were more striking due to his dirty blond hair. I noticed that he was in a suit and he definitely looked like some kind of business man, which lead me to believe that he must have clicked on my profile by mistake. I was just some small town girl who worked as a waitress in the local coffee shop.
I finally looked at his message and gasped, the message was definitely for me.
“Hey there MilkthePiper, how are you today?” he asked.
“I’m pretty good, just nursing my hangover, how about you?” I responded, a smile on my face.
“Haha, rough night eh? I’m doing fine, just sat at the office when you popped up.” He followed up with, “I love the way you sound, you sound really cute.”
“Why thank you. You look really great in your profile picture.”
“May I ask you for a profile picture too, Miss Milk?”
My heart was pounding; it felt as if it was going really well with him. I felt so many emotions at once and it was only after a few minutes of conversing with him. I quickly flicked through the images on my computer, looking for one where I looked at my best. Whilst I was looking, I couldn’t help but have a gander at his profile. Deuce wasn’t joking about the big in his name, he was six foot five. My jaw dropped as I thought about how towering he’d be next to me.
“Are you still there?”
“Yes, just finding a picture where I don’t look a mess.” I posted a picture.
“Oh my, you’re adorable,” he said, “I have to meet you.”
“Really?” My eyes widened. “Already?”
“Yes. Am I being too forward by asking you out on a date?”
“Can we learn a few things about each other before I agree?”
“Sure, whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you cutie.”
“Why did you call yourself BigManDeuce?”
“My name is Deuce, I’m quite tall and well um… I’m big elsewhere too.”
“Big headed?” I asked, jokingly.
“You could say that I guess. How did you come up with the name MilkthePiper69?”
“Well my name is Piper and I thought the extra bit would make for a funny joke.” I chuckled to myself.
“It was quite amusing Piper, it’s good to see a woman with a sense of humour.” Then he wrote, “The question is, though, do you like both of those things in your username?”
“Of course.” I chuckled to myself again. “What do you do for work?”
“I work in computer engineering. “And yourself?”
“I work as a waitress but I’m hoping to move on,” I replied, hesitantly.
“It’s good to have aspirations, everyone starts somewhere,” he responded after a brief pause. “How about that date then?”
“Name a time and place.”
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow night around 7, from your house because that’s usually how things work.”
“You don’t know where I live, though?”
“That’s the point. You’re supposed to tell me your address. Don’t worry, I’m in the same city, otherwise you wouldn’t have shown up on my screen.”
“I live at 298 Maplewell Drive. “I expect you here at seven on the dot.”
“Don’t worry, I always come on time!”
“I bet you do.” I giggled to myself. “See you tomorrow Deuce.”
I couldn’t believe it. After all of the heartache, I had just agreed to a date. It felt so surreal and my emotions were mixed between anxious and excited. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, imagining what Deuce would be like in person. A huge smile began to creep onto my face whilst I thought about him. I was already falling for him and I hadn’t even met the guy yet.
The day seemed to go by like a speeding bullet, and with every hour I became more and more excited. I still felt nervous about meeting him so soon but I was really looking forward to seeing him in the flesh. By the time I climbed into bed, I could barely contain my happiness. I placed both hands behind my head and looked at the ceiling, thinking about what he was doing, whether he was feeling the same way as I did. I closed my eyes and dreamt about our first encounter repeatedly.
When my alarm rang the next morning, I groggily reached an arm over to stop the constant beeping. I groaned as I looked around my room before remembering that today was the day. A jolt of energy seemed to burst into me and, immediately, I threw myself out of bed and onto my feet. I had a lot to do in such little time.
I strolled across the landing to the bathroom, muttering my routine to myself as I did. I shut the door behind me and began to strip. Goosebumps formed on my arms and legs, and my nipples started to harden as a cold breeze blew in through the window. I shivered slightly whilst I turned the lever for the shower. The water sprayed against the tiled wall and the bottom of the bath. Within moments, steam started to shroud the room and I brushed my teeth more thoroughly than usual. I wanted to look my best for Deuce; I knew first impressions meant a lot.
When I had finished, I stepped into the shower. The hot water cascaded onto my legs, turning them a pinkish red as I acclimatised to the heat. The steam wrapped around me like a blanket, keeping me warm before I finally deluged into the centre of the water cylinder. My hair began to cling to my skin as the water ran down my body. My hands traced along the edge of my curves before moving back up to my chest. I let out a loud gasp as I tilted my head back and allowed the water to fall onto my breasts.
Grabbing the shower gel, I squeezed a small amount into my hand and began rubbing it into my soft skin. My nipples hardened as I patted around my torso and down towards my legs. The bubbles were being washed away slowly, leaving an apple fragrance lingering on my skin.
Before long, I was out of the shower and getting ready for the rest of my schedule. With everything that I had to do, I estimated that I’d be home around an hour before Deuce was due to pick me up, which gave me more than enough time to get ready. I had to get my hair done, buy a new dress and heels which alone would take up most of the afternoon.
Time started to go quicker and quicker whilst I was out. At one point I felt I was going to end up being late home. Choosing the dress and heels was tough but, eventually, I made my decision to go with something sexy but respectable. I didn’t want to look like a total slut but then again I didn’t want to look prudish. I wanted something that would make Deuce think ‘wow’.
I got home around six, which was right on point with my prediction, and immediately went to my room to get ready. I pulled my new dress from the bag and admired it for a second. The pale blue material was gorgeous and suited me just right. I had never worn a strapless dress on a date before but tonight I was dressing to impress and strapless with a leg slit gave the right balance for me. Next were my heels which matched the colour of my dress perfectly. My vision of perfection was coming to life in the mirror in front of me. I had a lot of confidence in myself; all that was left was my makeup. I opted for a pink lipstick and a light eye shadow rather than my usual dollish look.
One final time, I admired myself in the mirror. I was ready, not just for Deuce but for a relationship. As I looked up at the clock, I heard a loud knock at the door. My heart was racing with excitement and, without a care in the world, I glided downstairs to the front door.
“Miss MilkthePiper?” a deep voice greeted me.
“Mr BigManDeuce,” I replied with a giggle.
Deuce looked up and down my small frame with a twinkle in his eye. I could see that he was trying to muster up something, but was gobsmacked by the transition from my profile picture to what was in front of him.
“You look absolutely amazing,” he complimented.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” I giggled.
“So are you ready to go ma’am?” he asked, offering his arm.
“I sure am.” I locked the door behind me and hooked on to him. “So which is your car?”
“That one,” he said confidently, nodding his head at a shiny sports car.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. It was absolutely astounding. I was used to just the everyday car on the street, this was a car that made everyone turn their heads and envy the person driving it. Deuce opened the passenger door and helped me into the car.
“Watch your hands,” he warned as he slammed the door shut.
My hands wandered along the interior; this had to be some kind of dream. Deuce took his seat next to me and watched for a few seconds as I admired the upholstery.
“You like it?”
“It’s extraordinary,” I replied.
“If you like the car, you’ll love where we’re going,” he laughed.
“Where are we going?”
“Well, you may know that a famous chef has a restaurant not too far from here,” he said, smiling.
“No,” I replied in utter disbelief, “we aren’t, are we?”
“Taking you to the high life Piper,” he said gently as he started up the engine.
I felt like one of those girls in the movies. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up. Deuce was definitely the right man for me and that wasn’t just because he was wealthy, it was because he knew how to treat a lady. He showed nothing but the utmost respect for me, unlike some of my previous dates. It probably helped that I had a thing for deep voices too, as well as him being one of the most handsome men I’d ever laid eyes on.
The thirty-minute drive flew by whilst I marveled in the luxurious sports car. As we pulled up to the front door of the restaurant, a valet ran down to the vehicle and helped me to my feet. I felt like royalty as I stood there, taking in the sight of one of the most talked about restaurants in the country.
“The architecture is grand isn’t it?” Deuce whispered in my ear as he took my hand.
“It’s amazing,” I replied.
“Wait till you taste the food.”
We walked slowly up the steps. I looked around in amazement as we moved into the building. The exquisite smells from the kitchen filled the air. As we approached a small stand at the front door, a waiter in a white jacket greeted us.
“Good evening,” he said.
“Reservation for Harris,” Deuce replied.
“Of course, right this way,” the waiter answered and he set off, walking into the restaurant.
Deuce and I followed him, weaving a path between tables. I felt quite out of place here; everyone looked as if they were rich beyond dreams and here I was, a girl from a rough part of town, veiled by a beautiful, light blue gown.
The waiter placed the menus on the table as I admired the view from the window. Our table had the most astonishing view of the valley and as I looked down on the nearby town, Deuce cleared his throat.
“Would you like to sit down, Miss Piper?” he asked, offering me my seat.
I remained speechless as I took my place in the chair. Quickly, he pushed me as close as possible to the table before sitting opposite me, still smiling. The dimples in his cheeks and his sparkling white pearls had me mesmerised.
“I hope you like the view,” he said. “I’ve always been a sucker for window seats.”
“You’re not the only one,” I replied with a shy laugh.
The waiter returned with a bottle of champagne. I watched as my glass was filled. I'd never had champagne. I had a cheap imitation sparkling wine at a friend’s wedding once but that was about it.
I stared at him with a bewildered look on my face as we stood at my front door. He was the man of my dreams and I couldn’t believe he was going to do this, here and now, after such a perfect evening. His hands grasped my wrists as he took a moment to compose himself. My heart sunk into my gut as I imagined every possible outcome to this moment. He took a deep breath before stroking my cheek with an outstretched finger.
The lights were almost blinding as they flashed from colour to colour. The music was beyond deafening and even with them shouting, I could barely make out what my friends were saying. I held the glass to my mouth and slurped the last few drops of drink, before slamming it down on the wooden counter. Two names engraved in the wood caught my attention as I began to look down at my phone. I sighed harshly as it was a boy and girl’s name separated only by a love heart.
My friend Britney shouted something at me but it was lost in the din.
“Are you okay?” she asked, cupping a hand to my ear.
I nodded slowly before looking around the bar. Everywhere I looked, there seemed to be a happy couple laughing. Everyone was happy, everyone was loved, except me. Even with all my friends around me, I couldn’t help but feel desperately lonely. They had boyfriends to go home to whilst I was going home to an empty bed. It had been a few years since I had been in a relationship and I was certainly craving a nice guy to settle down with.
My friends downed their drinks and started to gather their handbags. They moved towards the door and I sauntered behind them, taking one last look at the happy couples drinking the night away. My ears popped as we made our way outside. The cool, summer night’s air brushed my cheeks. It felt so refreshing compared to the warm and humid club. The street was illuminated with bright lights and muffled music from every club in the vicinity could be heard.
Britney hailed a taxi whilst I hugged goodbyes to the rest of my friends. Even with their comforting hugs, I still couldn’t feel anything but the pain of being lonely. Taking one last glance at the flashing lights, Britney and I bundled into the backseat of the taxi.
“Where to ladies?” the driver asked.
I looked out of the window whilst Britney gave her address to the driver. I pressed my forehead against the cold glass as the driver began to speed towards Britney’s house. I felt the alcohol beginning to take its toll on me as my head started to spin and throb with the movement. Time seemed to be going slower and slower as we got closer to our destination.
“What’s wrong Piper?” Britney asked as I sighed again.
“I’ve been your best friend since we were kids. I know when something’s wrong, so tell me,” she ordered.
“Fine,” I responded. “Everyone is in a relationship and I’m single.”
“Single isn’t a bad thing, Piper,” Britney said softly. “You’ll find someone when the time is right.”
“How long will that take, though?” I pouted.
“Who knows?” she calmly replied. “You’re only twenty-five, there’s still a lot of time. Just try to have some fun whilst you’re young.”
“Okay, I’ll try,” I said firmly as the taxi came to a halt outside her house.
We quickly got out and stepped onto the path. Britney peered into the window and paid the driver as I stood looking around at the swaying shadows of trees. After she'd handed the money over, the driver sped away, leaving us in the glow of the streetlight. Britney embraced me tightly as if she was never going to let me go.
“I hope you had a good night. Take care getting home,” she whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.”
“Okay, love you,” she said and turned towards her house.
I started to walk down the street. I only lived a few minutes away but Britney always worried about me, probably because I was extremely petite. My heels clapped against the smooth tarmac path. The moonlight lit the areas not covered by the street lights. I looked at my phone as I reached my house. I ran my other hand down the garden wall until I felt the cold metal bars of the gate.
I hurried up the garden path to my front door. I shuffled a hand around inside my bag, looking for the keys. They took a few moments to find but finally, I managed it and quickly shoved a key into the lock. As the door opened, I stumbled into the house, a drunken wreck, and quickly slammed the door shut. I looked around in the darkness for a few moments before locking the door. I started to slowly climb the stairs on my hands and knees. My head was pounding when I reached the top and crawled towards my bedroom.
The streetlights beamed in through the window blinds, illuminating most of my room with an orange glow. The room began to spin as I climbed onto my bed. Within seconds, my head was buried in my pillow and everything became black as I passed out.
The next morning, I slowly opened my eyes. I grasped my pillow tightly as I raised my head. I looked around the sunlight filled room aimlessly. With the amount of beer I'd drunk, I was surprised I had made it home in one piece. I pushed myself up onto all fours and crawled to the foot of my bed where my laptop was whirring. I reached down and pulled it onto the bed, eagerly anticipating the photos that had inevitably hit my profile page.
As I clicked onto my social media page, I instantly saw the comments about how down I'd looked the night before. I then noticed the couples in the background again, and just as I went to click away, I noticed an eye-catching image in the sidebar. My eyes were drawn to the bold, red letters which read, ‘Looking for love?’
I couldn’t help but feel compelled to give it a shot. I moved the cursor to the advertisement and clicked on it without any hesitation. I skimmed through the terms of service on the website and clicked on the accept button. Taking a deep breath, I started to complete sign-upn up form.
I am a woman looking for a man.
Date of Birth: 27/06/1991 (age: 25)
Hair colour: Bottle blonde
Eye colour: Hazel
Height: 5 feet 2 inches
Weight: 103 pounds
Measurements: 32A – 24 – 31
Body type: Petite
Interests: Volleyball, Football, Cheerleading, Shopping, Dancing, Watching movies.
Desired Username: MilkthePiper69
I smiled as I entered my username; hopefully, the men thought it was as funny as I did. As I finished writing my profile, a notification popped up. I was in shock as I hadn’t even put up a profile picture and already people wanted to talk to me. I clicked on the message which brought up a new window. With a name like ‘BigManDeuce’ I wasn’t really expecting much from him but, when I looked at his enlarged profile picture, he was everything I was looking for.
His teeth were bright and looked like pearls. His cheek dimples stood out against his clean shaven skin. I fell instantly for his baby blue eyes which were more striking due to his dirty blond hair. I noticed that he was in a suit and he definitely looked like some kind of business man, which lead me to believe that he must have clicked on my profile by mistake. I was just some small town girl who worked as a waitress in the local coffee shop.
I finally looked at his message and gasped, the message was definitely for me.
“Hey there MilkthePiper, how are you today?” he asked.
“I’m pretty good, just nursing my hangover, how about you?” I responded, a smile on my face.
“Haha, rough night eh? I’m doing fine, just sat at the office when you popped up.” He followed up with, “I love the way you sound, you sound really cute.”
“Why thank you. You look really great in your profile picture.”
“May I ask you for a profile picture too, Miss Milk?”
My heart was pounding; it felt as if it was going really well with him. I felt so many emotions at once and it was only after a few minutes of conversing with him. I quickly flicked through the images on my computer, looking for one where I looked at my best. Whilst I was looking, I couldn’t help but have a gander at his profile. Deuce wasn’t joking about the big in his name, he was six foot five. My jaw dropped as I thought about how towering he’d be next to me.
“Are you still there?”
“Yes, just finding a picture where I don’t look a mess.” I posted a picture.
“Oh my, you’re adorable,” he said, “I have to meet you.”
“Really?” My eyes widened. “Already?”
“Yes. Am I being too forward by asking you out on a date?”
“Can we learn a few things about each other before I agree?”
“Sure, whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you cutie.”
“Why did you call yourself BigManDeuce?”
“My name is Deuce, I’m quite tall and well um… I’m big elsewhere too.”
“Big headed?” I asked, jokingly.
“You could say that I guess. How did you come up with the name MilkthePiper69?”
“Well my name is Piper and I thought the extra bit would make for a funny joke.” I chuckled to myself.
“It was quite amusing Piper, it’s good to see a woman with a sense of humour.” Then he wrote, “The question is, though, do you like both of those things in your username?”
“Of course.” I chuckled to myself again. “What do you do for work?”
“I work in computer engineering. “And yourself?”
“I work as a waitress but I’m hoping to move on,” I replied, hesitantly.
“It’s good to have aspirations, everyone starts somewhere,” he responded after a brief pause. “How about that date then?”
“Name a time and place.”
“I’ll pick you up tomorrow night around 7, from your house because that’s usually how things work.”
“You don’t know where I live, though?”
“That’s the point. You’re supposed to tell me your address. Don’t worry, I’m in the same city, otherwise you wouldn’t have shown up on my screen.”
“I live at 298 Maplewell Drive. “I expect you here at seven on the dot.”
“Don’t worry, I always come on time!”
“I bet you do.” I giggled to myself. “See you tomorrow Deuce.”
I couldn’t believe it. After all of the heartache, I had just agreed to a date. It felt so surreal and my emotions were mixed between anxious and excited. I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling, imagining what Deuce would be like in person. A huge smile began to creep onto my face whilst I thought about him. I was already falling for him and I hadn’t even met the guy yet.
The day seemed to go by like a speeding bullet, and with every hour I became more and more excited. I still felt nervous about meeting him so soon but I was really looking forward to seeing him in the flesh. By the time I climbed into bed, I could barely contain my happiness. I placed both hands behind my head and looked at the ceiling, thinking about what he was doing, whether he was feeling the same way as I did. I closed my eyes and dreamt about our first encounter repeatedly.
When my alarm rang the next morning, I groggily reached an arm over to stop the constant beeping. I groaned as I looked around my room before remembering that today was the day. A jolt of energy seemed to burst into me and, immediately, I threw myself out of bed and onto my feet. I had a lot to do in such little time.
I strolled across the landing to the bathroom, muttering my routine to myself as I did. I shut the door behind me and began to strip. Goosebumps formed on my arms and legs, and my nipples started to harden as a cold breeze blew in through the window. I shivered slightly whilst I turned the lever for the shower. The water sprayed against the tiled wall and the bottom of the bath. Within moments, steam started to shroud the room and I brushed my teeth more thoroughly than usual. I wanted to look my best for Deuce; I knew first impressions meant a lot.
When I had finished, I stepped into the shower. The hot water cascaded onto my legs, turning them a pinkish red as I acclimatised to the heat. The steam wrapped around me like a blanket, keeping me warm before I finally deluged into the centre of the water cylinder. My hair began to cling to my skin as the water ran down my body. My hands traced along the edge of my curves before moving back up to my chest. I let out a loud gasp as I tilted my head back and allowed the water to fall onto my breasts.
Grabbing the shower gel, I squeezed a small amount into my hand and began rubbing it into my soft skin. My nipples hardened as I patted around my torso and down towards my legs. The bubbles were being washed away slowly, leaving an apple fragrance lingering on my skin.
Before long, I was out of the shower and getting ready for the rest of my schedule. With everything that I had to do, I estimated that I’d be home around an hour before Deuce was due to pick me up, which gave me more than enough time to get ready. I had to get my hair done, buy a new dress and heels which alone would take up most of the afternoon.
Time started to go quicker and quicker whilst I was out. At one point I felt I was going to end up being late home. Choosing the dress and heels was tough but, eventually, I made my decision to go with something sexy but respectable. I didn’t want to look like a total slut but then again I didn’t want to look prudish. I wanted something that would make Deuce think ‘wow’.
I got home around six, which was right on point with my prediction, and immediately went to my room to get ready. I pulled my new dress from the bag and admired it for a second. The pale blue material was gorgeous and suited me just right. I had never worn a strapless dress on a date before but tonight I was dressing to impress and strapless with a leg slit gave the right balance for me. Next were my heels which matched the colour of my dress perfectly. My vision of perfection was coming to life in the mirror in front of me. I had a lot of confidence in myself; all that was left was my makeup. I opted for a pink lipstick and a light eye shadow rather than my usual dollish look.
One final time, I admired myself in the mirror. I was ready, not just for Deuce but for a relationship. As I looked up at the clock, I heard a loud knock at the door. My heart was racing with excitement and, without a care in the world, I glided downstairs to the front door.
“Miss MilkthePiper?” a deep voice greeted me.
“Mr BigManDeuce,” I replied with a giggle.
Deuce looked up and down my small frame with a twinkle in his eye. I could see that he was trying to muster up something, but was gobsmacked by the transition from my profile picture to what was in front of him.
“You look absolutely amazing,” he complimented.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” I giggled.
“So are you ready to go ma’am?” he asked, offering his arm.
“I sure am.” I locked the door behind me and hooked on to him. “So which is your car?”
“That one,” he said confidently, nodding his head at a shiny sports car.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. It was absolutely astounding. I was used to just the everyday car on the street, this was a car that made everyone turn their heads and envy the person driving it. Deuce opened the passenger door and helped me into the car.
“Watch your hands,” he warned as he slammed the door shut.
My hands wandered along the interior; this had to be some kind of dream. Deuce took his seat next to me and watched for a few seconds as I admired the upholstery.
“You like it?”
“It’s extraordinary,” I replied.
“If you like the car, you’ll love where we’re going,” he laughed.
“Where are we going?”
“Well, you may know that a famous chef has a restaurant not too far from here,” he said, smiling.
“No,” I replied in utter disbelief, “we aren’t, are we?”
“Taking you to the high life Piper,” he said gently as he started up the engine.
I felt like one of those girls in the movies. If this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up. Deuce was definitely the right man for me and that wasn’t just because he was wealthy, it was because he knew how to treat a lady. He showed nothing but the utmost respect for me, unlike some of my previous dates. It probably helped that I had a thing for deep voices too, as well as him being one of the most handsome men I’d ever laid eyes on.
The thirty-minute drive flew by whilst I marveled in the luxurious sports car. As we pulled up to the front door of the restaurant, a valet ran down to the vehicle and helped me to my feet. I felt like royalty as I stood there, taking in the sight of one of the most talked about restaurants in the country.
“The architecture is grand isn’t it?” Deuce whispered in my ear as he took my hand.
“It’s amazing,” I replied.
“Wait till you taste the food.”
We walked slowly up the steps. I looked around in amazement as we moved into the building. The exquisite smells from the kitchen filled the air. As we approached a small stand at the front door, a waiter in a white jacket greeted us.
“Good evening,” he said.
“Reservation for Harris,” Deuce replied.
“Of course, right this way,” the waiter answered and he set off, walking into the restaurant.
Deuce and I followed him, weaving a path between tables. I felt quite out of place here; everyone looked as if they were rich beyond dreams and here I was, a girl from a rough part of town, veiled by a beautiful, light blue gown.
The waiter placed the menus on the table as I admired the view from the window. Our table had the most astonishing view of the valley and as I looked down on the nearby town, Deuce cleared his throat.
“Would you like to sit down, Miss Piper?” he asked, offering me my seat.
I remained speechless as I took my place in the chair. Quickly, he pushed me as close as possible to the table before sitting opposite me, still smiling. The dimples in his cheeks and his sparkling white pearls had me mesmerised.
“I hope you like the view,” he said. “I’ve always been a sucker for window seats.”
“You’re not the only one,” I replied with a shy laugh.
The waiter returned with a bottle of champagne. I watched as my glass was filled. I'd never had champagne. I had a cheap imitation sparkling wine at a friend’s wedding once but that was about it.

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This, however, was the real stuff and I couldn’t help but feel like I was using Deuce for his luxurious lifestyle.
“Are you okay Piper?” Deuce asked as the waiter wandered off.
“It doesn’t feel right,” I replied. “You’re paying a lot for this and it just doesn’t seem right.”
“Piper, I wouldn’t bring you here if I couldn’t afford it,” he reassured. “I wanted to treat you to something special. I’ve brought a few girls here and they haven’t been as modest as you have. When they came up here, they acted like spoilt brats. You, on the other hand, you look gorgeous and you act like a true lady, and I’d happily bring you up here every night.”
Just as he finished his sentence, the waiter was back.
“Would you like anything from the menu or the chef’s choice?” he asked.
“I’ll have the chef’s choice please.” I hadn’t even looked at the menu.
“Chef’s choice for the lady, and what would you like, sir?”
“I’ll have the rib eye steak, medium-rare please,” Deuce responded.
“Good choices,” the waiter said with a smile before briskly walking towards the kitchen.
Deuce and I remained quiet for a few moments as we gazed upon the sunset. The sounds of cutlery tapping on china filled the air. It was such a perfect evening, made more perfect by the man I was enjoying it with. I took another sip of champagne as I held Deuce’s hand. His thumb traced over my fingers, delicately stroking as we continued to watch the sun dip beneath the horizon. We looked at each other deeply. It felt as if we were frozen in that very moment for a lifetime.
The night was well and truly upon us when our food arrived. The waiter put a plate in front of me that was filled with vibrant colours and amazing aromas before placing a big, juicy steak in front of Deuce. It smelled absolutely delicious and I couldn’t wait to tuck in.
“Enjoy,” the waiter said as he left us once more.
“Well, first things first,” Deuce said and raised his glass of champagne. “Cheers.”
I smiled slightly as I clinked my glass to his. “Cheers.”
We each took a sip before feasting our eyes on our meals. Whilst Deuce began to cut into his steak, I was left wondering where to begin. The vegetables were bright and colourful whilst the meat was covered with a thick, purplish-red sauce. It looked absolutely fantastic and the first bite sent shivers down my spine. I had never tasted anything like it before; the contrast of flavours was divine. Deuce was enjoying his steak equally as we conversed between chewing.
Every bite was a delight to the senses. The only problem was, when my plate was cleared, I wanted more! I dropped my cutlery on the empty plate as the waiter showed up again and took the plates away. The town in the valley had started to look pretty, lit up with streetlights. The twinkles were very therapeutic as we admired the view again.
“Anything else?” the waiter interrupted.
“I don’t think I could eat anything else,” Deuce laughed. “What about you Piper?”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“We’ll just take the bill,” Deuce said as I took one last look down at the valley.
I didn’t see how much it cost altogether but I was in shock as Deuce gave the waiter a wad of money including his tip. As the waiter walked away with a satisfied smile on his face, Deuce and I set off towards the door.
“How much was it?” I asked as we navigated between the tables.
“Never you mind,” Deuce laughed. “I know you don’t feel right but really, it’s okay, dear.”
I looked at him as he chuckled. The car’s engine roared as the valet pulled up to the steps. He gave another insane tip to the valet as we both sat down in his car. I stared at him even more on the way home.
“Piper, I’m not trying to impress you,” he said sternly. “I know that’s what you were thinking when I splashed out the money. This is just my lifestyle; I drive exotic cars, pay for incredible meals and give generous tips. It’s not me showing off.”
“I’m just not used to it all,” I replied, “The guys I’ve dated have always been the kind who take me to the nearest burger joint, not a world class restaurant.”
“I understand that,” he answered. “But babe, I want to give you everything you want. You’re elegant, you’re smart, you’re funny and you’re beautiful.”
I admired the skyline against the dark night’s sky. The stars shone brightly like tiny candles in the sky before disappearing behind a blanket of artificial light provided by the streetlights. I sighed as I looked out of the window at the people wandering the streets aimlessly from one club to the next. That was me a few nights ago but now I had been sipping bubbly and I was riding in an expensive sports car.
It didn’t take long to arrive back at my house. As we got out of the car, the cool air brushed my cheeks and crickets broke the silence as we walked up the garden path to my front door.
“I’ve enjoyed tonight Deuce,” I said. “I really have. Thank you for dinner.”
“I have something to tell you,” he said as he stroked my hand.
I stared at him with a bewildered look on my face as we stood at my front door. He was the man of my dreams and I couldn’t believe he was going to do this, here and now, after such a perfect evening. His hands grasped my wrists as he took a moment to compose himself. My heart sunk into my gut as I imagined every possible outcome to this moment. He took a deep breath before stroking my cheek with an outstretched finger.
“What is it?” I asked.
“May I come in for a cup of coffee?”
“Sure,” I responded, relieved.
I opened the door wide, allowing him to follow me into the hall. I switched on the lights in the living room and walked into the kitchen. I quickly flicked the kettle on and banged two mugs down on the kitchen worktop. I could hear Deuce muttering to himself in the living room as I prepared instant coffee. It was as if he was having a conversation with himself, or practicing a speech he was going to give me. The kettle began to tremble with the boiling water inside and steam escaped through the funnel. When it clicked off, I poured milk into both mugs along with the water.
Quickly, I placed both mugs on a tray and took them into the living room. Deuce was seated in the middle of the sofa, admiring the numerous photographs I had of myself and family scattered around. I placed one mug in front of him before sitting next to him on the sofa. He looked into my eyes deeply as I put the coffee to my lips.
“You are extremely pretty,” he said as he lifted his mug off the table.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad on the eyes yourself,” I replied with a shy giggle.
He placed his arm around me and cuddled me close. As we put our mugs down on the table, I tilted my head and we shared our first kiss. His hands cupped my cheeks and his tongue pressed into my mouth. I tasted his saliva for the first time and our lips slapped together. He pushed me back onto the sofa and ran one of his hands up my thigh and underneath my dress. I tried my hardest to resist but I couldn’t.
I allowed his hand to explore my bare thighs as his tongue overpowered mine. Deuce was in complete control, his big, muscular body covering my puny, petite body. Our breaths were deep and laboured as we kissed passionately for several minutes. The sofa creaked under the amount of movement and a soft moan left my lips as Deuce kissed my collarbone and a hand moved up to my tiny ass.
He grabbed and squeezed my ass cheek whilst he passionately kissed my collarbone. I was extremely turned on as I cradled his head. Soft moans left my mouth before, finally, he ended his advances on me. He gazed down at me deeply as he pulled thin blue rope from his trouser pocket.
“Don’t be alarmed Piper,” he said calmly. “I thought you should know about my turn on before we continue. Some men like lingerie, others like a dominatrix. On the other hand, I like to be in control of the woman and I especially enjoy restraining them. I’ll understand if this isn’t for you, but I do hope you'll give it a try.”
“What?” I asked, shocked.
“Please Piper,” he said, “just give it a try, let me tie your hands together. If you don’t like it, just say the word.”
“Are you crazy?”
“Please, I will make all your desires become a reality,” he said in a calming tone. “Just give me your hands and I will show you.”
Reluctantly, I offered him my hands. He started to tie my hands together with the blue rope, making me feel slightly uncomfortable as he did. When he'd finished, he started kissing and grasping me tightly once more. I was unsure but, as he kissed me more and more, I began to get used to having my hands restrained.
Deuce broke the kiss and took control of me by grabbing the end of the rope. He led me to the staircase before giving me a gentle peck on the forehead. He started to ascend the stairs and, as we moved one step at a time, I couldn’t help but feel like a trophy.
“Which room is yours?” he asked at the top of the stairs.
“First door on the left,” I replied and followed him, not that I had any choice.
Thankfully, the curtains were already closed when he switched on the light. I didn’t want any possibility of people seeing me tied up.
“Turn around,” Deuce commanded.
“Okay master,” I giggled as I faced the landing.
“It’s not a game Piper,” he whispered in my ear. “Can you please take this seriously or I will take you over my knee.”
I could feel Deuce’s breath on the back of my neck. One of his hands was on my bare shoulder whilst the other grabbed the zip of my strapless dress. Sucking on my earlobe, he began unzipping me. The dress fell to my feet in a heap. I stood there exposed.
“Step out of your dress Piper.”
I did as I was told and stepped forward. I could sense that he was happy with me as I looked at the bright light of the landing. He placed his hands on my shoulders and swivelled me around to face him. His eyes wandered up and down my figure and instantly he removed both pieces of my underwear. I tried to cover up but, with my hands tied together, I had to choose between my pulsating pussy or my hardening nipples.
“Don’t be shy, Piper,” he said. “I won’t hurt you. I’m simply going to keep you restrained.”
“Okay Deuce,” I replied, taking a deep breath.
I allowed him to see my fully nude body for the first time. He licked his lips at my glistening, puffed up pussy lips. His piercing eyes then moved onto my nipples which were fully erect. He placed his hands on my body and slowly began to stroke up and down from my pussy to my neck. A quiet hum came from my lips as he teased me. As his fingers came back up my body, he grabbed the rope and walked me to the edge of the bed.
He started to tie me to the headboard, making sure I was completely helpless from his sexual onslaught. I stood at the frame, watching for a few moments as he pulled his cock from his trousers. I couldn’t believe what I saw when it sprung up to attention in front of my eyes. It must have been about nine inches long and several inches thick. It was definitely the biggest penis I'd ever seen. Whilst I was in utter disbelief, Deuce ushered me onto my bed.
“Lay on your back and keep still,” he commanded.
“Okay,” I replied and turned my head towards him.
Deuce started to slowly bring his cock to my mouth. As his helmet pushed against my lips, I opened my mouth and allowed him to slide his cock as far as it would go. I tasted the salty pre-cum as I sucked him a few times before he started to move his hips back and forth.
He started to slowly fuck my mouth as I laid there as still as I possibly could. I loved hearing him groan whilst his shaft slid easily between my lips. My tongue quickly lashed at his head as it entered my mouth repeatedly. Deuce took deep breaths between thrusts as if he was trying to pace himself. My cheek bulged with his enormous girth and, as I looked up at him, he stroked it with his finger. With one final thrust, he drove his cock into my throat, making me gag slightly before moving his cock back into the cool air of the room.
With saliva dripping onto my bed, his cock twitched with anticipation. He started to move around my cluttered bedroom, looking at me from every possible angle. As I looked at him, feeling totally exposed, he turned to my wardrobe and opened it. He examined a box at the very bottom of my wardrobe before pulling it out. It was the box for my vibrator and, as I watched him open it, my cheeks turned crimson.
“Kinky little girl, aren’t you Piper?” Deuce laughed as he turned the switch.
The head of the vibrator began to move in a circular motion as he held it up. He opened my legs slightly and started to brush the tip up and down my slit. Each time it rubbed against my clit, I yelped with pleasure. He continued to rub it up and down my cunt, teasing me extremely well. My pussy was oozing with juices whilst he continued to tease. My thighs were practically covered in my natural lubricant.
As I lay there moaning from all the teasing, he pushed the vibrator inside me and began to fuck me with it. I pulled on my restraints and lifted my body up as I felt the vibrator penetrate me deeper. He started to slowly move the vibrator in and out of my pussy, simulating a good fucking. My breathing began to get deeper and my chest violently jerked as I started to cum. I arched my back as much as possible whilst my body was overcome with bliss. Deuce continued to insert the vibrator as deep as he could, trying to make my orgasm more intense. My body shuddered as my climax faded.
The vibrator whirred in the sloppy, wet aftermath of my orgasm. I was definitely well prepared for Deuce’s monster cock but he was making sure of it as he continued to thrust the toy in and out of my cunt. All I could hear was the soft buzzing of the vibrations followed by a chuckle escaping Deuce’s lips. He loved the amount of pleasure he was putting me through more than I was myself. It certainly felt different to have everything being done for me whilst I just laid there and took everything he threw at me. With one last thrust, he pulled the toy from my body and threw it to the ground.
“Now, are you sure you’re ready for the real thing?” he asked teasingly.
I simply nodded at him as he stroked his massive cock in his hand. With a glint in his eye, he pulled me from the bed and turned me around. Placing one of my legs back on the bed, he positioned himself behind me and started to smear my juices on his helmet. My lips parted as he slowly speared his cock into my cunt. Inch by inch he went until finally, his tip reached my cervix.
I gasped for air as I felt stretched by his incredible girth. He was pounding me as hard as he could and my hands grabbed the rope to stay upright. His balls made a slapping sound against my body as they smashed into it repeatedly.
My moans echoed around the house. I had never been fucked this well before and I could definitely get used to it. I grasped the rope tightly and, as he thrust, I started to push my hips backwards in rhythm with him. I could feel my body begin to get warmer and a sensation build deep within me. As my orgasm came closer, my legs turned to jelly and I collapsed onto the bed with Deuce continuing to impale me on his cock.
I laid on my belly, being bred by his primal instincts for a few moments. He then paused for a moment whilst I pulled myself up onto my knees using the headboard. As he resumed his thrusting, I began to reach my orgasm.
Warm juices started to flood my hole and cover his cock to his delight. He paused his thrusting whilst I whimpered and trembled underneath him. I gasped as my pussy squeezed against his cock with each wave of my climax. I bowed my head slightly as the ecstasy came to an end.
“Are you alright?” Deuce asked.
“I’m fine; I just haven’t been fucked like this before,” I gasped.
“Well I hope you’re ready for more,” he laughed and he began to slowly pump his cock inside me again.
He ran a hand up my spine to the back of my neck as his hips moved faster. Without warning, he started to pull my long blonde hair. I was beginning to enjoy it all. The feeling of a big strong man, having his way with me seemed to feel right. I loved the thought of being his little fuck toy, powerless to resist his movements. He pulled my head back even more so that I was almost facing the ceiling as his cock continued to impale my tight pussy hole.
Deuce released my hair for a split second, allowing me to look over my shoulder. I was mesmerised by him as he took off his shirt. His chiselled torso looked absolutely phenomenal, especially when the lower half collided with my ass. I turned my head back towards the wall and allowed him to regain his grip on my hair as he started to fuck me hard again. My moans of approval sent him into overdrive as he began to get rougher with me. My body was his, he had definitely conquered it, and I wanted him to have it as much as possible.
“You want to do some work?” he whispered in my ear between breaths.
“Oh fuck yes,” I moaned as I closed my eyes.
“Good girl,” he replied. “You’re my good little slut.”
I had always hated that word, but it seemed to turn me on being called it whilst having sex. After a few more thrusts into my hot, moist slit, he pulled out. I watched as he released my hair then lay on his back next to me. He lightly tapped his thigh, urging me to climb on top of him. As I reached one leg over his hips, he grabbed my body and pulled me into position. I felt his cockhead rub against my pussy as I arched my back towards him. He placed his hands on my ass and forced me down onto his shaft.
I hummed yet again as I felt my pussy stretch around his girth. I bucked my hips up and down his cock with the assistance of his hands. I looked over my shoulder, trying to get a glance of his thick dick entering me but to no avail. All I could do was feel it, enjoy it and grasp at my restraints to keep my balance on his pole. As I turned my head back to Deuce, I could see the glee on his face as my tight pussy continued to squeeze him.
Once again, I felt his hand start to move up to the back of my neck. I prepared myself for the hair pulling that was going to happen. As I closed my eyes, I felt his hand force my head down towards him. He started to kiss me deeply whilst my hips carried on swaying and jerking on his cock. Our lips smacking matched the timing of his balls slapping against my sweaty skin.
“Milk me, Piper,” he laughed as we broke our kiss.
I didn’t say anything back to him. Instead, I was going to give him what he wanted. I rose as high as possible, keeping my back as straight as possible as I looked over my shoulder again. I held tightly onto the rope and started to push myself up and down his cock faster than before. Deuce held my hips as I worked him. We groaned and moaned together as I took control for the first time. His hands moved up to my small tits and started to squeeze them softly as I tried to milk his cock.
I drove my hips down repeatedly, feeling his balls begin to tighten. With one final downward thrust, Deuce pulled me towards him and ejected his cock from my hole. He directed his hot, sticky cum onto my back. Each string forced him to groan and I couldn’t help but love the feeling of the small beads of semen running down to my ass.
After his orgasm came to an end, Deuce knelt next to me. He reached for the rope, teasing to untie it before offering me his semi erect cock to clean.
“Are you okay Piper?” Deuce asked as the waiter wandered off.
“It doesn’t feel right,” I replied. “You’re paying a lot for this and it just doesn’t seem right.”
“Piper, I wouldn’t bring you here if I couldn’t afford it,” he reassured. “I wanted to treat you to something special. I’ve brought a few girls here and they haven’t been as modest as you have. When they came up here, they acted like spoilt brats. You, on the other hand, you look gorgeous and you act like a true lady, and I’d happily bring you up here every night.”
Just as he finished his sentence, the waiter was back.
“Would you like anything from the menu or the chef’s choice?” he asked.
“I’ll have the chef’s choice please.” I hadn’t even looked at the menu.
“Chef’s choice for the lady, and what would you like, sir?”
“I’ll have the rib eye steak, medium-rare please,” Deuce responded.
“Good choices,” the waiter said with a smile before briskly walking towards the kitchen.
Deuce and I remained quiet for a few moments as we gazed upon the sunset. The sounds of cutlery tapping on china filled the air. It was such a perfect evening, made more perfect by the man I was enjoying it with. I took another sip of champagne as I held Deuce’s hand. His thumb traced over my fingers, delicately stroking as we continued to watch the sun dip beneath the horizon. We looked at each other deeply. It felt as if we were frozen in that very moment for a lifetime.
The night was well and truly upon us when our food arrived. The waiter put a plate in front of me that was filled with vibrant colours and amazing aromas before placing a big, juicy steak in front of Deuce. It smelled absolutely delicious and I couldn’t wait to tuck in.
“Enjoy,” the waiter said as he left us once more.
“Well, first things first,” Deuce said and raised his glass of champagne. “Cheers.”
I smiled slightly as I clinked my glass to his. “Cheers.”
We each took a sip before feasting our eyes on our meals. Whilst Deuce began to cut into his steak, I was left wondering where to begin. The vegetables were bright and colourful whilst the meat was covered with a thick, purplish-red sauce. It looked absolutely fantastic and the first bite sent shivers down my spine. I had never tasted anything like it before; the contrast of flavours was divine. Deuce was enjoying his steak equally as we conversed between chewing.
Every bite was a delight to the senses. The only problem was, when my plate was cleared, I wanted more! I dropped my cutlery on the empty plate as the waiter showed up again and took the plates away. The town in the valley had started to look pretty, lit up with streetlights. The twinkles were very therapeutic as we admired the view again.
“Anything else?” the waiter interrupted.
“I don’t think I could eat anything else,” Deuce laughed. “What about you Piper?”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
“We’ll just take the bill,” Deuce said as I took one last look down at the valley.
I didn’t see how much it cost altogether but I was in shock as Deuce gave the waiter a wad of money including his tip. As the waiter walked away with a satisfied smile on his face, Deuce and I set off towards the door.
“How much was it?” I asked as we navigated between the tables.
“Never you mind,” Deuce laughed. “I know you don’t feel right but really, it’s okay, dear.”
I looked at him as he chuckled. The car’s engine roared as the valet pulled up to the steps. He gave another insane tip to the valet as we both sat down in his car. I stared at him even more on the way home.
“Piper, I’m not trying to impress you,” he said sternly. “I know that’s what you were thinking when I splashed out the money. This is just my lifestyle; I drive exotic cars, pay for incredible meals and give generous tips. It’s not me showing off.”
“I’m just not used to it all,” I replied, “The guys I’ve dated have always been the kind who take me to the nearest burger joint, not a world class restaurant.”
“I understand that,” he answered. “But babe, I want to give you everything you want. You’re elegant, you’re smart, you’re funny and you’re beautiful.”
I admired the skyline against the dark night’s sky. The stars shone brightly like tiny candles in the sky before disappearing behind a blanket of artificial light provided by the streetlights. I sighed as I looked out of the window at the people wandering the streets aimlessly from one club to the next. That was me a few nights ago but now I had been sipping bubbly and I was riding in an expensive sports car.
It didn’t take long to arrive back at my house. As we got out of the car, the cool air brushed my cheeks and crickets broke the silence as we walked up the garden path to my front door.
“I’ve enjoyed tonight Deuce,” I said. “I really have. Thank you for dinner.”
“I have something to tell you,” he said as he stroked my hand.
I stared at him with a bewildered look on my face as we stood at my front door. He was the man of my dreams and I couldn’t believe he was going to do this, here and now, after such a perfect evening. His hands grasped my wrists as he took a moment to compose himself. My heart sunk into my gut as I imagined every possible outcome to this moment. He took a deep breath before stroking my cheek with an outstretched finger.
“What is it?” I asked.
“May I come in for a cup of coffee?”
“Sure,” I responded, relieved.
I opened the door wide, allowing him to follow me into the hall. I switched on the lights in the living room and walked into the kitchen. I quickly flicked the kettle on and banged two mugs down on the kitchen worktop. I could hear Deuce muttering to himself in the living room as I prepared instant coffee. It was as if he was having a conversation with himself, or practicing a speech he was going to give me. The kettle began to tremble with the boiling water inside and steam escaped through the funnel. When it clicked off, I poured milk into both mugs along with the water.
Quickly, I placed both mugs on a tray and took them into the living room. Deuce was seated in the middle of the sofa, admiring the numerous photographs I had of myself and family scattered around. I placed one mug in front of him before sitting next to him on the sofa. He looked into my eyes deeply as I put the coffee to my lips.
“You are extremely pretty,” he said as he lifted his mug off the table.
“Thank you, you’re not too bad on the eyes yourself,” I replied with a shy giggle.
He placed his arm around me and cuddled me close. As we put our mugs down on the table, I tilted my head and we shared our first kiss. His hands cupped my cheeks and his tongue pressed into my mouth. I tasted his saliva for the first time and our lips slapped together. He pushed me back onto the sofa and ran one of his hands up my thigh and underneath my dress. I tried my hardest to resist but I couldn’t.
I allowed his hand to explore my bare thighs as his tongue overpowered mine. Deuce was in complete control, his big, muscular body covering my puny, petite body. Our breaths were deep and laboured as we kissed passionately for several minutes. The sofa creaked under the amount of movement and a soft moan left my lips as Deuce kissed my collarbone and a hand moved up to my tiny ass.
He grabbed and squeezed my ass cheek whilst he passionately kissed my collarbone. I was extremely turned on as I cradled his head. Soft moans left my mouth before, finally, he ended his advances on me. He gazed down at me deeply as he pulled thin blue rope from his trouser pocket.
“Don’t be alarmed Piper,” he said calmly. “I thought you should know about my turn on before we continue. Some men like lingerie, others like a dominatrix. On the other hand, I like to be in control of the woman and I especially enjoy restraining them. I’ll understand if this isn’t for you, but I do hope you'll give it a try.”
“What?” I asked, shocked.
“Please Piper,” he said, “just give it a try, let me tie your hands together. If you don’t like it, just say the word.”
“Are you crazy?”
“Please, I will make all your desires become a reality,” he said in a calming tone. “Just give me your hands and I will show you.”
Reluctantly, I offered him my hands. He started to tie my hands together with the blue rope, making me feel slightly uncomfortable as he did. When he'd finished, he started kissing and grasping me tightly once more. I was unsure but, as he kissed me more and more, I began to get used to having my hands restrained.
Deuce broke the kiss and took control of me by grabbing the end of the rope. He led me to the staircase before giving me a gentle peck on the forehead. He started to ascend the stairs and, as we moved one step at a time, I couldn’t help but feel like a trophy.
“Which room is yours?” he asked at the top of the stairs.
“First door on the left,” I replied and followed him, not that I had any choice.
Thankfully, the curtains were already closed when he switched on the light. I didn’t want any possibility of people seeing me tied up.
“Turn around,” Deuce commanded.
“Okay master,” I giggled as I faced the landing.
“It’s not a game Piper,” he whispered in my ear. “Can you please take this seriously or I will take you over my knee.”
I could feel Deuce’s breath on the back of my neck. One of his hands was on my bare shoulder whilst the other grabbed the zip of my strapless dress. Sucking on my earlobe, he began unzipping me. The dress fell to my feet in a heap. I stood there exposed.
“Step out of your dress Piper.”
I did as I was told and stepped forward. I could sense that he was happy with me as I looked at the bright light of the landing. He placed his hands on my shoulders and swivelled me around to face him. His eyes wandered up and down my figure and instantly he removed both pieces of my underwear. I tried to cover up but, with my hands tied together, I had to choose between my pulsating pussy or my hardening nipples.
“Don’t be shy, Piper,” he said. “I won’t hurt you. I’m simply going to keep you restrained.”
“Okay Deuce,” I replied, taking a deep breath.
I allowed him to see my fully nude body for the first time. He licked his lips at my glistening, puffed up pussy lips. His piercing eyes then moved onto my nipples which were fully erect. He placed his hands on my body and slowly began to stroke up and down from my pussy to my neck. A quiet hum came from my lips as he teased me. As his fingers came back up my body, he grabbed the rope and walked me to the edge of the bed.
He started to tie me to the headboard, making sure I was completely helpless from his sexual onslaught. I stood at the frame, watching for a few moments as he pulled his cock from his trousers. I couldn’t believe what I saw when it sprung up to attention in front of my eyes. It must have been about nine inches long and several inches thick. It was definitely the biggest penis I'd ever seen. Whilst I was in utter disbelief, Deuce ushered me onto my bed.
“Lay on your back and keep still,” he commanded.
“Okay,” I replied and turned my head towards him.
Deuce started to slowly bring his cock to my mouth. As his helmet pushed against my lips, I opened my mouth and allowed him to slide his cock as far as it would go. I tasted the salty pre-cum as I sucked him a few times before he started to move his hips back and forth.
He started to slowly fuck my mouth as I laid there as still as I possibly could. I loved hearing him groan whilst his shaft slid easily between my lips. My tongue quickly lashed at his head as it entered my mouth repeatedly. Deuce took deep breaths between thrusts as if he was trying to pace himself. My cheek bulged with his enormous girth and, as I looked up at him, he stroked it with his finger. With one final thrust, he drove his cock into my throat, making me gag slightly before moving his cock back into the cool air of the room.
With saliva dripping onto my bed, his cock twitched with anticipation. He started to move around my cluttered bedroom, looking at me from every possible angle. As I looked at him, feeling totally exposed, he turned to my wardrobe and opened it. He examined a box at the very bottom of my wardrobe before pulling it out. It was the box for my vibrator and, as I watched him open it, my cheeks turned crimson.
“Kinky little girl, aren’t you Piper?” Deuce laughed as he turned the switch.
The head of the vibrator began to move in a circular motion as he held it up. He opened my legs slightly and started to brush the tip up and down my slit. Each time it rubbed against my clit, I yelped with pleasure. He continued to rub it up and down my cunt, teasing me extremely well. My pussy was oozing with juices whilst he continued to tease. My thighs were practically covered in my natural lubricant.
As I lay there moaning from all the teasing, he pushed the vibrator inside me and began to fuck me with it. I pulled on my restraints and lifted my body up as I felt the vibrator penetrate me deeper. He started to slowly move the vibrator in and out of my pussy, simulating a good fucking. My breathing began to get deeper and my chest violently jerked as I started to cum. I arched my back as much as possible whilst my body was overcome with bliss. Deuce continued to insert the vibrator as deep as he could, trying to make my orgasm more intense. My body shuddered as my climax faded.
The vibrator whirred in the sloppy, wet aftermath of my orgasm. I was definitely well prepared for Deuce’s monster cock but he was making sure of it as he continued to thrust the toy in and out of my cunt. All I could hear was the soft buzzing of the vibrations followed by a chuckle escaping Deuce’s lips. He loved the amount of pleasure he was putting me through more than I was myself. It certainly felt different to have everything being done for me whilst I just laid there and took everything he threw at me. With one last thrust, he pulled the toy from my body and threw it to the ground.
“Now, are you sure you’re ready for the real thing?” he asked teasingly.
I simply nodded at him as he stroked his massive cock in his hand. With a glint in his eye, he pulled me from the bed and turned me around. Placing one of my legs back on the bed, he positioned himself behind me and started to smear my juices on his helmet. My lips parted as he slowly speared his cock into my cunt. Inch by inch he went until finally, his tip reached my cervix.
I gasped for air as I felt stretched by his incredible girth. He was pounding me as hard as he could and my hands grabbed the rope to stay upright. His balls made a slapping sound against my body as they smashed into it repeatedly.
My moans echoed around the house. I had never been fucked this well before and I could definitely get used to it. I grasped the rope tightly and, as he thrust, I started to push my hips backwards in rhythm with him. I could feel my body begin to get warmer and a sensation build deep within me. As my orgasm came closer, my legs turned to jelly and I collapsed onto the bed with Deuce continuing to impale me on his cock.
I laid on my belly, being bred by his primal instincts for a few moments. He then paused for a moment whilst I pulled myself up onto my knees using the headboard. As he resumed his thrusting, I began to reach my orgasm.
Warm juices started to flood my hole and cover his cock to his delight. He paused his thrusting whilst I whimpered and trembled underneath him. I gasped as my pussy squeezed against his cock with each wave of my climax. I bowed my head slightly as the ecstasy came to an end.
“Are you alright?” Deuce asked.
“I’m fine; I just haven’t been fucked like this before,” I gasped.
“Well I hope you’re ready for more,” he laughed and he began to slowly pump his cock inside me again.
He ran a hand up my spine to the back of my neck as his hips moved faster. Without warning, he started to pull my long blonde hair. I was beginning to enjoy it all. The feeling of a big strong man, having his way with me seemed to feel right. I loved the thought of being his little fuck toy, powerless to resist his movements. He pulled my head back even more so that I was almost facing the ceiling as his cock continued to impale my tight pussy hole.
Deuce released my hair for a split second, allowing me to look over my shoulder. I was mesmerised by him as he took off his shirt. His chiselled torso looked absolutely phenomenal, especially when the lower half collided with my ass. I turned my head back towards the wall and allowed him to regain his grip on my hair as he started to fuck me hard again. My moans of approval sent him into overdrive as he began to get rougher with me. My body was his, he had definitely conquered it, and I wanted him to have it as much as possible.
“You want to do some work?” he whispered in my ear between breaths.
“Oh fuck yes,” I moaned as I closed my eyes.
“Good girl,” he replied. “You’re my good little slut.”
I had always hated that word, but it seemed to turn me on being called it whilst having sex. After a few more thrusts into my hot, moist slit, he pulled out. I watched as he released my hair then lay on his back next to me. He lightly tapped his thigh, urging me to climb on top of him. As I reached one leg over his hips, he grabbed my body and pulled me into position. I felt his cockhead rub against my pussy as I arched my back towards him. He placed his hands on my ass and forced me down onto his shaft.
I hummed yet again as I felt my pussy stretch around his girth. I bucked my hips up and down his cock with the assistance of his hands. I looked over my shoulder, trying to get a glance of his thick dick entering me but to no avail. All I could do was feel it, enjoy it and grasp at my restraints to keep my balance on his pole. As I turned my head back to Deuce, I could see the glee on his face as my tight pussy continued to squeeze him.
Once again, I felt his hand start to move up to the back of my neck. I prepared myself for the hair pulling that was going to happen. As I closed my eyes, I felt his hand force my head down towards him. He started to kiss me deeply whilst my hips carried on swaying and jerking on his cock. Our lips smacking matched the timing of his balls slapping against my sweaty skin.
“Milk me, Piper,” he laughed as we broke our kiss.
I didn’t say anything back to him. Instead, I was going to give him what he wanted. I rose as high as possible, keeping my back as straight as possible as I looked over my shoulder again. I held tightly onto the rope and started to push myself up and down his cock faster than before. Deuce held my hips as I worked him. We groaned and moaned together as I took control for the first time. His hands moved up to my small tits and started to squeeze them softly as I tried to milk his cock.
I drove my hips down repeatedly, feeling his balls begin to tighten. With one final downward thrust, Deuce pulled me towards him and ejected his cock from my hole. He directed his hot, sticky cum onto my back. Each string forced him to groan and I couldn’t help but love the feeling of the small beads of semen running down to my ass.
After his orgasm came to an end, Deuce knelt next to me. He reached for the rope, teasing to untie it before offering me his semi erect cock to clean.