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Master's Perfect Pet

"A simple infraction has forced Master to give Marissa a lesson in respect"

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Marissa is awaiting her punishment. She is naked, her head is bowed, her hair is loose and falling around her shoulder and face. She is licking her glossy lips and thinking over in her mind how her mouth has once again got her in this predicament. It is that same mouth that will likely get her out of it she thinks shaking her head.

Earlier in the evening, Mark and Marissa where relaxing on the couch watching Sunday Night Football. Both had a long hard work week and so enjoyed their weekends together where they could escape the pressure, responsibility and chaos of the work week. Endless meetings, researching law, stratigising and trial preparation where the norm for them Monday through Friday.

Both worked for the same legal firm, and that is where they met. Although they worked in different departments, Intellectual Property for him and International law for her, they had caught each others eye crossing in the hall way many times. There was always a bolt of electricity that would shoot between them that was thrilling. It was a very primal and carnal energy. Only those who were open to receive and transmit this type of raw sexual energy could experience it.

When they finally met formally, it was under dire circumstances. Mark had originally transferred from one of the branch offices in LA to the corporate office some six hundred miles way in San Francisco three months ago. A slip up in a patent suit that the SF branch represented between two Silicon Valley giants was liable to bankrupt the firm. The stakes were high as there were billions in revenue loss on the line. If the firm could not reverse the ruling for the opposing council on a single specific critical issue, which happened to be the crux of the case, they would lose on all other points and arguments and the case as a whole would collapse.

Mark had incredible in-depth knowledge of patent law. His father also specialized in Intellectual Property and Technology law, and both were Penn law alumni. Marissa, on the other hand, was the more gifted orator. She was an excellent debater, oozing with confidence who could bluff with the best them. Yes, it was this sharp tongue of hers that could both win arguments and alienate at the same time.

Although not coming from a prestigious law school as Mark, she made up for it with several years experience spent in East Asia working as legal counsel for the American Ambassador at the Beijing Consulate.

Mark was asked to transfer temporarily, leaving his spouse behind, to work locally with the team and provide expertise and leadership 2 months ago. Shortly thereafter he was asked to team up with Marissa to get the patent case back on track.

It was not long after there first work session that the relationship escalated to one of a sexual nature. It was not surprising as both were very open and free sexually, while their spouses were not. Very quickly, and in the course of 3 weeks, the two became inseparable. Marissa's marriage was already rocky and she had been thinking about a trial separation. After meeting Mark, it was no longer a difficult decision and she pulled the trigger and moved out. Mark on the other hand was not as direct. Instead he used the distance from his wife as a excuse to not face his own home life issues.

When they were together at her condo, they could temporarily shut out the world and recharge and renew their energy to tackle the work grind. Here they could forget the broken and dysfunctional relationships they had in the "real" world. At this home, and on weekends, this was their safe haven of love, bliss and sexual release. Body, mind and soul was renewed each weekend in each others arms.

With the Holidays around the corner, Mark and Marissa would have to be apart to spend time with their respective families. Although they loved their families, they dreaded the time apart and having to face those significant others that no longer shared the marital bond and young love they once had.

The speed at which they had, not only become lovers, but were living together was frightening and exciting. They both felt like teenagers again and where experiencing the adrenaline rush, quickening heartbeat and shortness of breath every time they touched. It was a palpable passion, that their partners no longer could spark in them. It was lustful. It was intoxicating. It was just the two of them and it was heaven.

Marissa was in her favorite warm flannel pajama bottoms and one of Mark's casual t-shirts. She loved to wear his once worn t-shirts that smelled so richly of him. The specifically smelled of her favorite Yves Saint Laurent cologne she had bought him. Her long legs were draped over his lap and he gently massaged her bare feet as they both watched the game. Marissa sipped on her favorite White Zinfandel while occasionally glancing down at her iPad. She was reading over her prepared argument for first thing Monday morning's trial appearance. Using a stylus, she makes minor edits before putting the iPad down.

She lets out a long sign and shuts off her iPad.

"Babe, why don't you relax and look over your notes later?" Mark asks.

Marissa feels all the stress of the previous week boil up and she feels extremely annoyed at that very moment. Sternly she looks at Mark and her expression is one he has become quite familiar with, but never directed at him. It is the expression of superiority that is used on those that Marissa wants to crush and go hand and hand with her sharp tongue.

"I have to make sure that every…single...word….I say tomorrow cannot be twisted or construed by 'oc' (opposing counsel)," snaps Marissa. "Often times I do not think you understand the gravity surrounding these oral arguments. They can make or break this case!" she hisses.

Mark looks at Marissa expressionless. He made it clear from day one with her that he was a alpha and was not interested in a relationship with another alpha. He also had made it clear on several occasions that her disrespect of him would not go unnoticed nor unpunished if he deemed it so. His punishment could be of varying degrees. Sometimes something as gentle of a whisper in her ear that she had disappointed her Master or as severe as a grab your ankles bare ass whipping was the order of the day.

She never knew what degree of punishment she had "earned" and that frankly was part of the excitement.

She looked away and immediately felt her heart race. She could debate, challenge, or dominate most people in any conversation. It was who she was, but she had to learn to curb that with Mark. He did not like it and she knew it. She felt the heat of his gaze on her and her slight reddening of her cheeks as if she had just got caught cheating on a math test in high school. She always felt on the verge of a panic attack when she realized she had crossed the line. Unfortunately, by that time she was already so far over that line that she could barely make it out in the periphery.

"I am sorry babe," she stammered, hoping with little confidence that he would forgive her.

Mark slowly lifts Marissa's legs of his lap and places them back on the couch. He walk out of the room and shuts the TV off on his way out.

'Oh shit,' Marissa thinks. 'What did I just do?'

Most of the time Mark is gentle, kind and playful. Yet he will feel the need to re-assert his dominance in the relationship.

Along with the heart racing and quickened breathing, Marissa feels there is also moisture present in her nether regions. She shifts on the couch trying to ignore the growing anticipation and slight fear on what will happen next.

Stupid woman, she thinks grimly. He is not the enemy here, he is not the cause for stress in her life. He is her lover and the answer to the stress and she just shut him down.

"Fuck, I need a muzzle sometimes," she tells herself out loud.

"That can be arranged," Mark says as he re-enters the living room, naked except for boxer briefs and with something in his hand she cannot quite make out. "Take your clothes off," he says firmly.

"Can I go to the bathroom fir…" he cuts Marissa off.

"No! Naked! Now!" he orders.

Marissa swings her legs off the couch and stands up. Without dropping eye contact with Mark, she bends over and slides her flannel bottoms off. She is not wearing underwear. Next she takes his t-shirt off. She is not wearing a bra.

Marissa checks Mark's face for any recognition of her lack of undergarment, but there is none. She is expected to not wear undergarments when they are home together. She must always be ready for what Mark wants. For what her Master wants.

In just a few moments she is completely nude in front of Mark. He walks towards her and wraps a black leather dog collar around her slender neck. Embroidered in pink, Marissa's favorite color, the word "Pet" is written on the collar.

Mark continues to hold her gaze. He is using this eye contact to dominate her. His body language is undeniable. She is his. She is submissive. She is his fuck toy. Punishment is a absolute.

He draws his face close to hers and whispers, "Is that pussy that I own ready for Master?"

"Yes, sir," Marissa whispers back.

Mark reaches down and grabs the stylus on the couch, bends over and proceeds to use it to examine Marissa's private parts. He he use the point of the stylus to lift her outer labia slightly. He then traces the inner labia with the stylus and finally after what feels like one hour to Marissa, he abruptly inserts it inside her. He circles it insider her and Marissa's moans. Her right leg trembles uncontrollably. She is humiliated as she feels like a dog now for more reasons than just wearing the collar.

Mark slowly pulls the stylus out and her dew leaves a trail from her entrance to the tip. He lifts the pen until it is eye level between them. He examines the juices still trailing and dripping from it.

Without losing eye contact with Marissa, Mark slowly inserts the stylus in his open mouth. He softly closes his mouth around the pen and pulls it out slowly sucking her flavor. His eyes close as he savors her taste.

He opens his eyes. "Yes, I'd say my snatch is ready for punishment."

Mark attaches a leash to Marissa's dog collar and turns to lead her to the bedroom. He stops after a couple paces, and without turning to face her, he says, "Crawl pet."

Marissa drops to all fours and proceeds to crawl behind Mark as he pulls the leash. A slow burn is again rising in her cheeks from embarrassment. This of course is the point isn't it? To put her back in her place as his submissive. She got the roles confused again and he needs to…….re-educate her.

In the bedroom Mark orders Marissa on the bed. There is a large clean towel spread on top of the down comforter. She wonders what for?

She hops on the bed and maintains her submissive position on all fours looking up at him.

"Turn around," he orders her.

She shuffles around, feeling even more like a dog, not knowing that was even possible. At least she hasn't pissed her self yet, she laments.

He binds her hands together while she maintains the doggy position on her forearms. He moves to the foot of the bed and binds her feet. She maintains her position on all fours, but now she really would not be able to physically resist him. Not that she would. They had a bond of more than just physical but of also mind and soul. It was an intense relationship, that was made more complex by the outside influences of their significant others and high pressure jobs.

The bedroom is a cream color with red candles lit all throughout the room giving a soft rose hue to the walls. In the middle is a large four post bed frame with shear lace drapes hanging across all four openings to the bed. This was an antique white bed Marissa had purchased at an estate sale while still cutting her teeth as a law student at Tulane. It was charming and romantic and had the peeling paint of a real antique, not the faux ageing you see at places like Hardware Restoration. It had great meaning to Marissa. It cost two hundred and fifty dollars, bargained down from the original price of three hundred and seventy-five dollars. It was expensive for a law student who was so dedicated to being top of her class she chose to not work so she could study 24x7 to be the best.

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She had a drive to be the best, even if it meant ramen noodles for lunch and dinner most nights in her college years.

That bed was the one material possession she had to remind her of the romance and love that a young girl yearns for. With all she had fought for in her life, being in a male dominated profession, beating the odds, she had one weakness. That was her heart.

She was a romantic and had a big heart with a large capacity for love. To those she respected, and only to those she respected, she wanted to please. She also wanted to stand out as the best, like she did in school with all her teachers. She wanted to be the best student, with the best GPA and please her teachers and professor's. She always strived to be teacher's pet.

Back to reality, however, and Marissa is on the bed with her ass eye level to Mark and she waits for his next move. She is never sure what is in his mind when he is dominant. Will he slap her behind? Will he use a whip on her ass or pussy? What punishment is he planning for her? The anticipation is driving her crazy as all sorts of derelict possibilities enter her mind.

Just then she feels a thick warm liquid pour down her backside. Could this be candle wax or perhaps lubricant, she hopes? No, she can tell it is very sticky by how slowly it is running from her lower back to between her ass cheeks. Lubricant is much more viscous and would have travelled faster. Wax would have hardened after a few minutes of mixing with the cool air in the bedroom.

The not knowing of the origin of this delicious sensation is arousing and her nipples become erect. This does not go unnoticed, as Mark gently attaches nipple clamps to each and lets the chain between the clamps hang down. This isn't so bad she thinks.

As if reading her mind, Mark adds a small weight to the middle of the chain, forcing the clamps to tug exquisitely on her ultra sensitive nipples. This also forces her to raise her head, curve her back and push her ass out farther as she lets out a long breath.

The unidentified liquid that is now running between her cheeks, is slowly oozing over her asshole and approaching her pussy. 'Good God,' she thinks. 'This is agony. What the fuck is he planning to do?'

She stops her inner dialog when she feels his tongue. He has taken a long lap starting at her clit and continued in one stroke over her slit, her perineum and finally finishing at the top of her ass.

"FUCK," she shouts, unable to contain herself. She can feel Mark grinning behind her. Once again he is controlling every bit of pain and pleasure she is feeling. Her legs start to wobble from both the pleasure of what he has forced on her and the anticipation of when and where his tongue will come into contact next. He continues to take long licks and sucks on her clitoris while eating the unknown liquid. More liquid is added as he continues the luscious eating of all her naughty bits.

He is also pulling on the weight hanging from the nipple clamp chain to further torture her.

"Slut!" Mark shouts between bites.

"Yes, sir," Marissa answers back instantly.

"Do you think you have honored your Master today? Do you think you have treated him with respect?"

Marissa winces and tears well up in her eyes as she replays in her mind the way she spoke to Mark earlier. It was not honoring of her Master and not respectful to have spoken to him like that. Even in private she knows she shouldn't have ever talked down to the man she loves.

"I was not honorable to my Master. I was disrespectful to my Master today," she meekly says with her head bowed. She cannot see, but Mark's boxer briefs are growing with every obedient word she speaks.

"I am sorry baby," she say as tears drop from her eyes down onto the towel laid beneath her. Was this what the towel was meant to catch?

Just then he grabs a fistful of Marissa's lovely blond hair and pulls her head back. Lightening quick he has moved from the foot of the bed to the side and is nose to nose with Marissa. He looks down at her and she up at him. She still has tears softly rolling down her cheeks. There is no doubt that she is remorseful for what she has done. But it is her Master who ultimately decides when she will be forgiven.

"A good slut does not forget the proper way to address her Master, does she?"

"No Master! A good slut does not. I am sorry Master. Please show this slut what it takes to earn her Master's respect."

Mark wipes her tears away and places his mouth on hers. A very long and passionate kiss follows. Soft caress of their tongues together cements further their master/slave bond. He then abruptlybreaks the kiss, releases her hair and walks away. Marissa's head falls forward again, as she still does not know if he has forgiven her yet. There is a lingering of sweetness in his kiss.

She hears him move behind her and feels a hot sensation on her right ass check. The pain intensifies and she lets out a low scream. What is he doing? Her mind is running thinking of what could be the source of the pain? Is he branding her with a hot poker like cattle?

Jesus, the pain continues and Marissa is again feeling her eyes fill with tears. She is now panting from fear of what she cannot see and the unexpected level of punishment Mark is administering for what she thought was a minor infraction.

She feels brave enough to turn her head to look to see that it is Mark's mouth causing the searing pain in her right ass cheek. He is biting her!

He is branding her, with his teeth. "Oh fuck Master," she yells! At this point most women would have screamed for their lover to stop, but not Marissa. Besides her strong will, there was love, trust and respect between her and her Master. She chose this lifestyle and thrived in it. She was grateful that this moment was bringing them closer. She was proving again her love and commitment for this man.

Mark releases his bite and steps back to examine his work. There is a clear indentations in her soft flesh from his upper and lower teeth. The marks are undeniably from one person, from her owner. He is extremely hard now and is needing his release.

She is bleeding slightly from the injury and Mark gently and lovingly licks the blood and puts pressure on the area with one hand. She is looking back at the injury and at him. He reaches his free hand to her cheek and she closes her eyes and relishes in his touch.

He releases his hand from her ass and walks to the side of the bed. He leans down to kiss her.

Marissa now tastes a slight tinge of metallic from his kiss. He pulls away from her face and pulls down his boxer briefs. His cock, very hard now from all the punishment he has administered, springs out in front of her face.

She instinctively opens her mouth and lunges for it. He backs up so she misses and dangles the prize in her face. She pouts and looks up at him. "Master please?" she begs.

Mark smiles and grabs the back of her head and simultaneously pushes her head forward and shoves his cock in her mouth. Her throat is now full of her Master's organ and she couldn't be happier. She knows her mouth is the most pleasurable he has ever had, and ever will be. She sucks and moans so wantonly. What it must feel like for a man to have a woman worship his cock like Marissa does for her Master's.

After several minutes of thrusting his manhood in and out of her mouth, he pulls it out and marvels how much longer and harder it has become. It is dripping with her saliva and the head is dark purple and ready to penetrate her in another orifice.

Mark removes his boxer briefs completely and walks to Marissa's ass which is still waiting for him. He reaches for the small ceramic jar of warm liquid that he placed on top of one of the candle holders and again pours some down her backside.

Marissa's back arches to allow for her ass to open wider and accept the warm delicious liquid into her openings. She turns around to see what the liquid is, but there is no label. Mark takes his pinkie finger and gently makes small circles around her anus that is drenched in the liquid.

Marissa eyes widen and she holds her breath. She is still new to anal pleasure and instinctively resists.

Mark slowly inserts his pinky finger insider her anus and pulls it out. Then he walks over to her and inserts it into her mouth. She sucks all the juices from his pinky. She purrs as she acknowledges now that the luscious unidentified substance is honey. They will no doubt share a laugh when they call each other "Honey" going forward.

Mark moves back behind her and pushes her ass up and her head naturally sinks down to rests on the pillows on top of the mattress. Marissa is holding her breath again. He puts one leg up on the bed to get better position. He grabs his cock and strokes it with some of the warm honey and he lets out a groan. He is holding the head now right at Marissa's anus and taps it their.

"Beg," he commands.

"Please penetrate me Master," she moans.

He slowly pushes in her.

She lets out the breath she had been holding in and at the same time Mark pushes the head of his cock through her puckered hole until he is all the way inside her ass. She is moaning and whimpering as he slowly pulls out his cock completely then presses the head through again. He continues this tortures cycle of breaking through her hole, inserting his generous length and pulling out completely.

Marissa head is buried in the pillows and she is loving the in and out of his member in her ass. "Thank you Master," she moans.

Mark then begins to speed up the in and out and begins to slap her ass, right at where he left his bite mark. The pain and pleasure are incredible as both are panting and thrusting and writhing as they come closer to exploding. "Master wants his slut to come," Mark says between thrusts and smacks.

"Yes, Master, your slut wants to come with you please," Marissa yells exasperated. "Please, please, please," she begs with tears in her eyes again.

Mark has now jumped on the bed completly and is nailing her in the ass from above and continuing to smack her right ass cheek which has begun to bleed from the force of his hand. Marissa's tit's, still weighted down by nipple clamp, is swaying in time with his thrusts. Her head is buried so deep in the pillows she is almost smothered and she can barely breath. The bed is moving from the sheer force of Mark pounding her ass, inching along the floorboards with each thrust.

"Ahhhhh," Mark groans. "Slut!" "Slut!" "Come for your Master!"

Marissa lets out a scream as her orgasm builds to the brink. "Yes….Master….I….am……coming!!!!"

"Fuuucckkkk!" Mark explodes in Marissa's ass. At the same time Marissa's cunt is erupting with juicy pleasure.

Mark collapses on Marissa, who also goes flat on the bed under his weight. She is still bound at hand and feet and manages to turn her head and flip some pillows off her face and onto the floor so she can breathe. She ignores the towel that was meant to catch all the spillage of their tryst. Both are breathing heavily as their orgasms continue their journey from the center of their bodies to their extremities.

After five minutes of letting their body convulsions subside, heart rates drop and breathing return to normal, Mark unties Marissa's feet and hands and removes the nipple clamps. He pulls her in his arms.

"Are we good?" Marissa asks,

Mark lets out a laugh, "Yeah babe, we are good". He wipes the sweat from his brow.

Marissa automatically readjusts so she can access Mark's cock. She asks innocently, "May I clean up Master?"

"Yes, my slut, you may," whispers Mark.

Marissa bends forward and sucks all the honey, sweat and cum from Marks cock lovingly. She also bends over to scoop any remenence of his semen from her ass and sucks it from her fingers while watching for his appreciation in this gesture.

This is her job: She must always clean off her Master after play or punishment and she must never let Master's cum go to waste.

She is a good girl. She always wants to please him. She is Master's pet after all.

Written by SilverSakura
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