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London Underground Ch 01

"discover the secrets of kinky London"

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Suzy hurries along the crowded dirty pavement heading for the tube station, it's Friday afternoon and she's finished work early, she's owed the time off; she's been working so hard recently in her high powered civil service role as a research assistant to the department of trade. Realistically she's just a well paid dog's body; Suzy has other outlets for her frustrations and the pay is really good.

As she hurries past a bookies' shop she notices a young man of around twenty five standing outside smoking, he follows her lustfully with his eyes, taking in her deeply curvy hourglass figure in the tight skirt suit and patent leather knee boots which comprise her autumn work uniform. Suzy smiles inwardly, briefly flashing her intense blue eyes at him as she passes, her almost permanent state of simmering arousal peaking a little at the thought of him wanting her.

She's forty five and finally coming to terms with her changing sexual identity, welcoming her maturity and the fact that she's no longer perceived as an overweight tart but more a confident alluring mature cougar. She's noticed in the past few years that her scattering of wrinkles and fine lines coupled with a few grey hairs among the black have significantly changed her appeal; almost as if she's no longer invisible to the men she might actually want to fuck. Although in many ways Suzy always gets who and what she wants, fleetingly it might be nice to have someone to have an actual relationship with... maybe.

Suzy bustles now trying to get to the tube before the lowering October sky dumps its load of rain and soaks her through. Weaving in and out of the tourists and shoppers on the busy street, catching the legs of passers by glancing blows with her flimsy plastic carrier bag of groceries; the non-perishable makings of a sumptuous gourmet meal she plans to cook for herself on Saturday evening. She's grown fond of treating herself in this way at weekends, indulging in a ritual of luxurious preparation. She smiles again, feeling a warmth spread inside her; momentarily lost in her reverie Suzy crashes into someone her shopping scattering on the dirty pavement.

"Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck!" she screams in her head as she scrabbles among the the rushing feet trying to gather her items. Starting to panic, missing a key item, she notices a large hand extended holding out a tin of Spanish smoked paprika to her.

Suzy looks up to into the smiling face of a handsome lanky lad; returning the smile, she takes the tin from him and then notices her plastic bag is no more, ripped apart, a victim of the brutal pavement. She moans frustratedly and rubs her forehead. The lad. still smiling, starts to gather up her supplies in his hands. Suzy notices again that he truly has massive hands, smirking as her brain jumps to wondering if he's all in proportion; she catches a whiff of him, he smells divine!

They stand up each holding some of her shopping as he finally speaks suggesting that he accompany her to find another shopping bag. Suzy smiles up at him gauging that he must be six foot-four or five, slim but broad shouldered, short dark hair, smiley blue eyes and a big friendly smile. From his casual clothes she guesses he's a student and figures he would have the time to help so she nods agreement saying, "Thank you very much, there's a department store along here."

He replies "No problem I'm not in a hurry," gesturing to her to add the 2 items she's clutching to the pile in his arms.

As they make their way to the department store Suzy introduces herself and asks the lad his name; "Alexander," he replies, "Or just Alex."

They chat casually as they walk and soon find themselves at a large department store, Suzy leading the way to the bag section, exaggerating her natural wiggle a little hoping that Alex is watching as her full hips sway through the store; she's guessing he has noticed her body, otherwise why would he have stopped to help her?

Suzy swiftly selects a sturdy cloth shopper with a funky retro geometric print, pays for it and then holds the bag out close to the boy so he can load the items he's carrying into it. As she leans in close with the bag, she catches his scent again, a sensual mixture of a sharp woody cologne and his natural laddish pheromones, the musky scent of a late teen or early twenties youth causing her clit to throb. Suzy smiles as Alex places the last item into the bag and stretches his arms up and rolls his broad shoulders back to loosen up after carrying her shopping, the action emphasising his triangular torso.

Suzy catches herself wondering what he would look like naked, pressing her thighs together sharply to squeeze her throbbing clit, she shudders, gazing up, thanking Alex again and insists that she buy him a coffee to repay his help. Grabbing his hand, Suzy leads him from the store, giving him no choice. The lad looks a little shocked but smiles in agreement, taking the shopping bag from her with his free hand.

They exit the department store and Suzy guides them through the crowd just as the heavens open, the fat heavy raindrops becoming a soaking downpour. They quicken their pace, and Alex soon loses track of where they are as he looks down, concentrating on Suzy's feet to ensure he's following. After a few minutes, Suzy pushes Alex through a shadowy doorway, warning him to duck his head. He's immediately hit by a wave of fragrant warmth as they enter a cosy coffee shop he's never noticed before, pointing to a small table at the back of the room Suzy urges him to take a seat while she places their order at the counter by the door.

The building is clearly ancient; crooked beams hold up equally uneven rough plastered walls. The antique floorboards worn smooth by the passage of centuries of feet and bearing the dark stains of lord only knows what. Alex weaves through the tightly packed tables past lots of important looking men in business suits to the very last table in a cosy corner. He shrugs off his wet jacket and takes a seat facing the door.

Before long, Suzy slips into the chair opposite him at the tiny round cafe table. Leaning forward, she works her arms free of her sodden suit jacket, giving Alex a glimpse of her ample cleavage as she does so, causing him to blush slightly. As she sits up, he notices that the front of her silky blouse has been made translucent by the rain, clinging softly to her full pale orbs, defining the lace of her bra, drawing his eye, spellbinding him. He cannot begin to guess her cup size, so much bigger than any he's seen outside of porn.

Suzy straightens up just as the waiter arrives with their coffees, he's a stocky, muscular, shaven headed fellow, mid-twenties, with tribal tattoos snaking out from under his shirt sleeves and up the sides of his neck. Black flesh tunnels distending both earlobes, his name badge reads 'Sev'; his appearance somehow jarring with the surroundings, but Suzy smiles and greets him like an old friend, making small talk.
Alex is also aware that he, a casually dressed student, was attracting the curiosity of the exclusively male clientele, but Suzy, as the only woman, wasn't.

Suzy breaks his contemplation saying, "So, just Alex, I hope I'm not keeping you from anything important."

Taking a slurp of his cappuccino, Alex replies smiling, "Nothing really, I've been to the gym and was just on my way back to halls."

So Suzy was right, he is a student; a history major it transpires. Suzy then reveals that the cafe had been a coffee house since the fifteenth century, when London's coffee shops were centres of commerce frequented by merchants and later evolved into the banks that the city is built on today. Alex looks around as she points out dates and initials carved into some of the ceiling beams, resolving to return another day to examine them further.

Despite his lustful thoughts towards her, Alex finds Suzy easy company. As he listens to her animated chatter about their surroundings, he feels warm and almost protected by her aura of confidence. He guesses she's about the same age as his mother, but in her flirty demeanour she appears so much more youthful, vibrant, and of course she has an amazingly fuckable curvy body, and oh those breasts! He's smiling into her sparkling bright blue eyes half lost in his thoughts; Suzy is looking intently at him, her eyebrows raised. Alex realises that she must have asked him a question and is awaiting an answer although he has no idea what the question was.

Blushing slightly and lifting his coffee cup he mumbles "Err, yes, of course."

Laughter burbles from Suzy; "Really!" she exclaims smiling, "Well, admitting to knowing how a wet bra has the ability to cause one's whole body to be chilled through should make you blush I suppose, but I suspect you were day dreaming."

Alex feels his cheeks burning crimson at being caught out and lowers his eyes to the floor shyly. Suzy's hand gently slides over his on the table as she leans forward to peer up into his face. Her eyes smiling kindly, she squeezes his hand gently and whispers, "It's ok to look at my tits, Alex, and imagine what you might want to do to them, go on have a good look now, I've undone a button or two."

Gulping, his heart thumping in his chest Alex steals a glance; Suzy has indeed undone most of her blouse, his eyes are compelled to roam over her exposed cleavage, entranced by the rise and fall of her soft white globes as she breathes. Her creamy flesh appears to shimmer spilling slightly over the lacy cups of her black shelf bra that seems barely able to cope with the job of corralling her fabulous breasts, he feels a tingle and a twitch as his cock begins to swell.

As Alex stares at her, Suzy continues to stroke his hand and watch his face as she slowly slides her stockinged foot up into his crotch, making him flinch, her toes dextrously tracing the outline of his ever hardening cock, her soft heel grazing his ball sack.

Alex's senses are in overdrive, thoughts racing, 'Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!' How had she known he desired her? When had she removed her boot without him noticing? How was she so sure that he would welcome her foot massaging his groin? This was so sexy, so hot. Was she just toying with him, trying to embarrass him? But fuck, there was no way he bear it to stop now.'

Suzy holds him in a magnetic spell with her sexual confidence. With a final roll of her foot over his bulging crotch Suzy withdraws, stands up and pads away in her stockinged feet, her hips swinging like a metronome. Alex follows her with hungry eyes as she approaches the counter, has a short conversation with the waiter from earlier, and then turns to walk back towards him, her blouse almost fully unbuttoned her magnificent tits jiggling with each step.

Alex's mouth is bone dry as he watches Suzy approach again, wondering why no-one but he seems to be able to see how exposed she is. Suzy reaches the table, stops level with Alex's shoulder and leaning across him she grabs her handbag, the curved swell of the top of her breast brushing his cheek lightly as she does. Alex's cock jolts at the touch of her precious flesh and he feels precum start to ooze;

Suzy whispers, "Come with me, just Alex," and grabbing hold of his arm she pulls him to a standing position.

Alex rises in a state of high arousal, conflicting emotions pulling him in different directions, acutely aware that his erection is obvious to anyone looking, but so wanting to find out what's coming next. Telling him not to worry about his coat and her shopping, Suzy guides Alex towards the opposite rear corner of the cafe, where she parts a thick red velvet curtain. She exposes a heavy oak door with a digital lock. Glancing briefly at something scribbled on her hand, Suzy punches in the unlock code and swings the stout door open drawing the curtain closed behind them.

Walking into the room, leading Alex by the hand, suddenly there is light as the motion sensors in the corners detect her presence. The light is subtle, hidden uplighters bathing the rough plastered walls in soft golden light; three recessed ceiling spots casting strategic pools of light on the stone flagged floor, a long velvet covered chaise lounge taking centre stage. Alex notices a dry sandalwood smell, a little like church incense.

The room is sparsely furnished, but what's there is very high quality. Low wooden cabinets line two walls, and Alex notices there are some metal rings embedded in the stone floor and on the walls at various points around the room. Another heavy door on the opposite wall to their entrance is bolted from the inside. Suzy guides him to sit in the middle of the chaise while she bolts the door they came in through. Alex's heart is pounding even harder as he sits, realising he's locked in an ancient windowless room with a woman who has kept him hard by mere teasing for over an hour now. So sensual and confident, exuding sexual promise, so unlike the giggly college girls he usually fucks; most of them would be considered as desirable in an obvious way, but they always seem to be needy and insecure despite their beauty.

His eyes are glued to Suzy as she approaches. Halting in front of him, smiling down at him, she makes an upward gesture with her hand and the light over them brightens. Placing her hands on his shoulders Suzy straddles Alex's legs and starts to undress him, pulling his t-shirt over his head, momentarily ensnaring his arms and head with the fabric she takes the opportunity to run her tongue over his nipples, inhaling again his muskiness, her tongue tracing up the hollow of his throat, making him shiver and moan softly.

Throwing the tee into a dark corner, Suzy removes her crimson blouse exposing not just the sexy bra he'd seen earlier but a deep red satin waist cincher that beautifully enhances her hourglass figure. Alex gasps, his eyes bulging as Suzy sexily reaches back to unhook her straining bra, sighing as her voluptuous thirty-four JJ cup breasts swing free. She notices Alex's incredulous look and chuckles softly, twisting her waist slightly from side to side, making them swing lewdly mere inches from his face. He sits dumbstruck, his whole body consumed by a low sexual buzz he's never felt before, warming him and causing precum to pool incessantly at his slit.

Smiling wryly, Suzy stands up and stepping back unzips her skirt, letting it fall before kicking it away, Alex notices she has her boots back on and wonders when that happened. He doesn't wonder for long, as his eyes sweep up her strong stockinged legs to be met with the most arousing sight he's ever seen and his mind freezes in stupor.

Suzy's stocking tops, suspenders and the waist cincher framing her bald pussy, soft belly and thick thighs. Her outer lips are pierced with several small silver rings, fine silver chains leading from them which must be fastened somehow to her waist under the cincher, the chains tension causing her labia majora to be held apart exposing her wet inner core and swollen clit; a big fat clit, bigger than he's ever seen before, almost like a tiny penis. The hood is drawn back by another thicker piercing ring exposing the dark pink bud; the salty, musky, seashell aroma of her hanging in the air between them.

Alex tries to swallow, but his tongue is seemingly glued to the roof of his mouth, he longs to taste her but his tongue just won't co-operate. Realising that the elaborate arrangement of chains and piercing rings must mean that Suzy receives constant stimulation as she goes about her daily life. He finds he is even more aroused, imagining her at work in a meeting or on the bus or tube crossing her legs and receiving a jolt of simulation from the way her flesh is pulled.

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His eyes so wide they feel like they are bulging at the visual feast that Suzy hides under her work clothes, his lustful gaze roams over her, noticing that her huge dark areolae have puckered, causing her nipples to stiffen to hard nubs, he longs to touch her, but feels pinned in place, unable to act on his desires.

Smiling down at him Suzy leans forwards, her hands on Alex's knees, sensually she kisses him, softly exploring his lips with hers, tasting him with her tongue before closing the kiss and sucking his tongue into her mouth. Alex's cock, now painfully turgid and leaking profusely in his pants, jerks in response, and he groans softly against her kiss. Her hands glide up his thighs to unfasten his jeans fly; his whole body shudders with need, aching to be naked with this sybaritic woman but seemingly paralysed, not wanting to ruin the mood with a clumsy move, unable to truly believe what is happening.

Suzy breaks their kiss, trailing her mouth sensually downwards, kissing and nibbling her way over his triangular torso, circling each nipple, her tongue lighting fires on his skin as she goes. Dipping into his belly button wetly, then continuing downwards into the creases of his groin, she eases his jeans down past his knees, nuzzling the side of his scrotum as his throbbing erection finally springs free slapping wetly against his belly with a dense thwack, making him gasp.

Alex watches as Suzy kneels between his thighs, and parting them, hefts her soft, hot, plush breasts into his lap against his purple congested balls. Gazing deeply into his eyes her tongue slides up his thick veiny nine inch shaft to lave under the rim of his flared cock head. Alex balls his fists and tenses his core muscles in an effort not to cum - not yet - he's been so hard for so long now, so desperately wanting release and yet not wanting this to end, panting as his shaft vibrates.

Suzy's tongue trailing back down to suck his whole scrotum into her wet hungry mouth, her skilful tongue separating his testes as she presses her thumbs firmly either side of his perineum, transferring a uniquely delicious pressure to his prostate.So many new experiences. His body stiffens further, gripping the edge of the chaise, he bites his lip as hips hips jerk up involuntarily.

Swiftly Suzy pulls his foreskin brutally down stretching his frenum painfully. Then, using soft thin cord tied in a lasso, she binds around the root of his shaft and behind his congested scrotum in a figure of eight pattern, isolating his tumescent junk away from his body. Standing now, she makes eye contact with Alex, taking in his lust glazed stare as his bound shaft bobs in the air, moving of its own accord in time with the profound waves of pleasure coursing through him. Smiling, she tells him how beautiful he looks, the thin cord dark against his young flesh. Leaning over him once more, Suzy lifts her massive tits into Alex's face, her nipples teasing his mouth, parting them she strokes a nipple down each cheek; his head thrashing side to side chasing her limpid flesh with his mouth.

Softly licking his earlobe Suzy breathes, "You need to cum don't you, just Alex? You yearn to fuck me?"

Alex nods mutely swallowing hard. Smiling again Suzy kisses him deeply, cupping his face in her hands before rising, raking her nails down his chest as she goes; she bends over facing away from Alex, exposing her perfectly smooth sopping cunt and asshole; her arousal obvious to him, her inner thighs slick with her nectar, bracing her hands on her knees she bears down.

As Alex watches her beautiful sex swelling before his eyes, he notices a black circle appearing between her puffy inner lips, thick white cream emerging from around what is now clearly a dildo. Tilting her pelvis slightly, Suzy pushes the obscenely thick ribbed dildo out further and further til it plops wetly on to the floor at Alex's feet. She gasps at the loss of it, flexing her empty gaping slit in his face.

Alex is transfixed anew by this filthy cougar slut, amazed that she has worked all day splayed and filled in this manner, his bound leaking prick aching incredibly he growls, "God I want to fuck that."

Glancing back Suzy smiles and shakes her booty in his face. "Would you like to taste me?" She purrs, taking a backwards step towards him. His hands finally able to move, Alex grasps her wide hips as she reverses, pulling her towards him inhaling deeply, breathing in her muskiness, all of her day right there; as his tongue snakes out to touch her splayed pussy.

Suzy gasps as his tongue makes contact and slides her hips up and down stroking herself on his mouth from clit to anus, Alex growls into her deliciousness sending a pleasing vibration through her groin, making her moan and press back harder. He responds by thrusting his tongue into her quaking cunt, her back arching in response as she gasps. Placing her hands over his, Suzy swivels in his grip to face him, jutting her hips forward, presenting her hugely swollen clit for his oral attention. Closing his lips around her fleshy nub, he sucks hard, his cock twitching as he feels her heat spread into his mouth.

A low guttural noise escapes her. She tips her hips backwards, pulling away from him. Gripping his shoulders once more, she bends her knees to straddle his lap, stroking her drenched vulva slowly up and down his burning cock. Alex's breathing is now ragged as his cock responds. Jerking with a life of it's own, a dry orgasm bursts in his balls - his first ever - his congested scrotum clenching and throbbing, but no product due to the cord wrapped so tightly around the root of his shaft and his sac.

Suzy stops moving to watch his face, head thrown back, eyes closed, his throat flushed pink as he convulses under her. Stroking his cheek affectionately, she smiles. His eyes open, disorientation apparent as he looks at her incredulously. Suzy strokes his other cheek as his cock still throbs against her swollen lips;

"Oh you beautiful boy," she whispers, leaning forward to kiss his sweet mouth, re-ignighting his passion. Sliding forward, she works the massive purple head in between her gaping lips, then, tilting her hips back and upwards, pops the pulsating glans into her, resting her weight against his perspiration glazed body, she sucks his left nipple hard as he grips her hips jerking upwards trying to penetrate more deeply.

Enjoying teasing him Suzy circles her hips lewdly coating him in her juice, making him moan and pump upwards again, then finally sinking down to meet his thrusts, taking him balls deep and holding him there clenching her muscles as his fat cock head throbs against her cervix. She exhales deeply feeling jolts of electric sensation sizzling through her core, connecting her clit to her painfully erect nipples.

Finally allowing herself to surrender to her burning lust, she starts to ride Alex's huge cock, rocking and circling to transfer sensation between her clit and g-spot, grinding into his pubis; her nipples dragging against his hard smooth chest, sending prickly thrills over her skin as her orgasm starts, a deep rumble at first, building, burning causing her to clench hard willing it on, riding the crest as she fucks Alex brutally, using him as her dildo. This boy, young enough to be her son, panting hard with her as they climax together shouting out in unison; her spasming cunt rippling in waves, milking his pleasure from him, her nectar flowing freely to coat his scrotum, stars bursting behind her eyelids.

Alex's second dry orgasm sweeps over him even more intense than the first, the top of his head feels like it's been blown off. They breathe deeply together for a long moment, Alex clutching Suzy tightly still buried balls deep in her as hard as iron, his balls aching and throbbing deeply with the need to empty, to paint her, cover this luscious tart with his cum.

As if psychic, Suzy slides forward dismounting Alex's fat shaft, kissing him deeply as he groans. Reaching down she releases the cord binding him, softly massaging his full balls as he moans reaching out for her again. Suzy kisses him sensually; sucking and nipping at his lips with her teeth she positions herself in his lap, his sticky cock pulsating against her anus. Suzy whispers that Alex should squeeze her ample buttocks together to envelop his thick congested meat and hold on tight.

Suzy then begins to twitch her hips, wanking Alex's incredibly sensitive member in her sumptuous ass cleavage, his mouth latching onto a thick nipple and suckling hungrily. Suzy growls, grinding her clit against his hard abs as his sliding velvet cock skin stimulates her back door. She's loving this young hardbody using her for his pleasure, mashing her magnificent buttocks together brutally as he masturbates furiously against her pink star. She feels him stiffen and grunt as he finally cums, holding her still as he pumps thick ropes of copious jism up her back, the first shot landing on the back of her hair; so violent is his ejaculation.

Alex throbs for what seems like hours, cum still pumping from him, the heaviest load he's ever experienced. More slowly now, the final globs coating her asshole as his erection finally subsides, his body becomes limp and languid. His limbs leaden; his heart hammering in his chest as delicious aftershocks ripple through him. He closes his eyes.

Suzy smiles down into Alex's face, blissful in repose, a rosy glow warming his cheeks as she shifts sideways to kneel on the chaise next to him. Watching affectionately as he breathes deeply, a relaxed smile playing on his lips, his hand reaching out for her, missing the closeness of her after such an intensely intimate fucking, far more so that anything he's previously experienced. So many firsts for him on this rainy Friday afternoon. Alex's eyes flicker open, struggling to focus as his smile broadens, Suzy returns his smile, softly stroking a stray hair from his forehead;

"Hey you," she says to him and he squeezes her thigh softly in reply; "You were very impressive," she continues "Want to see?"

Alex nods and sits up slightly as she turns to show him her cum streaked back and hair,

"Wow!" He exclaims, "You look beautiful."

Reaching out he massages his thick spunk into her buttocks, she moans low at his touch, knowing she'll have to play with this gorgeous boy again... soon.

Alex leans forward to gather the rest of his glutinous load from Suzy's hair and waist cincher with his fingers. Kneeling, he reaches around her soft warm body, his large palms gliding along the sides of her pale pendulous globes, cupping and lifting them, transferring the last of his semen onto her stiff dark nipples and slowly rubbing it into her skin as he nuzzles her neck. Trailing light kisses between her earlobe and shoulder, Suzy shudders at his tenderness, his erotic instincts seem very advanced for one of his age; she leans back against him as his strong arms gather her into a hug and he whispers;

"Thank you."

Suzy grins, her hands stroking his arms as they embrace for a moment; "We should really get going," she whispers reluctant to break the mood. "What's the time?"

Alex glances at his watch and tells her it's 5.50pm.

Suzy stands up, turning to smile at him saying, "Get dressed Alex, this place will close soon," retrieving his t-shirt and handing it to him.

Alex puts the t-shirt on and pulls up his jeans, fishing his smartphone out of his pocket, watching as Suzy dresses herself he asks; "What is this place? I mean, it's wonderful that it exists, but why?"

Wordlessly Suzy approaches smiling and reaching up on tiptoe kisses him deeply, her sensual tongue entwining with his, a trickle of warmth tickling in his groin again. Breaking the kiss she takes his phone and enters her number pressing save then placing a call to her phone, ending it after three rings so she has his.

"I'll text you later Just Alex," she says and guides him to the door opposite the one they entered through.

He glances back wondering, 'Didn't I have a coat?' Suzy unbolts and opens the door onto a small lobby area where Alex notices his jacket hanging on a peg. He gapes in amazement; as if this afternoon weren't surreal enough! He shrugs it on checking the pockets as Suzy opens the ordinary looking outer door and ushers him into a dimly lit alleyway.

"Just turn left at the end and it'll take you back to the street, then go right to get to the tube, I WILL text you later."

She closes the door on him, and he hears the lock turn as he stares at it in bewilderment, then shrugs and turns away. Soon, back on the dusky street, Alex walks towards the tube station looking at the people rushing about with new eyes, wondering if any of them could guess what just happened to him. The low buzz in his groin slowly fading; hoping Suzy texts him as she said she would, needing for this not to be the last time he sees her.

After locking the two doors behind Alex, Suzy opens a drawer in one of the low cabinets and takes out an obscenely ribbed girthy black dildo identical to the one she expelled earlier that still lies on the rug in front of the chaise. Lifting her left foot onto the cabinet and hitching up her skirt she slides the new dildo into her well fucked gaping cunt, sighing as she does so, the friction of the ribbed surface causing her swollen walls to spasm, re-lubricating her slit. She crosses the room to retrieve her handbag, kicking the other dildo under the chaise as he goes, the cleaning team can deal with that.

With a last glance around the room she unbolts the door and emerges back into the cafe; it's dark womb like interior redolent with the reek of sperm, heavy velvet curtains shield the windows from the attentions of passers by. The besuited men from earlier are still there, some adjusting their clothing, some still stroking as Alex's spectacular cum shot repeats endlessly on the large plasma screen by the front counter, the camera angle varying as it has been edited for best effect. Suzy looks around for Sev the tattooed waiter and catches him emerging from under a table, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, his face flushed, a slight glisten of spunk on his bottom lip. He catches her eye and nods as his patron drops three bronze coloured pentagonal tokens engraved with the letters GoH onto the table top.

Sev quickly swipes the tokens and glares at the man, "Three! is that all?!" The man shrugs and Sev turns away muttering, "Next time I'll fucking bite it off - you avaricious prick!"

Suzy follows Sev to the counter where he hands her an ancient wooden bowl, she walks around the room visiting each man in turn holding out the bowl as they drop tokens into it. An older distinguished looking man places a clear holographic token into her bowl, the hologram depicting a giant erection spurting repeatedly as the token is tilted. Suzy raises her eyebrows smiling, the old man nods to the floor where a huge pool of pearly goo adorns the ancient wood. Curtseying, she moves on.

Soon her bowl is full, and Suzy returns to the counter where Sev decants her token haul into a silky black pouch and hands it to her along with her jacket and shopping bag, she smiles and thanks him,

"The cleaners will be busy tonight," she observes.

Sev smirks shaking his head. "Fucking wankers!" he quips.

"Will I see you on Sunday Sev?" Suzy asks.

He nods emphatically grinning. Extracting a bronze token from her pouch Suzy drops it into the tip jar on the counter, winking at Sev as she lifts the latch and exits onto the street. It's just starting to rain again, and Suzy turns up the collar of her jacket, hurrying towards the tube.

Written by Plusher
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