Jake D’Amato was quite surprised when he went to visit his relativity new girlfriend Josephine (JoJo) Boccio. That was because there was a third person in the living room, one of his employees, Livia Behrens. She in fact was the person who had recently set him up with JoJo. She immediately greeted him as she sat there. “Hi, Jake, how are you doing this evening?”
It took him a moment to answer, “What are you doing here?”
“Well, since this is JoJo’s night to dominate you, I thought I’d stop by and help her out.”
“But that was never part of the deal.”
“We never said it wasn’t. So you’re going to get punished by two ladies tonight, instead of just one. By the way, as you should know by now, don’t sit down unless we tell you to do that.”
It was at that point that Jake noticed they both had spanking implements in their hands. JoJo had a leather tawse, while Livia had a short stick, a little on the small side to be a full cane. Livia kept talking, “As you know, JoJo is in her dominant mode tonight. Thus it is her turn to turn your ass into hash. By the way, we have other implements around if we decide to use them. She agreed that I should join in the chastisement of your skinny little hindquarters.”
That sounded rather ominous, and he decided to push back. “But it’s not your turn. You don’t even have a turn because you never were supposed to have a direct part in this whole thing.”
Josephine finally added something. “Jake, we know you’re a switch; you amply demonstrated that two sessions ago. You just get these huge erections when dominant females give you a thorough ass beating. Livia should have a chance to see it and participate in the chastisement too. So don’t object to her being involved with this.”
“But she has never seen my stiff cock before. By the way, no one relieved – well, the ache in my cock afterwards that first time. I had to do that to myself when I got home.”
JoJo said, “Oh, poor Jake, you had to take matters into your own hands. Come on, don’t complain. The last time we did this and I was submissive – well I fucked your brains out. You had some of the best screwing a man could ever get. And I, in turn, had some of the best sex a woman could imagine. I actually squirted just from your first spanking. I wasn’t sure a woman was capable of doing that.”
She smiled at a memory “You may not look it, but you can be quite as a stud with that big dick of yours. You used it very well in Parts 2 and 3. I came four times that day if I remember correctly.”
“I remember that well; Aimee Semple McPherson was among the topics we discussed.”
“Yes, that pious little slut, fucking on the floor of her cottage.”
Livia had an older grievance to bring up. “That first time you belted me at the office, you admitted masturbating about it later. And I’m not a switch myself, so I don’t like getting beaten on my ass like you did to me that time.”
“But it was punishment, you deserved it. I caught you stealing.”
“You could have done it in other ways. You thoroughly enjoyed taking my jeans down and belting my behind. Then you bent me over a couch and belted me there too. You kept doing it until I broke and starting crying. Plus I know I wasn’t the first female employee to get your special treatment.”
Jake, who was only twenty-six, looked embarrassed. “Come on, I thought we resolved all that to everyone’s satisfaction.”
Livia thought for a moment. “But you have a good point, I mean you do like giving it but also receiving a good – I’d call it a correction. I suppose that does show some fairness on your part. You can dish it out but you can also take it too.”
JoJo giggled, “I can definitely testify to that! I took a hairbrush and then a belt to his bare behind, and I gave it to him but good. He was erect the whole time.”
“I didn’t know any of that until I met you two.”
JoJo said, “But you know it now, which is what is important. I’m sure you masturbated like crazy when you got home that night. Oh, don’t look so chagrined, you know you definitely did it.”
The three of them had worked out a rather unusual BSDM relationship. Originally, he had caught Livia, who was only twenty-years-old, stealing from the company. He was the head bookkeeper and she was the assistant. Rather than fire her or report her to the authorities, she had agreed to give him the chance to thoroughly whip her bare buttocks.
He was considering doing that to her more often – as Livia had said, he had done it to other young female employees before – but Livia worked out a deal with him. She had guessed that he hadn’t had sex with a woman in quite some time. Actually, it had been nearly four years since he had broken up with his college girlfriend Alicia.
So, Livia’s friend, twenty-seven-year-old Josephine, entered the picture. She had been divorced for a couple of years and was feeling pretty horny herself. On top of that, she was looking for some fresh male rear-ends she could whack. The final element was that she also needed a man to thwack her own hindquarters and put some serious dents in it.
Livia said, “Look, let’s have some fun tonight. We’ve got two switches in the room, plus me, a real down-home kind of girl.”
Jake said somewhat bitterly. “You’re a down-home kind of dominatrix.”
She laughed at that. “Yeah, you bet. I think a lot of women are but they won’t admit it.”
Jake looked at his female companions. Josephine was dark-haired and voluptuous. She was wearing a dark business suit with a short, tight skirt, and high-heeled shoes. It was her second time around with that look, and he assumed it was her preferred dominant outfit. He was sure she had a garter and straps underneath to hold up her stockings.
Maybe soon she’ll wear the garter when I bang her. It was worth asking about for it, at least.
Like most couples, Jake and JoJo also went on regular dates beyond the kinky activities. So far, however, he only had sex with her after one of her submissive sessions. The previous time he had spent the night at her house. Maybe, for the sake of variety, we should do it at other times too. Definitely more often; that would be really nice.
He glanced over at Livia and assessed her again; he had never seen her outside of their workplace. She was taller and more slender than the other woman. Her strawberry blonde hair was pinned up, and her clothes were simple: a long-sleeved blouse, tight black trousers, and white sandals.
As he stood there pondering the situation, and insight came to him. He didn’t care much about what Livia thought, but he was concerned about Josephine. His relationship with her was moving towards something more serious, beyond mere fun and games. During the previous time at her house, they had said they had loved one another, and that had not been mere words.
If he just walked out now because of Livia’s presence, he might jeopardize his growing connection to JoJo. As if on cue, she said, “Jake, I think you are going to like what we’ve cooked up. I mean, hell, I also know how fond of me you are becoming.”
Livia chimed in, “So be a good little sub, Jake, and fix some drinks for us. I know I’d like a vodka and tonic. How hard could that be to put one of those together? ”
During her time in the previous dominant mode, Josephine had asked for a Manhattan, but this time she was more straightforward. “And I’d like a vodka and orange juice if you please.” He was struck by how oddly polite she could be when he expected just the opposite from her.
When he had returned with their drinks, he was standing there in the middle of the living room looking like a waiter. Livia said, “How about we play a bit of music during all of this?”
JoJo said, “That is an excellent idea. I propose AC/DC, the ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.’ album ” She laughed, “In some ways, it’s sort of appropriate for what is going to happen today.” Jake had heard a small portion of her eclectic album collection the previous time, and he had been impressed with her wide-ranging interest in different kinds of music. He hadn’t heard anything classical yet, but perhaps he should ask her about it when he had a chance.
Jake said, “I’ve never been a big fan of AC/DC. And I’m not sure I’m a fan of being beaten either.”
JoJo said, “Come on, you know you are. We all know it. I’ve seen that huge boner you get when I work on your ass. Now live up to your end of the bargain, and we’ll all have a great time.”
He realized that this whole weird deal was important to JoJo, and he was suddenly afraid of losing her if he walked out and refused to submit to her. She was the first girlfriend he had since college, and he was becoming ever more fond of her. In fact, the last time they had said that they loved each other. He wondered if perhaps she might leave him if he turned down one of these spanking games with Livia around.
His only wish was that he might get some sexual satisfaction during the “dominant phase” instead of having to wait to get home to masturbate. But he knew that wasn’t his decision to make. JoJo had certainly satisfied him during her “submissive phase” by balling him several times. It had been some of the best sex he had ever had.
He made up his mind. “All right, girls, I put myself into your hands. Please consider giving me some mercy during this. Now what do you want me to do?”
Livia started clapping. “I knew he’d come through for us! But don’t expect much mercy either. And don’t use the safe phrase – what is that, chicken salad? – unless absolutely necessary, which I don’t think will happen. Be an adult and take your punishment like a man.”
As if by prearrangement, the two women got up and started to explain the details. Josephine said, “It’s pretty basic really. Take your sport coat off and bend over the couch. Then we’re going to take turns with our implements, right on the seat of your trousers, and see how that goes.”
“Why do I have to keep my pants on?”
JoJo explained, “First of all, they’re not staying up the whole time. But basically, we want to try an experiment first, see how much damage we can inflict through the cloth. And the cloth of your pants doesn’t look like it’s going to provide you with much protection.”
That procedure struck him as a bit odd, but he didn’t question it. If they’re that curious about his pants, then let them find out. A few moments later, he was leaning over the couch with his hands pressed of the cushion. The two women stood on either side of him. Livia suggested they take turns. “Say six strokes apiece. I’ll take his left side and you take his right.” They both gently rubbed his backside with their implements.
“You know, you girls are both kind of . . .”
Before he could finish, Livia gave him six hits with her stick. She took her time with it, and she didn’t rush her part of the beating.
“Jesus, that hurts!”
Livia said, “It’s supposed to hurt dummy. Now stay down, in position. I can see that you’re about to jump up, which is a big no-no.” Then she said, “Josephine, he’s all yours.”
While the stick had given him a sharp, concentrated pain where it had hit him, the tawse had a wider impact. He mostly stayed in position, but the leather strap had an effect on him. His voice was a sort of grunting yell each time it landed on the seat of his pants.
Livia said, “I’ve been just dying of curiosity. Don’t you want to see what the impact these things have had him?”
“Oh, yes, absolutely. Jake, drop your pants and underwear and expose your behind to us. We want to examine our efforts on you.”
There was quite a difference on each side of his body. The stick had left narrow parallel red lines across his body; the tawse had resulted in wider stripes on the right side of his hips.
“Quite a dramatic difference, I’d say,” Livia noted. “And look, he already has an admirable erection.”
“I can’t help it.”
“He’s quite the little masochist,” said JoJo. “I saw that they last time. Oh my, I forgot to put the CD on.”
So while “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” played to start, the two ladies thwacked away at him. They didn’t go too quickly, but they hit him rather hard. He tried not to make too much of a fuss, but his voice betrayed him. He did a fair amount of yelling. He did manage to say to Livia, “Please don’t hit my balls with that thing.”

“I’m trying to be careful, really I am.” The women timed each blow well, and soon Jake was holding onto the back of the sofa for support. They didn’t object to his effort to hold himself upright. Livia said, “Just keep that ass up, nice and high. We need a good target for this.”
He said, “You have the best target you could ask for.”
As stoic as he tried to be, the relentless implements took a toll on him. He eventually dropped to the floor on his knees. Livia asked, “Should we give him more while he’s down there?”
“Just a few more; we don’t want to kill the guy. Although, his cock is certainly still good and stiff at this point” They each gave him six additional strokes with their spanking toys, and then Livia said, “I think we’re done the job on him.”
JoJo thought for a second, and then said, “Isn’t that the phrase Tessio says to Michael right after he’s whacked those two guys in the restaurant? They’re in the car together when he says that.”
Livia replied, “You’ve right, you really know your movies!” Then she commented, “Interesting, he’s completely – what’s the word – unsymmetrical?”
Jake felt more feisty with both of them there. “How did you come up with this weird idea?”
JoJo said, “It’s quite clever, I think. Usually, one implement goes down on top of another, but here we kept them completely separate for the sake of a comparison.”
A few moments later, she said, “Okay, Jake, you may comfort yourself, then it’s corner time. You don’t even have to get up; just kneel where you are and put your hands on the top of your head when you're ready.”
He was amazed at how blazingly hot his backside felt, and he barely could touch it. He commented on it, “You two are really are a pair of nasty...” He didn’t complete the thought.
JoJo did it for him, “You mean bitches? Yeah, there’s nothing like dominating a man to really bring out the inner bitch in a chick.”
Livia said, “I don’t know what he’s complaining about. You ever see those tube videos on-line, the ones that show professional dominatrices, or at least they are semi-pro? They often beat a guy within an inch of his life. Sometimes it’s over a hundred whacks of a cane. He’s dark purple when they are done with him. What we did to you was, let’s see, I’d call it middle of the road.”
Jake said, “You mean you actually watch that sick shit? Whatever you do, don’t come over here and examine your handiwork, I mean by touching me.”
Livia said, “You mean like this?” She ran a finger along one of the lines she had inflicted upon him, and he gasped with pain. “And don’t tell me you haven’t seen plenty of girls get spanked in various videos.”
From his silence and the way he blushed, she knew she had been correct. She said, “And the amazing thing is that some girls make a good living at it being dominatrices. Guys often pay good money to get walloped good and hard. They often have problems with sexual guilt or some other issue that’s bugging them.”
JoJo had meanwhile brought out something that looked like a pair of handcuffs. “Put your hands behind your back so that I can restrain your hands.”
Jake was a bit panicked as he was cuffed. “I’ve heard of this kind of thing; it’s called cock and ball torture. Well, that is beyond anything I’ve agreed to in this scenario.”
“Relax, we’re not going to hurt you; at least not physically.”
Livia said, “It’s usually, referred to, I believe, as ‘denial of orgasm.’”
“Whose orgasm?”
“Yours, dummy. JoJo, explain the details to him.”
“It’s pretty simple; while you’re kneeling there, I’m going to sit in front of you and use this on myself.” She took out a pink dildo from her purse. “This is not electric, by the way. I’m going to take my skirt and panties off, spread myself, and have my way with myself while you watch. That's all you can do, is watch.”
Livia said, “I’ve heard that there are men who can climax without actually touching themselves.”
“Sounds like an urban legend to me. In any case, we’ll find out if this guy is the one in a million who can do it.”
He looked at Livia, “And you’re ’s going to witness this?”
“That’s right, but I’m not going to participate. I mean, I’m not your girlfriend, only your employee.”
Soon JoJo had removed her skirt and see-through panties and she was vigorously masturbating with her legs spread on the couch. Jake tried to avoid looking, but he found he couldn’t do it for more than a few seconds. For one thing, Josephine was only a few feet away from him. So was quite adept at pleasuring herself with her fingers and her pink toy.
She talked a lot too, mostly using the kind of patter people tend towards during sexual activities. It didn’t have to be particularly clever. At one point she said, “Oh my God, if I keep this up, my clitoris is going to explode, I think.”
Jake didn’t comment much, but Livia had some interesting things to say. “His cock is moving up and down all by itself. And look, some pre-cum is starting to drip out of the tip.”
“This is humiliating.”
“Oh, don’t be such a big baby,” JoJo said. “But, let’s face it, you’d like to be buried up to the hilt inside me. And now you can’t do it!”
JoJo managed to climax three times. For the second one, she opened her blouse and bra and massaged her breasts and nipples at the same time she was working on her crotch. On the third go-round, she got up on all fours and inserted the dildo in from the rear. Every technique she tried seemed to work perfectly. For the whole event, she kept her black garter, stockings, and high-heeled shoes on.
As JoJo sprawled on the sofa, Livia said, “Let’s face it, all three of us are a bit strange.”
“Naw, this was pretty vanilla by some BDSM standards. I mean, we’re basically amateurs, not real hard-core at this. Personally, I don’t get that whole rubber or latex thing, I mean being encased in it.”
Livia said, “You know what’s noteworthy? When a man is sissified and has to wear a maid’s uniform. Usually, they have to clean the house too. I know I’d like someone to clean my house and pay me to do it.”
Jake came out of his sullen mood for a moment and said, “Well, don’t expect me to do any cleaning,” and both women laughed at that.
“Anyway, Jake, it’s time for you to leave, like the last time. I must say, you were a good sport about the whole thing.” It seemed to him that JoJo was much more playful than she had been during her earlier dominant session. He still wanted to fuck her as hard as he could, but that wasn’t going to happen tonight.
Once she had uncuffed him, JoJo said, “All right, be a good boy, and don’t touch yourself until you are at least in your car.”
“That’s if I can still sit down in the seat.”
“Oh, so much complaining. Get your pants up and be on your way.”
Jake noted that she had been a lot more polite overall than she had been during the first dominant session. Nevertheless, the two women had been pretty rough with their implements on his sore behind, and that last part of his embarrassment watching JoJo beat-off had been hard for him to take.
He couldn’t help but ask on his way out, “So what are you two going to be doing for the rest of the evening?” A thought came to him: maybe they’re going to have sex with each other, although he had no evidence at all to back up that idea.
JoJo said, “We’re just going to chill out, have a few drinks, listen to some albums.” She remembered something. “Hey Livy, I have a doobie here. Why don’t we smoke it?”
“That sounds like a great idea! Meanwhile, Jake, it’s been a pleasure as always. I hope you have a pleasant evening.”
He made one more try, “Why can’t I hang out here too? I can’t remember the last time I smoked a joint.”
It was Josephine’s house and her session, so she had the authority to make the decisions. “No, sorry, Jake, not this time. Maybe for the next one beyond this, when I’m submissive again. I’ll think of something special for you to do.”
On the way out, he had some unkind thoughts about the two of them. Haven’t I already paid for my original indiscretion with Livy? Another, more sexual fantasy came to him. Maybe they were going to have a two-girl circle jerk together, all the while imagining his thick dick pounding their cunts. Then they would get to each other, licking each other into ecstasy on the living room couch or maybe even the floor.
He speculated, Hey, more women are probably bi-sexual than will admit to it.
He couldn’t wait to get home to wank himself off. He found an isolated place in a parking lot behind a warehouse and pleasured himself there. He climaxed twice, but he created several scenarios in his mind. His favorite one, the scene that gave him his first ejaculation, was a three-way with all of them involved in the action. He fucked Josephine from behind on that couch while she in turn licked Livia between her spread legs.
The only downside was that he was sitting on the right-size of the driver’s side and the force of his spasm splattered cum all over the glove box door. Who cares, it’s vinyl or something and easy enough to clean.
He was concentrating on Livia during his second peak. While he was falling in love with Josephine, he was quite ambivalent about his own employee. She’s such a little smart-ass, has been since the day I hired her. I still wonder if I can fully trust her at the company,
For his fantasy about her, he pictured her on the sofa with her trousers and panties off but her sandals were still on. Her slender rear-end was raised high and he was using that evil English spanking stick or whatever it was to leave some impressive marks on her vulnerable pale flesh. She held on tightly to the arm of the couch as she cried out and grimaced from the pain.
Afterwards, he sat in his now messy front seat and pondered how he had gotten himself into this Yin-Yang situation. Everybody benefitted, right? Yet he still wondered what those two dames would invent next, both good and bad. Livia being in the picture had changed things. She had merely introduced them at first, but now she was getting involved in the activities herself. In any case, JoJo had her own agenda and she seemed to be quite happy with it. He briefly thought of his old college girlfriend Alicia, gone now for over four years. Compared to this present pair of chicks, she had seemed so quiet, so normal.
Back at the house, the two women were listening to a song called, “I Used Be Cop,” which JoJo had picked. “By the way, go easy on this stuff.” She was referring to the pot. “It’s very potent.”
Livia said, “I’ve noticed that already. By the way, who did this song anyway? It’s just incredibly depressing.”
“They’re called “The Drive-By Truckers” and I think it’s brilliant. All right, who would you prefer to hear this evening?”
“I don’t know, maybe Judy Collins or Joni Mitchell.”
Josephine said, “They can be a bit downbeat too.”
“Yes, but not in the way the poor guy in this song is. He’s lost everything.”
JoJo changed CDs and then said, “You know, maybe we were a little harsh with Jake tonight. I mean that denial of sex thing. I have heard about it though I’ve never done it.”
“You were free to give him a blowjob if you wished.”
“Not with you sitting there watching.”
“You practically wanked your pussy off in front of both of us. What difference does it make?”
“It’s hard to explain. It wasn’t exactly the same as performing a sex act on him. I did it all to myself.”
Livia pondered this for a moment, “I guess I sort of get it.” Actually, she didn’t quite get it.
JoJo said, “Maybe I should have sex with him more often in non-role playing activities. Anyway, the next time I’ll be submissive. Sorry, I’m pretty sure you won’t be there for that. However, I do have a tentative idea of how it will go.”
“By the way, I do feel pretty horny after watching all of this,” Livia said. “Maybe I should call him up and invite myself over.”
“Oh no, you’re not! He’s my boyfriend, not yours.”
“I was just kidding; I shouldn’t have said that.” But she was only half-joking. Livia still felt that hot urge in her pussy. Over that Jake D’Amato guy? Yet he does things that satisfy Josephine. And JoJo herself was getting to her sexually too. Man, this is complicated. This is close to turning into a three-way. Would that really work, or would the whole situation blow up in our faces?
I can’t afford to think those kinds of thoughts; I have to put them out of my mind.
Meanwhile, Josephine was thinking, Can I really trust her? They work in an office together all day long. How will I know what they’re doing all the time? Maybe I shouldn’t have invited her here, but it’s too late now to take that back.