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Legally Binding, Ch. 02

"Nadine disobeys and is visited at her office."

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I wasn’t all that surprised when the next day 4:45 came and went without a word from Nadine.  In fact, I’d anticipated that possibility: I knew that during our lunchtime encounter she had been taken very far very quickly, and that afterwards her first reaction might be denial.  Which is why I was now standing in the parking lot outside her office building.  I let a few extra minutes go by then entered.

It was only a five-story building, not far from the restaurant where we’d eaten the day before, and already mostly deserted this late on a Friday afternoon.  I checked the directory on the wall for her office number.  As I climbed the stairs to the third floor a few people in business attire hurried past me in the opposite direction, eager to get their weekends started, but all was silence when I reached her floor…

Except for a raised and somewhat strident voice coming from behind her office door.  I listened for a moment to make sure she was talking on the phone, then turned the doorknob and entered.

It was a smallish office, almost severe in its orderliness and its lack of plants or decoration.  One major compensation was the large picture window looking out over the town square with its tiny park and old-fashioned white gazebo/bandstand in the center.  The blinds were half-lowered to soften the glare of the late-afternoon sunshine, giving the office a somewhat twilit feel.

Nadine’s desk was at right angles to the door, facing the window, and she was at that moment sitting with her back to me, looking at the computer to her right as she continued her diatribe:  “…and you tell that lazy bastard that if I don’t have all the paperwork in front of me by noon on Monday he can forget about the closing until next month.”  She tapped a few keys on her computer.  “That’s right, I still need the inspection report, the appraisal, the…”

I closed the door behind me just a little more loudly than absolutely necessary.  She turned to see who it was and her voice suddenly dried up for a moment.  I waited to see how she would react.  Her expression was frozen.  But then she apparently decided to continue pretending that nothing had happened, giving me a fake-friendly smile and holding up one finger to indicate she would be right with me, before turning back to her computer and continuing her phone conversation.

Which was fine with me.  Her reaction had confirmed my guess and the way she was dressed only emphasized it.  Today she looked as though she was running for congress as a Republican: hyper-conservative navy blue suit in a heavy, uncomfortable looking fabric, with the skirt coming down to cover her knees; severe, plain white blouse, buttoned up to the neck; hair clipped into a bun at the back of her head and glasses settled firmly on her nose.

I made my way over and sat in one of the client chairs facing her desk, and was amused to see Nadine notice me out of the corner of her eye, shift the phone receiver to the shoulder closest to me and turn even further away towards her computer.  Which is why she didn’t see the plastic shopping bag I’d placed on the floor beside me…or what I took out of it and what I was doing.

She had no idea that anything was amiss until I stood, leaned over her desk, took the phone receiver from her shoulder and placed it back in its cradle.  She turned to me, startled, then angry: “Hey, I wasn’t fin-”

Which was when I seized her wrists and jerked her out of her chair, pulling her sprawling across her desk and sending papers flying everywhere.  She was so shocked that she barely managed an “Oh!” before the edge of her desk knocked the wind out of her.  But she was still quite conscious of the fact that I was slipping loops of rope over her wrists and tightening them, and she was able to see that the other ends of the rope were knotted around the front legs of her desk.  Her head was hanging over the edge, her arms spread wide and her fingertips a few inches from the rug.  

If she’d been thinking fast she might have been able to crawl over the desk and get herself loose somehow but between her shock and her inability to breathe, the moment quickly passed.  She did manage to raise her head slightly and gasp, “Wh…  Wha…?”

I seized the clipped bun of her hair and pulled her head up to where she could see my face.  She hissed with the pain and her eyes were terrified.  Her glasses had nearly fallen off her nose, so with my free hand I gently pushed them back up and settled them in place. Then I placed my hand on the side of her face and slowly stroked her cheekbone with the edge of my thumb until she settled down a little.

And when I spoke to her it was in a quiet, conversational tone:  “Nadine, you’ve been thoughtless and you’ve been rude.  I would expect a lawyer to know the importance of honoring an agreement.”  I was still holding her head up by her hair, and the pain was causing tears to run down her face.  I continued stroking her cheekbone.  “Now…what were you supposed to do at 4:45 today?”

She was beginning to get her breath back, though the pain was still making her gasp.  Her eyes looked up at mine for a moment, then down at the floor.  “C-call…” she finally managed.  I gave her head a tiny shake to make her look up at me.  “That’s right, “ I said soothingly, you were supposed to call the number I gave you.  And you didn’t do that, did you, Nadine?”

“N…no,” she whispered.  “I’m ss-sorry.”  She managed to hold my gaze - knowing that if she looked away I would only shake her again - as I went on, “And what were you supposed to say when you called?”

At first she shook her head slightly, as if reluctant to recall what she’d agreed to, but finally, through dry lips, gasped, “…Pa…pan…ties…”

I let out a theatrical sigh, then gave her head another shake to allow my displeasure to fully register before demanding again, “What – exactly – were you supposed to say, Nadine?”

Her face went completely blank as she stared up at me.  Then, still trying to catch her breath, was just barely able to whisper, “May…may…I… (gasp) …pleeease have…my panties…back?”

“That’s better,” I replied.  “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

She started to shake her head, then realized that it wasn’t possible and whispered, “No…”  And to my surprise managed to give me a sheepish little smile.

I crouched down so that we were face to face one more and said softly, “Exactly.  And since you agreed to do this and failed to do so, I’d say you deserve to be punished.  Don’t you think so?”

Her smile faltered and faded.  Behind her glasses her eyes closed and then, after a long moment, she breathed, “Yessss…”

“Good girl,” I replied.  Now, ask me again.”

Without opening her eyes, Nadine took another, deeper breath and opened her mouth:  “May I please…”

“Yes, you may,” I interrupted.  Using my free hand to take her blue silk panties from my pocket I quickly fitted them over her face so that the crotch was across her nose and her suddenly wide-open eyes were staring out at me through the leg-holes, her glasses slightly askew.

I used the same hand to support her chin as I released my grip on her hair.  She let out a gasp of relief but said nothing further.  I continued looking into her eyes as I said, “Do you remember what we talked about over lunch yesterday?”

I saw her pupils grow larger as she replied, “Yessss…”

“Do you remember me suggesting that, among other things, what you wanted was to be spanked when you were disobedient?”

Her eyes closed again, and her lips barely moved as she replied,  “Yesss…”

“And you agreed that it was what you needed, didn’t you, Nadine?”

“Yesss…”  Her breathing quickened, puffing out the crotch of the panties over her mouth.

“And you also agreed that you wanted someone who would tie you up when he felt like it, didn’t you, Nadine?”

At this her eyes flew open again and Nadine spent a long moment staring searchingly into my eyes.  Then they closed again as she whispered, “Ohhhh…  Yesss…”

“Well then, you are about to get your wish.  I’m going to finish tying you to this desk and then I’m going to spank you very hard, Nadine.  But before I do, I’m going to ask you one more time, and I want you to be completely honest with me and, more importantly, with yourself: is this what you want?”

I saw two tears escape from her eyes and roll down her cheeks, and her lips - what I could see of them behind her panties - quivered as she tried to speak.  After several seconds she finally managed, “Yesss…”  And then: “P-please.”

I pulled the crotch of her panties aside just long enough to kiss her, lightly but warmly.  Then I put it back in place before gently lowering her head and releasing it.

Then I took two more short lengths of rope from the bag and went behind her desk, pulling her chair out of the way.  She gasped when I crouched down and jerked her left foot to one side, deftly removing her low-heeled shoe before tying her ankle to the rear leg of the desk on that side – then again when I did the same with the other foot, forcing her legs apart almost as far as they would go and her skirt to ride up her thighs.  She was now completely spread-eagled, face-down on her desk.

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I rose to my feet again and spoke to her from behind the desk.  “All right, Nadine. I told you to call and ask for your panties back, and you agreed to do so…and you failed.  Do you happen to remember my other instructions to you, Nadine?”

As I spoke I was reaching down with both hands and slowly raising her skirt up over her hips, exposing pantyhose heavy enough to repel artillery, and beneath them what were very nearly granny-panties: plain, white cotton briefs that came nearly up to her navel.  She’d had a very bad reaction indeed to the previous day’s events, apparently.

I took a ballpoint pen from her desk and clicked it open.  “I told you not to wear pantyhose, Nadine.”  I pulled out the elastic waistband on her hose then used the pen to tear a long jagged rip in the seat.  Throwing the pen down, I seized the rip in both hands and tore it open, then tore each side again and then again, working my way around until there was nothing but the waistband above her hips and tatters of hose hanging down around her knees.  

She had gasped once more when she heard the first rip but had finally subsided into occasional whimpers as I continued.  But that didn’t last long, as I began swatting her behind - hard, and then harder - with my open palms, one then the other, to emphasize my next words:  “…AND (Slap!)…I (Slap!)…TOLD (Slap!)…YOU (Slap!)…NOT (Slap!)…TO (Slap!)…WEAR (Slap!)…ANY (Slap!)…PANTIES!” (SLAP!)  

Nadine grunted and moaned piteously with every slap.  When I reached the end of my sentence there was silence except for the sound of her sniffling.  I waited until I thought she was sure I was done, then gave her one last swat, harder than all the others, that jerked her head up with a cry:


She was sobbing so hard that she was unable to answer, but she tried, nodding her head vigorously up and down as she tried to speak.  I heard something that sounded like, “I’m really, really sorry!”

I walked around to the front of the desk, pulled one of the client chairs over and sat in front of Nadine.  Her head was hanging down and her hair was now partially disarrayed, though the clip still held some of it in place.  She was still crying and sniffling and there were a few dark spots on the rug where her tears had fallen, and her glasses had completely fallen off and were tangled in the panties over her face.

Her purse was on the small table beside her desk, leaning against her computer monitor.  I stood again long enough to reach over and grab it before sitting again.  I removed the panties, along with her glasses, from her face, placing them on my lap.  Then I rummaged through her purse and removed some tissues before putting it on the floor beside my chair.  

“Oh…look at you,” I said sympathetically, reaching out to cup her chin in one hand again and lift her head so she could look at me.  “You’re a mess.  Here…”  

I smoothed her hair behind her ears and used a tissue to clean her face, finishing up by holding another tissue to her nose, pinching it slightly, and telling her to blow, which she did, noisily.

When I took the tissue away and tossed it in the wastebasket, then carefully replaced her glasses on her nose, she continued to stare at me, half-wonderingly, half-fearfully, as if she couldn’t believe that the same man who had done all these painful things to her was the same one who was now treating her so tenderly.  I returned her gaze with one of friendly affection and said softly, “Do you understand what’s happening, Nadine?  Do you know why you’re tied to your desk like this?  Why I had to give you such a terrible spanking?”

She was calmer by then, though still somewhat in shock, and after a moment she tried to nod - before realizing that in her current position, with her chin resting in my hand, it wasn’t really possible.  She did manage to speak, though she had to do so through her teeth, more or less:  “B-czz I din’t…do what you shaid.”  Her eyes sought mine, desperately hoping that she’d given the right answer.

I smiled and gave her an encouraging nod.  “That’s part of it, of course, though I understand that what happened yesterday was too much for you emotionally, and that’s why you ignored my instructions, and why…” I raised one eyebrow.  “…you’re dressed like an ex-nun today.”

At this she blushed a deep red, and actually managed to give me another sheepish little grin.  I smiled back and continued, “But that’s not the main reason this is happening, Nadine.” Her look became anxious as I went on.  “The real reason this is happening is because…”  I leaned forward then, and kissed her again, this time a long and tender kiss.  Then I drew back just enough to look into her eyes and finished,  “…it’s what you want.”  

Her eyes went out of focus and her entire body began to quiver as I went on, “And if I’m wrong, now would be the time to tell me, Nadine...” I went on, stroking her hair once more with my free hand.  “Because otherwise...this is just the beginning.”

I sat back slightly, still holding her chin in one hand and stroking her hair with the other, and waited.  After a minute or so went by with a response I prompted her gently: “Do you want this to stop, Nadine?  It’s entirely up to you.”

She opened and closed her mouth several times but nothing intelligible emerged.  I nodded and said,  “Okay, you need time to think things over.  So I’m going out for a while.”  I tapped her mouth with my fingers.  “Open.”

I released her jaw and without hesitation she allowed her mouth to fall open.  And she didn’t seem all that surprised when I filled her mouth with her blue panties.  She looked at me for a long moment, but finally couldn’t continue holding her head up without my support and slowly let it fall.

I rummaged through her purse until I found her cellphone, then opened it and brought up the camera function.  I looked at Nadine on the screen, but the pose wasn’t quite right.  I got up and went behind her desk again.  On the wall behind where she normally sat were several shelves of books, most having to do with real-estate law.  I took down two of the very largest and thickest and stacked them on the desk next to Nadine.  Then I wormed my hand and arm beneath her stomach and lifted her up just high enough – as Nadine grunted in surprise - to shove the two books sideways under her stomach and hips before releasing her and stepping back.

As I had guessed, Nadine would now have to either rest her weight on the books – which couldn’t be comfortable for long – or else stand on her toes to relieve the pressure, which would also become tiring very quickly.  She would have to alternate.  More importantly, her ass was now nicely raised in the air.  I slipped my fingers under the elastic of her cotton panties at the leg-holes and drew the fabric up tightly between her cheeks, leaving the spanking-reddened skin exposed.  Much better.

Nadine was trying to speak, undoubtedly wanting to know what I was doing, but I ignored her, even as I went around to the front again to quickly check in the camera that Nadine’s pose was now correct, which it was.  Then I went back behind the desk, taking something from my pocket as I went.  

I slid my free hand between her legs, slowly, cupped her pussy through her panties, and gave her a little squeeze.  Nadine squirmed in my hand and moaned.  “Your panties are very, very moist, Nadine,” I said softly.  “I wonder why that is?”  Nadine moaned again and mumbled through her gag.

I removed my hand and hooked one finger through the elastic at the crotch of her panties, pulling it up just long enough to slide in the item from my pocket, which was small enough and of the proper shape to slide partway into her pussy when I released my hold on her panties.

Now everything was ready.  I returned to my seat in front of Nadine, picked up her phone and got the camera focused on her.

Then I punched in the numbers to call my own phone, which was set to ‘Vibrate’ - and currently residing in the crotch of Nadine’s panties.

Nadine had again let her head hang down, but when the phone went off her entire body jerked and her head snapped up as she gasped. My timing was excellent and I got exactly the picture I was hoping for: Nadine, her expression a shocked mixture of pleasure and dismay, eyes wide and staring into the camera, her glasses askew and half-way down her nose, hair falling untidily around her face, blue silk panties spilling out of her mouth.  And rising like distant hills in the background, slightly out of focus, her well-spanked ass.  Perfect.

I let it ring a few more times just to enjoy watching her writhe, then disconnected.  Nadine collapsed in relief.  I dug her keys out of her purse, then leaned down, straightened her glasses again and kissed her on the forehead.  “I’ll be back in a while,” I said.  “I’ll be thinking of you.”

I walked over to the window and with one jerk raised the blinds nearly all the way to the top.  Nadine tried to cry out and shook her head violently from side to side, though she must have known she was on the top floor of the tallest building on the square, so there was little danger of her being seen.  I smiled at her efforts, then said, “Just so you can watch for me.”

I blew her another kiss and walked out, closing the door behind me and checking to make sure it had locked.

I was hungry.  Time for dinner.

Written by Zenmackie
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