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Krystenah's Surprise Date with Daddy

"Daddy makes Krystenah wear a steel butt plug in public"

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I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Daddy's handsome, restful face, but I snapped awake when I saw that resting on his pillow instead was the thick, wooden frat paddle. I blinked awake and ran my hand over its smooth surface. Daddy rarely used it on me and I did a quick memory scan to try to find some infraction that would warrant punishment with it. I felt I had been good lately. I had done my chores and my exercise. A shiver went through me as I realized that soon the smooth cool surface would quickly warm against my ass.

I reluctantly pushed the covers off me and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I did a few stretches before getting into position to do my morning push ups. When I had finished, I went into the bathroom and admired the marks Daddy had left on my body last night. I examined my full breasts and the pink and purple bruises Daddy had painted on them as he slapped, pinched and sucked on them. The souvenirs had left them tender and beautiful. I couldn't wait to tell Shelley at the front desk that Daddy had given me "flowers" again last night.

"You're so lucky, Krys," she had said last week, with a tinge of jealousy in her voice. "You'd better hold on to him," she said, wagging her finger, before returning to her email hammering the keys a little harder than necessary. I smiled at the memory as I peed and then brushed my teeth and hair and washed my face.

I returned to the bedroom and made the bed before picking up the heavy paddle and padding downstairs to join Daddy for breakfast.

Daddy was at the stove cooking up some eggs and bacon. I sighed as I breathed in the heavenly smell and my Daddy's masterful (literal) way he spiced the food he was cooking. "Morning, Babygirl," he sang, his strong, sure back turned away from me.

I cleared my throat. "Morning, Daddy," I breathed. I held the paddle at my side. He turned off the burner and grabbed a towel and wiped his hands.

"Bring my plate and the paddle to the table, my goofy slut. Your plate will remain the oven until I am... finished," he said with a playful smile as he scanned my body and smiled.

"Yes, Daddy," I said, still waiting for Daddy to reveal my fate. I laid Daddy's plate on the table and set the paddle gently next to it. I crawled under the table and after Daddy sat down, I rested my head against his strong, chocolate-colored thigh. Daddy took a bite and then said the words I love to hear every morning:

"You may eat.". I eagerly unzipped his fly and extracted Bestie, my pet name for Daddy's glorious, delicious cock. I sighed as I nuzzled Bestie and inhaled his intoxicating musk. I slowly licked the slit and lapped up the precum. I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue. I drew Bestie into my mouth and closed my lips around the shaft. Daddy moaned with satisfaction as he ate his breakfast while I ate mine. I moaned in sympathy and drew him deeper into my throat.

When Daddy finished his meal, he reached under the table and patted my head. I couldn't help pouting as I released Bestie from my warm, wet mouth. Daddy told me to clear his plate and bend over the edge of the table. I felt my thighs tighten as I imagined the paddle striking my buttocks. I crawled out from the table and did as I was told. As my tender breasts rested against the surface of the table, I tried to slow my heart and relax. It wasn't easy. Daddy picked up the heavy paddle and laid it against my ass. "Daddy," I whispered.

"Shhh, my Babygoofgirl. You're not in trouble. You're getting paddled simply to focus your mind. Stay still and relax. You need this, and so do I." Without further warning, the first blow landed against my flesh and I pitched slightly forward. I grunted low in my throat as the blow reverberated over the dining room walls. As the sting blossomed, the next blow came and the next. Daddy hit me hard, harder than usual and tears sprang into my eyes. I felt a scream catch in my throat as Daddy moved in closer to me and grabbed me around my waist. I leaned against his arms and tried to prepare myself for the next blow, but he began to strike me hard with measured blows.

I felt a momentary flash of fear as the strikes came over and over and my tears and screams seemed to erupt from my body. My ass felt like it was on fire as he struck me again and again. I lost the ability to count or anticipate. I was just being paddled by my Daddy. I flinched as he lay his hand on my throbbing ass and pulled me into his arms. He whispered against my ear, but I couldn't hear the words. My face was wet with tears and spit, and I clutched at him for comfort.

"Shh," he purred in my ears. His voice was low and warm. "Wash your face and then you can eat your second breakfast, you gluttonous girl."

I nodded my understanding and walked, dazedly into the bathroom. My face was swollen and red. I ran the water, but it sounded funny in my ears. I ran my hands under the water and rinsed my face as my breathing and heart rate slowed. I dried my face and returned to the kitchen, my legs still wobbly and my ass pulsing from the paddling.

Daddy hugged me and handed me my plate. He motioned to the chair for me to sit.

"Thank you, Daddy. May I stand to eat, Sir?" I asked.

He seemed to consider my request and then shook his head slowly. I smiled and nodded. I sat down as gingerly as I could, but the seat of the chair was unfriendly to my punished ass. A foreign sound escaped my throat and Daddy laughed as he rubbed my shoulder and returned upstairs to lay out my clothes for the day.

After I had cleared and washed the morning dishes, I went upstairs and found that Daddy had lain out my shortest mini, a string bikini thong, the leopard print push-up bra and a clingy black blouse. I dressed quickly as Daddy watched. He made a circular motion with his finger and I turned around so he could inspect my outfit.

Daddy handed me my checklist for the day and grabbed his keys from his bedside table. "Work hard, my slut and I will call you later. Be good," he said, earnestly, looking at me over his glasses. I felt my pussy tingling at his words. I wanted to feel his strong arms grasp my shoulders and push me against the wall. I wanted to feel Bestie insistently pressing at my second mouth and deep into my hungry cunt past my special spot until my eyes rolled back in my head...

"Slave!" Daddy's insistent voice pierced my dream.

"Yes, Master," I mumbled, my face flushed red.

"The paddling was meant to help you focus. Do I need to reiterate the lesson with the belt?" My hands instinctively fell to cover my pulsing, swelling ass.

"Please, Daddy. I'm focused. I'm focused." I held the lengthy checklist in my hand as Daddy looked at me skeptically, but he headed down the stairs. I followed behind him, relieved at the reprieve.

I kissed him deeply before he left. He held the door open the the neighborhood as he squeezed my left tit roughly and whispered into my mouth. "Focus, Puppy. Work hard for me today."

"Yes, Master," I breathed, happily, unconcerned if the neighbors departing for work saw the flowers on my tits and punished ass.

As Daddy left, I looked down at my checklist. I hadn't read any of the items before, but now, as I scanned the list three items came into sharp relief in my mind. They were:

1. Plug ass and stand in corner time for twenty minutes

5. Plug ass and stand in corner time for twenty minutes

11. Plug ass and stand in corner time for twenty minutes

I also noticed that there were more than twenty items Daddy had given me to do. I rushed upstairs as quickly as I could with my cunt nearlky dripping and my ass cheeks still protesting every movement. I lubed up my jeweled buttplug and inserted it expertly. As my ass sucked it inside, I dried my hands on a towel and then gathered the dirty clothes from the bedroom (do laundry was number three on the list). With every movement, the plug jostled inside my ass, sending delight sparks to my clit. How I wanted to text Daddy to ask if I could play in his pussy, but I knew I didn't dare ask anything until my checklist was complete. After I had set the washing machine, I walked downstairs to my corner and pulled up the blinds. In cornertime I am naked and exposed. The blinds are up because I am not afforded anonymity. If I am seen, I am seen and exposed for the slutty slave I am. These lines are written 500 times on a poster laminated and hanging in my corner above my timer. I set the timer and stare in the corner to fulfill the first item on my checklist.

As I moved through my chores and did my corner time, the ache in my ass settled down and I almost missed it. It is such a strange thing to resist the pain as it is inflicted and then mourn it as the bruises fade to yellow and the sting mellow into an ache. By the end of the afternoon, after I had eaten my lunch from a plate on the floor, scrubbed the toilets, dusted the living room and set the corner time timer twice more, I was walking easily and craving a spanking again.

Daddy's key turned in the front door lock as I was finishing up my last task: put the dishes from the dishwasher into the cabinets. I rushed to the door and stood up straight, my chest pressed out and my hands locked tightly around the checklist at the small of my back.

"Hi, Babygirl," Daddy said as he set his keys on the table and undid his fly. I knelt before him as he stood in the foyer. "Hungry?" he asked me, but he knew the answer.

"Famished," I sighed and smiled as I took his cock deep into my mouth.

Daddy sat on the couch and patted his lap.

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I handed him the checklist and lay across his lap as he read it. He rubbed my ass roughly as he examined the list. He lifted the skirt and resumed rubbing and then slapping my ass. I ground my pelvis into his groin as the spanked my bruised and tender ass. "How was your day?" he asked me, casually, as the spanking continued.

"Long. Horny," I answered, casually back, between grunts and moans. I grabbed onto his thick calf as he grasped me around my waist and set the checklist aside. I wondered if he was going to make me cry again from his hand. The blows came slowly and steadily and reignited the fire in my ass. As I squirmed, Daddy held me tighter and spanked me harder. I moaned into the sofa cushions as Daddy spoke.

"I have a surprise for you, Slut. We're going out. When I am finished, I need you to bring me my bag from the car. He didn't let up on the spanking, but continued battering my thighs and ass. I moved under his blows, but the fire was building in my cunt and soaking the tiny gusset of my panties. Daddy pushed the string aside and began massaging my anus. I grunted as he pushed one and then two fingers inside easily. I pushed back on his fingers as I felt an orgasm threatening to blow inside me. Daddy sensed this and slapped my ass with extra force. "Don't you dare cum, Slave," he said and continued the merciless drumbeat on my ass. When he was satisfied, he sent me to the car to retrieve his bag. I brought it to him and knelt as he extracted a steel butt plug from his bag. He admired it and told me to resume my position over his knee.

As he lubed up the plug, I breathed deeply and forced myself to relax. "Pull them apart," he told me and I reached back and pulled my ass cheeks apart. He massaged the opening and pressed little by little slowly until the plug was nestled nicely inside. The plug made me feel full with its thick heaviness. I moaned against the returning sensation of the orgasmic bubble inside me.

"Can I touch her, Daddy?" I whimpered, and he gave his assent. I pulled the string away from my swollen pussy lips and pressed against my button, which was already throbbing. I rubbed frantically as he tapped the base of the plug playfully. "May I cum, Daddy?" I practically screamed as the tension built inside me.

Daddy abruptly stopped the play. "No, Slut. Not yet. If you are good at the concert, I may let you cum," he said, with a smile in his voice.

I lifted up on the couch and turned to face him. "Concert?"

Daddy refused to tell me who we were going to see, but I didn't care. The plug inside me felt delicious and the breeze that tickled around the hem of my skirt and caught the syrup of my arousal felt divine. I knew the people standing behind us could see the redness on my thighs and the crease where my ass meets my thighs, and I wanted them to see it. I wanted them to know that my Daddy had spanked and paddled my ass today. I wanted them to know I was a Black-owned slave who sucks his thick cock when he gives me permission. I hoped they could smell the cum on my breath and face as I laughed with Daddy and pressed my bruised, flowered tits against him. "Why is the line moving so slowly?" I asked Daddy.

"Metal detector." he said and smiled down at me.

Metal Detector. I strained to see up ahead of me to see if Daddy was playing with me, as his expression betrayed nothing. I stood on my tiptoes and saw a man with his arms outstretched being scanned with a wand. Daddy hadn't been joking. My heart began to race as we trudged ahead in line and my turn to go through the metal detector got closer. Would my flesh cover up the fact that my ass was stuffed with a steel butt plug? Of course it wouldn't. Would Daddy spare me from the humiliation right before we reached the head of the line? Probably not. I moaned inwardly and tried to quiet my heart, which I was convinced everyone around me could hear. It was Daddy's turn to go through the contraption. As he let go of my hand and kissed my forehead, I felt the blood go cold in my veins. He passed through without incident. I froze. Daddy looked at me with steady eyes and motioned me through. I couldn't move. I looked around for escape, but there was no escape. I had to walk slowly into the machine. "It will be okay," I told myself," but I was starting to feel sick.

"BEEP! BEEP BEEP!" the metal detector went off (of course it did) when I stepped onto the platform. I searched Daddy's eyes for comfort as the security guards had me exit and then enter the machine again. "BEEP! BEEP BEEP!" it went off again. I could hear murmurs of concertgoers around me as a handsome guy with muscular arms escorted me away from the machine roughly and told me to put my arms out to my sides. He wanded my arms and legs and when he moved the wand over the back of my skirt, the wand in his hand whistled and shrieked. "Strip search!" he shouted to an unfriendly woman standing with her arms crossed off to our left. Daddy walked toward me as she grasped my elbow and led me away. The plug was moving uncomfortably inside me and the crowd's whispers and speculations fell away from the rush of blood in my ears. She closed the door solidly behind us, shutting Daddy out from the room.

My heart was all I could feel. "Do you have any weapons or firearms on your person?" She demanded, looking a little worried.

"No, Ma'am," I answered her.

"Well you made that machine out there go off like a carnival game. What are you packing, Bitch?" she asked me. She began patting me down roughly, not waiting for an answer. As she ran her hands up my legs and then my thighs, she touched my pulsating pussy briefly and then grasped the base of the plug. She tugged on it. "What th--?" she whispered to herself.

"Please don't remove that. My Master--"

"Your MASTER? What do you mean your master?" she asked me. "Who's your master?"

"Outside the door. My Master put that inside me and he told me I have to wear it during the concert. Please Ma'am. I can't disobey him."

"Who? That black man you were with?" My eyes were flooding with tears.

"Yes. My King. My Master. Please let me keep it. He's going to check it as soon as you let me leave."

She stood back from me and looked me up and down. She smiled a mysterious smile. "This is a strip search girl, so you'd better strip so we can get to the bottom of this. I have orders of my own."

I stripped as quickly as I could, eager for this to be over and to be reunited with my master on the other side of the door. When I removed my blouse and bra, she opened the door and called for the other man to join us. I caught a glimpse of my Daddy peeking past the crack of the door. There were several rubberneckers eager to know what was going on behind the closed door.

"Daddy!" I called, but he stood, impassive as the second security guard entered the room. As I stood topless, The man walked around me and then stood behind me. The woman explained to me that a second guard was required for special searches. The man told me to bend over and grasp my ankles. After years of training, I bent forward without hesitation. As I did, the skirt lifted and I knew that my ass was more than half exposed. The man knelt behind me and placed the flat of his hand against the plug. He slapped it gently.

"Cheri. It's just a plug. Why'd you call me in for this?" He ran his hand appreciatively over my welted thighs and ass. "I've got a line of people stretching out the door. Anyone can tell this is a just a slave who is trying to please her master--a master who obviously uses his property very well." He stood up and told me to do the same. He stood in front of me and told "Cheri", whose moth was agape, to hand him my bra and blouse. To me he said, "You may get dressed now, little slave. I am very sorry for the inconvenience. You can join your master once you have put yourself together." I began dressing as he spoke to Cheri in hushed tones. She was still incredulous, but her voice began to take on an apologetic flavor. He returned to me and motioned to Cheri over her shoulder. "She's new," he said. "Give my compliments to your keeper for your lovely markings."

"Yes, Sir," I said, grateful and not a little surprised, myself. I opened the heavy door and fell into my Daddy's arms.

"Any problems, Pet?" he asked me, his eyes wide and smiling.

"No," I squeaked and shook my head. "No problem, Master."

"Well, we have one problem, he said as he took my hand and pulled me toward the seats. "You've made us late and we've missed my favorite song. You know your Daddy is going to have to punish you good for that when we get home." My pussy throbbed at his words.

"Yes, Daddy," I said. "Of course." Daddy took me in my arms and hugged me. He ran his strong hands down my back and down my ass and patted the plug, pressing it a fraction deeper into my rectum. "Good girl," he whispered in my ear.

But instead of taking me to our seats, Daddy led me to the men's room. He pressed me gently against the wall and lifted my skirt. I heard him pulling Bestie out and felt him throbbing and insistent at the mouth of my cunt. Daddy thrust himself inside me, driving the plug deeper. I moaned against the cool tile as Daddy took his slave's pussy against his perfect ever cream-covered cock.

Written by krystenah
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