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Just Do What You're Told - Part One

"Susan discovers a new life under her Master's firm control."

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Bill had received a few emails from “slutineed69” through the web site. At first the notes were short and pretty banal. Her picture showed a smiling, early 50’s, school teacher type. Nothing unattractive by far, but nothing that demanded his immediate attention.

Bill would send short replies, usually asking her some leading question to see where she went. Her answers were usually fairly unresponsive. He figured she was either thick or the handy work of an overseas webmaster trying to maintain interest in the site.

One day, he was in a mood and asked her why a good looking married woman was spending time on this particular site.

Bill was more than surprised when he received her two page answer. To summarize, she loved her husband but was so totally tired of their sex lives she was ready to scream. The husband had little interest other than a weekly, missionary style fuck, and the occasional blow job.

She explained that the last straw for her came when he went down on her (at her request for ‘something different’) and fumbled around like a blind virgin. When she asked what he was doing, he told her he was looking for her clit. A hundred years of marriage and he couldn’t find her clit.

Contrast her husband’s ineptness with her rich sexual ‘bucket list’, and it was apparent that it was hopeless.

She explained that she dreamed of being used, abused and pushed; all within reason, of course. She readily admitted that she had no idea what ‘reason’ was. It was just out there somewhere.

Bill was intrigued. This could be a lot of fun, or a major disaster. Since he had nothing to lose, and a free evening, he figured ‘what the hell’ and invited her for a drink. He picked a bar he knew that was about half way between them. He told her not to respond, but to just show up if she was serious. Oh, and she should wear a dress no longer than her knees.

He was on his second drink watching the football game when he saw her come in. She was wearing a simple wrap around dress that complemented a very cute body. With some lip gloss and eye make up, she looked less like the teacher type and more like a woman.

Bill caught her eye and motioned her over to the bar. As she started to sit down he introduced himself.

“I’m Bill. You must be ‘slutineed’.” He didn’t shout it out, but made sure it was just loud enough to be embarrassing. He thought how much fun it was when he really didn’t care.

She blushed, held out her hand and said, “I’m Susan.”

After her first glass of wine and ridiculous small talk, he told her that they should sit in a booth.

“Now Susan, please be completely honest and tell me what you are looking for. You seem too sincere for me to waste your time if I don’t think I can help you.”

“I don’t know how to start,” she answered.

“I tell you what. Tell me what you were thinking the last time you masturbated.”

“Boy, you jump right in don’t you?”

Bill said in the nicest, most sincere voice he could summon, “I have too much respect for what are obviously deep seated needs in your life. I don’t want to waste your time or efforts in fulfilling those needs.”

“Do I look like I need something?”

“Look, you wrote me. You met me. You wore what I told you to. Any fool can see that there’s a big hole in you that you are trying to fill. If you didn’t have a need, you wouldn’t be here. If I’m wrong, please say so and I’ll thank you for a pleasant evening.”

There was silence for almost an entire minute. Bill called for the check and thanked her for joining him for a drink. He told her how he wished her all the best.

She starred at the table and said, “No. Please. When I last masturbated, I was imagining that the only boss that ever fired me gave me the option to do what he told me to do instead of firing me.”

“Did you imagine that you decided to not get fired?”


“What did he have you do?”

“He brought me to a room in the back of the store and told me that I would be spending my shifts in there from now on. He told me that after stamping by time card, I was to go directly to the room and stand in the corner until he came for me.”

“Then what happened.”


Bill asked, “What do you mean, nothing’?”

Susan whispered bashfully, “I had an orgasm when I imagined being ordered to the corner.”

“Do you want to stand in the corner, Susan?”


“Do you want to be told what to do by your boss?”

“Yes. A lot.”

“Do you think the boss should punish you if you fail to obey?”

Her face became flushed. She raised her eyes without lifting her head and nodded yes.

“Listen carefully Susan. Today is Tuesday. This Friday night you will be my guest. Give me your email address and I will send you detailed instructions on Friday morning.”

Susan responded, “I don’t know what my husband is doing. I’ll have to see if I can make it work.”

“Susan, please don’t take this wrong, but that’s your problem. You will follow instructions or you won’t. It’s completely up to you. Let’s go. I’ll walk you out to your car.”

Bill stood and held out his hand. Susan said nothing as she put her hand in his.

In the darkened corner of the parking lot where she had parked, Bill took her head in his hands and kissed her tenderly. Her lips seemed to melt on contact. Part of him didn’t want to wait until Friday, but Beverly was coming over tomorrow night, and he knew he needed at least one night’s rest.



Shortly after 11:00 AM on Friday, Bill’s email arrived. In the cold light of day, Susan almost deleted it but decided that it wouldn’t hurt to just read it.

“Susan, I hope this finds you well. Please understand that you are under no obligation to do anything. If you decide not to participate, I will completely respect your decision and wish you nothing but good things.”


“The following instructions are for you and must be followed if you choose to. If you want to follow some instructions and not others, we will not be compatible. It’s all in, or not in at all.”


“You are to arrive at my house at exactly 8:00. You are to look your best and you may wear whatever you think achieves that end. Once you enter my home, you will not make any decisions for yourself. The only decision available to you is to obey.”


“In reality, we know you are actually perfectly free to make any other decision, and you may. That will of course, require you to leave immediately. That is why you are to drive yourself.”


“Complete the attached questionnaire of sexual interests and return it to me by 1:00. If it is not returned by then, there is no reason for you to communicate further and no reason for you to come tonight.”


“That’s it!” Susan thought to herself. She decided there was no way she was stupid to start down that path. “Oh well, it was worth the fantasy.”

She returned to her computer at 12:30. “Damn,” she said, “I’ve got to complete the questionnaire and send it by 1:00!”


It was easy to follow the online map to Bill’s address. She arrived at 7:45 and circled the block talking herself out of going, and talking herself into going.

Bill was not the least bit surprised to hear the doorbell ring at exactly 8:00.

“Come in, Susan. Please stand in the center of the room facing my chair.”

Without touching her, Bill kissed her. He could feel her nervousness. He took her coat and put it on a rack near the front door.

“Your coat and keys will remain right here. You may take them anytime you please.”

Mathew sat in his chair and spent a moment looking at Susan. She was wearing a simple black dress that came just above her knee. The neckline was low, and the tops of her breasts looked like they would pop out at any minute. Her black patterned stockings and high heels completed her very attractive and very sexy outfit.

“Turn around for me Susan.”

Susan turned around slowly. She was beginning to enjoy herself.

“Susan, please sit down. We have much to discuss. I want to be as frank and open as I can be. Do you understand what you will do if you decide to stay here?”

“I think so, yes.”

“Tell me.”

“I hope you will teach me to be a source of sexual pleasure for you.”

“Susan, that is going to involve being stripped, being spanked and being fucked whenever it strikes my fancy. It will require you to be humiliated so you will be constantly aware of your role. You will be nothing more than my slut, my fuck puppet. I may tie you up, whip you and leave you naked on the porch. I may fuck you in your ass and torture your tits with clamps, whips and hot wax. In short, if you take my collar and decide to stay, you will be my property to do with as I wish.”

“I believe you will experience orgasms deeper than you ever have before, and I know you will feel pain that you will do anything to stop. I will never harm you, but I will hurt you.”

“Once you enter here, you will call me Master or Sir. You will refer to yourself as girl, or slut. You will do what you are told when you are told to do it. Failure will be punished, and failure to accept punishment will result in complete dismissal.”

“Am I very clear?”

Susan was so turned on by the by Bill’s description; it would not have taken much more than a stiff breeze across her clit to take her over the edge.

“Yes… Sir.” She swallowed the rest of her wine.

“Tell me you want to be my slut.”

“Sir, may this girl be your slut. Please?”

“Stand before me. Your hands belong behind your head. Your elbows should be held back as far as you can.”

Her dress rode up her thighs enough to see the tops of her stockings.

“Remove your dress. Fold it neatly and put it on the couch.”

Susan was surprised that she found this much easier than she had expected. Once you accept that you are not leaving here without being thoroughly fucked, this part is easy.

Bill stood and walked around her while he drank his wine. His fingers grazed gently across her breasts, her back and between her legs.

He whispered in her ear, “Bra off.”

Her tits were not huge, but very fuckable. The nipples were perfect and standing out straight.

“Your nipples are hard, slut.” Bill said as he took each nipple between his fingers. “Why is that?”

“Because they are aroused?”

Bill suddenly held her shoulder with his left hand and spanked her ass with his right.

“Sluts do not answer questions with questions, and sluts always address their comments to their master with respect.”

Two more swats on her ass and then Bill said, “Now, why are the slut’s nipples hard?”

“Sir, they are hard because this slut is excited.”

“Much better. Is your pussy wet?”

“Yes Sir, I believe it is.”

“Stripping and spanking gets you wet. You really are a slut. Panties off. Show me your cunt.”

Susan worked the panties down her stockings and over her heels. Bill sat down.

“Come here. I want to see your cunt up close.”

As he worked a finger into her, he said, “The little tuft of hair is cute, but my sluts are to be completely shaved. This is the last time I will see that hair.”

“Yes, Sir.”

At first she instinctively wondered how she would explain it to her husband; but then she realized he’d probably not even notice.

Bill had two fingers in was moving them around. He told her to play with her nipples. It was very pleasing to see that her juices were flowing freely. The slightest touch to her clit caused her hips to thrust forward seeking more complete contact.

“Follow me, slut.”

Bill suddenly pulled his fingers from her, stood up and walked to the playroom. The lights in the room were off, so Susan could not see well as she felt the cold steel of handcuffs being locked around her wrists. Before she had a chance to react, Bill pulled her cuffed wrists over her head and attached the connecting chain to another chain that was hanging from the ceiling. Then, he removed her heels, causing her to use only her toes to maintain contact with the floor.

When Bill turned the light on, Susan could see a rack on one wall that displayed various whips, paddles, chains, and ropes. The table held a mish mash of clamps, candles, gags and cuffs. There were other things that she had no idea of what they were.

“You will spend a lot of time here, slut. In time, you will look forward to the attention you will receive here.”

Susan was hanging naked except for her black stockings. Bill would normally have her completely naked by now, but there was simply something incredibly slutty about the look. He needed some pictures of it before he stripped those from her too.

He decided to start her out with the rubber cat o’nine tails. Light, painless strokes were applied starting with the soles of her feet and up and around each leg. The stokes became harder as he worked on her ass and shoulders.

Susan started to make too much noise when Bill started on her ass with the leather paddle.

“Maybe this will help you control yourself! The count will be doubled and redoubled until you learn to accept what I want you to have. Now shut up and take it!”

She had seen ball gags before, but this was the first one she ever had on. Bill figured as much and therefore used the smallest one he had. He was very pleased that she quieted down considerably and seemed to concentrate on control as he continued his assault on her ass.

After a few lighter strokes to the sides of her tits, he ran his hand over her ass cheeks and then between her legs to her pussy. She was gushing.

Once Bill removed her gag, he finger fucked her for a few seconds and then put his fingers in her mouth.

“You are doing very well slut. Clean my fingers off well and I’ll take you off the hook.”

Susan sucked the fingers and used her tongue to cover every inch. She had tasted herself before, but even she was surprised at how much cunt juice was coming out of her.

Bill worked her cunt a little while longer while he gave her a few moments to let the blood come back into her released arms.

“Get on your back.”

She laid down on the mattress that was in the far corner of the room. Bill took four leather belts from the toy table and used two to secure her ankles to the back of the upper part of her thighs, and two more to secure her forearms to her thighs. He always thought this was one of the finest ways to display pussy.

Bill pushed is tongue directly on her swollen clit. Susan could not hold back the automatic moan of pleasure. Bill worked her tits while he continued to enjoy the taste of new cunt. Susan felt her orgasm build and went totally out of control when Bill plunged his fingers in without letting his tongue leave her clit.

Susan came harder, deeper and longer than she had in many years. Her orgasmic screams turned to tears and Bill could feel the contractions in the walls of her cunt. Once she calmed down, she felt Bill’s hand slapping her ass.

“I let you come because I figured it’s been a long time since you’ve had a man take care of your cunt the way it should be. But from now on, you don’t cum without my permission!”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry Sir, Thank you, Sir.”

“I’m going to fuck you now. If you cum you will spend the rest of the night hanging from the ceiling with your tits in a vice. This is for me, I have no interest in your pleasure.”

Bill’s dick slid into her still oozing pussy with ease. She was much tighter then he expected. He spent the next ten minutes or so fucking her with great enjoyment, but he was nowhere near cuming. He loved it when he was like this. Once he developed that level of control, he learned how to enjoy fucking..not just cuming. Just the simple pleasure of fucking for fucking sake.

He released the belts from her legs and arms and laid down on the mattress.

He held each side of her face and said, “Make me cum, slut. And make it good.”

He pulled her face to his dick. She had her mouth open to welcome him.

It had been a long time since Susan was enjoying the feel of a dick in her mouth. On the few times she had blown her husband recently, she just wanted him to cum so she could get to sleep or watch some TV show. She realized quickly that she was not just sucking dick, she was getting her mouth fucked.

Bill had to admit that she was good. But only to himself. He learned a long time ago to be stingy with the complements. That way, they keep trying.

He dug his fingers into her ass as he felt his ball sack contracting and knew he was about to fill her mouth.

“Swallow every fucking drop!” Load after load shot into her sucking mouth.

Once he was done, he pulled his shrinking cock from her lips, leaned his head back on the mattress, and closed his eyes.

“Get dressed and get out of here. Check your email for further instructions.”

Bill never so much as lifted his head until well after she had left. Once in the car Susan said to herself, “How fucking rude! He beats the shit out of me, fucks me and cums in my mouth. Then he kicks me out like some domestic slave. Then the bastard has the nerve to tell me to watch for his ‘further instructions’! What the hell does he think I am.”

By the time she got to the first red light, she knew she was getting wet yet again. She hoped her instructions would arrive soon.



Susan had known her best girlfriend Dawn since grade school. Fortunately, she always lived nearby. Dawn was the one person in the world she could confide in. Completely.

Dawn’s oldest daughter lived in San Francisco and was a fairly well known model for a major D/s website. In fact it was the same website Susan meet Bill through. The site specialized in slut training, but had links to almost anything you could imagine.

Dawn and she had looked at her daughter’s pictures together. All Dawn ever said was, “She’s over 21 and it’s her body. I guess it’s better then marrying some loser asshole like her father.”

Dawn knew how miserable Susan’s domestic sex life had been, so she was looking forward to hearing the details of Friday’s adventure. Her husband was playing golf all afternoon, so they agreed to meet at Susan’s.

Susan noticed that Dawn’s expression grew stranger as she told her everything that happened. She thought that perhaps she had gone over some line and was now provoking Dawn’s disapproval.

When she completed her story and told her how she had finished herself off in the front seat of her car once she was in the garage, she braced herself for Dawn’s reaction.

Dawn said quietly, “What street does this Bill live on?”

Upon hearing Susan’s answer, Dawn said, “Damn. You’re not going to believe this.”

“I won’t believe what? I thought you were the one in disbelief.”

“Do you remember the affair I told you about when my daughter was about seven? Unless there is a huge coincidence, I think it was with your Bill!”

“What? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“I don’t think I am. I told you it was just a little love affair. After all, I was entitled given the number of whore girlfriends my ex had. But really, the relationship consisted of me doing whatever he told me to.”

“Is that why you ended it?”

‘Hell, no. There was no way I wanted to end it. I hadn’t been that sexually charged ever before. In fact, never was again, until recently. He’s the one that ended it. If he’s still half as good now as he was back then, I completely understand the smile on your face.”

“Why did he end it?”

“He left me a phone message telling me to meet him. I called back and explained to his answering machine that my husband wasn’t home and couldn’t leave my daughter alone.”

“I heard nothing from him, and a few days later I called him; which I was never supposed to do.”

“All he said was, ‘I told you to do what you were told when you were told to do it. If you can’t, you can’t.’ He hung up and I never heard from him again. Funny thing is, I was never mad at him. He told me what the rules were from the beginning.”

Susan said, “Holy crap! We’ve sucked the same cock in different decades….What about Charlie? Is he like Bill?”

Charlie had been Dawn’s more or less steady boyfriend for the last few years. Susan always thought of that relationship as simply convenient and comfortable.

Dawn answered, “I met Charlie through the same website. He used to work there. What do you think?”

“But you two always seem so normal together.”

“Charlie is completely respectful and caring until we are alone. Make no mistake about it. When we are alone, I am completely his. And, unless things have changed in fifteen years, Charlie can make Bill look like a cub scout.”

“Bill is no boy scout. My ass is still bruised!” said Susan.

Dawn stood, turned around and pulled her pants down to show Susan her black and blue ass.

Susan looked and asked, “Charlie gave you that! God, it looks sore.

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What are the lines?”

“There’re from the cane. I’m sure Bill will introduce you to the cane shortly. I still remember the first time he used it on me. I don’t remember exactly what I did to deserve it, but I know I was disobedient. Believe me, whatever I did wrong, I never did again.”

Just then, a voice came from Susan’s computer in the next room. “You have mail.” Susan and Dawn read Bill’s note together.

“At 6:00 you will meet me at the bar we first met in. Wear a trenchcoat, heels, and nothing else.”

Dawn felt nostalgic. “Wow. I remember when he told me to do that.” She decided not to tell Susan about her evening in a raincoat with Bill. She didn’t want to ruin the ‘surprise’.

Once Dawn left for her date with Charlie, Susan showered, shaved and picked out a pair of heels. It struck her how much easier it was to get ready when your outfit options were as limited as hers. She tied the belt securing her trench coat closed and got in her car. She left a note for her husband saying she was going to her girlfriend’s sex toy party and wasn’t sure when she’d be home. She told herself that if that did not bring up any questions, she’d give up.

Susan parked in about the same space she did the last time she was here and started toward the bar’s rear entrance. Halfway through the lot, she heard a horn honk followed by Bill’s voice.

“Over here, slut.”

Bill was sitting sideways on the driver’s seat of his car with the door open and his feet on the ground. His right forearm was resting on the arm rest of the door.

Susan walked over with her hands in the pockets of her coat.

“Did you dress as instructed?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Open the coat and show me.”

Shocked, Susan stammered, “But, the parking lot…”

Bill interrupted. “I don’t need a slut to tell me where I am.”

He reached to the front of her coat and ripped off the only two buttons and threw them on the floor of his car.

“I’m waiting.”

Susan untied the belt and held the coat open for his inspection.

“Leave it open and listen. If I tell you to shove a pine cone up your ass in the middle of the city square, you do it. I don’t expect you to tell me we’re in the city square! Am I clear?”

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Now give me the belt and hold the coat closed.”

Susan gave him the belt and hugged herself to keep the coat closed. The belt joined the buttons.

“Go to the bar and find us seats. I’ll be there shortly. Get me a martini and a glass of water for yourself.”

Susan could feel her humiliation causing her to blush, and at the same time, could feel a small damn burst somewhere in her pussy. She was in awe as to how fucking hot it made her to be humiliated like this.

She knew that the sanest and safest thing to do was to get in her car and head home. Any woman with an ounce of brains and a shred of self respect would be on her way home by now. Susan was firm in her choice of action.

“Yes, Sir.”

Susan walked to the bar entrance; Bill turned on the car radio to hear the baseball scores.

There were two stools available but they were separated by one, rather large, and wholly unattractive man. Susan climbed up on one, careful to hold her coat closed. The bartender looked at her kind of funny when she ordered water for herself. The man next to her couldn’t keep his eyes off her.

“You here by yourself sweet thing?” he asked.

“No, my er..husband is parking the car. Could I possibly ask you to move down a seat so we could sit next to each other?”

He looked a bit disappointed, but not less interested by any means. “Tell you what, I’ll switch stools with you. That way I can still see the TV well.”

Susan knew damn well that he just wanted to be sure he was sitting next to her so he could keep an eye on her naked legs. You could see the TV from the other room, and besides, it was some sports talk show with no sound.

She was concerned that the ice in Bill’s martini would be melted by the time he arrived. The fat man continued to try to drum up some kind of conversation, and he was driving her nuts.

Just as she took the last sip of water from her glass, Bill arrived. He kissed her on the back of her neck, thanked her for the drink and sat down.

The fat man introduced himself. “You must be the lucky husband. Hope you don’t mind me entertaining your wife while she was waiting.”

Bill laughed. “I don’t mind at all. I do hope she was friendly. Where do you get the idea we are married though?”

“I’m sorry, I thought she said she was waiting for her husband.”

“No. It would be a long wait for her husband. He’s far from here and has no idea where she is. Susan here is just using me to cheat on him.”

The fat man’s chin dropped and Susan starred at the floor more humiliated then she had ever been before. She realized then, that it wouldn’t be the last time, not the worse time, as long as she was with Bill.

At least the fat man decided to shut up and mind his own business.

Bill said to her, “Now have you been making up stories behind my back?”

“Not really, it’s just that…”

“It’s just that, you apparently have a nasty streak of dishonesty that needs to be extinguished. We’ll start to work on that on our next meeting. From now on, if anyone questions you regarding the nature of our relationship, you are to tell them the truth. Just tell them that you are my slut and that you love to obey.”

She hoped no one ever asked again. “Yes, Sir.”

“I have an early day tomorrow, so we will be leaving once I finish this drink. Tell me, how wet is your cunt?”

Susan was very aware that she had been getting wetter as she endured Bill’s treatment. In fact, since there was nothing on under the rain coat, she was sure the stool would be wet when she got up.

“It’s very wet, Sir.”

“What is very wet, slut?”

Susan tried to answer as quietly as she could.

“My pussy is wet.”

“Slut, you don’t have a pussy. You have a cunt. Ladies have pussys. Sluts have cunts. Now, what’s very wet?”

Susan could feel the red in her face grow deeper. And she could feel the warmth in her crotch build. She thought of going to the restroom and making herself come, but she knew she was not to come without Bill’s permission.

“My cunt is very wet, Sir.”

“Cross you legs.”

Susan struggled to keep the coat closed with one hand and using the other to prevent the bottom of the coat from opening too far up her now crossed and naked legs. Bill put his hand on her knee.

“See if your nipples are hard.”

Susan tried to slide her hand into her coat to touch her nipples while pretending to strike her chest while she coughed. That of course left the bottom of her coat to open as far as it would. Bill helped it along with a gentle flick on the falling end.

“My nipples are hard, Sir.”

“Good. Now keep your hand on your left one while I finish this drink.”

Susan knew that she was the center of attention for a good portion of the men in the bar. She imagined being taken by them all right here on the bar. She did not remember when she needed to come this badly.

Bill threw some money on the bar and said, “Let’s go.” He started to the door, expecting her to follow him like the pet slut she was.

He passed his car and walked to back of the lot. It was not lighted and a large trash bin was in the darkest corner. Susan felt her keys in her pocket as she passed her car. She knew she should use them to go home. But she followed him just the same.

As she went behind the trash bin, Bill was standing facing her.

“Put your coat on the ground and kneel on it.”

Susan was shocked at the command. She would be outdoors completely naked. What if someone saw her. The knot in her stomach that formed when that thought crossed her mind told her that, deep inside, she would like nothing better. She did what she was told.

Bill opened the front of his pants and said casually, “Blow me.”

Susan took his already hard dick in her hands and stoked it as she guided it into her mouth and down her throat. She wanted it deep in her cunt, but she knew it wasn’t her call. She sucked for all she was worth.

Bill called her all kinds of disgusting names while he pounded the head of his cock into the back of her throat. Each name almost made her climax. Her clit was on fire and her juices were dripping down her leg and wetting her coat.

When Bill started to shot his load, she felt a sense of accomplishment, but she wanted to feel herself come. It was not to be.

Once Susan licked Bill’s dick clean, he zipped up his pants and told her to get up and put the coat back on. Her cunt juice stain was on the shoulder of the coat.

“Go home and have your husband make you cum. You are not to do it yourself. Make sure that he cums in your mouth. I think the combination of at least two men’s loads is good for little sluts. Afterward, send me an email with all the details.”

With that, he walked to his car and left.



Susan’s email arrived around midnight.



“When I arrived home, my husband was sound asleep. I put the coat and heels on the floor of my closet and joined him in bed. I held him and mashed my tits into him as I played with his nipples and then with his balls. As he started to wake up, his dick started to harden. In his normal caveman style, he put his fingers in my cunt and rolled me on my back. He was pleased at how wet I was.”


“I was so ready for my orgasm that I came after only a few strokes of his cock. It had been so long since he saw me explode like that, he started fucking me faster and grunting like some kind of animal.”


“As directed, I cried out to him, ‘Cum in my mouth, baby. Please put you cum in my mouth!’ It only took him about 2 seconds to sit on my tits and put his cock to my lips. I was very turned on by the taste of my cunt juice and the feel of the cock. It only took a few sucks before he emptied himself in me. He was asleep again by the time I swallowed the last drop.”


“Thank you, Sir for letting your slut have an orgasm and for letting her drink all that cum.”


Bill knew she was all in. So did Susan. Bill wrote back.

“Rewrite this. You should know better than to refer to yourself as ‘I’. Also, write a 1200 word essay on ‘What it means to be a slut’. You will send me both at exactly 10:00 tomorrow morning.”

Susan was supposed to meet Dawn at the tennis club at 10:00. She knew Dawn would understand, so she called her cell phone at 8:00 am.

“I’m supposed to send him stuff at exactly 10:00 and I can’t do it from the club. Can we make it later?”

Dawn answered, “Sure, it’s no big deal and it’s not like the place will be busy on a Thursday. What do you have to send?”

“I had to rewrite my description of the sex he directed me to have with hubby and I still have to write an essay. I think it’s a punishment.”

“What’s the topic?”

“What it means to be a slut.”

“Damn, he had me do the same thing! Were you on your knees behind a trash bin last night?”

“Yes! Stark naked!.”

“Let me guess, you were kneeling on your coat sucking him off.”

“Yes. After he humiliated the hell out of me in the bar.”

“You loved every minute of it.”

“Yeah, I did. I wonder how many others have blown him in that parking lot….I have got to write this damn essay now and I have no ideas. I’d better go.”

“No, wait. I think I still have the one I wrote. Yeah, here it is. I’ll email you.”

“Thanks! You know, I’ve known you all these years and had no idea how big a slut you were.”

“I can say the same thing, bitch. See you at 11:00 or so.”

It only took Susan about 40 minutes to change some stuff around on Dawn’s essay to make it look like it was hers. She so wanted to dig her vibrator out of her bottom drawer and attack her clit with it, but she knew she needed permission. Susan had no idea how he would ever know; but she knew he would.

Susan rewrote her note from last night, attached both masterpieces to the email and pushed the send button a few seconds before 10:00. There was no time to waste. She needed to meet Dawn before they stopped serving the breakfast champagne.

Dawn was already there, sipping on her drink and checking her cell phone for messages.

“I see you started without me,” Susan said as she reached for the drink Dawn had waiting for her. “Thanks again for the essay. I never would have come up with anything on time. I just hope he doesn’t remember it!”

Dawn replied, “I doubt that he ever read it. I worked on it for hours, sent it, and he never mentioned it. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“So, how was your date with Charlie?”

“It was a quiet night. Couple of drinks, dinner, a quick fuck bent over the fender of his car, and he was on his way. He already called this morning though.”

“Ah…that’s sweet. Boyfriend called to tell you what a wonderful time he had…”

Dawn shifted in her chair. “That would have been nice, but he had something else for me to do. He said that he was afraid I wouldn’t remember him after the quick fuck last night. So, he had me put a butt plug up my ass while he listened. I’m supposed to wear it all day just to help me remember him. Don’t think I’ll be playing any tennis today.”



There was something about Susan’s ‘slut’ essay that somehow sounded familiar to Bill. It bothered him all day. There was a line that he was sure he had read before, “A whore fucks for money. A true slut fucks because she lives for sex.” He liked the distinction.

At lunch, one his coworkers was rattling on about one of his latest brainstorms. “…so after looking at every possible hidden angle, it suddenly dawned on me that the answer was under my nose all the time…”

‘Dawned? Dawn?’ Bill couldn’t wait to get home and go through some old email files. He thought that this could turn out to be very interesting.

He was glad that he had long ago moved all his old floppy files on to an online storage file account.

It didn’t take very long to find the file he was looking for. Bill routinely gave the ‘slut’ writing assignment to his new playmates and he made it a point to keep each one. He had visions of putting them all together in a book someday.

“Dawn!” Bill said to himself. Dawn had been an enthusiastic and energetic little slut and Bill thoroughly enjoyed her. She could do miracles with a dick and soaked up every punishment Bill could give out.

Unfortunately, Bill knew he couldn’t afford to keep her around for long. First of all, he was just getting into this life style and he was amazed how many desirable women were available. He had a lot of field to play before he started establishing ‘regulars’.

Secondly, she was married and had a kid. The marriage thing was on the way out, but he knew the kid thing would eventually cause too many problems. The first time she turned him down because of the kid, he took the opportunity to cut her off.

Now, either Dawn and Susan stole their essays from the same source, or Susan got it from Dawn. He spent the next twenty minutes finding Dawn’s last name and getting her address.

Bill parked his car just down the street from Dawn’s at about 6:30 that night. The neighborhood looked the same except for all the grown up trees. He didn’t have to wait very long. Just past 7:00, a woman that he thought was Dawn got into her car and backed out of the driveway.

Bill followed as discreetly as he could. He’d never actually spied on someone like this and was getting a kick out of it. He almost lost her a couple of times, but eventually, he saw her ahead of him, turning into a store in a small strip mall. He pulled into the drive of the greasy spoon that was two doors down. He trained his binoculars on her car waiting for her to get out, but she didn’t move. She seemed to be waiting for someone. Finally, another car pulled in the space beside her and she got out of the car.

Bill was impressed with her appearance. She had obviously aged very well. A little heavier then her remembered, but no where near overweight. She was wearing a short denim skirt and navy blue tank top. The way her tits moved, he doubted she was wearing a bra. When she walked around her car, he could see that she was in heels. Her face was older, but still very attractive…a little more make up then he remembered.

A man got out of the other car and took her by the elbow. Her kissed her and squeezed her ass, raising the hem of her skirt to a new height. The man then guided her into the store. It was not until they were in that Bill realized they were entering an ‘adult novelty’ store. It wasn’t one of the cleaned up chain ones either. This was a genuine old school sex store.

They were in the store for almost an hour. When they came out the door, Dawn was carrying two large bags of merchandise. The man was empty handed. When the man came under the direct shine of the parking lot light, Bill almost shit.

“It can’t be!” Bill muttered to himself. “That’s Charlie!”

Bill and Charlie weren’t bosom buddies, but they met occasionally at the BDSM club they both visited at least once a month. In fact, it was Charlie that taught Bill the intricacies of using the cat o’nine tails, the single tail, and the riding crop. On at least two occasions, the even swapped subs for the night.

Bill knew he had his phone number somewhere. Charlie would be getting a call tomorrow.



Susan had not heard from Bill in almost four days. She could not believe how much she wanted him to. Busying herself to keep her mind off of him was just not working. Everything made her think of how much she wanted to be told what to do. She was incredibly horny, but remembered her order not to orgasm without permission, and that made her hornier. A vicious circle.

Susan checked her email often, only to be disappointed and walk away. She wondered what she had done, or not done to keep him away. The thought that he might be done with her was too much for her to bear.

Finally, the email arrived. Susan held her breath as she opened it.

“You stupid, insulting fucking bitch cunt! How damn stupid do you think I am to not know plagiarism when I see it!”


“I told you to do something, and you treated my order with contempt and complete disrespect. I do not appreciate being treated like a fool!”


Susan felt her heart jump into her throat. “Oh my god! He knows I copied Dawn’s work. How the hell….” She stopped herself. She knew it didn’t matter how he knew. The fact is she didn’t do what she was told. And she knew that was not a rule she wanted to break.

She almost closed the email, but decided to read on.

“I have thought long and hard about this. My gut tells me to cut you loose. You’re obviously not genuine, and I have no time to waste on you. There are too many deserving sluts that would give their left tits to be under my control.”


“Unfortunately, another part of me needs to punish you severely for the way I have been treated. I have decided to take that action, and then decide if I will keep you after that.”


“This is your last and only chance. If you obey, obey! Otherwise, stay at home with your asshole husband and don’t bother me or take up any more of my time.”


“At 7:30 tonight, a panel van will back up to your garage. You are to open the rear of the van get in. If you have any clothing on, it will be whipped off you. Only complete obedience will be tolerated. Anything less will get you cab fare home. Your call.”


Susan got on the phone and called Dawn. She figured if anyone could give her advice, it would be her. Her home, office and cell phone all went to voice mail. She did not leave any messages.

Susan’s husband was sitting in front of the TV well before 7:00 and it looked like he was there to stay. She kept looking back and forth between the clock and her husband’s nodding head. Susan gently shook his shoulder to bring him out of his semi asleep state. If he’d only reach for her, smile at her; hell, put her on her knees and tell her to suck him off! She’d never do what she was about to do.

“I’m going out with Dawn. There’s a wine tasting at the mall. Don’t know what time I’ll be home.”

He barely acknowledged her.

Susan was in the garage looking out the small window. She was naked as instructed, save her trenchcoat. Shortly after 7:30, an old, beat up panel van backed up to her garage door. She hid her coat in a pile of clothes destined for charity, and ran out the door to the waiting van.

When she looked inside, she almost turned back. There was a wall that kept the driver and windows out of sight and one old moving blanket for comfort. Her feet and knees hurt on the rusted floor. It wasn’t long before the van got on the highway and up to speed. Susan was huddled in the front corner.

After a couple of minutes, a small sliding door opened and a black gym bag was dropped to the floor in front of her. There was a note attached.

“Open the bag and wear everything you find there.”

Susan would have been grateful for even a thong, but there was nothing that covering. In the bag was a black leather collar, wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, high heels and mask hood. The collar and cuffs were easy enough, but hood took some effort. It’s snug fit made it difficult to get her hair in it correctly. The hole for the mouth was round and the eye holes were just large enough to enable her to see clearly. She thought that if she was going to be stark naked, at least no one would know who she was.

It was about an hour before the van stopped and then nothing happened for about 10 minutes. Suddenly, the silence and darkness were shattered when rear doors flew open. It was dark, but she was sure the silhouette was Bill.

“Get your slut ass out here now!”

To be continued….

Written by xzf5z6
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