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Just Call Me...Lover.

"Mystery, pain and pleasure against the backdrop of a Mediterranean summer."

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“Fuck me and hurt me,” she said, “but never pity me... If you want to protect me, as a lot of the men I meet seem to want to do, then protect me from banality, boredom, mediocrity and disappointment.”

She was beautiful and delicate, like an orchid newly bloomed. But I quickly learned that her heart was dark; forged in the fires of lust and tempered in the icy waters of her shadowed past. Was I a fool to want her, was I a slave to desire or was I simply her unwitting marionette?

“Bind me and whip me and, in return... We'll fuck like you've never fucked before.”

She whispered those words to me on the sultry night we first met after we had walked and kissed for what seemed like hours along a nameless beach in the Cyclades.


Later that night, well after midnight, I took her to the Villa Deianiera, the beautiful 16th-century Venetian house, in the town of Kionia, that I had rented since arriving on the Greek island of Tinos the year before. We sat on a bench in the walled garden watching the moon through the boughs of the pomegranate tree. I turned to her and was about to speak when she put her fingers firmly on my lips.

“No! Don't ask me my name. Just call me... lover, if lovers we are destined to be, and I'll grant you the same title.”

This was surely one of the strangest statements I had ever heard from the mouth of a woman I had just met, or indeed, from anyone's mouth. Already, she fascinated me but, as I was soon to discover, she would also irk, inflame and confound me to no end.

She saw my frown upon hearing her demand and her proposal but there was to be no argument. For as we sat under the bountiful branches of the pomegranate tree, she silenced me; kissing me passionately onto submission.

In the days that followed; we dined together every night in a lovely little taverna on the foreshore at Kionia, amidst the bustling life of a Greek island at the height of summer. She spoke little, preferring to let her eyes and body speak for her; and her eyes were either alight with fire and full of seductive secrets or as cold, mysterious and remote as the planets of distant stars. She moved with a dancer's grace, swam strongly and elegantly in the sapphire waters of the Aegean and always dressed in black. She was an enigma and her mystery would only deepen the more I got to know her.


One night towards the beginning of June, dressed only in black fishnets, she brazenly climbed the white-washed steps to where the trellised grapevine grew upon the roof of the old house. I had asked her to move in with me that very morning and was quite surprised when she had readily agreed.

Perhaps the pale ghost of some long-dead Venetian saw her there and she was certainly spied by a brace of amorous, tiny bats that squeaked their approval as they winged by above her. But she cared not, for beyond the balustrade and not far above the sea, a far more imperious and forbidding face beheld her; the lordly visage of the full moon, a goddess like her, and her one and only peer.

There, upon that roof, I photographed her, using an old Leica left over from the war, and whatever light that we had to hand. Those photographs I've yet to see but their composition and production were the focus of her stern and uncompromising perfectionism. So, I stood back and traced the lines of her body with an artist's eye, wondering what Modigliani, Henry Moore or that prolific Andalusian, Picasso, might make of her.

Could either of them capture, in paint or bronze, the relentless spirit of desire I saw in her eye or taste the arcane essence of lust that only I could distil from the sweat of her brow? - Or so I thought at the time, in my arrogance.

And there in her hand, as always, was her most prized possession. Made of leather, ebony and cobra skin; her heavy riding crop. Fashioned long before her birth in the bazaars of Cairo, and still inhabited, I'll wager, by the cobra's unquiet shade.

After we had used the last roll of film we silently descended the steps and soon found ourselves in the cellar. It was a dry and dusty chamber, built of almost monolithic stone, but not unpleasant for it was subtly permeated by the sweet aroma of wine and pine resin, wild thyme and rosemary and other age-old scents that defied identification. I had placed two candelabras on the sturdy olivewood table near the centre of the room, with six lit candles in each. Since she did not comment on them upon entering the room, I was as certain as I could be that their presence pleased her.

Between the candelabras was a length of fine, black linen cord. Next to this, she placed the riding crop, adjusting its angle fussily until it sat on the table at just the right place. She spent all of ten seconds scanning the room then cast a glance at me with her lustrous black eyes.


I did as she wanted and she handed me the rope.

I bound her wrists to an ancient iron hook, that we had earlier found bolted to the ceiling. That sturdy hook might have been placed there just for her, the perfect gift from the distant past; such was her glee at its discovery.

I took up the riding crop, turned and glanced at her. She stood with her back to me, legs parted, bare feet firmly planted on the stones and in the dust of the ancient floor. Her long black hair hung down her back; straight and shining in the candlelight. Her hips swung to one side with the cleft of her perfect ass defined elegantly in shadow.

“Don't waste time now. Beat me...and do it without warning.”

Wanting, of course, to please her, I stepped up and delivered three rapid hits on her thighs.

Crack, crack, crack.

With suppressed annoyance, she said, “I dislike odd numbers. Hit me again, in even-numbered strokes only harder...lover.”

CRACK! crack, crack, CRACK!

“Is that better?” I whispered loudly.

“Yes, but you have much to learn.”

“No doubt.”

“Now beat me while I tell you about my life.”

This statement surprised me but considering the little I knew about her, it was a welcome offer.

“Go on,” I said encouragingly, before bringing the riding crop down hard with two strokes on each of her buttocks.


But she hardly reacted, even though the force of my blows was more than enough to swing her body forward. All I could hear was her breathing deepen slightly before she started to speak.

“I had just turned sixteen when I seduced one of the village boys back where I used to live in Connemara. He was seventeen and I took him into the chapel of the convent where I was boarding late one night. We sat in the pews and I sucked his slim young cock and let him fondle my breasts...”

CRACK! crack, CRACK! crack, CRACK! CRACK!

“Is that supposed to shock me?” I replied.

Before she answered, I listened to her breathing again; it was heavier this time but her words, when they came, were clear and full of the cobra's venom.

“No! But after kissing him and making him hard, after he had played with my perfect breasts and licked my nipples, he wanted to take me back to some filthy barn and fuck me.”


“Ok yes, we would fuck, I told him but nowhere other than here, in this chapel, in the sight of God and not on the pews where we sat. If he was going to take me, it would have to be done at the place of honour; on the altar.”

I threw her hair forward and brought the crop down firmly on her back; two, four, six times, until I felt her wince. I wanted to hear the rest of the story.

“We stripped and climbed the holy stone. I lay naked upon it with all the saints and all the angels and even fucking Christ himself looking down upon me. That night I spread my legs for that beautiful lad and to his eternal credit, he fucked the curse of virginity right out of me. Never mind Abraham and Isaac, I willingly sacrificed my cunt to God and the fucker rejected it – more fool him!”

I brought the crop down upon each of her shoulders, then gave her ass-cheeks a crack each. I heard a faint moan escape her lips then, right after which she continued with the story.

“I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips and he fucked me silently until I came. His shoulders were strong and his arms rippled with muscles, from years of strenuous labour, but it was his eyes that made a lasting impression on me. There I beheld more lust and desire than I ever imagined possible – and all because of me! No wonder the Church had deemed lust a 'deadly sin' or some such absurdity. For such a young lad, he had remarkable staying power too. We fucked and sucked, licked and kissed until he blew a barrage of seed deep into my thirsty, teen-aged cunt.”

CRACK! CRACK! crack, crack, crack, CRACK! CRACK!

“Didn't I...say…even numbered... strokes!”

I hit her buttocks twice more, observing that by now, her skin was red and raw over much of her back, thighs and ass. Apparently satisfied, she continued with the story.

“Naked upon that altar with come still seeping out of my cunt, the nuns found me at 2 am when they gathered for Matins. You can well imagine what an infernal cacophony of prayers, psalms, shock and self-righteous indignation I caused that morning! I was swiftly taken; naked and with a Hessian bag over my head, to a windowless room somewhere. There I was tied to an iron ring in the wall and beaten almost to unconsciousness while the toothless old crones recited the Mass.”

Slowly I lowered the crop and a chill entered my veins as she began to recite the words she remembered in beautiful, perfect Latin.

“In nomine patri et filio et spiritui sancto. Sicut erat in principio et nunc, et semper: et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.”

“Those filthy bitches thrashed me in the name of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy fucking Spirit...

“Of course, I am eternally grateful to them.”


“They introduced me to true pain. After that, I did everything possible to make them beat me; I read nothing but Swinburne, Lautrémont, Pierre Louÿs and the Marquis de Sade; difficult books to obtain, much less smuggle into a convent. I was insolent, I became a Satanist, my mouth was never free of blasphemy and naturally, I sucked and fucked any man that I could get my hands on and that took my fancy, right there in that consecrated fucking convent.”

After that, I brought the riding crop down upon her many a time that night, taking care always to beat her with an even number of strokes. She seemed satisfied until I eventually stopped and unhooked her. She got down on her knees with her wrists still bound before her, head bowed and with that indescribably lustrous black hair shining in the candlelight. She might have been an exquisitely painted seraglio slave by the hand of Jean-Léon Gérôme or one of the other French Orientalist masters.

I lifted her head and brought her face to face with my famished cock.

“Mmmm, such an interesting organ.”

“Stop talking and suck it!”

“Earn it.”

I sneered at her cruelly and without warning I slapped her cheek, following it immediately with a far harder backhander. A spray of saliva flew from her mouth as her head jerked violently to the side. She was caught completely by surprise but after she turned her head slowly back to face me, a fierce smile formed on her lips. She then opened her mouth slowly and sensuously slipped her tongue out.

I didn't think to untie her wrists. I simply gripped her head and fed her my cock over and over again until I had reached a satisfactory level of hardness. Hard, deep and unrelenting, I fucked her face that night in the cellar. She took whatever I had to give without comment and with little reaction. I began to get the impression that being at the centre of attention was her biggest turn-on.

Later, standing with her back to me, I finally found the deep and satisfying pleasure of her pussy.

“Call it a cunt lover, that's what I offer you, not a mere pussy.”

Following this, I gripped her hips and thrust my total length into her like a man possessed and with every thrust, she responded with an equally strong counterstroke. She was right, I had never experienced lovemaking such as this; her beauty, passion and obvious skills were new to me and totally addictive. Later that first night she got down on all fours and I sank my cock into her from every conceivable angle. She milked my shaft with her muscles and timed her efforts to prolong my pleasure. When I finally came she surprised me by turning and taking my cock back into her mouth where I pumped my entire complement of come. It was swiftly swallowed as she massaged my balls and then looked at me with dark satisfaction as she cleaned the last of my seed from my shaft and her lips.

In the days and weeks that followed, we made love many times, but more often than not, it was after I had hung her from the hook in the cellar and beaten her with the riding crop. Sometimes she only wanted six, eight or ten strokes but on some nights I lost count of how many times the crop came down, like Zeus's thunderbolt, upon her flesh. Invariably she seemed satisfied and repaid me with such prodigious sex, that it was easy never to look at or even think about another woman.


“One night, my stable boy returned. The siren song of my cunt drew him back, as I knew it would.”

Weeks passed and I still knew very little about her, not even her name but I was becoming increasingly aware of one thing, her arrogance and conceit were simply astounding.

“...But this time he brought along a pair of friends. He had embarked upon a life of crime since I had seen him last and his accomplices had designs on the convent's antique communion silver. Like raiding Vikings they brutally took what they wanted and set the whole rotten place alight.”

“What happened to the other girls and the nuns?”

“Ha! They forced them out at knife-point and told them to run – they might have been criminals, my lads, but they were still good Catholic boys at heart. What became of the nuns after that night I don't know. They're probably now whores on the streets of Dublin, the younger, prettier ones at least.”

“Wishful thinking on your part?”

“Perhaps… The four of us then fled to a rocky hill nearby to enjoy the show. The boys took it in turns fucking me as we swigged whiskey and watched the flames. My cunt was tingling with pleasure and I reached orgasm after delicious orgasm watching that decrepit old building reduced to a smoking ruin. It was glorious!”

“I think they call that pyrophilia,” I said, pretending to sound impressed, “it's rare.”

“One of the lads had a bigger, thicker cock than any I could have imagined. That night, it was he who took my virgin ass; totally without asking. That was as it should be, for was I not one of the spoils too, like Andromache, dragged from the flaming ruins of Troy?”

What narcissism, that she should believe, or even say such a thing, I thought, but I remained silent. Part of me was seething with contempt for her but stronger instincts held sway in me – lust and desire, instincts that her story was now rapidly inflaming.

- “They all used me and then left me draped naked over a log with come dripping out of both holes. Of course, I didn't care; so enamoured was I by the sight of those roaring flames...”

“Yeah, pyrophilia,” I said coolly.

When she finally stopped speaking, I wrapped my hands around her throat. I pushed her up against the wall and dragged her panties down. Through clenched teeth, I growled,

“A pretty piece of fiction. Now shut the fuck up and spread your cheeks!”

She complied immediately, smiling in her sly way and I heard a deep moan escape her throat as I knelt and fired spit straight into her ass. I felt her ring relax as I pressed the head of my cock hard against it. Her velvet-soft hole felt like heaven and easily accommodated my thick, tapering shaft.

I gripped her shoulders and pulled them back while pinning her against the wall with my cock. I aimed thrust after thrust deep into her magnificent ass, making each thrust stronger, harder and faster than the last. My curving cock seemed the perfect fit for her ass and I could feel every inch of her clamping down on me from the rim of my head to the base of my balls.

She sighed and moaned as I began to lift her off her feet with each volley. After a while, she thrust back, revealing her strength and enjoying the friction our bodies were creating. The wall provided a perfect anvil for the lustful hammering that I wanted to give her but it was not to last.

“Fuck my ass on the I spread my hole for you,” she gasped.

I gritted my teeth and ran my fingers up her back and through her hair. I gripped a bunch of it and pulled her head back. Looking into her eyes with a dark, sullen expression on my face, I saw nothing but submission written there. I led her to the bed by her hair and she walked slowly with limbs loose and yielding. I threw her onto the mattress and she settled back immediately and spread her ass.

I paused to admire the beautiful architecture of her ass and cunt; stretched and spread, conch-pink and luscious before me. I needlessly played with my cock in the hope of annoying her but her response was to swivel her hips enticingly.

You win, I thought.

“You're such a fucking slut.”

“You'd better believe it, lover, and don't you dare go falling in love with me.”


“No! Hate! Hate me because you'll never own me, never possess me. I'm like sand running through your fingers...”

“I just want to fuck you. I need to fuck you.”

“Yeah, fuck me, use me, hate me and torture me and I'll thank you for it. But never, ever, fall in love with me.”

Fall in love with you? I don't even know your name…

I said nothing, as I sank my cock hard back into her ass. Now she wrapped her legs tightly around my hips and arched her back to meet my every thrust. This was the kind of fucking that I liked best. Along with breathing in the aroma of her hair and skin; lightly damp now with perspiration, she provided me with a sweet basso continuo of moans, profanities and sighs. The Marquis de Sade would have fully approved.

I looked at her face and saw her beautiful, dark eyes staring at me. With every hard thrust, her face seemed to glow with malice but malice not directed towards me, on the contrary, It was like I was her release, her vengeance on some secret adversary. Was it God, or was it some demon from her unknown past? I never found out.

Fuck me! Fuck me! “

Her hips and cunt tensed and she held her breath. Snake-like fingers gripped my shoulders and long black nails sank slowly into my flesh. With a final, profound sigh, she came and her body shuddered. Wave after wave washed over her and she whispered a word that I barely understood.!”

Her eyes rolled back under their lids and for the first time since I had met her, I saw a sweeter smile play upon her lips. That smile might have hinted at the recollection of something - lost innocence perhaps, how was I to know? Her eyes then opened and their look was one of pride. She lifted her legs and encircled me with them again whereupon I fucked her with renewed conviction.

When I came, I had the overwhelming desire to bite her neck but I restrained the impulse. To have done so would have been to mar her evil loveliness, even though the pain would almost certainly have pleased her. My cock tensed, my hips and buttocks propelled it home and my balls retracted under a wave of ecstasy. I breathed hard and felt the pent-up fury of desire bleed out of me at first then gush forth in a torrent.

Her arms caressed me gently and we lay with my cock still deep in her ass for several long moments. I lay on my side between her legs and looked out of the window at the faultless vault of stars above us. Finally, she disentangled our limbs and got out of bed. As I watched her leave the room by moonlight my loins still tingled and my heart was aglow.

Don't you dare go falling in love with me…

Apparently, unlike the female praying mantis, she came with a caveat.


Two days later, over ouzo and Turkish coffee on the balcony, she casually informed me that she would be leaving the next day. I knew better than to ask her where she was going. She handed me an envelope containing a hundred pounds sterling in crisp new notes. I looked at her quizzically and she shook her head with coffee froth on her upper lip.

“Keep it, pay the rent...enjoy yourself.”


I spent a pleasant two weeks by myself; reading, writing, walking, swimming and becoming reacquainted with both the natural and man-made beauties of the island. But my chief burden was trying my best to forget her.

Then one afternoon, I met Jacqueline; a tall, blonde, twenty-eight-year-old American from St Louis, Missouri. Jacqueline was a beautiful, blue-eyed, uncomplicated girl and I soon found out she was particularly keen to satisfy her taste for cock. She reminded me of a young Lauren Bacall but I kept that adolescent fantasy to myself. I quickly steered her away from all the island's would-be Casanovas, most of whom wore wedding rings and worked waiting tables at my favourite taverna in Kionia.

“Wow, this place is beautiful,” she said upon first seeing the villa, “What did you say it was called?”

“Villa Deianieria. Dei-a-ni-er-i-a,” I repeated in my best imitation of a Greek accent. “She was the wife of Heracles and his unwitting killer, or so the myth says.”

“It's a long name.”

“We are in Greece.”

She smiled sweetly and turned to me, “When do I move in?”

Being from the American mid-west, Jacqueline had absolutely no experience of the sea and I would often amaze and alarm her with how long I could hold my breath underwater. One day I emerged from the placid waters with a gift for her; the fine skeleton of a long-dead sea urchin. For a dead thing, it was not an unattractive prize in sculptured shades of blue, red and purple. She was greatly impressed and touched by it. That night we made love, and although it was not the first time, I felt true passion and earnestness in her where before she had seemed somewhat inhibited as she fought against her instinctive reluctance.

I watched the pleasant spectacle of her svelte form departing for the bathroom later that night. She returned with a bottle of raki and two tiny glasses but in her other hand, she held up a pair of black satin and lace panties.

“Look what I found in the bathroom.”

Anxious and more than a little annoyed, I shook my head and opted for selective honesty.

“Oh, they must belong to the woman who moved out a couple of weeks ago. She often used the bathtub up here… I never caught her name.”

But Jacqueline wasn't listening. She handed me the bottle and the glasses then held the panties up to the light.

“What do you think, if I give them a wash. They're about my size and they look brand new. Do you think they'd suit me?”

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Was there a ghost in the house that needed the skills of Cornelius Agrippa to expel? I was no exorcist but I nonetheless conducted a ceremony of my own devising at around 2 am. With Jacqueline as my willing acolyte.

We had both taken communion with raki several times by 2 am and if it didn't exactly inspire us with religious zeal, it did make us horny, very horny. I made her kneel by the wall in exactly the right place. She was quick to catch on despite all that she had drunk, putting her hand firmly around the base of my cock and feeding the rest into her mouth. She worked on my cock with joyous abandon; kissing the full length of my shaft and returning it to her mouth where she used every skill at her disposal to make me blow down her throat.

She had somehow picked up excellent oral skills somewhere in St Louis, where she had always lived, and had me hard in no time. With strings of saliva hanging from her chin, she withdrew my shaft long enough to say, “Fuck my mouth up against the wall.”

I gently set her beautiful head up against the wall and held her still with a hand on each side. Staring at the centuries-old wall, I fucked her face as she moaned and gurgled with every thrust. Her mouth was mine to use and I rapidly found my mind focusing on the sensual mechanics of pleasure created by her lips, cheeks, tongue and palate. I fucked her slowly at first then slid in harder and faster as her lips clamped around my shaft. My hips swayed with greater and greater force until I felt my balls tingle and retract.

A face formed in my imagination; a dark face of beautiful intensity and fathomless black piercing eyes. It spoke.

Fuck that trashy little mid-western mouth-cunt, lover, fuck it hard!”

I groaned and opened my eyes, hoping to dispel the vision but then I felt a supple set of fingers massaging my balls and another set pumping my shaft with the object of making me blow into the sucking mouth at the other end. Blow I did; pressing my forearms high against the wall to steady myself and flexing my thighs and hips as rope after rope of my male cocktail fired deep into her mouth. I was conscious of the fact that she had swallowed it all and when I finally looked down, she was busily cleaning and pumping every last drop out of me.

She stood up once she had finished, still licking her lips and I finally became fully aware again of her tall, lithe body, and her warm and wholesome presence.


“Oh...I'm sorry, I said that. I don't know what came over me.”

“No, I love it. It makes me feel extra sexy and naughty. That's how you always make me feel. Nobody ever talked like that to me back home.”

I didn't reply but smiled at her as she led me to bed. She lay down and spread her legs enticingly.

“I've spent far too long being Miss Missouri Goody-Two-Shoes. Now come here and taste this delicious, succulent...cunt.”


Next morning, I awoke from the raki-induced haze that clouded my brain to find a naked Jacqueline looking at her hair in the mirror. Flicking it this way and that and turning her head from side to side as though trying to decide which side was more photogenic. She caught a hint of movement in the reflection and turned briefly.

“Oh, good morning, or should I say kalimera.”

Kalimera to you too,” I replied groggily.

“What are we going to do today?”

“Um...I don't know. The cinema is showing the new James Dean film, I think.”

“Hey, do you think I should dye my hair black? When in Greece...”



Early the next day, I took a trip into town to extend Jacqueline's visa. She had decided to stay another two months with me and I could not have been happier. A few simple forms and a mere couple of thousand drachmas later, I had a new visa for her. We had picked some choice pomegranates the previous day and when I entered the house, I saw a trail of ruby-red seeds on the flagstones of the floor and a few drips of juice leading away from the kitchen table where the basket containing our rich harvest of fruit still lay.

She was nowhere to be seen but I suspected that she had laid the trail deliberately for me to follow. I soon found her in the cellar sitting with her back to me on the heavy olive-wood table. She had lit the candelabras and she sat with her knees up close to her chin, a large red and yellow pomegranate in one hand and with her head at an angle she was studying something on the table intently.

I realized then that I had not ventured down into that cellar for months. As I approached her, I saw that she had several drawings arranged on the table. These were done in black ink on a variety of shapes and sizes of paper. One glance at the drawings made the hair on my arms and neck prickle. All of them were portraits; self-portraits of the same woman, a mysterious, dark-eyed woman with long straight hair and a face that was as sinister as it was beautiful.

Jacqueline turned her face and smiled.

“Where did you find these?” I asked quietly.

“They were scattered on the floor.”

I shook my head but said nothing; unable to take my eyes off the strange, far-away eyes rendered so carefully and accurately in ink.

“Is this the woman who owned those black panties?”

“I don't know, probably…I only met her briefly.”

I felt bad lying to her but I also felt a deep, instinctive need to protect her...but to protect her from what? I couldn't exactly say.

“She's beautiful and these are very good. Shall I keep them?”

“No...I mean...she may return one day, just leave them here. Let them become part of the long history of the place...and we too might leave something here.”

“Said in your usual romantic English way.”

Jacqueline slid, cat-like, off the table and looked at me with her head resting seductively on her shoulder. She transfixed me with her turquoise eyes.

“You know, I like it down here; it's cool and cozy, I love the old stonework in the candlelight and that sweet, decadent aroma...what is that?”

She reached forward and drew my face towards her. She kissed me passionately, wasting no time unbuttoning my shirt. Her fingers massaged my muscles as my palms entwined her waist. Her tongue wrestled vigorously with mine, something she had never done before, and she shed her panties as soon as I began to ease them down.


One Friday morning I returned from the local market and saw a note from Jacqueline informing me that she would be in the garden. The verdant shade of the villa's garden was a welcome respite from the oppressive, noon-time sun. I found Jacqueline reading by the far wall. She had picked a bowl of dark red mulberries.

“They look delicious.”

“Mmmm, yes they are,” she replied looking up from her book then added, “I was about to make some coffee.”

“No, you stay there. I'll make it.”

“Oh, you are a darling.”

I returned with two cups of sweet Turkish coffee, loukoumi for two and a jug of ice-water. I set the tray down and was about to sample the mulberries when Jacqueline spoke,

“Listen to this,

Could you hurt me, sweet lips, though I hurt you?

Men touch them and change in a trice

The lilies and languors of virtue

For the roses and raptures of vice;

Those lie where thy foot on the floor is,

These crown and caress thee and chain,

O splendid and sterile Dolores,

Our Lady of Pain.”

I was silent for a moment. She had read the poem beautifully; expressively and with passion. She smiled.

“Dante Gabriel Rossetti?”

“No, Swinburne.”

“Where did you find that?”

“Oh, it was on the bookshelf, up the top somewhere. Somebody had bookmarked this poem so I thought it might be worth reading.”

I took a sip of coffee and I couldn't help thinking, I bet I'll also find Lautrémont, De Sade and Louÿs up on that bookshelf.

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, it's wonderfully sensual and perverse, and that heavy rhythm; like a hymn chanted in an ancient pagan temple.”


“Listen to some more,

Fruits fail and love dies and time ranges;

Thou art fed with perpetual breath,

And alive after infinite changes,

And fresh from the kisses of death;

Of languors rekindled and rallied,

Of barren delights and unclean,

Things monstrous and fruitless, a pallid

And poisonous queen.”

“It's certainly languorous and sensual,” I said quietly.

Ah beautiful, passionate body

That never has ached with a heart!

On thy mouth though the kisses are bloody,

Though they sting till it shudder and smart...

Have you ever known a woman like this?”

“Ah...I can't say that I have...” I lied.

She lay the book down and stood up. Taking the empty coffee cup from my hand she sat astride my lap and looked deep into my eyes.

“I don't know what it is, James; whether it's this island or this house...or it might just be you...” She stabbed my nose playfully with her index finger. “But I'm constantly wanting more and more of those roses and raptures of vice.”

She kissed my neck and I hung my head back to enjoy her sweet attentions.


Cradled in my arm with her face resting on my side, Jacqueline slumbered tranquilly as I watched her breath gently vibrate the hairs on my chest. Earlier she had slipped one of the drawings from the cellar into the frame of the old mirror that hung by the door. I had said nothing but I had also avoided looking at those cold dark eyes, so vividly rendered in black ink.

Now the moonlight, streaming in from the open window eerily illuminated the drawing and my eyes were drawn inexorably towards it. It must have been well after midnight on a tranquil, warm night. Once again Jacqueline had ridden my cock like the rodeo rider that I knew she was at heart.

“We call it cow-girl back home.”

She had informed me of this after draining me dry of everything within me resembling semen and we had kissed passionately until she had fallen into a blissful sleep.

But one glance at that drawing, at those arcane eyes, even in effigy, had chased any possibility of sleep far, far away from me. My attention returned to the window, upon whose sill, rested Jacqueline's prized sea urchin – there to air gracefully and be admired before she packed it away like some treasure from remote antiquity, ready for its eventual journey back to St Louis.

My mind in its sleepless, restless state groped for distraction, distraction I usually found in music or sex at this time of night but I was loath to get out of bed and my slumbering nymph was spent and she had more than earned her rest earlier. So, reluctantly, I drifted back to one night when I had probably drunk too much in the company of my mysteriously anonymous femme fatal.

It had been over a week since we had last fucked, she had cited no reason in particular for this and I detected a general air of distraction in her along with the distinct impression that she simply was not interested. There was no point in asking her what was wrong, as with any normal person. My question would have gone unanswered and I had already been met with several unequivocal replies of “No.”

Her conversation, as usual, had been about herself and some of the implausible adventures she had had in a number of obscure European locales. So I drank more than usual that week. She did not comment on this of course, nor did she make any demands upon me other than to dispatch a particularly large and angry hornet that had got itself trapped in the kitchen.

On one particular night that week, I awoke to see her sitting, quite nude, upon the windowsill, at the same spot that was now occupied by Jacqueline's skeletal urchin. She sat there like a cat, watching me as I struggled to focus my eyes on her shadowy loveliness. I slowly became aware that she had her legs spread and held her riding crop between them.

The widow was open and she leaned back against the window frame with her perfect, apple-sized breasts luminous in the moonlight. From there, my eyes travelled down to her navel, her beautifully proportioned hips and the dark slit of her pussy that she rubbed idly now with the riding crop. Although I didn't move, it must have been obvious to her that I was awake. She continued watching me with silent, sphinx-like intent, rubbing her labia almost idly with the shaft of the riding crop.

After several more moments of this, she suddenly feigned surprise, removed the crop, closed her legs and swung her face towards the window and the street outside. All done in the most affected and theatrical manner imaginable.

Oh, so this whole week has been one of your little games has it…

Anger seized me and I threw off the sheets revealing that her little performance had indeed aroused me. I doubt if this had been any surprise to her but when I lunged forward and grabbed her by the hair, I saw her eyes widen and possibly even her lip quiver.

Fucking bitch!” I snarled between clenched teeth and threw her onto the bed.

She pushed herself up and lay her head on the pillows, saying nothing but looking at me with cold, calculating eyes. I slid on top of her; kissing her lips as violently as I could then working my way down to her rapidly hardening nipples. She made no attempt to reciprocate; holding her arms stiffly to her sides and keeping her legs together as best she could. Of course this was calculated to cause me more anger and frustration and I repaid her in kind by forcing my hand between her legs and onto her labia.

Open your cunt!” I snarled and she silently obeyed, but not immediately, as though she needed time to process that simple demand.

Unsurprisingly, she was already wet and so I slid one, two, then three fingers past her lips into her marvelously silky soft slit. I fingered her hard for several moments, stretching her and increasing my speed as I felt her breathing quicken and her abdominals tighten and relax around my fingers.

Fucking slut, you love that, fuck you!”

She said nothing but those cold, challenging eyes gave me all the answers I needed. I pushed her legs further apart and finger-fucked her until she arched her back and almost let a moan escape. Then I knelt above her breasts and looked down at her statue-like face.

“Open that trashy face-cunt you call a mouth.”

She complied and I slid my shaft back and forth into it, deeply over her tongue and cheeks until she began to gag. Once she had coated me liberally with saliva I withdrew. Now I took her knees in each palm and separated them as far as they would go. Without warning I plunged myself into her with one deep stroke, making her start as I hit her very inmost depths.

Again, the very savagery of the satyrs seized me and I fucked her relentlessly while pinning her down with a hand at her throat. Not a word escaped her lips and her body, while not as inert as it had been, still lay there; a malleable object to be used. Her eyes, as glacial and remote as ever, filled me with emotion as I thrust into her, harder and harder.

Was I punishing her or was she getting out of me exactly the response that she had wanted? Either way, I was consumed with anger, lust and maybe even the first hints of primal fear of what I was becoming. I became aware of all these emotions only later of course. That night, I was consumed by her and dying of hunger at the same time.

I slapped her face several times as my cock bit deep and hard into her cunt. She, of course, took each slap silently and impassively.

“That's right, you fucking cock-teasing bitch, this is exactly what you fucking want!”

Nothing. Now my cock ached and tensed, my balls contracted and my ass throbbed as I gave myself over to total, unbridled desire. It was blinding but the anger in me was far from extinguished and all I needed to rekindle it was to look into those glacial eyes.

Three, four, five thrusts and I pulled my shaft out of her with a deep, wet squelch.

I stood up and took her by the hair again. This time I pulled her out of bed and forced her down onto the floor.

“We're going down to the cellar but you're going on your hands and knees. Is that understood?”

She said nothing so I pulled her head roughly back by the hair and slapped her ass as hard as I could. She yelped. This was as good an answer as I could hope for.


With my engorged cock leading the way and bouncing expectantly, I led her slowly, ceremonially, down the corridor by moonlight, on down the wooden steps into the utter blackness of the cellar. The sweet smells welcomed us as I finally let go of her hair and struck a match.

I lit the candelabras and then looked down at the floor where she waited patiently on all fours with her head bowed in an attitude of total submission. Or so it seemed. I wasted no time; picking her up roughly by the hair again and bending her over the table. I then ordered her to spread her legs and I eased my cock back into her dripping wet cunt. Whatever hardness it had lost in the interval between bedroom and cellar it now rapidly regained and I planted my fists firmly on either side of her; nailing her to the wood like her much despised Nazarene.

Thrust after thrust landed deep and hard as I gazed down at the succulent, deliciously formed hole that nestled between her perfect ass cheeks. I summoned all my restraint while continuing to fuck her. I spat at her ass-hole several times as the sweet pleasure of her pussy was making my mouth water.

But before long, I felt her cunt react decisively, clenching and tightening around my shaft. At the same time, several tremors passed through her body and I could tell that she was holding her breath. Silently, with the discipline of a Zen monk, she had come. I stopped and let the quivers pass and her breathing resumed its normal pace then I pulled out of her. I swiftly brought the candelabras to the table, placing one on either side of her.

“Don't move an inch bitch. We haven't finished yet.”

Now I took my cock in hand and rubbed it over the wet cleft of her ass. She knew full well what I was about to do and spread her legs slightly. I certainly didn't need any encouragement. Now I slid a finger in past her ring and worked the saliva into it; firing further spit into it as I eased it open. When I was ready I said,

“Hold your ass open, with both hands.”

As soon as she did this, I dived into it. As I had guessed, she relaxed all her muscles and let me in fully, right up to my aching balls. I fucked her ass slowly at first and she surprised me by letting out soft moans and sighs. The fit was excellent and I got down to fucking her with long, deep strokes. We kept this up for several minutes and I was pleased to feel her thrust back with every jab of mine. The tableau before me was perfect; her beautiful form; svelte back and lustrous black hair displayed before me by candlelight and her long-fingered manicured hands stretching her ass open for me to savour.

My arousal was nearly complete and whatever her intentions for this night might have been, I felt a sense of triumph and deep satisfaction at what I was about to do.

I took one of the candles from the candelabrum’s silver arms and held it sideways above her back. I don't know if the change in light alerted her to this, but as soon as the hot wax hit her skin it had exactly the effect I was hoping for. She clenched her ass reflexively in response to the pain causing the pressure to hurtle me closer and closer to orgasm.

After the initial shock, she moaned softly every time I brought the candle close to her, dripping the wax in a new and unexpected spot each time. I dripped it on her ass cheeks last of all, with some dripping onto me. I smiled as again her tight tunnel contracted and choked my cock. With the element of surprise gone, I settled down to fuck her long, deep and hard, imagining myself as the monstrous Minotaur, deep in his dark labyrinth, deflowering one of the hapless Athenian virgins sacrificed to him by the deranged and tyrannical King Minos.

But this woman, whoever she was, was no Athenian maiden and certainly no virgin. I came with a blinding lightning flash of such intense pleasure, pumping more come into her perky ass-hole than I thought myself capable of producing. She responded immediately by milking it out of me with well-trained anal muscles; as though her thirsty, gluttonous ass needed to consume every drop.

I pulled out of her and as she spread her ass again, I took up the candle and slid the blunt end back into her creamy, dripping hole. She appreciated this and fucked the lit candle for a full minute with hot wax dripping onto my feet. I pulled it out of her finally and showed it to her. Unsurprisingly, she seized it with her lips and fiercely licked my cum off it.

Sometime around 11 am the next day, we woke up in each other's arms with sunlight streaming into the bedroom. She turned to me and uttered a phrase I never expected to hear.

“Mmmm, you were magnificent last night.”

A week later she was gone and I never saw her again.


One sunny morning, after Jacqueline had returned from posting some letters home, she passed by the local market. I now watched her cooking. She was dressed only in one of my long-sleeved white shirts, with the sleeves neatly rolled up. She had washed it and ironed it only the day before and its crisp, cloud-like whiteness suddenly contrasted in my mind with the black satin and black mesh wrapped around pale flesh that I was once accustomed to. I banished the thought from my mind.

“Oh, I got you one of the English papers. It's about a couple of months old but it's the newest one they had. It's out on the balcony.”

“That was very thoughtful of you, darling. Thank you.”

“My word, you English are so polite.”

I retrieved the paper which turned out to be a copy of The Times.

“Hmmm, Monday, June 25th… 1956. At least it's this year's.”

Jacqueline giggled good-naturedly as I sat down at the table behind her. The wonderful aroma of fried calamari soon filled the kitchen as I scanned the pages for anything of interest. My eyes were drawn to a short police article headed; The Lady-Thief of Mayfair.

Scotland Yard are seeking the assistance of the public in their investigation of a recent series of armed robberies in London's West End. Police are particularly interested in questioning a woman, possibly of Italian origin, answering to the name Arianna Abbandonata. The suspect is of slim build, medium height, around thirty years of age with long, straight black hair, dark eyes and speaks with an English accent in clear, clipped tones. She has also been observed carrying a riding crop.

I was dumbfounded.

Anyone with any information as to the identity or possible whereabouts of this woman is strongly urged to contact Scotland Yard or their nearest police station.

I put the paper down and walked over to the stack of LP records on the bookshelf. Looking through them, I found what I was looking for almost immediately.

Arianna Abbandonata. Cantata for Soprano and Orchestra

by Benedetto Marcello. (1686 – 1739)

I shook my head and smiled at her mischievous audacity. “Good luck catching her, Scotland Yard,” I whispered.

“Did you say something, James?”


Written by Piquet
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