This chapter will be better appreciated if the reader first experiences the previous 10 chapters. A couple of characters from another work of mine (Ariana) make appearances now in this story. The author will now break the rules of writing and switch from the first person (Alexis) to the third person. This new chapter takes place four years after we left off.
Lillie, now 22-years-old and newly graduated from university, had been given, as a graduation present from Alexis, an all-expenses-paid trip to Paris. The trip was to last two weeks and a tour guide had been booked. On the first night after her arrival, Lillie decided that she wanted to dine at the Ritz, something that had always been on her bucket list.
After a splendid four-course meal, it was time for her after-dinner cigar and cognac. She lit up and was enjoying her smoke, oblivious to the stares of those around her. A very tall, well-dressed blond-haired woman walked up to her table.
"It's so nice to find another woman who enjoys cigars... and who isn't afraid to smoke them in public. My name is Ariana. Do you mind if I join you?"
"Of course not," Lillie repled, a bit surprised at the British accent. "I'm Lillie."
"Lillie and Ariana. It has a certain ring to it, if I may say so."
Ariana removed a Cohiba from her purse and proceeded to prepare it. Lillie was impressed as this tall, beautiful stranger brought her cigar expertly to life. She also became aware of all the eyes that were watching them and it amused her to think of all the bulges they were creating.
"How long are you here for, my dear? I could certainly show you the town. I now live in the south of France, although I'm English. I know Paris as well as anyone."
Both ladies took large puffs and sexily blew out the smoke.
Lillie was tempted by the proposal.
"Sorry, Ariana, but I'm already booked for a tour."
"Nonsense, love, my tour will be far superior and you'll get to see things that you wouldn't believe exist once you see my estate."
Lillie was now more than tempted and she felt an attraction for this woman that took her by surprise.
"What the fuck. I'll take you up on it Ariana."
The ladies finished their cigars and made arrangements to meet the following morning.
Lillie was surprised at what she was doing, but couldn't seem to help herself. This mysterious lady had intrigued her.
The next day, a whirlwind of activity commenced. For the next week, the new friends took in all of the beauty of Paris, and Ariana treated Lillie to expensive meals at the finest restaurants every night. Followed, of course, by the finest Cuban cigars. On the seventh day, Ariana said that she wanted Lillie to experience "something different." Lillie, by this point, could only agree.
The ladies took a limo to what appeared to be a seedy club. As they entered, Lillie was struck by the unmistakeable odor of cigar smoke. It appeared that virtually everyone was smoking, and the clientele was, let us say, unusual. It was a giant gender bend. Many of the ladies were smoking cigars and pipes, and an overt sexuality perfumed the room.
They were led to a table and ordered their drinks. Ariana prepared and lit a pipe, and Lillie smoked a Cohiba, her favorite among the many Cuban cigars that Ariana had introduced her to.
"Why are you doing all of this for me?" asked Lilly. I am eternally grateful, but I don't know why."
"Well, love, I sensed right at the start that you might be a kindred spirit. You are, and I suspect that when we get to my estate, that you just might rethink a lot of things. I could be a great mentor to you."
Lillie laughed. "I already have a mentor, Ariana, and I don't think you could ever dream of some of the things she has taught me. Her name is Alexis and she is my aunt. She's the one who got me smoking cigars. And lots of other fun stuff."
Ariana smiled. "I think I would like this Alexis. Perhaps we'll meet someday."
Lillie went to use the rest room. When she returned to the table, she saw Ariana embracing and erotically kissing a lady dressed in a man's suit. It turned her on, but she felt a pang of jealousy that took her by surprise.
"Would you like to introduce us, Ariana?"
Ariana smiled and said, "This is Simone, Lillie. She is a former lover and we're still close friends."
"Enchante, Lillie," said the woman.
The ladies said their farewells and, Lillie, now completely enchanted, agreed to accompany Ariana to her estate the next day.
* * *
Arriving at Ariana's estate, Lillie was astounded at the size and the beauty of it. Getting out of the limo, they were greeted by a manservant named Georges, who took Lillies's bags into the main dwelling.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you riding, Lillie. I have a stable of ten horses and it's one of my favorite things to do."
A man named Jay waited on the ladies, first offering drinks and then cigars. Lillie was greatly enjoying the availability of Cuban cigars and she plotted in her mind how she could get some back to the USA. The ladies puffed their cigars and Jay was dismissed.
"I want to tell you something that might astonish you, Lillie."
"Go on, replied Lilly."
"Jay used to live in America. He had a wife and children, but he chose to become mine. He was attracted to me initially because he loved that I smoke cigars and pipes."
"So he's your lover"
"Not exactly, Lillie. In fact, he's my slave."
Ariana thought that this would shock Lillie but, as the reader knows, Lillie had some experience in this area. She burst out in a huge smile, her cigar still seductively dangling from her lips.
"Ariana, perhaps you could be a second mentor to me. My Aunt Alexis has enslaved her husband. And my mother did the same to my stepfather. You wouldn't believe what they do."
Now it was Ariana's turn to smile.
"We need to talk further about this, Lillie. Jay is not my only slave, but I like him, so he gets to serve me in the house and do things like cleaning my pipes and waiting on me and my guests. He once thought he would come here and be my lover. That was never going to happen. I am a bisexual and if a man is with me, he is always bound. They never penetrate. Some of the other slaves are those you see around the house. The rest are kept full time in my dungeon. They live only for my amusement."
Ariana then puffed strongly on her cigar and rose.
"Ariana, if what you say is true, you have Alexis beat. We once talked about getting a stable of slaves, but none of us is filthy rich, so it's only a fantasy."
Ariana approached Lillie and took a puff of smoke and then kissed Lillie, the smoky kiss sending deep erotic currents through Lillie's body, and she became wet with desire. Ariana summoned Jay and two other male slaves, one who looked more like a girl, dressed in stockings and a dress.
"Take off your garments and kneel, you pathetic excuses for men. I am going to make love to Lilly and I want you to watch."
Ariana expected Lillie to be shocked by the cock cages and butt plugs, but again, as the reader knows, Lillie knew exactly what she was seeing. She told Ariana, "I guess we get to peg your slaves at some point?" Ariana was a both surprised and delighted at the girl's advanced knowledge.
"I definitely picked the right girl at the Ritz, Lillie. I think I might even be a bit in love."
The ladies commenced with their lovemaking, and proceeded with ardor. Ariana broke the spell, remarking, "Let's amuse ourselves first with these wretches."
The three slaves were first used as human ashtrays, and then their cages were unlocked and they were ordered to masturbate. Having been in chastity for over a month, the slaves were quick to climax. They then, as ordered, licked up each other's semen and resumed their positions on their knees.
A pegging session ensued, both ladies mounting each slave with their strap-on dildoes, cigars dangling the whole time. It was a splendid time, but Ariana had more "amusement" in mind. At this point, she was trying to find some depraved act that Lillie had never seen and she knew what it would be. She said to the feminised boy, who was called Sissy, "You're not done slave. You're going to suck some cocks."
The slave named Robert accepted his fate meekly, but Jay protested, "This wasn't part of the deal, Ariana. I can't do that."
Jay was slapped hard in the face.
"You will be severely punished later tonight, Jay. But now you will do what I command, or you may not survive that punishment."
There was no escape. Sissy sucked both men off as the ladies watched, smoking their cigars. Lillie had to admit that this was something Alexis had not thought to do, and she was impressed. The humiliation of these slaves was now complete and Lillie found that to be an enormous turn-on. They were locked back into their cock cages and the ladies resumed making love, a cloud of cigar smoke surrounding them.
"I can't wait to tell Alexis about this when I get home," thought Lillie. We will definitely have to figure out how to get a collection of slaves of our own."
The ladies finished their cigars and, entangled with each other, languidly fell asleep. Another great day.