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I Am BlueStarlight

"Would you dare to answer the call if you heard it?"

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Author's Notes

"Dedicated to BlueStarlight. You know what you did."

Brenda stared with disbelief at Alexandria’s bare breasts as Alexandria held her t-shirt pulled up and over her firm, bell-shaped tits. 

“Well?” Alexandria asked. 

Brenda interrupted immediately with a raised, open palm and snapped her fingers shut. “No, Alexandria. Not one more syllable until I have had a shot of whisky, or two, or twelve. Wine will no longer suffice.” 

Brenda stood up from her couch, sauntered to her liquor cabinet, and walked like a model on a catwalk back to take her place next to Alexandria, who still had her breasts on display. Brenda sighed deeply as she unscrewed the cap of the Canadian Club Whisky bottle and tossed it over her shoulder. Never allowing her gaze to stray from Alexandria’s bare chest. Brenda slowly met Alexandria’s eyes and took a long swig straight from the bottle. She grimaced and shivered as the whisky burned its way down her throat. 

Brenda then rolled one hand in small circles, signaling Alexandria to continue. 

Alexandria chuckled. “Well? What do you think?” 

Brenda sighed, mumbled incoherently under her breath, and took another swig of whisky. She replied in a harsher tone than she had intended, “What do I think about encouraging you to get laid outside of your marriage because your husband doesn’t fuck you properly and frequently anymore? Or what do I think about your psychedelicized tits?” 

Alexandria pulled her t-shirt down over her breasts and huffed in disappointment. “I thought you’d be happy for me, Brenda.” 

“Alexandria.” Brenda took a deep breath, exhaled slowly, and strained to keep a calm and steady tone in her voice. “I encouraged you, as a friend who loves you and understands you are unsatisfied with the lack of sex in your marriage, as I am, to find a man and to fuck each other senseless.” 

Alexandria replied with visible hurt in her eyes. “You told me to be adventurous and play out a fantasy. I thought you’d be happy for me. You wanted to hear every dirty detail over a bottle of wine or two. That’s what you made me promise you.” 

Brenda wet her lips and sighed. “Yes, Alexandria. A fantasy. Something discreet. Perhaps picking up a young stud and fucking each other’s brains out in a seedy motel room. Getting the kind of fucking that makes you walk funny for a few days. Something most self-respecting, middle-aged, sexually frustrated, married women fantasize about.” 

Brenda sat up straight as an arrow and shouted, “Not arranging a threesome with Freddy fucking Kruger and Count fucking Dracula! Have you not seen what your tits look like, Alexandria? The last time I saw so many bruises and bite marks, and God only knows what else on your tits, was in a cheap slasher movie!” 

Alexandria jumped with a start at Brenda’s sudden outburst. Both women met their eyes in silence for a few seconds and then broke out in laughter. 

Brenda offered Alexandria the whisky bottle. Alexandria grabbed it with both hands and took a small sip. 

Alexandria huffed and calmly said, “I know what my tits look like, Brenda. And I absolutely adore every colorful bruise, welt, and bite mark. The only thing I’m sorry about is that the bruises are fading so quickly. I adore the color and the heat on the surface of my skin. My tits glowed red and pink, sprinkled with speckles of a deep burgundy, only yesterday. The glowing red faded too quickly into splotches of dull purple and yellow and tints of blue. I don’t regret anything that he did to me. I can’t wait to see him again.” 

Brenda let her body sink into the couch and rubbed her temples with her palms. After a moment of mulling the situation over in her mind and realizing how genuinely happy Alexandria looked and sounded, she asked, “Please tell me I should not be worried, right? He didn’t force you in any way. You wanted and enjoyed,” Brenda stared at and pointed at Alexandria’s chest, “whatever the fuck that is?” 

“Yes, Brenda! He was a gentleman from our first hello,” Alexandria laughed. 

Brenda continued her interrogation out of concern for her friend: “Did it hurt? Weren’t you terrified? My God, Alexandria! Every square inch of your tits looks like you tie-dyed them! What if the marks don’t go away before our husbands get back from their fishing trip? They’ll be back in nine days. Fuck, Alexandria, what were you thinking?” 

Alexandria huffed, “The marks on my tits will disappear long before our husbands return. That’s what he explained to me. And at the rate the marks are fading, he is correct.” 

Brenda groaned loudly. 

Alexandria continued, “Was I scared? I was scared shitless! Who wouldn’t be? But I wanted to experience something intensely unfettered and unique. And, yes, it hurt like hell! Oddly enough, the pain was more intense afterward. Even odder was how I wasn’t completely sure if I was feeling pleasure or pain at certain moments. I was hyper-sexually aroused. I’m still trying to understand and sort out the entire experience. I did experience a lot of pain, but it was also sexually gratifying. And in no way would I have done that with anyone else other than him that night. That is the one thing I am certain of.” 

Brenda threw her arms up in the air. “Okay, Alexandria. You have my undivided attention. Who, what, blah, blah, blah? You know the drill.” 

Alexandria leaned in closer to Brenda and excitedly said, “I decided that I would try to hook up with Brandon, the young cutie who works in our marketing department. He was my first choice. He’s always flirting with me at the office. If Brandon wasn’t available, I was determined to hook up with any guy that caught my eye and hit on me at the party for the grand opening of our new flagship office in Toronto.” 

Brenda chuckled and nodded in approval. “Brandon is a cutie. And he has a sexy ass, too. Mommy wants to spank that gorgeous, tight ass. Grrr!” 

Alexandria laughed. “I confess that I had dressed a bit too sexy for a business function." 

Brenda chuckled, “When Mommy needs cock. The sluttier the outfit, the better. That’s what I have heard.” Both women broke out in laughter. Brenda said, “You make me proud! What did you wear?” 

Alexandria smiled mischievously and replied, “I bought the DOLCE&GABBANA bustier jersey minidress and the black Manolo Blahnik slingback stilettos we looked at in Holt Renfrew.” 

“Ooo!” Brenda purred, “You must have looked stunning!” 

Alexandria nodded and blushed a bit. “I felt so sexy and so alive. I could not remember the last time I felt so good about myself. I sat my ass down in a chair at the bar. One elbow on the arm of the chair, bare legs crossed and pointed away from the bar. When I spotted Brandon, I flashed him a big smile. He smiled back, waved, and made his way towards me.” 

“That’s when I heard Benjamin order a drink. ‘Johnny Walker Black, neat, please.’” Alexandria said.

Brenda interjected with a wisecrack, “Count fucking Dracula’s name is Benjamin?” 

“Yes, Benjamin Kane. I heard as much as I felt his voice. I felt like he fucked me with his voice,” Alexandria explained. 

“Hmmm,” Brenda involuntarily reacted. 

Alexandria continued, “I swiveled the chair around to have a look at the owner of the voice. My legs banged into his ass. I could have died from embarrassment. I looked up at him and stuttered something that sounded like an apology. He looked down at me and just smiled. I apologized six or seven times in a row. I was instantly mesmerized and a little bit scared of him. You know when you cannot explain what immediately attracts you to a man? That is what it felt like. But he took me somewhere in my mind that I do not believe I had ever been to." 

Alexandria paused. 

Brenda whispered under her breath, “Sounds like you had a dizzying moment. Go on.” 

“Yes, it was dizzying and thrilling. He was very gracious. He made me laugh when he said, ‘Your first four apologies were more than sufficient for a tap on my rear with such a lovely pair of legs.’” 

“He winked at me and introduced himself. ‘I am Benjamin Kane,’” said Alexandria. 

Alexandria continued, “I smiled back and told him that it was a pleasure to meet him. He is ruggedly handsome and looked fetching in a tailored gray metal suit and a charcoal tie. His neatly trimmed gray and black goatee complemented his tall, imposing stature. His salt and pepper hair was meticulously groomed and brushed back and away from his striking face. Brandon broke the spell when he tapped me on the shoulder and invited me to join him and his friends at their table.” 

Brenda chuckled. “Great timing.” 

Alexandria laughed. “I accepted Brandon’s invitation, naturally. As I followed Brandon, I realized I had not introduced myself to Mr. Kane. I decided that if it didn’t work out with Brandon, I could approach Benjamin and use the missed introduction as a second icebreaker.” Alexandria coyly smiled. 

“You are incorrigible!” Brenda laughed aloud. 

“Yes! It’s amazing what the need for good fucking brings out in us,” Alexandria laughed. “I frequently scanned the restaurant to keep Mr. Kane on my radar. He was always engaged in what looked like business conversations with separate groups of people. Of course, the obligatory, ever-present hair flipping, laughing too loud, standing too close, and placing one hand on his chest as they spoke, Hussies, made me a bit jealous.” 

“Ha!” Brenda exclaimed, “The pot is calling the kettle black!” 

Alexandria laughed, “Guilty as charged! An hour or so later, I spotted him headed to the patio. I excused myself from the table. It was exhausting pretending to be interested in some video game or other Brandon and his friends went on and on about.” 

“Poor Alexandria,” Brenda teased. “You should have grabbed Brandon’s cock under the table and growled in his ear that you wanted a proper fucking. That would have gotten his attention and made him forget all about the kiddie games. This generation of young studs is useless. They are denying two generations of women the hot sex they deserve. Most importantly, obviously, is our generation’s need for the younger boys to pound our pussies occasionally to keep us sane. It’s maddening!” 

“Brenda!” Alexandria protested with a chuckle. “I followed him to the patio and said hello. The night was beautiful. There was not a cloud in sight, and the stars were so bright. I was transfixed by his gaze again. His eyes had kindness in them. Beneath the kindness was a burning intensity that called to me, and I had to touch it. I was thrilled, horny, and scared at the same time. He made my pussy hum and clench mercilessly. I got a flutter in my belly that made my knees knock. I lost my balance for an instant and almost toppled over in my heels.” 

“He grabbed both my arms and steadied me. He slid his hands down my arms and grasped both my wrists. He lifted my left hand to his chest and rubbed my wedding band between his fingers and thumb.” 

Alexandria closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “So, that is when the dickwad ruined the perfect moment.” 

“He asked me, ‘Will you be leaving your wedding band on or taking it off when we fuck?’” 

Brenda sat up like a bullet shot from a gun. and said, “Fuck! I want to call him a son-of-a-bitch and a pig. But that is sexy in a dirty way! I still don’t like him.” 

Alexandria scrunched her nose and quickly replied, “Yes! I was torn between slapping his stupid face and calling him an asshole or hiking my dress up and spreading my legs for him. But I wasn’t going to let on about the spreading my legs option. I was dumbfounded. I scolded him. ‘That is a very arrogant and offensive assumption, Mr. Kane!’ I spat out each word with as much venom as I could inject into every syllable! For a fleeting second, I questioned why I had referred to him as Mr. Kane and not Benjamin. Perhaps it was a subconscious need to be dominated by him.” 

Alexandria paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. 

“Don’t stop!” Brenda egged her friend on. 

Alexandria continued, “His reply was in a firm and matter-of-fact tone.” 

“He said, ‘Yes, Blue Starlight. I will agree with you that it is a very arrogant assumption. I apologize if I have offended you. But I wager that you are not offended,’” Alexandria huffed. 

“Bastard!” Brenda exclaimed in support of her friend. “I definitely don’t like him.” 

“All I managed to sputter out was, ‘What the fuck is Blue Starlight?’” Alexandria said.

“What he said next made me swoon like a virgin schoolgirl. With a growl low in his throat, he said, ‘Your intoxicating blue eyes reflect the white starlight in a hue of blue. It slipped your mind to introduce yourself to me. So, I improvised with something that would do justice to your beauty. Did I do you justice, Blue Starlight?’” 

Brenda sighed. “Fuck me! This arrogant, bargain-bin poet is making me wet. He is smooth. I will give the silver-tongued devil his due. But I still do not like him!” 

Alexandria laughed. “I was dripping wet. All I wanted to do in that moment was slap his stupid face and fuck his brains out at the same time.” 

“I hope you did both,” Brenda chuckled. 

Alexandria cleared her throat and sheepishly said, “I grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him hard. I swear, Brenda, I just could not stop myself. I just had to kiss him!” 

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Brenda’s eyes shot wide open. 

“His lips had a silky softness,” Alexandria continued. “The whiskers of his goatee were scratchy and rough. Together, the sensation was euphoric. Every nerve in my body sparked like exposed electric wires. I broke the kiss and asked him where he was taking me to fuck.” 

Brenda took a sip of whisky and laughed. “You showed incredible restraint and subtleness under pressure, Alexandria.” 

“Brenda!” Alexandria huffed, “I swear to you. I couldn’t help myself!” 

Brenda chuckled, “I am just teasing. Please continue. Where did he take you to fuck? What about Brandon?” 

Alexandria snickered, “We went to his apartment. As for Brandon, he did not cross my mind again. Mr. Kane is in his mid-fifties. Easily ten years older than me.” Alexandria fidgeted in her seat before continuing. “He is, ahh, very demanding in the bedroom. He kind of tied me up a little.” 

“Ooo! Bondage!” Brenda excitedly said. 

Avoiding Brenda’s gaze, Alexandria meekly replied, “With ropes.” 

Brenda quizzically asked, “Ropes? More than one? He tied your ankles and wrists. Kinky!” 

Alexandria shook her head, still averting Brenda’s eyes, and replied, “No. Many ropes. Long ones.” 

Brenda asked, “Who the fuck needs many, long ropes to tie ankles and wrists?” 

“Umm, not just my ankles and wrists. He kind of tied me up everywhere,” Alexandria replied as she motioned from her shoulders to her knees with both her hands. “I was especially fond of how he tied my tits. Like a harness weaved tightly with rope. It made my tits look as perky as when I was a high school cheerleader.” 

“Go on!” Brenda eagerly said. 

Alexandria nodded. “We did not talk much on the drive to his apartment. The sexual tension and anticipation were communication enough to not make the drive awkward.” 

Brenda teased, “I’m shocked you didn’t fuck in his car.” 

“The thought had crossed my mind,” Alexandria laughed. “He has a beautiful and spacious apartment. He took my hand and led me straight to his bedroom. My heart was pounding so fucking hard that it made my ears ring. He positioned me next to his bed, and when he grabbed the hem of my dress, I instinctively raised my arms over my head. He slid the dress up and off me. I was naked. I was not wearing panties or a bra. It felt liberating to be exposed to him. It was exhilarating. It also profoundly struck me how effortlessly I had put myself on display for him. He drank in every inch of my nakedness with a glint of fiery lust in his eyes.” 

“All he said was, ‘Keep your stilettos and wedding band on.’” 

Brenda chuckled. “I just might change my opinion of your Count fucking Dracula, Alexandria. He has balls.” 

“You will, Brenda,” Alexandria chuckled back. “All I could do was stand deathly still and on display for him. I wanted him to take complete control of my body. I knew I would accept and probably enjoy everything he was about to do to me. He kissed me ever so gently before he went to his closet and came back with a bunch of neatly coiled, red ropes and tossed all but one on the bed.” 

Brenda shifted in place and squeezed her legs together. She snickered, “Don’t mind me, Alexandria. It is getting a bit hot in here.” 

Alexandria laughed, “Enjoy the ride. He unwound the rope and began to wrap it around me. He tied my wrists behind my back and wrapped the rope over and under my breasts. Then he pulled it over my shoulders and wove it under the two wraps across my tits. When he pulled it tight to take out the slack, my tits were squeezed tight and swelled outward. My tits felt so good bound in his rope. He tied a knot to keep the rope firmly in place. Then he guided me gently and sat me on his bed.” 

Brenda smacked her lips. “Delicious!” 

“Yes, it was.” Alexandria smiled. “He took a step back and stared at me as he undressed. He has a nice body and a fucking, gorgeously delicious cock!” 

“His naked stare pierced the air between us, and he said, ‘I will not be gentle with you. You can tell me to stop at any time. I have a need to touch beautiful things in a way they have never been touched before. Be it in subtle new ways or in sadistic new ways, do you understand, Blue Starlight?’” 

“Holy shit! What did you say to that?” Brenda asked. 

Alexandria shook her head. “All I could do was nod yes. I could not find my voice. My mind was filled with only anticipating and wanting his rough touch, and his cock buried deep in my belly. He leaned in and kissed me. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and moaned unintentionally loudly. He stood up straight and commanded me to spread my legs wider. A command I immediately obeyed. He grabbed a fistful of my hair in each hand and pulled my mouth onto his semi-erect cock. I shivered as his cock twitched and grew fully erect in my mouth quickly. When he was fully erect, he tightened his grip on my hair and guided my mouth faster and deeper over his cock. Low growls and moans from both of us filled the room with an electric charge.” 

Brenda purred, “I do love a man that is capable of taking charge.” 

“Mmm, yes!” Alexandria replied. “He fucked my mouth hard. I gagged a few times, and tears smeared my makeup into dark streaks down my cheeks. It only made me hornier. I wanted to please him and empty his balls dry of every drop of cum. He stopped before I was able to savor and swallow his cum.” 

“He pushed me onto my back and positioned me in the middle of his bed. He tied a rope to each of my legs, just above my knee, with a tight knot. That is when I noticed the smoked mirror on the ceiling directly above me. My mind whirled to a beautiful place I never knew existed. He ran the ropes under the bed, pulled them tight, and cinched the ropes in place. My legs were spread wide and locked immovably in place. I was transfixed by the beautiful reflection of being shamelessly splayed open and adorned in red rope. I begged for his cock.” 

Brenda purred in approval. 

Alexandria laughed. “Like I said, enjoy the ride, Brenda.” Alexandria sighed. “I begged him to fuck my brains out. He ignored my plea. Instead, he pawed at my bound tits. He attacked them with lustful vigor for quite a length of time. He squeezed and kneaded them hard and deep, and he crushed them against my chest. He sucked hard on them, bit into them, and slapped them. He pinched my nipples and shook each of my breasts violently. He hurt me, but I did not ask him to stop. I looked down at my tits and admired the large, red splotches as they bloomed across the surface of my flesh.” 

“Fuck!” Brenda gasped. 

“He removed the fine leather belt from his discarded pants and folded it in half. I could not look away from the leather that he held in his hand,” Alexandria confessed. “I knew what was coming. I knew it was going to be painful. The thought of more stinging heat excited me. He dragged the belt along my inner thigh to my spread pussy so achingly slowly. My pussy clenched so tight. I thought I was going to come.” 

“Without warning, he whipped the folded belt across my bound breasts. I wanted to scream out in pain, but I stifled the scream and did not make a peep. He struck my tits again. The contact of leather on flesh filled the room with a sharp crack, accompanied by my howl that time. Tears welled up in my eyes. My flesh was on fire, but I craved more. I lost count of how many times he struck my tits.” 

Brenda took another swig of whisky. 

“Then he positioned himself on the bed with his head between my legs. He covered my pussy with his mouth. His soft lips and rough whiskers made me writhe and beg for release. He roughly pushed two fingers inside me and fingerfucked me. When his whiskers rubbed across my clit it felt like needles and pins pierced it. My pussy clamped down hard around his fingers. An orgasm had started to peak. That is when he abruptly stopped, grabbed the belt, and struck me hard between my legs. I watched all this through a veil reflected on the surface of the mirror above me. I peered into an alternate reality and at an alternate me. I saw and felt my other self in the reflection. It took my breath away.” 

“I was confused by what I saw in the mirror. It did not match the euphoric sensations that had surged through my entire body. I expected orgasm, denying pain between my legs. Instead, an orgasm thundered through me. Colors exploded behind my eyes, and my vision swam. I watched myself shake uncontrollably as I struggled against his inescapable ropes and screamed out in sweet release. The orgasm was long and intense. But it was also cathartic.”

“He did not give me time to recover. He crawled between my legs and stabbed his cock inside me. He hurt me with his cock, Brenda. He fucked me like a rutting, wild stallion. With deep, hard, feral, unapologetic thrusts,” Alexandria panted her words. “He needed to come, and in that moment, I wanted to be the only woman that would give him his release. The pain between my legs did slowly fade, but it did not completely go away. Soon I felt the familiar itchy humming in my clit. Another orgasm was building up in me. I looked up at the mirrors and watched him fuck me. His muscles tensed and relaxed with each thrust of his hips. Each juddering thrust punched some of the air out of my lungs. My blonde hair appeared to be floating against the backdrop of the ocean blue bedsheets as if I were submerged underwater.” 

“I witnessed a scene of savage beauty. I witnessed the place I had imagined when I first set eyes on him. His grunts and growls were all I heard. He abruptly stopped fucking the brains out of me. The anticipation of him exploding and filling me with his cum tipped me over the edge, and I came again. He pulled the shaft of his cock out of me and kept only the pulsating head aimed at my hole.” 

“That intensity that burned behind the kindness in his eyes that I wanted to touch. He allowed me to touch it. It felt inimitable. He paralyzed me with an intense and focused, glowering stare. He grunted and thrust so hard into me that all the air was punched out of my lungs. Every muscle in his body coiled into steel cables beneath his sweaty, glistening skin. He groaned, growled, and shook as he emptied his balls into me. I welcomed his hot, thick cum splattering into me and painting my insides with his wet heat. He collapsed on top of me and kissed me as we caught our breath. He was still inside of me, semi-hard. I feebly wiggled my hips and clenched my pussy, trying to get him deeper inside of me. I was too drained and exhausted to succeed,” Alexandria panted. 

Alexandria paused and smiled to herself for a moment. 

She continued, “When I was able to form a coherent thought, I asked him how he knew I’d respond to him like I did.” 

“He kissed me and whispered in my ear, ‘Fire calls to fire, Blue Starlight. Same fires call to same fires and pray for a reply if they are heard. The calls from the fires are undeniable and indelible. They cannot be ignored or unheard. We can only choose to answer their calls or not answer their calls. I am happy we answered each other’s calls tonight.’” 

Brenda abruptly got up and walked away. Alexandria asked where she was going but got only a raised arm in the air with an index finger raised in response. Alexandria heard the unmistakable sound of a vibrator humming, and Brenda was moaning softly in cadence with the soft whirring for a minute. 

Brenda returned to the couch and took her spot. “All better now,” Brenda giggled. 

Alexandria stared with shock at Brenda. “Really, Brenda?” she snickered. 

Brenda grinned. “Yes, really, Alexandria. You told me to enjoy the ride. I did.” She winked and said, "Continue, please.” 

“Unfucking believable!” Alexandria gasped. “That is all of it, Brenda. He did ask me if I wanted to come again. I thanked him for the offer, but I could not fuck anymore because I was really sore all over and exhausted, and I did not think I had another orgasm in me for him. He drove me home, as a gentleman should. When I got into his car and shifted in the seat to get comfortable. My clit began to throb and itch again. I squeezed my legs together, planted my feet on the car floor, and placed my hands on the dashboard to steady myself. I tucked my chin into my chest and held my breath. I was rocked by an unexpected flash orgasm. Something that I had never experienced before. I snickered to Mr. Kane, ‘I guess I did have one more in me. Sorry.’” 

“He laughed and asked me, ‘What is your name? You have yet to introduce yourself to me properly.’” 

“I leaned over and kissed him so fucking hard just because I wanted to. I stared at him for a minute and said, ‘I am Blue Starlight. I will tell you my other name the next time we fuck.’” 

Brenda flopped back on the couch and purred, “I’m so happy for you, Alexandria.” She cooed, “I want a Mr. Kane, too.” 

Alexandria was relieved that Brenda was happy for her. She lifted her t-shirt and displayed her marked breasts again. “Well? What do you think?” 

Brenda chuckled. “They are absolutely, fucking, stunningly gorgeous on you, Alexandria. You wear them well.” 



Written by Gil_Renard
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