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His Majesty's Power

"A glimpse into the M/s relationship of Ruby and Clyde, from the point of view of Brian."

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Ruby was standing infront of the vanity mirror, her perfectly shaped apple bottom ass in full view of Brian, brushing through her thick, wavy hair. Clyde sat at the edge of the bed in front of her, his eyes glued on her, no doubt admiring the marvelous view before him. 

“You fucking turned me on when you shut her down during the debate over how silly that show is.” 

“Mmm. Is that so, my pet?” She purred, continuing to brush her hair without a pause, fully aware of the power she held over him at this moment. 

“Yes, Mistress,” Clyde nearly gasped. It was apparent he had been waiting for this moment for quite some time.

“It makes your cock all hard, does it, when I correct other people toward the proper way of thinking?” 

“So hard, Mistress. Everyone else is lacking compared to you.” 

From his well-positioned hiding place in the closet, Brian could see the smirk bloom across Ruby’s face in the mirror. “My little slut has waited patiently, hasn't he?” She asked, placing the brush down and bending slowly over the vanity as she gently began to remove her lipstick. The thin jersey fabric of her dress was clinging to the curves of her ass, revealing that she was wearing no underwear. She bent forward farther; Clyde biting his lip in response to the heart shaped view before him. Brian was so absorbed in the scene that he had no choice but to voyeuristic-ally witness and was scared to death that he would be found, that he didn't initially notice the hard mound within his pants. 

“Your slave has tried his best Mistress,” Clyde groaned, his hands clenching the front of the bed, presumably in order to prevent himself from touching his cock. 

She straightened her posture and turned around, freezing as she faced him. Her unflinching look was enough to make Clyde drop to his knees immediately. 

She moved to take Clyde’s place at the edge of the bed, crossing her legs. Every move she made was so sensual, so slow and inviting. Clyde turned on his knees to face her, his head hung low. 

“And when was the last time my little slut touched himself?” She stroked the side of his face, her fingers affectionately gliding over his loosely hung hair and following down along his cheekbone and jawline. 

“24 days ago Mistress, when you last allowed me to on Saturday the third,” Clyde responded, his eyes on the floor.

“Have you done anything you shouldn't have?” 

“No, Mistress. I've been terribly preoccupied with dirty thoughts involving you, though.” 

“And what has been on your filthy mind,” her tone was suddenly teasing as she grazed her long index nail down his shirt. 

“Awful things, Mistress. Your slave is afraid to say.” 

“Tell me, slut.” 

“For the past 24 days, Mistress has done an incredible job treating her slave as if he has no sexual needs that your slave has been entertaining thoughts of teaching his Mistress a lesson. He wants to bring Mistress to pain with his cock. He wants her pussy swollen and sore.” 

“I see. And what if I bring you to pain with my cock?” 

Brian noticed Clyde eagerly lift his head up at that suggestion. “Mistress will really do that?” 

“I asked you a question, slave.” Ruby replied, pointing to the floor. 

“Sorry, Mistress. Your slave forgot himself in his excitement. Your slave will be pleased beyond words if Mistress decides to do that.” 

“Stand up and remove your clothes.” 

Clyde stood up and Brian watched as he removed his shirt and pants, looking down at the floor the entire time. Brian felt an urge in his dick at the sight of Clyde’s cock, large and erect, hanging out before him. Ruby was hungrily staring at it and enthusiastically grabbed it, yanking Clyde towards her and startling him, for he nearly tripped. Brian noted the visible rise in Clyde’s chest as Ruby gently stroked his cock while he stood before her. He closed his eyes, tilting his head back as she glided her tongue along his shaft, both her hands cupping his balls. She slowly placed the head in her mouth, squeezing his balls with one hand and using the other to grip the bottom of the shaft. Brian could feel his pre-cum seeping through his pants as he heard the wet noises she made while sucking on the head. Clyde let out a pleasurable groan. 

She stopped abruptly. “Get on the floor, slave.” 

Clearly disappointed that he had been forced to return to reality, Clyde resumed his ground position. 

“Worship me,” she commanded, sticking out her left leg. 

“Fuck. Yes, Mistress.” He gently grabbed her outstretched leg, removing her shoe and kissing her foot, stopping at each toe to suck on it. Brian noticed his rushed efforts, however, as he quickly moved his mouth up along her calf as if he was attempting to satisfy an insatiable hunger. He hurriedly switched to the other foot, licking the bottom of her shoe before removing it.

"You're such a sweet slut," she praised as she ran her hand through his hair. This seemed to excite him and he hungrily moved further up her leg, pushing her dress up and snapping at her thighs. In response to his carnal impulses, Ruby dug her hand into his hair and forcefully yanked his head backwards.

“What do you think you’re doing, slut?” She leaned forward, looking into his eyes, her expression stern. 

“Sorry, Mistress. My desire for Mistress is uncontrollable. Please, Mistress, may your slave please be allowed to taste his Goddess’ delicious juices?” Clyde’s pleading was quite convincing. 

“And why does my little slut want to taste his Mistress? Is it so that you can satisfy your lust?” 

“No, Mistress. Your slave wants to bring his Mistress to ecstasy. He wants her to be pleasured, to experience feelings of intensity and delight. Although, he admits that Mistress’ power leaves him feeling like a savage beast.” 

A wicked smile erupted on her previously impassive face. “Good, my pet.” She pointed down to the floor and Clyde was immediately sitting with his hands to his side, his thighs apart and his gaze to the floor. Brian couldn't keep his eyes off of Clyde's stiff cock. It was so full and erect, just hanging out in front of him as if he were an unaware animal. Brian almost didn't notice the drool gathering in his mouth.

Ruby opened a dresser door and brought out a collar linked to a long piece of rope, which she placed around Clyde’s neck as he remained in his position, fully erect. She then removed her dress, allowing it to drop to the floor in front of Clyde while his eyes were locked on the ground. 

Brian was hard as a rock. Her body was delicious: her tits perky and her waist tiny. All he could think of was breaking out of his hiding spot and folding her legs back as he jammed his cock in her. 

Ruby scooted backwards onto the bed, tugging the rope and leading Clyde onto the bed with her. 

“You know your job, slut. Serve your Goddess,” she instructed as she rested against a pile of pillows. 

Clyde paused, on all fours, feasting upon her body with his eyes. Within seconds his hands were forcefully rubbing along her feet and calves, a look of sheer ravenous desire in his eyes as they met hers. He suddenly dived for her thighs, sucking lengthily at her soft inner skin, leaving dark purple marks. It was clear that Clyde had been fantasizing about this moment for quite a while, for his hands were uncontrollably rubbing and squeezing every inch of Ruby’s body. Rather than chastise Clyde for his beastly behavior, Ruby closed her eyes and pinched her nipples tightly. Clyde lifted his head, groaning thirstily before he went straight for her cunt. His tongue glided broadly over her pussy lips. Ruby let out a soft moan. Brian absorbedly watched Clyde lick her vigorously and suck on her clit. After minutes of eating her pussy, he abruptly took both of his hands and forcibly pushed her thighs back, gripping them in place violently as he stuck his tongue deep into her dripping pussy, fucking her with it while she let out short breaths. She grabbed a chunk of his hair and yanked his head back so that his tongue was no longer inside of her. Holding his head, she grinded her cunt onto his face. Within minutes she arched her back, gripping his head tightly with her thighs, which were shaking slightly as she moaned in relief at her release. 

Clyde continued to lick the juices flowing out of her. She gently lifted his chin upwards. “Let’s see how hungry my dirty little beast is for his Mistress.” 

“Mistress, your slave could devour you.” Clyde’s chest was heaving from his heavy breathing. 

She bent over, her ass in the air. Brian’s dick was throbbing now. Images flashed through his mind of rubbing his aching cock, glistening and coated in his pre-cum, between her ass cheeks. He wanted so badly to stroke himself but stopped himself out of fear that he might be heard. 

“Then devour me, slave.” 

Clyde didn’t hesitate to take a hold of each of her ass cheeks, spreading them apart and licking along her crack. Brian could see her cunt juices shining down her thighs. Clyde was quite literally devouring her ass like a rabid animal. Ruby’s pleasured moans seemed to excite him, for he violently grabbed her waist, shoving her head down and angling her ass as close to his face as possible. He impatiently shoved two fingers into her dripping cunt and penetrated her asshole with his tongue. 

“Slut!” Ruby attempted to reprimand, but the word escaped her in a mere pleasured gasp. Brian could hear how wet she was, her pussy making wet slopping sounds each time Clyde thrust his fingers inside. Her subsequent lustful moans continued to betray her as Clyde fucked her faster with his fingers, syncing them with his tongue which was slamming deep into her asshole. “Unnnhh!” She screamed in pure ecstasy as her body tensed. But she soon quickly brought herself out of her ecstatically pleasing orgasm as she reached around, yanking harshly on Clyde’s rope-collar, causing him to fall on his side. 

“I believe you need a little lesson in self-control.” Ruby tried to hide the breathlessness in her voice after such an intense orgasm. “It’s a pity you need such, given the 24-day-no-touching you’ve observed.” 

“Your slut is sorry, Mistress,” Clyde’s voice indicated no remorse; however, he immediately assumed his original position, with his head down. “All he wants to do is pleasure Mistress…he got lost in his desire to please her.” 

“My little slut also seems to think he can dominate his Mistress at his own leisure. Lay on your stomach slave.” 

“Yes, Mistress.” 

Ruby brought out a 15 foot length piece of rope and straddled him, lifting his arms and tying his wrists together above his head. Shifting to sit on his back, she faced his feet, tying his ankles together as well. 

“I don’t care how sexually frustrated you are, slave. I expect better from you.” 

“Sorry, Mistress.” 

“Sorry?” She bent over slightly, grabbing a crop resting against the nightstand. “I was mistaken in thinking you needn’t be restrained while pleasuring me. Apparently, you aren’t ready for such a degree of freedom.” 

“Isn’t Mistress being a bit unfair? All your slut wants to do is be used as your pleasure toy.” 

Placing the crop down, she grabbed his head firmly and turned it to the side, stuffing a ball gag in his mouth and then securing it around the back of his head. “Shh, pet.” She said softly. “This does bring me pleasure. And you can stop pretending you don’t love getting your cute little ass all nice and red.” 

Ruby got off his backside and stood to the side of the bed, holding the riding crop up between her arms. Clyde’s head was turned to the side, facing her. She stared at him for a few brief moments before she lifted the crop and struck it crisply down across both his cheeks. Clyde did not flinch. Brian craned his neck in an attempt to get a better view of what was happening. He pressed his face against the louvers of the closet door, his fingers gripping the wide spaces between them in an effort to steady his position. One of his finger’s slipped and made the slightest noise. He held his breath, his heart beating in his ears. Certainly Ruby was standing utterly still because she was pacing her strikes, not because she had heard a noise coming from the direction of her closet. Brian watched, holding his breath, noticing that she had turned her head slightly, as if searching for another sound. Brian felt beads of sweat slide down the side of his face. 

To his great relief, she turned her head back to Clyde and struck him again, this time with great force. Clyde let out a muffled moan in response. Ruby barely waited seconds before she struck again with the same amount of force. She did so over and over while Clyde writhed beneath her, his ass cheeks a bright red. Seemingly satisfied with the red sight before her, she placed the crop down on the floor beside the bed. Bending, she licked broadly over Clyde’s stinging cheeks. He winced beneath her tongue, expecting another lash.

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Brian could see Clyde breathing intensely as Ruby’s tongue continued to make long, wet strokes over the raw, bright marks littering his ass. 

“Good slut,” Ruby praised as she climbed over the side of the bed, positioning herself behind Brian’s ass so that her face was leveled properly to eat his ass out. She held apart his cheeks as she spit over his asshole. Burying her face in his ass, she lapped her tongue along his crack, cupping his balls and moving down to suck them. As she did so, her ass scooted even further up in the air. Brian could feel himself getting hard again, as his fear from being heard earlier had softened his erection. Her legs were spread widely apart and Brian had a perfect view of her pussy. There was a large gap between her pussy lips caused by her thighs being so far apart from one another. Brian squinted and saw her juices glimmering on the folds of her inner pussy lips, which were deliciously protruding out. He felt his cock twitch longingly beneath his damp pants. 

Clyde was moaning behind his gag while Ruby altered between sucking on his balls, licking between his ball sack and his anus, and spitting on his ass hole. She stuck her thumb in her mouth, sucking on it. Holding apart his cheeks with her other hand, she stuck her thumb deep into his asshole, gently thrusting it back and forth. Clyde twitched from the pleasure. She let her finger stay buried in his hole, massaging it from the inside. Clyde let out pleasurable, ecstatic gasps, clearly nearing an orgasm. 

Without removing her thumb, Ruby reached over and undid the gag, pullingit out of Clyde’s mouth. “Is my sweet pet enjoying this?” Ruby asked playfully. 

“So much, Mistress….Your slut begs you not to stop. Please, Mistress. Please....” 

Ruby laughed and immediately removed her thumb. She then turned him over so that he was on his back. Sweat was covering Clyde’s forehead and his chest was heaving violently. Brian’s eyes again turned instinctively to Clyde’s rock hard cock. It was stiffened straight against his stomach, reaching right below his belly button. Brian felt a rush of excitement surge from his dick up through his chest. The sight of Clyde’s perfect cock plunged Brian into a great longing. He wanted it. 

“Who do you belong to, slut?” Ruby almost violently grabbed his head, so that Clyde was forced to look into her eyes. 

“You, Mistress,” Clyde gasped breathlessly. “Only you.” 

That obvious answer seemed to please her, for she bent down and kissed him, her tongue slipping in his mouth. While kissing him, she reached her arm down and grabbed his cock. Clyde let out a lustful moan. Tearing her face from his, she brought it down to his cock and began to spit all over it until a nice puddle had formed at the base of his cock. She took her hand, spreading the spit all over his shaft, which made slippery noises every time she slid her hand along it. 

“You will not come. You will tell me when you are nearing orgasm. Do you understand me?” 

“Yes…Mistress.” Brian could sense Clyde was so far lost in his pleasure that he was barely able to remain responsive. 

She hopped gracefully onto him, hovering over his throbbing cock. She stretched herself across his chest to untie his wrists. 

Ruby then moved to sit on her knees beside him. “Sit up and scoot back,” she ordered. 

Clyde moved to sit up, but Ruby smacked him across the side of his head in his forgetfulness. 

“Yes, Mistress.” Clyde corrected himself and rested his back against the multiple pillows in front of the headboard; his feet, still bound, stretched in front of him and his glistening hard dick was raised straight up against his stomach. 

Ruby swiftly positioned herself right above his cock, gripping her hand firmly on his shoulders. “Hold my ass cheeks up firmly.” Clyde did as commanded, steadying her as her pussy hovered millimeters above the wet head of his cock. Brian bit his lip imagining the level of self-control Clyde must be exercising to not slam her dainty frame deep down onto his cock. 

Ruby lowered herself down ever so slowly, in complete control of her body, Clyde a mere aid in keeping her steady. She let the surface of his head rest between the opening of her pussy for seconds before she lifted herself back up above his cock, Clyde’s hands still cupped beneath her ass cheeks. Again she lowered herself down slowly, this time allowing more of his head to slip between her pussy lips. She sat there for many seconds, completely still, before she lifted herself off his cock again. This time when she lowered herself down deeper onto his head, Clyde resisted when she attempted to remove her dripping pussy from it again. He squeezed her fat ass cheeks in a selfish attempt to leave her pussy on his lusting cock. 

“Slut!” Ruby’s voice pierced sharp and painfully. 

Clyde released his hands immediately. “Sorry, Mistress.” 

Ruby pushed him back onto the pillows, so that he was now lying flat on his back. She reached an arm around behind her, grabbing and positioning his cock before she abruptly slammed her pussy deep down onto it. Clyde couldn’t contain his yelp from the sudden surprise. She bent slightly across his chest and bounced her ass steadily, making quick, deep thrusts down onto his thick cock. Watching hungrily each time Clyde’s dick filled her up so that only his balls were seen slammed against her ass, Brian could no longer contain himself. He unzipped his pants, hastily removing his pre-cum covered dick and impatiently jacked it off, imagining himself both in Ruby’s place and in Clyde’s place. 

“I didn’t tell you to remove your hands you dirty, uncontrollable slut.” Ruby’s voice was chastising as she bounced harder on his dick. 

“Forgive me, Mistress,” Clyde managed to breathe out. His hands returned to her ass cheeks, gripping them.

“Hold them harder slave. I know what a thirsty and dirty slut you are. Dig your fingers deep into my flesh.” 

“Mistress, I’m afraid I will lose control.” 

“I know my slut can do better than that.” She forcibly pinned his shoulders against the pillows, allowing herself greater leverage to fuck him faster and harder. Brian felt himself nearing a massive explosion as he ravenously watched Ruby’s tits bouncing up and down and her ass cheeks flapping together while Clyde’s delicious cock rammed into her, his fingers gripping so deep into her ass that red spots were beginning to form. 

“Mistress…I can’t…I’m going to come,” Clyde sounded completely lost in his own ecstasy. 

“Don’t remind me of how useless you can be.” Ruby bent back slightly and smacked his face, causing his heavily lidded eyes to immediately flutter open. “What should be on your mind right now, you fuck toy?” Her tone was stern. 

“Mistress, you feel so good. I’ve been controlling myself for so long, Mistress. I don’t think I can hold it anymore…Please, Mistress.” Clyde struggled desperately to stay focused. 

Ruby stopped fucking him, allowing herself to sit on Clyde’s dick as she grabbed a hold of his face. Brian’s disappointment was almost palpable. He too, did not know how much more he could take. Brian continued to stroke his cock, increasingly aroused as he noticed the puddle of Ruby’s juices that had formed beneath her ass and pussy and around the base of Clyde’s cock, dripping down his balls and dampening the bed sheet beneath him. 

“What should be on your mind, slut?” 

“Pleasuring you, Mistress.” 

“Mere lip service means nothing to me. I will not be pleasured until I choose when I’ve used you enough. Until then, you will remain constantly aware that your sole duties are to keep your cock hard and to do as I say. This will serve as a reminder of your purpose, since you are apparently incapable of exercising enough self-control on your own.” 

“Yes, Mistress.” 

She grabbed a pair of nipple clamps, attached to a chain, from the nightstand next to the bed, securing them tightly around his nipples. Taking a hold of the chain she angled herself in a position from where she could fuck his cock so that it slammed right up against her g-spot. She immediately resumed bouncing on his fully erect cock, wet noises emitting from inside her every moment she moved. She yanked on the chain hard, pulling Clyde’s nipples and causing him to yelp in pain, as she arched her head back, biting her lip and moaning. “Suck and bite my nipples,” she gasped. 

Clyde struggled to sit up and angled his mouth over her nipple, sucking and biting it eagerly. Ruby continued to pull harder on the chain, causing great distress to Clyde. She bounced on him like a crazed animal, the wet noises from her pussy and his fat cock getting wetter and louder and sloppier. Brian was about to burst any second. He closed his eyes, imagining himself sucking Clyde’s cock as he rammed his own deep into Ruby’s dripping wet pussy. Suddenly, Ruby wrapped her left arm around the back of Clyde’s neck, pulling him close to her so that his body was pressed right against her. She pounded her pussy forcefully on his cock, soft gasps of pleasure emanating from her in spurts. “Mmmmmmmmmm!” She moaned it loudly and unapologetically, freezing and sitting deep down on his cock, her pussy muscles emitting spasms of pleasure. Brian lost it and orgasmed as she did, unable to contain his groans of pleasure. Luckily, his pleasure noises were obscured by Ruby’s. 

After gaining her breath for a few minutes, Ruby lifted herself off of Clyde’s cock and walked over to the bathroom. She turned around when she reached the bathroom door. “Edge yourself lightly, but do not come.” 

“Yes, Mistress.” Clyde was clearly disappointed that he had not been granted permission to come during the sex. In Brian’s post-orgasmic state, he felt pity for Clyde. Twenty-four days of not ejaculating and then barely being acknowledged for his obedience and longing was quite pity-worthy. 

When Ruby returned from the bathroom, she was wearing her dress again. She eyed Clyde as he rhythmically jacked off his cock. 

“Are you ready to admit your transgression?” Her tone was serious. 

“Mistress? What transgression?” 

“What you did on your laptop two days in a row earlier this week.” 

Clyde stopped masturbating and took a long pause before he responded. “Mistress…it’s not what you think. I didn’t touch myself.” 

“Did I tell you to stop masturbating? I don’t care if you touched yourself or not. In one way or another, you satiated some part of your lust by doing what you did. So continue to touch yourself, like the dirty animal you are.” 

Clyde didn’t move his hand. “Mistress, please. Your slave is ashamed and sorry. Is there anything he can do to make amends? Mistress…please…he can’t stand himself right now.” Brian felt bad for the guy, despite whatever he had done, for he sounded quite desperate. 

“I said to touch yourself.” Ruby’s voice was monotone and her face impassive but it was clear that she was quite livid. “I own you. You are mine, and only mine. Clearly, you don’t understand at all the depth of what that means. I won’t even bother explaining, as evidently explanations do nothing to alter your behavior. Right now, all you are is a fuck toy to me. An object. Liars and disobedient slaves do not deserve to have their needs attended to.” 

Clyde began to panic slightly, realizing he had made a huge mistake. “Mistress…please don’t say that. Please! Your worthless slave will do anything, anything to prove to Mistress he is sorry and that he only wants her. Mistress…please believe your slave, please!” 

“I am going in the other room for a while. Masturbate or not, the choice is yours. Just like the choice was yours when you decided to disobey me behind my back earlier this week. We will talk about this once I decide we are ready to.” She left the room. 

Brian watched, captivated by the intensity of the situation. The emotions surging through that exchange were incredibly palpable. He watched as Clyde’s dick went flaccid and saw tears roll down his face. Clyde got up and went into the bathroom, closing the door. Brian now finally had his chance to leave his hiding spot and get back to the guest room. He didn’t waste a second. He carefully and hesitantly slid the closet door open and shut, and tiptoed towards the bedroom door. Luckily, there was a hallway outside of Clyde and Ruby’s bedroom, and the kitchen and sitting room were not visible from it. Ever so slowly, Brian inched the door open and shut it silently behind him as he crept stealthily into the guest bedroom. 

He leaned against the inside of the bedroom door once he was safely inside and let out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes. 

“Enjoy yourself?” Her voice was amused. “Looks like you made quite a mess.” 

Brian’s eyelids flipped open, his heart beat racing and his face growing hot. 

“I…I...was looking for….” 

“A pair of my panties to masturbate to before you went off to sleep?” She was seated at the edge of the bed, across from him. 

“I….” How did she know? 

She lifted up her dress, pulling off her thong. Standing up, she walked over to him and stopped inches before his face. She stared deep into his eyes. Brian was so embarrassed he was barely able to process what was happening, yet he couldn’t break her gaze. Ruby lifted her hand with the thong and pushed it against his mouth. His mouth readily complied, and he opened it wide enough for her to stuff the thong inside. She snickered, amused, before she gestured him to move aside and left the room.

Written by syrotixa
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