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Hidden desire . . .

"Cathy's wildest fantasy and desire comes true . . . ."

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Cathy nervously glanced at the man at the end of the bar.   He wasn’t looking at her right now, but he had been watching her.   He was a mature, good looking man who had an air of self confidence and strength about him.   He both fascinated her and scared her a little at the same time.   She glanced in his direction a few more times and she knew he was continually checking her out.   She watched as he took a drink.   It was amber colored in an ice filed glass and Cathy thought it was probably scotch or something similar.


She had come into the bar after a tough day at work to have a quick relaxing drink before heading home.   She was dressed in a gray suit with a white on white print blouse.   The suit had a tight skirt which Cathy knew showed her rear end off to her advantage.   She had black 2” heels on that she was anxious to take off and let her feet relax.   She didn’t wear panty hose or stockings as her suntanned legs just didn’t need them.   Cathy sipped again at her cosmopolitan, enjoying both the taste and the way it helped her relax after a pressure filled day.   So far she had chased away three annoying guys who had tried to start up a conversation wither.   She just wasn’t in the mood, these guys were so shallow.   Covertly she glanced at the guy down the bar and she saw he was looking openly at her.   Self consciously looked down at the bar and blushed deeply.   What was it about this guy?   Hearing a sound she glanced up.   He had tossed down his drink and was leaving money on the bar.   As he got up she could she he was strongly built and she watched as we walked out of the bar.   We’ll that was that, she thought.   Five minutes later, her cosmo finished, Cathy paid and got up to leave.   As she left the bar, she walked to her car which was in the back of the parking lot.   As she was reaching for her door handle, she heard something behind her and saw the guy.   “Miss, hold on a second,” he said.   “What?’ she asked.   “I couldn’t help but notice you inside.   You’re pretty good at brushing off the guys.”   “Yes, umm, well they’re not very interesting,” she said   “Well I am,” he said as he grabbed her ass with his right hand.   Cathy jumped as he did it and a small noise came out of her mouth involuntarily.   “I am very interesting and I know exactly what it is you need,” he continued.   Cathy’s eyes were wide as she felt his hand squeeze and slide a little father between her legs.   “Please,” she started.   “Don’t please me,” he said.   “Just get in the car and I’ll make sure you get what you need.”   He pushed her down and she sat hard on the driver’s seat.   “I’m getting in on the other side, you start the car and we’ll go where you can get what you want.”   Not knowing why, she unlocked the passenger side door and started the car.   The guy slide in with a look on his face that made Cathy nervous but still somehow she just knew she was safe.   “Before you start driving, take you panties off,” he commanded.   You don’t need then anymore.”   “I don’t think so . . .” she started.   The guy reached across and pinned her in the seat with his left arm.   Then reaching between her legs, he grabbed her panties by the crotch and gave a hard pull.   There was a tearing sound and suddenly his hand came free with her torn panties in hit.   Smiling, he opened the window and dropped them outside.   “Now, that’s much better he said quietly.   Let’s go, I’ll direct.”   Slowly Cathy pulled the car from the parking place and headed left at his direction.   Without saying anything he reached between her legs and plunged a finger into her.   Cathy was moist and he smiled broadly.   “I knew it,” he murmured.   The withdrawing his finger he stuck it into her mouth.   Cathy was surprised but without thinking about it, sucked on it savoring the musky taste.   “Very good start,” he said.   “My name is Bill and it’s time for you to get what you want and deserve.   I don’t want to know what your name is because it isn’t important to me.   What is important if for you to understand that you are no longer in control.   I am.   The sooner you understand and accept that, the more you will enjoy yourself.”   Cathy gulped and nodded.   He directed her to a neighborhood about five miles from the bar.   She pulling into the driveway of the house he indicated.   The house was a neat white ranch with a one car garage.   In the dusk she could see it was very well taBill care of.   As she turned car the off, he grabber her by her brown hair and pulled her down to his lap.   She could feel a large lump there against the side of her face.   “What’s that?” he demanded.   “Y-y-your erection,” she stammered.   “No, it’s my cock,” he countered.   “Say it.”   “C-c-cock.”   “Again!”   “Cock.”   “Not great, but I guess that’ll do,” Bill said.   “Now, it’s a bit constricted in there.   Go ahead and let the beast out of its cage,” he demanded.   Cathy started to reach up, but he pushed her hands back.   “No hands, that’s what your mouth is for,” he commanded.   Cathy’s tongue flicked out and lifted the zipper tab.   She took it between her teeth and painstakingly pulled it down.   His cock nearly exploded out of the opening.   She barely had time to realize he wasn’t wearing underwear before it was deep in her mouth.   Bill groaned and pushed her head down further.   The enormous head pushed though her mouth and into her throat.   Cathy started to gag.   Bill just groaned.   Bill took her ears in each of his hands and start lifting and dropping her head on his cock.   “Tell me you want it,” he demanded.   “Mmnfg.   Gulp.   Uhhh.   Groan.   Wnnnt ittt,” was the best she could do.   Suddenly he pulled her head up.    Cathy gulped for air, drool running down her chin.   Bill started, “Okay, I’m going inside now.   You know what you want, it’ll be there for you if you come in.   If not, just drive away and this will be over.”   Bill opened the door and huge cock bobbing up and down, walked up and went in the front door of the house.   Heart thumping, Cathy started the car and quickly backed out of the driveway.   She was confused.   Bill was exciting but he had no right to treat her that way.   What was he thinking?   As she stopped at the corner she realized that she was soaked between her legs.   Reaching down with her right hand, she was shocked as just how soaked she was.   The bottom of her skirt was drenched and he clit was pulsing wildly.   What was it about him?   How could he do this?   Her heart didn’t slow down, if anything it pumped faster.   Slowly and with some reluctance, instead of turning, Cathy swung the car around and headed back the way she came.   As she pulled in the driveway, she saw the light on and Bill standing in the front window.   Blushing furiously, she stared to get out of the car.   God, what was she doing?   What power did he have over her?   How did he make her feel this way?   As she stepped from the car, Bill opened the front door and called out to her.   “Leave all you clothes in he car, you won’t need them here.   It’s the price of admission.”   Cathy stopped in her tracks.   No way, she thought, I can’t possibly walk naked up to the front door of this house.   She arrived at the front door and found it locked.   She looked at the window and saw Bill standing there.   He shrugged and held his hands in a, what can I say, gesture.   Defeated, Cathy returned to her car.   As she reached for her keys and slid into the seat, she felt the wet spot she had made against her backside and that decided it.   One by one she stepped out of her heels.   Then she unzipped the side of the skirt and slid it off.   She sat there naked from the waist down.   Surely this would be ok.   She got out and hurried up the door.   She struggled, pulling on it, not believing she couldn’t open it.   Bill rapped on the window, pulled on his own shirt and again shrugged.   Frustrated, Cathy marched back the car, almost angry now.   What the hell was he thinking, she thought.   She sat for a minute and actually put the key into the ignition.   But not being able to stop herself, instead she shrugged out of the suit jacket and unbuttoned her blouse.   Then unclasping the front of her lacy bra, she slipped out of it.   Sitting naked in the car in this man’s driveway shocked her.   Shock yes, but she had to admit, it excited her to hell too.   Finally making up her mind, she opened the door, got out and walked right up to the door which now opened with ease.   Bill smiled as the woman walked into his house stark naked and stopped in his entry hall.   She was a looker.   He took her all in at once but then stopped to appreciate the details.   She had big brown eyes you could lose yourself in.   Her mid length brunette hair was tied back, just long enough to grab and hold onto.   Her mouth was full and teeth white.   His eyes moved down her body and focused on her chest.   Her tits were good sized, not huge but good sized.   Probably about a 33C he decided.   Her nipples were pink and wide, covering the outmost third of each tit.   The tips were pink and extended, probably a half inch or so.   Each tit leaned out a little from the center of her chest, giving them a little of the opposite of a cross eyed look he thought.   Her belly was flat and smooth and descended down between her legs, which Bill saw at once, was hairless.   “Why did you come back?” he demanded.   Cathy stammered and blushed but couldn’t get anything out.   “Let’s be very clear here,” Bill continued.   “When I ask a question, I expect an answer.   Now, I ask again, why did you come back?   Cathy looked down and stammered, “Because I was excited.”   “Excited?   Excited?   What do you mean by that?”   “I was aroused,” Cathy said.

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  “You were aroused,” Bill sneered.   “Tell me, how were you aroused?”   “Well, I, uhh, I was wet between my legs . . . .”   “Wet between your legs?” Bill asked.   You mean your pussy was wet?   Is that what you mean?   “Yes.”   “Then say it.   “My pussy was wet.”   “That’s better,” Bill said.   “You will be honest from now on.   No more of these polite   little words, let’s call a spade a spade.   What is between your legs?   “My pussy?”   “What else?”   “Lips?”   “Okay, but where do you get most excited?”   “Umm, my clit?   “Excellent,” said Bill.   “So you were excited, then show me you clit so I can see for myself.”   Cathy looked shocked but saw Bill was serious.   So tilting her hips forward she reached down and separated her lips.   The button of her clit was clearly visible protruding from its hood and glistening in the light.   “I see you were telling the truth, Bill said.   “So, you were excited with a complete stranger.   Excited enough to strip and enter his house naked, is that true?”   In tiny little shakes, she moved her head up and down.   “I see,” Bill said.   “Well then, do you know what that makes you?   Do you?   Cathy’s eyes flew open wide . . .   “Come on, what does that make you?”   In a timid voice, Cathy replied, “A slut.”   “Right, you are a slut.   And until I tell you different, you are my slut and you will do as I say.   Do you understand?   “Yes.” “Not good enough.   I want to hear you say it,” Bill demanded.   Cathy took a deep breath.   “I am a slut, your slut.    I’ll do whatever you tell me.”   “Very well,” Bill responded.   “Since that’s what you want, what you’re asking for, I’ll do my best to give it to you.   Come into the living room and get up onto the coffee table on all fours, I need to inspect your pussy.   Cathy walked into the living room and while Bill was closing the drapes climbed onto the table.   Bill circling behind her ordered her to spread her legs further.   She did and he reached in and rubbed his hand on her seeing how wet she was.   His hand came back with drops of moisture on it.   “What a hot little slut you are, he exclaimed.   Then squatting down he took a closer look.   Her pussy was freshly shaven and pink on the outside.   Her swollen lips were meaty and smooth. The left lip opened a little further form the right showing a little of her inner opening.   His eye wandered upwards and rested on her anus.   Taking a finger he placed it there and Cathy shuttered.   Bill smiled.   “Like that, huh?   What a complete slut.   Tell me, what do you want from me?   “Umm, to make me cum, Cathy asked.   “Why would I want to do that?   Why?   “Because I need it, please!” she begged.   Bill laughed, “Certainly not till you’ve earned it.   “How, what do you want?” she asked.   It’s not what I want,” Bill replied.   It’s what you want.   Do I have anything you want slut?”   Cathy looked between his legs at his cock now hanging thickly between his legs.   “Your cock . . . may I please have your cock?”   Bill laughed and sat in an easy chair.   “I guess so, but you’ll have to craw to get it.”   Cathy crawled off the table and over to Bill.   Then putting her face in his lap and remembering the no hands rule from the car, she took his cock into her mouth.   As she nuzzled, it started to grow in her mouth.   Stiffening, she straightened her neck and it entered her throat.   Her head started up and down as she started sucking and blowing.   “Is that good slut?   Is it what you wanted?   Bill asked.   Cathy nodded her head up and down and continued sucking.   This went on for a few minutes while Bill leaned back and simply enjoyed.   Then he slowly raised her head off his now enormous erection.   It bobbed in front of her face and he wiped it over her nose and checks until her face was wet.   “Stay there,” he ordered.   He got up and left the room.   Cathy thought she could hear Bill talking but she wasn’t sure.   In a few minutes when he came back, she saw he was now naked and he had several neckties in his hand.   She gazed hungrily at his cock.   “Up on your knees,” he ordered.   Swiftly Bill tied a wide tie around her eyes, blindfolding her completely.   Then she heard him back up and she kneeled there waiting.   She heard movement and suddenly felt something burning hot on her right nipple.   She gasped while Bill laughed.   Don’t worry, it’s an ice cube, it just feels hot because you didn’t know what to expect.”   Now that she knew, her nipples felt as hard as pebbles.   He led her back to the easy chair where she sensed he was seated again.   He took her head in his hands and again placed it over his cock.   Not long after that, she heard the door bell ring.   He pushed her head up, told her to be a good slut and stay right where she was, and went to answer the door.   Cathy heard muffled voices and then silence.   She heard Bill get back into the chair and felt hands on the side of her head again and it as she bent forward.   Then suddenly she felt another pair of hands on her ass spreading her widely from behind.   A large warm object pushed at her pussy lips and after a bit of resistance, entered her from behind.   The hands continued to guide her head to what she sensed was between his legs.   But instead, her mouth was placed against something else.   It took a second for her to realize, it was another pussy!   Cathy tried to leap backwards but the large cock entering her thrust forward at just that moment and drove her face harder into the pussy.   Cathy heard laughter as the cock started pounding inter her from behind.   “Come on, you know you want it,” she heard Bill say.   “You want to cum?   Well there’s some work for you to do first.   My friend here has the same need, so it’s up to you to help her out.   Never in her life had Cathy done anything like this.   Maybe in her wildest imagination she had thought about it, but never for real.   She felt the woman shift under her as the woman moved her swollen clit right under Cathy’s nose.   Cathy inhaled and smelled the deep odor of the woman’s lubrication and sweat.   Then tentatively her tongue flicked out and started licking.   Meanwhile, Bill was pumping away at her like a piston and as she licked, Cathy grunted with each thrust.   Her tongue pushed deeply into the woman while her nose ground away at her clit.   Cathy could hear the woman moaning and literally felt her clit swelling in excitement.   At this point, Cathy felt her own orgasm rapidly approaching.   She started to shudder when suddenly, she felt Bill withdraw completely.   She felt she was left gapping open, dripping with excitement and now way to satisfy it.   “Keep going slut, no cumming for you until everyone is satisfied.   Cathy redoubled her efforts between the other woman’s legs.   It was wet there now, very wet.   Cathy couldn’t tell whether it was her saliva or the woman’s juices, but there was a lot of it.   As she was concentrating on the woman’s pussy, again she felt Bill touching her from behind.   She felt his cock pushing, easing off, pushing . . . then suddenly it was pushing on her asshole, not her pussy.   A muffled no escaped her lips and then a shriek as Bill slammed his cock into her backdoor.   No, no! Cathy thought, no!   I don’t do that!   But not doing that was now in the past as Bill started to build up speed and pumped her asshole for all he was worth.   Meantime the woman has started to shake and then suddenly, Cathy knew it was all over.   He woman moaned loudly and Cathy felt a gush of fluid push out of the woman and into her face as the woman came, She spasmed several more times and each time fluid would gush out as she came.     “Excellent slut,” Bill responded.   “Good girl.”   Cathy barely heard this as she tried to catch her breath and deal with the massive cock pummeling her asshole.   Bill reached down and lifted Cathy’s face from the other woman’s pussy.   Cathy felt the other woman rise as Bill stopped pumping and removed his cock from her ass.   “On you knees slut,” he commanded.   Cathy fell to her knees while Bill pushed his cock into her face.   She felt the other woman’s hand on the side of her head and could feel a pumping going on.   She quickly realized that the woman was pumping Bill’s cock right in her face.   The she heard a huge grunt and her face was splashed with hot sticky cum.   “GOOOOOODDDDDDDD,” he yelled.   Squirt after squirt coated Cathy.   It covered her nose, mouth and chin.   It dripped onto her chest spreading as it went and still he kept cumming.   Finally she heard him moan and the splashing stopped.   She could just imagine her face, thickly coated with white oozing cum ad it dripped onto her tits.   “Wow,” Bill exclaimed.    That was intense.   Guess you feel it’s your turn now slut,” he said.   Cathy meekly nodded her head.   Bill pushed her to the floor and using ties bound her arms above her head to a heavy table.   Then one by one he took each leg and did the same, spreading them far apart, so she was wide open.   This frightened Cathy, but she knew she was powerless to stop it.   The room fell silent and again Cathy heard murmured voices at the door.   A few minutes later, she heard the door close and heard Bill reenter the room.   “Here we go slut.”   Cathy felt a large object enter her.   Bill reached up and removed the blindfold.   Blinking in the light, Cathy could see the end of a wide dildo – and based on how it felt, long as well – extending past her pussy lips.   “You want to come?   Well, go ahead; you just can’t use your hands.”   With that, Bill got up and sat down in the easy chair to watch……….  
Written by agedwell
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