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Her Punishment

"She's earned a punishment for disappointing Him. How will she take it?"

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Not that it was something earth-shattering, nor would it change their relationship, but he had expected her to follow through. Now, she had disappointed him. Let him down. Certainly there were extenuating circumstances, yet were they enough to counter the infraction?

She worried what he would say: what he would do. He was due back in three hours and retribution would be swift. She knew the penalties for disobedience, but there was no way she would know his choice. There was no hesitation; she accepted her fate.

The weight of her laptop was almost too much as she stared at the email on the screen, his disappointment--anger even--palpable in the brief words: “I’m very disappointed, Babygirl. I’ll be home at 8. Be prepared for your punishment.”

No “Love, Daddy” or kissy emotes as he was wont to send her when he was away with work. They depended on Skype calls and emails to stay in touch for the weeks he was gone. It was hard, and she wouldn’t pretend otherwise. She was just so used to his loving emails and texts that it bothered her on a deep level to read the upset in the words.

There wasn’t anything she could possibly do to make up for her mistake, though she knew the punishment would help soothe the beast inside him. He wasn’t sadistic or cruel; he was a true Daddy Dom. The truest she’d ever had, if she was in an incredibly honest mood.

She could, however, make herself perfect for him tonight, and hope that it would appease him at least a little. Help make up for disappointing him. With that thought in mind, she scrambled to get some of her bathroom stuff together and dashed down the hallway.

The water was near-scalding when she stepped under the spray, and she hissed a little as it pinkened her skin. She dropped some of her pomegranate body scrub onto her pouf and scrubbed every inch of her, ignoring the tingle that woke in her core at the tickling of the thin fibers.

Grabbing a few razors, she changed the angle of the shower head and smoothed the foaming shave gel over her legs. After ensuring her legs and armpits were free of hair, she lathered her groin. She couldn’t help but pausing in her movements to gently stroke herself, moaning when her nails rasped gently over her already-throbbing clit.

Shoulder resting against the wall, she rubbed at the sensitive button until her hips bucked. Water from the shower head cascaded down her body in rivulets, and her sighs of pleasure echoed off of the steam-slicked walls.

Her gasp was sharp as she furiously stroked the swollen flesh, and she could almost hear his voice in her head. “ Did I give you permission to cum, Little Girl?

She jerked her fingers away, and shook. She needed desperately to come, but she knew it would only add to his ire. Lathering herself up again, she ignored the way her body clenched and flexed as she scored the razor across her skin.

When she finished her inspection, making sure no hair remained, she soaped her hair and conditioned it with her Daddy’s favorite scent.

After toweling herself dry, she rubbed a creamy lotion scented with honeysuckle and jasmine over every inch and dipped into her jewelry box. Her collar was curled into the place he had made for it, and she lovingly lifted it from the velvet.

The golden filigreed heart seemed to gleam, and the clear crystal at its center above his initials seemed to glitter and shine in the light as she stepped to the mirror. The clack of the padlock snicking into place had an almost cathartic effect on her mood.

There was now only an hour and a half left until Daddy returned home, so she slipped into his favorite robe for her and made her way down to the kitchen.

She kept herself busy by figuring out what to make for dinner; something that would keep if Daddy got distracted with her punishment, but that would still be ready if he wanted to have some food first. It was hard to tell sometimes what he’d want, and she didn’t dare try to presume anything.

Once the food was ready, she watched an episode of one of her favorite shows, and saw her phone light up with a text message just as the end credits began to roll.

“Be there in twenty minutes. Ready yourself.”

She flew into action: smoothing the couch cushions, tidying up her tiny mess from the veggies she’d snacked on. After using the bathroom, she hung her robe on the hook and made her way slowly into the living room.

The over-large cushion he’d bought her sat on its stand by the door, and she pulled it off as she tempered her breathing. He’d gotten it for her after he realized how much pain sitting in his position caused her; now she listened for the sound of his car to come up the drive.

He took his time, and she caught found herself trembling, growing wet in anticipation after not seeing him for two weeks. Even though she would be punished, she was still His, and loved him dearly.

She waited until she heard him shut the door to his car before she took her position on the cushion. She settled herself slowly, spreading her thighs as she let her weight rest back on her feet. She fought a cringe as she laid the backs of her hands against her thighs, already feeling the burn in her knees as she heard his key turn in the lock.

The cool breeze from outside wafted in through his legs, teasing against her thighs, making her gasp quietly when it rolled over the heat and damp at her exposed core.

He stood silently, door open behind him, watching her as she shivered in place. She wouldn’t look up at him, she kept her gaze on his slacks and black shoes; not because he was expecting her subjugation, but because she respected him and had disappointed him.

The door closed slowly, and he stepped to the side, dropping his attache and coat on a chair. His suitcase was spun around and settled against the wall, but she didn’t move until he came to stand beside her.

The warm of his hand smoothed over her head, brushing through her long hair. She trembled at the soft touch, not having known what to expect. She leaned toward him, and froze when his fingers tangled in the locks that hung down her back.

She wordlessly tipped her head back and looked up at his face that was stern but hot. She heard more than saw his hand at his belt, loosening the closure before drawing down his zipper. His hand dipped inside, shifting before pulling out his cock, already hard and oozing precum.

“I’ve thought for hours just what I’m going to do to you, Little Girl.” Rasping, deep, and low, his words were soothing even as she heard the edge to them. “But for right now, to start, I want you to suck my cock.”

Her lips opened, and he eased the head into her mouth, fingers tight against her scalp as he slowly began to fuck her mouth. It was only moments, and he pulled her back with a groan.

“Such a dirty little girl for Daddy.” He kept his grip on her hair, and she got up slowly, with the assistance of his proffered free hand, then lead her to his wingback chair.

He made himself comfortable and pulled her between his thighs, and she settled in to sucking his cock for several long minutes. His groans were music to her ears, and the tugs on her hair only heightened her passion; her tongue and fingers worked in tandem.

His cum soon splashed over the back of her tongue, and she squeezed and pumped his cock to get each drop from him as his hands smoothed her hair back into place. She knew he’d probably held back from pleasing himself the last couple of days to build up his cum for her.

“That’s a good start, Little Girl.” He cupped her face and then stood to his feet. Holding her hand, he lead her down the hallway to their playroom. She swallowed thickly, and followed him in the door.

Closing it behind her, she waited for his direction, and gulped again when he stood over by the spanking stool he’d designed.

It was raised, and the padded bench was about four feet long. He’d styled it after a gynecological chair with a rectangular cut-out at the end; a homemade fucking machine rested on a short pedestal beneath it. Straps framed the cut end of the custom bench, and she climbed onto it, straddling the cut out with a squirm.

He moved to each side, tightening and locking the straps around her muscular calves so that she would be unable to move her legs. With a growl against her ear, he went to the other end, and she obediently braced her arms, shivering when the metallic cuffs locked around each wrist.

She felt the air from the fan against her lips, and she squealed when his hand came down solidly on one cheek.

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It rubbed briefly, lightly, before lifting and coming down on top of the other cheek.

A soft whine escaped her lips, but she knew better than to ask if it had started. He was only warming himself up, and raising her arousal; he knew the tingling burn would only serve to make her clit throb and ache for attention.

Random swats of his flat palm after several minutes had her gasping, squirming and soaked, and her hair pooled around her face and arms as she rested her cheek against the dark, cool leather.

Steps quietly sounded as he walked across the wood flooring, and she heard a light rustle of fabric as he stood over by the toy chest. Dildos and vibrators of varying shapes as sizes lined the shelves. Glass, silicone, rubber: he had developed a collection of them to pleasure and punish her with.

He selected a tapered life-like dildo from the case, slim but long, and returned to where she lay on the bench. He bent, fixing it into the sway-arm of the fucking machine and stroked his fingers over her splayed lips, rubbing her clit for a handful of seconds.

At her strangled whimpers, he stopped and licked his fingers clean. “I love you, but I’m saddened that you failed to complete your assignment. I’m going to play with you, Little Girl, but you aren’t allowed to come. If you do so, you will sleep by yourself in the bedroom across the hall from ours for a full week.”

She whined, and shivered, knowing that he wouldn’t make it easy for her to fight back an orgasm. He knew all of her special places, every fantasy, and would push her to the limit several times before spending his cock inside her.

Dropping to his knees, he adjusted the machine until it was in the perfect position. He bent the arm, and after sliding the tip inside of her, locked it into place. He readied the switch, and grabbed the remote.

“Now,” his voice was gentle, “I’m going to fuck you until I’m satisfied. I have the control to the machine we built, and I’m going to edge you until you’re crying for me to let you come.” A warm hand smoothed down her back, cupping and squeezing her ass cheek. “Do you remember your safe word, Little Girl?”

After clearing her throat, dry with arousal, she nodded and said, “Yes, Sir. I remember my safeword.”

“Good Girl.” He moved back behind her and flipped the switch on the machine. It hummed to life, and the dildo pushed slowly into her pussy, drawing a low moan from her.

Her hips moved, and he watched as the dark silicone pushed into her, slowly opening her tight channel, then drawing it out. Her kegels kept her tight, and he loved the first fuck when he came home after a long trip.

Reaching out, he slapped her cheek hard, leaving a darker pink mark; he watched as her skin shuddered, her asshole puckering even as the dildo pushed deep. The soft moans escaping her had him nudging up the dial on the remote, and the base rumbled before picking up speed.

It was magical, watching her bits as the toy pushed inside, and he found himself growing hard again. Stroking his cock, he smacked her other ass cheek, and then turned the dial again.

She began to pant, her hips bucking a little, and a grin twisted his lips as he stepped closer behind her. He drizzled some lube into his palm and stroked it over his cock, making sure he was covered before settling the head against her pucker.

Her ass was heaven to him, and he’d decided to take it. She came so hard when he fucked her ass, and so this added a devilish layer to her punishment.

The instantaneous gasp made his cock twitch as he pushed the tip inside, and he gave her ass another smack. Her fingers grabbed at the chains of the cuffs, and watched her hips push back, begging him for more.

“Oh, I love this ass. My ass.” He growled softly, and gripped her hips, then thrust hard inside her. Her squeal was matched with the way her channel clutched around his cock, and he groaned just before he started fucking her ass slowly.

The dildo moved at a fast pace inside her pussy, and he moved just as slowly to maximize the pleasure. Her whimpers were like music to his ears, and he cranked up the dial, giving her ass a swat as the black cock pistoned her pussy.

“Yesss…” her moan of delight had him reaching around to caress her clit, and he felt her entire body jolt.

“You’d better not come,” he growled, and spanked it lightly as he moved his hips faster. Her groan was tortured, and he grinned at the back of her head. Releasing one hip, he reached up and wound her hair around his fist, and tugged.

He heard the jingle of her collar, the muted whimper, and rubbed her clit faster as his balls drew up against his body.

Her hips moved against him, and he saw her fingers were pale as they gripped her restraints. He tugged on her hair and moved his hips faster, notching up the force of his hips as he buried his cock in her ass.

She was close to orgasm, and he was doing his best to keep her on the balance without really tipping her over, so he pulled his fingers back from her clit and spanked her again.

His balls were tight, and he fucked her ass harder, leaving the toy pushing fast inside her soaked pussy. The deep rumble coming up through the shaft of the toy was pleasant against both his balls and cock, and he grunted.

Her body was on fire, her pussy a delicious burn as his cock stretched her ass open. Her mind flitted to the way the chains on the cuffs bit into her skin when she felt like she was going to come, but it was getting harder to see the pinch as a bad thing as the cocks inside her moved faster, harder.

The leather was warm beneath her, and she arched, moving her nipples against the surface, swearing when it only made her clit pulse, and her holes clench in desire. It was getting so hard to keep herself from cumming that she felt two tears run down her cheek.

The pleasure washed over her as he tugged her hair again, and she found herself flooded with heat. She felt his cock pulsing as he came deep inside of her ass, and gasped as he turned the dial again.

Silicone pounded into her pussy, and she shuddered as her Daddy slowly pulled his cock from her ass. Cum spurted onto her cheeks and she moaned at the increased sensation.

“Baby Girl?” His growl reverberated through her body as he leaned over her, his softened cock resting against her gaping ass while the dildo rapidly fucked her.

“Y-yes, Daddy?” Moaning, breathless words as she barely held the orgasm back.

His free hand curled around her, fingers unerringly finding her clit again and flicking, rubbing it in time with the thrusting toy. A strangled moan escaped her lips, and her body bucked.

“You’ve been so good … “ his rumbling murmur made joy blossom in her heart, and she stopped breathing as he continued to flick her clit. “I want you to come for me. Come for Daddy, Little Girl.”

Her cry was long and low as he twisted the dial to full, and spanked her clit before rapidly fingering it. Her body bucked, pussy spasming, and in seconds, his palm was full of the girl-cum that flooded from her body as she came.

Gasping with delight, he pushed his cock back into her ass to draw her orgasm out. Thrusting his hips, working her clit as the dildo pounded her, she threw her head back and screamed as the orgasm washed over her.

The cock breaching her ass again called out another orgasm, and tears ran down her face as the onslaught of pleasure washed over and through her. She was high, and only felt the blinding heat as he spanked her clit again and again. Her body bucked beneath his, spasming with delight.

It dulled slowly. First, his fingers slowed, and then the dildo. Then his fingers were gone and her ass empty as the machine was slowed to a grinding buzz.

He murmured to her, brushing sweat-wet hair back from her face as she lay panting. Loosening the straps, removing the cuffs, rubbing her back and ass softly, tenderly. He whispered his love to her as he scooped her up, laying her in the warm jacuzzi before slipping in beside her.

Feeding her little bits of fruit, he cuddled her to his side and turned on some music. Classic rock poured from the speakers as she came down from her high, soothed by his hands and words.

Maybe this time, this punishment would stick and she wouldn’t miss her assignment. She’d been rewarded before, and now she’d been punished. He half-hoped she’d behave, but punishing her had been so much fun….

Written by Katje
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