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For his pleasure, she cums (Part 3)

"Working off a bit of frustration - for her"

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For his pleasure, she cums (Part 3)

Sunday Morning

"For what it's worth, it's a really shitty idea!", he exclaims over the phone, "But ok, fine let's see what good we can get out of it. I'm not happy with the way they're doing it though..."

His company have been having problems with a piece of technology they had in production for months, and after a software update by the vendor there were random crashes, misbehaving functionality and a general crappy experience for the company's clients. For more than a week they've been fighting with the software vendor to get it resolved, when finally they decided to...

"... if you think it'll help me going there and holding their hands, then so be it. Did she book our flights already?".

A small pause tells his wife he's waiting for an answer, and she checks the time: it's 04:45 in the morning, he's probably worked through the night. Giving a small sigh she decides to go make him a cup of strong coffee for when he gets off the phone.

"Ok, after packing I'm going to get a few hours sleep and then head to the airport. Catch you there at around 2?"... another pause... "Ok great. Catch you later."

By now she's put her satin - very thin satin at that - night gown on. As he checks if he has any more messages, he's slightly startled as she hugs him from behind, putting her chest and head against his back.

She can feel the tension in his demeanor, but at the same time love the fact that her touch has a calming effect on him, and she feels how his rigid muscles relax letting her in, giving her permission to sink into his flesh.

"Hey Love", he greets her in a soft voice, "Sorry for waking you. It's just..."

"Shhhh, don't worry." She tightens her hug slightly. "Do you need to go to Germany?".

They spoke about the possibility that he may be asked to go hold their hands as he put it, so it didn't come as a surprise to her.

"Yeah, the idiots aren't listening to what we're saying to them over the phone and emails, so we think it may be better if one of us go there physically to give them the incentive they need to make the changes we asked for - it's tough ignoring somebody breathing down your neck."

Moving to his front, her gown catches on his arm hairs - causing it to pull open slightly, creating a wonderful low... very low... V-cut all the way down her belly button. As she steps in front of him she instinctively moves her hands to close it up again, but he takes hold of her one wrist, stopping her.

"Don't", he requests... pleads... softly. Realizing he's made a mistake, giving her orders while they're busy playing a few days of domination and submission, he opens his mouth to correct his mistake by apologizing.

This time, it's she who cuts him off before the first word could exit his mouth, by putting her free hand's index finger on his lips: "Oh dear... Dear!"

Knowing he needs, and will welcome the distraction from his work problems, she continues on, opting to follow a harsher course of action than he probably deserve, but one she knows will arouse the living daylights out of him... thus, distracting him from the work problems.

"My Dear husband, you're supposed to know your place. You're supposed to stop yourself before making a grave mistake like this. Do you really think grabbing your Mistress's wrist, stopping her from doing what she want, was a good idea?"

"No Mistress, I'm s...", again, she stops him saying the word by putting her finger back on his lips.

He can see, as she feels, that the prospect of play is arousing to her. Her nipples, barely covered by the still elongated V pushes against the thin material, searching for him, for his tongue, his warmth. They'll have to wait!, she decides, and with a swift motion digs her fingers between his hips and his sleeping shorts and yanks it down to his knees, almost painfully fast - setting his quarter-ready erection free with a slapping sound as it whiplashes against his skin.

She drops down to one knee to give her a better view of his member, and in order to work the shorts down to his ankles. "Ah, is he scared of me?" she sarcastically, yet playfully, asks.

"No Mistress, just taken aback".

Cupping his balls, and pressing her middle finger on his perineum, rubbing it, she warns: "A sub should always be ready for his Mistress. A sub should always stand at attention when in her presence."

The stimulation does the job, causing more blood to thrust itself into his penis, and it grows rapidly in front of her face, inches from her mouth - for which he so longs.

"That's better!" she approves.

She gets up and walks to her side of the bed, opening the bedside drawer and taking out an egg-shaped vibrator and it's remote. Laying back on the bed, she parts her legs slightly, watching him as his gaze is aimed downward - obeying a previous order she gave him to look down until told otherwise.

"Look at me", she indeed tells him otherwise, "Look at me while I put something other than you inside me". With this, watching his burning desirous eyes and noticing his now full erection in the corner of her eyes, she switches the vibration on with the remote while pressing lightly with the egg on her inviting opening. The sudden vibrations - not the full setting though - startles her pelvic muscles briefly and she notices him looking at her butt cheeks tensing and releasing, wanting her. Craving her.

Quickly she is wet enough, and the egg slips through her opening, deep inside her, barely visible. Using her finger she presses it deeper, so only the slight rumbling of the vibrating motor deep inside her sex is evidence of its presence.

She closes her eyes for a few seconds, savoring the moment and the feeling the egg is giving her. Before opening them, she gives him his next order: "I want you spread eagle, against the wall, as wide as your legs can be, with your palms flat against the wall.". His body is naked, save for the boxer shorts around his ankles.

A small pause tells him she's enjoying the deep sensations.

"I want you to stay hard, as hard as if you're about to penetrate me, and fuck me like your life depends on it."

Obeying her, he turns to the wall, and as he steps out of the shorts the realization of complete nakedness and complete vulnerability hits his senses as he puts his warm hands - warmed by not only the hot summer morning but also his lust - against the cold brick wall.

"I want you to close your eyes and picture me in your mind", she continues as he hears her getting up from the bed, "Moving toward you, vibrations in my core", she makes his cock twitch by using the biggest sex organ he has against him - his mind.

He hears her hands rustling in a drawer as she continues to torment his imagination: "Submissives... slaves... need to be punished for their indiscretions. Letting the small rules slide, is a slippery slope, don't you think?"

The word slippery plays with his mind, making him imagine slipping himself deep into her wetness, and she notices another twitch as more blood tries to drive itself into his engorged member. "Yes Mistress"

With that, he feels her warmth behind him as her closeness is complemented by a slight, almost ticklish, feeling of something brushing against the back of his leg.

"Feel that, sub? That's the flogger you bought me the other day. We tested it a little, but didn't push things very hard.". With that she moves it around him, letting the strands of soft leather roll over his elongated shaft, making him twitch. As the knotted ends starts to make their way over him, she continues: "I'm going to flog you... hard... over and over... harder with each strike, but you need to do something for me in return."

With this she takes his right arm and pulls it away from the wall. Handing him the remote to the vibrator, still humming deep inside her, she orders him: "With each strike, I want you to press the turbo button for half a second, then let it go."

The remote to this vibrator has a turbo button, telling the little device to put all it's energy into the vibrating motor, giving an intensely pleasurable - often overwhelming - to the user.

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He knows what this button can do, he's seen it first hand when he took his wife over the edge hitting the turbo button and not letting go until she was good and satisfied. It makes him clench his pubic floor muscles, sending more blood into his manhood.

"Each time the flogger strikes you, you will count out loud how many times I have flogged you. I expect you to keep count no matter what happens."

"Yes Mistress"

"That's not all", she continues as she nudges his arm back to the wall, and moving her fingers, trailing the side of his torso, heading for his middle. "You will press the turbo button for half a second, then release for another half a second, and repeat that for the amount of lashes you got."

She knows this, sinking into his mind, will make his arousal go wild, and as her hand reaches his middle she grabs his shaft from behind, with expert accuracy, burying her thumb and index finger around the ridge connecting his shaft with his glans, feeling the moisture already collected there, rubbing it.

She can feel his knees buckling a little with the sudden and intense pleasure from her hand.

Cruelly, she lets go and asks: "Are you ready to make me cum, slave?"

Spending a brief second or two catching his composure, and making sure his thumb are on the turbo button, he accepts the challenge: "Yes Mistress, don't hold back"

"Oh honey, believe you me, I won't!", she assures him - almost threatening him - as she steps back, pulls her arm back swinging the flogger to the side, and then putting some strength into the forward action, making sure the ends of the flogger lands firmly across his back.

His body twitches, accepting the first lash, and adjusting itself recording the base-line for the feeling in his mind.

That's not so bad, he thinks to himself as his mind shouts back at him: Stop dicking around, hit the turbo button else there'll be shit!

"Ah!", she exclaims as the half a second of intense stimulation pulses through her body. Her body too, records the baseline - but for her, of pleasure.

"One", he announces.


As the second onslaught on his naked back falls, harder this time, he grins and thinks It's going to be hard cumming while standing up, and I'm going to enjoy hearing you moan

zzzzzz... zzzzz... "Two!"

She pauses and then draws another blow, releasing it over the small of his back, hard and firm. It stings and he immediately acts to distract himself from the pain by pressing the turbo button three times, and as he announces, "Three!", she gasps, letting him know that she's very aroused by the scene.

They continue like this for another few rounds, each time she tries to hit a different spot on his body. The welts grows over time after each strike, but each time she strikes him intensity increases, making it swell quicker. This makes for an even spread of superficial marks over his body. For her, it's not about hurting him, but about heightening his senses, as does the visual for her arousal.

"Eight!", he announces while commencing eight half second bursts of vibrations. It's not so much half seconds anymore. With both of their arousal growing, the longer he keeps his finger pressed on the button. She notices this, but decides not to say something to him, but rather to just make the lashes harder - punishing him more for his misbehavior. Secretly, though, she hopes: Oh fuck I hope he doesn't shorten those bursts!

After a couple more blows, she can barely keep it together, and lets him know with a saucily seductive voice: "Oh baby, if you weren't standing up against the wall... ", zzzzz, "... ah... I would mount you and ride you raw!"

"Twelve!", he exclaims as a fucking hard blow lands across his shoulder blades. He pauses for a bit, then defies her by pressing the turbo button and holding it in for just over a full second, releasing it for a very brief quarter of a second, perhaps less, and pressing on it again. He presses harder on it than ever, almost as if he wants the force of his finger to follow through the transmission on to her clit.

"Ah!", she exclaims as the second lengthy vibration hits.


"You're defying me, sl... ah... slave!" zzzzzzzzz

After the sixth vibration, she feels her legs starting to tingle from just above her knees, creeping, making it's way up the insides of her flesh - like a panther getting ready to pounce on it's prey.


"I'm gonna...", zzzzzzzzzz. "Youre going to make me cum!"

With the ninth vibration, she takes a step toward him, knowing she's going to explode. She leans forward and presses her breasts on his warm, glowing, hurting back. From the 12 lashes she gave him, which increased in severity one by one, her gown had opened completely - exposing her aroused, round breasts - her nipples trying to impale his flesh. She can feel his breathing as his heat rises and falls faster than usual.

zzzzzzzzzz The tenth vibration hits. She cannot contain it anymore, and realizes that if he had stopped with the vibrations now, she'd most likely cum on her own. As the eleventh vibration rips through her body, she grabs hold of his shaft, just behind his mushroom shaped head with her left hand. She's grinding her hips into his left hip now, trying desperately to stimulate her clit with his muscular form.

As the twelfth vibration starts to hit, it throws her over the edge and her legs shake as she starts to cum, gloriously, against his form. With her right hand, she grabs his right ass cheek, squeezing it as she feels him clenching. Realizing what she's doing, she continues to work the head of his penis with her left hand, it's wet for her, lubricated to the extent that it would plunge effortlessly into her, If I let him, she thinks as another wave of orgasm rips through her body.

Instinctively as he feels her lose her footing, he removes his left hand from the wall and puts it behind him, behind her, underneath her butt and squeezes as he exerts upward pressure to keep her from falling.

The feeling of him grabbing her ass gives her orgasm new life, as it continues it's onslaught on her senses.

"Oh baby, ah... fuck I love how you make me ... cum!"

Only after the orgasm starts to subside, she realizes he never let go of that button for number twelve. Needing to have the sensations stop, fearing she may collapse, she lifts her right hand and reaches - only getting as far as his elbow of the arm still firmly planted on the wall - fist around the remote.

He lets go of the button, and the stopping of the sensation sends another tiny wave through her core.

"Oh baby, I was so close", he confesses as she holds him, quietly and still, just keeping his manhood squeezed.

"I know", she agrees, "Your girth grew in my hand, it feels so nice when I'm close to the edge to feel your body threatening to explode! Maybe when you're back from your trip", she squeezes gently to reinforce what she's about to say, "Maybe then we can make you cum! But only if you're a good boy, and only when I feel like it - I rather do like watching you have a ruined orgasm!"

She gives a tiny evil laugh, and deep inside him, he knows: Ga! I love it when she plays mind-games with me. Mind, body and soul!

"Now", she says while pushing herself away from him and out of his hand's grip. Slapping him on the ass, she continues: "We need to get you packed and ready for that flight! I'm going to hit the shower real quick."

He watches her, as she disappears around the corner of the bathroom.

"Evil bitch! I fucking love you!", he says, softly.

As the shower spray comes on, she shouts playfully from beyond the door, "I heard that! You're going to be sorry!"

"Shit!", he chuckles.

Written by TimeKeeper
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