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For His Pleasure, She Cums (Part 1)

"She uses him for her own pleasure, and by cumming herself gives him sexual frustraion which he likes"

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This story loosely follows Edge for Thrusts , as it's the same couple. This happens a few weeks after.

Friday Evening

It's been a few weeks since she had played with her husband and made him edge over and over, allowing him to thrust into her every time he reached the edge of orgasm - naturally bringing him closer and closer to losing control with each iteration. Even though life was very busy and they got very little time to "play", they were indeed intimate. That said, they started to crave playing games with each other.

This weekend he was not on call, and all the new projects were only starting out, so no deadlines could mess things up. He was working late though, in order to make sure everything was covered and nothing would interfere with plans of a relaxing weekend. They spoke often about his job, and she knew this weekend would be the perfect opportunity to "play" a little, and Friday during work she sent him a cryptic text message: "It's play time!"

He knew what this meant, and got a rock-hard erection after reading it. He had to shift in his chair and force himself to concentrate on the job when somebody walked into his office freaking out about some arbitrary shit that really didn't matter to his mind - and body - at that point in time.

He knew nothing would happen tonight, and she'd likely be asleep when he arrives as this is what they agreed upon that morning when talking about trying not to work this weekend. But...

The scene was set.

The anticipation started to build...

When he arrived home, he showered in the guest shower not to wake her, and it being a hot and humid summer evening he walked naked to their room and crawled into bed. She usually had some form of night-clothing on, but when his hand brushed against her but he felt nothing. Lifting the covers slightly he glanced at her naked, sleeping body. Something about the full moon made it especially alluring to his again hard manhood.

Fuck he whispered to himself, that's hot has hell!

He took her in his arms, and waking slightly she cuddled up to him, with his erection firmly snug in the cleavage of her wonderful butt. She fell asleep again straight away, unknowingly frustrating his inner core.

Naturally, it took him a little bit longer to relax and fall asleep.

Saturday Morning

He was still asleep when she woke up. She glanced at his naked body as she got up to go take a shower. Knowing what she planned she gave him an evil smile as he snored away.

Her nipples was erect, not only from the chilly morning air but the anticipation of what she has planned. She knows he gets a lot of pleasure from watching her please herself. She also knows how crazy and lustful that makes him. Oh, this is going to be fun, she thinks as she schedules the text message to be sent out to his phone in exactly 5 minutes from hers. She hits GO and puts the phone down, seeing the count-down start from 04:59.

She gets in the shower and starts to rinse herself. A few moments later her phone goes ping indicating that the scheduled text was sent.

Back in the bedroom, her husband is snoozing and trying to figure out whether to get up or not. He hears the text coming in and reads it, which states: "Naked. Bathroom. Stroking. Not allowed to cum. Now!"

Suddenly the memory of yesterday's text hits his mind and he realizes it's "play time". He jumps up out of bed desperately trying not to get himself caught in the sheets. Upon entering the bathroom the shower's glass is steamed up preventing him from seeing her naked body clearly. All he could make out is the silhouette of her beautiful form.

"Hi, honey," she utters as she sprinkles a few spots of water on the glass, making tiny holes followed shortly after by long lines of clear glass as the droplets roll down to the floor. "I see you're already hard, good!"

He looks down and gets shy for a second as he realizes he's got a rock-hard erection pointing straight to his sexy wife.

"Stroke it, and don't stop stroking it until I say otherwise. You are to get yourself close to the edge, and keep yourself as close to the edge as you can for as long as you can. You can slow down, but you can't stop - at all!"

She smears the glass with her hands a few places to give him a better view, then takes some soap in her hands and lathers her body seductively with it.

"Stroke!" she barks, making him stroke faster and more visibly. She loves watching him stroke himself for her, watching her, wanting her, needing her, lusting for her.

Touching her nipples, she teases him by rolling them in her fingers and making them hard and stand invitingly out.

"Hmmmm, it would feel so great if you were sucking on these," she teases as she squeezes her breasts slightly, "biting these," she continues, "but you can't because you're busy showing me how much you want me by fucking that hand of yours."

She takes the shower head off it's cradle and starts to rinse her body to get the soap off, taking care to spray with the strong jet of water on her nipples and moving, ever so slowly, down to her sex.

He's clearly going crazy watching her, as he slows down to get himself away from that point of no return. She can see the pre-cum glistening on the top of his penis through the now clear glass.

"Go ahead, rub that lubrication all over your head, make it ready for me, make it all slippery and wet!"

She twitches slightly as the jet of water hits her clit. Closing her eyes and lifting her one leg slightly she enjoys the feeling of warm strong water spraying on her clit. She shakes the head a little simulating a vibrating action on her clit with the water. "Oh yeah! That feels so good!"

He sighs in appreciation of the visual as he rubs the pre-cum over the head of his penis. It's amazing to see his wife in this state. It's also frustrating that he has a full visual, with permission to please himself but not allowed to cum, and not able to touch her. The semi-invisible glass with water running over it from the spray coming off her clit is torturing his mind.

He can see her approaching orgasm, when...

... she stops suddenly, gasping for air, and says, "Oh that was close! Go lie down on on the bed and wait for me, now!"

He stops stroking, letting out a deep growl, and starts to make his way out of the bathroom.

"What the fuck? Did I tell you to stop stroking? Walk and stroke, multi-task for crying out loud!"

Smiling with surprise he starts to stroke and walk to the bed, trying to get a good rhythm between left-leg, right-leg, stroke.

As he gets on the bed, trying to stroke while moving himself to the right position, he hears the water stop and seconds later the door open.

Thinking he has half a minute or so while she dries off, he shifts some more to get a comfortable position, but before he knows it she dashes out of the bathroom, soaking wet, and jumps on the bed with her knees on each side of his chest. Her breasts jiggles to a halt as she gives him an awesome view of her labia, just before she leans down and kisses him passionately.

Just as quickly as she got on top him she gets up and off him, and off the bed. She opens the cupboard and gets out one of the wooden bed trays they got from his rich boss for their wedding. It's a beautiful bed tray, with very nicely sculpted legs, but ultimately as with most artistic gifts very impractical. One thing that could be said of them, is that those bed trays are strong. You can stand and jump on them and they won't break.

She puts it over his chest, and notices he stopped stroking.

"Stroke! And don't you dare cum, lest I cut this short and it'll be the end of this weekend-play-session!" He quickly resumes stroking, taking care not to overdo it. Guessing what's coming, he helps her keep her balance with his other hand as she gets on the bed and sits down in front of him, on the bed tray. It's legs presses into the bed a little and slightly rests on his chest. His head is propped up by his pillow, giving him an amazing view of her womanhood.

She leans to the bed drawer and takes out her vibrator. As she switches it on and he hears the vibrating motor, he can feel himself get even harder with excitement.

She opens her legs a little more and presses the tip of the vibrator on her clit, closing her eyes and throwing her head back - letting her hair dangle behind her. She enjoys the vibrator lingering there for a bit, as she says with a lustful voice, "Oh, that shower got me so close, I'm not going to last long!"

With that she puts the vibrator on it's full speed and jerks as it suddenly accepts her command. "Oh, baby", she gasps as she feels herself getting closer and closer to the point of no return. She leans back, putting her hand on his belly, giving him a view of her clit being ravaged by the vibrator and her pressed out breasts with erect nipples obscuring visibility to her head hanging back. "Edge for me, baby!" she commands, and he quickly increases his speed.

Attacking his manhood with his hand fast and firmly, he doesn't need much time in his heavily aroused state, before he feels a contraction deep inside him, signaling to his mind that he's about to cum. "Ah, I'm edging!" he exclaims as he slows down a bit, obeying her command never to stop stroking.

She lets out another gasp and commands him to "Stop stroking and let go of your dick!... ah.... ah wow this is hot!"

Letting go he shakes his head in amazement, frustratingly wanting to cum all over her hot, edging body, but knowing that he cannot, he may not. My word, this is hot, he thinks to himself.

Her body starts to convulse as her stomach muscles contracts with what promises to be an amazing orgasm.

Knowing enough seconds passed that he won't cum at the touch, but that he's close enough, she lifts free her hand from his belly and grabs his manhood and squeezes it between her palm and fingers. Oh, he's so wet and hard, she thinks that one last thought which pushes her over the edge.

"Oh fuck yeah! Ah... aah.... aaaahhh!" She forces the words out as her body starts to shake uncontrollably sending waves of pleasure through her entire body. "Oh, baby, I'm cumming so hard! Oh I wish you were deep inside me!" She knows he likes her talking a little dirty, especially while cumming, she also knows how crazy it makes him - which is precisely the point of this. If she was stroking, she's sure he'll cum from her words and hand - but alas she is merely holding his penis, squeezing with each wave crashing through her, letting him connect with her orgasm.

He can feel himself getting closer to the edge, and can't help himself thrusting into her hand - but her grip is so hard that thrusting doesn't do much "penetration" into her palm.

After a few seconds her orgasm subsides, and she loosens her grip on him and lets go.

Fuck, I so need to cum, he thinks to himself as he watches her body and strokes her breasts with his hands as she gets her balance back again.

She laughs when her eyes meet his.

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"Hahaha, wow that was an amazing orgasm!" She ends the sentence with post orgasmic-bliss-voice. "I'm sure you want to cum too", comes the evil voice.

Boy this woman can pack a range of personalities into one paragraph! he thinks as she gets off the bed and goes to the bathroom.

"I'm going to wash down the sweat in the shower babe, don't you want to be a dear and make us some tea?", she says with a friendly loving voice as she disappears in the bathroom. A second later she peeps around the corner, and gives him another rule: "But don't go and put clothes on now, you hear? I want you wearing one of my silk night robes... I want you to feel how horny you are the entire day."

"Diabolical," he whispers to himself as he takes the bed tray in both hands and gets up. "I like it."

He puts on one of her satin robes - which barely fits him, guessing that that's the point - and makes his way to the kitchen...

Saturday Afternoon

It's late-afternoon. An hour ago it became overcast with the distant rumbling and promise of rain. Usually by this time it would still be light out, even with dark thunderclouds. But for him it's pitch black with darkness. The blind-fold she put on him is really good at doing it's job. It's quite funny really as this is the blind-fold she bought him for his trip abroad - and when giving it to him, she had whispered in his ear that he must think of her in the plane when he's got it on, thinking, What I can do to you while you have this on, she told him. It made for a better flight.

She takes each hand firmly, and moves it above his head, shackling each hand to the bedposts. He's sure she had the restraints ready and hidden away, as he didn't hear her mess around too much before she did this to him.

The blindfolds indeed heightens his senses. He can feel her warmth over him as she bends over to tighten the other hand. Not sure if she's naked or still wearing her robe - they decided to take a robe-day - his male mind takes over and imagines her breasts dangling over his lips. This has the standardized effect on his penis, and it twitches toward hardness.

She smiles as she notices her man - still frustrated and desperate due to the earlier denial and her orgasm so close to his face. Her nipples harden just thinking of it. It was so hot! I love teasing him to the brink of insanity, she thinks to herself as she gets up from the bed, moving to his feet.

First she takes one of them, and contrary to what he thought she doesn't put the noose around his ankle but around his knee. She pulled it tight and his knee gut stretched toward not the corner of the bed but the middle of the side.

Oh my word, she's going to spread-eagle me!

She does the same to his other knee and watches in admiration at her handy-work, seeing him spread open and already half hard from excitement - or frustration - or both. She smiles at the idea of having him like this without giving him any way of escaping. He's hers now, to do to whatever she like. She can leave him like this and not do anything, but not only would that be too cruel (and she wants to do this to him some other time), but this would also frustrate her - and she's in the mood to use him for her own pleasure again!

Kissing him on his navel, she blows some wind over his penis sending shivers through his body. "Hmmm that feels nice", he admits, not knowing whether she's going to tease him with her mouth or whether she's going to ride him until they both cum gloriously.

His member is almost as hard as it can get, and the weight of his balls pulls them down hanging over his ass, pulling on the skin of his shaft until his foreskin relinquishes control of his glans. The sensation sends more blood rushing into the tip, as he twitches.

While planting small kisses trailing from his navel to his mouth, she explains: "If..." kiss "... you..." kiss"... cum..." kiss "... you..." kiss "... lose..." kiss "... and..." kiss "... the..." kiss "... play-time..." kiss" "... is..."kiss*

She lingers on the last kiss on his chin, then finishes millimeters away from his lips: "... over." She kisses him passionately and promises to follow through on her warning with her tongue tracing and playing in his mouth.

"You're my slave, bound and at my disposal," she continues as she gets on the bed, first with one knee, "and as a good slave, you are there to please me, your mistress, not the other way around."

Both her legs are now on the bed, one to each side of him. She wiggles herself higher up his body, moving her sex closer and closer to his head.

"You're going to eat my pussy, slave, and when I say 'eat' I mean you will pleasure me properly. If you do a good job, you'll have a hope of cumming this weekend. If you don't, then... well..."

With this, she moves up all the way with her pussy right there at his mouth. He can smell her sweet scent. "Oh wow", he utters as he laps at her with his extended, searching tongue. The sudden sensation makes her jump a bit, but she soon settles down more on his face as her body agrees with the feeling of pleasure that is promised.

He continues using his tongue on her clit, and encircles it a few times sending waves of pleasure into her abdomen. Her legs contract ever so often from the pleasure, as she tenses her muscles to draw more from it. "Ah that feels good," she encourages him. "If you keep this up, you're going to make me cum."

They go on like this for a few minutes, her grinding into his face, covering him with her nectar, and him circling and lapping at her - not sucking yet - if she can have some fun with me, so can I with her, he thinks to himself as she suddenly pulls away and stands up (or so it feels, he cannot see a thing through this damn blind-fold and he so very badly want to see her naked body right now).

She desperately tries to keep her balance standing upright on the bed, but manages to switch her feet so she's facing away from him. She squats down on him and wiggles her feet underneath his arms, shuffling back until she looks down at a 90 degree angle to his dick.

Lowering her pussy to his face by spreading her own legs wider on the bed, she takes his dick in her hand, feeling the cold wetness of the pre-cum he's leaking. "Oooh, you're wet and wild for me baby," she teases as she rubs his lube all over the glans and shaft. He thrusts at this slightly, and she continues to press her finger tips into the grooves and rubs those spots she's come to know over the years.

As she drives him crazy and he thrusts hard at her with involuntary male instinct, she lowers her pussy all the way down to his mouth. Instantly, and perhaps instinctively, he starts to lap and suck at her, pleasuring her in the ways she likes to be pleasured by her restrained husband.

"Ah, that's good. You may get to cum after-all, slave," she says with a hint of playfulness in her otherwise clearly pleased voice, "but if you cum now, I will be sure to ruin it and you will remain frustrated!". At this he ups his game, and sucks her clit deep into his mouth: "Ah... fuck... yeah!", she affirms.

With her clit sucked deep into his mouth, he circles it with his tongue, playing a game of cat and mouse with her womanhood.

Her hand starts to move over his dick, rubbing over the head of his penis sending waves of pleasure through him, up to his mouth and back into her clit. It seems they've created the perfect circle of pleasure as she feels her orgasm approaching rapidly.

Now flicking at her clit, still sucked into his mouth, she starts to shake with every flick - sending the clear signal to him that he may very well win this round and not cum. Oh fuck I hope I don't cum, she's fucking good with that hand of hers! he thinks to himself as his tongue flicks at her clit.

As she starts to orgasm she takes him into her mouth, sucking hard and relentlessly on his tip. The sudden warmth of her mouth and the hard sucking almost pushes him over the edge, but he contracts his PC muscle as hard as he can to try and stave off orgasm.

With her eyes slightly open she notices his balls contracting and realizes that his orgasm is close. The sight always amazes her, and this time like so many times before it sends her over the edge watching his manhood in action. She takes him out of her mouth and lets go of his dick completely, letting him flop back onto his stomach. It doesn't stay there for very long as it twitches and extends toward her breasts - wanting, trying to cum - but without the stimulation all his penis can do is twitch and beg for attention.

She throws her head back and cums with amazing and deep contractions throughout her body. Her breasts feel on fire, her nipples hard as river pebbles and her thighs pressing against his cheeks with her clit still deep in his mouth, he knows not to flick with his tongue anymore. Instead he compresses rhythmically her clit with his lips, following her contractions with his lips, extending the duration of her pleasure.

As he feels her orgasm draw to an end, he lightens his lips grip on her clit and slowly circles it very softly with his tongue, every few seconds sending another wave of pleasure through her.

His dick stopped twitching now, and stopped begging getting the message from his mind that she's let go of him, but a small puddle of pre-cum tells the tale of how close to cumming in her mouth he was a mere minute or so ago.

Drawing herself away from his mouth, she crashes down on him with his dick right between her breasts. He thrusts slowly, smearing the lubrication over that small heavenly part of her chest and so wanting to cum, but keeping himself in check not to overdo it.

"That was amazing," she admits. "If you keep this up you're going to have a great few days ahead of you."

A satisfied sigh exits her mouth, as she warns: "But before that, there's still a lot of work to be done to convince your Mistress that she didn't waste her money buying you."

After a few minutes of bathing in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm, she decides it's time for phase two of the evening: drilling home the fact that she owns him.

She gets up without saying a word, goes into the bathroom and opens the taps to the bath. After lighting some candles and incense she puts some relaxing music on her phone. Once the water is deep enough to her liking, she closes the taps and gets in, closing her eyes and soaking in the feeling of the warm water against her "recently pleasured" skin.

With her eyes closed she smiles as she can just imagine how he's struggling against the restraints, in futility, trying to get loose of it - wishing he could come to the bathroom and take his wife right there and then, giving her every drop he has built up. He'll have to wait for that, she thinks as she sinks deeper into the warm water.

To be continued...

Written by TimeKeeper
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