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Finding Her Master Pt.9

"Robin moves in with Joe and get some new jewlery"

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Finding Her Master chapter 13

By Ropetease

c 2011

"Good morning, Master," Robin whispered as she kissed his lips.

Joe moaned deep as Robin’s fingertips grazed the base of his cock as she slowly dragged them up his hardening shaft.

"Morning, my pet," Joe greeted her, adding without any hesitation, "Robin, I want you close to me from now on. You will move all your things in here today. I want you here with me always."

"You want me to move in with you?" she asked with a shocked look on her face.

Joe noticed her hands starting to tremble as his words filled her ears. Her knuckles turning white as she clutched his coffee cup in both hands afraid she would drop it.

"Yes, I want you to move in with me," Joe replied.

"Are you serious Joe?" Robin asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

"Yes, I am quite serious, pet. Most of your clothes are already here. You are with me most of the time, anyway."Joe told her as he took the coffee cup from her hand adding, "Also my pet, I can’t bear not having you near me. Last week showed me how much I missed you. Coming home here and not having you here was the loneliest week I’ve had.

Robin stood at the side of the bed, her body shaking at what he said. Yes, she wanted to be near him and yes, she wanted to move in permanently with him. But she would never have asked him if she could.

Her eye's filled instantly with tears of happiness as she fell on top of him. She planted kisses all over his face. Between each kiss she excitingly gave him her answer, "Oh, yes, Master! Yes, yes I will move in here!"

Joe was barely able to place his coffee cup on the night stand as Robin took his cock deep in her mouth. Her tongue licking the tip of his growing cock as her hand lightly cupped his balls. Robin sucked him deep into her throat and hummed around it. He saw her looking up at his as she slowly pulled her mouth back towards the tip giving it a hard suck.

Joe saw the tears of happiness flow down her cheeks as she swallowed his cock deep back into her throat. Robin gently rolled his balls in her hand as she sucked greedily on his cock. Joe had never seen her in such a frenzied state. Robin sucked hard as her tongue slid underneath his cock. Her throat massaged his thick, hot shaft.

Joe laid back enjoying what she was doing to him watching her head bob up and down on his cock. Her moans vibrated up his shaft and made his balls tighten. Her eyes never left his as she pulled back her mouth with just his tip lightly clenched in her teeth. She was rewarded with a little flow of pre-cum hitting her tongue. Robin pulled her mouth off his cock. Her mouth made a popping sound as it left her mouth.

Rising up to knees she slowly crawled up his body placing small kisses on his stomach as she slowly worked her way up to his lips. Running a fingertip over his hard nipples, she flicked her nail lightly over each one. He saw the gleam in her eyes as Robin lifted her legs over his thighs.

Robin was being bold with her Master and if he wanted to punish her later for her actions she would gladly take it. But at the moment all she wanted to do was show him how happy he made her.

She teasingly licked her lips as she lowered her mouth down to his lips. Simultaneously, she grasped his cock and guided the tip towards her wanting, soaked pussy. With a sudden downward thrust of her hips, she buried it deep inside her. She groaned with pleasure as his hard cock stretched her pussy walls. Slowly rocking her hips back and forth on his hard cock, she felt it move inside her. Her pussy muscles massaged his cock as she rocked her hips.

Joe placed his palms on her breasts and rubbed across her nipples. She moaned deeply as she pushed her chest harder on his palms. As she quickened her pace, he squeezed her rock hard nipples and felt the tightness of her pussy clamping around him. His balls tightened more as she drove her hot pussy on his cock. He knew when his balls began to ache he was close to exploding inside of her.

Robin felt him swelling inside her and she quickened her pace. She wanted his cum to bathe her insides and quench the fire burning deep in her body. She leaned her body back, which forced more of his cock deeper inside her. Placing her hands on his knees for leverage, she began to pump her body harder on his cock. Joe felt her body move and the walls of her pussy clinched tighter around his shaft. Joe felt his balls tighten and push his cum up towards his shaft. His hands grasped her hips as the flood of cum surged up his shaft.

His hips thrusting up, he pulled her down by hers as the first hot blast exploded inside her which sent her over the edge. Her body locked suddenly for an instant then shook hard as the waves racked her through her body. Pushing her body forward, she collapsed on his chest, still pumping her pussy fast and hard on his cock. Her breathing became deep pants as the waves flooded over her. He held her in his arms as the aftershocks faded and her breathing became normal again. Lifting her head off his chest Robin placed her lips on his lips.

"All right, my pet, get up and fix us something to eat. For some reason I am starving," Joe told her, smacking her ass.

"Yes, Master, mmm," Robin replied.

She got up slowly, using her weak arms to sit up and felt the combined juices flow out of her pussy covering Joe’s limp cock. Robin moved her legs over his thighs and observed his cum-covered cock.

Robin stood on wobbly legs by the bed, reached for his coffee cup and handed it back to him. Joe rolled over, propping himself up on his arm and watched her sexy ass wiggle as she walked to the kitchen. Sipping his now cold coffee, he heard her fixing their breakfast and the smell of frying bacon wafted up his nose. Joe walked into the kitchen and poured himself another cup of hot coffee.

Robin had opened the refrigerator door and was bending over getting something out when Joe placed his hand on her ass. Robin froze in position and moaned deeply as he caressed her ass.

"Mmm, Master," she moaned, pushing her ass back to his hand.

The morning sun was just starting to come through the patio doors bathing her in its glow as he sat at the island counter. His eyes followed her every move as his cock began to stir again. Robin finished cooking and placed their plates on the counter.

"Master, what shall I do about my house?" She asked between bites of food.

"If it's all right with you pet, just rent it out for now. We will go over later this morning and get the things you want to bring over here," Joe replied.

"Okay, I just need a few things that’s all, I can rent the house furnished," she said smiling, adding, "I think I know someone who might be interested in renting my house. Remember Julia, from last night?"

"Yes I remember her," Joe said between mouthfuls.

"She has to find another place for her and Dan to live," she replied adding "I will call her before we leave for my place."

"What about Dan knowing you're my slave? He will recognize you from last night at the club," He asked.

The color drained from her face as her eyes widened in terror at the thought of Dan finding out she was a slave. He watched as she straightened her back, telling him in shaky voice, "I know he is a Dom with slave, also."

"If you're sure you can handle it pet, then call Julia," Joe told her.

"I’ll take a shower while you call her. I will lay out what I want you to wear today, pet," Joe said grinning.

Robin stood up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She cleared the counter of the dishes. Joe walked back into the bedroom to the closet they shared and picked out her clothes she was going to wear today.

Before she had left for her trip, Robin asked Joe about getting her nipples and clit pierced.Joe had called a customer of his who was in the life also and who also had a slave. Dr. J. J. Collins was also a plastic surgeon who has done many piercing's for people in the life.

He found her light blue sundress he liked seeing her wear and laid it on the bed. He heard her conversation with Julia about renting her house. He smiled at her excited voice as she told Julia she was moving in with him. The women agreed to meet at Robin’s house at four o’clock this afternoon. Joe walked into the bathroom starting the water for a shower. He felt her arms wrap around his waist as she hugged him.

After they had showered, Robin went to the bedroom to get dressed, seeing what Joe had laid out for her to wear.

"Master, can I ask what we are doing today?" she asked.

"I have made arrangements to have your nipples and clit pierced today. A good customer I have is a doctor. I arranged a special appointment for you this morning. You will remember him pet; you have met him. Then after you're pierced we will go over your house and pack the things you want to bring here." Joe replied adding, "That is, if you still want to be pierced pet?"

"Yes Master, I still want to pierced," Robin replied but, "I can't wear this without panties, it's too short," she protested, holding the dress in her hands.

"No panties today, pet. Get dressed. We have to go," He said, giving her a smack on her ass.

"Yes Master," she said with a grin as her hand rubbed her ass.

Joe decided to take his car since it was big enough to pack her things in from her house. Getting in the car, Robin slid over next to him placing her body next to his.

"Thank you, Joe, you have made me so happy today," she said as she kissed the side of his face.

The drive downtown was faster since it was a Saturday. Robin rested her head on his shoulder as he drove. Robin saw the sign for the Center of Plastic Surgery as they parked the car.

"Ready, pet?" Joe asked as he shut off the engine.

"Your customer works here?" Robin asked.

"Yes pet, he works here," Joe chuckled.

Robin saw the glint in his eye as he chuckled and this made her a little nervous.

"Move that sexy ass quickly, slave, the Doctor is waiting for us," Joe said as he exited the car.

Robin opened her door quickly getting out as Joe walked up to her taking her hand in his.

He told her, "Pet, you don’t think I would just anyone touch your body, do you?"

Walking up the side walk a figure emerged from the front doors and Robin recognized Master J. J. from the club last night. Robin stopped in shock, instantly squeezing Joe’s hand in fear. She lowered her head as the man in the white lab coat approached them.

"Morning J. J.," Joe said as he shook J.J.’s hand. He added, "hope you haven’t been waiting long?"

"Good morning, Joe. No. You're right on time," he replied adding, "You must be Robin."

She felt the heat flush her cheeks as she quickly lowered her head.

"First let's go into the waiting room and have a seat while I explain the procedures," J.J. offered.

With a pull on Robin’s hand, Joe followed J.J. inside. Motioning them to have a seat, J. J. went into detail of how the procedure would be performed and asked if she had any questions. Robin had no questions and was ready to proceed.

Grasping Joe’s hand tightly in her hand,Robin followed her Master and J.J. down a short hallway to one of the surgical rooms.

"Get up on the table, Robin," J. J. told her.

As Robin sat on the exam table, she noticed how cold the room was and her nipples began to harden under her dress. Her dress rode up her ass exposing it to the cold paper on the table, the sensation sent a chill through her body. J. J. closed the door behind him and told her to lower the top of her dress and lay down on the table. Robin watched as J. J. placed three sterilized needles on the tray and pulled on a pair of latex gloves.

"Have you decided rings or bar-bells?" J. J. asked.

Joe looked down at Robin as he said, "Rings, J.J."

J. J. walked to the cabinet by the wall opening a drawer and pulled out a tray with various rings of different gauges of thickness. He set the tray by the needles.

"Joe, what thickness do you desire your slave to have in her nipples? The reason I ask, are you going to use them to hang weights from them? If so, then the larger gauge is recommended. If not, then this set here will work nicely,"J.J. said.

"With Robin’s job the thinner gauge is best," Joe replied adding, "I have clamps for hanging weights if I choose to use them."

J. J. picked up two thin gauge rings and placed them in alcohol to soak.

J. J. walked over to the sink, washing his hands thoroughly, before putting on surgical gloves. Robin was shaking as J. J. took one nipple in his fingers, getting it just right. He placed the tip of needle on the side of the nipple. With out any warning, the sharp needle pushed through the flesh of her nipple and she gasped at the pain of the needle going through. Her knuckles were white as she held on to the table's edge. J. J. placed the ring in the new hole and locked it in place. She breathed easier as the pain subsided.

J. J. moved the ring around her nipple giving it a slight tug making sure it locked in place. Robin closed her eyes as J.J. grasped her hard nipple in his fingers. Robin tensed her muscles as the sharp point touched her other nipple. She grasped the table edge tight with her hands steadying herself for the pain she knew was coming. Just as before J . J . inserted the needle through her flesh and she let out a small scream. J . J. placed the ring through the hole he made and locked it tight giving it a light tug as before.

While Robin regained her breathing J. J. pulled the feet extensions out and placed her feet in the stirrups. J.J. lifted her dress up exposing her bare pussy. He placed his fingers between her pussy lips. J. J.'s fingers rubbed her hardening clit and she gasped as he pinched her clit at the base holding it tight. He took another needle in his fingers and placed the tip against her clit.

Robin felt the tip of the needle on her clit and tensed her muscles as she waited for him to shove the needle through. In a sudden quick move the sharp needle pierced her clit. Robin shrieked at the sudden pain in her clit as the needle passed through.

J. J. quickly placed the ring in the hole and clamped it shut. Robin took deep cleansing breaths as she started to tear up. Making sure the ring was secured as he cleaned the slight trickle of blood from her clit. J. J. picked up the tray of needles and left the room. Joe held her hand as the pain slowly subsided. Joe lightly touched her new nipple rings and saw her wince.

"Pet, I am going to talk to J. J. for minute while you get dressed," he told her as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Lowering her legs from the stirrups, Robin lowered her legs over the side of the exam table. The new ring in her clit sent a light jolt of pain up her body as she moved. Robin noticed a full length mirror by the door. Walking up to it she saw the shiny new rings in each nipple as she cupped her breasts in her hands. These made her smile. She carefully pulled her pussy lips aside exposing her clit ring and she smiled wider.

"I am truly Joe’s slave now," Robin thought to herself. "Now I know why Master didn’t want me to wear panties today!" After she composed herself, she came walking into the lobby with her chest out, the rings in her nipples clearly showing through the fabric of her dress.

"Master, can we go to now?" she asked taking his hand in hers.

J instructed her to call next week for a follow up appointment.

"Yes Sir, I will set up an appointment," she replied.

"What do I owe you J. J.?" Joe asked.

"My car is coming up on its sixty thousand mile check up. How about we trade services?"J. J. offered.

"It ’ s a deal, J. J.. Give me a call when you want to bring it in," Joe said as he shook J. J.’s hand.

As they walked out to the car Robin put her arms around Joe and kissed him hard on his lips.

"Thank you, Master," she whispered, careful not to touch her chest to his body.

Her breasts and clit would be tender for a bit and J. J. had warned Joe to be gentle in those areas while they healed. Glancing toward her as he drove to her house, Joe saw her gently rubbing her breasts, avoiding her nipples. Joe noticed she had pulled her dress up around her waist and her legs slightly spread as they drove.

Robin gingerly lifted her dress over her breasts as she stepped out of the car. Joe's eyes followed her footsteps up to the front door and he felt his cock stir to life in his shorts. Joe took the boxes from the car as he walked inside.

Robin was standing at the door meekly asking, "Master, may I wear my dress around my waist? Dan and Julia may arrive early Master."

"Good idea pet, you may wear it around your waist," He replied smiling.

"Thank you Master," she said as her hands pulled up the lower part of her dress. Her legs slightly parted as her dress slid up her legs. Joe saw the glint of moisture on her pussy lips as her clit ring came into view. Holding her dress up around her waist, she looked down at the gold ring in her clit. As she raised her head up, he saw the smile and glow of happiness in her eyes.

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He watched as her finger tips pulled the top of her dress away from her nipples and she slowly lowered the dress to her waist.

"I have just my room to pack. Please relax on the patio if you wish," she said, taking the boxes from his hands.

"Just place the boxes in the living room as you fill them and I will load the car," Joe told her as Robin turned walking towards her bedroom.

Joe noticed the extra sway to her steps as she went in the bedroom. Joe just shook his head trying not to laugh. He decided just to wait in the living room and watch a DVD. He noticed a selection of popular movies and a small selection of adult DVD's on her shelf. The last DVD caught his eye with just the words, "First Tie".

As he opened the case he saw it was a homemade movie. He inserted the disc in the player and pressed play. He heard Robin opening drawers and the boxes being moved around in the other room. The screen started to open as a masked Dom walked into view. The camera followed him as he walked up to a slave standing in the center of the room naked.

The light above the slave got brighter as he approached her. She was standing with her hands behind her back, her feet even with shoulders and her head lowered. When the camera focused on the slave, Joe noticed it was Robin. She looked younger in the DVD and he was a little shocked. He stared at the screen as the Dom touched her body with his hand.

"Do you come to this place on your own free will?" he asked her.

"Yes Sir," Robin whispered.

The crack of his hand slapping her breast made her yelp.

"Yes Sir!" she said louder.

"Good answer, slave," the Dom growled.

The screen slowly darkened and when it faded back in the room had changed. The ropes were laying at her feet in several lengths. Robin was in her pose as the Dom placed her hands palm to palm. As he wrapped several coils around them. Robin’s body trembled as his hands moved up her arms.

Picking another rope off the floor, the Dom pushed her elbows closer. The rope looped just above her elbow and the Dom pulled tight which forced her elbows to touch. The sound of her deep groan filled the room.

"Turn and face me slave!" he ordered her.

With out any hesitation she turned facing the Dom. The camera zoomed in on her pushing out breasts.

"Open," he commanded.

Her mouth opened when a red ball gag was pressed to her lips. The ball slowly disappeared in her mouth. Joe heard the hiss from her mouth as the Dom buckled it tight behind her head.

He picked up a long length of rope and placed a loop behind her neck running the loose strands between her breasts. He lifted her breasts and wrapped several coils around the base of her breasts. Joe saw them start to slightly swell as the rope went around her body. More rope was added around her body and elbows.

A string of drool dripped off Robin’s chin as the Dom’s hands roamed over the tight ropes encasing her body. He spread her legs a little wider and picked up another rope from the floor. He wrapped the rope around her back to the front loop and passed it between her pussy lips up under the waist rope and tied it to her wrist rope.

He stood in front of her with a set of tweezers-style nipple clamps in his hand. Her breasts swelled a little more as he rolled her hard nipple between his fingers. He slid the clamp just under her nipple at the base of her aureole and slid the ring up tightening the clamp. Joe saw her wince from the pain of the clamp tightening.

Joe was intently watching the screen when he heard a loud thump and a gasp of surprise when Robin walked in the living room.

"Oh my god, Master, I forgot I had that! I am sorry Master, I should have told you about that," Robin excitedly said.

"When was this done, pet?" Joe asked her.

"I was in my last year of law school and a friend recommended him to me. I am so ashamed of myself,"Robin said her voice choking up.

Joe pressed quit on the remote, stood up and walked over to her. Her hands had covered her face as the tears flowed down her cheeks. He walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her giving her a soothing hug.

"Stop your crying slave, it was long ago. To be honest with you I was enjoying watching it," Joe said trying to calm her down.

Robin looked up and saw the little smile on his face and it calmed her down a bit as her crying slowly subsided.

"You’re not upset with me, Master?" she asked as her eyes looked up.

"No, my pet, not upset at all," Joe reassured her, adding, "Let me take these to the car while you keep packing."

Robin watched as he picked up the boxes from the floor and carried them out to the car. As Joe placed the boxes in the trunk he heard a car pull in the driveway. Looking around the lid of the trunk he saw Dan and Julia getting out of the car.

"Pet, we have company," Joe shouted as he walked up to Dan extending his hand.

Robin heard Joe from the garage and quickly covered her body. Smoothing the wrinkles with her hands, she walked outside to meet them. She raised her hand up to her brow as a shield against the sun’s glare.

"Here she is," she heard Joe say.

Turning his head away from Joe, Dan saw the approaching figure walk up. He could not see her face as her hand was raised protecting her from the glare. Something in her walk made him think he already knew her.

Robin stepped up in front of Dan and lowered her hand. Instantly he recognized Robin from the law firm.

"Hi, Dan," she said.

Julia walked up to Robin giving her a light hug and Robin had to bite her lower lip from the slight pain from her nipples as she hugged her back.

"Come inside out of this bright sun and Robin will show you around the house," Joe spoke up.

Dan heard Joe say something but his mind was focused on the way Robin walked instantly remembering how he saw that walk last night as they left the club. He always saw her as a take charge type of women at work. He never imagined her as a slave, until now.

He was brought out of his slight fog when he heard Joe ask if they would like something to drink.

"No, no thanks," Dan replied adding, "Julia, let Robin show you the house. I’ll give Joe a hand loading these boxes in his car."

"Dan, you’re a guest here you don’t have to," Joe said.

"Please, let me help," Dan said a little more firm.

"Thanks," Joe replied looking at the small stack of boxes Robin had brought out.

Robin took Julia on a tour of the house as Joe and Dan carried the boxes outside.

"Joe, I know Robin was your slave last night. I may be many evil things people say about lawyers. What we do in our private lives is our business and ours alone. You have my word nothing has changed about my view of Robin. You’re a lucky man to have her," Dan told Joe as they stood at the back of the car.

"Thanks, Dan. We talked about it this morning before she called Julia. Yes, she was nervous about you finding out about her private life," Joe replied, adding, "she decided that you both have the same little secret."

Dan chuckled, "Yes we all have our little secret."

Robin waited till the men left the room before turning to Julia, "Did Dan know who I was last night at the club?"

"No, he probably has figured it out by now after seeing Joe in the driveway," Julia said.

"Yeah," was all Robin could say adding, "Come in the bedroom we can begin the tour there."

They heard the voices of the women in Robin’s bedroom as they took more boxes to the car.

Robin had forgotten about the box on the bed, she was packing all the toys from her nightstand in it. She noticed the ropes hanging over the edge of the box and instantly started to feel her cheeks blush.

Julia saw her embarrassment asking, "Where did you find that lovely color of rope?"

Robin hesitated a bit before replying, "At the flea market."

"May I look at it?" Julia asked.

Julia reached over taking a rope from the box and ran the rope across her wrists, "Feels soft and looks very strong." she said.

Robin replied sheepishly, "Yes, it is very strong."

Noticing the necklace around Julia’s neck Robin tried to change the subject, "That’s a lovely necklace, Julia."

"Dan gave it to me this morning," Julia, replied with a smile on her face, "We have the same interests."

"I guess we do." Robin replied, smiling back.

Julia told Robin how she met Dan at college and how he had introduced her to the life of BDSM soon after.

"I had seen a bondage magazine in his room and asked him what it was." Julia said adding, "Dan explained that his uncle J.J, introduced him to the life style. Dan’s father was an absent dad and J. J. basically raised him. Therefore, we started to experiment a little. I remembered that when I was little we used to play pirates. I was the girl taken hostage by the pirates and tied up. That is when I found out that I liked being tied up. Something inside me told me that I wanted to be a slave. After graduation Dan had an offer to work in Boston at one of the best law firms there. I had the clerk’s job waiting for me here. We lost contact till the day he walked in the clerk’s office," Julia explained.

Robin smiled as Julia went on with her story.

"Excuse me, I need to have these papers filed,"I heard, looking up I recognized him instantly and we have been together since," Julia finished.

"Last night was a total shock when you walked up in the rest room. I never expected you to be a slave,"Robin said.

They heard the men moving boxes out to the car as they talked. Julia noticed Robin wince as she picked up a box.

"Are you okay, Robin?"Julia asked.

"Yeah, Master had my nipples and my clit pierced this morning," Robin beamed adding, "they are a bit sore."

"You’re kidding right?"Julia shrieked excitedly as her eyes fell to Robins breasts. She could clearly see the outline of two rings under her dress.

Julia adverted her gaze to the open box on the bed Robin just packed. In it she saw handcuffs, vibrators, gags, clothespins, clamps, rope and a leash still in its package.

"How long have you been with him?" Julia asked.

"A month and it's been my happiest time." Robin said.

Julia helped Robin carry the last few boxes out to the living room. Noticing that Joe and Dan were sitting on the patio having a drink, they went out to join them.

"Julia, do you like the house?" Dan asked as the girls walked up.

"Yes, let’s rent it," Julia replied.

After Dan and Julia left, Joe asked her, "you sure you want them to rent your house?"

"Yes, I am sure Master," Robin just smiled.

When they arrived back at Joe’s house, the answering machine light was blinking; it was a message from Dan. They wanted to know if the place was available for the next weekend to move in. Robin called them back, telling them she would give him the keys Monday at work.

Robin decided to leave the place furnished, as all her personal belongings were coming over to her new home.

Living with her Master was everything that she hoped it would be. It had already been two days and everything seemed to fall into place. Robin knew she would have to stop at the lingerie store on her way to work Monday morning for some new bras to hide her new jewelry. Robin also decided she wanted to find something that would please her Master.

Walking out to her car she felt her nipples harden a little. A slight ache came from her breast when her hand brushed against it, her clit sending signals that it was aroused. Now she knew why Master did it. A smile appeared across her face, trying to push the thoughts back in her mind.

Robin found several styles that would fit perfectly. Walking down the racks of clothes, she saw the naughty nightie section. She found the perfect one, a white lace bra with holes, trimmed in red lace in the nipple area, a pair of white lace crotch less panties with red lace in the crotch area.

"A present for Master," she thought as she found the right size.

It was going to be a long day she thought to her self as she parked her car. Waiting for the elevator door to open she felt the rings in her nipples brush against her blouse. She felt a tingle from the clit ring that she now had stimulating her body. When the elevator doors opened she saw one of the buildings security guards exiting the elevator door. He held the doors for her; she just smiled, thanking him.

Turning around facing the buttons, she saw herself in the mirror. A slight smile on her lips, "what he has done to me," she whispered to herself.

More people got on at the lobby. One person she recognized was Dan. He stood beside her and said, "Good morning."

The elevator came to their floor Robin went straight to the women’s rest room. When she looked in the mirror, Robin noticed her cheeks were blushing a little as she unbuttoned her blouse. Robin removed one of the new bra’s she had bought this morning from her purse. The soft fabric brushing against her nipples as she put it on sending signals to her aroused clit.

Let us see what happens today, she thought to herself as she straightened her clothes and checked her hair. Walking into her office, she left the door open. She placed her briefcase on the desk. She walked around to the windows and opened the drapes. There was a tapping at the door. She looked over, and Dan was standing at her office door. Her body tensing as he stood there.

"Can I come in?" He asked.

"Please come in," Robin replied.

Dan walked in, sitting down in front of her desk. "Julia loves the place, also don't worry about anything. Our private life is only our business." He said adding, "Joe told me about you Saturday while we took the boxes to the car.

Robin relaxed a bit as she started taking the house keys off her key ring and handed them to Dan.

"We finished moving my things Sunday, Dan, so the house is available for you and Julia to move in. If there is anything you need us to place in storage just let me know," was all she could say.

Dan took the keys from the desk, and placed them in his pocket. Rising from the chair, Dan smiled as he walked out the door.

Robin sat at her desk arranging her papers on the desk. She felt relived at what Dan had said to her. She busied herself in her work and it went by pretty smooth. Robin had a couple of hours of free time, so she called Joe asking if he would like to have lunch with her at the Beach Cafe'.

Robin was already seated when Joe arrived. Joe noticed that there were plenty of seats, but there wouldn’t be for long as more people began to arrive. Joe smiled as he sat down next to her as a server walked up and asked, "Would you folk’s like to order some drinks?"

"Coffee for me, ice tea for the lady, sweetened please." Joe replied adding "We would like two of today's specials also."

"Dan mentioned that he knows about us, you told him," Robin whispered as the server left.

"Dan and I talked a little, while you and Julia were in the bedroom," Joe replied.

The server came back with their order and placed the plates in front of them. As the server left, Robin picked up her fork and played with her food.

Robin asked, "How much does Dan know?"

Joe turned his head towards her, "Enough," he said.

Robin told Joe what she what she bought on the way to work this morning. Joe felt her hand under the table, slowly going up towards his cock.

"How are your nipples and clit feeling?" Joe asked smiling as she squeezed his cock.

"A little sore," Robin replied giving his cock another squeeze.

"What about Dan and Julia?" Robin asked.

"Nothing to worry about, they are good people," Joe replied.

It was a little after six, when she left her office and while she drove to her new home, she thought how lucky she was. She smiled as she walked in the front door, she stopped to remove her clothes. Robin let out a sigh of relief when she took her bra off. Her nipples were tender from rubbing inside the bra. She noticed Joe on the patio putting dinner on the grill. Robin walked on to the patio, her naked body bathed by the sun, the rings in her nipples and clit illuminated by its rays.

Robin walked up to him and gave him a kiss. He felt her tongue probe deep in his mouth. Robin pressed her body against his, her hand grasping his cock though his pants. Robin lowered herself to her knees, ever so gently placing the zipper end in her mouth. Using just her teeth she pulled down the zipper of his pants. Joe saw her eyes filled with need as she looked up to him.

Joe felt her fingers grasp his hard cock freeing it from his pants. Brushing her hair to the side, she licked the underside of the head of his cock. Her tongue licked the shaft in slow deliberate strokes up and down. He felt her warm breath on the tip as she inhaled his cock in one fast motion. Her gag reflex was getting better as she sucked his cock down her throat. Robin increased her movements until she was rewarded with Joe’s hot white cum blasting down her throat. She greedily sucked every drop of his hot seed.

Her tongue licking her lips for any that she had missed.

"Mmmm, Thank you, Master," she purred...

Written by Ropetease
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