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Finding Her Master Pt.5

"Robin gets a promotion and plans something special for dessert"

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Finding Her Master

By Ropetease

c 2010

Chapter 9

Joe turned off the lights in the living room as he went out the front door making sure it was locked. Putting the key in the ignition, Joe hesitated a moment. He thought back to the day’s events.

Joe admired how Robin became a different person the second she entered her office that morning. Noticing how her facial expressions changed from the radiating glow of pure happiness to a strong fighter for her clients and when the trial was over how she changed back to his adoring pet.

Parking his car in the driveway, he pressed the button for the garage door. The door slowly opened as he closed his car door. Walking by the bike they used this weekend, the image of his pet bent over the seat and being spanked by the side of the road replayed through his head.

Joe entered the kitchen, pressing the button to close the garage. Walking to his bedroom, the lingering scent of his pet teased his nose. He could still see how she looked laying on his bed after he’d made love to her.

For the first time, Joe felt as if he had found that one person who could not only be his, but also that one person who could be her as well. Robin was strong and capable of handling life and anything thrown at her, but when she was in his arms she was a completely different person. She was his completely. No questions, no holding back, she managed to become what he needed and didn’t want to let go of.

Joe spread out on the bed they shared the night before, his bed felt different now, empty and forlorn. Her scent from the pillow filled his nose as he drifted off into a restless night of sleep. While he tossed through the night, Robin was having a vivid dream.

Robin was on her knees by the front door waiting for her Sir to come home as she was ordered with her forehead resting on the floor. She had been caught playing with his pussy and climaxing without permission in the shower. Robin did not own her pussy anymore. It was her Sir's pussy now.

As she waited for her Master to return home, she thought about this morning. She had been showering and her fingers had grazed the tip of her clit. The tingling sensation had gone straight to her nipples making them hard. Her finger lingered on the tip as the walls of her pussy contracted tight. Her other hand slid up to her breast, her fingers grasping a rock hard nipple. Her fingers closed tighter on her nipple while pulling out from her breast. Her eyes closed as her fingers parted her pussy lips. She slid her fingers down her slit. Robin heard her Sir walk in the bathroom when she moaned as the forbidden climax surged through her body. Sir ripped the shower curtain from its rings, throwing it on the floor. Robin stood in terror when the angry eyes of her Sir glared at her.

"You will wait by the front door on your knees and your head touching the floor when I get home!" Sir growled in her ear.

Robin lowered her eyes, whispering, "Yes, Sir."

She could feel her juices dripping from her as she waited for him to get home. Biting her lip, she couldn’t wait for him to return even if she was going to be punished for her actions. Robin was trembling by the time she heard Joe open the door.

He opened the front door and Robin was there as commanded, her body trembling. Closing the front door behind him, he stood there several minutes looking at her. Robin raised her head up from the floor, just enough to see his boots. She felt his hand grasp her hair in his tight grip.

"Crawl, my naughty pet," Joe growled leading her by the hair. Joe led her to the bedroom on her knees, her pussy flooding, her breasts swaying underneath her as she crawled behind her Sir.

When they reached the side of the bed, Joe yanked her body up by her hair, throwing her onto her back on the bed. Joe took her arms over her head and attached the cuffs to her wrists. Grasping her ankles, he pulled her arms tight. He placed the blindfold over her eyes, sending her into darkness. She felt the smooth surface of her ball gag touch her lips. Opening her mouth for him, he pushed the gag deep in her mouth. He lifted head from the bed, as he buckled it tight.

Robin felt the slap on her breast from his hand, the stinging of the slap going straight to her pussy. Joe slapped her breasts harder and faster. Robin was moaning in her gag as each slap landed on her chest. Her breasts were on fire, the blood going straight to her nipples making them even harder. She felt his fingers grasp her hard pebbles, twisting them harshly.

Joe released her nipples from his grasp. She felt his hands sliding down her stomach and his palm cup her wet slit. Joe squeezed her flowing pussy as Robin raised her hips off the bed.

"No, my naughty pet, this is not for your pleasure!" Joe growled as his open hand slapped her hard on her pussy.

Grabbing her ankle, pulling it wide, Joe's hand rained down several hard slaps to her reddening pussy. Robin was groaning hard behind her gagged mouth as each slap landed on his pussy. The tears starting to flow from her eyes, she wished he could see them.

Her clit felt his squeezing fingers twist and pull on it. This made her shake her head side to side as the pain racked through her. Joe released his grip of her clit, his hand sliding down her inner thigh to her ankle. She felt the leather cuff go around her ankle. The lock clicking closed filled her ear. Joe placed the other cuff on her ankle, grasping her legs, spreading them wide, the spreader bar locking them open. Pulling her legs up towards her head by the bar, bending her body, lifting her ass from the bed. Joe attached the chain from the bar to the rope holding her wrists.

Her ass and pussy were openly exposed to whatever he chose to do to her. Robin felt the squeeze and the bolt of pain on her nipple as Joe applied the clover clamp. The second clamp bit into her hard nipple sending pain straight to her clit. She felt the throbbing of her clit as it extended from its protective hood. Joe pulled the chains of the clamps up to the spreader bar holding her ankles, pulling her rock hard pebbles.

Robin felt the sudden explosion of pain on her ass as the hard wooden paddle landed on her. Her ass instantly started to glow from the blow. The next hit landed on the other side of her ass, making her pull on her ankles. The clamps bit tighter on her abused nipples. He heard the scream from her as he struck her harder on her inner thigh.

As the blows from the paddle landed on her red sore ass, her tears flowed from under the blindfold. Her nipples felt like they were being stretched beyond her body. Robin's ass was on fire, the heat from the blows radiating up her body. The blows stopped, she felt his hand rub across her glowing red ass. Joe slowly ran his hand over her ass feeling her hot skin.

Robin moaned in her gag as his hand stroked her flaming ass, she felt the fingertips of his hand part her swollen pussy. His touch sent small spasms through her trembling body. Joe's fingers touched the tip of her clit and the electrical jolt flowed straight to her nipples. Robin felt his fingers spread her pussy lips. The smooth texture of something being shoved in her pussy made her gasp as Joe slowly pushed object deep inside. Her pussy walls clamped tight around it as it entered her.

She was bound to the bed, her body quivering from the pain she had endured. The first hot drop hit her pussy lip, she realized then Joe had placed a lighted candle in her. The drops falling on her as the candle burned her skin. As each drop fell on her she jumped in her bonds making more wax fall on her.

The sting of the crop on her puckered asshole sent hot wax flying to her stomach as she arched her body. Joe worked the crop along her inner thighs, each blow making her jump, sending more hot wax on her. His use of the crop directed where the drops fell on her. Each strike of the crop came closer to her engorged clit. Robin was screaming in her gagged mouth as he stuck her clit hard several times with the crop.

Her pussy was covered in white hot wax. Pain surged all through her body as Joe used the crop on the side of her breasts. Robin could not escape the blows, if she tried to move from them, her nipples screamed in pain from the clamps bite. Joe worked the crop back down her inner thighs towards her wax covered clit. He removed some of the cooled wax covering her clit, the crop landing a severe blow to on the tip of her clit.

Joe pulled the candle out of her pussy, holding the candle in his hand he dropped wax on to her breasts. Joe pulled her gag from her mouth, letting the ball rest on her throat.

"Please Sir, no more pleaasee," Robin begged.

More drops fell on her. Her head shaking side to side as the drops landed on her body. Joe was not done with her punishment. The sound of the single tail flogger swishing through the air hit her ears. The first strike landed right on her pussy, the wax falling from it to the bed. Robin sucked her lower lip deep inside her mouth, biting down hard.

Using the flogger to clear the cooled wax from her body, each blow made it harder for her to stay still. The tears flowed from her eyes, soaking into the blindfold. She was on fire from what he had inflicted on her.

"Sir, please stop, no more pleassee!" Robin begged.

"Rrrr," she yelled. Robin almost used her safe word, biting her lower lip inside her mouth to stifle the word. Joe let her rest for a brief moment as he placed his hard cock on her swollen pussy, rubbing his cock down her slit, the tip stroking her clit.

"Oh yes, Sir! Fuck your pussy," Robin moaned, as Joe shoved hard and deep inside her. Her pussy clamping tight around his cock as it buried deep inside her. Joe pumped hard and deep in her clenching pussy.

"Yes, my Sir, use your pussy, pleasse use it for your pleasure," Robin gasped between strokes. Her bound body pulled on her ropes. The clamps pulled away from her hard pebbles from her struggle. Robin screamed in pain as the blood flowed back in them. Her breasts released from their painful grasp shook as he drove his cock in her. Her body was not hers anymore it was Sir's body now, he owned it.

He felt his balls slap her tender ass with each thrust, sending waves to her clit, she was close to exploding but she had to hold on until ordered to cum. Joe felt his balls tighten, the hot fluid going up his shaft. He saw her lower lip, the small trickle of blood from her biting so hard. He could not hold back as the first hot stream started to race down his shaft. Joe pulled his cock out of her pussy.

"Noooo! Sir, please give me your cum," Robin pleaded as the first hot jet landed on the bed.

"Not tonight, my naughty pet, you go without your Sir’s cum!" He growled.

Robin needed his cum. It was her Sir’s cum that she wanted. She needed to have his cum inside her, it would give her the release she desperately wanted and needed. Joe released her bonds and her legs fell onto the bed. Her hands were released from the head board and Joe removed her blindfold.

"Who owns this pussy, pet?" Joe asked as he rubbed her slit.

"You, my Sir, it is your pussy," Robin meekly said in reply.

She awoke with her heart pounding in her chest and her hands cupping her soaked pussy. Her nipples were hard points on her chest and her thighs were soaked. Taking a few deep breathes to clear her mind Robin reached for the phone and dialed his number. She had to hear his voice, the voice of the man that owned her completely now.

The ringing in Joe's ears got louder as he awoke from a restless night of sleep.

"Aaa, hello," Joe moaned as he answered the phone.

"Oh, Joe, I am sorry. Did I wake you?" Robin’s soft sexy voice sounded in his ear.

Joe focused his eyes on the clock on his night stand. It showed six-forty five a. m. in dim numbers. He lifted himself up on his arm, "No, my pet, I was just waking up." Joe lied.

"Good morning, my Sir, I had to call to thank you so much for last night," Robin purred, adding, "I missed having you beside me when I woke up this morning."

"Me also, pet," Joe replied.

"May I call you later at the shop in case I need to hear that sexy voice that owns me?" she meekly asked.

"Yes, pet, I would like that very much," he replied smiling to himself.

"Ohh…thank you so much, Sir!" Robin moaned, adding, "Love you." then the line went dead.

Did he hear her right, 'love you?'

Joe called her back right away. He had to know if he heard her say 'Love you'.

"Hello my, Sir," Robin answered on the second ring.

"Did you just say ‘Love you’ to me, my pet?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir, I did," hearing her meek reply. He smiled as she asked, "Did I say something wrong, Sir?"

"No pet, you said nothing wrong. In fact, I liked hearing those words from you. Love you too, pet. Call me later," Joe said as a faint smile crossed his lips.

Placing the phone back on his night stand Joe shook his head trying to clear the fog from his mind. Joe stood up walking into the kitchen to make some coffee. He added another half scoop to make it stronger than usual. While the coffee was brewing he went and took a cold shower to clear his head. As the water cascaded over his tired body, her words of love you floated in his mind, making his cock twitch.

Joe finished getting ready for work, pouring himself a cup of coffee while he read the morning paper. He was tempted to call her when his cell phone rang in his pocket.

"Hello," he answered.

"Morning, boss," Dave's cheerful voice filled his ear, "Are you coming in today or do I have to do your job again?"

Laughing at his remark, Joe answered, "Yeah. I will be in today, in fact just getting ready to leave now."

"Okay, see you soon, sorry in advance about your desk," Dave chuckled.

"What about my desk?" Joe asked.

"You will see," was all Dave said as he hung up the call.

Joe opened the door to his garage, pressing the door opener. As the door opened he started his work bike as he called it. Riding out of the garage he pushed the remote for the door watching it close in his mirror as he rode to work. On his way to work, Joe had time to think about this weekend with Robin, her complete trust in him and her willingness to submit to his desires.

The loneliness of last night without her next to him, the empty house with just her scent left him wanting her more. Just as he turned into the parking lot of the shop, his heart quickened when he realized that he did love her! He had meant what he said to her. Parking his bike Joe noticed the garage bay doors already open, his mechanics starting their day.

As he strode in the shop, he heard Dave's call of good morning boss from across the shop. Waving his hand in the air, Joe opened the door to his office. What he saw was a pile of paper work and invoices strewn over the top of his desk. Joe turned around and walked back into the shop, "What the hell did you do to my desk, Dave?" he hollered.

"Told you I was sorry. You picked the wrong day to take off, we got slammed with work. It was all I could do to keep up with everything going on here," Dave explained grinning.

"Okay, I will forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again," Joe chuckled.

Joe went to the lobby, pouring himself a cup of coffee taking it back to the pile of papers on his desk. He cleared a space for his cup and started to organize the mess in front of him. It was going to take him awhile to clear all this paperwork up.

Robin just finished her morning shower, drying off as she turned her ass towards the full length mirror on the bathroom door. She saw the brown stripes crisscrossing her fading. She slowly rubbed her hand across the stripes letting out a small groan. These marks were her Sir’s marks on her ass and she remembered each blow that caused them. Robin finished getting ready to leave for work when she noticed all the toys Sir had used on her last night, bringing another smile to her lips.

Robin drove to work, parking her car, taking the elevator up to her floor. The elevator door opened and Robin heard the receptionist greet her, "Good morning, Miss Harding," as she walked by her desk. Robin had a bounce to step as she walked into her office, setting her briefcase on top of her desk. She checked her messages that her secretary had placed there.

Robin had just placed her files from court on her desk, when her phone buzzed.

Pressing the button Robin answered, "Yes, Pattie?"

"Robin, the senior partner wants you to come to his office right away," Pattie told her.

"Okay, on my way," Robin said as she clicked off the phone.

What does Mr. Hamilton want with me? She wondered as she walked down the hall to his office. When she got to his office, his secretary told her to go right in, they were waiting for her.

Who was waiting for her? She wondered as she knocked on the door opening it, stepping inside the office. She saw Mr. Hamilton and her client from her court case rise from their chairs when Robin walked in the door.

"Good morning, Miss Harding," Mr. Hamilton greeted her, rising from his chair, extending his hand, asking her to sit down.

"Mr. Miller had to come by the office this morning to tell us how satisfied he was with your handling of his case. In fact, Mr. Miller has signed a contract with the firm to handle all their legal work from now on. He was very impressed with the way you conducted yourself yesterday in court. The other partners and I have been watching you handle your cases and we too are very impressed by your work. When Mr. Miller came in this morning telling me how he liked your work, he just had to put us on full retainer," the senior partner told her.

Robin sat in her chair trying to absorb what she just heard. All she could answer was, "It was my pleasure to assist Mr. Miller with his case."

Then the bombshell racked her ears, "As of today, Miss Harding, you are no longer just an attorney here at the firm. As of today, Miss Harding, you are now a junior partner with all the privileges and pay for that position," Mr. Hamilton said.

Standing up behind his desk, he walked around to Robin to shake her hand, "Congratulations, Robin, your earned it."

Mr. Miller rose and shook her hand also. Robin was stunned at what she just heard. That was the farthest thing from her mind when she walked in to his office this morning. Her legs were trembling as she sat back down in her chair. The words "Junior Partner" ringing in her ears.

"Thank you, I will do my best for the firm, Sir," Robin finally managed to say.

"As the other partners in the firm will agree on, you have earned this. We are all honored to have you here," Mr. Hamilton added.

Mr. Miller turned towards Robin saying, "It will be a pleasure to work with you," adding, " Mr. Hamilton, thank you for meeting with me this morning," as he shook Mr. Hamilton's hand.

"My pleasure, Mr. Miller," the senior partner replied. "Robin, please stay after Mr. Miller leaves, I need to discuss a new case with you."

"Yes, Sir," Robin replied.

When Mr. Miller walked out the door, closing it behind him, Mr. Hamilton explained her new client's case.

"Mr. Miller is negotiating with a small chain of super markets in Chicago. He wants you to handle the negotiations with him tomorrow in Chicago. I have my secretary now booking your hotel and flight in the morning. You will be out of town for a few days, Robin. I hope this not a problem with your cases that you have?" He asked, adding, "In anticipation of your new position, we hired another attorney that just moved here. He can help you with yours cases this week, his name is Dan Fitzpatrick."

Robin stood up from her chair, her knees slightly shaking, taking the file from his hand. "I will go over my cases with Mr. Fitzpatrick and thank you, Mr. Hamilton."

Robin had to call Joe and tell him the good news and also the not so good news about being away from him for a few days. Robin opened her cell phone, scrolling down to Joe's number, pressing the send button.

She heard it ring twice before he answered, "Hi, my pet."

Robin's thighs clenched tight as his voice floated in her ear, "Mmmm hi, Joe," she said.

"Hello, my pet, do you miss me that much?" Joe asked her.

"No, I mean yes, I do miss you. Oh Sir, I have great news. The firm promoted me to junior partner this morning," Robin excitedly said, adding, "But the sad news is that I have to go to Chicago tomorrow for a few days," her voice suddenly becoming sad.

"Congratulations, pet! You earned it, I am so happy for you," Joe said to her.

"Joe, can we have dinner tonight at my house? I have to leave early tomorrow morning and I want to spend the evening with my Sir," she asked.

"What time do you want me there, pet?" Joe asked her.

"Dinner will be ready at six-thirty, Sir. I have a special dessert planned for you," Robin purred.

"See you then, pet," Joe replied, then he added, "I am very happy for you, love you," ending the call.

Just the sound of his voice saying 'love you' made her pussy muscles clench, some of her wetness flowing into her panties. Her body trembled as a small stroke of lightning went straight to her clit. The sound of Pattie’s voice by her office door startled Robin.

"Congratulations, Robin," Pattie said, adding, "Mr.

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Fitzpatrick, is here to go over your cases."

"Thank you, Pattie, show him in," Robin replied.

Robin stood up from behind her desk, smoothing out her dress with her hands. Dan Fitzpatrick the new attorney entered her office.

"Congratulations, Miss Harding," Dan said to her.

"Thank you, please have a seat," Robin said adding, "It is nice to meet you."

After about an hour, Robin had given Dan the cases she was working on presently. Telling him that her secretary would assist him with any questions he had. During their meeting Dan told Robin a little about himself. He was the captain of his college hockey team and was scouted by a few major teams. He wanted to become a lawyer and keep playing hockey as a hobby to help him relax. Dan was single, never married and as he put it, never found that special woman.

Dan stood up to leave when Robin noticed a tattoo on his wrist. It was a shark holding a hockey stick with the number six on his jersey. Robin escorted Dan to the door, thanking him for his help while she was going to be out of town.

Robin tried to concentrate on her work, finally giving up at two o'clock. Placing the new case in her briefcase, Robin took the remaining files to Pattie for filing. On her way to the parking garage Robin thought of her special dessert for her Sir. Her thighs felt the gush of her juices flow down then as she thought of what she was going to do.

Reaching for her cell phone, she had an idea. Joe answered on the second ring, "Hi, pet."

Just then her nipples got hard. Her pussy muscles clenched and sent more of her wetness to her already soaked panties. "Joe, do you mind stopping by the restaurant where we had dinner Friday night? I have to go over this new case and pack for my trip. I will have them place the order under your name," Robin asked in her seductive voice.

"Sure, my pet," Joe answered.

"Thank you, Sir. I will see you when you get my house. Love you," Robin said ending the call.

Robin looked at the clock on her dash, she had time to pack and go over the file before she had to be ready for Joe at six-thirty. Walking in her front door, she placed her briefcase on the table by the door. As she undressed, her hands stroked down her body and her Sir's image flooded her mind. She folded her clothes neatly taking them to her bedroom. Robin liked to be naked in her house and knowing that Joe would want her to be naked when he arrived sent chills down her body.

Robin packed the clothes she would need on her trip and placed her suitcase on the floor. It was time to prepare for Joe's special dessert.

Standing in front of her open closet door, she reached for that one special corset, the one she would wear for the first time. This one was going to be worn when she found her Sir, her lover. The soft black leather corset started just under her breasts and ended just above her hips. It had leather straps that encircled her breasts and went around her neck. It had three leather straps with silver buckles in front that covered the zipper securing it around her waist. On the shelf in the back of the closet, Robin picked up her black leather hood. This hood covered her eyes but left the mouth area open and available for use. The hood went down to her neck and was secured by a silver buckle with a d-ring for a leash.

Picking up her chastity belt on the shelf that would hold the vibrator in her swollen dripping pussy, when it was locked on her there was no release without a key for the pad locks. She then picked out her five inch black open toe stilettoes. These shoes had an attached three inch wide black ankle cuff.

Robin laid the items on the bed and walked over to her dresser, opening the drawer that her stockings were in and chose a pair of sheer black stockings with the seam going up the back of her legs. The tops of the stockings were finished off in black lace. Robin laid these items next to her corset.

Robin went to her night stand, picking up her leather wrist cuffs and her ball gag. Opening her night stand drawer, she pulled out a six inch chain to attach to her wrist cuffs and six small pad locks all keyed the same. Taking three lengths of rope from the drawer, she placed them on the bed. The last item she chose was her six inch remote vibrator.

Robin went to the bathroom and selected the light scent that her Sir loved, placing her finger over the top, getting just a drop on the tip. She traced her fingertip down between her breasts, the light scent tingling in her nose. Her legs shook a little as she walked back to her bed. Robin sat on the edge of the bed, taking one stocking in her hand carefully rolling it up. Lifting her leg up, she felt the smooth texture of the stocking as she placed it over her foot, her pussy getting wetter as it slowly went up her up leg. Then slowly, she slid her hands over her leg smoothing out the sheer fabric. She rolled the second stocking up and placed it on her other leg, smoothing it out with her hands.

Robin felt her pussy spasm, sending a small flood of her juices down her inner thighs as she picked up her corset. Placing the breast strap around her neck, the cool leather touching her back as she wrapped it around her body sent a shiver up her spine. When she placed her breasts through the openings of the corset, her rock hard pebbles jutted out. Holding the front of her corset in her hands, she aligned the ends of the zipper. As she pulled the zipper up feeling the corset tighten around her midsection, her fingers began to tremble as she buckled the three straps in front.

Sitting on the bed, Robin placed her five inch stilettoes on her feet, wrapping the cuffs around her ankles to secure them to her ankles with two more locks. Her hand reached for the chastity belt on the bed as she stood up on her wobbly legs. Placing the belt around her waist bringing the buckle to the front, she used another lock for her waist. The strap hung down in back caressing the crack of her ass and she spread her legs as wide as she dared.

Robin picked up the vibrator, rubbing the sides of the vibrator between her wet puffy pussy lips coating it in her juices. Slowly she let the tip slide down her wet slit until it touched her hot wet tunnel. A small moan escaped her mouth as the vibrator slid slowly inside her aching pussy. Her pussy muscles clamped around the smooth shaft as it bottomed in her, some of her wetness coated her thighs even more.

Reaching between her open legs for the strap, she pulled the strap up between her legs, bringing the end up to the buckle in front. Robin pulled it tight, forcing the vibrator deeper in her hungry pussy. Giving it and extra tug, Robin placed the strap in the buckle. Using another padlock, she locked the strap in place holding the vibrator deep inside her.

Robin tested the vibrator by pressing the remote, her thighs clenching tight as it came to life inside her. She couldn't hold back the moan from the sensation of the vibrator tickling the walls of her hot pussy. Quickly she turned it off and picked up the remaining items off the bed.

Walking towards the dining room, she felt the vibrator move inside her and it almost made her climax as the tip rubbed her cervix. Her unsteady legs barely holding her up as she reached the dining room table. Robin placed the items in her hand on the table and took two lengths of rope in her hand.

Kneeling down at the end of the table, she tied one rope to the table leg, placing the loose end up on the table. She tied another rope to the other leg and placed the loose end up on the table. As she stood back up, a wave of electricity surged through her making her gasp.

Robin walked to the other end of the table, tying off the last rope to a ring she had under the table. Measuring out the right amount rope to hold her wrist chain Robin made a loop knot. Placing the end of her six inch chain through the loop, laying it on the table where her hands should be.

The last thing Robin had to do was write a note for her Sir.

My Sir,

I have your dessert prepared, but could you let yourself in? I'm a little tied up at the moment.

Love, Robin.

Finding a tack she pushed it through the note.

Robin smiled as she walked to the front door, her heels clicking on the tiles as she walked. The vibrator that was invading her wet hot pussy was sending jolts straight to her nipples and made them throb. Robin opened the door, pushing the tack into the door. Quickly closing it behind her, Robin had to lean against the door from the sensations coursing through her body.

A small wave of nervousness surged through her. She had a frightening thought. What if some else reads the note and walks in on her bound body? She would be helpless to resist.

Robin almost opened the door to rip the note down, but something inside her made her leave it there. Robin walked back into her kitchen to get the dinner plate and silverware for her Sir's dinner. She grabbed the chilled wine from her refrigerator and a wine glass from her cupboard.

"Well now or never," she thought to herself as she walked back to the dining room table.

Setting the plate down on the table she arranged the silverware and wine glass where her Sir would sit. He would have a lovely view of his pet’s wet chastised pussy while he ate his dinner. Robin laid the keys to her padlocks by his empty plate.

Robin turned her back to the table and lifted her ass up to the cold surface. Moving her body to the center of the table, she moved one leg to the rope laying there. Holding the rope in her hand, she ran the loose end through the D-ring on her ankle cuff. Pulling the rope tight, she tied the rope to the ring making three knots to keep it secured. Robin had to scoot her body down the table a bit while she moved her other leg towards the rope. The base of the vibrator pushed higher into her soaked pussy. Her pussy contracted around the vibrator and made her moan deeper. She was not finished preparing herself and was on the verge of a climax.

Leaning over her outstretched leg, she picked up the rope and threaded the loose end through the D-ring on her ankle cuff, tying her ankle tight with three more knots. Robin tested the strength of her knots by pulling on her legs, the ropes held her ankles tight.

Placing her hands behind her back on the table, Robin lifted her ass off the table and pulled her ankles tight against the ropes. Her hands trembled as she wrapped the wrist cuff around her wrists. She placed an open padlock in each wrist cuff D-ring. With a sudden wave of fear surging through her body, Robin picked up the leather hood, laying her ball gag and another padlock on her thigh so she could find them when her hood covered her eyes.

Her trembling hands raised her hood over her head, slowly pulling the soft black leather down her face. As the hood slowly covered her eyes sending her into darkness, a wave of apprehension and fear surged though her over stimulated body and the aroma of the leather went up her nose as the hood completely covered her face. Running her hands over the leather, smoothing it over her face, Robin felt for the buckle that would secure around her neck.

Her fingers searched for the padlock, picking it up from her thigh raising it up to the ring by the buckle. That sound of the lock clicking shut rang loud in her ears. Running her tongue over her dry lips, Robin picked up her gag from her thigh. Holding it in shaking hands, Robin opened her mouth wide as the ball touched her lips. Pulling the ends behind her head, she buckled the straps tight. Before lying down on the table, Robin felt for the remote and turned the vibrator on slow speed.

The vibrator came to life suddenly in her wet pussy and a deep guttural groan came from behind her gagged mouth. Robin’s pussy clamped tight around the vibrating intruder, sending a torrent of her pussy juice down the crack of her ass. Robin carefully moved her arms over her head and her fingers felt for the chain that would lock her to the table.

Placing the chain’s loop in the hasp of the lock, her fingers turned the body of the lock and clicked it shut. A wave of fear coursed through her body, she could stop now and release herself from the bonds that held her to the table or snap the final lock around the chain and take her chances that it would be her Sir that found her on the table in this position.

Using her wrist that was already locked to the chain, her fingers found the last loop of the chain. Taking a deep breath through her nose, Robin placed the chain in the hasp of the lock. After one final deep inhalation of breath, Robin tuned the lock and clicked it shut. The noise of the lock clicking shut sealed her fate. Robin was now totally helpless to whoever entered her house.

She felt her pussy walls spasm as another wave of fear surged though her entire body. Robin had done self-bondage before when the need to feel her ropes against her body coursed through her and no one was around to give her what she needed. She always had an escape, a free hand or a carefully placed ice timer that would release her means of escape.

This time she was helpless to the first person who came in. This time the key was down by the empty plate for her Sir and too far for her cuffed hands her reach. She was totally helpless. Robin pulled on her bonds and tested them again. She was not going to get free of her bonds unless someone released her.

The knot in her stomach tightened as she struggled on the table. Her sharp intakes of air through her nose had her chest heaving; her nipples swelled with blood throbbing which caused her to moan longer and louder behind her gagged mouth.

Her ass ground into the table trying to push the vibrator further into her aching pussy, she was on the verge of losing the control to hold back the impending explosion that would rack her body. Just then her phone rang, she ignored the ringing. The only thing she wanted was to let the explosion happen and she was so close.

Her Sir's voice filled her ears, her climax she desperately needed crashed. His voice was garbled coming through her hooded ears.

"Hi, my pet, I won't be late, wait for me," Joe said to her answering machine.

What she thought she heard through the hood was, "I will be late, eat without me."

"No! You can't be late," she tried to call out, the words muffled by her ball gag, "Noooo, come to me, Sir, I need you!"

Robin began to panic. Sir was going to be late. How late? Why was he going to be late? She pulled on her bonds trying to find some way to release herself from her bonds. She wanted to call him. She needed him.

Sweat covered her helpless body as she laid there in disbelief that her Sir was going to be late. Her pussy was in spasms as the fear gripped her body. Her muscles were tired from struggling on the table. She could feel the puddle of her juices on her ass as she laid there.

An image formed in her mind of a stranger coming up her driveway. His face obscured by a mask. She saw him slowly reach out for the front door handle and turn the knob, the sound of the door slowly opening, the sound of his footsteps as he walked closer to the table. Her chest heaved from her heavy breathing through her nose, the vibrator still inside her trapped pussy tickling that secret spot inside her.

Her mind seeing him reaching towards her shaking body, "Noooooo," a pleading moan tried to escape her gagged mouth.

Her body would come alive as he would touch her corset and make her arch her back from the table towards his hand. Her hard pebbles throbbing as he would drag a finger across them making her pussy flood around the vibrator.

Her head shaking side to side as she imagined his warm breath on her lower neck. Her body betraying her as she struggled on the table from the thought of feeling the leather glove on her breast, causing her to moan deep as she raised her hips higher off the table. The sudden bolt of pain going straight to her clit as he would cruelly twist her hard pebble making her groan deep in her throat as the knot in her stomach began to grow.

The heat began to build between her spread legs and the table shook as she fought the climax that was building deep in her stomach at the thought of some stranger taking what he wanted from her helpless body.

"Robin must be in the shower," Joe thought to himself as he ended the call and placing their dinner in the bag on the bike. Joe turned the bike into her driveway and parked the bike by her car. He left his helmet on the bike, just leaving his gloves on. Taking their dinner with him, Joe walked up to her front door. Noticing the note on the front door, Joe pulled it from the tack and read what she had written.

While his hand rested on the door knob, he read her note she had left there. Slowly Joe turned the door handle and pushed the door open. Hearing his pet’s moans coming from the dining room, he closed the door behind him and locked it, walking towards the sounds coming from the dining room

He came to a stop when he saw her tied to the table with her gagged hooded head. He was shocked to the point of almost dropping their dinner to the floor.

His pet’s bound moaning body struggling on the table had his cock hardening painfully behind the zipper of his jeans.

"So this is the special dessert she had planned," he thought to himself.

Keeping his steps light and his breathing even, hoping she couldn't hear him, he made his way to the doorway. On the table was his pet. Completely secured to the table, his pussy covered by the chastity strap, the slow hum of a vibe stuffed into his pussy, a ball gag and hood covering her face. The Dom in him was pissed at what she had done. She was HIS to tie up. He did not give her permission to do self-bondage.

Robin did not hear his footsteps as he walked to the kitchen with the food. Joe placed the packages on the counter and walked over to her struggling body. He watched as she writhed on the table pulling on her bonds. Her moans getting louder as her hips moved on the table. Joe saw her sweat covered body and the puddle of her juices under her ass.

Standing beside the table, he reached over and touched her inner thigh. He watched as her deep groan filling his ears as she raised her thigh to his touch. Her head shook from side to side as he ran his gloved hand up her inner thigh towards her covered wet pussy. He reveled in her moan of pleasure as he pressed on the chastity belt and feeling the vibrations under the strap. Slowly Joe traced his fingertips up her covered slit towards her stomach.

Using his other gloved hand, cupping her breast as Robin growled from her gagged mouth as he dragged the tips of his fingers across her hard swollen nipple. Her hips were moving faster as Joe heard the slight sound of buzzing come from her covered pussy. He saw the remote lying on the table.

Robin could not see the evil smile she loved as he picked it up and selected the next setting. Robin went wild as the vibrator sped up, her hips moving faster off the table. She was so close to climaxing that he had to torment her further. He grasped her hard pebble giving it a hard twist pulling it away from her breast. Robin groaned deep in her throat as he twisted her nipple hard, causing her body to arch up from the table.

Leaning down towards her neck the faint aroma of her scent tickled his nose. His lips brushed against the side of her neck and she moaned deeper in her throat as she turned her head away. When she exposed her neck to his mouth he kissed her neck. His mouth slightly open, Joe nibbled the side of her exposed neck. Robin was lost in the moment as she felt the stranger tormenting her body bite her, her mind racing with the thoughts of her fear racing in her mind.

Joe moved his head down her heaving chest, his tongue dragging across her rock hard pebble. She thrust her breast up to his waiting mouth. She felt his warm lips around her nipple as he sucked it deep into his mouth.

"Ohhhh, ggodd, yesss, suck it please," Robin tried to say through her gag.

Joe slowly closed his teeth around her hard pebble as his tongue flicked across the tip. She tried to force more of her breast in his mouth, her fingers clenching into balls as she pulled on her chained wrists.

Joe released her nipple from his mouth and blew his warm breath over the wet throbbing pebble. He watched as she ground her ass hard on the table trying to reach the explosion that was so close to bursting through her. Robin was in agony, some stranger was using her in her mind and her body loved it. The images in her mind felt real to her and his touch was making her body come alive.

Running his fingertips over her heaving breasts, he scraped his short nails over slowly over her rock hard pebbles. With each pass of his fingertips, Robin groaned pushing her chest higher. He should be really upset with her that she did this to herself and he was going to teach her a lesson. Robin did not realize that her Sir had come in and found her. No words were heard in her fogged mind.

She was on the verge of exploding when she felt the vibrator inside her going full speed. Robin's wave crashed as her fear turned real, someone turned the vibrator to full speed.

"Who is doing this to me? Who are you?" her muffled screams demanded from behind the gag.

Written by Ropetease
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