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Finding Her Master Pt. 3

"She spends the night then later rides to his cabin in the woods."

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Finding Her Master

By Ropetease

© 2010

Chapter Five

Joe carried Robin from the dungeon to his bedroom, her arms around his neck, her head resting on his shoulders. As he entered his bedroom, Robin noticed the four poster bed in the center of the room. Joe walked up to bed and carefully sat her down on it. Leaning down, his lips met hers as she looked into his eyes. Robin noticed they had a softer look in them as he kissed her.

"Unbuckle the cuffs on your wrists and ankles. Remove what's left of your clothes. Take out the vibrator from your pussy, but leave the plug in your ass, pet. Let's take a shower first," Joe whispered to her.

Robin had a slight smile on her face as she complied with her new Master’s orders. Robin unbuckled her wrist and ankle cuffs laying them on the bed, she smiled at Joe as she slowly removed her stockings and garter belt. Joe took her hand in his as they walked into the bathroom. The shower was big enough for two people to use and Robin noticed the rope from the ceiling with a pair of Velcro restraints.

"Master, what a beautiful shower…are you going to use those cuffs on me?" Robin asked with a slight smile, her eyes gleaming.

Joe started the water in the shower, standing back to watch her run her hands though her hair. Joe motioned Robin into the shower with him. Without a word being said, Robin picked up the soap and washcloth. Robin started to wash Joe with her smile radiating across her face, Robin spent extra time on Joe's nipples and cock. When Robin finished washing her new Master’s body, she stood up on her tip toes giving Joe a long deep kiss.

Joe took her arm, raising them over her head to the restraints that were hanging down. Joe wrapped the Velcro cuffs around each of her wrists, securing them. Joe had a shower wand that was movable, which made washing a slave’s body easier. The best thing Joe used it for was for some water torture while the slave was restrained. Joe slowly washed Robin’s body, making sure he spent extra time on her breasts and pussy.

The nozzle had a pulse setting. Joe brought it up to her breasts and let the pulses go over her nipples. Robin was straining in her cuffs on the rope, trying to get closer to the pulses. Keeping the wand just far enough away, Joe worked the nozzle down her body letting it stop at her clit. Robin’s eyes were closed and she was moaning softly. The pulsing water jets were working up and down her inner thighs, blasting on her pussy. Joe made sure to give her clit special attention. Robin's breathing became more labored as she tried to hold off the climax that was building.

Robin was trying to hold back, she pleaded to Joe, "Please Master, please let me cum!"

"No!" Joe told her, "In a while you can."

"Oh, Master, I can't hold on much longer," Robin gasped between clenched teeth.

Joe stopped the flow of water hitting her clit, Robin's body collapsed, hanging by her wrists. Joe held her waist with one arm while releasing her wrist cuffs, helping her out of the shower. Robin picked up a towel off the rack, drying his body. They walked towards the bedroom, her hand holding his hard cock. She was still excited as he pinched her nipples.

"Let’s go into the living room, pet, would you like a glass of wine?" Joe asked her as they walked.

"Yes, Master, I would enjoy having a glass of wine with you. May I place your cuffs back on my wrists and ankles, please, Master?" Robin asked, her eyes pleading.

"Yes, pet, you can have the cuffs back on your wrists," Joe replied, smiling.

Robin smiled wide as she let her grasp of Joe's cock go, she went to the bed and picked up the leather cuffs. Joe walked out to the kitchen to get the bottle of wine and two glasses. Robin walked in the living room, sat on the couch placing the leather cuffs back on her wrists and ankles. Robin looked so gorgeous sitting there with her cuffs on her body, a large smile on her face.

Joe sat on the couch next to her, pouring her a glass of wine. Robin moved her body closer to Joe, resting her head on his shoulder. They sat on the couch, sipping the wine just enjoying the company. Joe sat there next to her thinking of how long it had been since he had enjoyed a night like tonight. But this was different, Robin was different than the other slaves he had in the past. Robin totally put her trust in his hands, never questioning him on what he was going to do to her.

She willingly gave herself to him for his use of her body for his pleasure. He heard her voice ask him a question, pulling his mind back to the present.

"Master, will you lock my wrists behind my back please?" Robin asked, her eyes looking at him.

"Turn around, pet, place your hands behind your back," Joe ordered.

Robin smiled as she turned her back to Joe, her hands going behind her back. Joe took the locking clasp on one cuff clicking it to the d-ring of the other cuff. Robin tugged on her wrists testing the strength of the clasp.

"Mmmmm, thank you, Master," she purred.

Robin moved her body to the floor between Joe's legs. Her eyes locked on Joe's cock as her mouth went closer to it. Slowly her mouth opened, Joe felt her tongue lick the tip off his cock. Her lips closed around the head of his cock sucking it hard. Robin slowly took Joe's cock down her throat, her tongue sliding down the underside of his cock. Robin's throat muscles relaxed as his entire cock went deep down her throat. Her nose buried in his pubic hair, she held it deep inside for a few seconds before pulling back, taking a deep gasp of air in her lungs.

Joe grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back down on his cock. Robin moaned deep in her throat, the vibrations of her moan sending electric shocks through his cock. Her eyes were closed as she slowly let Joe control the tempo of her sucking. Joe slowly pumped his cock in her mouth. He felt his balls tighten as she opened her mouth, her tongue licking his ball sack. Joe's cock stiffened more as the flood of his cum started to boil up his shaft.

Joe pushed her head all the way down on his cock, the flood of cum surging up his shaft. The first hot blast hit the back of her throat. Robin gagged and pulled her head back just a little as Joe's cum filled her mouth. Joe felt her throat contract, swallowing his torrent of cum down her throat. Joe let out a deep groan as she sucked greedily on it, her lips locked tight around his pulsing cock. Robin didn't let a drop of his cum escape her mouth. When the final blast of his cum filled her throat, Robin swallowed the last drops. Robin moaned deep, her eyes looking up to Joe's closed eyes as she licked his cock clean, making sure none of it was wasted.

After Robin made sure her Master’s cock was clean, she sat back up on the couch. Robin laid her head on Joe's lap. She opened her mouth taking his limp cock into her mouth and sucking it gently. Joe heard several low moans like a purring cat. Both of them fell into a light sleep, Robin still sucking Joe's cock. Joe's hand rubbed over Robin’s ass, it was still a little red from the flogging he administered earlier. Robin's body stirred a little as Joe stroke her ass.

"Slave, you have two choices to decide between. One, I take you home. Choice two, stay here for the weekend." Joe said to her.

When Robin heard the first choice she grated her teeth up Joe's cock, after hearing her second choice, Robin sucked his cock real hard and deep.

"Let's go to bed," Joe said as he released her wrists.

Joe stood up from the couch, helping Robin to her feet. She grasped his cock with her hands, leading him to his bedroom. Joe stopped her by the bed, turning her around Joe wrapped his arms around her giving her a deep hug.

"Robin, you have made me very happy tonight. I want to make love to you," Joe whispered in her ear. Joe stepped back from her. "Hold out your wrists, Robin, I will take the cuffs off you," Joe commanded.

"Master, please let me wear your cuffs--I want them on me--please let me," she pleaded, her eyes tearing up.

"All right, pet, I will leave the cuffs on you. Kneel on the bed, raise your ass high," Joe ordered her.

Robin had a huge smile on her face as she climbed on the bed, raising her ass as high as she could. What a beautiful sight, Joe thought. Her pussy lips glistened with her juices slowly flowing, going down her thighs. The butt plug was still in her ass, so Joe reached out and pulled it from her ass. Robin gasped slightly as it came free from her ass.

Getting on his knees behind her, Joe lowered his tongue to her pussy. Joe slowly licked up to her clit, tasting her sweet nectar that was flowing from her. His tongue was inside the folds of her pussy when he probed it in her honey hole. Joe spent several minutes thrusting his tongue in and out of her soaked pussy. Robin was trying to place her clit on his tongue every time he flicked it across her clit. Rising up to his knees, Joe came up behind her. He slid is hard cock deep inside her pussy.

Robin rocked back on her knees taking him deeper. They had a rhythm going when Joe sensed her climax building. In one stroke, Joe pulled out of her pussy. He shoved his cock deep in her ass in one solid stroke.

"Yes, Master, fuck your slave’s ass with your cock, Master!" she growled.

The pace of Joe's thrusts intensified as he increased the speed, ramming her ass. Reaching up to her hair, Joe grabbed a handful, pulling her head back as far as it would go.

Joe was close when he ordered her to cum, "Cum for me, my slave, cum now as I fill your ass with your Master’s cum."

It felt like a tidal wave as he shot load after load deep in her ass. Joe collapsed on her back, forcing her to the bed with his body weight on top of her. Joe rolled off her back, lying beside her. Robin slowly came back to reality. She slowly got to her feet, walking into the bathroom.

Joe watched as she walked to the bathroom, some of his cum leaking out of her ass, dripping down her thighs. When she came back from the bathroom, she had a washcloth and towel. Robin sat on the edge of the bed, washing his cock.

After Robin finished cleaning him, she laid next to Joe with her head on his shoulder.

"Sleep well, Master! Thank you for an enjoyable evening," Robin said before drifting off to sleep.

Robin curled her body facing Joe, her head lying on his chest, her hand lightly grasping his cock, her leg over his thigh, her pussy resting on his leg. He felt her breathing becoming slower and shallower as she fell into a deep sleep. Joe placed his arm on her back, pulling her tighter against him. Joe had never felt this relaxed before.

Robin had done everything he wished. She did not hesitate in any way to his demands.

Chapter 6

Joe slowly became aware of finger tips lightly stroking his cock. Joe felt his cock twitch with each stroke, slowly growing hard. What he saw made him smile and moan softly. Robin was looking up to his eyes, her lower lip lightly sucked into her mouth. Joe noticed her eyes had a soft looking gleam in them.

"Morning, my pet," Joe whispered, pulling her closer to him.

Robin grasped Joe's cock at the base giving it a squeeze at the sound of the words he said to her. Her pussy instantly flooded her thighs, a deep moan coming from her throat.

"Morning, Master," Robin whispered, "I hope this pleases you?"

"Mmmm, yes it does please me, pet. But this morning I want to make love to Robin as Robin, not slave or pet. I want it to be two lovers sharing their passion. Robin, let’s make love as lovers." Joe whispered.

"Ooo, Joe, I would like that very much," Robin purred as her lips meet his.

The light brush of her against him made his cock throb. Robin felt him throb in her hand, so she squeezed Joe's cock. He reached up behind her head, pushing her lips harder on his. Robin's tongue darted out, probing Joe's lips. He slowly parted his lips allowing his tongue to touch hers.

Robin ran the tip around his lips. Joe moaned in his throat as her tongue slowly entered his mouth, the tip of his tongue meeting hers, sending small shocks through their bodies. Robin's pussy muscles contracted sending a small gush of her wetness down her thighs.

Robin moaned deep, her mouth pressing harder on Joe's, her hips slowly moving on Joe's wet thigh. Joe broke the kiss, rising up on his elbow, rolling Robin on her back. Joe lowered his lips to her neck, brushing light kisses under her chin. Robin tilted her head to up to allow him to kiss around her neck. His mouth grasped her earlobe, sucking it gently, rubbing his tongue over it. Joe retraced his kisses around her neck to her other ear.

Joe's finger tips lightly traced down her neck, dragging them down her chest between her breasts. His fingers drawing a figure eight around her breasts, Robin raised her chest up to his teasing fingers. Joe slowly ran his tongue between her breasts, Robin gasping as he licked the underside of each.

Joe slowly moved his fingers down her stomach, until he touched the top of her slit. Robin grasped Joe’s head, pulling his mouth down harder on her, her legs parting wider. Joe stroked her with his fingers, parting her pussy lips. Her moans of pleasure as Joe rubbed her clit pleased him. Joe moved his body down her stomach, his lips kissing the top of her slit.

"Oohhh, Joeeee, mmm," Robin whispered huskily as Joe flicked his tongue over her clit.

Her hips rose from the bed to meet his tongue. Joe moved his body between her legs, placing her legs over his shoulders. Joe slowly dragged his tongue down her wet puffy pussy lips, touching the tip on her hot flowing tunnel. Robin pushed her hips harder on Joe's mouth as he probed her pussy. He curled the tip of his tongue as he scooped out her juices. Joe looked up to her eyes, they were shut tight. Her lower lip was sucked deep in her mouth.

He brought his mouth up to her clit, sucking it deep in his mouth. Robin's body trembled as he flicked his tongue around her clit. Robin's hands released her grip on his head and she grabbed the bed sheets in her fists. Joe spent several minutes going between her clit and then probing her pussy. Robin was shaking her head from side to side as he teased her, her hips thrusting on his mouth.

Robin felt her stomach tighten, sending her pussy into contractions around his tongue. Her hips moved faster as the first wave of her climax racked her body, her ankles pressing hard on Joe's back, holding his mouth over her gushing pussy.

Robin started to moan, "Ohhhhhhh Godddd," as the waves surged through her body.

Her wrists pulled on the sheets, twisting them around her hands. Her breasts quivered on her chest. Slowly the waves subsided, her grip with her ankles on his back relaxing. Joe raised his body up, looking at her face, her eyes were open, her mouth slightly parted taking in gasps of air.

Joe moved his body up her open legs, his hard cock just touching her pussy lips. Slowly her lips opened and he guided his cock into her soaked pussy. The tip of his cock slowly entered her. She tried to thrust her hips up, but Joe pulled his cock back from her.

"Joe, please…please make love to me," Robin moaned.

Joe slowly pushed his cock back inside her pussy. He felt her pussy walls stretch around his cock as he pushed his way in. When he felt the top of or cervix, Joe ground his hips against hers. They both moaned deep at the feeling. Joe locked his gaze on her face. He saw her eyes get moist as she smiled up at him. Joe slowly started to pump his cock in her, each stroke a little harder and deeper.

Robin matched his slow rhythm, her hands releasing the sheets, going up to his neck, pulling him down to her lips. They kissed deep as Joe felt her tongue probing his mouth. Joe increased his thrusts a little faster. Soon, he felt that boiling feeling deep in his balls. His cock stiffened, swelling with blood. He felt her body stiffen as her pussy clamped tight around his cock, her clit rubbing against his shaft with each stroke.

Robin held his neck tight as she started to move her hips faster on his cock. Her stomach knotted sending signals to her clit, the impending climax building deep inside of her.

Joe felt the boiling surge of his cum flooding up his cock. With one final deep, deep hard thrust, it blasted from his cock, hitting the top of her cervix with hot cum. Robin felt his cock explode, sending her over the edge. The waves sent stars shooting through her mind, her body shaking violently under him.

Robin had no choice. She broke their kiss and screamed his name, "Joeee!"

Her arms and legs held him deep inside her, her pussy spasms squeezing the flood of their combined juices down her ass. Joe laid his head on the pillow, gasping for breath.

It took several minutes before they could move. Joe rolled off her limp body, her eyes staring into space, her chest heaving as she gasped for breath.

"Good morning, Robin," Joe whispered in her ear.

"Mmmmmmm," was all Robin could manage from her throat.

Slowly their eyes closed; both drifting back to sleep. Joe woke up to the sound of water running from the bathroom. Joe sat up placing his feet on the floor, rubbing his eyes, he looked at the clock. Joe then noticed the wrist and ankle cuffs lying on the bed. Getting up Joe walked into the bathroom, Robin was standing in the shower, letting the water flow over her body. Robin had just finished her shower when she noticed him walk in.

"I hope I did not wake you, Master?" Robin asked, a smile on her face, stepping out of the shower.

"No you didn't wake me, pet," Joe replied smiling.

"I made some coffee, would you like a cup, Master? I can bring a cup in here for you." Robin asked.

"No thanks, I will just take a quick shower and join you in the kitchen," Joe said as he stepped in the shower.

While Joe was taking his shower, Robin placed her cuffs back on her wrists and ankles. Robin moaned softly as her fingers touched the leather cuffs. Her nipples slowly began to pebble in to two hard points on her chest. Walking out towards the kitchen, Robin noticed Joe's neatly arranged living room.

Walking to the center of the living room, Robin noticed how Joe had arranged the room. Against the wall in front of the couch, Joe had a large entertainment center. It held the flat screen television, stereo components, DVD recorder and a small video camera. The couch was leather and large enough to have a sub tied down its length. Robin noticed where several steel tie rings installed. By the side of the couch, Joe had two end tables with drawers. Joe had a chair next to the couch, sturdy enough to restrain any one. The coffee table in front of the couch was long and narrow, perfect for binding a sub to.

In the center of the room was a chandelier with a rope hanging from its center attached to a pulley, the rope tied neatly to the wall. The walls were painted in a light peach color. The floor was tiled in sandstone for easy maintenance. She then walked to through the dining room, Joe had solid oak table with four chairs; it was also suitable for tying a sub to.

Robin stood at the counter pouring two cups of coffee, when she heard the shower stop running. Robin heard Joe's footsteps behind her, then she felt his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close to his chest.

"What a lovely view to come out to, my pet," Joe whispered in her ear.

"Mmmmm, morning Master," Robin replied, holding his wrists in her hands.

"How do you like your coffee, Joe, cream, sugar?" Robin huskily asked as he nibbled her neck.

"Cream, no sugar," Joe said as his hand slid down her waist, cupping her pussy.

Robin pushed her hips forward onto his hand. She felt her pussy tighten, as a flow of her pussy juice escaped down her thigh.

"A…are you hungry, Joe?" Robin stammered as her lip disappeared in her mouth at his touch on her clit.

"For you, always…now," Joe whispered, as he rubbed her clit.

"Yes, I am hungry for breakfast," Joe moaned as Robin slid her hand under his towel, grasping his cock, giving it a squeeze.

Robin broke his grasp, asking him, "Bacon and eggs okay? Do you have an apron I can wear while I cook, Master? You do not want me to burn your pussy, do you?"

Joe walked over to the kitchen pantry. Opening the door, he pulled an apron from the shelf. It was not much of an apron, it barely covered her pussy. Handing it to Robin he smiled that evil smile that she loved. Joe sat down at the counter watching her move in his kitchen. Robin placed his coffee in front of him, walking back to the stove to cook their first breakfast. Joe watched her every step as she made breakfast, he thought to himself how he could get used to this.

While they ate the breakfast she cooked, Joe asked, "I have a cabin in the woods not far from here, would you like to go up there with me for the rest of the weekend? It is pretty secluded up there and quiet. We can ride the bike since it’s a beautiful day."

"Oh yes, I would love to go, but can we stop at my house first so I can get something to wear, Joe? All I have are the clothes from last night." Robin pointed out.

"Sure we can stop at your place, but I don't think you will need clothes, pet. I did say, ‘secluded’," Joe answered back smiling that evil smile again.

They cleaned up the breakfast dishes, Joe dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Robin had no choice but to put on her dress she wore last night. It would be an interesting ride to her house on the bike.

Chapter 7

"Is this the beginning of a weekend I won't forget?" Robin asked with a sly grin and a gleam in her eyes.

"Yes, my pet, you will not forget this weekend any day soon," Joe replied with his evil grin and a glint in his eye.

Robin leaned over to Joe, giving him a kiss on his lips, placing her hand on his cock and giving it a slight squeeze. Joe felt his cock twitch at her touch, her fingers gliding up his hardening shaft. Robin pushed her chair back from the table, her hand cupping his ball sack, gently giving them a light squeeze. Robin lowered her body to her knees, parting Joe's legs. Robin lowered her head towards his throbbing cock. Joe felt her warm breath on the tip of his cock, a drop of pre-cum forming on the tip.

Robin slowly opened taking his cock down her throat, moaning as she sucked him deep. Joe felt the vibrations from her throat send a shiver down his shaft. He placed both of his hands on her head, slowly pushing her head down on his cock, forcing her to gag a little. Joe held her head still, slowly pumping his cock into her mouth.

Suddenly Robin pulled her mouth away, licking her lips with her tongue, with a gleeful smile she said, "Okay, Master, that's enough. You’re ready for our trip!"

Before Joe could recover, Robin stood up and walked quickly to the bedroom, Joe turned his head and with a light tone of anger said, "You will pay dearly for teasing your Master, pet!"

"Oh yes, Master, I hope I pay dearly for the tease," Robin answered back, flashing her smile with a gleam in her eyes.

Robin picked up her dress, sliding it over her body. She did not put her panties on or her stockings, just her heels. Just as she finished, Joe walked into the bedroom, his hard cock swinging with each step.

Grabbing a handful of her hair, Joe pulled her head back growling, "Wait until we get to the cabin, my brat of a pet, Master will show what happens to a tease!"

"Oh yes, Master, I can't wait to see what you do to me there," Robin said, placing her lips on his, giving him a long deep kiss.

Joe went to the closet and grabbed a small suitcase. It was just small enough to hold a change of clothes and the assorted toys he was bringing with him. Robin watched as he put on a pair of jeans, an orange muscle shirt that hugged his muscular chest, finishing with his leather boots. Taking her hand in his, he led her to the garage. Joe opened the hallway door and pressed the automatic garage door opener. As the door rose, Robin saw that he had two Harleys in the garage, one she saw him ride that day at the shop, the other a full dresser, red in color.

"Mmm…nice rides, Joe," Robin said.

Joe opened the luggage case on the dresser and placed the suit case inside it. Joe raised his leg over the seat, backing the bike out of the garage. Climbing off the bike he walked over to the other bike getting his helmet. Then he walked to a cabinet getting the spare helmet for Robin.

Joe slapped her ass hard making her moan, "Time to leave, pet," as he took her hand in his walking to the bike.

Joe climbed on the bike, starting it up. Reaching down, Joe flipped the rear foot rests down. Robin placed one foot on the pad, raising her leg over the seat, her dress riding up her spread thighs. Her bare pussy sitting on the leather seat, she felt her pussy clamp as the cool leather touched her skin.

"Ready, pet?" Joe asked as he put the bike in gear.

Robin answered by wrapping her arms around his chest giving him a hug. She rested her head on his shoulder as he drove them over to her house. Robin’s dress was barely covering her thighs, her pussy leaking her juice on the seat, the bike’s vibrations teasing her excited pussy.

Joe pulled the bike into her driveway, helped Robin off the bike, and pulled her dress over her ass, walking up to the front door.

"Come inside with me, Joe, and pick out what you want me to wear," she said smiling.

Joe followed her inside, his eyes fixated on her ass as she walked to her bedroom. Robin opened her closet doors taking a step back. As Robin removed her dress, Joe saw her collection of fetish wear, with her assortment of ropes hanging in the back and a couple of hoods.

"What would you like to choose, Sir?" she asked.

Joe looked at the items in her closet. He picked her chastity belt, a red satin corset and a hood. For her regular clothes he chose a couple of sundresses, a pair of faded blue jean shorts and halter top.

"Bend over, spread your legs." Joe sternly told her, showing her the egg vibrator that he had in his hand.

Robin obeyed instantly, bending over, spreading her ass with her hands. Joe fingered her pussy, she was already soaked and the egg slid in effortlessly.

"Stand up," Joe commanded.

Joe turned the vibrator on for a couple of seconds for a test and Robin shuddered, smiling.

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Joe reached out for her chin, raising her lips to his. He felt her tongue probing his mouth.

Joe handed her a white floral sundress to wear for the two hour ride to the cabin. Robin slid the dress over her body, her hard nipples poking from under the dress. Joe took the rest of the clothes in his hand, grasping her by the hand they walked out to the bike. Joe placed her clothes in his bag on the bike. Joe turned the bike around, letting Robin climb on to the seat behind him. Robin moved her dress from her ass, the leather touching her pussy. She felt the egg slide deeper inside of her.

"Ready, pet?" Joe asked her as he started the bike.

"Mmm…Yes, Sir, let’s go," Robin said wrapping her arms around his chest, pushing her chest against his back.

Robin felt the bike’s vibrations flowing up her bare pussy, sending signals to her breasts, her hard pebbles press against his back. Robin knew he felt them, because he pushed back on them.

Robin clenched thighs tighter against her seat as the bike picked up speed. Robin moved her hands up his chest, her finger tips brushing over his nipples. Robin was on fire, she wanted to see how far she could push him.

Robin got a little bolder and lowered her hand to his crotch, feeling the bulge Joe had. Robin gave him a light squeeze through his pants. Joe moaned as he placed his feet on the foot pegs, spreading his legs wider. As they got closer to the cabin, Joe slowed the bike down, coming to a stop on the side of the road, shutting off the bike’s engine.

"Get off the bike, pet, you have teased me enough," Joe growled.

Joe climbed off the bike, standing in front her, and lowered his head inches from her ear. He growled, "You have been teasing me since we got up, bend over the bike, elbows on the seat, spread your legs. Do it now! Pet, I am going to show you what naughty pets get when they tease!"

Robin felt her pussy clamp tight around the egg vibrator that was still in her pussy. Robin tensed when Joe turned it on high, her pussy walls clenching around it, a sudden flow of wetness trickled down her thighs. Robin quickly lowered her body on the bike, her elbows on the seat, her ass raised high. Joe walked up behind her, his hand rubbing over her ass. Joe could not see Robin's face, so he couldn’t see the gleam in her eyes as her lower lip sucked deeply in her mouth. Robin trembled as Joe grasped her dress, pulling it over her ass, exposing two quivering cheeks, her thighs coated in moisture.

Joe held her dress in his hand, placing his hand on the small of her back. Joe delivered a hard smack to her left cheek, Robin jumped at the blow. That’s when she realized Joe still had his leather gloves on his hands. Robin felt the heat of his blow radiate through her ass. Joe spanked her harder on the right cheek, his blows becoming faster. Robin's ass was burning, the pain going straight to her clit and her pussy started to spasm.

Robin sucked on her lip tighter. She felt such a rush of pain and pleasure surge through her. Here she was being spanked on the side of the road. She felt her face turn red as the sound of a car approached them. Robin raised her head up, facing the road. She wanted the driver to see her face.

Joe stepped up behind her as the car approached. Robin felt the bulge in his pants touch her sore red ass. She felt the roughness of his jeans brush her ass. Robin pushed her ass back on his cock, grinding her ass hard on his bulge.

"Master, ohhh please Master! Let your pet have your cock!" Robin begged through gasps of breath. She was close. All she needed was to have him fuck her like the slave she was to him.

"No, my naughty pet, your punishment begins now!" Joe hissed, "Stand up, pet, we are almost to the cabin. Get back on the bike!"

Joe climbed on the bike and started the engine. Just as Robin climbed on the bike behind him, her bare red ass sitting on the seat, he turned the egg vibrator off.

The afternoon sun was shining through the trees when Joe slowed, turning onto a dirt road. Robin's eyes grew wide as the cabin came into view. It was in the middle of a small clearing. It was a single one story log cabin with a chimney on one side. Joe stopped the bike in front of the cabin, shutting off the engine.

"Let's go inside and I will give you a tour, pet," Joe said to her as they got off the bike. Joe took her hand in his, leading Robin up to the cabin porch, unlocking the door.

As Robin walked in the cabin, she noticed the layout was simple. There was a small kitchen with a wood stove, bathroom off the kitchen, and the bedroom was on the other side. Robin's eyes locked on the rope hanging from the rafter in the center of the room. They walked into the bedroom, putting their things on the bed.

"Take off that dress and remove the egg vibrator from your pussy, pet. You will not be wearing clothes tonight." Joe said to her as he walked out to the bike for his bag.

Robin took off her dress, folded it neatly, and placed it on the bed. Robin walked back into the center off the cabin just as Joe came back inside. Joe placed his bag on the table, "Come over here, pet. Sit in this chair." Joe ordered.

Robin's body tingled at hearing his command. She quickly walked over to the chair and sat down.

"You were a tease today, my pet, now you will find out how Master can be a tease," Joe said as he took some rope from his bag.

Robin watched as he brought the rope closer to her. The smile that lit up his face was sinful and full of tormented promises. Her body trembled as he told her to rise a little. As she did so, she watched him bring a dildo to her pussy lips. He teased her clit and her opening before driving it as deep as possible inside her.

Her body trembled as he pushed her to sit down, burying it completely inside of her trembling pussy. Her teeth biting down hard on her bottom lip as she tried to keep her body from climaxing. Goose bumps covered her skin as he teased her body with the rope in his hands. She moaned softly as he bent in front of her. Showing a moment of tenderness that only heightened her senses even more, Joe kissed her inner thigh as he positioned her legs to spread, pulling her ankles to the legs of the chair.

She moaned deep and low pitched as she felt his rope anchor her to the chair. Without thought, she brushed her hands through his hair. His sharp gaze met hers and she sucked in a deep breath, holding it. He picked up another rope and tied it around her breasts, cupping them and raising them. As he sucked her nipple in his mouth, he pulled her arms behind her back and over the back of the chair. She groaned as he secured her wrists. She was so close to coming that she was panting, begging, "Please, Master, let me cum for you."

His answering chuckle had her begging with her eyes. He told her, "I told you that Master would show you what happens when you tease. You are not allowed to cum until I tell you to do so."

Joe picked up a scarf and ran it through his hands. Slowly, he covered her eyes. All of her sense went on hyper alert. She could hear the deep and even breaths Joe took as well as the sound his jeans made as he shifted. She thought she heard the zip of his jeans lowering and she licked her lips, wanting him to feed her his cock. She felt his fingers clamp on her nipples and apply just the right amount of pleasure and pain. Her pussy flowed and she moved her hips, riding the dildo inside of her.

She felt his cock trace her lips and tried to suck it in, but he moved away. She begged, "Please, Master…let me suck you."

His hands tugged her nipples again and then travelled in between her spread thighs. She felt him rub all around her pussy, never touching her clit where she wanted him to the most. She moaned and groaned, pleading, "Please, Master…"

Over and over he would tease her, bringing her to the brink only to back off once more. He traced his cock over her nipples and she felt his pre-cum leave a trail around each one. She felt him rub it over the ropes cupping her aching breasts. She knew she would cum soon and would not be able to stop it. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered, "Do you want my cock, pet?"

"Please…Master, feed me your cock."

She opened her mouth, waiting. Finally, she moaned knowing how it vibrated around his cock as he thrust into her mouth. She made sure to suck hard and lick his cock with her tongue. He fucked her mouth like he did her pussy and she loved it. She gagged several times as he hit the back of her throat which only made her want to cum that much more. She heard his deep growl rumble in his chest and knew he’d shoot in her mouth soon. Robin sucked harder, moaning more. She felt his hands grip her head, holding her in place as he buried his cock in the back of her throat.

The first blast bathed her throat and she sucked greedily. He pulled back, letting the rest coat her tongue. When he pulled out of her mouth, he traced her lips with his cock, "Good girl, pet, should I let you cum now?"

"Please, Master!"

Her whole body trembled. She could feel how wet her thighs were from her juices and the seat of the chair she was tied to was soaked. Robin felt his hands on her thighs. He slid them up and she felt his hand slide to where the edge of the dildo peaked out from her pussy. He pressed a button and the dildo vibrated inside of her.

"Oh my…oh please, Master…let your slave cum!"

She felt Joe slide behind her. He bent beside her ear as his hands gripped her nipples almost painfully, "Cum, pet…Cum for your Master!"

Robin’s pussy began to spasm. Over and over she came. Her whole body shook, racked by an orgasm that seemed to never stop. She felt as if she was going to pass out from the pleasure and pain coursing through her body. She was gasping for breath, moaning incoherently. When she felt his hand in between her legs, Robin flinched slightly as he turned off the dildo, her pussy still sending waves through her body with aftershocks.

Joe slowly removed all the ropes binding Robin to the chair, letting them fall to the floor. Robin slowly opened her eyes as Joe removed her blindfold, her misty eyes looked straight in to his. Joe looked down on her face with a smile, her abused lower lip, swollen from her chewing on it, trembling. Robin was in a fog, her body limp, and sweat flowed down between her heaving breasts. Robin felt drained and her muscles were weak. Her pussy was still having small spasms as Joe removed the dildo from her and a flood of her juices flowed down her ass.

Joe left the dildo on the chair, helped Robin stand up on her wobbly legs, placing his arm around her waist. Robin knees buckled so Joe cradled her body in his arms, laying her down gently on the bed. Pulling the comforter over her body, Joe tenderly kissed her on her forehead.

Joe whispered in her ear, "Go to sleep for a while, my pet."

Joe quietly walked back towards the kitchen for a drink. When Joe went back into the bedroom, Robin was sound asleep. Robin had a smile on her face. Her breathing was slow and shallow. Joe was stunned on how she had taken everything he did to her this weekend. Joe pulled a chair beside the bed. Sitting down, Joe watched her sleeping body.

Joe's eyes slowly closed and he fell asleep watching her. He woke from his slumber to a pair of warm moist lips gently sucking his cock. Robin was sucking ever so slowly, looking up at him with her seductive needy eyes

Robin released Joe's cock from her mouth, begging, "Please lie beside your pet, please Master."

Joe moved his body to the bed, he lay next to his wonderful seductive woman. Robin slowly lowered her mouth back onto her Master’s cock, resuming her sucking with a fever.

Joe placed his hands on her head, pushing her deeper on his hard throbbing shaft. Joe felt her gag a couple of times, but Robin fought the reflex. Joe felt his balls tighten, forcing his cum up to his shaft, he was close to releasing.

Robin felt Joe's cock swell. He was going to cum. Robin inhaled his cock deeper down her throat. Joe couldn't hold back any longer and the first hot spurt bathed the back of her throat. His cock pumping streams of cum. Robin swallowed every precious drop of her Master’s cum.

Joe awoke to the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen. He sat up on the bed noticing a cup of coffee on the night stand. Joe looked out of the bedroom door. Robin was cooking breakfast, naked except for a small apron in front of her pussy. Robin also had put the leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles. This weekend was beyond what Joe had thought it would be.

Robin had laid Joe's bathrobe on the foot of the bed for him to wear. So, he slipped the robe over his body, leaving the front open, and smiled at the image of her. Walking up behind her, Joe put his arms around her, lightly biting on her ear lobe.

Joe whispered, "Good Morning, pet."

"Mmmmm, good morning, Master," Robin moaned, her hands grasping Joe's arms.

Joe slowly slid his hands up her stomach, his fingertips grasping her hard extended pebbles, giving them a squeeze. Robin placed her hands on the edge of the stove, pushing her body back against his. Robin loved the feel of his hardening cock in the folds of her ass.

"Ooohh goddd, mmmm, Master," Robin groaned deeper as she wriggled her ass on his cock, adding, "Master, let your slave finish breakfast, or it will burn."

Joe released her from his grasp, moving his hands behind her body, cupping her ass. Joe went over to the table, pulling a chair out, and sat down. Joe just watched as she moved about the kitchen. Robin finished cooking their breakfast, turning around with two plates of food in her hands. Joe saw the smile radiating from her face, her eyes gleaming in the morning light coming through the windows.

Joe's cock stiffened as he saw her walk towards him with an extra sway to her hips, her pussy lips glinting with her wetness. Setting Joe's plate in front of him her breast touched his shoulder.

Robin placed her hand on Joe's shoulder, letting it rub across his back as she sat down in the chair she was tied to last night. Robin did something that Joe never expected. Robin held up the dildo, sliding it into her mouth wetting it. Spreading her legs wide on the chair, Robin dragged the dildo up her wet slit, Joe watched as it slowly disappeared into her wet hole.

Robin placed her arms behind her chair, begging, "Master, lock my wrists while you eat, please."

Joe leaned over Robin, locking her wrist cuffs. Joe heard her moan as her lower lip disappeared in her mouth. Robin watched her new Master eat his food, her eyes following his every move. She watched him as her pussy flooded, her inner muscles massaging the dildo. Joe finished his breakfast, turning in his chair, picking up her fork and he started to feed his pet her breakfast. Robin started to move her hips on the chair, trying to have the invading dildo rub her clit.

Joe heard her wrist cuffs jingle as she tried to move her arms, her ass moving faster on the chair, her climax was close. Joe noticed her breathing getting faster, her eyes glazing. Joe dropped her fork, grasping both of her hard nipples in his fingers squeezing hard while twisting them.

"I did not give you permission to cum, slave!" Joe growled, increasing the twisting of her nipples.

Robin gritted her teeth as the pressure increased, sending jolts of pain to her clit, her pussy almost exploded. Robin sat up in her chair, her ass suddenly still. Joe decided Robin had enough to eat, pushing his chair back from the table.

"Since you’re not hungry for breakfast, pet, we are going to take a walk." Joe growled, an evil glint coming from his eyes.

Joe left her sitting cuffed to the chair and walked to the bedroom to get the bag of toys that he had brought. Joe picked up the leash, a two foot length of chain, her silk scarf, ball gag and her stilettos. Robin was watching Joe as he walked back towards her. She saw the items in his hands and a smile formed on her lips, her eyes closed, a deep moan escaped from her throat as Joe released her locked wrists.

"Stand up, pet, don't let that dildo slide out of your pussy," Joe commanded.

Robin stood up, making her pussy clamp around the slick coated dildo. Joe locked her wrists in front of her. Kneeling down, Joe locked the two foot chain to her ankle cuffs.

"Now clean the dishes from breakfast, that dildo better not fall out, slave!" Joe growled, walking back to the bedroom for a few more items.

"Yes, Master," Robin meekly said as she tried to clear the table with her cuffed hands.

With her ankles hobbled by the chain, her wrists cuffed in front of her, it took several trips before the table was clean.

While Robin struggled to clear the dishes, Joe went back to the bedroom, picking up the bag of toys he was going to use on her today. When Joe walked out of the bedroom, Robin was standing by the table, her ankles spread. The bottom of the dildo was visible in her stuffed pussy.

Placing the bag on the table, he lifted her chin, "Ok pet, we are going for a little walk in the woods," Joe told her, she saw that evil again in his eyes.

Her lower lip sucked deep into her mouth, her pussy clamping tighter on the dildo.

"Sit down, pet, you have to have the right shoes for our walk, put these on," Joe told her.

Robin's eyes widened at the sight of her heels in his hand. She sat down a little too hard in the chair and the dildo shoved deeper in her quivering pussy. Robin took the shoes from Master’s hand, leaning over to place them on her feet. The dildo rubbed against her g-spot. Robin's body stiffened as she tried to fight back the climax that was building deep inside her.

"Stand up, pet!" Joe growled.

Robin stood up, her legs squeezing tight, holding the slippery dildo inside her. Joe unlocked her wrists, bringing them behind her back, locking them together. Joe ran his hands up her arms, her body trembling as his hands touched her.

"Open your mouth, pet," Joe ordered.

Robin opened her mouth to accept the ball gag. Joe buckled it behind her head. As the gag tightened in her mouth, Robin moaned deep in her throat and her clit throbbed on the base of the dildo. Joe picked up the scarf, holding it up for her to see. Robin's eyes closed as the blindfold wrapped around them sending her into darkness. Her knees began to shake as Joe locked the leash on her wrist cuffs, sliding it between her legs.

"Now you’re ready for a walk pet," Joe said as he pulled the leash tight up against the dildo shoved into her pussy, a deep groan escaping as the dildo pressed into her pussy with each tug of the leash. Joe slowly led his blind pet outside the cabin. With her ankles hobbled by the chain, Robin had to take small steps.

Joe helped Robin down the cabin steps, the tug on the leash telling her to follow him. Robin felt the dildo drive deeper inside her electrified pussy if she did not keep up. Her heels made it more difficult to walk. She almost lost her footing several times. Each time she stumbled the leash dug deeper between her legs.

By the time they waked to the tree in the clearing, Robin was breathing hard behind the ball gag, the sun shining on her sweat covered body. Joe made Robin face the tree, tying the leash to a small branch, pulling the leash up hard between her pussy lips.

Joe took a few steps back. He watched her struggle on her heels, hearing her deep moans as her legs shook. Joe walked over to the willow tree, selecting a long narrow branch. He saw her turn her head using her hearing to search for him.

As Joe walked back up behind Robin, he had cleaned the branch. Joe dropped the branch on the ground, unlocking her wrists from the leash, leaving it to hang from the branch. Joe kneeled down and unlocked the chain holding her ankles. He stood up, removing the ball gag from her mouth, Robin flexed her tired jaw. Joe led his still blindfolded pet over to the branch of the tree that grew out sideways.

Joe pressed on Robin's back, bending her over the branch. Joe had two stakes driven into the ground by her ankles. Taking a length of rope from his bag, Joe tied her ankle to the stake. Joe spread her leg to the other stake, spreading her legs wide, leaving her pussy exposed. Joe raised his eyes up looking at the dildo still in her twitching pussy.

Joe reached into his bag, pulling out a pair of weighted clover clamps. He reached around her body, grasping one of her hard nipples, rolling it between his fingers. Robin gasped as the clamp pinched her nipple hard, the weight pulling down her nipple, stretching it away from her breast. Joe rolled her other nipple between his fingers applying the clover clamp. Robin groaned louder as the weight swung free from his hand.

Joe tied her wrist to the stake holding her ankle. Then tied her other wrist to her other ankle. Robin was bent over the branch, her pussy flooding her thighs, her weighted nipples hanging down.

Joe stood back from her, the sun was shining on her body, glistening beads of sweat on her back. He placed his hand on her ass and felt her tense at his touch. Joe slowly dragged his fingertips down the crack of her ass, his fingers sliding down her puffy pussy lips. Joe moved his fingers to her clit, lightly touching her hard nub. He heard her groan, trying to force her clit harder on his probing fingers. He felt her wetness on the tips of his fingers, bringing his wet his fingers up to his mouth and he slowly sucked her juices off of them.

Robin's thighs were wet, her body alive with each thing he did to her, a low groan coming from her mouth. Joe spanked her hard on the ass, Robin jumped at the strike. Joe slapped her ass again on the other side. With each strike Robin groaned louder, Robin's ass was turning a nice red. He stopped his spanking when he felt the heat radiate from her red hot ass.

Robin was on fire, her clamped nipples throbbing, sending the pleasure, pain ripples to her clit. Joe grasped the base of the dildo, pulling it quickly out of her and Robin groaned as her pussy was emptied of the dildo. He smiled as he reached down on the ground for the willow switch.

Joe brought up the switch, making it whistle as it flew down on her exposed ass, landing with a sharp "crack". The stripe appeared instantly from the blow. Robin pulled on her ropes, her ass shaking as each stripe appeared on her ass. She was not begging Joe to stop, instead she kept asking for another.

After the tenth blow with the switch, Joe let the switch fall, stepping up behind her shaking body and shoved his hard cock deep into her pussy.

"Oohh Goddd, Yesss, fuck your pet!" Robin screamed.

Joe's cock buried deep in her, her pussy clamped tight around his thrusting cock. Joe grabbed her hips, driving his cock as deep as he could in her. Robin was going insane, her stomach tightened, her nipples being stretched by the swinging clamps. He continued driving his cock in her as he felt the climax boil in his balls, his cock being squeezed by her pussy muscles.

Joe felt his cum racing up his rigid cock. Robin's pussy clamped down hard as the first wave rocked threw her body, his hot blast triggering her climax. Robin thrashed in her bonds, her body convulsing in her climax. Joe felt their combined juices flow past his softening cock. Her thighs coated in rivers of cum.

Robin collapsed over the branch, her chest gasping for breath, the tears in her eyes flooding the scarf. Robin had never been brought so high before, her whole body tingling with electricity.

Joe pulled back from her spent body. Robin’s knees had buckled, her weight only being supported by the branch, when she felt cool lotion being applied to her striped bottom and the lotion numbed some of the pain from the switch. Joe spread a small blanket on the ground by Robin. He released the ropes holding her bound to the branch, helping her to the blanket. As he released one clamp from her nipple, Robin softly screamed as the blood flowed back into it.

Robin’s ass was sore, so she had to lie on her side. He noticed the redness of her stomach from lying across the rough bark of branch, the tree leaving a red rash on her stomach. Robin rested her head on his shoulder as they both spread out under the tree.

Robin whispered, "Master, thank you so much. I will remember this weekend in court on Monday, because I know my ass will still be sore."

There was a small water fall near the clearing and Joe helped her up, wrapping his arm around her waist as they walked over to it. Robin removed her heels walking over to the water, stepping in carefully. He sat on the bank watching her. Robin scooped some water in her hands and playfully flung some water over towards Joe.

They stayed by the water fall for most of the afternoon before going back to the cabin, walking hand in hand. Joe stopped by the branch packing everything into his bag. It was time to go back to the city. Robin had to have Joe stop a few times on the way home, to relive some of the pain radiating through her ass.

Joe pulled the bike into her driveway. She climbed off the bike, her hand rubbing her tender ass. Wrapping her arms around Joe's neck, Robin leaned down giving Joe a kiss on his lips.

"Thank so much for this weekend, Master," Robin said as she broke the kiss.

Joe watched her go into her house before he left.

Riding home, Joe relived the weekend over in his mind. Pulling the bike in the drive way of his house, Joe hit the button for the garage door, parking the bike inside. He took his bag from the bike, walking into the house. Joe saw the message light blinking on the answering machine.

Joe pressed the play button, it was Robin’s voice, "Joe…Master, I just want to tell you again, thank you for such an enjoyable weekend. I haven't felt this way in such a long time. I am feeling better than ever. Now I am going to take a bath and relax. Please call me when you get this, your pet, Robin."

Joe started to dial her phone number when the front door bell rang. He walked over and opened the door. Robin was standing there, her head lowered.

Robin had a small suitcase in her hand, saying, "Master, I hope you don't mind. I want to spend the rest of the night with you."

Robin entered Joe's house, stopping just inside the door and he closed the door behind her. Robin unbuttoned the coat that she was wearing, revealing her naked body.

"Please, my Master, may I stay?" Robin whispered as she hugged Joe.

"Yes, my pet, you may stay with me. I want you to." Joe told her, hugging her closer to his body.
Written by Ropetease
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