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Ebony, Submission And Pain

"Ebony learns she loves pain and submission ."

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We were at the dog park when I first saw him. Kari, Thor, and I were enjoying the sunshine, with Thor chasing another terrier type around the trees when suddenly he was chased. When that happened, Thor ran and jumped on Kari’s lap and started barking at his tormentor.

I laughed, watching Thor's antics. “You truly picked the right name for him. He’s really a Thor, running to you for protection.”

“Don’t worry, Thor, I love you,” Kari whispered, laughing, “Don’t pay any attention to Ebony; she’s just jealous.”

“Alvin, come here, come here!” 

This came from the next bench. I looked to see who it was, then said to Kari, “Alvin? Who’d name their dog Alvin? It’s worse than Thor. I’m wondering where the rest of the chipmunks are.” That’s when I first saw him—the guy on the other bench. “Shit, he heard me.” He was getting up, putting Alvin on a leash, and giving me the stink eye. “I guess I should have used my inside voice. Thor, you can get down; Alvin and the Chipmunks are leaving, so it’s safe now.”

Kari grinned at me and said, “It’s strange that a guy doesn’t enjoy being criticized for the name he calls his dog.” Shaking her head at me, she continued, “Well, we’re never going to see him again. Let’s give Thor another fifteen minutes and then go. Alvin's dad will be gone by then.”

Two days later, at Kari’s apartment, Paul, Kari’s brother, came bounding in and said, “Hi Ebony, good to see you. I’ve been meaning to call you.” An uncomfortable look came over his face as he continued, “Um, a good friend of mine recently, about six months ago, moved here; Vidar was transferred here, and he’s single and doesn’t know anyone except me.”

I interrupted, “No, no blind dates for me; no more; that’s number one. Number two: you know I don’t fit in a lot of guys' dating scenes. Number three: no more blind dates. Do you remember Jack, the last blind date you set me up with? He took one look at me and left. 

“No more blind dates!”

Kari joined in, “I remember Jack and whosis, Steve? Just no, Paul.”

I glared at Paul, just looking at him.

At that, Paul put up his hands, saying, “Okay, okay. No blind dates. Okay. Um, how about if I bring him to where you’re having coffee or something? Just a casual meeting. So you can evaluate him, okay?”

Kari and I looked at each other, and I shrugged. “Just a casual meeting? For sure?”

And so it was; two days later on Wednesday, Kari and I were at Sharps Coffee when Paul and Alvin and the Chipmunks' daddy came in. Hell, what are the chances he and Paul were friends in college?

I looked at Kari and winced; she was wide-eyed in surprise.

I looked at Alvin's daddy and said, “Hi, how are Alvin and the Chipmunks today?” I winced again when Kari kicked me in the shins.

He looked at me, saying, “Ah yes, Thor's friend. You’re Ebony? Paul talked about his sister's best friend. I’m Vidar. Hmm, did you know Vidar and Thor are brothers? Um, half brothers at least. So we should be friends, right?”

I saw Vidar whisper something to Paul, and both Paul and Kari left, leaving me with Vidar. 

We were talking, and after a while, he told me he’d asked Paul if we could talk together alone for a bit. When we’d finished our coffee, he asked me to come see his etchings or something; I can’t remember, but I ended up following him to his place and parking in his driveway. 

I followed him to his front door, and we entered. It was hypnotic when we stopped in the living room. There were things on the walls; I didn’t know what they were. There were also things on the wall that I thought I knew what they were, and some I absolutely knew what they were. In any case, I’d never seen any of them displayed in a living room before. 

Vidar told me to stand there, and he’d be right back. The things I recognized on the walls dazed me. The ones I didn’t recognize and tried to figure out what they were for all seemed to belong in a sex store, or maybe in a sex dungeon.

He’d kissed me a couple of times as I got out of my car, and then more intensely in the living room. When he got back, he unbuttoned my blouse and unfastened my bra, and I seemed paralyzed. He made the whole thing seem so normal—me standing there with my tits exposed to him.

Then he kissed my breasts and tongued my nipples, and my arousal surged. He’d known exactly how far to go to make me want more—lots more. I didn’t resist when he kissed me; I didn’t resist when he was kissing my breasts. It was as though my mind had been turned off and my body was paralyzed. 

I’d even helped him remove my bra, so I was standing with my tits exposed to him, naked to my waist. I was hoping for more and stronger stimulation. That’s when he pulled a small rope from a table drawer and tied my wrists together. Not together, together, more handcuff style, with my wrists held apart by the rope.

Each step followed the previous one, like he knew exactly what it took to get me to the next stage. I was dazed by the speed and the confidence he had, starting with drinking coffee, following him home, kissing, kissing my tits, and ending with me topless and my hands bound. He had mesmerized and hypnotized me. I couldn’t resist.

I loved each step along the way. All I could think of was where he was going to take me next. It didn’t take long for me to learn. He led me down the hall, and I heard him unlock a door. That’s when Vidar looked at me and said, “Ebony is the perfect name for you; it's beautiful, dark, and mysterious. I knew I would see you again after the dog park.

He led me into the room. “Don’t worry,” he was saying as he led me farther into the room. “We won’t use any of the more interesting things here.” He grinned at me, finishing, “Today, at least.”

I could see we were in what looked like a dungeon—a sex dungeon. The walls were stained dark, but it was clear what most of the things were for. Kind of, at least. Sex, BDSM.

“Ebony, when I first saw you, I was picturing you here.” He touched my breasts softly and kissed me, starting with my lips and moving to my neck and shoulders. I could feel my nipples getting harder, protruding more, and I was trembling, wanting more. He fastened one cable to the rope holding my wrists apart and pulled at something that forced my hands above my head. 

They were held there, not uncomfortably, but it reinforced my vulnerability. I felt him unbutton my trousers, and he dragged them down. I was standing there naked, except for my panties.

He was sucking on my breasts, and suddenly I felt his hands slide down my body and inside my panties. He was caressing my clitoris, and I came from the combination of the sensations coming from my breasts and clit. The sensations, combined with his control over me, were overwhelming. My legs failed, and I was hanging there, suspended by the cable attached to the rope.

He suddenly stepped back, and I saw his erection. Jesus, I wanted to touch it. I would have done anything he wanted, and I would have let him do anything to me. He continued caressing my tits, then suddenly he took his hand and slapped my ass hard. He whispered to me, “Now, say that’s one, sir. Count them with a sir following. Understand?”

I nodded and whispered, “Yes sir, um, that’s one.” I hesitated, then quickly added, “Sir. Um. Yes, sir.” I couldn’t stop myself.

He slapped my ass again. 

“Um, that’s two…  ah, sir.”

I kept counting until I reached ten, when he stopped.

“I want you; I want your submission, but I want you to know that you want to submit. I’m not going to force you.” His mouth moved to the top of my right breast and bit and sucked. It hurt, but when I realized he was marking me as his, the pain disappeared.

“I’m going to release you,” he continued, “I’m inviting you back on Friday, ah, at seven, to, um, better introduce you to this, my private bedroom. I want you to come, but more than that, I want you to want to come. I insist that you know you’re doing it voluntarily.”

I was seeing Vidar’s sex playground. I’d never seen anything like this. I was wondering, is he going to, God, use me here? Fuck me here? Would I let him? Could I stop him? Did I want to stop him?

When he lowered my hands and untied them, he caressed my breasts, and then he gave me a lover's kiss that almost made me ask him to tie me back up.

When I was back in my car, I was still dazed, trying to understand what he’d done to me.

He was dominant; was he ever? He knew exactly what I needed, even when I didn’t. I was calming down and trying to think about Friday. Was it too much? It was wonderful and exciting while it was happening, but it wasn’t who I thought I was.

The next day, Kari and I were meeting for lunch, and her first question was about Vidar. How long had we stayed at Sharps? Did he seem nice? Was I going to see him again?

What was I willing to say about him? Nothing about what happened at his house, nothing about his private bedroom, and nothing about his invitation for Friday or probably the weekend either.

What I said was, ”Well, we stayed for about an hour, talking mostly and getting to know each other. You know, talking about our jobs, college, and hobbies. Um, was he nice? I’m not sure nice is the right word; interesting would be better, I think.”

Interesting was a good word for Vidar, especially for his hobbies. Was I willing to, uh, join him? I didn’t think so, but I couldn’t forget the excitement when he was controlling me. Hell.

At that point, the waitress brought us coffee and took our orders, and our conversation moved to safer topics.

Thursday evening I got a text, ‘Hi Ebony, I realized I said seven, but I was thinking about it and I’ll be here before five, so any time after work. In any case, I’ll be waiting until seven. I’m hoping you’ll decide to come. Vidar’

I was trying to decide, yes or no. Did I want to be that woman, submissive to a man? A white man? No. No. Just no.

Then I remembered what it felt like, to be controlled by him, feeling sensations I’d never felt before. If I don’t go, I’ll never feel them again. My answer changed to maybe. Yes? Or yes! I still didn’t know.

I started a text replying with a no and had it finished, and then I saw myself deleting it letter by letter. 

On Friday, I was still ambivalent until I started my car after work and saw myself on my way to his house, not mine. When I got there, I drove past with my hands trembling. I wanted it; I wanted to submit to him; I wanted those sensations again, but I was scared, too. Too scared? Scared I’d need it again and again until I became a different woman?

After driving past his house three times, I drove onto his driveway. I waited a couple of minutes to calm down before getting out and going to the door. I rang the bell, and when the door opened, it was too late to change my mind.

Vidar was dressed in normal clothes, and he had a smile as he welcomed me in. He did kiss me, though, more than a casual kiss but less than the last time he’d kissed me. He led me into the dining room and seated me before sitting himself at the end of the table. 

He smiled at me and didn’t show any fangs—a nice smile. “You look nervous this evening; you don’t need to be.” He paused and then, a little more forcibly, said, “You came back. Why did you come?”

“Um, I decided to accept your invitation because-” I hesitated, trying to decide how much I was willing to share, “because of Wednesday, how it made me feel when you exposed my t-tits, how it felt when you kissed me, ah, because I was intrigued by your private bedroom. I didn’t even realize I’d decided to come back until I was here. 

“I want to k-know what’s next. What you’ll do to me; what you’ll make me do.”

I didn’t tell him I wanted him to screw me. I wanted to learn about pain, about myself, and who I really am.

He leaned across the table and started unbuttoning my top. “I’m going to restrain you so I can play with you—your tits, your pussy, all of you. I especially enjoy introducing women to the joys of submission. 

“So you know, you have final control over what happens here; we’ll use the stoplight safety words: green, yellow, and red. Ok?” He paused and then continued, “This is all new to you, so I’m going to take it slowly.

“First I’ll unbutton this, then you’ll finish undressing for me. How far are you willing to go now? How far are you willing to undress? You get to decide.” He unbuttoned my top and waited.

I slowly stood up and removed my top, laying it on the table. I stood there, trying to decide. I had to go as far as he’d taken it on Wednesday; I unfastened my bra and removed it. Exposing my tits to him again. 

I could feel my nipples harden, and when I glanced down, they were hard, standing erect from my tits. I could also feel moisture leaking from my pussy, making my thighs wet. 

I stood there hesitating until I felt my hands on the button on my pants, unfastening it. On autopilot, without my conscious volition, I unzipped them and slowly removed them. I lay them on the table, hesitating again. I finally, swiftly removed my panties and I was completely naked in front of him again. I stood there trembling, with moisture running down my thighs. 

He knew that was what I’d do. When he let me go before, he knew I’d be back, and he knew I’d need to submit. He was smiling at me, accepting my submission.

My nipples were hard and conspicuous to him, and he grasped my hand and pulled me next to him. Then he turned his chair, so I was in front of him. His hands reached and pinched my nipples as he complimented me, “Your tits are perfect, Ebony, and I thank you for offering your perfect body to me.”

I blurted out, “You’re the first white man that's ever seen me like this, completely naked and exposed—my breasts.” I stopped talking, embarrassed.

He leaned forward and kissed my breasts, my tits, and sucked them. He answered me, “I appreciate that. I appreciate you letting me see and touch them. I want you, so I’m going to be the first white guy that fucks you. You’ll let me, won’t you, eventually? You’ll need to beg me first.”

I remember thinking right then, How about right now, Vidar? There’s a convenient table right there.

He got some rope and tied them the same way as before with my hands about six inches apart, and then he used the excess rope and led me back to his ‘private bedroom.’ 

I looked around, and I recognized a lot of the things I’d seen from some searches I had done the previous night. He led me to some restraints attached to some paneling that was free-standing. He fastened my hands above my head. Facing the wall. He caressed my ass, then slipped a sleeping mask over my head so I couldn’t see.

My memories of what I’d been thinking were seared into my mind. 

I’m restrained to this wall; what is he going to do to me? God, I need it. Ebony, you’ll love it. You know you will. He knows exactly what you need and want. I laughed inside my head. You’re talking to yourself like you would to someone else.

Something hit my ass with a burning sensation. Vidar said, “Count them. Don’t forget the final, sir. And don’t forget the stoplight either.”


I replied, “Green light, sir. Um, one sir, one sir.”

It hit me again, “Two, sir.”

Again, “Three, sir.

“Four, sir.

“Five, sir.

“Six, sir.”

This continued until I’d counted twelve times

I could hear him shuffling around, and then his hand was putting lotion on my ass. It was cooling, and it felt wonderful. 

He turned me so I was facing away from the wall. He held my head and kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. His other hand was caressing my tits and then moved slowly over my stomach down to my mound, where he just cupped it. Increasing the upward pressure and then releasing it. He removed my blindfold, showing me he was holding a multi-flogger when he softly slapped my tits.

He just looked at me, and I hurriedly said, “One, sir.”

He smiled at me, like I pleased him. Then he used the flogger again, just a touch harder.

“Two, sir.

“Three, sir.”

Each time, a small touch harder.

“Four, sir. Um Vidar, ah, sir. I want it harder, please, I need it to… I need it to hurt. Please.”

“Five, sir.

“Six, sir. Yes, like that.”

He continued till I reached twelve; my tits were burning, and I could see they were turning red, and I could see the darker marks. It hurt, but all I felt was pleasure.

He stopped, put on the lotion on my tits, and caressed it on my skin while he kissed me. He went back to the living room to get my phone and took some pictures of me, front and back. “This is on your phone, so they are for you to look at and remember.

“There is one more thing I want you to remember,” Vidar laid me on a mat and handed me my phone. He stood next to me with his cock in his fist and said, “Record me as I come on you.” He was stroking it, starting slowly and gradually speeding up. I was hypnotized as I was filming him standing there. He looked so powerful, naked, holding his cock, stroking his cock over me. 

I saw his cock twitch once, twice, and then I saw his cum erupt, and I felt his cum fall on my skin, on my tits, and even on my pussy. It was the first time I’d let anyone do that to me.

It felt surreal, knowing I’d let him debase me like that. When Vidar finished coming on me, he told me that he was sending me home with his cum still on me. 

He invited me back next week, Friday at seven, with the caution, “If you come back, your free trial visits are over. From now on, you’ll be paying with submission and pain. Pain and humiliation.” He paused and looked me over, focusing on my red skin and his cum still wet on my tits, and continued, “You’ll have control over the amount of pain without consequence. If the submission and humiliation are too much, then we’ve made a mistake, and you can go home but can’t return. There will be more than just the two of us on Friday. I know we’re looking forward to seeing you. We’re going to want you all weekend so be prepared.” 

Vidar then made me get dressed without cleaning his cum off me.

When I got home, I was looking at the pictures he took, and the video of him coming on me while I was on the mat. I was trying to get my head around what Vidar had been doing to me. My answer to his invitation was no. Actually, it was NO!

As I was watching the video, I was trying to remember what he’d called that thing. A flogger?

Just thinking about it aroused me. Visualizing what I knew he wanted to do to me was driving me crazy. I couldn’t stop thinking about being tied to the Saint Andrew's Cross. I’d be completely under Vidar’s control. 

Am I that kind of woman?

‘NO, just forget about it. I’m not going back.’ 

I met Kari for lunch on Thursday. We were talking about stuff at work when I blurted, “Uh, what do you know about Vidar other than he’s a friend of Paul's? Anything?”

She looked at me for a second, then replied, “You’ve been nervous all lunch. What’s going on? Is it Vidar? Paul hasn’t said much, though … Hmm, I don’t know, is it Vidar?”

I just stared at her before unloading everything he’d done to me and my reaction to it. I stopped just before his invitation to come back tomorrow. 

Kari stared back at me and asked, “There’s more, isn’t there? He did things you enjoyed, so what’s the deal? There’s more?”

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I looked away and then answered, “Yes, he invited me back again—tomorrow evening for the weekend. But he warned me that it was going to be more intense. There will be other people there. I’ve decided I’m not going to go; I need to call him tonight to tell him.”

Kari laughed, saying, “But you want to go, don’t you? I never realized you wanted to submit to a white guy. It’s turning you on, isn’t it?”

“I don’t think it’s the white guy thing; it's just the control, the pain, and the humiliation. I’ve never … “ My voice trailed off. “Listen to me; this isn’t me. I don’t like being controlled, I don't like pain, and I hate humiliation. Yesterday, thinking about submitting to Vidar, I had to change my panties. I hate it. Kari, I hate my reaction to him.

“I can’t go there and submit to him.” I paused and then added, “Can I?”

Kari grinned at me, took my phone, found Vidar’s number, and prepared a text to send to him. I looked at it, and it said, ‘I’ll be there. Yes, please.’

Kari said, “This is what you want, so send it. Um, unless you want to make it more effusive?

“You’re not a submissive Ebony, but you want to submit to this. If you want to submit, do it and see where it leads you. Okay? Send it.”

I stared at my phone and hesitantly reached to push send. I pulled my hand away, and then suddenly I pushed the send button, sending it to Vidar. 

We continued talking but ignored everything to do with Vidar. Until we left and Kari told me, “Tell me everything on Monday. Okay?”

Friday evening, I kept driving past Vidar’s house, counting each time, until I got to ten. On the tenth trip past Vidar’s, I forced myself to turn into his driveway, where I just sat in the car. I was trembling, trying to decide if I wanted to go in. Yes? No? Maybe? 

Finally, I took solace in thinking about what Kari said. I’m not submissive. I’m not submissive; I just want to submit to Vidar. The other thing was that I’d also committed to telling Kari what happened on Monday. I gritted my teeth, got out, and walked to the front door. I stood there, trying to force my finger to push the doorbell button.

The doorbell chimed without me remembering I’d pushed the button. A woman I didn’t recognize answered the bell and invited me in. She was completely naked, and as I entered, all I could think about was that she had perfect tits. Well, not all I noticed; her nipples had clips attached to a chain that led to her pussy lips. Her pussy was almost completely bare, with just a patch above her slit. She smiled and introduced herself. 

“You’re Ebony, aren’t you? I'm Sandra. You’re just as luscious as Vidar said. You're going to be exquisite. Vidar is in his private bedroom. I’m going to adore tonight.“

As she guided me to Vidar’s private bedroom, I saw she was wearing a collar too. At the doorway, I hesitated and saw Vidar standing there talking to Paul. Paul! I couldn’t believe it, Paul and Vidar. 

When she led me into the room, she closed the door behind us, and Vidar and Paul turned to look at us. I could see that Paul held a collar in one hand and something that could have been what Sandra had on in the other. 

As Paul walked up to me, he was saying, "Welcome, Ebony. I’m glad you came; I’ve wanted to introduce you to submission ever since we first met. First, I’m going to put this submissive's collar on.” He approached me and fastened the collar. He continued, “You know what’s next. Prepare yourself like you did the last time.“

He stepped back and waited. All I could see and think about was that this is Paul, Kari’s brother. Even Vidar seemed to have disappeared. Suddenly, I realized what Paul had said. I was supposed to undress in front of both of them—Vidar and Paul—actually all three: Vidar, Paul, and Sandra.

I hurriedly unbuttoned my blouse and removed it, unfastened my bra more slowly, unbuttoned my pants, and stepped out of them. I hesitated, standing there in front of them in just my bra and panties before finishing undressing completely. I was completely naked, just like I’d been on my second visit, except this time Paul and Sandra were watching. 

Seeing Paul here was a shock. I knew they’d known each other in college, but somehow it didn’t dawn on me they might have had the same tastes—um, sexual tastes. I’d seen no hint that he was into whatever it is that Vidar is into. 

Vidar was standing by Sandra. He was removing the clips from her tits. What the hell? From her expression, she was in unbearable pain. She wasn’t screaming, but I could tell she wanted to. Despite that, there were emotions of excitement and pleasure flitting across her face. God, she was enjoying it. 

Paul took my hands and bound them together, just like Vidar had done. He had a flogger, the same one Vidar used. When he fastened my hands to one of the wires, he pulled my hands above my head, stretching them far enough that I could barely move. When he had me restrained, he attached some clips to my nipples. I accepted it, but it hurt.

I could see Paul smiling as he talked to me. “Ebony, I knew I'd love seeing you like this—helpless, naked, and submissive. I was hoping Vidar could entice you here. Remember the stoplight safe words.”

He started by using the flogger on my ass, softer and gentler than Vidar did. I counted them the way Vidar taught me. He escalated the intensity so gradually that I hardly noticed. The pain and humiliation were arousing me. When he suddenly stopped, I noticed Sandra in the same position as me, her hands tied and forced up over her head. 

Paul moved closer to Sandra and started stroking her with the flogger. He was harder with her, but she was looking blissful, loving the pain. 

Suddenly Vidar was talking to me, “Were you surprised to see Paul here? He asked me to see if I could tempt you into coming here. He’s wanted you for a long time. He’s agreed to let me fuck you first if I get you here to submit to us. I’m going to get you to beg me to put my cock in you.

He paused, grinning at me. I could feel my nipples stiffen and get hard. I was feeling some moisture leak from my pussy. My cunt? I realized it wouldn’t be hard for him to do it. I was almost there already.

He picked up what he later called a riding crop. He turned me so I was facing sideways, removed the clamps on my tits, and I felt the same pain Sandra had. It was exquisite. Then he used the crop to slap my tits. It hurt, but my arousal seemed to turn it inside out into a thrill. He hit me again, and the pain still turned into a thrill. I was counting again, the way I’d done for Paul earlier.

This was why I’d come back. I had to experience Vidar hurting me again. I wanted to feel the humiliation and helplessness of submitting to a man—a white man. It was explosive. Vidar and Paul were exposing me to parts of my personality I didn’t recognize. I hated it, even though I needed it. 

He slapped my tits ten more times with the crop when I was able to whisper, “Yellow light.” I wasn’t sure I wanted him to quit, but the pain was changing from exquisite pain to just pain. 

He lowered my hands, so they were in front of me, and he was applying the lotion to my tits and my ass, and the relief made me sigh, "Ah, Vidar, I had no idea. No idea.“ and I sighed again.

He unfastened the cable, untied my hands, and led me to the bed. When he laid me down, Sandra fastened my legs to some restraints, forcing them apart. Vidar was fastening my arms out wide to some other restraints. 

Paul put some pillows under my ass, raising it, exposing my pussy even more. I could feel moisture leaking down my ass onto the bed and onto the pillows. It was humiliating knowing they could see it too,

Vidar was kissing me, fondling my tits while his other hand was playing with my pussy and my clitoris. It was powerful stuff, and I knew I’d soon be begging. Begging for Vidar’s cock to take me.

He started telling me, “I want you begging for my cock, not asking for it. I want you to beg for it. Tell me how much you need it and what you’ll do to get it. Beg for it.”

I stayed silent as long as I could, when I burst out, saying, “You were right; I want your cock. Please? Vidar, your cock, I need your cock to cum in me. I need it to quench the fires you’ve started in my … cunt. Your kisses are driving me insane; your hand caressing my pussy. My cunt? It’s making it even stronger.”

I saw Vidar look at Paul and Sandra, so I continued, “Paul too. He can fuck me too. Sandra, whatever she wants, whatever you want to see us do, just your cock; I need it to slow down the fire I’m feeling. Bite me, mark me, just your cock. I want to feel it as it slides inside my … um, cunt!”

Vidar put a couple of fingers inside me, stroking my cunt, and said, “Tell me again what you’ll do for me.”

I was going crazy. I’d never felt this aroused, ever. I had to feel his cock, I had to. “I’ll do anything you want afterward. Anything. Paul and Sandra—I'll fuck them. Anything you want me to do. God, I can’t believe it, but I will do anything; just put your cock in me, fuck me, and cum in me.” 

I felt Vidar get off me, and I saw him undressing. For the first time, I saw what I was begging for: Vidar’s cock. It was perfect—just right. Big enough to feel good, but not so big it’d hurt. He got onto the bed and kneeled over me, his cock not quite touching me. When I felt his cock touch me and push inside, I screamed and came. He wasn’t all the way in, and I’d already come.

He was kissing me, with his tongue touching mine, his hands on my tits, and his cock going in and out. I closed my eyes so I could concentrate on his cock.  The sensations I felt as he was fucking me were the strongest I’d ever felt. I could feel the tension building in me as he thrust as hard as he could, and then he stopped. I felt his cock twitch inside, and when I felt the wet warmth, I closed them even harder. I was focusing on his cock. All I could do was whisper, “Yes, yes, Vidar, your cum, your cum.” I heard a voice I didn’t recognize screaming the same things I was whispering. 

My second orgasm hit, and I couldn’t move. I tried to hold him, but I was stopped by the restraints. Shit. I wanted to hold him. I asked Paul to loosen my arms, and when he did, I held Vidar to my tits. We were both breathing hard. And I relaxed until I remembered Paul. 

I’d promised I’d fuck Paul, Kari’s brother. That’s when I remembered that I’d also promised to tell Kari about what’d happened this weekend. 

Damn it.

I lay there, enjoying being held and holding Vidar. I was forcibly forgetting Monday. That was a problem I’d deal with on Monday. 

I felt a hand touching my left tit, just barely touching it. Then I felt a kiss on the nape of my neck, then a lick, and then a nibble. Um, yes, it felt great, and my nipples pebbled, enlarged, and became more sensitive. 

I was still holding Vidar, so it wasn’t him. I glanced up and saw Paul looming over me. I stretched and thrust my breasts forward to make better contact with Paul’s hands. Vidar moved away and then off the bed and whispered to me, “Paul wants you next; I was the first white man to fuck you. He wants to be the second. I told you I’d be your first, and it's now Paul’s turn. He’s told me how much he wants you. It started when he first met you. Now, we’re going to make it happen.” He reattached the restraints to me, and then he got off the bed and moved to Sandra. I could see that he was massaging her and arousing her.

I turned as best I could toward Paul.

Paul, Kari’s brother, was going to fuck me. I couldn’t hold my legs together; I spread them as wide as I could, welcoming his cock. Whatever Paul wanted, I knew I’d give it to him.

It wasn’t long before he started licking my pussy. I could feel his tongue at my entrance and then he tried to force its way in. Then he moved his tongue onto my clit, sweeping around it and just barely touching it. I moved to give him better access; he accommodated me by forcing one, then two fingers into my cunt. 

I started moaning and tried to talk to him, “Yes, God yes. Your fingers in, ah, your tongue on my clit.” I tried to caress his back when I felt my hands being restrained again. I was spread-eagled on the bed, helpless to stop him from doing anything to me. 

His hands moved out of my cunt, and there was a strange sensation. What was it? It felt like he was … God, he was. Pressing on my ass, pushing in. Paul was playing with my ass. I tried to press against his finger so I could encourage him.

He was kissing me and then moved down to my neck and then my shoulder. He bit me hard. God, the pain was being transmuted into pleasure and excitement again, just like the spankings had. 

He was moving down to my tits, and I forced out the words, “Yes, Paul, bite my tits. I want you to hurt them, it feels … I love it when you do that, please.”

I felt him bite and suck on my tits, moving from place to place, when I screamed in ecstasy—just a scream that escaped from me as I orgasmed. The euphoria was amazing; I was delirious and out of control as I came. It was better than Vidar.

As my screams subsided, I felt Paul’s cock, insistent on entering my pussy, gradually slip inside. I wanted to hold him, but all I could do was accept his cock and explode from the emotions as they passed through me. 

The restraints were killing me and making me feel more alive than I’d ever felt. Paul was doing this to me. Paul. Oh, Kari, how am I going to explain this to her?

He kept fucking me; it felt wonderful, his cock moving inside me. It was perfect, filling me. The pleasure I was feeling from his cock was indescribable. 

When I felt his cum release, it made me feel complete. His face contorted, his body arching into me, and he tried not to scream my name.

It took a half hour before we completely recovered. Vidar walked to the bed and told me it was my turn to get Sandra to come. 

He brought me to what he called a queening chair and told me to lie down, then he put the chair over my headband and had Sandra sit on it. I was perfectly positioned to lick her pussy. As I lay there, I was wishing I had something like this for my boyfriends.  I finally asked for a pillow to raise my head.

I could hear Sandra’s reaction to my new position. There was more and more moisture for me to lick up; I loved doing it when she scooted down so I could finally suck on her clitoris. Lightly because I’ve had guys do that and it can hurt. When I started, I could tell this was what she needed. She exploded by screaming my name, and she squirted all over my face. So hard that it drenched me. God, I’d never squirted, I continued until she got up, saying, “No more, I can’t take any more. Stop. Christ, that was tremendous.” She collapsed back on the floor, shaking. 

I’ve gone down on girls before, but never got that kind of reaction. Sandra was trembling; when she got up and kissed Vidar. They left Vidar’s bondage room and left me with Paul. We were in bed together, both of us naked.

Sex with Vidar was unbelievable until I let Paul dominate me. That was even more of everything. I knew I’d never forget my first time with Paul! How can I get him to do it again? One time won’t be enough, that's for sure.

I was relaxing in Paul’s arms, luxuriating in the bliss I’d enjoyed. It was a completely new sensation to be dominated, and I knew I had to experience it again and again.

My thoughts drifted to Monday and Kari. What am I going to tell Kari? When Monday comes, she’s going to insist that I tell her everything. Can I tell her about Paul and what we did? I don’t know how Kari will react if I tell her. I should have thought about this before. Before Paul and I, well, before. Can I lie? Can I get her to believe me? 

I gradually drifted off, enjoying being in Paul's arms.

Saturday and Sunday passed like I was in a dream. Sandra had left, leaving Vidar, Paul, and me. I could hardly remember what they did to me. There were marks on my tits where they’d tied them brutally, and my pussy was sore from being fucked continuously. I’d been floating in the euphoria of submission and orgasms, and my memories were like a wonderful dream, flitting at the edges of my consciousness.

Monday finally came, and as I dressed after my shower, I was worrying about what to say to Kari. Just forget Paul? Tell her the truth? My problem was that I can’t lie to Kari successfully. 

Kari and I usually take lunch at twelve-thirty to miss the rush. When we got there and sat down, I was still trying to map out what I was going to say.

Kari started by saying, “I’m taking the afternoon off; um, can you get it off too? Please? There’s a lot to talk about.”

I looked at her quizzically, then said, “Sure, I can call and just have a family emergency. Okay?”

I called and told the assistant I would be back tomorrow. 

We sat and ignored my weekend with Vidar, to my relief. As we were finishing, Kari had a hesitant look on her face as she suggested we get some coffee and sit in her car. 

I was trying to figure out why she was so nervous; I was the one who should be nervous. When I settled in her car with my coffee, I just waited for her to begin.

“Ebony, I want to be clear; I haven’t lied to you, but I'm not exactly truthful either.” She looked away from me and continued, “The first time we met Vidar, at the dog park, I knew him. Paul had introduced me when he first came to town. I was more than introduced to him. He showed me exactly who he was. 

“God, Ebony, I’ve been where you’ve been. I've been in his private bedroom, his dungeon.”

I practically shrieked, “You‘ve been where? You know him? What the hell? You didn’t warn me?” I was practically sputtering. 

“Yes, I’ve been in his room, and he’s used a lot on me.” She looked at me with pride and said, “Vidar introduced me to submission and pain. I love it. The times I’ve canceled meeting you, it’s been because of Vidar. He demanded I come and submit to him again.”

She unbuttoned her blouse and exposed her, um, tits. God, they were marked more than mine; I could see the bruises and welts on them. 

“I was ashamed to tell you. I was afraid you wouldn’t understand, but now that you’ve tasted it, I’m hoping you do. There’s been no one I’ve been able to share with, no one. Well, except for Paul, but that was awkward.

“I’ve known that Paul wanted you since he met you. He was afraid that you wouldn’t be okay with what he wanted. When Vidar introduced me to, um, the lifestyle, I kind of encouraged Vidar to see if … “

I stopped her from talking by waving my hands in front of her. “You put Vidar on me?“ I was trying to be angry, even furious, but my reactions to both Vidar and Paul kept interfering. When I remembered my weekend with Vidar and Paul, I felt my nipples getting harder and my pussy wetter, especially when I was remembering my times with Paul. 

I could feel the heat on my neck and cheeks; I knew I was flushing from the memories. As I looked at Kari, I could tell she saw me doing it.

“Vidar and Paul, they both want us to come by his house, um, Vidar’s house, and stay the night.” Kari continued, “They want us there to, um, play. What they mean is that they want us there to fuck. They want us there, submitting to them again.

“I brought clothes for myself, and I sneaked clothes for you, too. If you’re willing to come with me.” 

I was no longer thinking; I was having an out-of-body experience, and I saw myself nodding and I heard myself saying, “Okay, Kari, let’s go.’

Kari started the car and drove to Vidar’s house. We were both completely silent the whole way. When we got there, I sat in the car, unmoving, until Kari leaned over to me. She kissed me, forcing my mouth to accept her tongue. 

She leaned back and unbuttoned her blouse, then mine. When she undid her bra and removed it, I followed her. I knew what was next.

We walked to the front door, both of us naked with our bruised tits showing. 

All I could think about was, ‘This is my life from now on. Submitting to my lovers. Submitting to the pain and humiliation they want for us. The pain, the ecstasy of submitting.’ 

My life was changing in a direction I was not sure I was prepared for, but I was looking forward to it. 

I pushed the doorbell, and the door opened, and I walked into my future. 

Together with Kari.

Written by keylime314159
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