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Ebony and Ivory

"A slave gets sent for training"

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Ebony and Ivory

By: Ropetease


She was sent to me by her Master for training. All I knew about her was that she was feisty and a brat, a hard one to tame as he put it. As I waited for her arrival, I went about cleaning the playroom and rearranging the items I had laid out for my use. The sound of the door bell rang as I finished in the room. She was instructed to be on time and she failed by being thirty minutes late.

Strike one, I thought as I opened the door. Seeing her dressed in a baggy t-shirt with grey sweat pants was strike two. Her Master had instructed her to wear sexy clothes that accentuated her body. Her ebony skin was hidden by what she chose to wear. She was defiant in disregarding her Master’s orders and now I knew why she was sent to me.

The worst part was noticing that she was chewing gum and making those irritating popping noises with her tongue.

"Are you the one I was sent to meet?" she asked as another pop of her gum hit my ears.

"Get rid off that gum now, before you enter my house," I commanded. Seeing the fire in her chocolate eyes as her fingers reached up towards her mouth to remove the gum, I told her, "Swallow that gum, bitch!"

"I am not swallowing my gum and you cannot make me do it!" she hissed as her mouth opened and spat the gum onto the front step.

The strike of my open palm against her left breast made her jump, "Ouch that hurt, you ass!"

The second blow landed harder on her left breast and I saw her wince from the pain. But the fire in her eyes gave her away. She did this on purpose to see how far she could push the issue.

"Get on your knees and pick that gum up off the step, bitch. Do it now!" I growled.

Slowly she sank to her knees and reached for the gum with her fingers.

"No, you will use your tongue to lick it off the step and swallow the gum!" I growled louder.

Lowering her head down to the step, she looked up into my eyes as she opened her mouth letting her tongue lick her lips. Slowly she lowered her head down to the step and I saw her tongue pick up the gum from the ground. Hearing her swallow the gum she raised her head up and opened her mouth showing me it was empty. The fire in her eyes was deeper as she started to stand up.

"Did I tell you could stand up, bitch? Stay on your knees until I tell you to get up!" I growled.

"No Sir, you did not," she whispered.

"Now, since you did not dress as you were told to, I am closing this door and when I do you are to stand up and remove all your clothes. There is a trash can by the garage door and you will throw all your clothes in it. You will ring the bell again and greet me as a slave should greet her Master."

"I refuse to do that Sir! I will not remove my clothes in broad daylight and stand here naked until you open the door again!" she hissed between clenched teeth.

Reaching down to her wavy hair, I grabbed a handful, pulling her head up, "You have no choice. Do as I command or I will rip off all your clothes right here in the middle of the yard and leave you exposed for all to see," I growled in her ear.

"Yes, Sir," she said as she slowly rose up to her feet.

Closing the door I could see her shadow through the frosted glass as she slowly undressed. I saw her remove her t-shirt and her hands slide the sweat pants down her legs. Her shadow disappeared from the glass as she threw her clothes in the trash can. On her return I heard the door bell ring again.

Deciding to let her wait for a few minutes before I went back to open the door, I watched through the glass and noticed her head turning side to side as cars continued to pass by my house. Lucky for her I had the tall hedge row shielding her body from sight. As I approached the door I saw her hands go behind her back and her legs spread slightly.

When I opened the door expecting to see her naked, I was surprised. There she stood in her slave pose wearing the most ugly bra and pair of granny panties I ever saw. Her eyes were staring right into mine and I saw the sly smile on her face.

"You did not think I was going to get totally naked standing out here, did you?"she said in a defiant tone, the fire in her eyes burning deep.

"That’s it, bitch! I have had enough of your defiance!" I growled grabbing her by the hair and dragging her inside the house.

"Release me! That hurts!" she screamed and tried to pull away from me.

As I dragged her inside my leg kicked the door closed behind her. Her hands clutched my arm trying to make me release the grasp I had on her hair. She fought like a wildcat. She fell down to her knees to slow me down, but I just dragged her down the hallway and into the play room. Stopping in the center of the room I pulled her up to her feet by her hair. The scream from her mouth filled the room. Keeping a tight hold on her hair, I pulled her head back painfully.

"You have exactly one minute to remove the remainder of your clothes!" I growled by her ear.

"No!" she hissed.

I left her standing in the center of the room walking towards the far wall. I felt her hot stare on my back as I reached for the three inch wide leather strap hanging on the wall.

"Please Sir! I will strip completely as ordered. Please put the strap down! Please Sir!" she whined for mercy as I walked towards her.

"Too late for that, bitch! You cannot follow commands!" I hissed by her ear.

I saw her body shaking as I held the strap just under her nose, her deep intake of air as she inhaled the smell of the leather. Stepping away from her as she slowly raised her left arm up to the shoulder strap, I watched as she used the tips of her fingers to push the strap off her shoulder, letting it fall on her arm. I saw a glint in her eyes as she raised her right arm to the other strap, pushing it off her shoulder.

A sly grin crossed her lips as she cupped her breasts in her hands giving them a jiggle. She was purposely teasing me to see how far I would let her go. With a sudden flick of my arm the leather strap lashed out to her thigh. Seeing her flinch as the blow struck her, her fingers tips pulled the top of her bra down exposing her breasts. I saw for the first time, her thirty-six D breasts. They sagged just a little but they were round and firm. Her hard nipples pointed out from her aureoles at least a half inch and took my breath away.

Sliding and turning the garment around her waist, slowly she unhooked the clasp letting it hit the floor.

"Like what you see?" she said as she lifted her breasts to her mouth, her tongue licking her hard nipples.

I had enough of her actions swinging the strap right across her stomach. Her hands instantly covered her stomach as she yelped in pain. The next strike of the strap was right across the top of her left breast.

"Take off those panties now!" I commanded as I raised the strap up for another swing.

Her hands slowly slid down to the panties as she hooked the hem in her fingertips. Quickly she pushed them off her hips and down her coffee colored legs. Stepping out of one leg opening she kicked the panties towards me with her other foot. Her hands covered her smooth bare pussy. Walking around her body I let my hand drag across her skin. Touching her ass with my hand I felt her ass muscles tighten. Her sudden gasp and deep moan told me all I needed to know.

I gave her a push with my hand as I ordered her over to the spanking bench. Her head turned towards me and I saw her fiery eyes change to a look full of lustful craving.

She was a pain slave! The harder I pushed the more she liked it.

She walked to the bench placing her hands on it spreading her legs wider. I saw the flick of her tongue over her lips as she bent over the bench. I took a deep breath at the site of her tight quivering ass, her moisture coating the inside of her thighs glistening on her ebony skin. Her coated puffy pussy lips begging me to run my hand up her wet slit. I felt my cock harden as I watched her squirm. Placing my hands on her shaking ass I heard the moan from her throat. I felt my cock strain against my zipper wanting to be released from its confinement.

"Okay, asshole! You got your free feel now let me go!" she hissed.

This bitch was tough, I heard the anger in her voice and saw her chocolate brown eyes harden her gaze up at me.

"Asshole?" I growled adding, "You will call me Sir!"

The anger welled up inside me. She was pushing the limits off my control.

Without warning my hand slapped her ass hard and made her jump

"You’re a defiant little bitch, aren’t you? Well we will see who wins this battle!" I growled back at her.

Before she could protest, I rained down several hard smacks to her ass. I heard her screams as blow after blow struck her ass hard. But with each scream she pushed her ass back towards my hand.

"Oh fuck, Sir! That hurts, please stop hitting me. I promise..." she was begging.

Then she climaxed hard all of a sudden in mid sentence; her body shaking uncontrollably as the waves racked through her body. Stopping, I watched in amazement as she writhed on the bench. Her deep gasps for breath finally slowed down and her body relaxed as the final wave subsided.

"Did I give you permission to cum, bitch?" I growled, "You will cum only on my command and not before. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir! Mercy, Sir!" she howled as I rained more hard slaps to her coffee colored ass.

Her knees buckled from the blows I had rained down on her reddening ass.

"Mercy? You want some mercy from me, bitch?" I growled.

"Please Sir, no more Sir, I will obey all your commands. Please stop," she whined.

Her legs were trembling and beads of sweat covered her back. Slowly my anger at her defiance subsided. My hand was sore from hitting her tight ass.

After she regained some control of her sobbing she exclaimed, "Is that all you got, Sir? My little sister hits harder than that! You are not what my Master said you were. He said you were tough."

Did I just hear what I thought I heard, "Is that all I got? My sister hits harder?"

My anger came back at full rage, never, never ask a Dom, "Is that all you got!"

My fists tightened into balls as I tried to quell the rage I had. Grabbing her by the hair, I yanked her back to her feet. Pulling her head back, I forced her to look into my eyes.

"Your Master told me you are a dancer and whatever I do, not to mark your face. Let us see how well you can dance, bitch," I hissed.

Dragging her back into the center of the playroom I ordered her to stand. Walking over to the wall where I had my restraints hung, I selected several lengths of rope. Her eyes followed my every step and when she saw the rope in my hands a sly smile crossed her lips. This bitch was pushing all the right buttons as I approached her.

"What’s the matter, Sir? You have to tie me up to control me? What am I...too stubborn for you?" she hissed.

I had to break her once and for all, her tougher than me attitude was straining on my nerves and I needed to show her who was Master. Walking up to her with the ropes in my hand, I let a smile cross my face. I took her by the arms turning her around so her back was facing me. I pulled her elbows behind her back until they almost touched. Wrapping several coils just above the elbows, I cinched the rope tight. Her groans turned to moans as I took her wrists and placed several loops around them.

I really did not need the wrist rope, but the white rope looked so good against her coffee colored skin. I watched as she tested the bonds on her arms, wriggling in the ropes. After a few attempts to free herself she lowered her head in resignation. Lowering my body to my knees I grasped one of her ankles wrapping a few coils around her ankle, spreading her legs about ten inches apart, I secured the other ankle. I tied her ankles in a hobble so she could move around a bit, but it also prevented her kicks, if she decided to lash out and try to kick me.

Standing there she looked resigned to the fact that she had lost the edge she had by being bound. My cock was throbbing as I ran my hands down her arms feeling the rope against her skin. I felt her lean back into me as my hands reached her tender ass. I wanted to take her right now. My hard cock throbbing through my pants as it touched her ass. She slowly moved her hips when she felt my hardness against her.

I had to back away from her as I fought the urge to bend her over and shove my cock deep inside her. Walking over the table that was by the wall I picked up the blindfold, her eyes grew wide as I lifted it up over her head and placed it over her eyes sending her into darkness. Stepping back away from her I noticed her swaying on her hobbled legs.

I had just bought a new buggy whip and this was the first time I was going to use it. I had shortened the staff a bit so it could be used indoors. It had a three foot length of five braided strands of leather with the ends tied into a small knot. I found this at a tack shop a friend of mine suggested I go to. Testing it at the tack shop I had noticed that I could control the placement of each strike with pin point accuracy.

Walking back to the table I picked up my new toy and flexed it through the air. The resounding cracking sound it made caused her to jump.

"Please Sir, don’t whip me. My Master does not whip me! Please don’t," she whined.

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as I swung the whip, finding its mark on her outer thigh. She howled in pain as the blow landed. Walking to her other side I swung again hitting her other thigh. I watched as she tried to step away, but her hobble prevented her.

"Sir, No, pleaasse no," she whined louder.

Since she was blindfolded and could not anticipate the next strike, I swung it across her right breast.

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I heard the scream from her mouth as the next strike hit her left breast. She was trying to move away from me but her hobbled ankles prevented that. Taking my time now, I slowly touched her face with my fingers. She snapped her head back thinking it was the whip.

I took my time walking around her and striking several areas of her body with the whip, as she tried to move, attempting to avoid the strikes. Her deep pants made her chest heave as she took in gulps of air after each blow. Finally she could take no more as tears streamed down her face.

"Mercy please! Sir...I beg you, no more!" she cried.

Standing there with her chin on her chest, her crying slowly faded away. I noticed the sheen on her coffee colored thighs as her pussy juices flowed down them. Walking up to her, I placed my palm between her legs, and cupped her pussy. She was soaked and I heard the deep growl in her throat turning to a deep moan as I slipped a finger up her hot wet hole. She pushed her hips forward on my hand driving my finger deeper.

Arching her back a bit she began to hump her pussy on my hand grinding my palm on her clit. I heard her breathing quicken as the movements of her hips got faster. I knew she was on the edge, so I pulled my hand away from her wanting pussy.

"Please Sir, let me cum! I am sooo close!" she whined as she tried to push her hips searching for my hand.

"I will let you cum when I say you can, bitch!" I hissed.

I heard the faint reply from her lips, "Yes, Sir."

She was still blindfolded and could not see my wet finger graze across my lips. The sweet taste of her nectar made my cock grow painfully hard in my pants. She stood in the center of the room trembling as I walked back to the table. Grasping the four clover clamps with chains attached, a bit harness, gag, wrist and ankle cuffs, I turned to her.

"Do not move," I told her as I knelt down by her hobbled ankles and released the rope binding them. My nose inhaled the sweet musky aroma from her pussy. Spreading her legs wider as my hands slid up her shaking legs I couldn’t help but notice the droplets of her juices on her outer lips. Grasping one of her puffy pussy lips in my fingers, I placed a clover clamp on it and pulled the chain tightening it on her pussy lip. She tensed her body as the chain dangled between her legs ending below her knee.

Attaching the other clamp and chain to her other puffy pussy lip, I heard the low groan of, "Ohhh, god it hurts Sir," as a flood of her wetness gushed from her pussy drenching her thighs.

My hands slowly dragged down her legs to her ankles, I took my time wrapping an ankle cuff around it and locking it tight. The click of the lock made her shudder as it snapped closed. Placing the other ankle cuff around her other ankle, I snapped the lock closed. Standing back up in front of her I saw her chest heaving and her hard pebbles throbbing. Slowly, I trailed my hands up her stomach to her coffee colored breasts. Cupping each one in my hands, I gave them a hard squeeze.

She pushed her chest forward on my hands and moaned deep. I rubbed my fingers over her hard pebbles and grasped just below the base of her nipple to give it a hard twist.

"Ohhhh damn that hurts," she groaned deep.

Quickly applying the clover clamp to her nipple, I let the weight of the chain fall from my hand.

"Oh shit, oh god that hurts," she wailed.

Grasping her other nipple below the base, I twisted it harder as I applied the clamp and chain letting it fall.

As the clamps weight tightened she jumped and all the clamps pulled on her tender areas at once, which only prompted another scream of agony from her lips.

"Do not move. Is that understood?" I hissed.

Nodding her head that she understood, I removed ropes holding her arms. I wrapped the leather cuffs around her wrists locking them. I grasped one of her wrists in my hand, raising it up to the chain hanging from her clover clamped nipple. I hooked the chain to the cuff and without realizing what she was doing she tried to lower her arm. A muffled scream came from her lips as the chain pulled on the clamp. I attached the other nipple chain to the other wrist cuff. This time she held her arms up. Removing her blindfold from her eyes I noticed the dampness from her tears. It took several seconds for her eyes to adjust to the light of the room. As her eyes focused she saw the harness bit gag in my hand. Her eyes grew wide with terror.

"Please Sir, I will be quiet! Do not gag me, please Sir, no!" she protested.

Raising the harness up over her head and pulling the gag down to her mouth.

"Open your mouth, bitch," I commanded.

Clenching her mouth tight and shaking her head no! A smile crossed my lips as I reached for the chains on her clamped nipples and gave them a hard pull.

"Fummmmppphhh," escaped her mouth as I shoved the bit between her teeth.

Buckling the gag tight behind her head, I tightened the chin strap holding it in securely in her mouth. I heard her soft moan as my fingers grazed over her clamped rock hard pebbles. Dragging just the tips of my fingers down her stomach, I felt the slight tremble of her body. I kept my fingers moving slowly down her body to the top of her wet slit. Seeing her close her eyes, I felt her arch hips up to my probing fingers.

The tips rubbed across the tip of her engorged clit. The deep groan of wanting escaped from behind the gag as I took her clit in my fingers. Pinching her clit hard, I saw her hands tighten in tight balls. Her wrists pulled on her chained pebbles and I heard the sharp intakes of air behind the gag. She was on the verge of exploding in a climax she desperately wanted. The jolt of pain from her pebbles went straight to her clit.

Her pussy clenched as her juices flowed down her inner thighs.

"Are you going to cum, slave?" I growled.

Nodding her head yes, I growled, "Not yet slave, you haven’t earned that pleasure yet."

I released the grasp on her clit, and heard the groan of desperation from her.

"Get on your knees now," I ordered her.

Her eyes widened with terror as she slowly lowered her body on to her knees.

"Place your hands on the floor and keep that tight ass high in the air, slave," I commanded.

Slowly leaning forward as not to pull on the nipple clamp chains, her palms rested on the floor and she raised her ass high. I saw her puffy pussy lips glistening as the flood of her wetness covered the clamps. Reaching down to her hot soaked pussy I could not resist running my finger tips up her hot slit, the moan I heard from her gagged mouth told me all I needed to hear. I shoved two fingers deep in her hot hole and curled them rubbing on her g-spot. She groaned in pleasure as I stroked her spot a few times. Her hips began to rock on my hand when I stopped and pulled them from her.

She tried to lean back and the wrist chains pulled harshly on her abused nipples. The muffled scream escaped from her as she quickly leaned forward to take the strain off her clamped nipples. Reaching down between her legs. I took both chains from the pussy clamps. Pushing her ankles closer to her ass, I attached the chains to each ankle cuff. She tried to straighten up her body but the chains pulled on the clamps and I heard her sobbing through her gag. Her head hung low as I walked up in front of her. My cock was straining to be released from my pants.

Standing with my hands on my hips, I told her, "Lift your head up, look at me! Keep that ass high, slave!"

I saw her struggle to raise her ass as the chains pulled cruelly on her clamped pussy lips. The groan of pain in her throat as she raised her head up, her clamped nipples being stretched by the chains to her wrists. Hers eyes moistened with fresh tears.

Slowly unbuttoning my shirt, her eyes following my fingers as I reached my belt buckle. I saw her eyes grow a little wider as she focused on the bulge in my pants. The fire in her eye’s turned into a wanting lust full glare as I tugged on my zipper. A little drool escaped from her mouth as my cock sprang free from it confines and I saw her eyes focus on my hard cock.

Grasping my rigid cock in my hand, I slowly stroked it. I saw the tip of her tongue try to slide under the bit gag as I rubbed the tip across her lips. A small drop of pre cum fell on the tip of her tongue and I heard her moan of desperation as I stood back up.

Her eyes followed me as I picked up the cane from the table and her eyes closed tight.

"Open those eyes and look at me!" I purposely startled her as I smacked the cane in my palm.

Placing the tip of the cane between her breasts, I dragged the tip down the side of her breast so the tip was touching her clamped nipple and her involuntary flinch pulled harder on the clamp. A gasp escaped from her gagged mouth as I dragged the cane up her other breast. Lowering the tip halfway down between her breasts, I saw her bite down hard on the gag as I flicked the cane several times quickly on the sides of her breasts.

Her ass started to lower down as the pain radiated up her breasts.

"Keep that ass up, slave!" I growled as I suddenly swung the cane hard over her ass. The red stripe instantly appeared on her quivering ass. The cane landing again harder on her ass and I heard her muffled scream from the gag.

Resting the shaft of the cane on her lower back, I saw her tense her shoulder and back muscles. I started to lightly tap the cane up her back just hard enough to keep her muscles tense.

The swing of the cane striking between her shoulders made her collapse her arms and her head almost hit the floor.

What sounded like a muffled, "Oh Goddd," escaped from her mouth, as I swung the cane hard across her ass, crossing over the other two red stripes and she quickly raised her body up. Standing by the side of her body, I tapped the cane lightly up her thigh placing the tip right on that sweet spot just at the fold of her ass and upper thigh. I began to tap the cane lightly on the fold of skin slowly increasing the strike each time. The last strike struck hard and she arched her back pulling on all the chains. Quickly going to her other thigh, I began to strike just as the same before.

Her head shook from side to side from the sting of the cane as I worked it down the back of her thighs. Her muffled screams filled the room as a puddle began to form on the floor from her flowing pussy. Stopping for a brief moment so she could catch her breath, her chest heaved for air.

Just as she started to regain her breathing, I swung the cane hard on the sole of her foot. She jerked her leg so hard that it ripped the clamp off her pussy lip. The scream of pure pain echoed from behind the gag. Giving her no time to recover, I swung the cane on the sole of her other foot. Her leg ripped the other clamp from her pussy.

Quickly kneeling between her legs, I grasped her hips and pulled her hungry wet pussy up to my hard cock, shoving it deep and fast inside her hot tunnel.

I felt her muscles clamp tightly around my cock as I reached my hand up grabbing a fistful of her hair. Pulling her head and back up, the clamps on her nipples pulled off hitting the floor. Her scream of agony mixed with pleasure as she thrust her ass back on my cock. Thrusting hard and fast she matched the pace I was setting. Her groans became more pronounced as I slammed into her harder. Her juices covered my cock with each thrust. I felt the spasms of her pussy rippling down my cock and I knew she was close as she gasped for breath through the gag.

Her body was on the verge of orgasm and no matter how she tried to hold it back, it was starting to boil. Her stomach tightened and the sounds of her pleas for release came through her gagged mouth. I felt my balls tighten as the river of cum flowed up my shaft.

"Cum slave, cum now!" I ordered as the surge of my hot cum flowed through my cock. I felt her clamp on my cock as the river of cum blasted deep inside her, bathing her insides with white hot cum.

Her body went rigid as the wave washed over her and then she started to shake all over as the waves racked her harder. Wave after wave crashed through her and she could not support her self any longer and her arms let go as she collapsed onto the floor.Her quivering body lay on the floor as the tremors slowly subsided. My cock slid out of her soaking wet pussy. The flood of our combined juices flowed down to the floor.

As she lay there, I reached up and unbuckled her gag, pulling it from her mouth. I heard the sharp intake of air fill her lungs. Her back heaved with the deep breathes she was taking, her inner thighs coated in our cum. Rubbing her wetness of my cock on her ass, I stood back up. Looking down on her prone body I saw she had passed out. Leaving her there, I went to the bathroom for a towel.

Walking back in the room I saw her lift her head up, her eyes no longer had the defiant fire in them, now they were filled with a different gaze; a gaze that showed a new commitment to me as someone who totally owned her now. A Master that broke her defiance, but took her higher than anyone had before.

"Get on your knees, slave. Hands behind your back. Move!" I commanded adding, "You will remain here until your Master arrives."

Picking up my clothes off the floor, I turned to walk out. I saw in the mirror her eyes follow me out of the room. After I dressed, I had to call her Master to come over and pick her up.

While I waited for him to arrive, I went back into the play room, she was still in her position as ordered.

"Your Master will be here soon, slave," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said just above a whisper.

Walking back out to the living room, I waited for his arrival.

Written by Ropetease
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