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Ceremony - Part one

"Cathy is creatively collared and taken by her MisterLeash"

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He chose the plush room for her preparations, and it proved to be a perfect venue.

Located in the center of the sprawling Pleasure Palace complex, the rounded shape and appointments appropriately accentuated the purpose of this particular ceremony.

Four doors split the room like the four main points of a compass. A raised dais with three sumptuous leather lounges provided excellent views to the entire room.

MisterLeash reclined slightly in the center lounge with a chilled highball glass of whiskey. A glass decanter with the rest of the rare spirit rested on one of the mahogany side table, within easy reach. Smiling, he lifted the glass for a long sip.

The door opposite him opened and a line of four pairs of black robed women, "ravens", slowly entered the room. Gentle music floated from speakers on the wall as the women glided forward then split and fanned out as they approached the center of the richly carpeted space. After forming a circle they all turned back to the open door.

Four hooded figures pushing draped carts made their way toward the circle. Each positioned a cart behind every second woman then bowed and backed up several paces before turning back and facing the open door.

Pairs of solid, red robed men, "cardinals" began entering, immediately splitting and walking along the inner wall of the room. Each man held a red cube, matching the fabric in the robe. In all, twelve men spread out, equally spaced facing the ravens in the center of the room.

The music slowed and took on a more lilting tune as a white robed woman entered the room. Walking slowly she made her way to the inner ring of ravens where the one closest to her extended arm and escorted her to the center.

All the robed figures turned facing the center of the room as a second raven made her way to join the others. Taking the white robed woman's other arm the three faced the dais where MisterLeash took in the spectacle.

Seeing this, the Leash reached down and lifted the rosewood box from the second side table as he stood. He walked slowly down the steps of the dais to the main floor and continued forward passing first the cardinals and then into the circle of ravens before stopping in front of the three women in the center.

One of the two ravens nodded as the other reached over and loosed the tie at the front of Cathy’s white robe. Both ravens then grasped the open flap closest to her and slowly opened the front of the robe while pulling back the fabric at the corresponding shoulder. In seconds, Cathy stood, her long-dark hair unbound and hanging to her large breasts, gloriously naked with a raven at attention on either side.

MisterLeash slowly smiled, white teeth gleaming in the low light as he took in the breathtaking view. After long minutes of adoration he gently slid back the top of the wooden box and reached in to pull out what was inside. As he stepped forward, he handed the box to the raven on his left and then raised the gleaming object up in front of Cathy.

As he spread his hands apart the purple jewels reflected the sparse flickers of light in the room. After unclasping it he took each end of the flickering band in his fingers and reached up, sliding the backs of his hands along the smooth skin of Cathy’s neck before clasping the bejeweled collar in place.

The gleaming, thick band of hammered gold was etched with ancient runes and symbols. Studded all along the sides were purple jewels that started small at the back and got bigger as they approached the filigreed gold ring at the front of the collar.

Cathy’s eyes shone brightly and her breathing quickened as Lance stepped back to admire the adornment. As his smile widened, his eyes beamed with satisfaction. He reached out towards Cathy and she did the same until they grasped hands and looked deeply in each others eyes. Slowly, he pulled her close and then embraced her while leaning in and kissing her gently on the lips. Lifting his face he drank in her eyes again for long moments before leaning in and whispering a soft, “Are you ready?”

She looked up into his eyes and smiled. And with a small nod as her eyes lowered fractionally it was done.

The Leash nodded to the two ravens on either side, looked back up into Cathy’s eyes and smiled warmly before slowly turning and making his way back to his perch on the dais.

At his seat MisterLeash again reached for his glass and took a long, slow sip of whiskey as his eyes found their way back to the ceremony below him.


As planned, the ravens stepped forward and one by one each loosened her sash and slid slowly out of her robe. Each woman was quite different but all wore black velvet collars with a brilliant diamond at the throat. Otherwise naked, the black velvet stiletto heels provided the perfect accent.

One of Cathy’s flanking ravens disrobed first. She emerged from her wrappings as a buxom redhead with pale skin and freckles.

The second handler emerged as a curvaceous blonde with sinful hips and bright red lipstick.

Next to drop her robe was a beautiful Persian brunette, oozing sexuality the perfect embodiment of a fertility goddess.

She was followed by a small, curvy Asian woman with green lipstick and a small bell that dangled from a chain between her legs.

A beautiful black woman then dropped her robe revealing the tribal tattoos festooning her voluptuous figure.

And on it went until twelve women - each beautiful, naked, tantalizing and so unique - were all arranged in a full circle surrounding Cathy. The Leash glanced to see how his kitten was faring in the center of all this activity. He thought he could see her breathing harder but it was difficult to tell. And he knew that she would certainly be breathing harder soon.


The room suddenly burst into motion as the women fanned out in myriad directions. Two ravens moved back to Cathy in the center while six more broke away, moving to the men positioned around the room. The remaining four acolytes each moved to one of the carts and guided them to sides of the room.

After taking the hand of one of the red robed males each of the roving ravens guided him to the next one in the circle. Positioning the men side by side at attention she grabbed the first one’s sash and loosened it before doing the same with the other’s. Kneeling, she reached out skillful fingers, sliding inside the open flaps to find the hardening flesh beneath. Looking up at each man in turn her hands worked the men to full erection in short order. As her hands continued their work on one man, she leaned in and took the tip of the other man’s penis into her wet mouth. After eagerly sucking on him for long minutes she switched her hands to the now wet manhood and slipped her warm, wet lips onto the other’s cock.

The six women worked their magic on their respective men, back and forth with exquisitely choreographed precision and coordination as the rest of the events began to play out in the center of the room. Not that any of them had the ability to focus on anything but what they were doing…

The four acolytes each pulled a small box from their respective carts. One grabbed a small side table and another a large gold chalice studded with purple jewels. They walked forward to form a line in front of Cathy as she stood naked with the full attention of her two hostesses. One acolyte put the table down to Cathy’s left and the others put the contents of their respective boxes and the chalice on the table.

The red-haired raven had worked her way to Cathy’s back and slowly ran her fingertips up Cathy’s right arm, over the curve of her shoulder and then traced her way up the neck to the right earlobe. After finding the opening in the earlobe she quickly inserted a small gold earring matching the one in the center of the new collar. Using her left hand she then repeated the action up Cathy’s left arm, shoulder and neck before affixing a matching earring there.

As she was doing this, the buxom blonde stood in front of Cathy and reached out to tease her right nipple. As it hardened, the blonde found the small temporary piercing that had been inserted there days before. She unclasped it and then brought a new gold ring up in her right hand. In a deft movement, she slid one end of the new ring into the fresh opening left by slowly sliding out the temporary one. Quickly and smoothly the new ring slid into place and the woman smiled up at Cathy as she threaded the locking screw. Once she was sure that the ring was properly positioned, the woman moved to Cathy’s left breast and repeated the process there.

Behind Cathy the redhead now leaned in and kissed the collared woman’s neck as her hands slid down her sides. Kissing as she descended Cathy’s spine she continued down to the small of her back where a bandage still covered a new tattoo. Teasing at the corner with her teeth she was able to bite down on the corner and pull off the bandage to reveal the new inking underneath. The woman smiled knowing that MisterLeash would be so pleased with the work and then mischievously darted her tongue out to trace the edges of the image now presented there. Cathy flinched as even the soft tongue felt rough against the skin there.

The woman began lapping at the flesh like a cat while she slid her hands first down the outside of Cathy’s thighs and calves then back up the insides until her fingers met the slick folds there. Sliding fingers over Cathy’s labia she heard the woman sigh as she slowly worked her wet fingertips over the sensitive skin. In slow, lazy circles she worked her way around the edges of her pussy until finding the hardening clit. After minutes of slow and urgent teasing she found the temporary piercing from the earlier session and with both hands eased it out while sliding in a new gold ring. After making sure the screw lock was properly tightened she continued to let her fingers slip in and out of Cathy’s now soaking wet pussy.

Noticing Cathy’s moans the blonde traced her fingers down from the rock hard nipples she’d been teasing to find the temporary piercing at her navel. Leaning in she swirled a wet tongue into the belly button a lapped at the tender flesh inside and around the piercing. Cathy’s moans grew louder and the woman smiled knowingly. As she pulled away a long string of saliva connected her lips back to the piercing. No sooner had the string broken then she was sliding out the temporary piercing and inserting the new hammered gold ring into the opening.

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After threading it on securely she leaned in continued licking down Cathy’s abdomen toward the heat of the woman’s pussy where she knew her partner was now slipping in the ring below.

Sliding her hands up Cathy’s inner thighs the blonde coaxed the legs out a little wider and her tongue reached the shaved area above her pussy. Swirling her tongue in slow wet circles she inched closer to the new gold ring now dangling from Cathy’s clit. She could hear the slurping of the fingers being worked into the dripping pussy and would no longer hold back. Eagerly she lapped at the hardened clit then dipped quickly to plunge into the warm wetness below along with the fingers already teasing there. After long minutes of eager exploration and with a mouth full of the warm juices she worked her way back up and licked greedily on the pulsing hardness of Cathy’s clit.

The redhead felt her partner's tongue joining her fingers in Cathy’s pussy and teased at it quickly before plunging into the wet woman again and again. With her hand busy, she leaned forward and slid her tongue along the inside edge of Cathy’s buttocks. With long, wet strokes she slowly inched her way deeper inside. After long minutes of licking and swirling her tongue deeper she found the crinkly skin puckering in the middle. Using her one free hand she pulled at the left ass cheek so she could get her full mouth around Cathy’s puckering hole. After full wetting her tongue she slid the tip around the edges before pushing in to wet the center. Repeating the process she worked her tongue slowly deeper into the pulsing, slick center. Cathy slowly rocked against her tongue there and both her fingers and the blonde’s eager tongue that continued to tease her throbbing pussy.

As the two handlers continued there administrations the four naked acolytes started their work. Opening the box in her hand, the voluptuous Asian pulled out a long, thick gold band studded with purple jewels. Stepping up beside the blonde who continued to lick eagerly at Cathy’s dripping cunt, she reached out holding the band by both ends. She slipped the left end around Cathy’s back until she could just grab both ends around her tummy with her right hand. She slide the loose ends to the front so she could tighten the enclosure then slid that to Cathy’s backside. Four small rings dangled from the loop that now sat just atop Cathy’s hips like a metallic snake.

As the gorgeous Asian stepped to the side the tattooed black woman stepped forward with two long gold chains in either hand. She leaned forward and brushed her fingertips along Cathy’s cheek before bending down and kissing the moaning brunette hard on the lips. Cathy kissed back hungrily as the woman’s tongue eagerly sought out Cathy’s. After long minutes of enjoyment she pulled away and held Cathy’s eyes as she reached up to clasp the ends of both chains to the loop on her collar. She let one chain dangle while taking the one on the left and first threading it through the loop on Cathy’s right nipple then sliding it down and through the loop and the center of the new “belt” chain. Leaving the end of the first chain dangling where the blonde continued her licking at Cathy’s pussy, the black woman took the other chain, threaded it through the ring on Cathy’s left nipple then down through the same ring in the belt chain leaving two ends now dangling. With a tap on the blonde’s shoulder she stepped back and let a lithe, busty Latina move forward.

The new woman quickly handed the blonde two gold anklets. As the blonde raven stooped to affix them to Cathy’s ankles, the Latina reached out to attach a short length of gold mesh to each of the nipple rings. Once the ends where clipped on the mesh hung teasingly below Cathy’s nipples. She then knelt down next to the blonde and grabbed the two dangling ends of chain and a hooked first one, then the other onto the gold loop on Cathy’s pussy. Once done, she reached back and an Indian woman handed her another short length of chain. She affixed the clasp to the same pussy loop and let the inch and a half dangle tantalizingly. As the redhead was still fingering her, Cathy was still swaying steadily in response to the pleasure. The small crystal bell affixed to this latest chain now tingled pleasingly with every thrust.

The Latina leaned in and licked Cathy’s clit. At every flick of her tongue Cathy jolted and the little bell tingled. The moans and the tingle of the bell were now the center of Cathy’s world.

The final acolyte had stepped around Cathy’s backside. Straddling the redhead who knelt below her licking hungrily at Cathy’s ass and fingering her pussy. Reaching up, the stunning Persian woman clipped another length of chain to the small ring at the back of the collar. She slid the dangling end through a similar ring at the back of the belt chain. From her mouth she pulled out what looked like a silver pendulum and attached the small loop and one end to the clip at the end of the chain. Swaying tantalizingly she slowly lowered herself next to the redhead and pulled the woman’s head away from her licking to face her. She quickly kissed her hard and the two locked in a passionate embrace for long minutes.

Lips gleaming from the kissing the Persian pulled away slightly and pushed the dangling pendulum into the redhead’s wet mouth. She then kissed her again and the two swapped the metal object between their mouths a few times before they pulled away again. The redhead rolled to her left and sat on the carpeted floor to watch the Persian woman stand up and slide the pendulum tantalizing into her own pussy. As she pushed it in and out she gyrated teasingly in obvious pleasure.

As the Latina continued to melt Cathy’s clit with her eager tongue the Persian slowly removed the pendulum from her own wetness. Snaking her left hand around Cathy’s left hip she gyrated her body against Cathy’s backside. Reaching that hand down she teased her fingers into Cathy’s pussy alongside the Latina’s tongue and simultaneously pulled Cathy’s body harder into her. With the pendulum in her right hand she slowly brought the warm, dripping metal up to Cathy’s eager rear hole and held it there. With each blonde lick and finger thrust from the horny Persian Cathy bucked back and forth impaling herself a little more on the pendulum each time. After long minutes the full bulb slipped inside her with a pleasant "POP" and the final chain was now in place.

As the hostesses moved to Cathy’s sides the sultry Persian slid up behind her and whispered in her ear. Cathy smiled and shook her head. At that, the other woman spun away and, after a few sultry moments of eye-catching dance, dropped to a knee and slid off one, then the other, of her sexy black heels.

Returning to Cathy’s front, she leaned down as Cathy raised her left foot and slipped on the first shoe. Then she did the same with the other. The raven-haired Persian then slid back to join the others in a line as Cathy stood proudly before them, gleaming with her new adornments and tall in her black fuck-me heels.


The Persian beauty made the next move, spinning away and dancing her way to the first of the women pleasuring the red-robed cardinals. In threes she woke them from their rapturous focus and pulled them behind her like an alluring pied piper. In six groups of three thee arrived to form a tight circle around Cathy, her two hostesses and the four acolytes.

Quickly the six assigned to the men had them remove their robes and drop them behind the circle. The red-haired hostess quickly made her way around the group, gathered the robes and deposited them on one of the carts. The blonde lifted the chalice from the table and made her way back to Cathy’s side.

As the first triplet made its way forward two of the acolytes welcomed the men with warm kisses before taking hold of each mans erection and bringing him back to full readiness. The woman who had been pleasuring the men made her way to Cathy and quickly knelt before her. Without any instruction she brought her hands to Cathy’s hips and nuzzled her way between her legs. Her tongue found the wetness and then wormed its way deep inside before swirling to the needy clit. The soft tingling of the bell confirmed the action, as did the rapturous look in Cathy’s eyes as her hands found the back of head of the woman kneeling before her. After long minutes of ragged breathing and increasing tingling the kneeling woman pulled back, stood slowly, then moved in to deeply kiss Cathy’s lips.

The two men had been guided by their handlers so one now stood behind Cathy and the other directly behind the woman kissing Cathy. After the kiss, the woman move to stand at Cathy’s right side while the blonde hostess moved to her left side.

Cathy eyed the man in front of her but couldn’t stop from continuing on down to take in the view below. The man was very fit, clearly well-endowed and quite noticeably aroused. She found that her breath caught in her throat as the thought of what might be next started to hit her…


A loud *CRACK * split the air as the red-haired hostess snapped a bullwhip in the air behind the circle.

“That, my friends,” she said in a hushed yet sugary southern drawl, “is your signal to fuck. Any delay, and this will be on your backside like bad rash.”

Instantly the two men moved forward. The one in front bent down slightly at the knees as he grasped Cathy by the hips, lifted her up slightly and then brought her down on top of his pulsing erection. The one behind moved in close, and after grasping the bottom of the chain, tugged the pendulum from Cathy’s ass before grabbing her waist and driving his cock into her eager ass.

The handler and the blonde grabbed Cathy’s shoulders and took a wide stance to try and balance the woman and the men pistoned in and out like a two-cylinder engine. As the thrusting became rhythmic the blonde said, “Remember that you need to fill the chalice.”

After several more minutes the one at the rear pulled out first and turned to the blonde. She motioned over one of the others who took the chalice and held it before the man just as he let loose the first blast of cum. As he shot into the large goblet, the second man pulled out and made his way quickly to the chalice.

As the collection subsided the blonde hugged Cathy and gently stroked her hair. After several minutes she asked if she was ready to resume.

Written by MisterLeash
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