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Caught by an Officer

"A young woman’s encounter with law enforcement"

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Kyra sped home, frustrated. She was hoping her night would have ended much differently. By this time in the night, she had imagined she would be in Zach’s bed getting pounded into the mattress, or at least swallowing his cock.

She had arrived at the house party wearing a figure-hugging dress tight enough to catch the attention of every single male in attendance, but she only wanted the attention from one in particular. However, her plans to seduce Zach abruptly came to a halt when she stumbled into the bathroom to find her crush squatted down, between the legs of some lucky girl sitting on the countertop, getting exactly what Kyra had wanted. Zach didn’t even look up to see who had interrupted them. Kyra slammed the door and went to get another drink before leaving the party early and upset.

Horny, angry and tipsy, she drove the back roads to her home, with the windows cracked trying to cool off and clear her head. It was chilly for October, and her nipples were visibly hard under her sheer dress. She didn’t notice the cop car she flew past while letting her mind wander to fantasies of what Zach should have been doing to her. 

Officer James was going through reports in his cruiser on a side road when Kyra’s car came speeding past along the main stretch in front of him. He didn’t have his radar on, but the car couldn’t have been going any more than 10 over, so he decided it wasn’t worth his time chasing them. It was a quarter past midnight though, and he wondered who would still be out on these county roads at such a time. Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to pursue the car at a good distance to make sure everything was alright. 

The cool air did little to stop Kyra’s wild imagination, and her vivid fantasies got the best of her. She slowed down the car and looked for the gravel drive up to an old cattle barn that had long been forgotten. It was one of her favorite spots to drive to at night when she needed to get out of the house. Away from the main road, the barn cast a shadow over her car to make it almost invisible from passersby. She spotted the dirt entrance a few yards away and pulled in and parked, turning her lights off. 

Digging around in her purse, she breathed a sigh of relief when her fingers found the smooth metal of her vibrator at the bottom. She reclined her seat and hiked her short dress up until it was at her hips. Next, she slipped her thong down her smooth legs and over her heels, tossing it on the seat next to her purse. She pressed the button on top and the metal toy came to life as she lay back and closed her eyes. First, she traced down her neck, over her collarbones, and to her nipples which she rubbed over the outside of her dress. The metal was cold enough that she could feel it through the thin fabric, and her nipples stood at attention.

She moaned, imagining the tongue of Zach- no. Fuck Zach. She would take any guy right now except that bastard. She thought of an unnamed man, rolling his tongue over her sensitive nipples as the vibrator moved down her ribs, to her belly, and rested above her pelvis. She spread her legs as wide as the car’s seat would let her, allowing her dress to ease up a bit higher. The buzzing metal had warmed up and was tracing slow circles above her mound, sending the vibrations down through her aching sex. She slowly let it travel along her labia, getting closer to her throbbing clit. Her wetness had built all night and now stuck to the inside of her thighs, waiting to lubricate the toy when it slipped inside her. Approaching headlights made her freeze and look out her window. The passing car made no sounds of slowing down and kept going down the main road. Kyra relaxed and moved the vibrator down to her entrance. She plunged it inside and moaned loudly as it filled her wet channel. 

Officer James drove down the main road, keeping an eye out for the car that had passed him but figured it must have turned by now. He drove past the old cattle barn and almost didn’t spot the steam coming from the exhaust of a car. He looked back and sure enough, the little black sedan that had passed him earlier was parked on the side of the barn, still running. He drove on until he got to the next intersecting street, turned around, and drove back towards the barn. 

Kyra moaned louder and deeper as the toy rubbed her insides over and over. She imagined a thick cock stretching her tightness, while her fingers rolled and pinched her nipples. She pushed the vibrator deeper until it was rubbing against her g-spot, her wetness running down the metal, onto her hand and below it, onto the driver’s seat. She needed to cum and would not go home until she’d made herself at least twice. 

Lights approached again from the opposite direction this time and again Kyra froze, looking out towards the main road. The car slowed and the lights turned into the drive towards the barn. Was that lettering on the side of the vehicle?

“SHIT!” Kyra exclaimed. 

It was a cop car. She turned off the vibrator and tucked it between her legs, hurriedly pulling her seat back up from its reclined position. She yanked her dress down as far as it would go, but it barely covered her metal toy. She squeezed her thighs together tight concealing the vibe. The car pulled in behind her as she adjusted the top of her dress and straightened her messy hair. She looked in the rearview mirror at her flushed face, nipples still poking through the dress, and watched the officer open his door and approach her driver's side. She lowered her window and put on a fake innocent smile. 

Officer James shone his flashlight through the driver’s side window and sucked in his breath at the sight of the young woman. 

“Good evening, ma’am, is everything alright?” Her face was red, seemingly from embarrassment, maybe from the way she was dressed? He then noticed the thong on the passenger seat and began to get an idea of what he had stumbled upon.

“Yes, sir. I was just on my way home from a party, sir,” the girl replied. 

“That would explain your, um, attire. It’s a bit cold to be dressed that way. May I ask why you’re pulled over, here? You are not having car troubles, are you miss?” 

“No sir, I just, umm, became tired and pulled over on my way home,” Kyra answered him nervously. 

Maybe it was her aching pussy thinking for her, but she thought the officer was pretty attractive. He seemed in his late thirties or early forties, with a little gray in his hair and defined features on his face. The fabric of his sleeves stretched tight against his biceps and despite the bulkiness created by his vest, he seemed relatively thin and in shape. Something about a man in uniform always got her.

Officer James looked at the girl’s hands over her lap, her tight dress riding up and thighs clenched together. He could make out an odd bulge in her lap, and with her hands over her thighs, it was almost as if she were concealing something. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and something between her thighs caught the reflection of his flashlight. His hand immediately went to his holster and while he was not threatened by the young woman, he asked her, “Ma’am, do you have any weapons or items in this car I should know about?” 

Nervously Kyra looked up at him squinting in the brightness of his flashlight and replied, “No, sir I don’t.” 

“Miss if you’re lying to me, you can get in real trouble. I suggest you remove whatever you are concealing in your lap, and move slowly where I can see you,” the officer warned her, watching the color drain out of her face. 

Kyra was mortified but left with no choice. She slowly opened her thigh and placed a hand on the metal vibrator, which was slick with her juices. She removed it from between her sticky thighs and held it in her lap, keeping her eyes down away from the officer as her cheeks turned redder than a tomato. 

As his light shone on the metal, Officer James tensed up, hand still on his holster, before almost cracking a smirk noticing it was not, in fact, a weapon, but a sex toy. He had caught the young girl masturbating in her car and the toy was coated with a shiny layer of her cum. His cock twitched in his pants and he couldn’t help glancing at her hard nipples in the skimpy dress she wore. He couldn’t let her off this easy though, and clearing his throat he told her aggressively, “Ma'am, you do realize I could cite you for public indecency?”

“Officer please, no! I’m sorry, I’ve never done anything illegal before-” Kyra pleaded. 

“I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the car please,” he interrupted her. He decided he couldn’t pass up this opportunity to mess with the young girl. 

Tears welled in her eyes and Kyra set the slippery vibrator on the seat and opened her car door, stepping out and wobbling a bit on her heels. As she got out, Officer James got a good look at the young woman. Her soft curled hair reached just below her nipples, which he could clearly make out through the dress with his light on her. The dress was tight and short, and he knew she didn’t have panties on underneath it, after seeing the thong on her car seat. 

“Walk in a straight line away from me,” he instructed her. 

Kyra did as he asked, placing one heel in front of the other. She knew she wasn’t drunk, and prayed her nervous shaking wouldn’t cause the officer to think otherwise. He watched her ass as her legs moved away from him slowly, his cock hardening in his pant leg. He was glad it was dark enough the girl couldn’t see. She appeared sober and he told her to walk back to the car and place her hands on the hood. Her dress hiked up more with each step and when she reached her car, the bottom of the dress was just below her ass. If she moved much more, the man would have a nice view of her naked lower half. She stood in front of him and placed her hands on the hood. 

“I’m going to have to search you and make sure you are not carrying any weapons or illegal substances, miss.” He hoped she didn’t catch him smirking as she turned around facing the car.

He placed his light on the roof of her car casting the light over both of them. He stuck his knee between her legs and kicked her feet apart wider. Kyra gasped as her dress rode up another inch, and the frigid air now danced against her damp pussy. She was so cold and frightened of getting in trouble she didn’t even think about the fact that a frisk search would be completely obsolete given what she was wearing. 

“See why you shouldn’t wear such skimpy clothing?” The officer chided her. “You never know when you’ll get stuck in an uncomfortable situation.” 

Kyra swore she could hear him chuckle under his breath, and despite being mortified, her desperate pussy showed no remorse and only got wetter by the minute. The officer stood close behind Kyra and started at her sides, placing his hands directly under her armpits on the sides of her breasts. Her nipples got even harder under the tight fabric. He moved his hands slower than necessary down her sides, one hand moving to her front over her belly. He kept on moving down towards her hips and briefly over her ass cheeks. Kyra was breathing heavily, and the officer asked her mockingly, “why are you so nervous, hmm?” 

Officer James let his fingers graze over her ass one more time, feeling his cock stretch his pants even tighter. Kyra thought he would stop now that he had reached the bottom of her dress but instead he squatted down continuing to move his hands down her bare legs. 

She couldn’t seriously be in trouble now, could she? Kyra thought to herself, the officer was clearly just feeling her up at this point. Whether it was right or wrong, she didn’t interrupt him and her mind wandered back to what she had been thinking about not long ago as her vibrator slipped in and out of her wet hole. 

Now at eye-level with her tight ass, the officer put his hands first on her right leg, above her knee, and moved downwards. He felt her skin prickle with goosebumps as he moved his hands slowly back up, stopping a little higher than where he started. He repeated the process on her left leg, this time stopping even closer to her center. If he moved his hand any higher, surely he would feel her juices beginning to dampen the inside of her thighs. 

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Kyra sucked in her breath sharply and the officer stood back up, resting his hand on the small of her back. The touch sent shivers up and down her again and she involuntarily arched her back, her ass bumping against the front of his legs. It could have been his belt, but something firm brushed her rear as she bent back. 

Officer James leaned in closer and smiling, said to her, “you know I caught you speeding down this road earlier, too?” 

Oh no, Kyra thought. She really might end up in trouble now. How serious was he? His tone was aggressive, but the sly smirk on his face suggested he only wanted to tease her. 

“Sir, please, I always do my best to obey the speed limit and the law, it won’t happen again I promise,” Kyra pleaded with him. 

The officer grabbed both of her wrists from the hood of her car and pulled her arms tightly behind her back. He pushed himself up against her, pinning her to the car and put his lips on her ear. 

“People who don’t follow rules have to be punished, young lady.” 

Kyra let out a whimper as his body pressed against hers. The warmth of the car’s metal was a shock to her body in the cold night. She felt his firm bulge against her ass and his breath hot on her neck. She wanted him. Not just to get out of a ticket, her body needed him. Needed his rough hands groping her, and his thick cock inside her. 

Officer James held her wrists with his left hand and grabbed her ass with his right, pulling it into his front and grinding against her. Her body was driving him wild and he couldn’t believe the situation a boring night patrol shift had gotten him into. His hand moved from her ass to her hair and he grabbed a handful and pulled her head back onto his shoulder, so his face was next to hers. His stubble scratched her cheek as he spoke to her. 

“You like being bad, don’t you? That’s why you dressed like a slut and fucked yourself in your car, huh?” 

“Mmmmm...” Kyra moaned pushing her ass into him harder. 

The dress was now exposing her pussy and she felt the heat from inside his pants against her bare ass. 

“Do I need to punish you?” He whispered, moving his lips along her jawline.

Kyra moaned in response, pressing her neck into his lips. 

“Answer me, slut,” He growled, yanking her hair back and causing her to gasp, “I said, do I need to punish you?”

“Yes sir, please sir. I need that.” Kyra whimpered. 

The officer let go of her hair and she heard the jangling of his handcuffs, before feeling cold metal locking around each of her wrists. She always thought being cuffed would be sexy, but these really fucking hurt. The sting of the cuffs on her wrists only heightened her horniness though. 

Officer James bent her over at the waist, laying her over the hood of her car. The hot metal hit her nipples first, causing her to purr as she stuck her bare backside into the cool air. Her feet were kicked even farther apart and with her arms constricted, she could not adjust herself at all. The officer stepped back admiring the young girl. The tight dress had ridden all the way up over ass when he bent her over, and her spread legs revealed her smooth, hairless cunt, dripping its need down the inside of her thighs. 

He moved back to his position behind her and placed a hand on the back of her neck, so she couldn’t squirm away from him as his large hand came down hard on her ass. 

“OW!” Kyra screamed and her muscles tensed as she lurched against the car. 

His hand came down again on her opposite cheek. Back and forth he moved from cheek to cheek until her ass was bright pink all over, and she was whimpering loudly.

“Bad. Girls. Need. Punishing,” he said between hard spanks of his hand. 

Tears welled up in Kyra’s eyes again, this time out of pain. Each smack made her juices trickle down her thighs a little bit more. Her cunt hadn’t even been touched by him, yet she was aching for an orgasm. She needed his hand in other places, and she arched her back, sticking her ass as high in the air as she could.

“I’m sorry sir, please, I’ll do whatever you want!” Kyra begged desperately looking back at him. 

The older man smiled wickedly at her and pulled her upright by her cuffed wrists. He turned her around to face him and steadied her as she wobbled on her heels. He put a hand on each of her shoulders, over the straps of her dress and yanked it down below her breasts, exposing them to the cold. Her nipples hardened again instantly after being pressed against the warm hood of the car. 

“You’re going to take my cock in your slut mouth, little girl,” he said as he pushed her to her knees. 

She was completely exposed to him now, with her dress bunched around her middle, hair messy from being grabbed, and on her knees in the dirt, and she had never been so turned on in her life. Her whole body was hot to the touch, her need for him so bad that the cold night’s air didn’t even phase her. She looked up into his green eyes, silently begging for his cock. 

Smiling down at the little slut on her knees, he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants, rubbing his hand over his hard shaft through his boxers. He stepped closer to her, and slipped his hand under the waistband, revealing his thick cock inch by inch. As he reached the tip, it sprang free and nearly hit her in the face. He rested it close enough to her face so that she could feel the heat radiating from it, but when she tried to turn her head towards it, he grabbed her hair and forced her head straight. He locked eyes with her and positioned his cock in front of her lips. 

Not breaking eye contact, Kyra opened her lips into an “O” and felt the warm head of his cock press against her mouth, then slip inside. She greeted it with her tongue and licked a drop of precum from his slit. He broke their look by leaning his head back and moaning “Ohhh...” 

Kyra swirled her tongue around in circles over his head, flicking the slit and tasting more precum. His grip on her hair held her in place, so she sucked tightly on just the head of his cock, licking the sensitive underside until his grip on her loosened. She took that opportunity to lean forward on her knees and push her mouth down further onto his cock. She almost reached the base of it when he pulled her back off his member quickly and it popped out of her mouth. 

Smack! He struck her across the face with the hand that wasn’t in her hair. 

“You don’t get to make the moves, bitch,” he growled, looking down at her. Kyra had never been hit anywhere but her ass during sex and was more shocked and turned on than in pain. She barely noticed the sting on her cheek as her pussy ached harder and her thighs became slick. She bit her lip staring up at him, needing him desperately to touch her throbbing wet sex. He smiled and his cock pulsed seeing how horny she was for him. 

Grabbing her arms he pulled her up from her knees and turned her around to unlock the cuffs. She sighed and rubbed her sore wrists once they were free. He had taken off his outer vest and pressed his body against her backside, so she could feel his hard chest under his uniform shirt against her back. His stiff cock rubbed against her ass and he kissed her neck hungrily. With her hands now freed, she reached back with one and grabbed his member. Her other hand went to his short, dark hair where she laced her fingers and pulled him in closer to her. 

He bit on her neck gently, and she moaned, breathing heavier. It was such a contrast to his harshness from a moment ago on her knees. She guided his cock between her ass cheeks and let go, feeling his thick rod slip between her thighs and against her wet opening. He thrust back and forth, rubbing the top of his cock along her wet folds, soaking them both. Kyra was losing her mind feeling his hot cock so close to her entrance, so close to slipping deep inside her. 

“Please!” She begged him, “please sir, I need you to fuck me!” 

She pulled on his hair tighter and ground her ass back into him. He smiled and moaned into her neck, biting her ear and holding her by the throat. He spun her around and pinned her against the car so they were face to face. His hand on her throat moved to the back of her neck and he pulled her into him for a kiss. Their lips crushed together, his stubble lightly scratching her face as his mouth opened to push his tongue inside hers. She moaned into his lips and let his tongue explore her mouth, then bit down on his bottom lip, eliciting a sexy growl from him. With one hand on her hip, he pushed her ass against the car and lifted one leg up by her thigh. He looked down to place his cock at her entry and looked back up at her flushed face. 

Locking eyes with her, he put one hand on the back of her head and left his other at her hip. He thrust his cock into her tight cunt, entering her all the way in one motion. Kyra let her head fall back moaning loudly, and her knees almost buckled. Officer James wrapped his arms around her back thrusting into her again slowly. He removed his cock from her inch by inch, making her pussy throb and feel empty, before quickly pushing himself all the way back into her. 

“Oh baby, you feel so good,” he moaned, closing his eyes. “That pussy is so fucking wet and tight.” 

“Fuck it harder, baby, please!” Kyra said to him placing her hands around his neck. 

He kissed her again roughly and started pounding his cock into her hard, his balls slapping against the inside of her thighs and up against her ass. Her cunt was soaked, and her muscles clamped around him harder with each thrust. 

“You like being a dirty, slutty little girl?” The officer said between kissing her.

His words almost sent her over the edge, and she managed to breathe “Yes” between gasps. 

He pulled her head back to look at her face twist with pleasure as he thrust his body upwards even harder, bouncing her sexy body down onto his raging cock as they fucked against the car. She was being pounded down on his cock far enough that he started to rub the sensitive little spot deep inside her and she gasped loudly, digging her nails into his shoulders. His cock throbbed even harder inside her each time she tightened around it. He knew they would both cum soon and bit down on her neck again. 

“Where do you want my cum, little girl?” He asked her.

“Inside me, please, sir,” Kyra answered. 

Officer James moaned loud at her response and started fucking her even harder against the car, making it shake. Her clit rubbed vigorously against his pelvis with each thrust and she felt herself slipping into the throes of a massive orgasm. 

“I’m... gonna cum... I'm gonna...” she panted, as her cunt pulsed around his cock, sending her cum spilling out over them both. 

“Oooohhhh!” She screamed as wave after wave of the most intense orgasm she’d ever had shuddered through her body. 

Her hands gripped his shoulders and she clung to him tightly. The officer felt his own orgasm beginning as his cock twitched inside her tight hole, and he held her tight against his body. He grunted as he pushed himself as deep into her as he could, and his cock released stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her. 

He panted and continued to hold her against him as they both came down from their orgasms. He slowly pulled his cock out of her and she felt their cum leak out of her and down her legs. 

“Thank you, officer,” she whispered, laying her head against his shoulder.

He made sure her feet were steady on the ground and adjusted her dress for her, pulling the bottom down over her ass, and the straps back up over her breasts. He looked her up and down smiling at her messy, sexy young body. 

“I hope now you’ll remember to obey the law,” he winked at her, opening her car door and helping her inside. He shut the door once she was seated and said, “I’ll be right back.” 

He went to his cruiser and got inside for a moment before coming back over and leaning into her open window. He smiled and said “Now, I better not run into you under these circumstances again, young lady, or you will be in a lot more trouble,” and handed her a folded piece of paper. He walked back to the police car, got in and backed out of the driveway. 

Kyra groaned. Did he seriously give her a fucking ticket after all that? He came inside her! She unfolded the piece of paper to reveal a blank ticket with a phone number scribbled on the back. She smiled, tucked the paper into her purse and finished driving back home.

Written by kyra1284
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