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Cabin Fever, Chapter 2

"Part 2 of our D/s anniversary at the remote cabin!"

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"Mmmm... Good Morning, Master," my pet cooed. She folded her arms together and rolled over to face me. I put my arm around her and drew her up to me.

"Good morning pet, did you sleep well?"

"Oh yes, Master... after what you did for me last night, I slept like a baby!" she said, kissing my chest. I grabbed her by her hair and tipped her head backwards placing my mouth over hers and kissing her like she should be kissed. Powerfully. Deeply. Passionately.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself last night, pet because today is MY day! You promised last night that if I let you cum, you would do 'anything I want'. Remember that?" I said.

"Yes, Master," she replied.

"Good, because today, that's exactly what you are going to do. Anything I want. And I have a few delicious ideas in store for you!" I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said, smiling at me. She knew that whatever twisted things my mind had dreamed up, she was safe, cared for, and loved. She trusted me and knew I would never hurt her.

"I think I'll start with a shower, though," I said, getting out of bed. "Then we'll head into town for some lunch."

"Yes, Master. I will get your clothes ready. What do you wish for me to wear?" she asked.

"Well, it's probably not wise to wear what you were wearing on the ride up here - I doubt the folks in the small town down the mountain would look too kindly to a beautiful girl waltzing into town dressed like a slut! Just wear your jeans, a blouse, and your boots. I want to go for a walk in the woods later on. I was told of a beautiful spot down by the lake."

"Yes, Master," she said. And I stepped into the bathroom for my shower. Just as I got the water temperature set and was getting ready to get in, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Master?" she said, peeking quietly around the door edge.

"What is it, pet?" I asked. She came into the room still naked and walked softly up to me with her head down.

"May I wash you, Master?" She stood there in her naked, sensuous beauty. A soft, delicate, creature so giving and caring that she wanted to bathe me - the same man that only last night treated her with less care than a common whore gets!

"My dear, sweet pet... of course you can, love," I said, taking her hand and helping her into the shower with me.

I placed myself at the shower head and her behind me. This way I could block the water from hitting her in the face as I am considerably taller than her. She took the soap and began washing my chest, then my arms. I turned around and she washed my back and my ass. Then I turned back around and she smiled. She knelt down in the shower and soaping up her hands good, took my cock in her hand. She began softly washing my cock which naturally stiffened within seconds! She looked up at me waiting for my permission.

"Yes, pet, go ahead," I said. With that she smiled broadly and began jerking me off. She was enjoying the feel of my cock in her hands swelling as she worked it back and forth. She wiped the head free of soap and took it into her hot mouth - the combination of her pumping her hand on my shaft and her mouth closed over the head was exquisite!

I began moaning deeply at the way her small mouth felt wrapped around my cock. So warm, wet, sucking on me. Drawing me deep into her mouth each time she slipped her lips along the shaft. As she felt me growing larger and harder in her mouth she grew bolder. I watched this beautiful woman take more and more of me into her mouth. I looked down at her small body as she slipped her mouth along my cock.

I reached down to curl my fingers in her hair, pushing her head down further onto my shaft, my body reacted to her sucking. Then she slid her mouth further and further down. I watched in surprise as she took more of me into her mouth, until finally she had swallowed all of my cock. She held me in her mouth for a moment then pulled back. Gagging and gasping softly and looking up at me, her eyes sparkling.

“I can't believe you did that,” I told her. She smiled.

“I wanted to see if I could,” she told me before slipping her lips back down onto my cock. Again she slid them down until all of my cock was in her mouth. Sucking hard on it as she did. As I watched, she began to move her lips along the shaft, sucking me totally into her mouth each time she sank down. She curled her tongue around me as she held my cock in her mouth. I knew quickly that she was going to make me cum soon doing that. After only a few seconds, I felt my orgasm building rapidly.

“Pet, you're going to make me cum,” I hissed to her softly. She glanced up, her eyes glinting, before increasing her speed on my cock. She sucked hard as she slipped her lips up and down, each time drawing all of me into her mouth. I stood there in the shower, enjoying the feel of her small mouth swallowing all of my cock. I felt the head of my cock pressing deep into her mouth, almost to the back of her throat. The sensations she was causing were so good it had me on the edge all too soon.

“Fuck, I'm cumming.” I grunted, as I felt my balls tighten. She held her mouth still on me, most of my cock inside her. Sucking hard as if she wanted to milk it of all its cum. With a harsh grunt I came, pumping a thick load of cum into her willing mouth. I emptied my cum into her soft, warm, mouth as she willingly sucked on me, swallowing it all, with soft murmurs of deep pleasure. I grunted hard, with my fingers wrapped tightly in her hair as I emptied every drop of cum into her mouth. She held my cock inside her, sucking hard on it until she had taken every last drop. Only then did she pull back, but not until she had licked the shaft clean. She sat back on her heels and looked up at me. I reached down and took her hand and helped her to stand as I wrapped my arms around her wet body.

Then it was my turn to wash her. I took the soap in my hand and began to wash her shoulders, then her back and then her ass. I paid particular attention to her ass, and she began moaning as she felt my hands caressing her. I washed her thighs and then turned her around.

"Now for the fun part, pet!" I said and began moving back up her body. She was moaning louder the further up I got on her body. Bracing herself by holding onto my shoulders I moved up to her wet smoothly shaved pussy. I washed her pussy (okay I played with it!) and she spread her legs as far as the shower stall would allow.

"Oh, Master..." she moaned softly as she felt my hands on her sex. I didn't want her to cum, so just as I got her heated to a simmer, I moved on. She opened her eyes and looked at me pleadingly but as I reached her tits, she closed them again enjoying my touch once more. As I finished washing her, I took her by the throat, pulled her to me and kissed her again just like the one this morning. When I kiss her like this, she knows I am possessing her, claiming her as my own. I don't just kiss her mouth, I enter her soul.

With our bath over, it was time to get ready to go into town. I took pet into the bedroom and patted the bed.

"Lay down, pet. I have something for you," I told her. She laid back carefully so she wouldn't mess up the bed she had made before coming into the shower and waited for what was to come. I reached up and kissed her soft lips very lightly. Then I went over to the box I had brought from home and picked up a small package. She was unable to see anything and it was killing her to not know what I had. I looked over my shoulder and saw her watching me.

"Oh, you nosey little slut. You want to see what I have here?" I asked.

"Oh yes, Master. I am so excited," she said.

"Then do not move, not an inch."

I walked over and knelt down between her legs. "Open." I commanded, and pet obeyed instantly, spreading her legs wide for me. I leaned forward to smell her sex and then lightly kissed her pussy lips - almost sending her over the top. Not wanting her to have any pleasure just yet, I stopped. I parted her soft pussy lips and slid a couple fingers into her.

"My little slut if you cum, I will spank your ass right here and now before we leave do you hear me?"

"Yes, Master, I do."

"All I want is for you to be a little wet for right now understand?"

"Yes Master!" her eyes lowered.

"Good, my sexy slut. Now open those legs more for me."

She opened her legs as far as they could go.

"Now pull them up to your chest and hold them there," I told her. She could feel something very thick and hard being pushed slowly up into her pussy.

"So slut, how good does that feel? Nice and hard I hope?"

All she could do was to moan out a long slow "Oh yes, Master!" I told her then to get up and get on all fours. This shocked her, but she obeyed nonetheless, trusting me implicitly. I placed her on all fours, then pushed her face down onto the bed. Then I began licking her up and down the crack of her ass. I knew this drove her insane with lust every time I tortured her in this fashion.

I leaned up and whispered very softly in pet's ear, "Remember, my wet, horny slut you may not cum until you are told. And I do not give you my permission now!"

My words, burned in her brain but mostly in her pussy. She moaned her understanding. I took my fingers and rammed them deep into her asshole. She screamed out in pleasure and pain from the feeling of my hard long fingers in her rectum.

"If you cum, I will whip you like you never have been whipped before, you slut! Do you understand me?" Hearing the tone in my voice, she knew I meant business. She started fighting her orgasm back as hard as she could. I saw her and could tell from her body's shaking just how hard she was fighting it.

I leaned over, kissing her asshole, "There you go my sweet slut. Relax your asshole for me. There you are, my sweet slave-slut. I knew you would love it, but I didn't know you would take to it this as well as you have. You have pleased me," I said, smiling broadly.

Then I pulled her off of the couch, and into my arms. "Now get dressed and let's go."

Just before we headed out the door, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a remote to the vibrator. Pet looked at me with a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Yes, My pet, this is the remote to the vibrator in your pussy and I will have it all day long right here in my pocket. Just remember to be a good little girl and I will not have to use it on you. Now let's try it out to see if it works."

She was not prepared for it when I clicked it on, and when she jumped startled, I smiled.

"Oh my slut was not ready for that one was she? Now lets see if she will be for this one!"

That was when her soul left her body. When hit the remote set to a higher level, she was already on the verge of an orgasm. She closed her eyes and fought it off as hard as she could. I stopped the vibrator just as I saw that she would not be able to hold it back much longer.

"This is going to be the greatest day of all my little horny slave's life," I said with a wicked grin.

She calmed down once I turned the vibrator off and got herself together.

"If you cum one time without my telling you that you may, you will pay the price for it. 25 Smacks for every time you cum without my permission. Do you hear me slut?" I warned.

"Yes I do, Master," she said, her head bowed and eyes on the floor. We went to the car, and I came around and opened her door for her, so that she could get in like a lady should.

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She sat down as easy as she could with the vibrator that was up her hot, horny body. She sat as still as she could so it wouldn't hurt her. I saw just how uneasy she was.

"Comfortable, pet?" I asked.

"Yes, Master," she said. She wasn't really, but she didn't want me to know she wasn't enjoying herself. She thought that once she got used to the vibrator inside her it would be easier to take.

I leaned over and kissed her again, knowing that she was lying but proud of her for trying to cover it and bravely keep going.

"Now let go have some fun and enjoy ourselves, okay?" She smiled back at me knowing that I was proud of her and I wanted to show her off in this manner.

We drove to a little diner we passed on the way to the cabin. Just before we went inside, I hit the remotes one more time to remind her of what was in store for her tonight.

"Keep your head down and do not talk without asking me if it is okay for you to do so! Do you hear me slut?"

"Yes, Master," she quietly moaned as the vibrator lit her fires once more.

We went inside the restaurant and the waitress came up to seat us.

Pet sat with her back straight and her head lowered, her hands folded in her lap looking down at the floor just the way I had taught her to sit in public.

"Now that we have a few minutes, let's see what we can do to occupy our time shall we?" I said after the waitress took our order. I reached into my pocket and flicked the switch on the vibrator. Instantly it came to life, buzzing softly as its vibrations sent electric waves of pleasure straight to her brain.

Pet gasped softly as it hit her and she clamped her legs together under the table. She grabbed the edges of the table in an attempt to control her passions and keep control of herself. But that's not what I had in mind for the her. I turned up the remote a couple settings. She tossed her head back and rolled her eyes as it soon grew difficult to breathe. She tried to fight the orgasm building up inside her, but with every passing second she felt like she was going to lose control.

"Massster... pleease!" she whispered as softly as she could. "I... I..." pet was struggling. She tried gripping the table tightly, she tried reaching her hand under the table to hold her dampening pussy, she tried biting her lip, nothing seemed to be helping. It wouldn't be long before...

Then as suddenly as I started, I stopped the vibrator. She sat there breathing deeply as she came back to earth.

"Thank you, Master," she said between breaths.

"Oh, don't thank me just yet, pet," I said as I clicked the pussy vibrator on again. Poor pet jerked stiff again and gritted her teeth against the buzzing in her pussy. Little beads of sweat were beginning to form on her forehead as she held the edges of the table, her knuckles white with the strain. She softly rocked back and forth as her pussy lit up and she began panting again.

"Ohhh, Masssterrr... pleease! Please, stoppp!" she whispered, trying very hard to control her speech.

"Be quiet little one, unless you want a spanking!" I warned her quietly.

"Master... I... I'm going... oh please, stop..." she said, imploring me with her eyes.

I smiled, knowing she was at the brink and I didn't want her to fail just yet. I backed the vibrator off and she panted and wiped the sweat from her forehead with her napkin.

"Feeling better, pet?" I said.

"Yes, Master. Thank you," she said as I helped her to her seat.

"Well our lunch should be here soon. "We'll have time to 'talk' after that," I said.

We finished our lunch without further incident and left the diner and headed back to the cabin. But the ride back would not be an easy one for her. After we got underway, I reached into my pocket once more and turned on the remote.

"Oh, Master... please... I... I can't...ohhh, fuuuck... " she moaned, loudly now that we were in the car.

"Oh, my pet, I think you can... if you try really hard!" I said, teasing her.

"Please... oh, Master, please stop!" she pleaded in a whisper.

"Oh my silly, silly girl... the day is young yet, and I have plans for you!"

We got back to the cabin and I took her inside. "Now pet, the fun really begins!" I grabbed her by the hair and marched her upstairs.

"I have toyed with you long enough, slut! Now it's time to get down to business!" I pushed her onto the bed face first and squatted over her legs. I swatted her ass three or four times, each time she gasped at the sting of my hand. She reached back once to try to cover her ass and I grabbed her wrist and bent it up out of the way, giving her another smack for good measure. Then I moved off her legs and flipped her over. She instantly spread her legs wide for me.

"Open that pussy for me slut!" I said and she reached down to pull her pussy lips apart. I slowly pulled the egg vibrator out of her and pushed it into her mouth so she could taste herself on it. It also made a pretty effective gag as she could just fit it into her mouth and it kept her from making too much noise!

With the egg out of the way, I went down on her wet pussy and she grabbed hold of the sheets.

Mmmffmmm!" she said, with the mouthful of vibrator.

"Remember, don't you cum till I tell you!" I warned her again. I went back to my work. She tasted soo good! I greedily lapped and sucked and tonguefucked her as she moaned and arched and twisted under me, trying to get away, but then not wanting to. When I had gotten my fill of her, I reached up and took the vibrator out of her mouth.

"You cleaned this good enough. I have another use for that mouth of yours!" I said.

Then I took hold of both nipples and pulled her to her feet, she whimpered and cried as I held her nipples tightly and lifted them up bringing her to her tiptoes before kissing her and licking at her open mouth. She reached up to try to ease her discomfort but it didn't help.

"Where are your hands supposed to be?" I said. She put her hands back behind her back and grabbed her asscheeks hoping that would ease the pain in her tits. When she had stopped squirming, I released her tits and grabbed her throat, forcing her to her knees.

"Master... I want it," she panted.

"You want it?" I asked.

"Yes, Master... your cock. I want your cock," she said, starting to unzip my fly and unbuckle my belt. She got my cock free and had just opened her mouth to take me in when I slapped her face.

"Ask me!" I said. "You don't just take things, you ask first!"

"Master please! Please can I suck your cock? please!" she whimpered.

"That's more like it," I said. And she went to work on my cock, taking it into her mouth and sucking on it like she was starving - even though she just ate!

Pet has this one trick she uses when she sucks my cock that she knows always gets to me. She picked up somewhere that if she hums while sucking my cock, the vibrations in her throat and mouth will drive me nuts! And it does! She began this humming trick as she sucked my cock and yes, it was doing a job on me.

But I am Master, and I have a trick or two myself! I backed her up and pinned her to the end of the bed. Then I stepped up close and with her head against the mattress, all she could do was take my cock deep into her mouth. I shoved my cock as far down her throat as it would go...all the way to my nuts. And I held it there until I saw her eye start to flutter and a panicked look come into her face. Then I backed up and she gasped for a breath. Then she stuck her tongue out and I ran the length of my cock over it.

"You love this cock don't you, slut?"

"Yes, Master, I love this cock."

I shoved my cock down her throat again.

"What other cocks do you love?" I asked. "Go on, you can tell me."

When her eyes went to panicked again I let her up

"No one's Master," she gasped. "No other cock!"

I grabbed her throat. "Are you lying?"

I held her head pinned against the bed. "No, Master. I only want your cock, only your cock."

"Show me. Show me how much you want my cock." And she did. She sucked my cock like she was underwater and it was her only source of air. She showed me that my cock was her lifeline and she needed no other.

I let her suck my cock for a bit but I wasn't about to cum just yet. I still had some plans. So I pulled back from her and grabbed her hair and lifted her to a standing position throwing her onto the bed. She landed on the bed face down so I jumped onto the bed next to her I grabbed her throat and placed my cock at her pussy entrance and shoved full length into her

"OH!" she gasped. I reached around her hip and pulled her onto me holding her tightly as she felt my entire cock inside her. Then I began pounding into her - and I mean POUNDING! I was driving my cock deep into her savagely, like I was drilling for oil! I wrapped one arm around her neck to hold her still and used the other hand to slap at her tits I smacked her tits hard reddening them with my hand print

"OH, FUCK!" pet gasped as I fucked her, slapped her and brutalized her.

I reached around her hip and fingered her clit as I split her pussy with my pile-driver cock.

"Whose pussy is this?" I asked.

"Your pussy, Master, your pussy. Your pussy, your ass, your tits, everything I have is yours! OH, GODDD!" she wailed.

"That's more like it. After all, this is what you want, isn't it slut? To be treated like the whore you are!"

"Oh yes! Please, make me your whore, Master!"

"You are a whore aren't you. My little cock-loving, cum-sucking whore. Aren't you?"

"Oh yes, Master! I am your whore, your dirty cock-loving whore! I'm such a fucking slut! Please, Master, I need you to treat me like your slut. Please ram your cock deep in my pussy! I need to feel you cum inside me!"

She didn't know it, but whether she admitted to being my 'dirty cock-loving whore' or not, I was just about at the end of my rope. I was about to cum and I was going to cum hard after all that I had done to my pet.

"All right pet, I think if you ask me real nice, I might just cum in that dirty little pussy of yours. Would you like that?"

"OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHHHH!" she wailed. She gritted her teeth and clamped her pussy down trying to squeeze out all the cum I had, trying to milk my cock of its precious seed.

"Maaaster... I... I'm... Oh God! OH, Please!"

"Would you like to cum, slut? Do you have some cum for me?"

"YESSSSSS.." she hissed between clenched teeth.

"Then CUM FOR ME!" I said, growling.

"OHHMMYYYYGOOODDD!" she screamed as her orgasm slammed into her like a runaway freight train. As her walls collapsed on my cock one last time I, too crested orgasm mountain And blew my cum inside her like a white hot volcano searing the inside walls of her pussy and filling her until it ran out her and made a stain on the bed sheets.

We collapsed in a tangled, sweat covered cum stained heap on the bed, both of us panting and heaving and gasping for any breath we could get.

After what seemed like ages, she curled up next to me.

"Master, I love you."

I smiled and squeezed her gently. "I love you too, pet. Now rest... we have more fun coming!"

Written by Master_Jonathan
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