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Cabin Fever, Chapter 1

"It was the anniversary of our D/s relationship and I wanted it to be special for her!"

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The anniversary of our entering our Master/submissive relationship was soon approaching, and I wanted to do something special for pet. It had been five wonderful years since we had her Collaring Ceremony, and I hadn't regretted a single moment of it. We had shared some wild adventures, and learned things about each other that I am certain without this D/s framework we never would have known. We had both grown and grown together, and I wanted to give her a special anniversary to show her how much it meant to me that she was my submissive and my wife.

A co-worker of mine at the office had a friend that owned a cabin up in the mountains. He would rent it out to people he knew or who were known to be "responsible adults" - in other words, he wouldn't rent to just any shmoe that asked him! And I didn't blame him... big hotel chains might be able to absorb the costs of a wild party and its inherent damages, but this was his summer house. And he didn't want to have to spend the summer fixing it up after a destructive renter had trashed it!

I talked with this co-worker of mine a few times about the cabin, and he showed me some pictures of it when he had rented it himself. It looked nice and he said he would put a good word in for me, so I was looking forward to using it for our anniversary. And I got word one day that he would rent it to us. I got his contact information, and gave him a call one day while I was at work. We set up the dates and rates, and everything was ready as far as the cabin went. Now, I had to make sure the other preparations were in place.

A few days before we were to leave on our weekend getaway, I went shopping. I left for work as usual, and as far as pet knew that's where I was headed. What she didn't know was that I was only going to be there for the morning. That afternoon I had taken off work to do the shopping and make the rest of the arrangements for the weekend.

I went to an "adult toy store" in a neighboring town (the one we went to initially to get our first bondage toys) and picked up a few additional items, both bondage-orientated and regular toys. Then, I went to our local hardware store for some other things I had in mind. Once I had the needed items for our weekend play, I went home that day at the regular time. But before I went inside, I stashed all the things I had bought in the garage and covered it with some other garage "debris" so she wouldn't be tempted to peek inside the box!

"Hello, Master! Welcome home!" she said, as I walked in the door. It is always such a pleasure for me to come home to my beautiful pet and her welcome makes all the aggravation and stress of the workday melt away in her deep blue eyes and warm, honest smile.

"Hello, pet. How was your day?" I asked her as she took off my coat.

"Fine, Master, but I missed you."

"And I missed you as well. But I am home now," I said, kissing her.

"Yes, Master, and I am so glad," she said.

"Oh? And why is that, little one?" I asked.

"No reason, Master. I just really missed you," she said.

"Well," I whispered low as I reached down to her crotch, "maybe I will have to do something about my absence then."

"Yes Master," she replied in a throaty whisper. I lowered my face to her tits and licked one of her nipples, rasping my tongue over the nub as she arched her back slightly.

"Oooh, Master, that feels so good," she cooed. She reached down to hold the tit up, offering herself to me.

I accepted and sucked the nipple into my mouth, sucking and biting it gently, then a little harder. She moaned softly and reached up to pull my head closer. I took her by the wrists and held her hands behind her back, using my arms to trap her and hold her in place. She moaned again as she felt my strength firmly keeping her from wriggling or escaping. I licked and sucked on each nipple in turn, enjoying the sight of my pet with closed eyes, moaning her pleasure and watching those little buds stiffen and swell as I toyed with them.

"Is that pussy wet for me, slut?" I asked.

"Yes Master," she moaned hoarsely. "Would you like to see?"

"I think I would, pet. Show me," I said, releasing her wrists and kneeling down.

She took a small step back and spread her legs, looking at my face for a reaction.

"I said, show me," I repeated. She spread her pussy lips to show me her pink softness. I reached out and pulled her to me roughly and buried my face in the folds of her pussy.

"Oh god, Master Ohhhh, yes!" she said as she felt my tongue probe her womanhood. She pushed my face deeper into her. "Yess... Oh, right there, Master! Oh god!" she spread her legs further apart urging me deeper and opening her pussy for my exploration. I took advantage of it too, licking the sides, her puffy pussy lips, and drawing small circles around her clit. The latter technique drove her wild, and her legs began quaking with the strain of fighting off her growing need. I kept up the pressure on her, not letting her cum, but not letting her cool down either.

"Oh, Masterrr," she growled her need to me. "Oh please! I... I..."

I slipped a finger up to touch her asshole and she jumped, forcing herself onto my tongue as I pressed my finger forward. I didn't enter her, but I kept my finger on her anus nonetheless. She reached back to move my hand, but I swatted it away. She liked having me play with her asshole, it really got her hot, although she was still a bit shy about entering her. Personally, I enjoyed "rimming" her - licking around her asshole and even poking into it slightly while fingering her pussy. It never failed to make her insane with lust and she would cum just from my doing that if I let her!

"Master... Oh please may I cum? May I cum for you?" she pleaded.

"No. Not here," I said. I stood up and took her over to the dining room table. I hefted her onto it and she laid back.

"Now, pet, I'm going to eat your pussy and make you cum. But you'll still have to beg for it. And I may not let you cum right off - you taste so good, I want to savor your tasty pussy!" I told her. She obediently spread her legs wide for me and pulled her knees up to her chest so I had plenty of room to get at her. She grabbed her calves and held her legs in position while I bent to the task before me. With her pussy drooling and her asshole winking at me, I began eating her out in earnest. I love the taste of pet's pussy and could eat it for hours - far longer than she can stand me there! As I chewed on her clit, I slipped my index finger into her sopping pussy and fingered her for a bit, letting her juices lube up my finger for later. It wasn't but a couple minutes (unfortunately) before she was back on the edge of her orgasm. This time I would let her cum, but in my own exciting way.

"Oh, Master! Oh, I'm going to cum! Please! Please let me cum for you!" she whined desperately.

"Now you can beg better than that, pet! Make me believe it!" I said, lifting my head and letting her see her pussy juice all over my face. This made her even more aroused.

"Please, please, Master, please, I need to cum so badly! Please!" she begged again.

"That's better. But I think you have more in there. One more time, pet," I said again.

"Please, please! Oh God! Oh God, please, please let me cum, Master! Oh, I'll do anything you want, just please let me cum!" she wailed, desperate to gain her release.

"That's my slutty pet. Okay, you may cum," And I punctuated my permission by shoving that lubed index finger into her asshole up to the middle knuckle.

"OHH!!" she shrieked as she came. The shock of my index finger plunging into her asshole sent her careening over the edge of her orgasm and she exploded right there on the table. I held onto her as she came, bucking upwards with her legs as she poured her juice onto the table under her. This made the table and her slippery and I had to hang onto her tightly and hold her down, the restriction causing her to cum even harder. Finally the waves subsided and she relaxed, panting and giggling on the table, covered in sweat and her own cum.

"Thank you, Master. I needed that. I was tempted today to make a mistake, but I held out for you. And now I feel MUCH better!" she said.

"Well, to be honest with you, I needed it too, pet. And I got to say it's a hell of a nice welcome home to boot!" I kissed her as she laid there.

I helped her off the table and then took her around the other side. I wiped my hand over the puddle of pussy juice she had leaked there and then spread it over her tits.

"Keep that there for me. I'll take it off later," I told her.

"Yes, Master," she said, smiling. "Would you like to go up and get out of those work clothes? I have your clothes laid out on the bed."

"Yes, I think I will. Thank you, pet." I kissed her again. "You are so thoughtful."

She smiled. "Anything for you, Master."

We sat down to a delicious dinner of pot roast and as we ate, I told her of my plans - at least the part she needed to know right then!

"This weekend, pet, we are going away. Don't ask me where - it's a surprise. But we'll be leaving Friday as soon as I get home from work. Now, I want you to wear that little black mini-dress... you know, the halter-top one cut almost to your navel in front, and cut down to the small of your back in the rear. I like the way it looks almost painted on you... it shows off all your luscious curves!"

"Curves hell, it shows my goosebumps if it's cold out, Master!" she said.

"Yeah and if it's cold out it shows a couple other things!" I said, pinching her nipple playfully.

"Master you're incorrigible!" she smiled.

"Yeah and you wouldn't have it any other way, would you pet?" I asked.

"No, Master," she said. "I love your 'bad boy' side!"

"Now, of course, you won't be wearing any underwear under that dress, and I want you to wear your thigh-high stockings and your silver heels," I told her. "As for any other clothing, well you might want to bring a pair of jeans and a top, a light jacket, your boots, and maybe something sexy to wear at night."

"Yes, Master," she said, puzzled at the combination I threw at her. But she laid out the clothes I told her to and after I looked them over, she packed them in her suitcase. I packed my things as well, leaving out my "working clothes" - my leather pants, open-front sleeveless shirt, and square-toe boots. I put the two suitcases by the door for tomorrow when we would leave...

Work that Friday was light, fortunately, since I doubt I could have concentrated on much anyway. Finally, the time came for us to head out on our adventure. Pet still had no idea where we were going, and I meant to keep it a secret for as long as possible. I got home that evening and before I went inside, I put the box of things I had bought a few days earlier in the trunk of the car. Then I went in and got my pet.

She looked absolutely amazing in that dress. Her hair was made up in a cute ponytail, and her makeup was flawless. She met me at the door, kneeling like usual, but I quickly picked her up and kissed her. I didn't want her to ruin her stockings for one, and for another I wanted to get on the road quickly. I took my beauty out to the car and seated her with a kiss, placing the blindfold over her eyes and buckling her in. Then brought out the suitcases and put them in the trunk and got in. I figured we'd grab a bite on the road. So we were off.

We made it through town easily enough, and soon we were on the open road. That's when I put my plan into action. As I drove, I placed my hand on her thigh.

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She gasped at first, but then relaxed. I began stroking her nylon clad leg and she laid her head back on the headrest and let herself enjoy the feelings. I stroked her leg for a bit, then casually moved up an inch or two. She was enjoying my caress, and parted her legs a bit to get the left one closer to me. I moved from stroking the top of her thigh to the inside of it, and that started her softly mewing her delight. My had crept up higher, and before long I was at the hem of her short dress. She had put a hand in the front of her dress and was busy playing with her tit as I fondled her.

"Hike up your dress," I told her. She scooted it up until she was sitting bare-assed on the car seat. She parted her legs wider and I began fingering her pussy lips.

"Mmm..." she said, as she sat there with her blindfold on. She licked her lips sensuously and played with her tit more. She lowered her seat back a bit and scooted down in her seat raising her hips for me. I played with her pussy lips and flicked her clit, causing her to gasp when I did. I toyed with her and heard her breathing get heavy. She began purring then moaning softly as I continued to heat her up.

"Stick your finger in your pussy, pet. I want a taste," I told her.

"Ohhh..." she said, as she stuck her finger up inside her.

"How is your temperature, pet?" I asked her.

"So hot..." she said, panting, "My pussy is on fire, Master."

"Good... just the way I like it. I want your pussy to steam the whole way to where we are headed!" I told her.

"I... I'll try, Master. I just hope it isn't too much further," she said, the passion obvious in her voice.

"It's still a bit further to where we are driving to, but I have a feeling you'll get where you are going before I do!" I said, fondling her a bit harder.

"Ohhh, Master! Oh, I don't know... if I... can wait!" she moaned, and raised her hips again

"You want my cock in your pussy don't you slut?" I asked, as I fingered her slick slit. I didn't really need the answer, but making her admit it would drive her higher.

"Ohhh, yesss," she hissed.

"Tell me. I want to hear you say it," I demanded.

"Master... please...." she whimpered.

"Tell me!" I said sternly. And I emphasized my order with a sharp plunge into her pussy.

"Master! I want you to fuck my hot pussy! I want you to fuck me in the ass!" she groaned.

"I like a slut who knows what she wants!" I smiled.

"Yes, Master I do. I want you!" she moaned again.

I smiled, knowing that my pet was going to get everything her loving heart could want in short order. We finally arrived at the cabin after a long drive - especially for her. The driveway was a bit rough, as could be expected for a cabin in the woods. I enjoyed watching pet's full tits bounce as we went over the potholes and bumps in the long driveway... it gave me ideas for the weekend as well! I stopped the car in front of the cabin and walked around to open the door for pet. I took her hand and walked her up the pathway to the cabin. Once we climbed the steps to the deck we stood at the door. She heard the jingle of keys as I unlocked the door and the padlock over the doorknob. I swung the door open and then I untied her blindfold.

"We are here pet, are you ready?" I asked her.

"Oh yes, Master! Please can I see?" she asked, excited and anxious. I removed her blindfold and she took in the scene before her.

It was a fairly large log cabin with high open beam ceilings and columns made from big trees. I had seen pictures of the cabin and had plans for these features! The bedroom was upstairs in the loft with a half bath and the rest of the cabin - living room, kitchen and a full bath, were downstairs. It was a really nice place and well-kept... I could see why the guy was so careful with his renter choices.

Pet was impressed as well. "Oh Master, it's lovely!" she said, walking in and looking around. I took her hand and led her to one of the wood columns. Placing her back against the roughly hewn wood, I put her hands behind her and around the back of the column.

"Leave them there," I told her. I reached up behind her head and untied the strings holding her halter top on. I let the top fall forward and down, freeing my pets beautiful 36D tits and exposing them to my desires. And right then, I desired to chew on her thick nipples, stiffening from arousal and the cool mountain air.

"Ohhh, please, Master... Oh, I want you...." she groaned as she felt my mouth over her tit and felt me pressing her into the wood behind her. I wanted her too... playing with her the long way up here had gotten me horny as hell too.

"Go upstairs and get ready then. I will be up as soon as I unload the car," I told her. She hurried upstairs to the bedroom and I went out to the car to bring in the suitcases and my special box of toys. When I was finished I went upstairs to pet. She was indeed ready for me, standing naked by the foot of the bed waiting for me to join her. I walked up to her and leaned in to kiss her. As I closed the gap between us, I reached to take her nipple between my fingers and I pulled upwards on it as I kissed her stretching her tit and making her moan deeply into my waiting mouth. I grabbed her by the throat with my other hand, showing her that I was her master and leaned in to kiss those soft warm lips that I owned... and that owned me as well.

I pushed her backwards onto the bed and she spread her legs, wrapping them around me and pulling me towards her. I spun the hand that had her throat so that I now clenched her chin in my palm and pushed my fingers into her mouth. She sucked them as I leaned in to bite at her nipple. She moaned loudly as a chewed on her tit and she sucked on my fingers. I moved up to her face and shoved my fingers down her throat almost to the point of gagging her and then pulled them out, letting her get a breath.

"You're such a pretty little slut, you know that?" I said, as I shoved my fingers back deeply into her mouth. When she started to gag, I pulled them back out. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards me.

"I'll bet you wish this was my cock gagging you, don't you slut?" I asked her, as I once again shoved my fingers into her mouth.

"Uh huh," she said with her next breath.

Keeping a firm hold of her chin and my fingers in her mouth, I laid her back on the bed with her head tilted way back and her chin pointed at the ceiling. My other hand found her wet pussy and I began by rubbing my hand side to side rapidly just over her pussy lips.

"Ohh, God! Oh... Oh..."she said, as her wide-spread legs bicycled in pleasure. She gripped the bed sheets as I played her pussy like guitar strings. I finally let go of her chin and she sat up on her elbows, panting like she had just surfaced from a long underwater swim.

I pushed my fingers deep into her pussy and began fingerfucking her, grabbing a tit as she rocked back and forth against my hand.

"What should I do with you pet?" I asked her.

"Whatever you want, Master," she moaned, "Whatever you want."

I shoved my fingers back inside her and she arched her back as my hand sawed into her. I slapped her tit a couple times and she gasped each time she heard the wet smack and felt the sting on my hand. Then I thumbed her clit with my free hand while I continued sawing her pussy with my other.

"Oh Gog! Oh my GOD!" she cried, as I felt her getting close.

"Don't you dare cum yet, slut! I am just getting started with you!" I warned her.

"Yes, Master! Oh! Yes, Master!" she panted.

I bent down and planted my face in her pussy, licking and stabbing her sweetness with my tongue. She went wild, grabbing her tits and squeezing them hard.

"Oh GOD! Oh fuck! Ohhh, ssshiiitt!" she screamed as she came. She arched her back like an Olympic gymnast as I watched her legs shaking uncontrollably and her fingers digging so deep into the sheets I was afraid she would shred them. Once she had relaxed for a moment, I grabbed her by the hair and brought her to her feet on the floor in front of me.

"Did you just cum? Without permission?" I asked her.

"Yes, Master..." she breathed. "I...I couldn't help it."

I grabbed her tit hard and forced her down to a sitting position as I grabbed her throat again. I stood over her with my face just a few inches above hers, staring into those beautiful blue eyes as she waited, panting, for what I was to do to her next. Would I spank her? Would I fuck her? She had no way of knowing and the suspense was torture!

After a few moments of deliberation (and a few moments of hellish anticipation for her!), I grabbed her hair once again, I pulled her to her feet, and turned her to face the bed I pulled her head back and held it back.

"Spread your ass cheeks. Show me your pussy!" I told her. She grabbed her asscheeks and pulled them up and apart for my examination. I knelt down on one knee and fingered her pussy then touched her asshole. She moaned loudly as I probed her holes. Then I swatted her asscheek with my hand.

"OHH!" she gasped. I swatted the other with a similar reaction. I repeated this on both cheeks. Then I reached up high on her back and pushed her forward onto the bed so her ass was high in the air and her feet still on the floor. A couple more swats on her ass had her moaning and panting again.

"Spread your asscheeks," I told her and she did. Then I put my face between them and began long slow licks of her pussy up to her ass.

"Ohhh, Fuuckk!" she wailed as she felt my tongue bathing her most intimate places with my saliva. I took several long licks of her tasting both her pussy and her ass before settling on her pussy. I buried my tongue in her slit and she groaned with lustful desire.

"Ohh, GODDD!" she moaned long and slow. She grabbed at the sheets again as she lay there mouth open, unable to form words. I pushed a finger into her ass as I ate her pussy and she threw her head back. I took hold of her hair and held it there, bending her backwards and pulling myself deeper into her.

Just as she was getting close to her second orgasm, I stopped and pulled back swatting her ass once more. She turned around.

"Please keep going! Please, please, please! Please make me cum! Please!" she begged desperately. She sounded like a girl who wanted her favorite doll at the toy store!

"If I let you cum, what are you going to do for me?" I asked her.

"Anything, Master! Anything you want, just please!"

"Anything?" I asked.

"Yes, Master, anything! Oh please!" she said again.

I buried my face in her ass again and grabbed her hair. Forcing her headfirst onto the bed I ate her pussy out again.

"Oh, fuuuckkkk!" she screamed into the sheets as she flooded my mouth with her sweet pussy juice! she pushed back and coated my tongue with her cum. My poor pet froze in place like that for several moments - frozen in utter ecstasy as her world crashed in around her. Her whole body trembled and quivered as her muscles struggled against each other until merciful as I am I pulled back and released her from her orgasm.

She collapsed gasping for any breath she could get. Bathed in sweat, she shone gloriously in the light coming in from the window. She was the picture of heaven. When I felt she had recovered enough to have a grasp on the English language again, I rolled her over and crawled up her ravaged body.

"Happy Anniversary, pet. Just think... we have three days here!" I said.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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