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"Keeping his pet on edge all evening long."

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It started the moment he got home from work.  It was Friday but he still hadn't gotten home until after 7.  She was slicing peppers for stir-fry when she heard the front door open.  She turned to greet him with a smile when she was suddenly pinned against the counter, the edge of it biting her hip.  He devoured her mouth in a bruising kiss that was all tongue and teeth.  His hand fisted in her hair, angling her head back.  His other hand reached under her dress, gripping her ass and pulling her against him.  She whimpered and clutched his shoulders to keep herself upright.  

After several heated moments, he trailed his mouth down her neck to bite her shoulder then soothed the bite with his tongue.  He chuckled darkly as she moaned.  

"Good evening, darling," he said with a smile.  He stood then but still held her in a tight grip.  She shook her head slightly to clear it after such a dominating kiss.   

"Good evening yourself, dear," she returned his smile.  "Does this mean you had a good day or less good day?"

He chuckled before answering, "It was just a day, I suppose.  But I had this idea pop into my head hours ago and its been distracting me since then."

"What kind of idea?" she asked.  Her eyes narrowed at the mischevous glint in his eyes.

"It's a game, really, and one I think you'll like," he said while his hand slid inside her panties under her dress.

"I like how this game begins," she said with a sigh.  He slipped two fingers into the top of her folds and began to roll her clit between them, finding her wet already from his kiss.  Her eyes slid closed and her sigh turned into a moan as his fingers sped up.  He dipped them into the sweet arousal starting to drip from her pussy and moved back to her clit, now hard from his tender ministrations.  He smiled softly at the look on her pretty face, eyes closed, breath coming in soft pants punctuated my moans and sighs.

His fingers sped up again, swirling in tight circles around her clit.  She moaned loudly now, lost in the sensation, hearing the wet sounds of her lover fingering her sex.  The sharp feeling of her panties pulling against her ass cheeks added to the sensation.  

"Oh, baby," she moaned, gripping his biceps, "you're gonna make me cum."

"I know," he said lowly, letting his lips ghost over hers, his controlled breathing mingling with her hot panting.  

Then, just as she felt the coil of pleasure start to peak, he stopped and pulled his hand from her now wet panties.  He pressed his whole hand against her mound, not allowing her any movement.  

"No! Please," she moaned, this time now with pained need.  "Why did you stop?!?"

"You should have asked about the rules to this game before you let me start, my love," he said in a deep rumbling voice.  She pressed her thighs tight together, trapping his hand and tried to move, but he held her firm.  

"No, sweet one," he said frowning at her.  "I need you to stop.  I promise it will be worth it." She fought back the urge to grind against him as the edge of arousal lessened.  He felt her body relax against him and kissed her forehead gently.

"Good girl," he purred.  "Now, would you like to hear more about what we're playing tonight?" She nodded, but did not look at him.  He lifted her chin up, forcing her to see him and met the frustration simmering in her eyes.  He pressed his body against hers and lovingly stroked her cheek.  Her eyes softened at the love in his eyes.

"I want to bring you to that edge several times tonight, pushing your sweet body higher and higher until you can't take it a moment longer and then I will catch you when you fall." His voice rumbled low in her ear, his lips brushing the shell of her ear as he spoke.  "Will you let me play, pet?"

She gave him a wide-eyed nod, fully under the spell he had woven around her.  

"I need a verbal answer, pet. I need to know for certain you have consented to this game we'll play."

"Yes," she breathed.  She forced more into her voice to answer again, "Yes, sir, I want to play."

His grin was full of sin and he rubbed his body against hers like a predatory cat.  "Good girl.  We will have fun tonight, pet."


And so they played.  She forced her breathing to calm and turned back to making their supper.  He went to put his briefcase in his office, change out of his suit, and shower.  She was just finishing plating the rice when he came back into the kitchen.  She looked up at him and smiled, but couldn't contain her shiver of arousal when she saw his bare chest, its lean but defined contours never failing to make her body respond.  He smirked and walked over to kiss her neck before moving away to get a bottle of wine.  

The dining room table was set and the wine poured when he started the next round of the game.  She had just sat down when he moved around the table and offered her his hand.  She took it and allowed him to lift her to her feet.  He led her around to the back of the wooden chair and placed both her hands on the back.  He nuzzled his nose into her hair as he spoke.

"Are you ready, pet?"

She nodded her response, already feeling her body begin to pulse in anticipation.  He flipped her dress up over her ass and groaned at seeing the full soft globes partly covered by pale blue cotton.  He knelt then, gently pulled down her panties and lifted her bare feet, one at a time, to remove them completely.  Standing again, he held the wet fabric in front of her face and pressed himself against her back.

"These are so wet, pet.  Did you do all this for me?"

"You know what you do to me, baby, please," she pleaded, her knees feeling weak.  

"Ah ah, pet, what was that?" he asked, raising his voice slightly.

"I mean, sir," she answered, his forceful tone and her own submissive response turning her on even more.

"Much better, pet.  Now, where were we?"  He smoothed both hands over her silky ass cheeks and down the backs her thighs, coaxing her to spread her legs further apart.  She folded her arms on the back of the chair and rested her head upon them.  Her back arched and she longed to press back against him when she felt his hands move up to massage her full breasts through the soft fabric of her dress.  He briefly thrust his hips against her ass, moving his hands to grip her shoulders tightly.  The memory of him taking her this way, fucking her roughly in this position in this very spot, made her thrust back into him and moan.  

He chuckled at her response, pleased that she was enjoying this as much as he was.  He left one hand on her shoulder but moved the other down her back to her dripping pussy.  He smiled and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her slick arousal coating his fingers as he slid them through the folds of her soft cunt.  

Her head shot up and she gasped when, without warning, he slid two long fingers deep inside her pussy and immediately set a fast pace.  He fucked in and out of her, scissoring his fingers wider, rubbing her inner walls.  The slurping sounds of his fingers in her pussy sounded almost obscene in the quiet of the kitchen.  His hand came around to wrap lightly around her throat.  He leaned in close to speak into her ear.

"Good girl," he crooned softly.  "You're so hot and tight.  Your needy cunt is gripping my fingers so tightly, it makes my cock throb in time with the pulsing of these pussy walls."

His dirty words worked her higher into a near frenzy.  Her moans went up in volume and pitch when he added a third finger to fuck into her tight passage and moved his thumb to press against her clit.  

"That's it, pet," he said in a low voice. "You're so close now, aren't you?"

She whimpered and nodded.  Her thighs started to shake when he angled his fingers down to rub and press on that sensitive spot within her core.  She could feel her orgasm about to crest with every thrust of his fingers against her g-spot.

And, again, he stopped.  

She nearly growled in frustration and slammed her head back onto her folded arms.  He wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her as she came back down.  The shaky sound of her breathing and the trembling of her body sent a dark thrill through him and he smiled and kissed her hair.  After a moment, he spoke again.

"Are you okay to stand, pet?"

She nodded and tried to slow her breathing further.  

"Pet?" he pressed.

"Yes," she finally managed, "yes, I can stand, sir."

"Good girl," he replied, moving away.  He retrieved a towel from the drawer and laid it on her chair.  "There.  That will keep your chair dry, my dripping pet."

She almost resented how calm his voice sounded until he helped her sit back down on the now towel-covered chair.  His soft lounge pants were tented, proving him not as unaffected as he pretended to be.  She reached out for him, hoping to entice him to end the game now, but he twisted away,  dropping a quick kiss on the top of her head, before moving to his own seat across the table.

"We should eat, pet," he said with an easy smile, reaching for a serving spoon.  "You especially.  You'll need your strength for the rest of tonight." He winked at her.

She took a deep breath and reached for her wine glass, taking a long drink of the rich white wine, and tried not to glare at him.  


Supper eaten and cleared away, they were now snuggled together on the couch watching an episode of Forbidden History.  Or rather, he was watching an episode of Forbidden History and she was trying not to squirm in her seat.  His fingers were trailing lightly up and down her bare thigh as she sat with her back leaning against his hard chest, her legs pulled up on the cushion.  His light touch should have tickled but with his denial of her orgasm twice, her senses were going haywire.  

He seemed thoroughly involved in the show and it was making her crazy.  

'How could he be so calm after all of this?' she thought. He had looked just as aroused as she felt.  Her clit was pulsing in time with each heartbeat.  She could feel how swollen her pussy lips were and she felt certain the couch cushion would be soaked if he hadn't brought the towel from her dining room chair with them when they moved to the lounge.  He hadn't even really touched her breasts and yet she could feel her nipples pressing hard against the lace of her bra.  They dragged along the inside of her dress with each breath.  She shifted her hips slightly and felt her arousal leak out and drip through her cleft.

'I want to keep playing with him like this,' she thought with no small amount of despair, 'but I'm not sure how much more I can take.  I love his playful side so much, but this is making me crazy!'

She was so deep in thought she missed when the show ended.  He shifted behind her and started to get up, nearly making her fall back on the couch.  His wide smile made her look at him warily as he knelt on the floor and turned her body toward him.  Her breathing increased but she offered no resistance when he parted her knees and spread her legs on either side of himself.  He turned away briefly to lower the television volume before focusing his gaze back on her.  

"I hope my good girl is ready to play some more," he said, leaning forward to kiss the inside of her knee.  

"Yes, sir," she whimpered, sensing the direction this game was heading.  Her senses proved correct when he smiled again and kissed further up her shaking thigh.

"Already trembling, my pet?" he asked.  Her shaky breath was his only answer as he laved both thighs in hot, open mouth kisses.  He sat back suddenly and pulled her by her legs to sit on the edge of the couch with a sharp jerk.  Her yelp of surprise turned a deep moan when he licked her slit from bottom to top and swirled his tongue around her clit. 

He moaned at the tangy sweetness of her pussy and pushed his tongue into her opening as far as he could.  His hands had to grip her thighs hard to keep her spread open to his ministrations.  

She couldn't catch her breath.  She felt herself spiraling out of control so quickly.  His tongue dipped deep into her cunt, drawing out the milky white fluid he tasted there, then swirled back up to roughly manipulate her hardened nub.  He hummed deep in his throat so she could feel the vibrations throughout her body.  

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She thrashed her head back and forth and moaned, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving her.  Her stomach muscles clenched and her toes curled and her fingers clutched the edge of the couch.  The sight of his short tousled hair between her thighs was unbelievably erotic but still nothing like the heat in his bright blue eyes when they met hers.  

The burn of the deepest orgasm of her life had been steadily increasing as he noisily ate her pussy.  The world began to fade away and her vision narrowed.  When he began to suck her clit and flatten it against his tongue, she soared and cried out his name, her thighs shaking uncontrollably.  

But then, again, again, he slowed and stopped with a final gentle lick to her throbbing pussy.  He sat back on his heels, still holding her legs, with a smile that quickly faded into concerned shock.

"Nooo! No!" she wailed. Her cries of pleasure had turned to real crying as tears of frustration and need traced down her cheeks.  She panted and wept, slumped against the couch unmindful of his surprise.  

"Oh no, my darling, what is it?" he asked, gently pulling her into his arms.  She pressed her face into his neck, wetting his skin with her tears.  He stroked her hair and she calmed quickly, taking deep breaths of his comforting, familiar scent.  He pulled her closer still, shifting forward on his knees in front of the couch.  His cock strained hard against the material of his lounge pants and as he shifted it brushed against her still throbbing core.  She let out a strangled moan and her body shook again in his arms.  Realization dawned in his mind and he closed his eyes, feeling slightly ashamed.  He pulled back slightly to look at his love's face.  

"Open your eyes, pet, look at me," he said gently, cupping her cheek.  Her eyes were reddened but the dilation of her pupils and quick breaths betrayed her still extreme arousal.  He could even see her pulse race in the curve of her throat.  

"Is it too much, love?" he asked, staring deep into her eyes.  She nodded slightly.  "I've taken this too far, darling, I'm so sorry." 

"No, don't be sorry," she said softly but quickly, surprising him.  He smiled slightly.

"Love, I never meant to cause you distress. I only wanted to bring you pleasure.  Maybe I pushed you a little too far this time?"

"Maybe," she answered with a small half-smile.

"You remember, though, that you could have stopped me at any time.  You know that, don't you?"  His voice intensified and he pulled her face close to his own.  She nodded.  "Hmmm?" he pressed her for an answer.

"Yes, sir," she said, her smile widening. "I just wanted to please you."

"You always please me, my love," he said with feeling. "Always.  Whether we are playing or just loving or even simply sitting together, you always please me." He caressed her cheek as he spoke and pulled her body close again.  She preened under his loving attentions, but the feel of his arms tightening around her pushed her body's needs to the forefront again.  A sigh faded into a whimper as her breasts pressed against his hard chest.  

His love-filled smile twisted into a smirk as he felt his pet shift slightly in his arms.  He bent his head to scent her neck, gently sliding his nose under her light brown hair.  

"I think it's time our game reached its wonderful conclusion, don't you, pet?" he asked, his deep voice full of lust.

"Yes, please," she begged, twisting her face  to find his lips with her own.  She played the aggressor in this kiss, plunging her tongue into his mouth and biting down on his lower lip with her teeth.  He allowed her this power as he slowly shifted his feet underneath himself, moving to a crouch.  She wrapped her one arm around his neck and the other gripped his bicep as he moved his own hands down to cup her bare ass and slowly pull her forward.

Suddenly, they were moving.  All at once, he pulled her into his lap and spun them around to sit back on the couch with her straddling his lap, pressed hard against the prominent bulge in his pants.  They moaned together as his hard cock pressed against her wet pussy with only the thin fabric of his pants dividing them.

"Oh pet," he panted. She moved her attack to his neck and sucked hard at his pulse point.  Her hips thrust almost on their own, desperate for friction, smearing his pants with her juices.  He lifted her dress up and over her head before nearly tearing the lace bra from her body.  His hands kneaded her full breasts, the C-cup globes perfectly filling his large hands.  Her nipples were hard against his palms and he gently pinched the tips, pulling slightly the way she liked.  She moaned and whined his name, hips bucking harder against his cloth-covered cock.

"I know you need to cum, pet," he said in a husky voice.  She whined against his neck.  "And I am going to make you cum like you deserve, I promise..." he trailed off, pushing her back slightly to gain her attention.  She looked at him, all disheveled appearance and swollen lips, and he bit back a moan.

"I want to cum with you, pet," he leaned forward to kiss her neck now as he continued speaking, "within you, pet.  I want to fill you with my seed and feel of your hot cunt milking me dry." She moaned and tried to thrust against him again.

"For that to happen, why don't you make sure my cock is ready to give you what you need," his voice twisted into a command that flooded her pussy with renewed need.  

With a wicked smile, she climbed off his lap and dropped immediately to her knees.  She reached for his waistband and he lifted slightly to help her remove his pants completely.  His cock sprang up, hard and heavy, standing proudly from a nest of dark hair.  She reached up to grip the base, her fingers only just meeting around his girth, using her other hand to cup his heavy sack.  He groaned when she licked her lips and leaned forward to taste the pre-cum seeping from his tip.  She sucked slightly, reveling in his taste, before slowly moving her mouth lower, pulling more and more cock into her hot mouth.  Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock as saliva dripped down to the base.  

"Fuck," he swore, head back and eyes closed.  She smiled up at him as best she could, enjoying his reaction as much as the cock in her mouth.  Her pussy throbbed and pulsed with empty need and, as she worked to take his cock deeper, she could feel her wetness drip out to coat her thighs.  She moaned around his cock, sending vibrations shooting up his spine and he swore again.  

He tangled his hand into her hair and watched his cock disappear into her mouth.  Pushing down slightly, he felt her throat muscles push back and relished the feel of her gagging on his thick cock.  After a moment, he released her and watched a trail of spittle connect her mouth to his cock as she gasped for air.  She met his eyes and took his cock back into her mouth slowly.  His hips and cock jerked when she swirled her tongue against the sensitive underside of the tip.  Finally, she sped up, sucking harder and using a saliva-slick hand to pump the length of cock her mouth couldn't hold.  After a few more moments, he felt that tell-tale tingle at the base of his balls and he stopped her by pulling up on her hair.  

"I need that pussy up here, pet," he growled.  Not wasting a second, she scrambled back into his lap.  He watched her tits bounce and sway as she used his shoulders to settle on his lap.  He could feel the wetness on her thighs slide up his own.  She pressed her pussy against the base of his cock and slid back and forth, up and down, rubbing her needy clit against him, bathing his length in her honey.  

The press of her clit against his hard cock sent addictive shockwaves throughout her body.  She relished the feel of his firm shoulders under her palms and his large hands gripping her hips.  He urged her to rise up, and she reached between them to align his monster of a cock with her entrance.  

They moaned in tandem when she lowered herself slowly, engulfing his cock in her tight pussy.  He could feel her internal muscles ripple as her cunt stretched around him.  She hissed when his cock bottomed out and stilled a moment, allowing her body a moment to adjust to the large intrusion.  He watched her with his piercing gaze, handsome face twisted into a leer at the slackjawed appearance she got whenever they fucked.  Then she started to move.

Her hips rocked back and forth on his lap, grinding her clit against his toned abdomen.  She had her head thrown back and she moaned as much in pleasure as in relief at finally being able to take her own pleasure.  He held her hips hard, pushing and pulling slightly to get her to speed up.  As much as she wanted to return the favor from before and tease him, neither one of them had the patience for that now.

He thrust up into her heat when she rocked forward and she moaned at the delicious pain of his cock hitting her cervix.  She pulled up slightly as he kept thrusting up, each time pulling her down hard and back to brush her g-spot.  Her pussy dripped honey down his balls and coated his stomach.  His eyes were fixed on her bouncing tits and tight nipples.

They panted and moaned together as he fucked her.  The slap of his flesh against hers sent heat straight to her core.  She felt her orgasm start to burn anew from deep within.  It was all pushing her to a frenzy, his cock hitting her g-spot, his balls brushing her asshole, his hands in their bruising grip at her hips.  He could feel her muscles quiver around his cock and saw her eyes grow glassy and unfocused.

"Yes, good girl," he growled, "that's what you've been needing all night, haven't you?  You needed fucked hard and fast." He punctuated the last bit with harder thrusts.  She could only moan in response.  The burn deep in her body continued to grow and her moans turned into the desperate chanting of his name.

"You know what I want, pet," he continued. "Give it to me and take what you need."

"Ssssir," she hissed, trying to form words through the thick haze.

"No, pet," he panted out, desperately holding back his own pleasure until she reached hers. "Open your eyes and look at me, now!" His lust-roughened voice only served to push her pleasure higher.  He reached between them to find her clit and rolled the slick nub with his fingers.  She screamed at this combination of amazing sensations.

"Please, sir," she screamed wildly, "please, I need to cum! Please!"

"Cum then for me, pet. Now!"

At his command, white-hot release burned through her body, scorching her frazzled nerves new again.  Her whole being shook and jerked as he pulled her down hard on his cock one last time.  He let out his own roar as he came, filling her pulsing heat with his hot seed.  Her pussy milked his cock, making his manhood jerk, prolonging the pleasure for them both.  

Tears of relief and pleasure ran unchecked down her cheeks as she slumped against his heaving chest.  One hand still held her hips tight as he tried to catch his breath.  He ran the other hand up and down her back to soothe her trembling.  

"My good girl, you did so well," he crooned in her ear in his low voice.  He let a small chuckle escape.  "Can I venture a guess that it was worth it in the end?"

A breathy laugh from his lover was the only answer.  She pressed a kiss against his damp neck, breathing in his scent and the scent of their lovemaking.  He wrapped his arms tightly around her to pull her closer.  

"Another idea has just occurred to me, pet," he began.  He felt her shake her head and heard her whimper as her pussy pulsed again.  "Oh but, pet, I think you'll like this one even better."

She leaned back to look at him with wide, questioning eyes.  

"This time was all about how close you can get.  Next time we should play with how many times, in how many ways, I can make that sweet cunt cum for me," he suggested with a sly smile.  The twinkle in her eyes was answer enough.


Written by StormySyren
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