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Black Diamond Stronghold Muster

"I loved men and sex but this was my boss."

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Competition Entry: Unleashed

Travel back in time with me as I finally tell my story about how I stumbled and then merged myself into the private and almost secret lifestyle of BDSM.

In the spring of eighty-seven, I graduated from high school. My guidance counselor had given me information about the cruising industry. He gave me pamphlets on the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. I wanted to get away from my small Michigan town to see the world. While getting paid.

I applied and was hired. For three years I traveled, loving the experience, but then I was ready for land again. While on my last few days on the ship, I started looking for a job.

We didn't have smartphones or iPhones yet. Most homes didn't have computers. Wifi wasn't in our vocabulary yet.

If you were lucky, the local library had dial-up internet.

Luckily, the ship had decent computers. I was scanning through the food service sections and saw a “help-wanted” posting for a restaurant manager at a small dude ranch in Dodge City, Kansas.

The ad was very specific. “Need help immediately to set up and run a small kitchen, room, and board, and travel expenses paid. Apply by phone and ask for Cody.”

What a perfect opportunity for me! I could experience something completely different within my field. I didn't hesitate. I picked up the phone and dialed the phone number.

After a few long rings. Someone finally answered.

“Thank you for calling Black Diamond Stranglehold Muster. This Is Cody, how may I help you?”

“Hi, Cody. My name is Wendy and I'm calling about the kitchen manager job.”

His voice was deep but friendly. He explained that he owned and operated a ranch outside of Dodge City.

He was expanding into the tourism side of ranching by catering to families but also private small groups that have a few specific requirements.

He was looking to have guests who wanted to get on a horse and see the true West. The experience included an actual overnight in the open prairie with a chuck wagon.

I was enthralled by the picture he was painting in my mind. We talked for an hour and then he offered me the job. I said, “Yes,” and a week later, I picked up my one-way airplane ticket to Kansas.

Another adventure! I was so excited. Twenty-one and making my own way, I was off on a plane to work on a ranch for three months.

My plane landed on time at three p.m. Cody had said he would pick me up and would be waiting outside in the ranch truck. The name was on the side of it.

The dry summer heat hit me like a brick as I walked out of the airport. At first, I didn't see the truck. My heartbeat faster.

But, then, there it was. A big white truck with the ranch logo on the side. I pulled my overstuffed suitcase next to me, smiled, and hoped I would make a good first impression.

I had no idea what Cody would look like or how old he was. Remember, no face time back in the olden days. I had pictured an older man of around forty or so by the sound of his voice.

But when he jumped out of the truck, I was surprised to see a young guy close to my age, maybe a year or two older. He smiled, took my suitcase, and lifted it into the back of the truck like it didn't weigh anything at all.

He ran around and opened the passenger door before I could. He smiled. “After you, Miss Wendy.”

I felt my face blushing. “Thank you, Cody.”

He pulled out of the airport and headed out of town.

At first, there was an awkward silence between us, and I kept sneaking glances at him. He had no wedding ring on his deep tan hand. He was wearing a crisp white shirt with the BDSM logo on the shirt with a rope intertwined through the letters, a pair of faded jeans, and well-worn cowboy boots.

On the seat between us was a tan cowboy hat.

“Miss Wendy, how was your flight?”

I jerked myself out of my silent study of this gorgeous man.

“The flight was good. I was surprised to be in first class. Thank you for the upgrade.”

I watched him as he smiled.

“You're very much welcome, M— Wendy.” He laughed at his almost saying Miss again and so did I.

We made small talk. Then I started asking more questions about the ranch. He told me that the ranch had been passed down through generations.

His parents still lived on the property but were retired. He, along with his twin brother Cane, had expanded the ranch over the last few years to include a dude ranch open to the public.

This was its first year fully operational to include a dining hall. The ranch was fifty miles southwest of Dodge.

During a lull in the conversation, my stomach growled loudly. I was embarrassed, but Cody only smiled.

About twenty minutes later, like an oasis in the middle of a desert, a little white oddly shaped building appeared on the horizon.

As we got closer, I could see trucks parked under a tin roof. I had no idea what this place was until we pulled into the parking area. I could smell the burgers and my mouth started to water. My stomach growled again.

Cody laughed a deep belly laugh. Then I started laughing, too, until I couldn't breathe.

“This is a dairy bar, Wendy. My aunt actually owns it. I'll introduce you. And she’ll hook us up with the best hamburgers and tater tots and milkshakes.”

Over the next hour, I met his aunt, and his uncle came in to meet me, too.

Their strong Kansas accent was hard to understand at first. They said I talked like a northerner. The food was amazing. After we ate, Cody kissed his aunt goodbye and shook his uncle's hand.

I caught his uncle winking at Cody. “No fighting with your brother”, he said.

Cody just smiled. “No promises.”

Back in the truck, we started talking about the dude ranch. I would be in charge of all the ordering of the supplies and hiring a few locals to serve.

The ranch was advertising to families as well as business retreats. The first guests would be arriving in just under a week.

As we talked, I became more relaxed and I was confident in my ability to manage the food service of the ranch.

After another thirty minutes went by, I saw the billboard. It was massive with big bold letters and a cowboy riding a horse. I had made it!

Let the summer begin.

Cody pulled up to what looked to be a long ranch-style house. I could see many horses in the barn area.

A beautiful white peacock with its feathers standing out for display walked up to us. I'm no farm kid, and I admit I was a bit uneasy.

“Oh, that's just old Hank,” Cody said as he grabbed my suitcase. “He’s showing off for you.

Wendy, follow me and I'll show you to your cabin. You can get settled in. Feel free to explore or take a nap. I have chores, but I'll come get you for supper around eight.”

I followed Cody. He took me around the big house down a small dirt-covered path to a small cabin. It had a porch with two rocking chairs. He unlocked it, handed me the key, and turned on a light.

The room was decorated nicely with floral curtains on the big window, a couch, and a recliner. Both looked new. Cody took my suitcase into the bedroom.

There was a large queen-size bed with a full bedspread and fresh flowers on the nightstand.

Cody was watching me. I smiled. It was perfect.

Over the next few hours, I unpacked and took a walk around the property. I was just walking back to my cabin when I heard someone say, “Miss Wendy, hold up.” I thought Cody was being silly, but, then I noticed the voice was slightly deeper and he was just a sliver taller. This was Cane. Not Cody.

“Fuck me,” I thought to myself. Cody had said he had a twin, but for some reason, I didn't expect to see a near-perfect carbon copy.

He took his cowboy hat off and introduced himself. “Hi, I'm Cane, the better-looking brother.” He said it with a mischievous smile and a wink. His smile was contagious.

“Just Wendy is fine,” I said.

He nodded in agreement and walked with me the rest of the way to my cabin.

As we got closer, I noticed Cody was sitting in one of the rocking chairs smoking a cigarette and waiting to take me to supper.

He saw Cane and took a long drag of the cigarette before rubbing it out against the bottom of his boot.

“I see you met my brother, Cane,” he said.

I could feel the tension between them. The last thing I needed was to get between two brothers.

“Yes, he was just walking me back so you could take me to supper.” I hoped I sounded neutral.

Cane smiled at Cody, gave me a wink, and trotted off. I followed Cody as he led me to another long, log-covered building. It had railings around it for horses to be tied to. It was decorated with all sorts of Western culture.

The sign on the outside read “Wagon Wheel.” I loved it.

We walked inside and it took my breath away. It was very modern but mixed with more of the Western theme. Each dining table was decorated with a floral tablecloth and a vase of flowers. It felt very homey and

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Cody showed me to a table and pulled my chair out. I felt a bit nervous. He went on to explain how the Wagon Wheel operated. As we chatted, a burly-looking man with a red bandana around in neck came out with two large glasses of lemonade.

“Wendy,” Cody said. “Let me introduce you to our ranch chef, Greg. You two will be working together to manage the food and service side.”

Greg smiled. “Welcome to the ranch, Wendy,” he said in a booming voice. “I’ll be bringing out your supper shortly. Tonight is steak night.” He turned and disappeared back into the kitchen.

The conversation, mostly about work, between Cody and myself was easy. Greg brought out our supper of a huge steak, baked potato with all the fixings, and warm homemade bread in a basket. I ate it all.

I thanked Greg, and we talked about meeting the next morning to go over the inventory.

After supper, Cody walked me back to my cabin. He thanked me for sharing a meal with him and said if I needed anything to just let him know.

The next few days were crazy. Guests were scheduled to arrive soon. The inventory was checked and ordered, and I hired three local women to work inside the Wagon Wheel.

All meals, including snacks, were part of the package. Opening at six am and closing at ten pm made for long days.

The first week we had guests was exciting and exhausting. It was a couple's retreat, mostly, with drinking, riding horses, and many sexual activities in the barn. After the guests left, the staff plus Cody and Cane gathered in the Wagon Wheel to go over the good and the bad.

After the meeting, the waitress staff left and Cane opened a bottle of whisky and brought out some shot glasses.

He poured the dark liquid. “Our first booking was a success.” We all cheered and lifted our glasses.

The whisky burned, and I gasped. Cane pounded on my back with everyone laughing.

Greg had two more shots and went to his bed.

Cody, me, and Cane kept talking.

Cane started the jukebox and asked me to dance. It was a slow country song. He held me close, my hand in his and the other around my waist. He was all muscle and smelled like saddle oil and grass. It was intoxicating. I felt the bulge in his pants. I was no virgin.

I loved sex and men, but this was my boss.

I didn't have time to worry about that because Cody spoke up. “May I cut in?”

Cane looked at me, kissed me hard, and gave my hand to Cody.

I was feeling horny. I mean, so fucking horny I nearly started rubbing my pussy.

I started dancing alone. Pulling my shirt off, exposing my black silk bra. The twins were getting very turned on. I saw Cody and Cane rubbing their cocks through their pants.

As I danced to the music with seductive moves, my black silk bra dropped to the ground and my hips slid against the steel pillar. My head tilted back while I slid my throbbing clit against the hard surface. I moaned loudly, feeling my jeans darken from my flowing juices.

One of the cowboys pulled my hair and kissed the back of my neck as his other hand glided beneath my soaked panties and inside my hungry pussy while I cried out.

The other cowboy joined in and suggested heading to the barn.

I wasn't drunk, but I was very horny.

I looked at Cody and then at Cane. “Fuck yes,” I said.

They put an arm around me, and we left the chuckwagon. Their body heat washed over me. I felt sexy and wanted and excited to share these two gorgeous cowboys.

I was starting to understand the other, spicy side of the ranch now. Looking around the barn, I saw the walls were covered with ropes, flogging whips, and many, many different items I had no idea what they were used for.

My pussy contracted and I felt my cunt getting wet. I wanted them both.

Cane whispered. “I can smell how excited you are, baby.” I shivered.

Cody and Cane moved as one person, their twin energy in full force. They touched me, removed my clothes, and steered me toward one of the large beds. I was naked and shivering, but hot.

First, Cody shackled my hands to the sturdy bed frame. Then Cane spread my legs, exposing my thick bush between my thighs, and shackled my ankles. Their toned, naked bodies moved onto me.

I couldn’t tell which one was touching me and kissing me or which one was sucking on my tits. And I didn’t care!

The tempo changed, and the intensity heightened. They lay next to me, the faces of the identical twins next to mine. I noticed Cody was wearing a necklace and Cane wasn’t.

They bent their heads, each pulling and biting on my nipples. Two hands played at the opening of my bush. Fingers dipped in, exploring, rubbing, and fingering my wet pussy.

The sounds of my moaning drifted out on the summer breeze.

Cane was the first to move his hungry mouth to my waiting snatch. Cody, free to enjoy my large firm breasts all to himself, sucked, bit, and twisted my nipples. Cane was immersed in my hot pussy, his wide tongue pressing against my sensitive G-spot.

I shook and quivered in the thrall of passion and lust.

I felt the first wave as I came hard, gushing and squirting against Cane's mouth. He swallowed every drop.

This turned them on even more. They would have me squirting and coming many times that night.

After tasting me, Cane wanted my pussy. He stroked his cock a few times and teasingly rubbed it against my wet slit.

Cody moved to my head. “Open your mouth for me, baby.” I opened my mouth, and his thick, long shaft filled my throat. I tasted the saltiness of his precum on my tongue.

Cane slid his cock deep inside my hot, wet, pussy and I moaned, my throat vibrating against Cody’s cock. My pussy contracted, milking Cane's cock. Cody throat-fucked me harder as he watched his twin fucking me.

He pulled out and stuffed his heavy balls in my mouth. I sucked and rolled my tongue over them.

Cane fucked me harder, sounding his cock against my cervix. I must have squirmed too much because he put his big hands on my hips and pinned me against the mattress.

My body unleashed another full orgasm that drenched us both. I felt the ropes cutting into my skin. I loved it!

“Fuck me harder and faster,” I cried.

“Give me another one,” Cane yelled as he plunged again and again. Within minutes I was coming again, and Cane came, spilling his seed inside me.

Wanting his turn, Cody shifted, so he was at my snatch. Not hesitating, he pushed inside with his brother’s cum coating his shaft.

Cane sucked my tits and watched his brother's cock coated in his sperm pushing in and out.

Cody's head was back and his mouth open as he rode me and owned my gaping hole. He came hard and his cum ran out of my cunt onto the soaked mattress.

Then, breathing hard, Cody and Cane rested next to me. They didn’t unshackle me, so I knew they weren’t done yet.

Hearing screaming and loud sounds coming from the barn, Greg had woken and thrown on his boots and jeans to investigate.

He had walked in on Cane pounding my pussy while I was sucking Cody’s cock, and had moved in just to make sure it was consensual.

He was reassured it was very welcome for all involved.

Now he was smiling as he watched, his cock hard and signaling he wanted to join in but was waiting for someone to give the signal. Watching him standing there, big, powerful, and so very sexy, I winked.

Immediately, he stripped down and approached, his cock dangling between his muscular thighs.

“Come on, big man,” I said between breaths. “Join in and own my pussy.”

Being more the sensual type, he gripped my hair and kissed my cum-soaked and swollen red lips with a passion that made me squirt again with force.

Cody continued forcefully fucking my wanting cunt until another hot load of cum was ready to spurt out his cock. Then he pulled out and jerked his hot cum all over my tits and pussy before backing away and sitting on a hay bale.

“I’m done,” he said.

Greg jumped at the chance and sucked my cum-covered nipples and bit my tits.

I screamed. “More fuck. Yes.”

He then gripped my thighs, spread them wide, and aggressively ate my cum-filled pussy while nibbling and sucking my clit as his fingers plunged inside my hungry cunt till my legs quivered and shook, spraying my cum in his face.

He motioned for the twins to leave as he undid the shackles.

He took my hands in his and pinned me to the bed and plunged his tongue into my mouth as his hard cock took my throbbing pussy slow and smooth. My inner walls squeezed until his cum poured into my overflowing pussy.

The ranch became very popular for its special attributes, but mostly because it was a place for adults to be sexually free.

At the end of October, I said goodbye to my cowboy lovers, Cody and Cane.

Greg and I had decided to spend the upcoming winter living in Mexico, with plans to open a small, all-inclusive BDSM resort.

Written by Intheshadow
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