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Beginners' night

"Emily's night at a BDSM club"

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Emily woke up, as coming out of a weird dream and opened her eyes slowly. Her mind was confused, and she couldn't remember where she was. Trying to clear her head, she looked around and then noticed a big, tanned hand over her left breast, cradling it, completely. Her eyes travelled down and discovered a brawny thigh, crossed over her own. She was cuddled up against a man, a very big, muscular man; her buttocks were pressed against his obvious, morning erection, her head using his broad chest as a pillow.

"Oh, god! The club!" Memories started to flow as a raging torrent, as she recalled last night's events.

The girls had come to her house, and invited her to go clubbing, but not to just any club, and yes to an exclusive and private BDSM club, in the outsides of town. They had been invited by a member, a Dom called Mark, to what they called 'Beginners' Night'.

Emily had always secretly desired to visit one, and even when fear seemed to overcome her will, she just couldn't say no. Hell, chances like that, didn't come often.

"So, Em, what do you say? Will you come with us?" Rose asked her, holding her hands trying to convince her.

"I… don't have anything to put on! At least not like what you guys are wearing", she answered looking at her friends gowns. Rose was wearing a mini black dress, that barely covered her generous curves, and Faith had a red latex top that matched a mini skirt of the same material, and they both had some insanely high heels on.

Rose chuckled happily and winking one eye, she gave her the plastic bag she had brought in. "We took care of that. You only have to get changed, and we can leave. Punctuality is required, so hurry up, please… pretty please?" she asked.

"Yes, Em, come with us. It will be awesome!" Faith added.

Emily looked at her friends that looked back at her with expectation and decided.

"Ok, I'll go!" the girls gave little jumps of joy, as Emily, grabbed the bag and went to her bedroom to get changed. Her friends had taken her a black satin corset, with lace trims and a skirt matching it that only managed to cover her big, round hips. She had a bit of trouble to fit her big breasts into the corset, but the final effect was astonishing. She put on some black silk stockings attached to a lace garter and of course, similar shoes to those her friends were wearing.

She left her long red hair loose over her mid back, and put on some make up. She went back to the living room, and the three girls left the house amid jokes and giggles. It was their first time on a club like that. They had been to another one in the centre of town but it had been pretty much disappointing. They had started to get interested in BDSM after they read '50 shades of grey' as most women in the country, but Emily had felt as if she had found what she had been missing her whole life. The book had opened a new universe for her, and since then she had read everything she could lay hands on.

This club was placed in a city area that previously had all kinds of stores that had been reconstructed to give place to clubs, restaurants and discos. The club was called 'M's Playhouse', and occupied a huge two floors store, its walls made of bricks. From outside you would never guess what it was. The place's name was on a discreet golden plate near the door, and nothing else. There were no other buildings too near the club what gave it privacy.

The girls' taxi stopped at the door and they jumped out of it.

"Well, this is it!" Rose said. "Do any of you want chicken out?" she asked, looking at her friends.

They all giggled but none did.

"Let's do this then!" she said and went to the door and rang the bell. After a few moments, a woman wearing a black latex dress, and a black leather collar in her neck opened the door.

"Good evening ladies, may I help you?" she asked with soft voice.

Rose cleared her throat and answered. "We have been invited for 'Beginners' Night'."

"Oh, may I have your invitation, please?"

Rose gave it to her. The woman read it quickly and smiling stepped aside to allow them to enter. The reception area was extremely luxurious, decorated in tones of red and gold. Sitting at a desk, was another woman, dressed like the one that opened the door for them.

"You must register with my friend and sign all the forms before you are able to enter the club", she informed the girls, signalling the woman at the desk.

The other woman gave them the forms. They were similar to the ones they had seen in the other club, but far more complete, with a long questionnaire of limits and desires. Emily read her own and with her heart crashing against her chest, for a moment she wished to mark 'No' to everything. Trying to calm herself down, she reread the questions and marked them correctly. Extreme pain: a definitive NO; erotic pain: yes; spanking: maybe; fireplay: not even knew what that was, but better NO; bondage: the simple thought of it had her clenching her thighs together, so a definitive YES; sex: well… that could be a maybe; getting naked in public: she didn’t like that much, but it wasn't a hard no; and so it went on. When she was done, she signed the form that came in duplicate, and handed it over to the woman at the desk. Her friends did the same. The woman took them, stamped them and handed over the duplicate to them.

"You must keep these with you and give them to whoever you want to play with. Enjoy your night!" she informed them. "Sally will escort you to the main room. Have fun!"

Sally, the woman that opened the door for us, guided us through another door that took them to a hallway. She opened another door and led them in. It was a locker room. "Please leave your purses and coats here. You won't be needing them inside, the drinks are on the house, but only two alcoholic ones." Sally informed.

The girls put their bags and coats on a locker and followed the woman out again. A few steps away, she opened another door, and Emily felt as if she had just walked in one of her hot dreams.

The main room.

It was simply amazing, as if it fulfilled all of her hopes and dreams of what a BDSM club should be. It was a huge room, with a bar next to the entrance, some tables and couches displayed near it, a big stage in the centre of the room, and small areas surrounding the stage, with all kinds of toys, such as St. Andrews Crosses, benches of all types and forms, chains, and other things she couldn't even recognized. People wearing all kinds of clothes walked around, the place was crowded, and it was only 9:00 pm.

From the surround sound system you could hear Evanescence singing 'My immortal'.

Sally took them to a table. "You can remain here, if you wish, or wonder around the room. Please remember to always be respectful to all that approach you. You will not be forced to do anything, but I'm sure you will be invited to participate. Choose carefully. If you have doubts don't hesitate to ask any of the staff. We all dress alike."

They sat on a table near the bar.

"Oh, I can't believe we are actually here!" Faith whispered, impressed by the atmosphere in there.

"Yes, this place is awesome…" Emily said, feeling a million butterflies playing in her stomach.

"So, do you think you will agree to play tonight?" Rose asked, looking at the other two. She was the most adventurous of the three of them. She had got the invitation to the club from one of her co-workers that were a Dom here.

"I don’t know. What about you Rose?" Faith asked back.

"Oh, I sure hope so, darling. We won't have another opportunity like this one. The membership to this place is way out of our leagues" Rose answered, looking around, to the crowded room. "What about you, Em?" she asked looking at her.

Emily blushed. If Rose was the most adventurous, she was the shyest. But she agreed with Rose in one thing: it was unlikely they could come here again.

"Like you, I would love to try", she confessed.

"Then let's promise each other to throw fears behind us and really try to have some fun here. What do you say?" Rose proposed.

They looked at each other and then they held out their right hands on the table, one over the other, as they use to, every time they made pacts.

"Ok, then, I'll get us some drinks" Rose said getting up.

Emily looked around enjoying the music, noticing the people around them. There were lots of men dressed in black leather pants and vests, women on latex clothes; she could even see some women totally naked, with just a collar around their necks, and being led by a leash by their Doms.

Rose came back with some cokes; they knew it would be better to stay sober in a place like this. They stayed at the table, zipping theirs drinks, looking around and chatting.

After a while, a tall, amazingly handsome man approached their table.

"Hello, Rose, I'm very pleased to see that you decided to accept my invitation!" he said with a lethal smile. "Please introduce me to your friends!" the request sounded pretty much as an order and Rose blushed beautifully and nodded.

"Yes… of course… girls, this is Mark… the friend that gave me the invitation…" she spluttered."Mark, they are Emily and Faith, my best friends."

"Hello, girls, it's a great pleasure to meet Rose's best friends, but please remember that here you have to refer to me as Master Mark. Is that alright with you?"

They nodded. Emily kept her eyes on Rose, astonished by her friend's reaction to this man. All her self confidence seemed as it had never existed. God! She couldn’t remember last time she had seen her so blushed, and what to say about her spluttering. It was obvious there was something going on there.

"Girls, do you think I can take Rose with me for a while? I would love to show her around." the man asked politely.

"No… I can't leave them… alone here…" Rose spluttered, again.

"Go Rose, we will be alright here!" Faith said. She had also noticed the flowing current between those two.

"Yes, sweetie, go ahead!" Emily added, smiling. Rose looked at her friends, desperately trying to send messages to them.

"Let's go then!" the order was again quite clear in his tone, and when he extended his hand to her, she just put hers in it, getting up.

Emily and Faith watched them leave and then looked at each other.

"It seems Miss Rose has been hiding things from us!" Faith said, puzzled by Rose's actions.

"Oh, yes, I agree with you. It obvious something is going on between those two," Emily sighed, "I bet we won't be seeing her much for the rest of the evening," she added, giggling.

Faith nodded.

"I think I'll go for a walk, do you want to come with me?" Faith said, finishing her drink.

"Yes, but I'll visit the ladies room, first. Go ahead I'll meet you when I'm done."

Emily went to the restroom and when she came out, she started walking around looking for Faith. It didn't take much time to find her. She was engaged in a conversation with a hot guy, near the bar. Unwilling to intrude, Emily made her a sign and went back to their table. She had no desire to go exploring by herself.

"Good evening, miss!" a deep, husky voice sounded just above her, making her jump in her chair, her eyes shooting up.

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A tall, brawny, tanned man was standing next to her chair, his piercing gray eyes, looking at her, as if he could see through her, straight to her very soul.

"Oh… good evening!" she managed to answer, her mouth suddenly drier than a desert.

"I couldn’t help to notice you are alone, so I decided to come over here and ask for your kind help", he said, sitting in a chair next to hers, his eyes, never leaving hers.

Emily leaned back in her chair, trying to escape the disconcerting effect this man had over her senses.

"My… help?" she asked.

He smiled, and leaned forward, closer to her.

"Yes, you see, I'm due to make a demonstration of several techniques to the new guests here at the club, but the sub I was to use, called in sick" he explained.

"Oh, that's too bad! But I still don’t see how I can help you." Emily said, leaning back a bit more.

"You see, I think I could use you as her replacement. What do you say? Will you help me?" his eyes seemed to be hypnotizing her, and before she could even think her head was nodding.

Snapping out of his control, she came to her senses and refused.

"I'm sorry, I'm new at this, I've never done …"

"Is this your form?" he asked grabbing the papers she had laid on the table, and reading them, "All I'll be showing is between the things you are willing to try. And if you feel I'm pushing you too much, physically or emotionally you can always use your safe word, ok?" he said giving the papers back to her.

"No… I…"

He got up, and held his hand out to her.

"Please?" he asked, smiling.

Again her body acted on its own will, and before she could do anything her hand was stretching to reach his.

When their skins made contact she felt a wave of shivers go down her spine that almost made her retrieve her hand from his.

"Good girl!" without giving her more time to think he practically dragged her to the main stage, where a couple of assistants were waiting for his commands.

"I'm Damian, by the way. You must refer to me as Sir, or Master Damian, ok?" he said, taking her to one of the corners of the stage. "What's your name, pet?"

"Emily" she stuttered.

He looked at her, raising one of his eyebrows, as if expecting for something.

"Oh… yes, my name is Emily, sir" ,she said when she realized what he wanted.

"Lovely name, Emily! What's your safe word, Emily?"

"I… don’t have one… sir."

He grabbed her chin in his powerful hand and with his eyes locked in hers, he said.

"Ok, the club's safe word is RED, so you should use it, if you need it. If you do, I'll stop immediately whatever I'm doing, and we can discuss it or simply end it all, ok?"

"Yes, sir!" she agreed.

He reached down and laid a soft kiss over her red lips.

"Let's start then! From now on, I only want to hear your safe word. Otherwise you must keep silent, unless I ask you something. Agreed?"

She nodded.

"Answer me. I want to hear it!"

"Yes, sir!"

A voice sounded through the sound system.

"Ladies, Doms, Subs, guests! M's playhouse is pleased to announce that Master Damian's demonstration is about to start. So those willing to watch it, care to approach the central stage. Enjoy!"

Emily startled, realizing that they were going to be the main attraction and started to pull back, her cheeks coloured with furious red.

"No… I can't …"

"I said no word, pet! Do you want to use your safe word even before we start?" he said, ice droplets in each word.

Her stomach felt as if it was being squeezed by cruel hands. God! Could she do this? Deep down, she knew she wanted…

"I'm waiting, pet!" his voice took her out of her inner battle.

"No, sir, I don't want to use my safe word!" she managed to say.

"Good!" he smiled at her, melting all the ice he had thrown over her before.

He put on a wireless microphone, and dragging her behind him, he went to the centre of the stage.

"Good evening! I hope you will enjoy my demonstration. Please keep your questions up until the end of it", he said. "I'll start by showing you how to use shibari bondage. But first, let me get my pet ready."

He grabbed Emily by her wrists and moved her closer to him. He held out a hand to one of his assistants, and without a word, she gave him a leather cuff that he attached to Emily's right wrist. He repeated the process with the left one and then lifted her wrists, shoulder high, and attached the cuffs to chains that hanged from the ceiling and there she was, standing, with her arms opened, as if she was a cross.

He kneeled near her ankles and spreading her legs about 2 feet, he cuffed them to the floor.

A quiver turned her whole body as she realized she was restrained, but the butterflies in her stomach seemed to have gone mad.

He got up, and grabbed her chin, looking deep into her eyes. Whatever he saw there must have pleased him, because he smiled and just went on.

His hands reached the corset's brooches, and slowly opened it, releasing her big, beautiful breasts from their imprisonment. He gave the corset to one of the assistants, and before he continued, he grabbed her breasts by their base, as if he was weighting them and then he kneaded them softly, playing with the hard tips.

"Such lovely tits you have there, pet!" he whispered to her hears only, and she blushed even more.

He let the breasts down, and went to her skirt and took it out as well, along with the garter that held her stockings, leaving her almost naked, only wearing her tiny black panties, and her stockings.

He ran his hands down her side, to her hips and thighs, feeling her soft skin, and with a rough aspiration, he stepped aside, so the public could see her, and stood behind her. He grabbed her long hair, and by his moves she could tell he was braiding it.

"Now, let's start!" he said. "Please take note, that you should use a soft rope on your sub, especially if it's the first time you will be doing this." the assistant gave him a long white rope, thinner than her little finger. He folded the rope in half and started to tie her.

The rope went around her neck, down her chest, between her legs, across her chest, around her breasts, in so many smoothed and fast moves that she couldn't follow them all. All the while, he had been giving explanations of how to do it, the better way to tie it, how to put that extremely disturbing knot, just over her clit, how to secure the knots, but her brain could only focus in the messages her senses were sending. This was too much; her skin seemed to be made of millions of little sensors, capturing even the slightest touch of his hands and fingers, of the rope, and she was so aroused that she already had her panties soaked.

When he finished, again he exposed her completely to the audience, but she was so focused on him, that she couldn’t even noticed their eyes or hear their comments.

"Now, these big nipples seem to be crying out for something more. Don’t you agree with me?" his voice penetrated to her brain, and she raised her head, alert.

One of the assistants gave him something she couldn’t quite see, and he showed it to the audience.

"Whenever you decide to use nipples clamps on your subs for the first time, you should use some adjustable ones, so you can measure just how much you can tight them."

Emily started to panic. Nipple clamps? That had to hurt. Too much!

He turned around to face her, and saw her fear clearly.

"Breathe slow, pet! Remember you can use your safe word if it's too much for you", he whispered to her, "But I'm sure you can handle this."

The reassuring smile in his face melted away her fears, and she nodded her head.

He stepped aside, so the audience could see what he was doing, and he started to play with her nipples, pinching them, rolling them between his fingers, pulling them out. When he had them really hard, his fingers proceed to attach the clamp. She held her breath, scared.

"Breathe, pet!" he whispered the order, having her responding immediately.

It didn't feel so bad at first, but then he started to adjust it a bit more, and a shot of pain ran through her, straight to her clit. A moan of disbelief escaped her pressed lips. God, she couldn't believe this could feel so intense.

He repeated the process in her other nipple, and the knowledge of what was going to happen, only made it even more intense. Her legs tried to close, fighting the restraints, to appease the craving need she was feeling now.

"There, it wasn't that bad, ahn?" he whispered to her, smiling. "I even think you liked it, didn’t you, pet?" her cheeks became even redder, and she lowered her eyes, embarrassed. His hand took her by her chin and raised her face to him. "Look at me and answer, pet!" he ordered.

Her eyes slowly came up to meet his.

"Yes, sir!" she admitted.

His other hand ran down her belly down between her legs, and his fingers felt her wetness.

"Oh, pet, I really think you loved it!" he said smiling and looking so damn pleased.

He turned to the audience and talked again.

"This position and the bondage can make your subs, really sensitive and opened to so much more. I'll show you now, how to use a flogger to heighten those feelings. Some subs can be led to orgasm, just with this", he said, as he grabbed a flogger made of soft red suede strips, handed to him by the assistant. "Today, this is not meant to cause pain, just to enhance the feelings and arouse."

He turned to look at her, to check on her. "Are you ok with this?" he whispered.

"It won't hurt?" she asked, just a little bit scared.

"I assure you it won't."

"Ok, then!"

He swung the flogger on the air the first time, and then the next blow was across her right side. The feeling of the multiple strips hitting her body was simply unbelievable. The moans of pleasure were now, more difficult to hide. The blows covered her whole body, and when they reached her clamped nipples, her groans were heard all over the place. She threw her head back, lost in the swirl of feelings rushing through her body.

And then a single blow, aimed to her already throbbing clit, catapulted her over the edge, and she came so hard, her legs gave away, and she fell into Damian's opened arms.

"Hope you enjoyed!" he said to the audience, finishing the demonstration, as the assistants unbuckled her cuffs from the chains. Once she was free, he picked her up, in his arms, and took her to a couch nearby. He sat with her in his lap, all curled up against him, her head in his chest, still gasping. He cuddled her, caressing her head, and arms.

She slowly came to herself, realizing she was in his lap, and feeling a hard erection just beneath her buttocks, only separated from her by the leather of his pants.

"So, pet, did you enjoy?" he asked, looking down at her. She nodded, without looking at him. "Eyes on mine, pet, and answer the question!"

Her eyes obeyed fast, out of instinct.

"Yes, sir!"
Written by kellyjones1944
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