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Becoming Hers

"An innocent crush became so much more."

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Lauren’s hand was between her legs again. Her pussy was wet, cloyingly sticky, and her musky sweet aroma permeated the air. She watched the computer screen while her fingers slid between swollen pussy lips.

Addiction...she recognized it for what it was. Lauren was addicted to sex. Anyway that she could get it, she did. At that moment, her method of choice was masturbation. The familiar porno scene filled the screen as she moaned, fingers plunged deep into her pussy while the submissive’s mistress inserted the plug into her tight little asshole. “ Oh damn, I need that!

Lauren squirmed in her bed; she tried desperately to silence herself as the raging undercurrent of her second orgasm began to build. She turned over and thrust her fingers deeper into her soaked sex, bit her pillow, and whimpered while the much needed orgasm pummeled her sex starved body. “ Oh damn, so…very… good!

She lingered in the bed, her body hot and wet while the thunderous orgasm wrecked her svelte body. Lauren thought about her plans for the day. Naked and giggly at the images that suddenly filled her mind, she rushed into the bathroom to shower. As a student at the local university, Lauren was in the position to admire many different types of women. Yet her tastes were very specific, and despite having caught the eye of a cute blonde in her kinesiology class, Lauren only had eyes for her English composition professor.

Lauren’s skin was clammy, her nerves were raw, and her breath caught in her throat as she approached the lecture hall. As she reached her destination, she placed a small hand atop her perky tits, took a deep breath and opened the door. Michelle noticed the girl enter the lecture hall. “ The little minx knows what she’s doing, ” she thought with some satisfaction.

It had not been the first time Lauren came to one of Professor Mitchell’s lectures without being enrolled in the class. Obviously there was more to her appearances and Michelle was determined to know why. There were other reasons why the girl piqued her interest and whet her appetite. Lauren’s body showed its need; her rapt eyes expressed her desire to belong and the girl’s entire being begged to be used, to be owned. “ I will make you mine, peach .” Michelle’s thoughts returned to her class.

“As a reminder, your papers are due on Friday. You may leave now.”

Lauren felt her arousal spike as she listened to her. She spoke in a low voice and to no one in particular, “She could recite the freakin’ alphabet and my pussy would drip and twitch.” Her next thought was the reason why she was there, “I wonder what it would be like to be hers; to be bound to her bed, to be defiled, and to be completely at her mercy.”

The students cleared out of the classroom steadily. Lauren sat, stared, and let her mind go blank while she watched Professor Mitchell clean the lectern.

“Ms. Jackson, you are aware that your session doesn't begin for another forty-five minutes. Why are you here?”

“Umm, I…I want to speak with you, Professor.”

“About what?” The professor’s statuesque form was commanding and the simple question made the girl go silent. Lauren did not answer. “Come with me.”

Lauren followed the tall beauty as she left the classroom. She watched as the teacher’s long dark legs carried her to the block of offices assigned to the English department. Her heart beat rapidly, wildly, as her breath came and went in lust filled spurts, “ What I wouldn't give to worship at the top of her precious legs .”

Professor Mitchell opened her office door for the young woman; she eyed her limber body and fantastic breasts. “Ms. Jackson—Lauren, isn't it?” she registered the girl’s nod, “Lauren, how can I help you?”

“Professor Mitchell, I want to write my paper on bondage and discipline. Is that appropriate, I mean, is that allowed?” Lauren found that her mind was buzzed and unfocused, as if she were high, which made her approach seem so odd. Maybe it was a tad too forward for someone like Michelle Mitchell. She waited patiently but lost confidence while her obsession looked at her.

“You want what?” Michelle smiled at the sweet girl while she fidgeted nervously.

“…to write my pa,” Lauren was stopped abruptly as her professor stepped into her personal space.

“Hush! I heard exactly what you've said. What do you know of BDSM?” Michelle’s closeness shattered Lauren’s confidence and made her stomach turn cartwheels.

“Speak up, girl.”

“I watch porn, I love bondage, and I need,” laughter erupted in the book filled space as Michelle quieted and circled the girl.

“You need attention, you need a firm hand, and you really need to think about why you are here!”


“Did I tell you to speak?” Lauren shook her head, “Then you’d best keep quiet.”

Michelle ogled Lauren’s sweet body while she thought about her answer. She realized that it took quite a bit of courage for the girl to seek her out. She also realized that she wanted her; Lauren’s eyes beckoned her—they were so needy, and yet so very sexy. The teacher in her thought about the university’s strict policy regarding fraternizing with students. Was she worth the risk? Did she want the girl to experience the utter joy of submission at her hand?

“Why are you here?” Before Michelle considered breaking the university’s regulations, she had to know if the girl really wanted to write about BDSM or if she wanted to experience the pleasure of domination. The allure of complete submission was a novel idea to some, but to others it was their life’s purpose. Michelle had experienced both types of individuals, and had to know in which category Ms. Jackson belonged.

“I want to write…”

“WHY are you here, girl?” Michelle watched Lauren drop her head. Lauren considered lying again, but she understood that her ruse was over. She fell to her knees and spoke softly, demurely.

“Miss, I've been watching you for months. Uhh, I want to know if you are what I think you are. What I want and need you to be. Are you a Domme?”

“Yes, I am.” Michelle looked down at the girl as she glanced upward; her mouth formed a perfect O, but nothing…not a sound left her mouth. “You may speak.”

“Are you…do you prefer females?”

“Yes. Now get up. I want to talk to you face to face.” Lauren stood slowly, her mind raced while she tried desperately to regain some semblance of control over her body. Her skin began to heat, while sweat formed on her brow.

“Yes, Miss.”

“There are rules here; policy that I must follow. If we were to start a relationship, I could lose my job if it were discovered. I am your professor, it is unethical,” Michelle paused as she heard the pretty girl’s murmured sigh, “it is unethical for me to pursue this.”

“But Miss…” Lauren was prepared to plead her case.

“Hush! I won’t tell you again. Speak only when addressed, you must understand what I have to say and I won’t repeat myself for your benefit.”

“Yes, Miss.” Lauren lowered her head as Michelle placed two slender fingers on her chin and lifted it.

“I have to decide if I want to assume that risk. What makes you believe that you’d make a good pet for me?”

“Miss, I've watched you for months. I’m a sophomore now, nineteen years old, and I know what I am; I know who I am. I will obey you, I will worship you, and it will be a pleasure to be used by you.”

“Very well said, dear girl.” Michelle considered the young woman with the precious eyes. Her body tingled. It had been too long since she had a play thing, but must she have this one?

“Lauren, stand up.” Without a word, the young girl with the body of a goddess stood; her eyes were downcast as she awaited Michelle’s next statement. “What is on your mind now?”

“You Miss, will you make me yours?”

“Ahh...that is the question, you’ll have your answer tonight at dinner. My place, 7:30pm. Wear a skirt, Lauren.” Professor Mitchell wrote her information on a card and held it out for her. She leaned into her ear and whispered, “If you are late, don’t bother showing up at all—your question will be answered without me having to say a thing. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss. May I leave now?”


Lauren darted from the professor’s office. Her heart danced a jig in her chest, her skin was flush and heated, and her pussy’s honey seeped and soaked her thong. She ran to the nearest bathroom and into a stall. Her hand flew to her soaked sex; she felt her labia swell as her fingers abused her fat nub. It didn't take long; Lauren climaxed violently and enjoyed every second of the quick orgasm.

As Lauren walked back to the lecture hall, she thought that she would have difficulty sitting through class. And truth be told, she’d already written the paper. She decided to skip class as there was nothing she wanted more than to rest, bathe, and prepare her mind for the possibility of becoming hers.

Oddly, both of Lauren’s roommates were home. “Damn, I don’t need them hounding me now.” She went to her room, turned on some music, and made a beeline to her closet. She tossed clothes around the closet as she looked for the perfect outfit.

Within forty-five minutes her nerves began to wreak havoc on her system, but she looked great. She chose a stunning red sundress that showed off her delicate shoulders; and with boobs that were firm, perky, and begged for attention, she wore no bra. Her skin radiated with a sun kissed glow, and the overall effect was ridiculously arousing. Lauren knew that her professor would take note and appreciate her efforts.

Lauren hopped into her cute little VW bug, a graduation gift from her parents, and nervously drove the short distance to Professor Mitchell’s home. She had to keep her mind from wandering off from time to time during the drive. She took a deep breath as her destination came into view, steeled her resolve to go through with the dinner, and timidly left the comfort of her little vehicle.

Michelle saw the beautiful creature approach the front door, “My my my, the girl has style—innocent and alluring, this should be entertaining.” The professor opened the door as the girl brought her hand up to knock.

“Hello, Miss.”

“Come in Lauren, the den is set up for us. Follow me.”

Lauren walked behind Michelle, again she watched her legs. She thought that there couldn't possibly be another woman as beautiful as her professor. She had amazingly long legs; her milk chocolate skin always looked so dewy and smooth. The professor was not your typical beauty queen, her appeal was understated and she had the pretty girl next door look, except with a Caribbean edge.

“What are you thinking, Lauren?”

“You have a nice home, Miss.”

“Thank you. You may sit.”

“Thank you, Professor.” Lauren looked around the spacious room, her nerves were completely raw and her brain was jammed full of thoughts of chocolate pussy.

Music played softly in the background, vanilla spice scented candles were lit, and a bottle of wine chilled in an ice bucket on an elegant glass table.

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Michelle wasted no time with her potential pet. “Do you want to be mine, Lauren?”

“Yes, without a doubt.” Lauren’s eyes again expressed need. Michelle didn't know how much longer she would be able to hold her desire for the young girl at bay.

“Pour us a drink.” Michelle ogled the hot little thing as she walked to the table on unstable legs.

“If I make you mine, you must be very careful on campus. If we get caught, I may get fired. I’m taking a huge risk, and you’d better be worth it.”

“I am. I will please you in every way.”

“There are rules—you will obey all of them. If you break one for any reason, you will suffer the consequences of doing so.”


“Hush! Rule number one: never interrupt me!”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Are you smooth? You should always be completely shaven when you present yourself to me. It’s my preference and you will comply.”

“What else?” Lauren was already sick of the damn rules before she even knew them all. Michelle couldn't believe that the girl was already questioning her.

“Are you questioning me? I think you've forgotten that I am in charge here.” Professor Mitchell stared at the brave girl; she was undoubtedly just her type. Every nuance of young Lauren’s taut, svelte body made her juices flow; the full round breasts with their quarter sized areola…exquisite, the slightly plump lips that morphed into a smile that could melt the biggest glacier…enticing, the deepest doe like needy eyes that watched her so very intently…delectable, and that succulent ass with just the right amount of womanly curve…perfect. Everything, including her spectacularly amenable mind, made Lauren a wonderful submissive.

“I’m not completely bare, Miss.” Lauren wondered silently, “ What is this need for all these rules?

Michelle saw the girl’s questions etched in her expressive eyes, “You will always have a say in what we do, but ultimately, the choice is mine. You should know that I will do things to you that might go too far. With that being the case you will have a safe word. What will it be, peach?”

Lauren stood and ran around the room laughing, “Does that mean…I’m yours, Miss?” Her eyes grew large and she sat next to her mistress’ feet.

“Yes, my girl. Calm now,” she reached down and rubbed the back of her neck, “safe word?” Michelle steered her back to the matter at hand.

“Dollhouse.” Lauren glanced up as she searched for approval. She realized that she would get more than just sex out of this relationship. Lauren understood that both her mind and body would be challenged by her professor, and that suited her just fine.

“Dollhouse, it is. Now, about your training...”

“Wait…training, Miss?”

“Oh yes, peach. If you’re to be mine, I must show…you must learn what pleases me.” Michelle watched her new pet as a plethora of emotions flashed across her face, “Don’t look like that, my girl, for what it’s worth; I have to learn what pleases you as well.”

As seductively as she could, Lauren looked at her Mistress and spoke the only thing that came to her mind. “Show me.”

Michelle grabbed the girl’s hand, “Come with me.”

The professor led the way to her playroom. It was red and black and designed for fun. The bed had a detailed headboard with steel rings, the ceiling had brackets, and there was a huge wardrobe that Michelle approached. She opened the wardrobe and waited for Lauren to become accustomed to the room. She knew that Lauren had just begun to comprehend how the relationship would develop, how it would be for her.

“I want,” Lauren stood in front of the wardrobe with an outstretched hand, reaching for something within the treasure trove that was open before her.

“No,” she slapped her arm, “you must show patience!” Lauren dropped her stinging arm. “I've something in mind, pet.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Strip,” she commanded as the girl took a sharp breath. “But leave on the heels, Lauren.” Lauren did as she was told. Her body was exquisite and the pretty lace thong that hid her pussy did not mask her aroma, it filled the air which made Michelle want to devour the girl.

Michelle had no intention of letting her desire get out of control. However, she would indeed make the sexy little thing that stood in front of her lose every ounce of control she had. “Turn around slowly.”

Lauren turned around slowly, every breath that she took caught in her throat which made her a little light headed. Her mistress was planning something, she knew it instinctively. She wished she knew what it was, but understood her role.

Michelle reached into the wardrobe for a blindfold and a thirty-six inch spreader bar. “There must always be trust between us, Lauren. Do you trust me?”

Lauren stood stalk still, “Yes, Mistress, without a doubt I trust you.” Michelle approached the girl, blindfold in hand. She stood directly behind her, brought her hand up to her neck, and trailed the nail of her index finger down her back, she stopped at her thong. She felt the girl take quick deep gulps of air.

“Trust.” She hooked the finger in the thong of her new pet and yanked it down her legs, which caused the girl to moan deeply. “What? Lauren, did you think I would hurt you? Surely, you know that I will treasure and protect what is mine.”

“Mmm,” she tried to say more but she found that she had no voice. Lauren was surprised that her arousal spiked from such a simple act.

“There will be pain at times, dear, but I promise you will enjoy it…may even beg for it.” Michelle reached between her legs and found that the girl was very wet. “My goodness, you are a juicy one!”

She removed her hand from the girl’s pussy, placed it on the back of her neck, and lifted the blindfold. She placed it on her neck, “Do it. Place the fold over your eyes, peach.”

Her hands shook. Lauren did not understand the spell that her professor had over her, but she put the fold over her eyes and offered her mistress her trust and submission. “Lay down on the bed.” The young woman took a step backward and fell onto the plush linens of the bed.

Michelle glanced at the heavenly sight that was before her and remembered her request. “What is your safe word?”


“Use it if you don’t enjoy what I’m doing to you or you feel threatened…that is a rule Lauren.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Open your legs.”

Michelle retrieved the spreader bar and approached the bed. She wanted the girl open, wanted her restrained. What she had in mind was a particular fetish for her and since the girl was unshaven, though nicely groomed, she took advantage. She fastened the girl’s ankles to the bar, which was extended the full thirty-six inches, and watched as she squirmed.

“Don’t be alarmed, pet. I’ll be right back.” She stood above her silently for a few seconds before leaving her. She returned a minute later with a warm towel, a bowl of water, shaving cream, and a razor. “Tell me how you feel,” she whispered in Lauren’s ear which made the girl whimper weakly.

“I’m so wet, so hot and I want you to fuck me,” her hand flew to her womanhood but was quickly slapped away.

“You will not touch. And if you don’t want to be cuffed, then you should really not attempt to touch.”

“But Mistress…” Lauren was about to plead with Michelle until she was stopped by a smack to her labia. She moaned as the stinging sensation filled her sex that leaked its juices onto her engorged lips. Her entire body convulsed as the sensation of another smack fell against her pussy.

“Do you want a punishment on our first time together, Lauren?”

“No Mistress,” she fell silent as she realized what she did want from their first time. “I want us both to cum.”

“You will cum when I say so.” She made no mention of herself but she was definitely affected by the words spoken by her new pet. She reached for the girl’s left breast and gave her nipple a pinch.

“Oh fuck!”

Before Michelle prepared Lauren for shaving, she blew warm breath across her sex and flicked her tongue over the girl’s swollen labia. She could not resist Lauren, she became a fixture in her life the moment she crossed the threshold of her classroom.

“Mistress…” Lauren squirmed as a result of the playful teasing. Every action her mistress bestowed upon her supple flesh gave her such pleasure, yet she still wanted more!

Her mistress rubbed shaving cream on her and ran a finger down her slit; she fingered her clitoris as she reached for the razor. Lauren’s body sizzled; she had never felt her body respond this way before. The simple chore of shaving had never been so erotic; of course, she had never been shaven by anyone else before. Again, her mistress fingered her clit, and again her arousal spiked. The sexual current that flowed through her pelvic region sent her need through the roof. She ached for climax.

Michelle continued to shave the dark hair from Lauren, and as she finished the task, she could tell that the girl desperately needed to cum. She cleaned shaving cream from Lauren’s body. Michelle reached up and felt the new smoothness that graced her pet. “Now, Lauren, now you can touch.”

Lauren loved the new sensation and she wondered why she never completely shaved herself before. Her mistress was still between her legs, but suddenly she felt nails as they were being drug down her torso. She mewed and whimpered while her mistress marked and kneaded her body.

Michelle was infatuated. She longed to fuck the girl but felt that it was important to control herself; she wanted to show that pleasure in their relationship would not be one sided. Michelle would be worshiped and it would be Lauren that would be responsible for that service, but that night was for Lauren.

Michelle palmed and clawed Lauren’s breast, the contrast of her dark hands splayed across the alabaster skin of Lauren was exotic—so very pleasing to the eye. Their bodies were so different, but their need was the same. Michelle buried her tongue deep inside the girl. She played with Lauren’s ass as she squirmed, pulsed, and drenched her mistress’ face.

“Mistress I,” Lauren plunged her hands in her mistress’ dark hair, “need to cum!” Her juices ran down her ass and lubricated her anus. Michelle took advantage of the natural lubrication and pressed a single finger into her tight little bud.

“Uhhmmm! Oh fuck…please, Mistress!” Lauren lost her battle with control and just as she did so, her mistress’ finger plunged in and out of her ass with renewed fervor. Michelle rolled her body over her pet, her finger never left the warmth of Lauren’s tight ass, and wormed her way up to the girl’s mouth. She took her bottom lip into her mouth and bit it gently. The kiss grew passionate and harsh, pleasing and painful as she bit harder and harder on her lip. She ended the kiss abruptly.

“Cum Lauren! Cum for me, baby!” Lauren exploded. Her pussy dripped, convulsed, and squirmed while her muscles tightened up from the orgasms that overtook her body.

“Mistress,” she screamed as her wrecked body endured the onslaught of multiple orgasms.

Michelle licked Lauren’s neck and bit her ear, “No pet, I am Domina!”

A note for all Dominants:

Thank you for reading my story. I am aware that it is customary in the BDSM culture to capitalize all references to the Dominant when writing. I mean no disrespect in taking the liberty of not doing so in this story. I am a stickler for proper grammar and chose only to capitalize when the submissive addressed her Mistress directly. I hope you enjoyed the opening of a tale that is still forming in my mind and flowing through to my pen.

Written by Coco
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