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An Introduction to Adult Punishment

"I was shown how adults can enjoy pain."

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It was a month later when Catherine and I returned the favor, inviting Marlene and Ruth to our house for dinner. Catherine got everything prepared, had a nice fire burning in the grate as well as lighting the gas fire in the bedrooms. Knowing Marlene liked liqueur I picked up a bottle along with some Scotch, and a couple of bottles of wine for the dinner. As I still hadn't passed my driver’s test, Catherine went and picked them up.

Marlene appreciated that as it permitted her to wear something more seductive, rather than the dowdy teacher’s clothes she normally wore in public. I heard the car when they arrived and went to greet them at the door. I held Marlene's coat for her to get out of and handed it to Catherine to hang up, then led her into the living room. Once there I asked her if she would like a drink first, as dinner would be about another half hour or so.

"Why not" she said, "It's not like we have to go home till tomorrow."

I poured us both a drink then joined her by the fire; she looked very inviting with a rather low cut blouse over a push up bra that made her rack look even more inviting than normal. Her skirt didn't even come to her knees when she was standing, with black hose and wearing high heels she looked so different from what I'd seen her wearing before.

Ruth helped Catherine with the meal and setting the table in the dining room, once it was set Catherine placed a candelabra in the middle and lit the three candles. With the main lights turned off it made for a very cosy atmosphere, and opening a bottle of wine we sat down to a lovely dinner. It was a lovely dinner and where we shared the two bottles of wine to wash it down with, and had a peach and custard dessert to finish it off with.

Marlene and I retired to the two easy chairs by the fire, and Catherine served us all a nice measure of liqueur. We sipped it slowly letting the meal settle, and enjoying each other’s company by the fire. This was our first opportunity to talk about our more personal things since the last time when we were at her house for dinner. She began the conversation by asking me again about my school days, and in particular the discipline I had been subjected to.

To a degree we were covering old ground regarding the system in use at the time, and then she started asking strange questions.

"Did you enjoy being punished at any time? Did you ever do anything you knew you would be punished for?"

I wasn't sure what she meant by that so I told her, "Not deliberately, although in some cases if I was caught I would be punished, but that wasn't a big enough worry to stop me doing whatever I wanted."

Marlene went on, "Did anyone seem to be punished more often than others?"

"Oh yes" I said there were a few like that, where the teachers just didn't seem to like them for some reason."

"Could it be possible that the reason that they were punished more than others was that they enjoyed the punishment, or perhaps the because of the humiliation of being punished in front of others excited them?"

I really didn't know how to answer that one, I'd never thought of it that way. I just thought that they were just stupid from not learning or realizing how some teacher was less tolerant than others. As for myself, I prided on being able to take whatever punishment they could dish out. Also I would look them directly in their eyes, and glare at them to mock them. I could see the fury on their faces at times, something that made me feel I had won over them.

She went on, "What about Margaret, Ms. Sharp, what was she like?"

"She was a real bitch, the worst I'd ever met and one of the hardest hitters; it was quite the challenge holding back the tears after she gave me the strap. I think we had a love hate relationship, I hated her and she loved to hate me," I said with a smile.

"Where did you know her from?" I asked.

"Boarding school, then University" Marlene said, "At University we were in the same dormitory, we had an 'All Girls club' there. In a way it was like a lesbian or sex club, and anyone who joined was subjected to an initiation ceremony."

"Tell me about it?" I asked.

"Well in a way it was supposed to be a secret club, but word leaked out about our interests and activities. As in any community it attracted the curious, who obviously had interests in such things. They would be discretely questioned by members, to give them an idea as to the nature of the club."

"Initiation ceremonies would take place late at night after lights out, a group of the girl members would quietly sneak the inductee to the laundry room," (used by the dormitories). "There the victim would be stripped naked, gagged with a pair of knickers tied round her head with a stocking, and spanked with slippers or a hairbrush." "Next she would be held down and sexually teased by the others by caressing, licking and sucking her tits while others would play with her pussy. Once they felt she was ready for penetration, they would lubricate a brush handle with soap, penetrate her pussy to break her hymen and fuck her with it."

Marlene went on, "Now she was welcomed to 'womanhood' and invited to take part in any future activities."

"Did anyone ever tell the authorities about that?" I asked.

"No not really" she said, "There were a couple who went through it and decided it wasn't for them, but they just quietly didn't come back and left it alone."

The fire was dying down as it was getting late and getting up I held my hand out to Marlene and gripping hers tight said, "Come" and led her to the bedroom. Catherine and Ruth were to share the spare room together.

I had enjoyed our conversation and had felt better talking about it, and now it was time to satisfy our more personal needs. Facing one another I undid Marlene's blouse and threw it off, her rack was nicely displayed in their holders for my pleasure. I kissed her mouth, softly at first then with more force as I pressed my tongue into it. She did the same to me then took my bra off to free me of its enclosure; we kissed and caressed some more as I unsnapped her bra so we enjoyed the feeling of pressing our tits together.

Unzipping her skirt I let it fall to the floor. Now I was in for a surprise, she was bare arsed, no knickers just her garter belt and stockings. I loved the feel or her arse as I ran my hands over her buttocks, our tits still pressed together. The arousal was strong in both of us, she whispered to me calling me a bitch for making her feels the way she did. I grabbed her pussy hair and pulled hard on it making her wince, I pushed her back so her legs hit the bed and she fell backwards onto it.

Now I was on top of her and got my legs between hers to press them apart, gripping her pussy with my two middle fingers inside, and the heel of my hand on her clit. Now I squeezed it hard, as hard as I could to force her to call out. She responded by grabbing my hair and licking my face, and then ran her fingernails down my back hard. I got the message and let go her pussy and pressed my clit against hers, she lifted her legs in the air as her hands found the cheeks of my arse. She dug her nails in hard, in retaliation I gripped her tits hard and bit them.

We rolled onto our sides as we hurt one another, yet continued to fuck. It was awesome as we both aroused one another, clawing and biting as we fucked. The relief came with our orgasms, we both collapsed beside one another breathless for a few moments. The crotch of my knickers was soaked from the juices of both our pussies, so I took them off and went and poured us another glass of Drambuie.

Marlene was laying there, legs apart relaxing after her orgasm. I set her glass by the bed and got on my knees between her legs again, then poured some of the liquor into her pussy hair. This made her sit up asking the stupid question, "What are you doing?"

Smiling in response I lifted one of her legs up and told her to hold it, then the other. Now I parted her pussy lips, and slowly poured the rest of the liqueur into her hole and around the lips. The coldness of the liqueur had her gasping, and setting my glass down to taste it. I could tell this surprised her as still holding her legs up, she watched me drink her health. I licked it off her pubic hair, gripping some of them in my teeth, and then pressing my tongue in to the crevice to enjoy the flavor. As I lapped and sucked on it I felt her relax and lean back to enjoy, she began to gyrate her arse upwards to press her cunt into my face.

Once her orgasm hit she leaned down and grabbed my hair, trapping my head between her legs while she enjoyed the feeling before letting me sit up.

In the morning, after our constitutional we returned to bed where we were served tea and toast. Thoughts of the conversation we had had the night before were in my head, so I raised the subject again with Marlene. She had made me think that it was more open that it was in reality, and that is where she corrected me.

She said that it was only a very few minority of girls who were attracted to it by what they heard, that in fact 90 percent of girls were straight and lived accordingly. This I found confusing and asked how she came to join the club.

She said, "It wasn't a proper club as such, it was just something we who indulged in those activities called it. As I said, some would go through the initiation to find it wasn't for them for whatever reason, and that would be the end of it for them. They would be given a warning not to say anything to anyone, that to do so could cause embarrassment for them as well as others. After all, who would believe them?"

I asked about Ms. Sharp, did she know about her back then and what was she like?

"Margaret" as she called her, "Was indeed a very active member throughout her time there, as were a few of us who were particularly interested in the activities we enjoyed. Of course that was the object of the club to attract other girls like us, who were interested in lesbian things. We had all come from either middle or upper class families, so this was a great time to explore our sexuality."

"Margaret was always enthusiastic and love being involved in a number of activities, she was an exhibitionist as well as a voyeur along with the girl friend she had at the time."

I found it very interesting and asked if there were others she knew from the old days, as she called them."You know Janice and Thelma from the club she asked?"

"Of course" I said, well they formed relationships that after their days at the University, and although they married, continued to enjoy each other after. In fact, I never knew of any girl who went completely straight after their experiences at University."

This astonished me, "Did their husbands know I asked?"

"Of course not" she said.

Soon we were into April and I took and passed my driver’s test, so now I could come and go as I pleased. As I mentioned earlier, I had been informed that I had impressed my employer and there was interest of promoting me from section leader to a manageress position. There were others more qualified than me, although I knew from what Doreen told me there would be strings attached. I was young and very attractive and as the saying goes, "Wasn't born yesterday."

I asked Doreen if we could meet after work one evening for a drink. That gave me an opportunity to quiz her about the expectations of the job. She told me, "He runs a tight ship" meaning he insisted on things being done his way. I knew that wouldn't suit me, so would have to find a way to overcome that. I came right out and asked her if he expected sexual favors.

She looked at me as if I was stupid, "You’re young and beautiful, what do you think?"

We talked about it and after a couple of drinks she gave me some details, and it sounded like they were not very imaginative. Basically mostly hand jobs and bending over for him to fuck her. I was sure I could do better than that.

He wasted no time coming on to me, on the very first day he started putting his hands on me as he bent over me as he showed me how he wanted the books kept. It wasn't much, just putting his hand on round my shoulder, rubbing my back and round the side of my breast. When I went to the filing cabinets he followed me, put a hand on my hips and give my arse a squeeze. He was about as subtle as a brick.

He wasn't a bad looking man, I knew what was expected of me and I wasn't a virgin. It was a matter of control for me; I took the job knowing the expectations but was expecting some measure of control. So I felt from day one to put my cards on the table, and told him the only time I would do anything to and with him, was when there was no one else around. I told him as I was busy in the evenings, that Wednesday after we closed at 2 PM was the best time when the staff had all left for the day.

This excited him and he tried to give me a goodbye kiss, but I turned my head and pushed him away.

On the Wednesday morning I put on a high waist, long legged panty girdle that was fashionable in those days for figure control. I had no intention of letting him into my knickers right away; he would have to wait till I felt ready. However there was always the possibly he might try to force himself on me, and felt the panty girdle would at least make it harder for him.

After 2 PM I checked to make sure everyone had left and the doors were locked, before returning to my office where Mr. Gordon was waiting. As soon as I entered the room he grabbed me and kissed me, one hand fondling my tits and the other round my arse. I let him undo my blouse and I shrugged out of it, then unclasped my bra and threw it off as well. Now my upper body was there for his pleasure, I could see he like what he saw, again grabbing my tits and started sucking on them. He obviously didn't know how to turn a woman on.

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Well for me this was business, so I'd have to take the first steps of control.

"Come here I said," pushing him away and went and sat at my desk. I patted the top of it and said, "Sit here." With a puzzled look on his face he did as I asked, I reached over and undid his belt and fly, then told him to stand so I could pull his trousers down. His cock was half erect so it was like looking straight me, I ran my finger nails lightly up his thighs, over his belly and all around it, watching it get stiff and stand up proud. It seemed obvious nobody had teased him like this before.

I touched his cock lightly with one hand, running my fingertips up and down the shaft. Then with my other hand I took hold of his balls and played with them too. More tickling it, and then occasionally gripping it to manipulate the foreskin up and down. I did this slowly at first looking up at him and smiling; he leaned back so his hands were on the desk as if to present his cock to me for my attention. I've always enjoyed the feel of a nice rigid cock, so I started to feel the excitement of what I was doing as well. I would have liked to have gone further with him, but knew the importance of making him wait.

At last he spurted, gobs of cum up and over my hand. I didn't let go, just held it till he stopped squirting feeling it go slack in my hand.

I asked him if he had any rubbers, "What for?" the idiot asked.

"Well you're not getting inside me without one" I said. We sat up and lit cigarettes and as we smoked we talked about sex, he went on about never using a rubber and promised he would 'pull out' in time.

I had got out of the chair and moved round to sit on the desk, and he came up to me and started kissing me again it was much the same as before. This time he got me on my back on the desk, leaning over me fondling and sucking my nipples, still as rough as before. Soon a hand wandered down over my hip to pull up on my skirt. I let him feel me through my girdle; I could sense his frustration at not being able to get inside it. In a way I liked it, but did worry that he was getting to be a bit too aggressive.

"Let me up then" I said; now I unzipped my skirt and stepped out of it. I saw the look of joy on his face as he thought he was getting his way with me. I leaned over the desk, my derriere was there for him to fondle. He placed his hands at the waist to pull my girdle down but I chopped him on one wrist and turned on him and threatened to leave. "Look I told you you're not getting into me without a rubber, but you can take me outside my girdle." With that I turned round and bent over the desk again, and felt him hold my arse and press his cock between my thighs. I closed my legs to create some friction for him; he fucked me that way till he squirted his cum over the legs of my girdle.

We got dressed and before leaving he went to kiss me, and I pulled back and told him. "Look I don't mind giving you a shag once a week, and believe me I know how to give you a really good time. But I can assure you there will be no love without a glove, unless I think its safe enough for me." No doubt he was having regrets about promoting me, but I was good for a month at least. Four weeks to show him he did the right thing, I was sure of my ability to not only please him, but to have him begging for more.

Between this time and the rest of the summer lots of things happened. Marlene, Ruth and we were hanging out more and more together, and when we had dinner at each other’s house we would swap partners for the night, it was something we all enjoyed. One night after dinner at her house relaxing with a drink, she brought the subject of discipline up again. Setting down her drink she said, "Come on there's something I want to show you," and led me downstairs to the cellar.

There she unlocked a door and we went inside, where she switched on a light. The cellar seemed to be about the same size as her whole house, but it was finished with some furniture. There was a little bar in one corner, a table in the middle of the room and a smaller one towards the rear. A couple of small round tables with some chairs were just inside the door. A chest of drawers stood against one wall, near the smaller table with some books on top. This she told me was her play room.

From a cupboard she removed a small film projector, and placed it on the table than placed a reel of film on it. She had Ruth turn on a small lamp behind the bar; switch off the main light so now the room was quite a bit darker. Switching on a light on the projector, she adjusted it to align a square of white light on the far wall.

We took seats near the bar along with our drinks at one of the small tables, and then when we were settled she turned on the film. The film was in black and white, and showed what looked like a female teacher lecturing some students. Only the 'students' appeared to be all adults, and as there was no sound couldn't hear any dialog.

There appeared to be a confrontation between the teacher and one of the students, then teacher grabbed the woman by her ear and forced her out of her desk to the front of the class. After presumably a lecture, the woman was bent over the desk and teacher opened a drawer and removed a leather strap. Now lifting up her dress she pulled down her drawers to expose her bare bottom for all to see, and now began to spank her bare bottom with the strap. The woman's legs started to flail about, a close up of her face showed she was supposedly crying from the pain. There were shots from different angles showing her arse turning red, then once teacher stopped the strapping, the woman shuffled to one side holding herself, her dress up to leave herself exposed.

Then three more were given similar treatment, one of them a male who was given a good caning on his bare backside. A close up showed the welts being raised by the cane, and when it was over he turned around and had an erection. Again a close up showed him masturbating till globs of cum shot out of the end of his cock.

I was amazed by what I saw, the women could have been faking the pleasure they received from the spankings. But the man, there was no mistaking that the pain turned him on. I had got aroused watching it; after the lights were turned on Marlene started rewinding the film.

She joined us at the bar and Ruth poured her another drink, looking at me she smiled. "Would you be interested in joining me in activities like that?" she said.

I don't recall even answering her right away; my mind was in turmoil as I recalled the scenes in the movie. Now what she had told me before, how some adults enjoy pain came to mind. I muttered something stupid about it being faked, and said I'd be interested in seeing the real thing.

"You shall if you'd like that," at that she told me she was still active as a 'private tutor.'

She arranged it for a Sunday afternoon, and told to come for lunch around one PM. There were two other ladies there too, Thelma and Rose, both of whom I knew from the club. After lunch Catherine stayed to help Ruth clear the table and do the dishes while Marlene led the three of us down to her cellar.

We helped move the smaller table out away from the wall and place a chair behind it, this she explained was to serve as her desk. Catherine and Ruth joined us later bringing a pot of tea for all of us, there was to be no alcohol at these events.

The four of us, Catherine, Thelma, Rose and I sat at one of the round tables by the bar to enjoy our tea, Marlene sat at her 'desk.' Then around 2:30 the doorbell rang, Ruth went and answered it. A few minutes later she showed a rather large lady into the room, where she was to take a seat along the wall. The woman didn't look at any of us, nor did any of us say anything. This lady I'll call Brenda.

About ten minutes later the doorbell rang again and Ruth answered it, and then showed another woman into the room. Once the door was closed Marlene yelled at the women, " Doris you're late" and got up from behind her desk and came round to the front of it. In a way it was a scene like in a classroom, where the pupil, (woman) gave some excuse and there was angry dialogue from Marlene. It was play acting, and I had a hard time to suppress my giggles.

During this Marlene (the teacher), taking the woman by her ear, forced her to bend over the table and told to stay there. The woman was babbling away incoherently with lots of 'Mams' and crying, begging, and saying how sorry she was, as Marlene retrieved a leather strap from a drawer.

Suddenly without warning she slapped the table hard with it, just inches from the woman's head. The resounding 'crack' as it hit made me jump, and the woman repeated her pleas to be forgiven.

Marlene moved behind her and lifted her dress up onto her hips, then pulled her knickers down to her feet. From where I was sitting I had a clear view of her arse, I could see her vulva looking back at us between the top of her thighs. The woman acted petrified of what was going to happen to her; at least I assumed it was acting as she volunteered for the punishment.

Marlene held the strap in both hands as she walked back round to the side of her, still talking to her about what a bad girl she'd been. Suddenly without warning she struck her on my buttocks with the strap, not too hard but hard enough to make her call out from the blow. She waited a few seconds then hit her again, this time a little harder. She slowly repeated this a few times, each time giving her a few moments to; as I found out later, enjoy the 'after sting.'

Her cries got worse, we could see her gripping the desk hard, her legs and kicking upward for a moment in response as the blows got harder. The skin of her arse went from white to pink, then different shades of red. Suddenly her cries diminished to a whimper, then stopped altogether as she collapsed on to the table top. Marlene gave her another couple of strokes for good measure, then stepped round and placed a hand between her legs to feel her for a moment.

There was silence in the room as we watched; now we saw the woman's fingers appear between her thighs to cover her vulva. Soon she was moaning, the sounds of pleasure this time as we realized she was playing with herself. I was mesmerised by this sitting on the edge of my seat, suddenly I noticed out of the corner of my eye the other ladies were looking at me.

Embarrassed by this I sat back and felt Catherine take hold of my hand and give it a squeeze, as if to reassure me she was still there for me. The woman's moans got louder, her movements more vigorous as she masturbated. She must have given herself at least two orgasms before Marlene got her up, and she staggered to one side and lay down on the floor.

Now it was the other 'student's turn, Marlene crooked a finger at her to indicate for her to get up and approach her. The pantomime was similar to the one before, only this time it was supposed to be more serious. I don't recall the dialogue, but it went on for a few minutes with the 'teacher' supposedly getting very angry. Marlene replaced the strap with a thin tapered cane, holding it in both hands and bending it to show how flexible it was.

The woman approached nervously not looking at any of us, head down and only listening to Marlene. Marlene whacked her across her arse with the cane, making her jump. "Come on dress off" she commanded, the woman undid some buttons, then struggled to pull her dress up over her head. She was wearing long legged knickers over her girdle, and her teacher gave her a few more whacks on her arse telling her to hurry up.

Finally the dress was off and Marlene said, "Hurry up knickers off" and the woman struggled to comply. Now standing there in just her Basque and stockings, she was scolded again. This time in between scoldings, Marlene would whack her ample rear with the cane. As with Doris she would give the woman a few moments to feel the after sting, before striking her again increasing the force with each stroke. Sometimes the cane would strike the back of her thighs that really made her jump and cry out. Now she was crying and muttering something that was punctuated with lots of 'Mams,' yes 'Mam,' please 'Mam,' I'm sorry 'Mam' and so on as the cane kept striking her.

Her cries turned to screams as she tried to protect herself with her hands, but Marlene kept striking her. Sometimes if she got hit on the back of her hands it would make her jerk them out of the way. Soon her cries turned to sobs and they slowly quieted, she sank to her hands and knees on the floor, head down and with the last few blows the whimpers turned to moans.

She turned onto her side and curled up in a fetal position, one hand between her legs and her other thumb in her mouth. Marlene said something to her and tapped her with the cane, the woman turned onto her back and opened her legs and we could watch her masturbating. She also had her eyes closed, and seemed oblivious to us watching her.

We were asked to leave and went upstairs where Ruth served us drinks, we waited for Marlene who joined us after about ten minutes. Her pupils had obviously left and she joined us for a drink, she asked me if I was comfortable with what I had witnessed.

"Oh yes" I answered "I admit to being skeptical at first, but now having witnessed it can see how there was pleasure to be had. Why did they suddenly go quiet?" I asked.

Marlene explained, "Once they get past the pain they enter a state I call 'flying, that's when the pain of the after sting becomes pleasurable. So they submit to punishment for that reason."

Catherine had gone unusually quiet during the events, and I could see something was troubling her. I asked her if something was wrong, but she just said "No." I knew her well enough to know better, so when we were invited to stay for supper I declined as I wanted to get home.

Written by Mairi
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