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Alone at Last (pt 2)

"This is my first story, dedicated to the love of my life."

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“So you want to suck my cock, huh?” He smiled down at me.

“Yes Sir,” I responded enthusiastically, my mouth already watering again. He twirled the chain around his hand a couple times, pulling the metal taught. He laced the fingers of his other hand into my hair as he thrust his cock into my mouth again. His grip on the chain and on my hair had me held securely in place.

He thrust his hips harder and faster, fucking my mouth with more abandon than I had ever seen him use. Later he would apologize for being so aggressive with me, but for now he just kept thrusting his cock into my mouth. Every so often he would thrust his hips even farther forward, cutting off my air and holding me in place for a few seconds.

I did my best to keep quiet, but I couldn’t help but moan as I felt the hot, smooth skin of his cock slide across my tongue, and the full feeling of taking his whole cock into my mouth. His moans and grunts barely registered with me, I was too absorbed in making him feel good.

When he pulled his cock out of my mouth, I couldn’t even whine my disappointment before he was hauling me to my feet by my chain. He yanked the blindfold off my eyes and pulled me in for a hard, deep kiss, using his tongue to explore some of the same deep places where his cock just left.

He broke away so he could shove his pants down over his ankles, and yank his shirt off over his head. The room swirled around me as he grabbed me by the ass and lifted me off the floor. I could feel his cock searing against me as he carried me the short distance to my bedroom.

He dropped me the last foot or so to the bed and covered my body with his.

He kissed my cheeks, down my neck, and sank his teeth into the soft curve of my shoulder. I gasped and arched my body beneath him. I curled my fingers into his hair as he kept kissing my neck. When he kissed his way back down to where my neck meets my shoulder he bit down, harder this time.

I curled my fingers into his hair and left searing red nail marks across his shoulders and back. He leaned away and took hold of both my arms, sliding his fingers along the sensitive skin at the crook of my elbow all the way down to my wrists. There, he pulled my arms above my head and reached back for the restraint cuffs that hung along the top end of my mattress.

The cuffs were connected to a nylon strap that disappeared under my mattress, only to reappear on the other end with the ankle cuffs attached. My distinct lack of a headboard and footboard meant traditional handcuffs were basically out of the question. But the under-mattress restraints allowed us to discreetly use them on whatever bed we wanted: mine, his, hotels, you name it.

He secured each of my wrists into the cuffs and pulled the nylon straps tight, locking my arms in place above my head.

He kissed his way down my body. On my lips, down my neck, across my chest, and he was sure to take each nipple into his mouth and draw out one long suck before moving along down my stomach. When he reached the edge of my thong, he slipped his fingers into the waistband and yanked them halfway down my thighs with one strong pull. He leaned in close and flicked his tongue across my clit, and my body twitched in response. He dragged the soaked material down my legs and brought it to his nose and took a long, deep inhale.

“Mmmmmmmm,” he growled.

Thong in hand, he crawled his way back up my body, and once again placed his fingers on either side of my jaw and looked down into my eyes.

“Now listen carefully my little pet. I want you to moan for me, as loud as you want.” He leaned closer with an absolutely devilish grin. “Open.”

I opened my mouth slightly, until I realized what he had planned, so I opened my mouth even wider. He raised his hand and placed the thong crotch-first into my mouth so I could taste myself before he stuffed the rest of the material. I moaned, partly to follow orders, but mostly because I loved the taste of my own arousal.

A slight pressure on my chin closed my mouth, then he leaned over for a sweet little kiss before descending my body again.

He knelt between my legs and slid his arm under my thighs and around the outside of my hips until his hands made a small triangle right above my pelvis. He lifted my hips clear off the bed and brought my dripping pussy all the way up to his mouth.

With my arms locked above my head and my hips several feet up off the mattress, I had no choice but to wrap my legs behind his neck and enjoy as he devoured me.

He licked the whole length of my slit, catching a little bead of moisture as it slid slowly toward my asshole. Up and down and up again. Each pass of his tongue had me moaning, bordering on screaming. He flicked the tip of his tongue across my clit and I screamed, pulling hard against the restraints. He flicked his tongue over my clit again and every muscle in my body twitched. It felt like someone was hitting me with an electric shock. He gave me a brief moment of respite when he slid his tongue down to my tight entrance, and even farther back to my puckered back door. But those moments didn’t last very long, because each movement of his tongue washed new waves of sensation across my consciousness.

He kept up his brutal tongue-lashing, licking at my clit or sucking it hard into his mouth until the edges of my vision started to blur and my voice started to strain. It felt so good all I could think about was that the next lick, the next bite, the next movement would make me go insane. Every one of my muscles felt so tight I was sure that any second I would explode into a shower of fireworks, lost forever in a blissful oblivion. But neither happened.

Instead, he lowered my hips gently back down onto the mattress. I struggled to breathe, to keep my heart from beating its way out of my chest. My body vibrated from the effort to hold itself together. Any twitch, any kind of movement, caused me to squeal and moan and arch my back.

He climbed up beside me and pried my mouth open to remove my makeshift gag and flung it across the room. My mouth was dry and tasted like cotton, but he fixed that pretty quickly by leaning down to kiss me.

No matter when he kisses me, it never fails to turn me on. But there’s something about tasting my own hot, sticky juices on my lover’s lips that drives me wild. It’s like flipping a switch.

From my tethered position, I tried my best to kiss him as hard and as deep as I could, diving my tongue into his mouth and licking as much of my wetness from his lips and chin as I could reach.

I looked up into his eyes, they were the darkest I had ever seen them, bordering on black. I noticed a slight tremble in his hand as he reached up to brush a lock of hair away from my face. He looked down at me like a predator eyeing its next meal, with a fierceness he only has with me.

“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked.

“Yes Sir. Please Sir. I want you to fuck me Sir,” I said, nodding like a bobblehead in an earthquake.


“F-F-From behind Sir,” I managed to choke out. The thought alone had me twitching and moaning and grinding my hips against the air.

“You want me to fuck you from behind?” he repeated, gliding his fingers into my hair.

“Yes Sir! Please Sir! Please please please please please,” I begged.

“Have you been a good girl?”

My face paled. No, I hadn’t. I let out a few moans when he told me to be quiet, and then there was that little stunt sucking his cock.

“No Sir.” I looked down at the mattress, to ashamed to look my master in the eyes.

“Look at me!” he commanded.

I snapped my eyes up to his. I could feel those eyes starting to pull me in, seducing me with their molten intensity. No, pay attention! I managed to shake myself out of that trance just in time to catch his next words.

“Now what happens to pets who haven’t been good girls?”

“They get punished.”

“Do you deserve to be punished?”

“Yes Sir.”

He looked down at me with softened eyes. He could tell he pushed me so close to the edge and he felt bad for not being able to give me what I wanted, but orders are orders and they need to be followed.

He leaned over and put his mouth very close to my ear, swiping his tongue along my earlobe before he spoke.

“Tell me what you want most.”

For a second, I froze. It was hard enough for my frazzled brain to comprehend simple questions and commands, and now he asks this! I struggled to think, he was so wonderful at so many things, how could I choose just one?


Damn, I was right on the edge of a thought, but I broke my concentration and it was gone.

“I don’t know,” I whimpered.

“You have to choose.”

I whimpered again. This was punishment enough, making me try to think when I was this horny.

“I-I don’t know!”

The fingers that had been gently toying with my hair suddenly gripped it hard as he leaned down and sank his teeth into my neck.

“Now!” His voice was so low and rumbling it sounded legitimately like a growl.

“I want you to fuck me!” I practically yelled.


I whimpered again. I should have known this was coming. He loved watching me struggle to think like this.

“F-from b-b-behind,” I stammered. He knew it was my favorite position and never failed to make me come at least once.

“Mmmmm, do tell me more,” his voice had switched back to a seductive tone that was sure to make me melt.

“I-I want you t-to p-put me on my knees and shove that hot hard cock into my pussy until you cum,” I couldn’t stop the shiver that ran through my body.

He leaned up and smiled that wolf-like grin.

“Only good girls get to have that. If you’re a good girl for me, then I’ll fuck you from behind. But until then, you only follow my orders.”

“Yes Sir! Yes Sir! I want to be a good girl for you. I want to be a good girl…” I babbled. He quieted me with a gentle shush and a kiss on the lips.

My body was still shaking when he reached up to undo the cuffs still holding my wrists above my head. He grabbed one of the flat pillows that fell into the crack between the bed and the wall and he tossed it onto the floor. He helped me to sit up before he pointed down to where the pillow landed.


I clambered off the bed, practically falling on my face in the process thanks to my shaking jelly-legs and stepping on the chain that was still attached to my collar. Eventually I managed to kneel on the soft square, amazed at myself at how eagerly I was awaiting my ‘punishment.’

“Stay perfectly still until I come back,” he said as he strode out the door, but not before waggling his cock right in front of my face to make sure I was following my orders. All I wanted was to catch it in my mouth and suck him until he was begging to cum, but I was smart enough to keep my mouth clamped shut.

He disappeared out the door for only a few moments until he was back with his black leather duffel bag in hand.

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From the bag he pulled my favorite scarf, the same one from earlier in the day, and he secured it over my eyes. In the sudden darkness I could hear him rifling through the bag again.

He must have found what he was looking for because he leaned down and whispered into my ear, “Remember, you are not to cum unless you ask and I say you can. Is that clear?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Oh,” he continued with a chuckle, “you are to be silent. I mean it, silent.”

I was about to whine in protest, but thought better of it right before the sound escaped my lips. I deserved what I had coming. I heard the buzz of a toy right before I felt something soft vibrate against my dripping pussy lips. It took an enormous amount of willpower not to moan at the delicious feeling vibrating the entire length of my sex. I could tell by the short, rounded shape that it was my hot pink remote-controlled egg.

“Mmmm, you like that?” he asked. I nodded my head slowly, most of my focus was going to making sure I didn’t moan.

He held the vibrating toy between his fingers and slowly teased at my opening, pushing in only about an inch or so before retreating. Again and again. I bit my lip to stay quiet. He kept teasing me like that for several minutes until he slid the toy with ease deep into my canal. My body gripped it like a vice and the vibrations ricocheted up into my belly and down to my clit. I took in a sharp breath and let it out shakily.

It felt so nice to finally have something inside me. As my body gripped the toy harder, the vibrations reverberated deeper and I clenched my jaw tight to keep from purring my satisfaction.

This toy had seven different vibration functions, from a low, simple buzz, all the way up through pulses and escalations. He played with every one.

My blindfold forced me to focus on each sensation as it coursed through my body. My whole body shook in an effort to keep from screaming and my nails dug into my thighs, leaving crescent-shaped imprints in the supple flesh.

Something very soft and very hot bumped against my lips. I opened my mouth just wide enough to squeeze his cock past my lips. It felt nice to have an outlet to pour all of my sexual tension. I tickled my tongue over his head, curled it around under his mushroom ridge, and slid it along his shaft as far as I could reach. I licked and sucked like a pro, using his cock as a way to keep myself quiet. I could hear his breathing getting ragged, and feel his hips twitch forward with increasing frequency.

His hands landed hard on my shoulders and his nails dug into my back as I kept sucking and the toy kept buzzing inside me. He pushed deep into my throat again, but I was so far beyond caring. My entire existence was pleasuring him while trying to follow my orders.

He switched the toy to a strong pulse, withdrew his twitching cock from between my lips, and dropped to his knees for a kiss. I could feel a moan starting, and my chest ached with the effort to keep it in. My muscles started to coil and tighten as I teetered on the edge of an orgasm. How the hell was I supposed to stay quiet if I had to ask to cum? And then it hit me. I wasn’t allowed to cum. The realization only made my body clamp down tighter, wreaking havoc on my willpower, pushing me dangerously close to breaking the rules.

Suddenly, the vibrations ceased. I broke the kiss and hung my head as my breath came in ragged gasps. He pulled my face up to his again and kissed me, exploring my mouth with his tongue. I kissed back as hard as I dared, tangling my tongue with his sealing our lips tight together.

He pulled on the hot pink cord that dangled between my legs, but my body held on tight. It took some wiggling and hard pulling before my body let go with a wet plop. He brought it to my lips and I eagerly licked it clean, as if it were the sweetest ice cream in the world. A squeaking sigh escaped my lips, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

He wrapped both arms around my middle and hauled me back up onto the bed. He reached around and grabbed the chain from where it hung from my collar, taking care to slide the cold metal across my nipples as he began wrapping one end around his hand. He pulled off my blindfold and finished wrapping the chain around his hand, turning it into a leash once more.

He flipped me onto my stomach and dragged my hips into the air, bringing me to all fours.

“You,” he began. “Have been a very very good girl.” He took one finger and swirled it along my slit. “You don’t have to be quiet anymore.”

I let out a long, pent-up moan, then gasped as he slid one finger effortlessly into me.

“Mmmmm, so wet for me,” he cooed as he slid a second finger in to join the first. He waggled them inside me just to tease before he pulled them out and sucked them clean.

I heard the crinkle of a foil package being ripped open, and then I could feel the head of his cock sliding up and down, over my clit then back down to my hole. Up and down, each time he came close to my entrance, I pushed my hips back. I hoped to time it right to push him into me, but he just kept teasing me. Each time I was unsuccessful, I whined in frustration which only made him laugh.

“Does my little pet want my cock?” He asked, his voice was laced with humor; he already knew the answer.

“Yes Sir, please, please give your pet your cock,” I begged. “Please, please fuck me. Please fuck me hard. Please, please, I’ve been a good girl for you,” I begged and wiggled my hips and moaned in frustration.

“Aww, you’re right. You were such a good girl for me earlier, you didn’t even make a sound. You do deserve my cock. Nice. And. Deep.” On the last word he thrust his hips and impaled me on his cock, I cried out as he sheathed himself completely inside me, his balls resting hot against my clit.

He stayed perfectly still while I adjusted to him. I felt so complete, and time stood still. He drew his hips back excruciatingly slow until he was only just barely inside me, then slid forward inch by inch until he rested all the way inside me again. He continued his slow rhythm until I was begging him to fuck me harder and faster.

I whimpered in confusion when he pulled his cock all the way out and the bed shifted as he stepped off. As torturous as it was having him go so slow, it was worse not having him at all. I peered around just in time to see him climbing back onto the bed and positioning himself between my legs once more.

He slid one finger through my sopping cunt, then pressed the head of his cock at my entrance once more. Only this time, as he slid into me, he also worked a silicone butt plug into my tightly puckered hole. He paused, waiting for my body to relax and allow him to continue.

I realized I was holding my breath and let it out slowly, just as I finished my exhale, he slid both his cock and the plug a little farther. Breathe. A little farther. Breathe. A little farther. With a final breath, he slid both his cock and the plug all the way into me, and his hips held both in place while I panted.

It felt so good. Indescribable, really, to be so full and pleasured from so many angles. He started moving his hips, slowly at first, but increasing his speed with each stroke. I moaned again and again as he thrust, which only fueled his desire even more. Before long he was pistoning his hips into me as fast as possible.

Each time he thrust into me, his hips pressed against the base of the plug and drove it a little deeper into my ass. My moans turned to screams of pleasure as he pounded into me.

“Come for me baby!” he said, more as a breath than a command.

A scream tore from my throat as I did what I was told. Bursts of color swam in front of my eyes. My arms gave out and my top half flopped down to the mattress, putting my clit in the perfect position as his balls slapped it with each thrust. This only pushed me farther over the edge as wave after wave after wave of pleasure washed over me.

The chain jingled as he pulled it, cutting my collar against my throat, and dragging me up to where he could take hold of my chin and turn me to kiss him. I bit his lip as the last wave crested over me. But he never stopped his thrusting, so in a matter of seconds I was beginning to regain my senses.

“Mmm, baby” I babbled, every last crumb of inhibition and my verbal filter were obliterated in my orgasmic bliss.

“That’s right, fuck me baby. Fuck your little pet. Fuck her hard. Pound your cock into her,” I continued to babble as I could feel my own pleasure starting to heighten again.

He continued driving into my pussy with abandon as I kept babbling, begging him to make me cum again.

“Mmm, yes baby! Yes yes yes yes yes yes! Ah, god, yes! Fuck me baby! Please make me cum! Mmmmm, yes. YES!” More torrents of pleasure crashed through me as I tumbled down into a state of pure bliss. Out of the haze, a stray thought settled into my head, and I knew what I wanted, what would drive him over the edge like he did to me.

“Please cum all over me baby. Cover your little pet in your hot cum. Please baby.” He groaned and thrust even harder into me in response. He pounded into me only a few more times before he dropped the chain, releasing me to collapse back onto all fours on the bed. He pulled out with just enough time to whip off his condom.

Only a couple of pumps of his hand and he was there. The first molten glob of cum hit right on the middle of my back, the rest he emptied along the sensual curve at the small of my back. It pooled there as he coaxed out the very last drop.

Over my shoulder I could hear him panting in an effort to regain his breath. I tried to stay as still as possible to prevent his spunk from spilling across my bed. My chain jingled as I lowered my head, trying to breathe and restore my heart rate to something other than hyperspeed.

The bed shifted when he got up to grab the box of tissues across the room, and a little bead of cum slid off my back and began a slow, tickling descent along the slope of my waist. He came back just in time to catch the little drop before it fell to the sheets. He gingerly cleaned the rest, and eased the plug from my asshole. I half whimpered, half moaned at the sudden emptiness.

My muscles refused to obey what my brain tried to tell them to do. I was so grateful when he gently eased me down onto the mattress after unclipping my chain from my collar. My hair fell in a mess around my head, but I couldn’t even lift an arm to brush it away from my eyes.

He slid down beside me, and I tried so hard to shuffle over to make some room, but my brain was still fully disconnected to my body. My muscles hummed in their newly relaxed state, and I groaned when he rolled me onto my side. Our bodies continued radiating heat as he held me close, my head resting on his arm, his chin on the top of my head, and our hips curled together.

As the first snore thundered from his lips, and I could feel myself drifting toward sleep, I smiled to myself. He had no idea that tomorrow, my Mistress side was coming out to play.

Written by CollegeKitten
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