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A Week In A Dungeon - Day 4A

"Ashley, after days of teasing, is taught about her limits."

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Ashley kneels in her cage. She isn't hungry or thirsty, she's in heat. It has been over 48 hours now, of being teased, tied up and tongued, with no release offered. And now, she's staring at her beautiful Miss Rose, who stands next to an overwhelming amount of devices, most of which Ashley has no understanding of.

"Do you trust me, dear?" Miss Rose asks, lovingly.

Ashley does. She knows nothing but trust for Miss Rose. She's been her guiding light ever since she arrived here.

Ashley nods her head, then speaks.

"Yes, I do. Miss Rose."

"Good Girl," Miss Rose says, through a gentle smile. Ashley notices her outfit. Long black nylons extending up to her ass, complemented by some slightly transparent black lace panties. Ashley could feel her mouth water just looking at her Mistress' gorgeous body. She could also feel her pussy moisten, knowing or madly hoping, that she would finally get some relief soon.

Miss Rose helps Ashley from her cage. She stands her up and places a finger through the ring in her collar. Ashley is tugged towards Miss Rose firmly. Their lips come together.

Ashley lets out a loud moan. Miss Rose kisses her deeply, causing Ashley's legs to shake.

As their lips part, Ashley's neck is gently pulled forward. Helplessly, she follows, the direction she is being guided, anxious excitement beginning to grow in her stomach.

Miss Rose brings Ashley to the front of a table of some sort. It is a little taller than waist-height, and the top is covered in soft black leather padding. There are restraints everywhere. Thick black straps and buckles and metal rings up and down the table's legs and sides.

Just the sight of this piece of furniture, (or was it a device?) had Ashley tingling all over and caused her to start breathing heavily, though she didn't realize it, yet.

"Relax dear. We are going to do this very slowly."

Miss Rose's words soothed Ashley, as they always did. Then, she felt her Mistress' hand apply pressure to the back of her head.

Ashley is bent forward over top of the table, so that her face is sitting on the leather cushioning. Her cold tits and stomach instantly warming on the new surface.

"Be a good girl and don't move an inch. I'd hate to have to change our plan today because of some bad behaviour."

Ashley could feel electricity running up and down the inside of her legs. Her nerve endings all beginning to tingle with expectation.

"I'll be good," Ashley squeaks, trying to hide the impatient need in her voice.

Miss Rose slowly bends down and fastens Ashley's right ankle to one of the table legs. The leather strap pulled tight around her soft skin. Miss Rose then moves behind her and spreads Ashley's left leg to the adjacent table leg. She could feel the lips of her pussy slightly opening up as the cold dungeon air found its way inside her.

After fastening both legs to the table, Miss Rose walks around and in front of Ashley.

"Your hands. Place them in front of you."

Ashley did as she was told, pushing her hands forward. Miss Rose, in only the way she could, softly and strongly secures Ashley's wrists to the sides of the bench device.

Ashley couldn't move any of her limbs an inch. Just her head having the freedom to move.

"Good Girl," Miss Rose purrs. "Tell me exactly how you feel right now."

Ashley panics. How does she want me to respond? Honestly? Completely honestly? I'm desperate to cum! I can't think straight anymore, and I'm scared and excited beyond all reason, and I can't stop thinking about having Tessa's fingers in my cunt!

"I… I feel nervous, Miss Rose."

Miss Rose smiles, wanting more.

"And what else?"

Ashley concentrates as best as she can. Being strapped down, having her ass and pussy exposed for anyone to see, touch and abuse, had her mind very distracted.

"I want to please you Mistress. I want to be rewarded."

"Don't be greedy. I didn't ask what you wanted. I asked how you felt!" Miss Rose spoke loudly. A firmness appearing in her tone.

Ashley feels a rush of blood hit her head. Embarrassment fills her.

"Miss Rose, I feel… desperate. I feel horny. I feel like I need to be touched and satisfied and fucked and licked. And I feel like I would do anything to get that."

Miss Rose lifts Ashley's chin up off the table and looks her in the eyes.

"That is what we will find out today my dear," Miss Rose says, with a naughty smile. She moves behind Ashley.

As Miss Rose leaves her line of sight, Ashley sees something across the room.

Small metal bars along the bottom of the wall across from her. Thin girly arms are handcuffed outside of the bars of a cage, which seems to be built into the side of the wall. Ashley can make out a young woman behind the bars. Short, dark, black hair, and pale white skin. The girl has something strapped to the front of her face and around her head so her mouth is completely covered.

Who the fuck is she? What is she doing there? Why was her mouth covered like that? What did she do to get put in there? I wonder where Tessa is. How many other girls are here? What if I get put in there? I don't think I could handle that.

Ashley feels herself become weak at the knees, but her restraints hold her firmly on the table. She begins to quiver.

Miss Rose comes back around in front of Ashley. She wheels out a metal tray, covered with an assortment of devices. She notices Ashley's quivering body and that she' staring at the girl across the room.

"Oh. I see you've met our naughty slave," Mistress says, delight in her voice. "She is a very bad girl. Not like you dear."

Ashley doesn't know what to say. Her nervous energy is now radiating all over her body. Her toes tingle against the concrete floor, and her lips tremble.

Miss Rose walks over to the slave in wall. Her matte black heels help her ass look perfect as she glides.

The slave makes noises in excitement as Miss Rose bends down to her.

"Are you thirsty?" Miss Rose asks.

The girl behind the bars nods her head up and down and muffles an inaudible response.

"If you be a good girl today, I'll give you something to drink," Miss Rose explains.

The girl emits a mumble and enthusiastic nod.

Miss Rose pulls out a small key from her black corset and unlocks the girl's left hand. She keeps the other one handcuffed to the cage bars.

"You may touch your cunt while you watch."

Ashley can hear a muffled 'thank you' come from behind the girl's gag as Miss Rose returns to Ashley.

Miss Rose lifts Ashley's head up by her hair, gently, but firmly, so she can see the slave. The girl, cuffed on her hands and knees, gagged in her cage, begins to moan. Her fingers frantically sliding into her wet hole.

Miss Rose speaks up.

"Pace yourself, slave. You're not to come. If you do… you know what will happen."

The naughty girl nods in response quickly. A frustrated moan echoes through the cold room, as her fingers slow down.

Ashley watches the girl's fingers disappear into her small body, over and over again. She almost whimpers in desperation.

"I bet you're very jealous of her right now aren't you dear?"

Ashley is still trembling with nervous energy, made much worse by her desperate, sexual need. She can feel her mouth watering as she imagines getting to do to herself, what the slave is doing in front of her. Images and feelings of Tessa tongue fucking her, jump through her mind.

"Yes, Miss Rose. I feel jealous of her," Ashley answers, hoping her honesty will convince Miss Rose to give her some release.

"Oh, you shouldn't be. She's been very bad. And she has gone through quite a bit, to be able to get to touch herself. More than I think you can comprehend dear," Miss Rose explains. Her voice always so even, calculated, understanding and gorgeously seductive.

This again, causes Ashley's mind to race. What does Miss Rose mean by that? What kind of crazy shit could this girl have been put through? Fuck, I can't think straight, I want to cry I'm so horny. I've never felt so fucking needy in my life. 

Miss Rose leans over her table of tools and acquires a steel doggy dish. She places it underneath Ashley's chin.

Ashley is met with immediate confusion and worry.

"I'm not thirsty, Miss Rose."

Miss Rose turns away from Ashley.

"You will speak when I ask you a question. Let's make that clear," Miss Rose clarifies, a little chill in her tone.

Ashley nods immediately, not wanting to worsen her situation in any way.

Miss Rose turns around with a blindfold and securely places it over Ashley's eyes. It's thick padding and heavy leather strap ensure that no image whatsoever could be discerned.

"I'll give you your sight back, when I want you to see. Understood?"

"Yes, Miss Rose," Ashley squeaks.

Her breathing now becoming quick in the absence of her vision. She tries to remain calm and focuses her mind the best she can. She tests her restraints again. Her ankles and wrists having almost no freedom at all. Then, she feels her pussy drip. A little gush of pent up sex, rolls over the right lip of her cunt and makes its way slowly down her leg. The feeling torments her.

"Open your mouth," Miss Rose's voice demands, out of the darkness.

Ashley can feel her mouth instinctively open, before she even has time to think about it.

That never used to happen.

Miss Rose's fingers gently slide their way into Ashley's gaping mouth. Ashley massages them with her tongue, hoping to please Miss Rose the best she can in any way. Her tongue wiggles around the long, slender digits of her mistress and decides there are 2 fingers inside her mouth.

Miss Rose speaks instructively as she keeps her fingers motionless in Ashley's open hole.

"The body and mind have many limits dear. Natural instincts that our body tells our mind when we can't do, or don't like something. We are going to explore some of yours today. For these limits can be overcome with a strong mind and will."

Before Ashley can realize what Miss Rose is saying, she feels her Mistress' fingers slide firmly to the back of her throat. Ashley's whole body tenses up as she feels her gag reflex fight back. Ashley's stomach becomes tight and she helplessly lets out a gurgled yelp.

Miss Rose pulls her fingers back an inch.

"Relax, dear," Her calm voice, suggests.

Ashley tries to follow instruction as best she can. But notices the fingers in her mouth becoming firm again. They ever so slowly descend into her throat.

Ashley feels her body wanting to reject them, but she tries her best to relax. The fingers continue to push their way deeper. Ashley feels Miss Rose's knuckles press into her lips.

"Good girl," Miss Rose purrs.

Ashley feels the fingers press down on her tongue. She gags immediately. She can feel her eyes watering under her blindfold as the fingers pull themselves out of her mouth.

Ashley coughs with relief and tries to catch her breath.

"Put your drool and spit in the dish dear. I don't want you getting it anywhere else."

Ashley can feel the saliva in her throat choking her slightly and drools the contents of her mouth into the bowl beneath her face.

"Good girl," Miss Rose says, sounding pleased.

Miss Rose gets up on the table in front of Ashley and sits down facing her. She slowly takes each of her heels off and places them on her side table.

Ashley can feel her body tingling in anticipation, wondering what Miss Rose is doing.

"Open," Miss Rose commands.

Ashley opens her wet mouth. She is vibrating with expectation as she waits for something to be inserted into her face. Then, she tastes Miss Rose's foot, as several toes slide over her tongue. Ashley tastes ever inch of her mistress' essence through the nylon stocking. Her sweat, her perfume, her grace and even her dominance.

Oh my god she tastes good. If her foot tastes this good, I can't imagine her pussy. Why is this such a fucking turn on? Why is everything turning me on so much? What the fuck is wrong with me!?

As thoughts bombard Ashley's mind, she can feel her hips gyrating and desperately trying to grind her pussy against the side of the table. She can't quite reach it, and it causes her to whine loudly with need.

"Be quiet dear, and stick your tongue out, as far as you can. See if you can touch my heel."

Ashley follows the command, like the good girl she wants to be so badly and slides her head forward. She opens her mouth as wide as possible and slides her tongue down along the bottom of Miss Rose's foot.

She can feel the nylon toes edging their way into the back of her throat. Ashley gags again. The foot slowly moves out of her mouth and with it, a large stream of drool falls into the dish.

Miss Rose gags Ashley with her foot again.

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She wiggles her toes inside Ashley's mouth. She can feel them go deeper down her throat than before. Miss Rose holds her foot there, in Ashley's mouth. Ashley, on the verge of gagging, struggles to move her tongue along the bottom of Miss Rose's gorgeous foot. She feels completely at her Mistress' mercy, and her pussy begins to ache.

Miss Rose thrusts forward and Ashley pulls back reflexively, drool dropping down her chin.

Miss Rose continues, each time managing to get it further and further inside Ashley's mouth.

After 10 minutes of this, Ashley can now hold back her gag reflex much better than before. And the dish has a large pool of drool within it. She feels proud of herself and can tell by the noises Miss Rose is making that she's pleased as well.

Miss Rose removes Ashley's blindfold, the dark room, now very bright to her adjusting eyes. Ashley watches her Mistress slowly put her black heels back onto her feet and gracefully move off of the table.

Ashley's eyes fall on the girl across from her in the cage. Her eyes are fixed on Ashley as well. Her hand teasing her soaking cunt. Again, Ashley feels herself imagining the fingers moving into her own pussy.

Miss Rose grabs the dog dish from under Ashley's chin, and carefully takes it over to the slave.

Ashley watches as the dish is placed in front of the girl's cage.

"Still thirsty?" Miss Rose posits.

The slave nods vigorously, but her hand doesn't leave her dripping hole.

Miss Rose reaches through the bars of the cage and unbuckles the strap on the girl's gag. A small dildo on the inside of it drips with saliva as it's removed from her mouth.

Miss Rose unbolts the cage door and slides it open. She leaves the slave's hand cuffed to the bars.

"You may drink, slave," Miss Rose hums.

With that, the slave, still on her hands and knees in her cage, relentlessly fingering her cunt, leans her head over the bowl. Ashley watches as the slave girl sticks her long pink tongue out and laps up her liquid.

The girl begins to slurp at it now, while she buries her fingers deep inside her pussy, her thumb dancing over her clit.

The slurping ceases.

"Get all of it. Good."

Miss Rose runs her fingers through the girl's hair as she encourages her.

The slave licks up the last of Ashley's cold saliva, and looks up at her mistress with a gentle smile.

"Thank you Miss Rose," the girl says, gratefully, in a softer tone than Ashley imagined.

"You earned. You've been good today," Miss Rose says, still running her fingers through the girl's soft black hair. "Come out of the cage and sit on the floor. We want to have a better look at you."

The girl crawls forward and manages to get comfortable, sitting on her ass with her legs open, facing Ashley. She's not wearing anything. But her toenails have black nail polish on then, causing her pale skin to look even lighter. She has very small tits, but her nipples are standing up, hard as rock. She immediately shoves her left hand down her throat, soaking it with saliva (probably some of Ashley's as well). Then traces her soaking fingers over her cute pussy, before plunging them inside.

"I'm going to leave your right hand attached. I can't have you going anywhere I don't want. And you would get far too greedy if you had two hands available," Miss Rose explains.

"Thank you, Miss Rose," the girl replies.

Miss Rose stops the girl's hand for a moment. She pulls the fingers out of the slave's pussy. Ashley can see the girl's juices dripping slowly from her fingers. The slave lets out a small whimper of protest, but controls herself.

Miss Rose bends down and places 2 of her fingers into the girls soaking cunt. The slave smiles and opens her mouth with delight. She almost shrieks as Miss Rose pushes the fingers all the way in, until they are completely swallowed in pussy. She stares into the girl's eyes in silence, motionless. Then pulls her fingers back out.

The girl's hand moves back down to her pussy.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Miss Rose cautions.

The girl bites her lip in frustration as her hand fights the urge to fuck her pussy.

Miss Rose stands up straight and comes back to Ashley, who can feel her heart beating through her whole body. Miss Rose stands beside Ashley. She holds her wet fingers under Ashley's nose, and her other hand rests on Ashley's ass.


Ashley moans loudly as the slight pain washes over her ass. It spreads a tingle of delight across her whole body. She can smell the slave's cunt on Miss Rose's fingers, causing her mouth to water.

Miss Rose slaps Ashley's ass again. She can feel her nipples harden as they press into the table's leather padding. The smell of the girl's pussy wafting into her nose makes her delirious.


Ashley yelps quietly. She feels relieved that the spanking is actually taking her mind off of her complete need to cum.

"Open," Mistress politely demands.

Ashley's mouth pops open, sticking out her tongue in the hopes of pleasing her Mistress. Miss Rose slides her two drenched fingers across Ashley's tongue. Ashley immediately becomes hungry for more. More spanking, more touching, more pussy, anything!

"Clean them. I want every drip of her pussy, off of my fingers, and inside you."

Miss Rose speaks with her patented, subtle tone of love infused with authority.

Ashley religiously does as she's told. Her fingers tasting the new girl with vigour, excitement and desperation. Sucking the slave's juices provided by her mistress made Ashley's pussy begin to throb. Again, she could feel the cool drip of her own sex, streaming cruelly down the inside of her thigh. Her legs shaking, her cunt aching.

Ashley sucks on them harder. The pussy soaked fingers tasting vaguely of sweat and flowers. She runs her tongue along the sides and then in between them. Agonizingly attempting to take in all of the other girl's cunt. She needed to be rewarded, she needed to do whatever Miss Rose asked of her, and perfectly. She needed to fucking cum.

"Good girl."

Miss Rose's praise sends a shiver of complete pleasure through Ashely's spine and straight into her ass. The fingers are taken out of her mouth and Ashley tries to settle herself down and regain some composure. But her breathing quickly picks up as Miss Rose disappears behind her.

What is she doing? Please, oh fucking please.

"Are you watching slave?"

Miss Rose's voice echoes through the room. The girl nods excitedly, a naughty smile on her face.

"You may touch yourself," She says, casually.

Ashley watches the girl gag herself with her hand. Then she slides three wet fingers deep into her pussy. The slave girl's toes curl as she whines with relief.

At this point, the only thing Ashley is aware of is her throbbing cunt. The walls of her vagina ache and swell as she can feel herself dripping on the floor.

Miss Rose bends over Ashley's back and whispers into her right ear. "Tell me how you're feeling right now. Everything."

Ashley struggles in her restraints, helplessly fastened to the table.

"Miss Rose, please. I can't take this anymore. I… I feel dizzy. My… my pussy, I can feel it begging to orgasm. My nipples are aching from being hard so long. I feel like I'm shivering, I'm so nervous and stressed and excited. My stomach aches from holding back for so long. I want to make you happy, but I feel like I am going to go crazy."

"Good girl. I love how honest you are with me," Miss Rose replies, genuine adoration in her voice. "Like I said, the body and mind have many limits. But you can control them. You can push them farther than you know dear."

Ashley exhales deeply, trying to relax and calm herself, but it doesn't help.

Miss Rose moves from Ashley's ear, then…

A finger. Two fingers. Like a feather against her labia.

Is that? Is she touching me? Am I hallucinating now? Please let this finally be her hand. Oh fucking please.

The fingers move slowly over Ashley's lips, then settle onto her clitoris. She almost yelps with excitement. Her mouth hangs open, her eyes closed as she pushes her hips as far back as she can.

The fingers slide into her folds.

Oh my fucking god. Thank you! Thank you!

Miss Rose pushes her hand slowly in, then out. Ashley's eyes roll back into her head and she moans, loudly!

The slave girl becomes more excited and begins to pant as she grinds her pelvis into her fingers. She licks her lips as she watches Miss Rose slowly fill Ashley's desperate pussy.

Ashley can feel herself drooling, but is breathing to heavily to close her mouth.

Miss Rose pushes her fingers down against Ashley's G-spot as she fucks her.

Oh fuck! How does she know how to do that!?

Ashley's legs wobble and become weak. But her wrist restraints hold her body firmly in place.

Then, Miss Rose uses her other hand to tease Ashley's clit. The gentle wet fingers slide over her desperately swollen button perfectly. Each caress causes Ashley's cunt to throb with pleasure.

Ashley whimpers and moans as she quivers with delight. Waves of warm, intense pleasure cover her body, her back, her head. Her breathing is getting shallower. She knows she's getting close.

The slave girl moans as well. She's got two fingers in her cunt, pressing hard against her own G-spot. Her thumb violently thrashing against her clit.

Her noises cause Ashley to fixate on her. Her thin, pale, naked body. Her wet pussy, and the little puddle of juices forming below it. Ashley can suddenly taste the girl's pussy again. She could sense her aroma. It drives Ashley crazy as thoughts uncontrollably intrude her mind: The girl fucking her or licking her pussy, as Ashley sucked on Miss Rose's toes.

Miss Rose keeps fucking Ashley's little cunt with her hand. She's relentless with her motion, her pressure and rhythm. Every time Miss Rose pulls her fingers back, a mouthful of Ashley's juices ooze from her pussy.

Ashley becomes louder, and so does the slave. Each spurring each other on, closer and closer to glorious release.

"Would you like to cum, slave?" Miss Rose beckons.

The slave girl jumps with excitement. Her moaning ceasing as she speaks. "Yes, Miss Rose, please!"

"You were a good girl today. I want you to cum."

As soon as the words leave Miss Rose's mouth, the girl quickens her pace. Her face turning from pleasure to concentration. Saliva and cunt-honey drip from her hole as she pleases herself.

Knowing the slave girl is on the edge of orgasm causes Ashley to almost lose control of her own pussy. She turns her moaning into a squeaky, desperate request.

"Please Miss Rose, may I cum too!?"

"You are not to cum dear. I mean it," Miss Rose's replies, swiftly.

Ashley's face goes white, her head becomes weak. The slave in front of her is up on her toes as she fingers her sopping pussy.

"Or I will have no choice but to give you a bad punishment. You'll end up spending the night in a place much worse than the slave's cage."

Miss Rose speaks calmly, lovingly, but removed.

Ashley begins to shiver uncontrollably in her shackles. Her body trying to revolt against the torture she's enduring. Miss Rose still slowly, intensely fucking Ashley's aching vagina. The waves of pleasure crashing into her belly, her asshole. Pushing her to scream.

"Miss Rose please! I feel like I am going to lose it. I can't handle…"

Miss Rose interrupts her.

"I did not ask you how you felt dear. Which means, I am not interested at the moment."

Ashley's lips quiver in fear and agony as her Mistress, her only hope of relief punishes her verbally.

Miss Rose slides her fingers out of Ashley's pussy. Her sex juices pour from her gaping, empty hole.

Fuck, no, please. Please don't stop!

The slave girl screams with delight and begins to shake. Ashley's eyes fall upon her with complete jealousy and envy.

The girl whimpers as she fucks herself even harder. Her fingers making wet smacks with every thrust. The puddle below her grows as she wiggles from pleasure against her cage door.

Ashley can feel her pussy screaming at her, begging Miss Rose, or anything to fill it back up and give her release.

The slave finally settles down, as she rubs her clit softer now. She removes her three fingers from her dripping, satisfied cunt and sucks the juices from each of them.

Ashley turns her head to Miss Rose, a look of desperation written across her face.

"You still have some limits to test. To push… to break," Miss Rose says, dominantly. She speaks in a colder tone than usual.

"For now... it's my turn."


To be Continued in Day 4-B

Special thanks to KahlanAmnell for encouraging me to keep writing.

Written by Aerith_Lives
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