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A Special Last Request Pt.4

"A mark for Master and a birthday gift from His slaves"

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This is the final installment of this series, sorry it is so long...... enjoy...... And don't forget to let me know what you think.

A Special Last Request Pt. 4

By: Ropetease


Keira had been a little bit of a brat that day, knowing that Master would punish her for it. She purposely teased Master when he was talking on the phone to clients by licking the tip of his cock, looking up into his eyes while doing so.

After dinner, Master ordered them to go to the playroom for Keira's punishment. Amber had been ordered to cuff Keira's wrists over her head with the chain hanging in the center off the room. A three foot spreader bar was attached to her ankles, spreading her wide, making her tighten the chain on her wrist cuffs. Master told Amber to kneel in front of her Mistress and lick her pussy.

When Master sensed that Keira was close to her climax, Amber was told to stop licking. Master then used the black suede medium flogger. He loved how it had a thud sound and stinging feeling when used. Master gave her five strokes of the flogger every time she was close. Keira's lower lip disappeared at the first strike on her back, letting out a deep throaty moan.

After the five strokes, Amber was told to start licking Keira's pussy again. Keira opened her mouth gasping in a deep breath as Amber's tongue touched her. Master did this several times, each time Keira's lip was sucked deeper into her mouth. Keira's back and her ass were red from the blows by the time she started begging Master to fuck her in her ass. Her body was so inflamed with the heat of arousal and pain.

Master dropped the flogger onto the floor, grabbing her ass in his hands, spreading her cheeks, his stiff cock touching her hole. Then Master stepped back from her, making Keira beg louder for him to fuck her.

"Master, pleaseeeee fuck me!"

Master placed his cock on her asshole and pushed in slowly, watching the expansion of her anal ring. When Keira felt him enter, she tried to push her ass towards his cock. Master shoved deep and hard, burying his cock in her tight ass.

Amber was told to continue licking Keira's clit. Keira went wild, her head shaking from side to side as each thrust from Master and Amber's expert tongue touched her clit; the chain rattled overhead, her knees buckled from under her.

The last thing Keira remembered was her body exploding as she passed out from the climax that racked through her body.

Amber straddled Keira's upper thighs, her hands massaging Keira's lower back when she awoke. Keira was lying on Master's bed on her stomach, resting her head on her hands. Amber kneeled at her side dripping some lotion on Keira's back. Amber slowly rubbed her hands across Keira’s striped red back and ass, spreading lotion to help soothe her.

"Mistress Keira, Master's birthday is next month. Do you know what Master wants?" Amber asked as her hands massaged her Mistress's back.

"Master has not mentioned anything he wants for his birthday," Keira moaned as Amber's hand went lower down her back. "Mmmmm, oooohhh," Keira groaned.

Amber let her hands rub the lotion all over her Mistress’s back. Amber started to rub the lotion over Keira's ass then moved down to her thighs.

"Mmmmmm, Amber, that feels so good," Keira moaned. "Amber, come here and lie beside me," Keira told her.

Reluctantly Amber stopped her massage on Keira's legs, crawling up to her Mistress. As Amber made her way up to her, Keira rolled on her side facing Amber, giving her a kiss.

"Can I ask you a question, Amber?" Keira asked.

"Yes, Mistress," Amber replied.

"Not as your Mistress, Amber. Sister to sister, okay?"

"Okay, Keira, ask," Amber replied placing her arms on her sister’s shoulders.

"I want to do something special for Master's birthday. I want to have a tattoo placed on my pelvis, just above my pussy. I wanted to ask if you would consider a tattoo also just above your pussy? You don't have to get one, I hope you understand that I am asking this as your sister slave, not as your Mistress," Keira spoke softly so Master would not hear them.

"Amber, Bill is more than our Master, the way he is tender, caring about our needs, Bill loves us as both as wives and he is our husband. This saddens me because I know we both cannot marry him. I want to spend the rest of our lives together as a family. The only way I can show Him how much I really want to be with Him forever is to have a tattoo showing His ownership of me. I have seen how much you love Him also. I just wanted you to know that I know how you feel." Keira whispered by Amber's ear.

"Oh, yes I do love Him as much as you do, Keira. To me, Keira, you are my sister, always will be. Bill and you are my family. Yes, I want to place His mark on me also," Amber said as she hugged Keira. "Mistress, I may have an idea," Amber said rubbing more lotion on Keira, "My boss has a cabin up in the mountains. He said we could use it anytime we wanted to. May I ask him if we could use it, Mistress?"

"What do you have in mind, Amber?" Keira asked.

"We can take Master there. It is secluded in the woods and what's even better, Master can use us any way he wants."

"Mmmmmm, lovely idea, Amber, yes, ask your boss if it’s okay." Keira moaned.

"Oh, thank you, Mistress. I know he will love it," Amber said as she leaned down and kissed Keira's lips. "He will be away for week before his birthday. Remember when we all went to the motorcycle shop and he saw that custom painted Harley Davidson Road King? I called them today and they still have it. Why don't we get it for him? I have talked to the salesman and he will give us a huge discount for cash. I have half the money saved and if you paid for half, we could give it to him."

"Yes, Amber, I remember that bike. Master hardly took his eyes off of it when we were there that day," Keira said moaning a little more as Amber gently massaged her breasts, "Let's buy it for him. We’ll talk tomorrow at lunch, Master will be here soon," Keira said hugging Amber.

"What are you two sub's talking about?" Master asked as he walked into the bedroom.

"Oh, nothing, Master, just girl talk," Keira replied giggling.

"Why don't I believe that, Keira?" Master said raising an eyebrow smiling, as he walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

Bill leaned over kissing Amber on her lips first, them lying down to kiss Keira on her lips. Amber got up walking to the bathroom to wash her hands. Bill's eyes followed her every step. Keira was still lying on her stomach, moving closer to Bill, placing her hand on his cock, while kissing him on his lips. Amber walked back into the bedroom and snuggled next to Bill, placing her hand on his cock next to Keira's hand. She kissed him goodnight and they all went to sleep.

Bill awoke the following morning to the feel of two pairs of lips kissing his cock. He never tired of this morning wake up ritual from them. Since it was Saturday morning and none of them had to work, he might as well enjoy what they were doing.

"Mmmm, good morning, slaves," he said placing his hands on their heads, grasping them by the hair, pulling both of them to his lips, kissing them both.

"Master, good morning," Keira purred.

"Good morning, Master," Amber added.

"May Amber and I go out to lunch today, Master? We would like to do a little shopping." Keira asked looking deep into Bill's eyes.

"Keira, you know you don't need to ask my permission if you and Amber want to go out shopping. Go out and enjoy the afternoon," Bill said hugging her.

"I know that, Master, but it makes me feel better when I ask you," Keira explained.

"What are your plans for today, Master?" Keira asked.

"Nothing special; I was going to relax in the pool and work on my tan."

"Oooo, naked, Master?" Amber giggled.

"Yes, naked, slave," Bill chuckled.

"Mmmmmm," both the slaves moaned.

"Let's get Master's breakfast cooked, Amber, then we can leave," Keira said jumping out of bed.

After everything was put away, Keira and Amber went to get ready to go shopping. Keira chose her red sundress that buttoned up the front, with slits on the side. She liked how this dress just showed the top of her breasts, letting her wavy blonde hair fall onto her shoulders. She chose her red high heeled open toed sandals for her feet, these made her legs stand out. The gold chain that had the locket of Bill and Amber's picture in it graced her neck.

Amber decided on wearing her beige strapless sundress, with a light peach floral pattern, just like Keira's, her dress had slit on the sides. Amber put her auburn hair in a loose pony tail down her back. A small silver necklace with two hearts went around her neck. Amber wore her three inch beige heels.

When they were done getting dressed, both slaves went to the patio where Bill was sitting reading the paper in the morning sun.

"We are ready to leave, Master," Keira said as she and Amber raised their dresses showing Bill their naked pussies.

"Come over here and give your Master a kiss, slaves, then you both may go," Bill ordered, smiling.

Keira and Amber walked towards Bill letting their dresses fall back in place. Both slaves leaned down giving their wonderful Master a kiss.

As they turned to leave, Bill asked grinning, "How much is today going to cost me you two?"

"Nothing, Master, we are using our money," Amber replied looking at Keira grinning.

Keira and Amber walked away, swaying their hips for Bill as he watched them leave.

"Where do we go first, Keira?" Amber asked.

"The bike dealership is first, we have to put a deposit down on the motorcycle. There is a tattoo parlor just down the street from the dealership, we can stop there and see what we can find for our tattoos," Keira said as she started the car, backing out of the driveway.

"Do you think Bill will be mad at us for getting tattoos, Keira?" Amber asked.

"Well, he might be upset about them, but when we explain the reason why we got them, I think he will be pleased," Keira replied.

"I hope so," Amber sighed.

As they pulled into the dealership, the bike was sitting outside on display. Their hopes sank a little when they saw someone looking at the bike. Quickly walking in, Amber found Ken, the salesman she talked to on the phone.

"May I help you, ladies?" Ken asked as he walked up to them.

"Hi, I am Amber. I talked to you the other day about that bike out front. We want to place a deposit on it today. We can come back Monday with the balance." Amber boldly said extending her hand to him.

"Yes, of course, I remember that you called, wait here for minute please," Ken said.

Ken walked over to his desk, opening a drawer. He found the sold sign and went outside placing it on the bike. As he approached the bike, the gentleman that was looking at it walked away.

After Ken placed the sign on the bike, he walked back inside, "Follow me, ladies, and we will fill out the paperwork. Ken pulled two chairs away from his desk and asked them to have a seat.

"Will you be financing this bike?" He asked Amber.

"No, we will bring cash Monday afternoon, if that's all right," Amber replied.

"That's fine, all I will need is a deposit of ten percent today with the balance on Monday," Ken explained.

"It will take me a few minutes to fill out the paperwork, would you both like something to drink while I do this? There is a lounge in back with soda and coffee dispensers," Ken asked.

"Yes, thank you, we will," Keira said.

"Good, I will come and get you ladies when I am finished then," Ken replied, standing up as they left.

As they walked to the lounge they felt several pairs of eyes follow their footsteps as they walked away. They poured two cups of water sitting down at the table to wait.

"Master will be so surprised when he see's this in the garage," Keira whispered trying not to be overheard.

"Oh yes, he will be surprised, Mistress," Amber giggled, patting Keira's hand.

They sat there for a half hour when they saw Ken walk up to them, "The papers are ready to sign, ladies." Ken went over the figures on the bike explaining it to them, both slaves nodding in agreement as he spoke. "Now all I need is the deposit, your signatures here and here," Ken pointed where to sign.

Amber pulled her check book from her purse asking, "How much is the deposit, Ken?"

"The total deposit is one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars, that's ten percent. I gave you a five percent discount for cash," Ken replied.

Amber wrote the check handing it to Ken asking for a favor, "Can you deliver the bike to our house in two weeks? You see, it is a special birthday gift for someone we both love very deeply."

"No problem at all, Amber. I just need the day you would like it delivered to the house, no extra charge," Ken answered.

As they walked away from him, Ken wondered who this special person was that these two beautiful women loved so much. As they walked out they stopped, looking at the bike they had just bought, smiling wide, they walked to the car and drove away. The tattoo parlor was a few blocks down from the dealership, as they pulled in the parking lot Keira felt a little nervous. This was a huge step for her. She was going to permanently mark her body with a tattoo. She hoped she made the right choice.

Amber looked over to Keira, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am fine, just nervous," Keira said.

"Me, too," Amber added.

As they walked in the door of the parlor, they were stunned to see hundreds of colorful pictures of tattoos on the walls.

"This going to be hard to chose, Amber. Look at all the designs they have," Keira gasped clutching Amber's hand in hers.

"May I help you, ladies?" the woman behind the counter asked.

Keira saw the tattoos that adorned the woman's arms and upper chest.

"May we look around for a bit?" Amber asked.

"Sure, take your time," the woman said.

Keira and Amber spent over an hour looking for just the right one to get, finally Keira decided on an angel with wings, holding a heart to her chest. The heart was large enough to hold Bill's initials inside it. The only thing she would request to change is the color of the angel’s hair. It had black hair and she wanted to make sure it was blonde like her own.

Amber found the one she wanted. It was a pair of handcuffs with long stemmed roses wrapped around each cuff. She wanted to have M.B., for Master Bill, tattooed in one of the cuffs and M.K., for Mistress Keira, in the other. They made the appointment for the following Monday after Bill left on his trip. The tattoo artist said it would take several hours to do the tattoos. Keira asked her name.

"My friends call me Karen," the artist replied, "I own this store."

As they walked back to the car Keira asked Amber, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure, Mistress."

"We better go do some shopping, Amber. Master might be suspicious if we come home empty handed," Keira chuckled.

Keira and Amber went to the mall going to their favorite stores and bought a few things to cover themselves. They had a quick late lunch at the Olive Garden near the mall.

"Amber, I hate keeping this from Master. I hope he likes what we are doing," Keira said on the way home.

"I believe he will love it, Mistress, but I think the punishment we will get for the tattoos will be worth it." Amber smiled, thinking of the punishment her and Keira would have to endure.

Walking into the house with their parcels both slaves stopped, instantly removing their clothes before they went to their room. As they walked to their bedroom, Keira saw Master lying on a float in the pool, naked.

"Let's go join Master, Amber," Keira grinned as she went running out onto the patio, jumping in the pool with Amber close behind her. Both slaves hit the water about the same time, the waves from them tipped Master off the float into the pool.

As Bill came up for air, he was trying to hold back a laugh and tried to be stern with them when he heard Amber say, "We are home, Master. Did you miss us?"

"Oh what am I going to do with you two?" Bill broke out laughing.

"Love us," both slaves chirped in unison.

"That I do, now come and give me hug," Bill ordered.

As both slaves got near him, he placed his hands on their heads and pushed down, dunking them. They spent the rest of the day in the pool, when Keira suggested that they order in dinner. The weekend went fast as they spent the entire time enjoying each other.

Monday morning came and they settled back into their routine. Keira was always up first making breakfast, then joining Amber in waking up Master with his morning cock sucking.

Keira's cell phone rang, "Hi, Amber," she answered.

"It is all set. My boss agreed to let us use his cabin next weekend. I asked him if I could have Monday off to tend to some personal matters, he even gave me Friday off so we can go up to the cabin early. The best part is that he gave me his spare key telling me that we can use it anytime we want. Did you make arrangements for Monday to be off? Can you also get Friday off so we can go and set up the cabin?" Amber asked Keira.

"Yes, I have some personal time that I can take. I will tell my boss after we hang up. What time do you want me to meet you at the bank?" Keira asked.

"How does lunch time sound, then we can go to the dealership together and pay for the bike." Amber replied.

"Fine with me, slave," Keira said changing her words.

"Oh, thank you, Mistress, mmmm, I love when you call me slave," Amber moaned, as a sudden flow of wetness flowed down her thighs.

Amber had called Ken telling him that they would be there at lunch to pay the balance. When they arrived at the dealership, Ken was waiting by the door, "Good afternoon, ladies, I have everything ready for you."

"What time next Friday do you want the bike to be delivered?" Ken asked making notes on the file.

"As early as you can, Ken. We have to go out of town that afternoon," Keira replied.

"About nine a.m. all right?" Ken asked.

"Perfect, Ken, thank you so much," Keira said shaking his hand as they got up to leave.

Ken was curious, he had to ask who this special man was that they cared about, "Who is the lucky man getting this bike, Keira, your brother maybe?"

"No, he is not our brother. He is our Master!" Keira stated proudly as she turned and walked away from Ken.

Ken stood there with his mouth wide open in disbelief. Did he hear what he thought he heard…their Master? Keira and Amber hurried out the door getting in to the car, laughing hard.

"Mistress, I can't believe you said that to him," she said between laughs.

"Well the way he stared at us, I wanted him to know we were taken." Keira said, adding, "I did shock him though, didn't I?"

"Yes you did, Mistress," Amber said turning her head, seeing Ken still standing with his mouth open.

During the week, Bill saw a subtle change in the slaves. They were whispering quietly a lot, so he couldn't hear them. They always had a quick answer to his questions of what they were talking about. They were even being good to the point of making him wonder what they were up to. Bill was packing his case with the papers he would need for his client, when he looked up to the calendar on the wall. There was a heart drawn on the fifteenth of the month. His birthday, he now knew that they were up to something for that day, but what he did not know.

"Master, before you leave, can we talk to you, please?" Keira asked entering the room.

"Why is the date on the calendar circled, Keira?" Bill asked.

"That's what we want to talk to you about, Master." Keira replied, adding, "Come into the living room, Amber and I have something wonderful to tell you."

Bill followed his naked slave out into the living room. Amber was standing in the center of the room, with her hands behind her back, her legs slightly parted. She had a huge smile on her face as Keira stood next her in her slave pose.

"Master, your birthday is next week. We have made arrangements with Amber's boss to use his cabin up in the mountains. It is very secluded and we thought it would be our gift to you to spend the weekend there with us. You may use us anyway you see fit, inside or outside the cabin. We want you to come straight there from your trip." Keira explained.

"Master, Keira and I will bring everything you will need. Just come straight to the cabin, okay?" Amber added.

"Okay, you talked me into it. How do I get there, slaves?" Bill asked.

"No problem, Master, I already programmed the directions into your GPS while you were packing." Keira beamed, "Just go into stored addresses and you will see ‘cabin’, click on it and just follow the directions."

"Was this what you two have been whispering about all week?" Bill asked.

"Yes, Master, it was." Keira said looking at Amber smiling.

"Cabin in the mountains, hmmm, it sounds like fun, slaves," Bill said.

"Oh yes, Master, it will be fun!" Keira grinned.

"But before you leave, Master, may we both taste your cock? It will be a long week without it." Keira asked sucking her lower lip into her mouth.

As Bill stood before them in the living room, both slaves came up to him; kissing him on his lips, then getting onto their knees. Amber unbuckled Bill’s belt while Keira opened his zipper. In seconds, his cock was surrounded with their lips. Keira flicked her tongue on the tip, while Amber ran her tongue down his hard shaft to his ball sack. He felt Amber suck one of his ball's in to her mouth gently. Keira slowly took his cock down her throat. After a few quick trips down Keira's throat, she pulled back offering his cock to Amber. She took him deep in one stroke, burying her nose against his pubic hair, her throat muscles massaging his cock. Keira sucked his balls then they traded back. This drove Bill wild with lust, before long that boiling sensation began to build deep in his balls.

He felt his cock stiffen as it made its way up to his cock, Bill moaned deep as the first blast hit the back of Keira's throat. She swallowed his first blast of hot cum. She quickly pulled her mouth away and Amber inhaled his cock just as the second blast erupted down her throat. Bill grabbed them by the hair, holding them as the last few blasts bathed their faces with cum.

Looking down on their covered faces he had to smile. Keira ran her tongue over lips as a drop of cum fell from her nose. Amber turned to Keira and licked a few drops off of Keira's face. Keira then licked some cum from Amber's face.

"Thank you, Master. This should hold us till we see you at the cabin." Keira moaned.

Bill hugged both off them and left to go meet his clients. Keira sat down on the couch asking Amber to sit next to her.

"Amber, are you sure you want to get tattooed?" Keira asked her.

"Oh yes, I want it very much!" Amber replied. "Do you, Mistress?"

"Yes, it is the right thing to do," Keira answered. "It's settled then, tomorrow morning we go and get Master’s mark on us."

They arrived at the tattoo parlor the next morning, both slaves were nervous at what they were going to do, but they made up their minds and they were going through with it.

"Good morning, ladies," the tattoo artist said as they walked in. "I see you returned. Do you still want the tattoos?"

"Yes, we do." Keira said trying to be brave.

"Okay then. Who is going to go first?" Karen asked.

"I will go first," Keira said.

"Okay, remove your panties, pull your dress up to your breasts and sit in that chair. Don't worry. No one can see you sitting there. Oh, I hope you shaved your pussy hair for this." Karen instructed.

"I am not allowed to wear panties and my pussy is clean shaven." Keira said as she pulled up her dress sitting in the chair.

"Oh, are you a slave? Is this for Him?" Karen asked.

"Yes, it is for Him. We are His slaves." Keira answered.

"Then I guess I will have to give you both a break on the price I quoted, because I am a slave, also. Would you like to see my mark of ownership?" Karen asked.

"You are a slave?" Keira asked.

"Yes, I am. I have been a slave to my Master for five years." Karen said, as she unbuttoned her jeans exposing a tattoo of a blood red heart surrounded by a chain with a lock in the center.

Keira suddenly felt at ease hearing that she was being tattooed by someone that understood the lifestyle. Even though Keira was nervous, she was excited to finally have her Master’s mark upon her body. To show him how much their relationship meant to her. Karen motioned for Keira to sit down in the chair that reminded Keira of a dentist’s chair.

Karen put the chair into a completely laid back position. Keira raised her dress up to just under her breasts and flinched as she felt the spray that Karen sprayed on her.

Karen explained, "This is to make sure the area is clean. I’ll transfer the outline onto your skin from this paper of your tattoo and then I’ll go over it with black ink to outline it. Once the outline is complete, I’ll go back and fill it in with color." Keira was nervous, but Karen made sure to explain the process to her completely. As Karen grabbed a paper bag out of a machine she explained, "This contains the sterilized needles that will go into my tattoo gun. See the green mark? It shows that the needles have been sterilized and are safe to use."

Keira nodded and watched as Karen pulled down bottles of ink. She filled little caps full of different colors and attached the needle to her tattoo gun. Keira held her breath as Karen bent over her waist, "Now some people only feel a mild discomfort, Keira. Almost an itchy feeling is how they describe it. Others think it hurts, but if it does hurt and you don’t panic, it will be worth it. Just think about you Master and how much His mark on your body means to you."

Tears filled Keira’s eyes as the needle went to work on her skin, permanently marking her as Master Bill’s. She clenched her eyes closed tightly, but couldn’t stop the stream from leaking down her face. Karen noticed how much pain Keira was in and motioned Amber to come inside the booth, "Amber, come hold your sister’s hand. She needs you."

Keira gasped and clenched Amber’s hand tightly as some spots hurt worse than others. She was in a lot of pain but heard Amber whisper encouragement and offer support. After an hour, it was done. Very sore, but done and it was beautiful. Karen held up a mirror for her to look at it before she covered it. The angel was almost four inches tall and four inches wide. Her long blonde hair flowed down past her shoulders in waves and the purple and blues accented the angles wings. The angel held a heart in her hands with Master Bill’s initials, as if protecting it for eternity.

Amber gasped, "It’s so perfect, Keira!"

With tears in her eyes, Keira agreed, "Yes, it is. Thank you so much, Karen!"

Karen helped Keira down from the chair, "Are you ready, Amber?" she asked as Keira straightened her dress.

"Yes, I am more than ready, Karen." Amber said hopping up onto the chair.

"Mistress, will you hold my hand please?" Amber turned her head asking Keira.

"Mistress?" Karen asked, "I thought you were your Master's slaves?"

"Keira and I are slaves, but Keira is also my Mistress. I know it sounds complicated, Karen. Let me explain. Master has to go on trips for meetings. He thought leaving two slaves at home while He was away was not a good idea. Since Keira is first slave and I am second slave, He figured that Keira should be my Mistress while he was away, so I am Keira's slave when Master is not here. It is just natural for me to call Keira Mistress." Amber explained.

"I see, Amber, sounds logical." Karen said.

"Did you hear what I told Keira before we began her tattoo, Amber?" Karen asked her.

"Yes, I did." Amber replied.

Karen removed another paper bag of needles showing Amber the green dot. Karen also picked up a clean gun to use on her. She already had the ink from Keira's tattoo on her table. Karen used the spray to clean the area of the tattoo, placing the template on her skin. She made a few adjustments for the right placing of the tattoo then began the outline.

"Karen, that tickles," Amber chuckled.

Karen finished the outline of Amber's tattoo. The black lines of the hand cuffs slowly appeared on her skin. Karen outlined the stems of the roses that entwined the cuffs, beginning the lower part of the stem just above her slit. Karen brought the stems up from the cuffs, twisting them together just above the cuffs with the flowers pointing to each side with the buds opening.

Amber flinched just a bit as the needles worked over her skin, she also noticed how wet her pussy was getting. Keira held her hand, watching Karen mark her sister slave. The tattoo came to life as each color was added. Amber’s pussy was flowing down her thighs. Karen noticed how wet she was getting and on purpose slowed down a bit, teasing her more with the needles.

The last of the colors were applied to Amber's tattoo, "Now, Amber, you want the letters M.B. in the first cuff and M.K. in the second cuff, right?" Karen asked her.

"Yes, I do," Amber answered.

"Okay, just making sure," Karen replied.

When it was done, Karen cleaned Amber's tattoo of the extra ink then she handed Amber a mirror so she could see it.

"Oh my, Karen, that is gorgeous!" Amber exclaimed.

Keira looked down at Amber's tattoo, saying, "Oh, Amber, that is so beautiful."

"Mistress Keira, after I finish covering this, do you mind if I taste your wonderful slave? Her pussy is soaked and I think she needs to cum." Karen asked.

"Do you want Karen to taste your pussy, Amber?" Keira asked her slave.

"Yes, Mistress, if you allow it." Amber replied.

"You may taste my sub, Karen." Keira answered.

"Thank you, Mistress," Karen said as she lowered her head between the wet open legs of Amber.

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She worked her tongue slowly up Amber’s wet slit, parting the outer lips. She was rewarded with Amber's hard extended clit touching her tongue. Karen sucked in Amber's clit, flicking her tongue over it with the sound of Amber's moans in her ears.

Karen took off one of her latex gloves, sliding a finger deep into Amber's wet pussy. Karen curled the tip of her finger and rubbed over Amber's g-spot. This made Amber raise her hips a bit from the chair as Karen sucked greedily on her clit.

Amber was squirming in the chair, her climax building deep from within while Karen's finger stroked her g-spot bringing her closer to the height of ecstasy.

"M…mistress? May I cum, please? She is making me cum! May I cum for her?" Amber begged as she writhed from the ministrations of Karen’s tongue.

"Yes, Amber, you may cum for Karen. Show her what a slut you are for letting her lick your pussy!" Keira ordered.

Amber only heard her Mistress say yes before the first wave racked though her body. Amber pulled her legs from the stir ups, wrapping them around Karen's head, forcing Karen to suck all her cum as it flowed from her pussy. Amber's hips bucked as the waves racked her body. As the last wave subsided, Amber released her legs letting Karen take a deep breath of air into her lungs. Amber laid there gasping for breath as Karen kissed Amber's pussy before standing up.

"Oh wow," Karen gasped. "Your slave tastes wonderful, Mistress Keira," as she licked her lips. "Thank you for that privilege, Amber." Karen said as she extended her hand to Amber, helping her from the chair.

Amber grasped Keira's hand as she stood on her shaking legs, her body still twitching from her climax. They adjusted their dresses and walked out front to pay Karen for the tattoos.

"I have some aftercare papers for you both, just follow the instructions that are there." Karen instructed them, adding, "You both have a lucky Master, not every slave does this on their own."

Keira thanked Karen for her beautiful work. After paying the bill, Amber walked up to Karen giving her a kiss on the cheek. The rest of the week went by fast as the slaves kept busy with work. The tattoos healed nicely and Friday morning arrived when the phone rang, waking them from their slumber.

"Hello," Keira answered.

"Good morning, Keira, this is Ken from the dealership. I just wanted to make sure you were home. I will be bringing the bike to you shortly." Ken explained.

"Oh yes, Ken, we’re here waiting, thank you so much." Keira answered.

"Amber, wake up. Ken will be here soon." Keira nudged Amber's sleeping form.

"I don't want to get up, Mistress, you handle Ken. I want to sleep some more," Amber sleepily said rolling over on to her stomach.

"Get up now, slave!" Keira ordered, smacking Amber's ass hard.

"Ow, yes, right away, Mistress," Amber yelped when the blow struck her ass.

"Bend over the dining room table, slave! I am going to flog your ass for being an insolent slave!" Keira commanded.

"But, Mistress, Ken will be here soon," Amber protested.

"Amber, bend over the table now!" Keira ordered.

Amber hopped out of bed going to the dining room table as fast as she could, bending over the table, her ass ready.

Keira put on a pair of white shorts and a pink halter top. While she dressed, she looked at the tattoo that was just barley coved by her shorts and she smiled deep. Soon, Master will see it, she thought.

Keira took her time, letting Amber stay bent over the table waiting for her flogging. Keira went to the play room and selected the heavy cat-o-nine tails. She swung the flogger against her palm. This will do nicely, she thought.

Amber watched as Keira walked into the dinning room and she saw the flogger Mistress Keira had chosen to use on her. Amber placed her arms over her head grasping the end of the table, spreading her legs as Keira walked up behind her.

Without any warning, Keira swung the flogger hard across her bent over slave; the cat leaving deep red stripes.

"Thank you, Mistress, may I have another?" Amber groaned from the sudden blow.

Keira raised the flogger again and with more force struck her slave's ass.

Amber jumped at the blow, "Thank you, Mistress, may I have another?" Amber gasped though gritted teeth.

Keira was ready to strike her slave again when the front door bell rang. Amber started to rise from the table.

"Stay as your were, slave! I did not tell you to move." Keira growled.

"Yes, Mistress," Amber said as she lowered herself back down on the table.

Keira placed the handle of the flogger between Amber's legs, "Close your legs and hold this. Do not let it fall, slave!" Keira ordered.

"Yes, Mistress," Amber answered. Closing her legs, holding the flogger between her legs, the strands falling down like a tail.

Keira opened the front door. Ken was standing there and she saw the bike on the trailer.

Ken could not see Amber bent over the table from the front door, "Where do you want me to put the bike, Keira?" he asked.

"Let me open the garage, Ken. Park it with the front of the bike facing the garage door, please," Keira told him.

Keira closed the front door, walking back into dining room towards the door for the garage. Opening the door she stepped in the garage pushing the button to open the door. She did not close the entry way door, leaving it open with the image of Amber bent over the table, with the flogger between her legs.

"Mistress, the door is still open, he will see me!" Amber protested.

"I want him to see you, slave," was all Keira said as Ken pushed the bike into the garage.

As Ken parked the bike, Keira moved away from the door leaving Amber's naked body in full view. Ken walked up to Keira and his mouth fell open at the site before him. There he saw Amber bent over the table with what looked like a tail from her ass, hanging down her legs. Amber's face was as red as her ass facing him.

"Whoa, what the....." Ken gasped.

"Oh, sorry, Ken, I didn't mean for you to see that." Keira said as she closed the door. "Anything else you need, Ken?" Keira sweetly asked the red faced salesman.

"No, I got to get going. Thank you for purchasing the bike!" he said as he hurriedly walked from the garage.

Keira watched him get into his truck and drive away. Turning to the closed door, Keira pressed the button, the garage door closed shut.

Keira walked back inside the house, "Get up, slave, and get dressed! We have to leave soon." Keira said to the humiliated slave as she walked by.

Amber walked into the room she shared with Keira. She walked up to her and kissed her on the lips. "Thank you, Mistress," she whispered.

Keira went to her closet. She had bought a four inch wide red ribbon at the craft store the day before. Taking the ribbon out to the garage to the bike, she wrapped the ribbon around the handle bars and fashioned a large bow on It. Amber was dressed when she came into the garage, seeing what Keira had done.

"Oh, Mistress he will love it! I just hope he likes our tattoos as much as this bike we got him." she said.

"Let's go, Amber. We have a long drive up to the cabin." Keira said, grasping Amber's hand in hers as they walked back inside.

They placed their suitcase and cooler with some food in the car, making sure the house was secure and started the long drive to the cabin. They were half way to the cabin when Keira's cell phone rang, it was Bill calling.

"Mmmm, Hi Master, May I put you on speaker?" Keria answered.

"Hello, My Pet, yes, put me on speaker," Master replied adding, "Hi, Amber. I have missed you both this week. I am leaving now and should be there in four hours. I can't wait to see you, my slaves."

"We are almost there and we can't wait till we are in your arm's, Master," Keira said, "We need your touch, Master. See you soon, bye."

Keira hung up her phone, placing it in her purse. Turning to Amber, she said, "Four hours more before he will see our marks."

They found the dirt driveway that lead up to the cabin, as it came into view they both gasped. They had thought that it was a small cabin. This cabin was built on a small hill over looking the lake. It was an A-frame log construction, a small sundeck off the second floor patio doors. They saw a dock off to the side, with two canoes on a rack.

They parked the car in front of the cabin and looked out onto the lake.

"This place is fantastic, Mistress, look at this view he has here!" Amber said excitedly.

"Yes it is, slave, come on we better hurry. Master will be here soon." Keira said getting out off the car.

Amber opened her door stepping out into the afternoon sun, "Oh it is so beautiful!"

Amber took the key from her purse. It was then that she noticed the note on the door from her boss. It said: Hi Amber, the fridge is stocked with food and drink. I have firewood by the fireplace ready for your use. Please enjoy your weekend here.

Amber opened the front door dropping the suitcase where she stood, what she saw took her breath away. The bottom floor was an open design with a large living area, a stone fireplace on the far wall, with firewood neatly stacked. On the other side was a large kitchen with stainless steel appliances, there was a center island with chairs to act as a table. Just off to the side of the kitchen, Amber saw the huge bathroom. She walked inside the bathroom and was amazed at the size. There was a large stand up shower, a sunken bathtub with Jacuzzi jets by the shower, and two sinks with granite counter tops.

They walked up the stairs leading to the bedroom. As they climbed the stairs, they noticed the bedroom was also an open design as well. The large king size bed against the far wall overlooked the sliding patio doors that showed the view of the lake. This wasn't just a cabin in the woods. It was a palace to them.

Amber placed the suitcase on the bed, opening it to put away the clothes they had packed. They only packed a few clothes as they both knew they would be naked most of the time. The suitcase held mostly the items that Keira had packed for Master's use on them.

They had time to look around before Master arrived, so they took off their clothes, folding them up and placing them on the bed. As they walked down the stairs from the bedroom, Keira noticed the large beams across the ceiling holding the second story, in the center of the room hung a small chandelier with a chain running inside the beam.

Keira and Amber walked towards the fireplace noticing a mantel with metal rings on the front. There was a push button switch on the side of the mantel, Amber curious of what it was and pushed the button. The sound of an electric motor in the wall started to slide down a panel, exposing a big screen television, satellite receiver and stereo components.

"Master will like this, slave, if he has time," Keira chuckled. "We have to get ready for Master, Amber," changing her tone of voice.

They went back to the bedroom to get prepared for their punishment when Master notices they had his mark tattooed on their bodies. Keira reached on the bed for the two lengths of rope for their full body tie, handing one of the ropes to Amber.

"Help me with mine first, slave," Keira ordered.

"Yes, Mistress," Amber obediently replied.

The ropes already had the knots on them. Amber placed the loop over Keira's head, letting the rope fall between her breasts. Amber placed the rope between her legs, spreading Keira's pussy lips, the knot just below her clit. They both knew that when the rope body tie was finished, that the knot would ride on their clit’s.

Amber brought the rope up Keira's back, placing it in the loop around her neck, pulling the rope tighter between her legs. Amber brought each end of the rope around Keira to the knot just above Keira's breasts, pulling the strands through the loop. Amber pulled the rope tight, bringing back around Keira's back to the rope up her back.

She placed the lose strands around the back rope then bringing the rope around Keira's body for the second knot. She repeated wrapping the rope around Keira until Amber tied it off around her waist. The clit knot forced tight against her clit, tormenting her, Keira then helped Amber with her body tie. Then they made the final adjustments to their ties.

Keira took the two sets of handcuffs with the leg shackles and chains to the handcuffs, handing one set to Amber.

"We better put these on after we get down the stairs, slave." Keira said.

They each picked up five inch opened toed heals with ankle straps, holding them with the chains, she also picked up the cat-o-nine tall flogger she brought as they went downstairs to the living room. Keira walked over to her purse, getting out three pieces of paper.

"Place this one on the front door, Amber," Keira said handing it to her.

"Yes, Mistress," Amber replied, reading the paper as she walked, "Master, your slaves are waiting inside for punishment, we did something bad while you were away."

Amber opened the front door, tacking the note to it. She walked back to the living room, Keira handed her another note with some tape attached.

"Place this one on your ass," Keira said handing it to her. Amber read the note, "This bad slave is ready for punishment."

"Master will see us kneeling on the floor with our asses high in the air as he walks in the door." Keira explained.

They locked the leg shackles around their ankles, putting their heels on their feet. Turning around placing their backs towards the door, they kneeled down, bringing the handcuffs with chain up to their wrists, locking the cuffs on their wrists. With their knees bent, the chain was long enough for them to rest their heads on their hands. They spread their legs as wide as the shackles would allow and waited for Master to arrive.

Bill followed the GPS directions Keira had programmed right up to the front door of the cabin. He saw their car parked in front as he pulled up. Shutting off his car, he opened the door grabbing his back pack from the seat. Bill walked up to the front porch, his eyes drawn to the note on the door. Stopping in front of the door he read the note.

"Now what did they do to deserve a punishment?" He wondered to himself.

The slaves heard his car pull up and the motor shut off, they heard the car door slam shut, and Master’s steps up onto the porch, then stopping. They knew he was reading the note.

Keira couldn't help it, her body trembled with anticipation, "Soon he will see what we did to our bodies," she whispered to Amber.

The front door handle rattled as another wave of fear coursed through her. Bill opened the door, stepping inside the cabin, stopping suddenly as he saw Keira and Amber on their knees, with their asses high, another note taped to their asses.

"What have you slaves done wrong to deserve a punishment?" He asked dropping the backpack on the floor and closing the door. Neither slave answered, they just stayed still with their heads on the floor. Bill walked around them and stood facing them repeating his question, "What have you done? Keira, Amber, answer Master!" He commanded.

"May we stand, Master?" Keira pleaded.

"Yes, stand up, slaves, and tell me what you have done!" He ordered.

Keira raised her head up from the floor, "Yes, Master."

It was tough for them to stand with the chains and the heels they were wearing, but each slave slowly stood up and faced their Master with their heads bowed down looking at the floor.

Bill's mouth fell open and he took a giant breath of air into his lungs as the tattoos came in to his view. "Tell me what have you done to your bodies?" He stammered, "Are…are they real? Why…when?" He questioned.

Keira didn’t know if Bill was more upset or shocked. His expression seemed to be one of confusion, yet awe. She desperately wanted him to be pleased with their actions and not be upset. Even though she tried to keep the tears forming in her eyes from falling, it was of no use. As her Master continued to look at her tattoo then Amber’s, she took a deep breath as they spilled down her cheeks.

"M…master, they are real." Her voice barely came out above a whisper, "We wanted to place your mark on us, to show you that we are yours."

Bill stepped closer to her. She held her breath and clenched her eyes shut as she felt his finger trace the angel. Bill asked, "When did you do this?"

"We had them done on Monday, Master." She almost moaned as his finger continued to touch her.

"Why did you do this without my permission, slave?" Bill’s voice was soft, yet she heard that tone he used when he was trying to decide which punishment would be best. Almost stalking, he walked to Amber and traced the handcuffs that not only held his initials, but Keira’s as well.

Keira kept her head lowered and sniffled, "We wanted to surprise you and show you how much you mean to us."

Bill cocked his eyebrow, asking, "And what exactly do I mean to you, my pet?"

Tears fell freely down her face now. She gasped as he stopped in front of her again and tugged on the rope over her clit, "Everything, Master!" She watched as he pulled one of the chairs from the kitchen island in front of her and Amber, "We love you. You are more than our Master. In our hearts, you are our husband, best friend, and Master. We are completely yours…body, mind, and soul." Keira sucked on her lower lip when she finished explaining why they did it.

Looking over at Amber, Bill asked, "You feel the same way, Amber?"

"Yes, Master," Amber had tears trickling down her face, too.

Bill stepped to them, his hands resting on both slave’s tattoos. He felt them both shudder when he touched them. He watched Keira's face as she sucked on her lower lip harder. They both moaned from his touch.

"Well, slaves, I am upset you marked your beautiful bodies with a tattoo." He paused in his explanation when he heard a soft cry from Keira, "But the reasons of why you had them placed on you makes me very proud to be your Master," he finished explaining.

Bill brought his arms up and around both slaves, pulling them close to him, hugging them tight. "My wonderful slaves, yes, I do love you both as my wives. You both have brought joy and happiness to my life. I also wish we could marry and be a true family. I am honored that you think the same of me, but you are right. You both need to be punished for marking your bodies without asking for my permission," he said reluctantly.

"Stand still, slaves, until I return." Bill ordered.

They stood still as Bill picked up his backpack, turned, and walked away from them. As he placed the backpack on the couch, he took a look around the spacious cabin. Bill saw the iron rings hanging from the mantle of the fire place, it gave him an idea.

"Slave Keira, did you bring the clover clamps with you?" Bill asked.

"Yes, Master, I brought both pairs. They are upstairs on the bed, Master," Keira answered.

Bill went slowly up the stairs to the bedroom, it was just as spacious as downstairs and he noticed the view of the lake from the sundeck. He saw what they had packed for toys on the bed and spotted the clamps. Bill removed his clothes, folding them neatly on the bed. He couldn't help notice how hard his cock was. Bill picked up the clamps and walked down the stairs to his waiting slaves.

Walking up to the mantel, he ordered Keira and Amber to come to him. The sound of their footsteps clicking on the floor followed them as they walked up to him.

"Stand in front of the mantel with your breasts by a ring," Bill commanded.

They shuffled up to the mantel, their breasts almost even with the rings. Bill took a ring in his hand and dropped the clamp’s chain through it. Bill grasped one of Keira's nipples in his fingers, rolling the hard bud between his fingers. He placed the open jaws of the clamp on her hard nipple, Keira gasped as the clamp tightened on it.

The clamp squeezed tighter as the weight of the chain pulled the clamp downward. Bill attached the other clamp on her other nipple, Keira moaned as the pain shot through her nipples. Standing behind Keira, he took her by the shoulders pulling her back until the chain was tightly pulling on her nipples.

"Spread your legs wider, slave," he ordered.

Keira slowly spread her legs, her high heels making it difficult to do. As her legs spread wider, more tension was felt on her nipples from the clamps. Bill pressed his body against her, his cock touching her ass, making her push into him, the clamps pulling even tighter. Reaching around to her clit rope, giving it a tug, caused her to moan more in desperation.

Bill left her standing like this, her ass sticking back a bit, the clamps torturing her nipples. Walking over to Amber, Bill applied the clamps to her nipples. Amber moaned as each clamp bit down on her nipples. Bill made her spread her legs as wide as she could, the clamps biting further onto her nipples.

Stepping back from them, picking up the flogger, "The first slave that pulls her nipples from the clamps will not get my cock tonight and she will have to sleep on the floor by the bed listening to me fuck her sister," Bill told them.

Keira and Amber turned their heads looking at each, each with a determined expression that she would not be the one on the floor tonight. Bill stepped back from them, swishing the flogger in the air to separate the strands. Bill had a great view of two asses in front of him.

"Slaves, you do not have to count the strokes," Bill said to them as he raised the flogger with some force swung it hard across Amber's ass. Nine red stripes instantly appeared across her cheeks. Amber jumped at the blow, pulling the clamps tighter on her nipples. Bill raised the flogger again, this time Keira was the target, nine red stripes appeared.

Keira tried to straighten her back from the blow, the clover clamp biting harder on her nipples. Bill did not waste any time, he swung the flogger harder across their asses. Amber’s legs were straining to hold her self up from the blows, Keira's lower lip was sucked in tight, a trickle of blood down her chin from biting it. Bill continued the blows, more and more red stripes appeared, crisscrossed over each slave’s ass. Neither one was going to give up as they both strained to keep the clamps on their nipple.

Finally after twenty strikes on them, Bill stopped. Both slaves were sobbing, tears streaming down their faces, the pain from the flogging radiated through their nipples and asses. Bill dropped the flogger onto the floor, walking up to them. Reaching around to Keira's nipples, he released the clamp from her, a sharp cry of pain from her mouth as the blood flowed back into the nipple. Bill touched her tender ass. Keira flinched from his touch. He could feel the heat from the strikes on his hand.

Bill walked up behind Amber, releasing her nipples from the clamps, another cry of pain as the blood flowed back into her abused nipple. Their punishment over, Bill took his key unlocking the shackles and cuffs. He placed an arm around each slave, helping them up the stairs to the bedroom. Bill removed the ropes for their body tie.

Bill knew Keira and Amber needed some after care after the whipping they each received. He had them lay down on their stomachs. Bill applied some cool lotion to the red marks on each slave’s ass, very tenderly rubbing it over the marks. Bill climbed on the bed between them, pulling each one into his arms. Keira laid her head on his shoulder, her tears subsiding. Amber rested her head on his other shoulder, wiping the remaining tears from her face.

Bill held his two shaking slaves as they drifted off to sleep. Bill awoke the next morning, Keira's head on his thigh, her mouth surrounding his cock. Amber's head was still on his shoulder, her hand rubbed his nipple.

"Keira, Master is awake," Amber whispered.

Keira let his cock fall from her lips. "Morning, Master," she said then swallowed him deep into her throat.

Keira gingerly climbed on top of Him guiding his hard cock deep into her wet pussy. She slowly started to ride Bill's cock that was now buried deep inside her. Amber crawled up to Bill's head lifting her leg over his face. Slowly, she lowered her wet pussy over his mouth. Bill began to lick her wet, dripping pussy with Amber moaning as Bill flicked his tongue over her clit. Keira’s fingers went to her clit, stroking it as she rode her master's cock.

Bill felt Keira's pussy muscles clamp tight around his cock, she was gasping for breath. Bill knew she was close, moving his hips off the bed, matching her strokes. Amber was moving her pussy over Bill's lips, trying to get his tongue to her clit. Both slaves started to moan louder as their climaxes were about to rack their bodies. Bill felt his balls tighten as the flood of cum started to boil. Keira clamped her pussy tighter around his cock. Bill went over the edge, cum shot from his cock, bathing her inside with white hot cum. He pulled Amber's hips down on his mouth as he sucked her clit, bringing Amber to a shuddering climax.

Both slaves collapsed on the bed, lying on their sides next to him. When they awoke a few hours later they were starved, since they did not eat anything since yesterday afternoon. Amber volunteered to make them something to eat. Keira offered to help, but Amber declined her help. Amber walked really slow, her ass still hurt, the marks still visible from last night.

They had a great time. Bill took them for a walk in the woods naked, their hands cuffed in front with a rope for a leash. They took a canoe ride naked on the lake in the afternoon, then back to the cabin for more sex with his slaves. Bill had fun with his two slaves all weekend.

As they were packing to leave and drive home, Keira asked, "Master, can we come up here to the cabin again?"

"If Amber's boss doesn't mind us coming here, we can." Bill replied.

They packed up their belongings, putting them into the cars. Keira and Amber cleaned the entire cabin, making sure to wash the bed sheets.

"Master, on the way home will you stop at the Italian Restaurant for take out while we go home and unpack?" Keira asked.

"Yes, I will stop and pick up dinner, slave." Bill answered.

Master opened Keira's car door giving her a kiss on the lips, then walked around to Amber's door, he opened hers and gave her a kiss as well.

As Keira drove towards the road, she said to Amber, "We will have a few minutes while Master picks up dinner. We will wait in the garage and when Master pulls up the driveway I will open the garage door for his final surprise gift. We will kneel next to the bike when the door opens."

Bill was exhausted, thinking a nice quite evening with his two sexy women was in order. Bill stopped at the restaurant to pick up dinner. It was ready for him when he walked in, because Keira had called ahead placing the order.

Bill turned his car into the driveway, shutting off the car's engine. Looking up he saw the garage door open, what he saw in the garage took his breath away. In the center of the garage was the bike he saw at the dealership, a giant red bow around the handle bars, Keira on the left side of the bike and Amber on the right side of the bike kneeling with huge smiles on their faces.

"Happy Birthday, Bill," they shouted.

Bill had to steady himself. He felt tears well up in his eyes. He couldn't move his body from the car. Keira got up off her knees, walking up the car, "Bill, come on, get out and look at your Birthday present," she said.

"Oh my God, Keira, it's the bike from the dealership," Bill stammered.

"Yes, it is Bill, we bought it for you," Keira said proudly.

Amber came over to Bill taking him by the hand, leading him to the bike. Bill couldn't help it, the tears started to flow down his face as he lifted his leg over the seat, sitting down on the bike. "You shouldn't have done this, girls. It’s gorgeous," he stammered.

"I love it! Thank you so much," he said as he turned the switch, pressing the start button, the bike came to life with a roar. He shut the motor off, climbing off the bike, pulling Keira into his arms hugging her. He walked around to Amber giving her a big hug.

"My slaves, my women, my loves, this is the best gift any man could ask for, thank you so much for being in my life. I love you both so much." Bill said to them.

"Master, I can't wait until I feel this hog between my legs. Will you take us for a ride?" Keira asked, sucking her lower lip in her mouth. "Dinner can wait."

Bill learned something that weekend; out of tragedy can come love. A love so deep, no words or gifts can ever replace. He had done what his best friend asked and by doing something simple as a last request for Jerry, he found true love. Not just with one person, but two people who made his life and their lives one happy family. No man or woman can ask for more than that, to be loved by someone special.
Written by Ropetease
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