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A Rejuvenated Bond

"Needing that 'spark' back in their sex life, Dakota takes matters into his own hands."

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She awoke to complete darkness and the sense of vulnerability. At first she was scared about her ability – or lack of – to see until she realized a blindfold was strapped to her face. She went to remove the blindfold until she realized that each of her extremities was securely, yet comfortably bound to the posts of the bed.

“What the fuck is going on, Dakota?” She yelled out from the strict confines of the prison that consisted of their bed.

A few minutes passed of unbearably loud silence as she strained to hear even the slightest sounds of movement outside of her own. She became frustrated, annoyed – and even pissed – as she realized she was completely alone.

Ohhh, wait…I remember him suggesting this the other night. You bastard, you really did spring it upon me when I was least expecting it. Hmmm, maybe I should act as if I completely forgot, just to fuck with him…

“I’m so gonna kill you for this!” She blurted out in frustration.

“Now, now, what kind of fun would there be for me if you did that?” Dakota asked, finally breaking the silence from the chair he occupied in the corner of the room. With a chuckle, “good thing you’re tied down or I’m sure you would’ve jumped through the ceiling,” he finished after hearing her scream from total surprise.

“Fuck you, Dakota! Why the fuck did you tie me up and blindfold me?!” She screamed, fuming and embarrassed from her reaction to his words. If it weren’t for the fact he hadn’t moved or said a word then she may have expected his sudden arrival. And, hadn’t she been tied up, she would’ve beaten – or attempt to – the shit out of him for tying her up like that and for the fright he had caused her.

“If you plan on ever having sex with me again, you’ll untie me right fucking now.”

“Aww, but where’s the fun in that? And, I highly doubt you’ll cut me off for this. Besides, we haven’t had sex in a couple weeks anyways, so where’s the incentive to untie you?”

Ha! I don’t think he realizes I’m just playing with his head…

“I mean it! I’ll continue your dry spell!” She yelled out before realizing she was naked. “What the fuck? When did you strip me?” She suddenly felt very exposed.

“I lied, we tried to have sex last night, but you passed out as soon as I got you naked…” he trailed off as he stood up before moving to the bed. “You’re a very hard sleeper when you’re drunk…and you’re sexy, I couldn’t help myself. Kind of like now…”

He reached over and softly began caressing her cream colored breasts, eliciting a small gasp that suddenly turned to a soft moan. Sudden arousal over came her, her senses heightened, as he began feeling her breasts. His touch sent a wave of energy straight to her tight core that was quickly flooding with her juices.

“Oh, Quynn, you’re so beautiful.”

She said nothing. Instead, another soft moan escaped her lips as he continued to softly knead her pert breasts. She wanted him to untie her so she could fully participate in this, but at the same time she wanted to be tied up. Knowing she was at his complete mercy was an incredible turn on for her, and the flood between her legs was all she needed to confirm that.

He moved to pinch and pull on her nipples, finally causing her to speak since she ‘threatened’ to cut him off.

“Please don’t stop…please…”


Their relationship and sex life had always been good, but up until recently, things began to slack off a bit. Their differing work schedules were part of the reason why things began to suffer, but some of it also had to do with their selection in friends. Quynn wasn’t quite ready to let her ex boyfriend go and – for some reason – she felt the need to keep him around as a friend. The fights only ensued – and even heightened – at the mere mention of his name.

They eventually worked that little aspect of things out, but they both couldn’t help but to feel that it was still lingering above them. Things eventually settled down once she broke the news that her ex finally found a new girlfriend.

Dakota and Quynn had always found satisfaction in each other even when they fought. Of course those fights would always lead to incredibly hot make up sex which neither could get enough of; but regardless of the fights, they always seemed to have that ‘spark’ when it came to their sex life. They were in tune with each other, knew what the other one wanted or needed. He just seemed to know where to touch her to make her melt for him.

Quynn couldn’t get enough of Dakota. He was always there for her when no one would be. She happened to be the kind of girl that everyone left for something else. Dakota wanted to show her that she deserved to be happy, to be with someone who wanted her for her and who would love her no matter what. He fit her perfectly and, for that, she was forever grateful…grateful for him, grateful for everything.

But the main problem between them – they are both stubborn and don’t like to bend on their own beliefs. He doesn’t want her ex around as a friend, she thinks her ex has to be in her life because she feels he’s a reason she’s the person she is today. Really, that’s the main problem between them.

As a result, their sex life has taken a hit.


In the midst of everything, Dakota hadn’t forgotten about his feelings for her and the way they clicked in the bedroom. It had been a couple weeks since the last time they had sex and he wasn’t good with that at all. He wanted to fix that, to change the habit they happened to be in. He tried to make advances on her, to try to seduce her and make her want him, but her excuse was the same.

“I’m too exhausted, baby…I don’t want to disappoint you.”

It was frustrating, yeah, but he was also understanding and sympathetic. He didn’t want to force the issue, but he also wasn’t a fan of jacking off if his girlfriend was right there. He really didn’t have much of a choice so he just went with it. And as the weeks went on, he finally decided to take matters into his own hands.

“I don’t know what I should do. She always seems to be so tired. I guess I’ll just have to take advantage of our days off together,” Dakota randomly spouted off to his best friend, Matt.

“What are you talking about?” He asked, slightly confused on where the conversation was about to go.

“Oh my bad, I meant Quynn and my sex life. We haven’t had sex in a couple weeks and I don’t know what to do to change that. Sorry, it’s been bugging me.” He looked away from his friend as he realized what he just confessed.

“Ah, got ya. Don’t worry about it, bro. But you could always like tie her up in her sleep or something like that haha,” he said jokingly.

Laughing, “You know that probably wouldn’t be a bad idea…”

“I was only joking, man. But hell, if she’s into that sort of thing, put a ring on that finger immediately!”

It’s funny he said that because Dakota had planned to eventually marry Quynn and put that sacred ring on her finger. But getting confirmation from his best friend completely solidified his need and wants to do just that.

“Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something she’s into. She can get a little freaky at times…”

“What? Does she like it in the ass or something?” Matt’s face went from joking to serious with the question.

“Amongst other things…” Dakota trailed off as he nodded his head in response to his question.

“Holy shit, dude…definitely don’t let this one go or I’ll have snatch her up,” Matt said with emphasis.

“The hell you will…she’s mine. There ain’t no way I’m fucking this one up.”


From there, the plan was on. He planned on running the idea by Quynn to see what she thought. The question now – would she be up for it?


He arrived home that night to find Quynn curled up on the couch watching a movie.

“Hey, baby…how was Matt’s house?” She asked as he sat his keys down on the kitchen table.

“It was okay. We had a couple beers while watching the game. What are you watching?” He asked as he sat down on the couch.

Pride and Prejudice.”

“Oh nice…I think I’ve only seen parts of it…”

“What? This is a very good movie, baby…you’re missing out!”

“Probably not, haha,” he laughed as the thought of tying her up came across his mind.

“But you are…”

“I’ll take your word for it. But…there’s something I wanna talk to you about…” he trailed off, suddenly feeling nervous about proposing the idea to her.

“What’s that?” She asked, sitting up to face him.

“Well, there’s something I wanna try. I wanted to run it by instead of just ‘doing it’.”

“Well, what is it?”

“I was thinking…we could…possibly…tie you up some time. You know, mix things up a bit…” He was definitely feeling nervous.

Quynn was silent for a few minutes as the thoughts and images of being tied up ran through her mind. The thought of being completely helpless while he did whatever he wanted to her was such a turn on. Her panties were instantly soaked, the familiar ache began to build, as she eyed her boyfriend with lust.

“That would be fucking hot…”

“Mmmmm, good…but…it’s gonna happen when you least expect it,” he finished with a wink.

“I doubt that…”


Two weeks later

Everything seemed to be going smoothly as Dakota began prepping their room for the events that were about to take place. He discretely placed an office chair in the corner of the room, sneakily placed the bonds on the head and foot board of the bed, before he got ready for the night.

He planned to take her out to her favorite restaurant, wine and dine her, take her to a movie, and then out for a night on the town. If all went as planned, she’d be horny when they arrived home and they would have drunken, sloppy sex before he would slip her limbs into each restraint until she woke up. The only issue that may arise would be exhaustion on her behalf. But either way he still planned to at least get her into the restraints before she had a chance to fight it.

“Hey, baby…when are you gonna be home?” He asked as she picked up her cell.

“Uhm, I should be home in about an hour. Why?” She replied, slightly confused as to why he’s questioning her on her arrival.

“Just curious…I have a surprise for you so hurry home.”

“Okay…? What is it about?”

“I can’t tell you, baby! Just hurry home, it’ll be worth it, I promise,” he finished as he hung up the phone before making sure he was ready for the night. Within twenty minutes, he was showered and waiting on his beloved Quynn.

“You’re looking damn good…” Quynn said as she walked through the door before eying him up and down. “So what’s the surprise?” She continued to check him out, feeling somewhat aroused.

“Go pick out something nice, get dolled up and meet me in here when you’re ready to go,” he smiled as they stood in the living room.

Her eyes lit up, excitement shown through on her pretty face before she spoke, “where are we going?” She asked, almost in a girlish tone.

“It’s a surprise…now go get ready before I change my mind,” he said before playfully chasing her into the bedroom and giving her a little swat to the ass.

“Do that again and we won’t even make it out of this house…” she said with a wink before seductively undressing in front of him. He cleared his throat, adjusted his rising cock, and bolted from the room before anything could happen that would delay their departure.

He began prepping the final tid bits for his plan while she showered and got ready. He carefully placed the objects on the kitchen counter, making sure he knew where they were, but to where Quynn wouldn’t see them. He didn’t need her ruining everything by noticing what he laid out. Satisfied his plan wouldn’t be breached, he went back into the living room to wait for his girl to finish up.

Within thirty minutes, Quynn walked from their bedroom looking very beautiful. Dakota’s mouth dropped as he stood up to embrace her, taking her in his arms before delivering a passionate kiss to her mouth.

“Wow, you look amazing, baby girl…” he said before taking her hand and twirling her around to inspect attire. The little black dress tightly formed with her body, showing off her amazing curves and body. His goal was to show her his appreciation and hopefully make her feel sexy at the same time.

“Thank you, my love…you look pretty damn good yourself,” she finished as he brought her back to facing him. They embraced each other before sharing a series of small kisses while smiling and looking each other in the eyes.

Dakota wanted to take her right then and there, but he knew he had to be patient. He needed to take her out, continue showing his appreciation for her, before he felt the time would be right for them to make love. It took all the will power he could muster to not say ‘fuck it all’ and take her back into the bedroom for a wild night of crazy sex. He couldn’t believe himself for not breaking, but he was determined.

“Let’s go, baby, before we’re late,” he said as he took her hand and led her to the door. He reached the handle before looking back and seeing Quynn’s face glowing and with a smile. His heart about melted right then and there. It was looking like things were going to work out after all.

The car ride was long, but they were okay with that because it only meant more quality time with each other. They sat there and reflected on their days, how excited she was to know where he was taking her, how happy they made each other. He wanted this night to be perfect – to really show her that he in fact loved her and cared for her. She knew it, obviously, but he wanted to reinforce it into her.

But that’s the problem with wanting to make everything go perfectly. It just sometimes doesn’t happen. They arrived at the restaurant and noticed how packed it was. Dakota forgot to take into consideration how busy this particular restaurant could be on a Friday night. When they reached the hostess, they were informed that the wait would be somewhere around thirty to forty five minutes.

“Well that fucking blows…” Quynn muttered as they walked toward the bar area.

“Might as well have a couple drinks while we’re waiting then. What do you want?” He asked as they approached the bar.

“I don’t know. Uh, a seven and seven will work, I guess…” Her mood seemed to have changed ever so slightly.

“Sounds good…” He ordered their drinks while they waited to be seated.

“These drinks were paid for by the guys at the end of the bar,” the bartender said as he handed the drinks to them before pointing down to the end where three guys were looking directly at them with their drinks raised.

Dakota and Quynn took their drinks and nodded their appreciation for them. For some reason the guys took that as a cue to approach the waiting couple.

“We figured we may as well buy the drinks for this stunning woman and her gay friend,” the first guy said as he looked Quynn up and down while ignoring Dakota’s presence.

“Excuse me?” Dakota began as he pulled Quynn to him, “she’s my girlfriend, you asshole!”

“Please…there’s no way a guy like you can get a girl like her,” he spouted off as stared at Quynn. “I’m Justin by the way,” he finished before extending his hand and taking hers, lifting her hand to his mouth to place a kiss on it.

Dakota was livid. He slammed his drink before slamming the empty glass on the counter of the bar. Quynn quickly pulled her hand away from Justin’s before she spoke.

“Listen here, asshole, this is my boyfriend and he’s not gay! Thanks for the drinks, but you can leave now!” She seemed pissed as she turned back towards Dakota and wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder.

“Well, here’s my number if you ever want a real man instead of this guy,” Justin said as he produced a business card and made the attempt to slip it into her purse. Dakota quickly grabbed it from his hand before ripping up and dropping it onto the floor of the bar area.

“Get out of here, asshole,” Dakota said as he glared at Justin.

Justin gave him a cocky smile before walking away.

“Wow, who does something like that?” Quynn blurted out after he walked away.

“I don’t know, but he’s a fucking dick…”

The couple ordered another round of drinks before they were finally called to be seated in the restaurant. They took their seats before the waiter came around to get their order. And, of course, the flirting didn’t stop when it came to Quynn. Even the waiter had something to say about her appearance with total disregard of Dakota. What pissed him off more than anything was that he was sitting right there when it all took place. The guys there didn’t have the decency to even wait for him to get up and go to the bathroom before they were on her like vultures.

“I hate this kind of attention, just so you know…” Quynn muttered to her boyfriend after the next round of guys walked by who were blatantly checking her out.

“I feel like I’m the lucky guy because every guy is staring at you, but at the same time, it also pisses me off because it’s like they’re trying to steal your attention away from me.”

“I know, but I’m here with you and I’ll be leaving with you. But I just don’t get why they’re looking at only me…”

The service that night happened to be horrible. The waiter only came around their table a few times, but when he did, he always had something provocative to say to Quynn. The food took forever to come out, the bread seemed sort of stale, and the pasta wasn’t exactly cooked just right, amongst other things. Dakota was just ready to get them out of there.

The check came and went with the waiter receiving a very small tip. And that came as the result of Quynn telling him to at least leave the waiter something for his services no matter how inappropriate he was towards them.

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But relief had finally set in once they left the damned restaurant.

“So now what?” She asked once they reached the car. “Are we going home now? Or is there something else?”

“There’s something else. It may not be much, but I don’t want to go home yet.”

They got into the car before he headed over to the movie theater. He wasn’t sure what movie they should watch, so he kept his mouth shut until they arrived. He figured he’d just let her pick out the movie to avoid any argument. Besides, the whole night was about her, not him.

“Oooo…what do you wanna see, baby?” She asked, feeling kinda childish as they approached the ticket booth.

“It’s up to you, sweetheart,” he said with a smile before gripping her hand even tighter.

“Ummmm, let’s seeee….Footloose…”



He made the purchase before they entered the building to find the theater they would be in. They entered to a dark room, but still had enough light from the projector screen to find their way to a couple vacated seats. They settled in and watched the movie.

He put his arm around her and slyly brushed her nipple through the fabric of her dress to gauge her reaction. He felt the hardness of her nipple, clearly giving off that she was turned on at the moment. It shouldn’t really surprise him considering she’s easily turned on, but was it a result of himself? Or did the attention she received at the restaurant have something to do with it? He hoped it wasn’t the latter, but at this point, you never know.

“I can tell you’re turned on…” he whispered into her, this time rubbing her nipple.

“Very turned on, baby…I can’t help it, you’re so damn sexy…” she sighed as he discretely pinched her hard nipple.

He leaned in closer before placing wet, gentle kisses on her neck while he felt her beginning to tremble. He boldly slid his hand down her side before placing it on her thigh, softly rubbing her skin before sliding up her leg until he reached the hem of her tight dress. She naturally parted her legs to give him enough access to her dripping pussy. She longed to have him touch her there all night. And since it had been awhile since they last fucked, she was definitely aching to be touched.

A soft moan escaped her mouth as his hand slid further and further up her thigh until his fingers brushed against the lace fabric of her panties. He could feel the heat and moisture that had built up from the way he touched her. He longed to be inside her, to give her the feeling of satisfaction that they once knew. He was on the verge of applying more pressure to her covered slit when a couple had entered their row and were making their way towards them. He quickly placed his hand on the top of her thigh until after the couple had sat down a couple seats away from them. With the couple as close as they were, he didn’t want to risk having them see what he was going to do to her, so he simply left his hand where it laid.

“Probably shouldn’t risk getting caught playing in here,” he whispered in her ear.

She responded with a simple nod of her head before she gripped his hard cock through his pants and began rubbing on it for the duration of the movie. It was all he had to not blow his load in his pants while her hand expertly worked his cock through the denim.

“So, I’m thinking you should take me home and fuck me hard…” she bluntly stated as they made their way to the car.

“And why’s that?”

“You know why…”

“No, I don’t think I do…” he playfully responded before grabbing her ass and giving it a squeeze.

“Mmmm! Baby, I’m wet and I need you to fuck me!”

“Well how about a few drinks at that new bar and then I’ll take you home and fuck the ever living hell out of you. Sound good?”

“Okay…but I don’t wanna be there long…I’m aching for you to be deep inside me…” she pleaded as he pulled out of the parking lot to make their way to the new bar that had recently opened up across town. Conveniently it was located close to their house so it would be a short trip back home once they decided to leave.

The flirting and playfulness the two possessed was back in no time. As they shared drinks, their conversations turned dirty, sexy, and playful. He realized he shouldn’t get jealous of other guys who decided to buy her drinks and hit on her with him standing right there. All it was doing was giving him added satisfaction that they could not have her.

“Hey, sexy…what’s your name?” A tall, built guy asked as he approached Quynn, totally oblivious to Dakota’s presence.

“Hey, sexy? Is that the best you can do?” She shot back at him as he looked somewhat surprised.

“Well, you’re sexy so I thought you should know that. I’m Josh, by the way,” he said as he extended his hand, still not even noticing Dakota standing right there.

“I’m Quynn and this is my boyfriend, Dakota,” she said, pointing her boyfriend out who happened to be standing right next to her.

“Ohh, my apology…I didn’t see you standing there,” Josh said before extending his hand to Dakota.

Dakota shook his hand before he spoke. “It’s all good, man…happens all the time.”

“Well let me get you two a drink then. I wouldn’t have approached you if I realized he was your boyfriend,” Josh said before ordering them drinks and then walking away.

“You know, you getting hit on all night have gotten us a lot of free drinks,” Dakota said with a laugh, finally noticing the buzz that hit him.

“Yeah, no joke…I’m pretty sure I’m drunk, baby…can we go home now so you can fuck me?”

“Yeah, let’s go…” He paid for the little tab that they had acquired on their own before leaving the bar. He felt a little tipsy, but still coherent enough to make the short drive back to their house. Quynn looked rather drunk and that became obvious as soon as the car was set into motion.

“Oh, wow, I’m drunk…” she said as laid her head back against the seat. “Everything is spinning…”

“Just don’t get sick until we make it to the house.”

“I won’t, baby…” she said before closing her eyes.

He sped the short distance to their house before getting Quynn inside. She kept stumbling, so he tightly gripped her waist and walked her to the front door so she wouldn’t fall over. He fumbled with the keys for a minute until he found the right one to open the door and get her inside. He walked her to the bed before lying her down and removing her clothes.

“Do you still want me to fuck you, baby?” He asked as he completely stripped down.

“Yeah, just give me a minute,” she replied before lifting herself further up the bed and closing her eyes.

Dakota climbed onto the bed and moved between her spread legs, hard cock in hand, while waiting for her confirmation to stick it inside her. She lay there with closed eyes until he noticed that her breathing began to deepen.

Did you just fall asleep?

“Quynn…” he said as he nudged her, “did you fall asleep?”

She was silent.

What the fuck?! Well, now’s the time to tie you up and surprise you…

He slipped her arms and legs into the restraints before making sure they were snug enough so she couldn’t slip out of them during the night. Then he placed the blindfold – sleeping mask – over her eyes before grabbing a blanket and covering her up. He took his own blanket and sat in the chair until he finally dozed off himself.

The early morning rays of sunlight streamed across his face, quickly waking him up from the light sleep he was in because of sitting in the chair. He looked over to the bed and noticed Quynn was still sleeping – or it appeared that way considering she had the blindfold on her face. He quickly got up from the chair before slowly pulling the blanket off her, revealing her naked body to him once again. His cock began to tent against his boxers as the thoughts of what he’s going to do to her ran through his mind.

He removed his boxers before returning to the chair, his cock in his hand, as he admired her naked body from his vantage point while he waited for her to wake up. And no sooner had a sat down, she began to stir.

“What the fuck is going on, Dakota?” She yelled out about a minute after she realized she was tied up.

He kept quiet, wanting to see how long he could keep his silence before he let her know he was in the room with her. A few minutes passed by and he could she was awake. She kept rolling her head from side to side, as if she were trying to listen for any sounds. She kept trying to move her arms and legs, but to no avail, she was simply stuck.

“I’m so gonna kill you for this!” She blurted out.

“Now, now, what kind of fun would there be for me if you did that?” Dakota asked, finally breaking the silence from the chair he occupied in the corner of the room. With a chuckle, “good thing you’re tied down or I’m sure you would’ve jumped through the ceiling,” he finished after hearing her scream from total surprise.

“Fuck you, Dakota! Why the fuck did you tie me up and blindfold me?!” She screamed out, causing him to silently laugh to himself.

“If you plan on ever having sex with me again, you’ll untie me right fucking now.”

“Aww, but where’s the fun in that? And, I highly doubt you’ll cut me off for this. Besides, we haven’t had sex in a couple weeks anyways, so where’s the incentive to untie you?”

“I mean it! I’ll continue your dry spell!” She yelled out before realizing she was naked. “What the fuck? When did you strip me?” She suddenly felt very exposed.

“I lied, we tried to have sex last night, but you passed out as soon as I got you naked…” he trailed off as he stood up before moving to the bed. “You’re a very hard sleeper when you’re drunk…and you’re sexy, I couldn’t help myself. Kind of like now…”

He reached over and softly began caressing her cream colored breasts, eliciting a small gasp that suddenly turned to a soft moan. Sudden arousal over came her, her senses heightened, as he began feeling her breasts. His touch sent a wave of energy straight to her tight core that was quickly flooding with her juices.

“Oh, Quynn, you’re so beautiful.”

She said nothing. Instead, another soft moan escaped her lips as he continued to softly knead her pert breasts. She wanted him to untie her so she could fully participate in this, but at the same time she wanted to be tied up. Knowing she was at his complete mercy was an incredible turn on for her. And the flood between her legs was all she needed to confirm that.

He moved to pinch and pull on her nipples, finally causing her to speak since she threatened to cut him off.

“Please don’t stop…please…”

“I won’t, I promise,” he said before leaning down and taking her nipple in his mouth to begin sucking on it.

She arched her back, pressing her globe of flesh further into his mouth, before letting out a drawn out moan. Her pussy was wet, her desire for him was really high, but she knew she couldn’t touch herself considering she had no movement available for that.

He began kissing down her body, heading straight for her tight, wet pussy. He wanted to taste her before he stuck his cock inside her. His kisses were getting closer and closer to her tight pussy, causing her to mutter the words: “Yes, yes, yes,” over and over again the closer he got to her sweet honey pot. His eyes zoned in to her engorged clit before his extended tongue flicked over it. She arched her back and let out a yelp as his tongue expertly explored her little love button.

He quickly closed his mouth around her clit before he work two fingers inside her. It didn’t take him long to find the familiar spot in her pussy that drove her wild. He found her little rough patch and went to work rubbing on it while mouth sucked away at her clit.

“Oh, fuck, baby!! So good!” She struggled to put together a coherent sentence as the pleasure racked through her body.

He didn’t let up. He continued sucking her hard, throbbing clit while rubbing on her little rough patch. He could feel her walls clenching his fingers tight, signaling she wasn’t too far from flooding his face and hand. Her moans increased, only making him increase his efforts to get his beauty off before he fucked her hard and deep.

“OH, FUCK!” She screamed out as her body began rocking. “I’m fucking cumming!” She shrieked as her cum hit him on the chin and his hand.

“Yes! That’s it, baby! Keep cumming for me!” He said as he rubbed her spot harder.

“Okay! Okay! I’ve had enough!” She screamed out, trying to reach down to push his head away, forgetting her arms and legs were tied up. “Shit!”

“Ah, that’s right…you can’t stop me…” he said with a laugh before going right back to eating her cunt.

“Baby! Please! It’s too much! Just FUCK ME ALREADY!”

Those were the words he was waiting for. He pulled away from her pussy before working his way up her body. He stood above her before straddling her breasts and lifting her head off the bed. She took the cue and opened her mouth before slide his cock into her waiting orifice. She instantly closed her lips around the head of his cock before she began sucking and moaning around his cock.

“Oh, fuckk…” he moaned out as he began sawing his cock in and out of her warm, wet mouth.

“You like that, baby?” She mumbled around his cock.

“Fuck yes!”

He kept thrusting in and out of her mouth, making sure his cock was wet enough for him to gain easier access into her tight pussy. After a few minutes of taking her mouth, he pulled out and quickly moved between her legs. He gripped his cock and with one, swift move, he was deep inside her, both of them crying out from the sudden penetration.

He began thrusting in and out of her tight cunt, slamming deep with every thrust. He loved the way she felt, her walls gripping his shaft tightly, as he fucked her hard. He knew if he didn’t slow down, he would be filling her pussy full of cum. And, for some reason, it was like she knew what he was about to do.

“Don’t slow down! Fill me up, baby! I’m gonna cum with you!” She screamed as he felt the beginnings of her orgasm. He fucked her harder, faster, deeper, until he felt the cum rise from his balls, race through his shaft, and finally erupt inside her tight pussy.

“Fuckkkkk, baby!” was all he could say as his cum splashed against the walls of her convulsing cunt.

“YES! That’s it, baby!” She loved the feeling of cum filling her pussy.

He pulled out before freeing her legs from the straps that held her in place.

“Oh, that feels so good being able to move my legs around now. Thank you, baby.”

“No problem. Let’s get you untied; you’ve been like this all night.”

He sat about undoing her arms before she removed the blindfold and looked around.

“Fuck, it’s bright in here,” she said before pulling him to her for another kiss. “You didn’t have to tie me to have sex with me, you know…”

“I know, but I wanted to try something different, to try to spice things up a bit,” he said as he kissed her back.

“Mmmmm, well I’m glad you did though,” she said smiling, the kiss intensifying. “I think you should fuck me again, take a shower together, then spend the rest of the day in bed and play…” she finished with a wink.

“I think you’re right…”

She broke the kiss before sliding down the bed and taking his growing cock into her wet mouth. She began sucking in his rigid member, willing it back to life, as she took more and more of it into her waiting mouth. He quickly regained full hardness as she expertly sucked him clean.

He reached down, grabbed a handful of hair, before pushing her head further and further down his cock until he finally breached her throat. She slightly gagged, but continued to work her throat around the head of his cock, eliciting moan after moan from the man she loved.

“I love the way you suck my cock, baby girl…”

“I love sucking your beautiful cock…” she moaned out before taking his cock hard and deep again.

He lay back, feeling the immense pleasure his beauty was giving him as she worked his shaft over and over again. He didn’t want to cum just yet, but if she was willing to keep going, who was he to stop her? But as soon as he felt his orgasm coming on, she stopped sucking him and tightly gripped the base of shaft, causing the feeling to subside.

“Not yet, big boy…I want you inside me when you cum again.”

“What are you waiting for then?” He asked, her hand still tight around his cock.

She gave him a seductive look before climbing his body and mounting his cock. She slowly sank onto him, eliciting more moans from both of them.

“So good, baby!” She moaned out as she began riding his dick with some force.

“Ride my cock! It’s all yours to do with as you please…”

His words spurred her on. She bounced harder and faster on his hard shaft, using his chest and stomach as support. He began meeting her thrust for thrust, moving up into her as she came down on him. She was tight and he loved every second of their fucking.

“Baby, let’s don’t ever go so long between having sex,” he said as their thrust met faster and faster.

“No, never again, baby! I missed having your cock inside me!” She began bouncing on him like she was possessed. He stopped his movements as she totally went wild on top of him. “Fuckkkk, babyyyy! I’m gonna….I’m gonnna…shittt!” She screamed as she collapsed on top of him as the orgasm rocked through her slender frame.


He took over. He gripped her ass and shoulder as he began pounding her tight cunt from beneath. Over and over again, his cock speared her opening, making her convulse and spew a bunch of filthy words from her pretty mouth. Every now and then he would give her ass a hard slap that echoed throughout the room.

“Yes! That’s it, baby! Fuck me with that hard cock, make me your little slut! I want to feel your cum spilling into me again! Fuck that’s so hot!” She screamed as she took the fucking.

He drove harder and harder into her, slamming deep as he could until he felt the inevitable happen. He was going to deliver the prize she most craved at the moment. He was going to give her what she truly wanted more than anything. Hearing her beg for his cum was more than he could take. With the last few thrusts, more of his cum was sent deep into the womb of his beautiful girl.



Dakota and Quynn spent the next hour in the shower fucking each other until the water became too cold to bear. They ended up spending the rest of the day in bed having the most wild and dirty sex that was imaginable. He even forgot to use the stuff he had placed about in the kitchen because his plan didn’t go as planned. Obviously she was willing, but of course he didn’t know that, but it was safe to say that their sex life was definitely back on track…

She had her own little surprise for him when he decided to finally pop the question. Of course her plan wouldn’t happen until the honeymoon, but that’s a different story in its own…
Written by jhmik_88
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