It was mental agony.
The bitch had been trained to edge daily as much as she could save for special days.
Her cunt burned to be touched.
Yet this.
All because she let herself cum on a day that she wasn’t allowed to.
It didn’t matter that it was an accident.
Her Mistress didn’t accept excuses.
A click of the hotel room’s door made the bitch jump.
Mistress had promised this was merely the beginning of her punishment.
She dreaded.
She yearned.
Her Mistress always knew ways to light her mind and body on fire.
Past experience had taught her to stay silent.
Mistress did not suffer foolish pleas of repentance.
“You won’t learn without consequences,” had been her Mistress’ answer during the bitch’s first punishment by Mistress’ hand.
Cruel and devious were the only tools her Mistress needed to met out the bitch’s punishments.
No whip.
No flogger.
No paddle.
Merely her Mistress’ mind.
Sharp strikes of footfalls upon the tiled floor broke the bitch’s rememberence.
“Is my bitch comfortable?”
“No, Mistress.”
The word.
That word.
Always sending shivers through the bitch.
Causing the bitch’s honey to pool between her legs.
“As my bitch apparently is still unable to control herself I find it appropriate she have help getting these desires out of her system.”
“Yes, Mistress. Your...”
A sudden grip in her hair cutting the bitch short.
“Only ‘Yes, Mistress,’ or ‘No, Mistress,’ or I might find new elements to your punishment.”
The whip sting of words bringing focus back.
“Y..Yes, Mistress!”
Tension released from her head.
A shuffling of items soon filled the room.
“I see my bitch is already leaking quite badly. Such an undisciplined cunt.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Shame filled her.
For failing.
For craving.
“Worry not, dear bitch. I will help you learn.”
Clop, clop, clop...
Drawing nearer to the bitch.
An sudden insertion into her cunt.
Tension immediate.
Oh no.
A familiar thin pink protrusion now sticking out.
“Recognize this, bitch?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Spreading like wildfire.
“I had already purchased this as a gift for my precious bitch.”
Alarms sounding off.
“It was to be a reward for my darling bitch.”
Disappointed dripping like tar from her owners lips.

Yet without raised voice.
“You were making me so proud.”
“Now. Now I will help you make me proud again.”
Cold sweat.
“However, remember I am not without mercy.”
“As always, your safe word is your armor, your escape.”
”Yes, Mistress.”
Always that option.
Assured many a time it wasn’t failure to say.
Yet why did it hurt so much worse despite her Mistress’ loving encouragements to use such as needed?
“Are you ready?”
A concern passing over her Mistress’ countenance.
Eyes clinching and opening with determination to see this through.
She wouldn’t fail in taking this.
Her punishment.
“Yes, Mistress.”
Her words the pistol shot of a race.
Uncontrolled quivering.
Her being reduced to a single spot.
Nectar pooling.
A change in rhythm.
In intensity.
Back and forth.
Her body unable to adjust.
Only survive.
In moments she came.
No release.
No pardon.
Only soft or strong pulses.
How long?
Her cunt shrieking a mirror to her own cries.
Of desparation.
Of joys.
Of helplessness.
How many stolen orgasms had the viscous device extract from her?
It was impossible to know.
Yet no relief.
When would it end?
Should she safe-word out?
She deserved this!
She had failed before.
Not now.
Endurance discovered.
Will forged.
Buffeted still.
Threatening to dislodge her center once more.
“Thirty minutes.”
Her Mistress’ proclamation barely registering.
“You’re doing so good.”
“I know you can endure this, bitch.”
Words too difficult.
A reassuring hand petting her.
Pushing through.
Pain of cramps breaking away to euphoria.
Sub space reached.
Time blended.
No meaning.
Only her cunt’s sensations.
A jostling of limbs.
Throat parched.
Voice cracking.
“I’m here darling one. Be silent for now.”
“Did your bitch please you?”
Warm drops splashing on skin.
“Yes. Yes my darling one. You made me proud.”
Warmth growing.
A happy bark croaking out.
Careful guidance to the bed in the room.
A sip of liquids.
Cuddled up in covers.
Rest earned.
Mistress and bitch as one once more.