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A Date Gone Wrong, Chapter 1

"He seemed like a nice enough guy... what could go wrong?"

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It was just supposed to be a simple ordinary date. Nothing that Maria hadn't done many times before. But this particular date would change the course of her life forever.

She had met him at the club a few nights ago when she and her B.F.F. Jenny went there for a "girl's night out" after a long day at work. Both girls had a bit too much to drink that night and Jenny got sick in the ladies room, but in whole, it was a fun time. 

The best part though was when the handsome guy at the end of the bar bought drinks for the two girls. The waitress brought the drinks over and pointed to him sitting there at the bar. He smiled and waved at the girls when they looked his way. Maria and Jenny giggled then waved him to join them at their table.

"Hello ladies, my name is Brett. How are you this evening?"

Jenny and Maria introduced themselves and he sat down at the table with them. The three of them began chatting and drinking until Jenny started feeling a bit woozy. The girls excused themselves and Maria took Jenny into the ladies room. 

"Oh Maria, I don't feel so good!" Jenny said just before she got sick in the toilet. Being a good friend, Maria held Jenny's long blonde hair until she was done and then helped her get cleaned up a bit before rejoining their new male friend back at the table.

"Brett, I hate to end the night so soon after we just started having fun, but Jenny here isn't feeling well, and I need to take her home. It was nice to meet you, though, and thank you for the drinks and conversation." 

"You are quite welcome, Maria. It was nice to have two beautiful companions tonight. It is too bad it had to end so early but I completely understand. I hope Jenny feels better." 

"Brett, if you would like call me sometime, here is my... phone number. You know, maybe we could... I don't know, go to dinner or something?" Maria said, acting and feeling very much like a young teen-aged girl asking to go out on her first real date.
He smiled and slipped the phone number into his shirt pocket. Then he gave both girls a hug goodbye and they left.


It was a couple days later when Maria was sitting at home watching some TV waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Suddenly the telephone rang startling her.


"Hello, is Maria there?"

"This is Maria,"

"Hi Maria, this is Brett Matthews, from the club the other night? I'm sorry I didn't call before now but I had to go out of town on business and just got back. I wanted to see if you'd like to get together for dinner this weekend?"

Maria had almost forgotten about the hunky guy who she and Jenny met that night. But she smiled knowing that he hadn't. "Oh yes, Brett! Thank you so much for calling... I know everyone always says they will call sometime but very few actually do."

"That's okay, I always make a point of calling a girl the next day. I want to make sure she got home okay and make sure she remembers the fun we had. I like to leave a good impression on her!' 

Oh, you did, Brett... you certainly did! she thought to herself. "And I did have a good time that night. Even Jenny had fun before she... anyway, sure, I would love to go out to dinner with you."

"Great! Do you like Mexican food? There's a new Mexican place, Sabor de México, that I've been wanting to try out."

"Oh, I love Mexican food! I'm half-Mexican and I was born and lived in Los Angeles until I went to college! I guess with a name like Maria Alvarez, it's not much of a reach to think I would like Mexican food!"

"Alvarez huh? At least now I know your last name now! It will be much easier than calling you Maria Whatshername!"

"Oh, I'm sorry! I guess I never did properly introduce myself that night! Yes, it's Maria Alvarez."

"Nice to meet you again Maria Alvarez. Now is it Ms. Alvarez or Miss Alvarez... or maybe Mrs. Alvarez?"

"It's Ms. Alvarez. I was married once, but it didn't last very long. I got married while in my last year of college and it lasted eight years before we ended it. I was twenty when I got married and I got divorced on my twenty-eighth birthday.

"Ouch! Nice birthday present!"

"It was actually. We both knew it was over–it had been for some time. We only lived in the same house the last couple of years. We didn't feel married at all. In fact, we both brought over other people to sleep with. Fortunately, the house had a mother-in-law attached apartment which is where he stayed. He had his entrance and I had mine. We rarely even crossed paths."

"Sounds kinda awkward, especially if one of you had company."

"Oh, it only lasted for a couple years like that. We decided the best thing would be to put some distance between us. So after the divorce, we sold the house, split the money, and went our separate ways. I moved here to Seattle, and he went back east someplace. I only hear from him once a month when he sends the alimony payment and then it's just a check, usually, no note or letter comes with it. He doesn't want to talk anymore. Works for me!"

"I can't help thinking his loss is my gain! Maria, it's been nice talking to you, but I need to run now–work demands my attention. But I am looking forward to this weekend. How about Saturday around 7:00 pm?" 

"That's fine with me. I will see you then, Brett. And I'm looking forward to dinner too."



Saturday rolled around, although not fast enough for Maria. After doing some last minute housecleaning, just in case they ended up at her apartment after the date, she took a shower and started getting ready.

She had decided to wear her favorite LBD (little black dress) that night. She liked the way it fit her–it was tight to show off her curves with a deep scoop neckline to let her "girls" strut their stuff. It was very short to showcase her attractive legs. She put on her best thigh-top stockings and added a string of large simulated pearls for interest and her black six-inch stiletto pumps. 

Once she was dressed, she stepped into the bathroom to put on her makeup. Finally, she was ready and a glance at the clock told her it was just in time! She had just enough time for one last critical look at herself and be standing at the front door when the doorbell rang.

"Wow, Maria! You look amazing!"

"Thank you, Brett, you look very handsome yourself."

Brett held out his arm for her. "Are you ready to go, then?"

Maria smiled and slipped her arm under his. They walked out to his car and he seated her before going around and getting in the driver's seat.

"You have a very nice car, Brett, What kind of car is it?"

"This is the Cadillac ATS. It's a very nice car. I used to have a BMW, but I got tired of trying to get a foreign car repaired. So I went with Cadillac because it's American and still luxurious." 

Maria stroked the butter-soft leather seat. "It certainly is. I've never felt anything so soft! I'd be afraid of driving something so comfortable for fear of falling asleep!"

"Hopefully you won't fall asleep before we get to the restaurant!"

"I won't, I promise. I am looking forward to trying out this restaurant. It's been a long time since I had good Mexican food–I miss it."

Maria put her hand over his on the center console "Thank you for asking me out. I haven't had many dates as of late and was afraid I might be losing my touch!"

"Not from where I'm sitting!" Brett said, raising her hand to his lips to kiss it.

The whole dinner was excellent. Maria got her good Mexican food she had been missing and Brett was completely charming and wonderful dinner company. She really couldn't remember having a better time.

As they finished dinner and Brett was waiting for the check, Maria excused herself to go to the ladies room. She didn't have to use the ladies room or touch up her makeup or anything–she just needed to get away from Brett for a moment to think.

What am I going to do? Brett has been amazing all night long–a perfect gentleman and so sweet. It's been a wonderful time. But this is our first date. I don't want him to think I'm easy, but I also don't want him to think I'm stuck up or conceited. I don't want to seem too eager, but I do want him... oh God, do I want him! 

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She knew she couldn't stay gone too long, so she headed back to the table and Brett. She still wasn't sure what she would do, though. She would just let things happen and see where they went.

Once he paid the check and they got out to the car, she couldn't put off a decision any longer. 

"Okay, Maria, where would you like to go? Do you have to get right home or would you like to go someplace else?"

"Brett, I had an absolutely wonderful time tonight–a nicer time than I have had in a very long time. The restaurant, the food, and especially you were just amazing. Which makes what I am about to say all the more difficult in a way."

"What are you trying to say, Maria?"

"Brett, I don't want you to think I am easy or that I do this all the time; believe me, I don't. But I have had such a nice time tonight. Would you think I was a terrible person if I asked you to come home with me? To spend the night with me?"

"Maria, I could never think of you as a terrible person. And I would love to spend tonight with you. I have had a great time as well and I'm glad that you don't want the evening to end yet. To be perfectly honest, I was going to ask you the same thing, I was just working up the nerve to ask. You saved me the embarrassment of being turned down!"

"Brett you have been perfectly charming and a real gentleman. It's so refreshing to find a guy that isn't just looking to get in my panties and takes the time to get to know me first! You haven't made a single move on me–you have treated me as a person and an equal, instead of a piece of meat... a fuck toy. I appreciate that. And just so you know, had you asked me, I would have accepted without hesitation!"

"Good, but I had another thought: I've already seen your place. How would you feel about going back to mine? I mean fair is fair right? Besides you want to know the real me, don't you? What says more about a man than seeing the way he lives?"

"Hmm... you have a point. Okay, I guess so. Sure, I would like to see where you live." 

"Great! Then we're off! My home is in Medina about twenty miles from here. It's a nice area, kinda upscale, but not like Madison Lake or Laurelhurst. There are other doctors, lawyers, and Internet tech types scattered around the neighborhood."

"Other doctors?"

"Oh that's right, in all this 'getting to know you' talk, I failed to mention what I do for a living! Actually, I am an orthopedic surgeon working with UW Medical Center-Roosevelt. I fix all sorts of bone and joint problems from broken bones to joint replacements to bone spurs and torn ligaments. If it has to do with your bones, joints, or your ability to move around, then I'm your man!"

Oh Brett, you silly man! You were my man even before I knew you were a doctor! she thought to herself. But aloud she wanted to sound a little less slutty "I will keep that in mind the next time I fall down the stairs of my apartment building!"

As they began crossing the Evergreen Point Bridge across Lake Washington she commented, "I've never been to Medina... in fact, I haven't been out of Seattle proper since I got here!"

"Really? Why is that?"

"The truth is, I've been here for a couple years now and for the longest time, I didn't have a car. I only live a short distance from my work and there's a supermarket a block away or so I never really needed a car. It's only been in the last couple months that I finally broke down and bought a little car. But I still don't go many places because I am terrified of getting lost and not finding my way home! 

So I only go to places I've been before... like the club we met at. Jenny took me there the first couple times until I remembered how to get there myself. Now it's one of our regular hangouts when we want to let loose."

"I see. I guess you and I will have to go on a few weekend drives so I can show you around and get you familiar with the city and surrounding areas!"

"Mmm, that sounds like fun. So you are saying that tonight isn't a one time deal then?"

"Maria, I am not the one-night stand type. It is true that I didn't really know much about you until tonight, but I felt something between us that night at the bar. And I wanted to see if it was just the alcohol, or if there really was a connection there. And as far as I can see, there is. So, yes, I would like to see you again–if you want to, that is."

At that moment, Maria was glad that she had her seatbelt on because if she hadn't, she would have jumped right into his lap and most likely caused them to crash! So she settled with taking his free hand into hers and holding it, smiling broadly when he looked at her.

As Maria sat there while Brett drove them to his home, she wondered what it would be like when they got there. She wondered what his home would look like. He was a doctor and judging from his Giorgio Armani suit and Ermenegildo Zegna dress shoes, he knew a thing or two about style and class. He also wasn't afraid of spending money to get what he wanted. 

She wondered what would happen when they got there. She had pretty much figured they would be having sex tonight, and she was fine with that. Hell, she was looking forward to it! It had been some time since she felt a man on top of her (or in her for that matter), and she missed having someone lying next to her to warm her on those cold, wet Seattle nights.  

She was aware that this was just their first date with Brett and she wasn't sure how it would go once they got into the privacy of his home. But she wasn't worried–Brett had proven himself to be a sweet, wonderful guy.

What she couldn't figure out, though, was why such a handsome, witty, thoughtful guy didn't have women dripping off him. You would think that a guy like that, with money, charm, and confidence would have no trouble finding any number of women himself.

Brett had shown he could make her laugh without warning, he was considerate of her feelings, and he really listened and was interested in what she had to say. He was "the perfect man". 

So what's wrong with such a perfect guy? she asked herself. Brett was just the kind of man she was drawn to. She hated braggarts, narcissists, and the self-absorbed who felt they were the center of the universe. Seattle seemed to have an unlimited supply of these she had discovered. 

Brett was different. He was confident and sure of himself, but he didn't flaunt it. He was used to getting what he wanted it seemed, but he didn't push himself on anyone. And when he did say something, it was well-thought out and put in a way that made you just want to agree with him. He didn't argue with you, he convinced you. 

Yet for all his fine qualities, she couldn't help feeling there was something else. Something in his eyes, something deep down that hinted at mystery and maybe even danger? She couldn't pin it down. It didn't frighten her really, but she was cognizant of it. It made her breath catch in her throat... and her pussy tingle!

Maria couldn't have known it, not for certain anyway, but Brett did have another side. A side that he kept locked deep inside him... a side he feared to unleash. He fought for years to push this side down, out of sight. And generally, he succeeded in silencing it. 

But now, this side of him whispered in his ear... This is the one... the one we have been searching so long to find. She's yours–she's already asked you to spend the night. What are you waiting for? Take her!

So, as he drove on towards the house, he began making his plans.

Actually, the stage was already set. The first step in the plan was to get her to his house, and after that, he would play it by ear and see how things develop. Brett knew that no plan was perfect and things didn't always go the way he envisioned them, so he allowed for many options and alternatives. I may have over-thought this thing, but since I'll only get one chance at this... he thought to himself as he drove on. 

Brett had previously stashed a few "toys" and other needed items in his house in a variety of places just in case he needed them. While the majority of them were in the bedroom, where he hoped he could lure her without much difficulty, other items were stashed in the bathroom, the living room, the kitchen, and the hallway closet. He may not need them, but one never knew and it paid to be prepared...


Written by Master_Jonathan
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