My bum cheeks were safe for the moment, for all our eyes were riveted to the stage and nobody even dared to whisper. A tall woman in an elegant moss green evening dress which she could have worn to the opera stepped onto the platform. A dress she could almost have worn to the opera, I corrected my impression when I noticed the deep neckline that almost reached to her navel, exposing a good part of her big, full breasts and adding more than a touch of indecency. Her skin was deeply tanned, and she moved with the grace of a feline, her eyes roaming all through the hall. Her face was exotic, emphasized by an Egyptian-style makeup, golden highlights on her lips and eyelids. Her hair glittered in the spotlight.
“My dear ladies,” she addressed the crowd, “tonight I have a very special treat for you. The regulars among you all know Lady Sarah, a founding member of our club and, if we may trust the whispered conversations between our bratty subs, a harsh but creative mistress.” A few giggles sounded in the crowd. “In this evening’s public scene we will watch her dominate another regular here, one that I - and probably you as well - would never have expected to end up on the receiving end. But a bet is a bet, as Lady Sarah told me, and there is no wiggling out of it. So let’s be grateful about this rare opportunity and give your applause for Lady Sarah and Bao!”
I was surprised that the beautiful, self-assured Asian girl was going to be the sub on the stage. But my surprise had nothing on Anne’s, who sat there, staring open-mouthed at the stage.
After a shocked pause, people started clap. The first person to appear was clad in black leather from head to toe, the cliché of a dominatrix if there was one. Her slick black hair swung with every step, the heels of her boots making a rhythmic sound that filled the hall once the clapping eased off. Then she stopped, and a smaller shape became visible, crawling out on all fours from behind her, her equally black hair almost touching the ground. The crawling girl went up onto her knees and her face became visible, as did the state of her undress. She looked cute, petite and boyish. Gasps sounded around us.
“Thank you.” Lady Sarah’s voice was deep and velvety. “I am sure I do not need to tell you what special occurrence tonight’s event is. I will not go into details about how it came to be, so please refrain from asking. What I can tell you is that Bao has agreed to receive two hundred lashes…” Fresh gasps rose from the crowd. “Two hundred lashes on whatever part of her body and using whatever implement I choose.”
The woman stroked Bao’s head, who lowered her eyes. “To make it more exciting, Bao has promised to take her punishment standing upright and without being restrained. We have agreed that any flinching away on her part will add two more lashes.”
The low buzzing of excited whispers started to fill the hall.
“That said, two hundred lashes are a lot, and I fear that if I tried to give those on my own I might be the one ending up in the most pain.” This drew some laughter from the crowd. “So I’ll need a volunteer - please wait a second.”
Bao had put her hand on Sarah’s arm, and now the two of them were whispering back and forth. Finally I saw Sarah nod.
“Very well, my slave for tonight has asked to be allowed to pick the person aiding in her punishment. Would Mistress Anne please come up to the stage and help me give her the deserved punishment?”
Anne paled. For a moment I even thought she would faint, and I could see her fingers grip the armrest so hard that her knuckles turned white. But after a deep breath her face became indifferent and she stood up. Immediately, all eyes swiveled towards her.
“Crawl after me!” she hissed at me, but I was quite sure that it wasn’t me her ire was directed at, and so I followed her, naked and on all fours, as she swerved through the tables. We climbed up to the stage over a few stairs at the side, and girl was already waiting with a small headset and a receiver, quickly outfitting Anne with it and clipping the receiver to the back of her belt.
Then we reached the spotlight and Anne stopped next to Lady Sarah. I knelt upright, a respectable arm’s length away, and tried to mimic Bao’s posture. The crowd’s looks felt like hot fingers brushing over my naked skin, and they made me feel lightheaded from embarrassment and filled me with a strange sense of pride.
“I hope you don’t mind that I brought my own slave with me to watch the proceedings,” Anne’s now self-assured sounding voice filled the hall. “I thought it would be an educational experience.”
“Not at all, my dear. What would you like to use?”
“I’d like to warm her skin with the leather cat, but for the second half I’d like to use the cane. Bao has always had a fondness for it.”
“Excellent choices! I will start with the cat-o-nine as well, before I see how she takes to the braided whip.”
The same girl that had outfitted Anne with her headset appeared again, this time pushing a cart with the chosen implements on top.
“Get into position!” Sarah ordered, and Bao rose gracefully to her feet, standing with them shoulder width apart, stretching her arms straight above her head. I could only envy the ease with which she moved. Her face didn’t betray a single emotion.
Both Mistresses took their weapons from the cart and stood to Bao’s sides. Anne nodded, and like clockwork, Sarah’s arm went back and then swished forward again, the strands of the flogger hitting the tops of Bao’s thighs with a multitude of snaps. On the downswing, Anne’s arm went back, and her stroke fell equally loud on the Asian’s buttocks. A rhythm established itself, a stroke hitting every other second, smacking and cracking against the young woman's beautiful, soft skin.
I counted them in my head. They varied their targets, slowly circling around the victim of the punishment, hitting all over her body, her thighs, her buttocks, her back and shoulders, even her small breasts and pubes.
They had already reached forty, but still had to draw any kind of reaction from Bao, who stared straight ahead as if lost in her own world, a deep tranquility shining in her dark eyes. Her skin was quickly reddening wherever the leather strands hit her. The air was filled with the whooshing and snapping of the whips, and every stoically received painful stroke made my admiration for the Asian girl rise to new levels.
Eighty. The tips of Anne’s cat-o-nine tails hit directly on Bao’s pussy, and I could see the girl’s eyes flicker for a moment. But she took the next twenty in stride, and I couldn’t stop myself from whispering “hundred.”
Both arms stopped their swings, and I thought for a moment I might have done something wrong. But a sweet smile from Sarah relieved my worries. “Very good, slave.”
They exchanged their weapons. I thought I saw something like unease in Anne’s eyes, but I wasn’t sure. She took up position once more so she could strike Bao’s backside. Sarah’s chosen whip looked dangerous, more than three feet long and made of leather strips braided with each other. She took a few steps back, weighing the distance, and saw my concerned look. “Don’t worry, little one, it looks worse than it is. It’s only the tip that does really hurt. The cane your Mistress picked is a lot more dangerous.”
I swallowed and nodded.
Then the first swing of the long whip fell, the braid wrapping around Bao’s hip and the thin end snapping against her buttock. I thought I saw a small tremor in the Asian’s legs. A second later the cane whooshed through the air and landed with a loud snap on the other buttock. This time I was sure about the movement.
They quickly settled into a rhythm again. Sarah made sure that most of the energy was taken by the thick braid, but the tip nonetheless left angry red stripes. The cane created welts, long and thin, like those the older woman who had been worshipping Bao’s foot had carried. They slowly rotated again, and by half time, Anne was standing to her other side, the cane lifted horizontally. It swished against the underside of Bao’s breasts, whose lower lip started to tremble. Yet, she didn’t move any other part of her body. Sarah was right behind her, her whip alternating between the left and right hip, the tip of it landing with a high pitched snap on the sensitive skin of her thighs just below her pussy.
Then Sarah stepped just an inch or two closer, and the tip snapped onto Bao’s pussy lip. A tear trickled over the Asian’s cheek. Anne’s cane struck across the light pink nipples, and another tear joined the first.
It was cruel. And it was sexy as hell. I yearned to touch myself between my legs, to ease the heat that was building up there.
The Mistresses now let loose and only hit the poor Bao on her most sensitive spots. I would have screamed and bawled and rolled away by now, but she just stood there, her body taut like a bowstring and tears running out of her pretty almond eyes and dripping from her chin.
“One hundred ninety-eight,” I whispered to myself, unable to avert my eyes, “one hundred ninety-nine,” and the final smack of the cane fell over the tops of her breasts, “two hundred.”
Both Mistresses were breathing hard by now from the exertion. Bao’s body was a mess of red welts, but she still held her position even though her legs and arms were trembling. Her eyes flickered to me, and I expected anguish in them, but what I saw astounded me. It was need, pure and uninhibited need, the same flame of arousal and yearning Anne managed to kindle in me. The desperation in her eyes told me how close she was to find relief.
“Lady Sarah?” I asked without thinking.
“Yes, slave?”
“May I - may I kiss her pussy? May I give her the pleasure she needs right now?”
She looked taken aback for a moment, but quickly caught herself, a wistful smile forming on her lips. “Yes, you may.”
I didn’t look at Anne. In the back of my mind I knew I should have. But in this moment, the only thing on my mind was the need and desperation in those beautiful eyes, and I felt a bond, an obligation between equals, to end her suffering. I know, it sounds cheesy, but right at this moment I was in a different world. I crawled between Bao’s legs and plastered soft kisses on her reddened thighs. I smelt her arousal, sharp and sweet, right in front of me. My fingers opened her petals and my lips wrapped around her shiny clit. I slid my index finger up her love channel; wet and silky as it was, I didn’t need to hold back. And then I gave her clit short, hard sucks, one, two, and at the third I felt her pussy clench around my finger almost painfully. Her hands gripped the back of my head and her whole body shook. Wetness splashed onto my chin and her taste and scent filled my whole universe.
She couldn’t keep standing and slid to her knees in front of me, our naked bodies pressing against each other’s. Her arms went around me and she gave me a soft, wet kiss on the neck. “Thank you, precious rose. You are as special as I thought.”
“I - You -” Her proximity made thinking hard. “This was incredible. It must have been excruciating!”
“It was, but the body can endure much if you let your soul fly free. But tell me, little rose, how can I pay you back?”
“You - you don’t need to,” I stammered, my voice still filled with adoration, “but - if you want - “ I bit my lip and mustered up all my courage, leaning back a bit and looking straight into her eyes, “hurt me, like they did you.” The nagging voice in the back of my mind got louder. “If - if my Mistress allows, that is.”
“I’m not sure I should allow anything in the foreseeable future,” Anne’s angry voice sounded right next to me, and I could sense the deep hurt in it, “after taking this liberty. I’m not sure I can even punish you appropriately! I’m not even sure I want to see you at all right now!”
“No!” I cried, turning to her and grabbing her hand. “Please! I’ll do anything, but don’t push me away. I was caught up in the moment; I promise I’ll do better in the future! I’ll never again ignore you! Please! Punish me, any way you like, don’t push me away!” Tears streamed down my face, and she made a halfhearted attempt to pull her hand free, but seeing my anguish, she relented.
She extended her other arm, and I threw myself into her embrace, sobbing and promising to better myself while she stroked my hair and tried to soothe me.
“I’ll have to punish you harshly, though,” she whispered into my ear.
I nodded into her shoulder, sniffling and trying to stop my tears. “I know.” And then a thought struck me, one quite terrifying and exciting. “I’ve failed you here on the stage, so you should punish me here.”
She grabbed my shoulders and held me at arms’ length, looking at me with disbelief. “You don’t know what you are asking. You’re already making quite the spectacle, but if I would punish you here, it would be far worse than anything you would normally receive. The crowd would want a real show, after Bao’s performance.”
“I know.” I took a deep breath. “But I can do it. For you.”
We stared into each other’s eyes for a long time. She tried to look for any insecurities on my part, for any sign that I might be biting off more than I could chew. I just looked back at her steadfastly, projecting all the love and determination that was swirling inside my heart. It was madness, yes, but a good kind of madness, and I somehow knew that our relationship, as fresh as it was, had been balancing on an edge already, with Bao as the catalyst.
“God, Bunnie,” she finally whispered, her fingernails digging into my naked shoulders, “you’ve got no idea what you’re doing to me.
“My dear ladies,” she addressed the crowd, “tonight I have a very special treat for you. The regulars among you all know Lady Sarah, a founding member of our club and, if we may trust the whispered conversations between our bratty subs, a harsh but creative mistress.” A few giggles sounded in the crowd. “In this evening’s public scene we will watch her dominate another regular here, one that I - and probably you as well - would never have expected to end up on the receiving end. But a bet is a bet, as Lady Sarah told me, and there is no wiggling out of it. So let’s be grateful about this rare opportunity and give your applause for Lady Sarah and Bao!”
I was surprised that the beautiful, self-assured Asian girl was going to be the sub on the stage. But my surprise had nothing on Anne’s, who sat there, staring open-mouthed at the stage.
After a shocked pause, people started clap. The first person to appear was clad in black leather from head to toe, the cliché of a dominatrix if there was one. Her slick black hair swung with every step, the heels of her boots making a rhythmic sound that filled the hall once the clapping eased off. Then she stopped, and a smaller shape became visible, crawling out on all fours from behind her, her equally black hair almost touching the ground. The crawling girl went up onto her knees and her face became visible, as did the state of her undress. She looked cute, petite and boyish. Gasps sounded around us.
“Thank you.” Lady Sarah’s voice was deep and velvety. “I am sure I do not need to tell you what special occurrence tonight’s event is. I will not go into details about how it came to be, so please refrain from asking. What I can tell you is that Bao has agreed to receive two hundred lashes…” Fresh gasps rose from the crowd. “Two hundred lashes on whatever part of her body and using whatever implement I choose.”
The woman stroked Bao’s head, who lowered her eyes. “To make it more exciting, Bao has promised to take her punishment standing upright and without being restrained. We have agreed that any flinching away on her part will add two more lashes.”
The low buzzing of excited whispers started to fill the hall.
“That said, two hundred lashes are a lot, and I fear that if I tried to give those on my own I might be the one ending up in the most pain.” This drew some laughter from the crowd. “So I’ll need a volunteer - please wait a second.”
Bao had put her hand on Sarah’s arm, and now the two of them were whispering back and forth. Finally I saw Sarah nod.
“Very well, my slave for tonight has asked to be allowed to pick the person aiding in her punishment. Would Mistress Anne please come up to the stage and help me give her the deserved punishment?”
Anne paled. For a moment I even thought she would faint, and I could see her fingers grip the armrest so hard that her knuckles turned white. But after a deep breath her face became indifferent and she stood up. Immediately, all eyes swiveled towards her.
“Crawl after me!” she hissed at me, but I was quite sure that it wasn’t me her ire was directed at, and so I followed her, naked and on all fours, as she swerved through the tables. We climbed up to the stage over a few stairs at the side, and girl was already waiting with a small headset and a receiver, quickly outfitting Anne with it and clipping the receiver to the back of her belt.
Then we reached the spotlight and Anne stopped next to Lady Sarah. I knelt upright, a respectable arm’s length away, and tried to mimic Bao’s posture. The crowd’s looks felt like hot fingers brushing over my naked skin, and they made me feel lightheaded from embarrassment and filled me with a strange sense of pride.
“I hope you don’t mind that I brought my own slave with me to watch the proceedings,” Anne’s now self-assured sounding voice filled the hall. “I thought it would be an educational experience.”
“Not at all, my dear. What would you like to use?”
“I’d like to warm her skin with the leather cat, but for the second half I’d like to use the cane. Bao has always had a fondness for it.”
“Excellent choices! I will start with the cat-o-nine as well, before I see how she takes to the braided whip.”
The same girl that had outfitted Anne with her headset appeared again, this time pushing a cart with the chosen implements on top.
“Get into position!” Sarah ordered, and Bao rose gracefully to her feet, standing with them shoulder width apart, stretching her arms straight above her head. I could only envy the ease with which she moved. Her face didn’t betray a single emotion.
Both Mistresses took their weapons from the cart and stood to Bao’s sides. Anne nodded, and like clockwork, Sarah’s arm went back and then swished forward again, the strands of the flogger hitting the tops of Bao’s thighs with a multitude of snaps. On the downswing, Anne’s arm went back, and her stroke fell equally loud on the Asian’s buttocks. A rhythm established itself, a stroke hitting every other second, smacking and cracking against the young woman's beautiful, soft skin.
I counted them in my head. They varied their targets, slowly circling around the victim of the punishment, hitting all over her body, her thighs, her buttocks, her back and shoulders, even her small breasts and pubes.
They had already reached forty, but still had to draw any kind of reaction from Bao, who stared straight ahead as if lost in her own world, a deep tranquility shining in her dark eyes. Her skin was quickly reddening wherever the leather strands hit her. The air was filled with the whooshing and snapping of the whips, and every stoically received painful stroke made my admiration for the Asian girl rise to new levels.
Eighty. The tips of Anne’s cat-o-nine tails hit directly on Bao’s pussy, and I could see the girl’s eyes flicker for a moment. But she took the next twenty in stride, and I couldn’t stop myself from whispering “hundred.”
Both arms stopped their swings, and I thought for a moment I might have done something wrong. But a sweet smile from Sarah relieved my worries. “Very good, slave.”
They exchanged their weapons. I thought I saw something like unease in Anne’s eyes, but I wasn’t sure. She took up position once more so she could strike Bao’s backside. Sarah’s chosen whip looked dangerous, more than three feet long and made of leather strips braided with each other. She took a few steps back, weighing the distance, and saw my concerned look. “Don’t worry, little one, it looks worse than it is. It’s only the tip that does really hurt. The cane your Mistress picked is a lot more dangerous.”
I swallowed and nodded.
Then the first swing of the long whip fell, the braid wrapping around Bao’s hip and the thin end snapping against her buttock. I thought I saw a small tremor in the Asian’s legs. A second later the cane whooshed through the air and landed with a loud snap on the other buttock. This time I was sure about the movement.
They quickly settled into a rhythm again. Sarah made sure that most of the energy was taken by the thick braid, but the tip nonetheless left angry red stripes. The cane created welts, long and thin, like those the older woman who had been worshipping Bao’s foot had carried. They slowly rotated again, and by half time, Anne was standing to her other side, the cane lifted horizontally. It swished against the underside of Bao’s breasts, whose lower lip started to tremble. Yet, she didn’t move any other part of her body. Sarah was right behind her, her whip alternating between the left and right hip, the tip of it landing with a high pitched snap on the sensitive skin of her thighs just below her pussy.
Then Sarah stepped just an inch or two closer, and the tip snapped onto Bao’s pussy lip. A tear trickled over the Asian’s cheek. Anne’s cane struck across the light pink nipples, and another tear joined the first.
It was cruel. And it was sexy as hell. I yearned to touch myself between my legs, to ease the heat that was building up there.
The Mistresses now let loose and only hit the poor Bao on her most sensitive spots. I would have screamed and bawled and rolled away by now, but she just stood there, her body taut like a bowstring and tears running out of her pretty almond eyes and dripping from her chin.
“One hundred ninety-eight,” I whispered to myself, unable to avert my eyes, “one hundred ninety-nine,” and the final smack of the cane fell over the tops of her breasts, “two hundred.”
Both Mistresses were breathing hard by now from the exertion. Bao’s body was a mess of red welts, but she still held her position even though her legs and arms were trembling. Her eyes flickered to me, and I expected anguish in them, but what I saw astounded me. It was need, pure and uninhibited need, the same flame of arousal and yearning Anne managed to kindle in me. The desperation in her eyes told me how close she was to find relief.
“Lady Sarah?” I asked without thinking.
“Yes, slave?”
“May I - may I kiss her pussy? May I give her the pleasure she needs right now?”
She looked taken aback for a moment, but quickly caught herself, a wistful smile forming on her lips. “Yes, you may.”
I didn’t look at Anne. In the back of my mind I knew I should have. But in this moment, the only thing on my mind was the need and desperation in those beautiful eyes, and I felt a bond, an obligation between equals, to end her suffering. I know, it sounds cheesy, but right at this moment I was in a different world. I crawled between Bao’s legs and plastered soft kisses on her reddened thighs. I smelt her arousal, sharp and sweet, right in front of me. My fingers opened her petals and my lips wrapped around her shiny clit. I slid my index finger up her love channel; wet and silky as it was, I didn’t need to hold back. And then I gave her clit short, hard sucks, one, two, and at the third I felt her pussy clench around my finger almost painfully. Her hands gripped the back of my head and her whole body shook. Wetness splashed onto my chin and her taste and scent filled my whole universe.
She couldn’t keep standing and slid to her knees in front of me, our naked bodies pressing against each other’s. Her arms went around me and she gave me a soft, wet kiss on the neck. “Thank you, precious rose. You are as special as I thought.”
“I - You -” Her proximity made thinking hard. “This was incredible. It must have been excruciating!”
“It was, but the body can endure much if you let your soul fly free. But tell me, little rose, how can I pay you back?”
“You - you don’t need to,” I stammered, my voice still filled with adoration, “but - if you want - “ I bit my lip and mustered up all my courage, leaning back a bit and looking straight into her eyes, “hurt me, like they did you.” The nagging voice in the back of my mind got louder. “If - if my Mistress allows, that is.”
“I’m not sure I should allow anything in the foreseeable future,” Anne’s angry voice sounded right next to me, and I could sense the deep hurt in it, “after taking this liberty. I’m not sure I can even punish you appropriately! I’m not even sure I want to see you at all right now!”
“No!” I cried, turning to her and grabbing her hand. “Please! I’ll do anything, but don’t push me away. I was caught up in the moment; I promise I’ll do better in the future! I’ll never again ignore you! Please! Punish me, any way you like, don’t push me away!” Tears streamed down my face, and she made a halfhearted attempt to pull her hand free, but seeing my anguish, she relented.
She extended her other arm, and I threw myself into her embrace, sobbing and promising to better myself while she stroked my hair and tried to soothe me.
“I’ll have to punish you harshly, though,” she whispered into my ear.
I nodded into her shoulder, sniffling and trying to stop my tears. “I know.” And then a thought struck me, one quite terrifying and exciting. “I’ve failed you here on the stage, so you should punish me here.”
She grabbed my shoulders and held me at arms’ length, looking at me with disbelief. “You don’t know what you are asking. You’re already making quite the spectacle, but if I would punish you here, it would be far worse than anything you would normally receive. The crowd would want a real show, after Bao’s performance.”
“I know.” I took a deep breath. “But I can do it. For you.”
We stared into each other’s eyes for a long time. She tried to look for any insecurities on my part, for any sign that I might be biting off more than I could chew. I just looked back at her steadfastly, projecting all the love and determination that was swirling inside my heart. It was madness, yes, but a good kind of madness, and I somehow knew that our relationship, as fresh as it was, had been balancing on an edge already, with Bao as the catalyst.
“God, Bunnie,” she finally whispered, her fingernails digging into my naked shoulders, “you’ve got no idea what you’re doing to me.

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I want to kiss you and hug you and whip you till you have no untouched patch of skin left, all at the same time.”
My lips curled up. “What says you can’t do all of that, and more?”
The look of defeat in her eyes was giving room for excitement. “I probably will. But don’t say you haven’t been warned.”
I nodded and took a look around. The spotlight on the stage had long since been turned off and the attention of the crowd had shifted back to their conversations. Sarah and Bao were nowhere to see.
Anne gave me a soft kiss on my forehead that stirred up those fluttery wings in my stomach again. “Come on,” she whispered, letting go of my shoulders and taking my hand, “they are probably in the backstage changing room, and we need to talk to Lauren about this.”
“The woman who did the introductions. She’s one of the club’s owners.”
When we entered the changing room, Bao was stretched out on a massage table and Sarah was rubbing some kind of oil into the skin of her back. Lauren sat on a chair to the side, and the moment we crossed the threshold, her eyes were on me. The intensity and knowledge in her eyes made me want to fidget, but that wouldn’t do. We stopped, Anne’s hand resting on my shoulder. The image of Bao, proud and graceful even while in pain, was fresh in my mind, and I unconsciously tried to emulate her. I pulled back my shoulders, clasped my hands behind my back and lifted my chin.
“Hello Lauren,” Anne greeted her with a touch of respect in her voice that I had only ever heard before when she talked about her favorite arts professor, “how are you?”
“I am well, thank you. And looking at your beautiful companion, I think you must be too.”
“I - I am.” This wasn’t the self-assured Anne I was used to. “I would like to ask a favor of you, Lauren.”
Lauren tilted her head to the side and watched us, appearing to ponder her reply. Then the fingers of her left hand vanished in her locks, returning a second later with one of those earpieces security guys normally wear. “I’m quite aware of the favor you want to ask. But, from the little that I know of your Bunnie, you will certainly be able to understand that I have a few reservations.”
My girlfriend nodded. “I understand.”
“Nevertheless, reservations are to be proven either true or unfounded. Would you agree to a little test, Bunnie?”
“You don’t need to do it,” Anne whispered into my ear, her voice filled with concern.
“But I want to,” I answered with a determination I could only wish for, “yes, I will, Ma’am.”
“Then step into the middle of the room, dear, and close your eyes. Whatever happens, keep them closed and do not make a sound. I will know if you cheat.”
The few steps took me all too little time, and then I was standing there, my eyes closed and trying to get a feel for my center of gravity. It is astounding how uncertain one can feel over a simple task as standing upright, when the sense of sight is taken away and the mind has time to think about it. I was unsure what I should do with my arms, but after fiddling around a bit, I decided that doing something was better than doing nothing, and I linked my fingers behind my head.
The clicking sound of Lauren’s heels went away, then returned. She circled me, once, twice, then she stood still at my side. I was sure she was about to hit me with something, a whip, a cane, I could only guess. My legs tensed, but the pain didn’t come. She resumed her walk, around and around. And I realized how futile all efforts on my part of anticipating the impact were. She could just hit me while she circled me.
That was the moment I relaxed and let my tension flow out of me. She would hit me whenever, wherever she was ready, and I would go with the flow and try my best to take it. Another circle, two, three, and then there was a swishing noise and a tingling heat on the back of my thighs. My leg muscles clenched, and then my body registered the severity of the impact and the searing, biting pain it brought. I wanted to scream and pull away, but that part that wanted to please my Mistress also was still working in me and held me together.
My legs trembled a bit, but otherwise I held my posture. And when the sharp pain turned into a dull, throbbing heat, it mingled with the pride about my achievement, formed into a deep feeling of satisfaction and made my heart swell.
“Very well done, little Bunnie,” Lauren’s voice whispered into my ear, “very well indeed. Now keep like this just a little longer for the second test.”
Second test? The words echoed in my mind while her footsteps receded. Something clinked, then she came back. A snap followed by a hissing sound almost made me twitch, and a little later I could smell the smoke of a cigarette. She was standing right in front of me, and at first I wasn’t sure, but after some time I noticed that the tops of my pussy lips were getting warm. Very warm. My mind made the connection, and the image frightened me. She wouldn’t burn me, would she? But I had to trust her, had to trust Anne that she wouldn’t allow something like this!
Yet the warmth grew stronger, and suddenly it was a searing heat that cut through my pussy lips like a knife. I screamed and let myself fall back. “Dragon!” I screamed, “Dragon!” I landed painfully on my bum and scuttled farther away from the danger, only belatedly thinking to open my eyes.
Lauren stood there with a wide grin, the cigarette held far to the side, her other hand holding an dripping ice cube in front of her at the height my pussy had been a few seconds earlier. A look at my pussy and a careful touch confirmed it. Everything was still intact, the only sign I encountered was a cool, moist spot.
She had fooled me. And I had reacted as if I had been burnt. I had failed! I clenched my legs together and bent over them, lowering my head to hide my tears. I couldn’t hide the way my upper body was starting to shake though.
A hand rubbed softly up and down my back. “I’m so proud of you,” Anne whispered.
I sniffled. Then I lifted my head and opened my eyes, my tear-streaked face forgotten. “Proud?” I squeaked.
“Proud. Very proud.” Her hands kneaded my shoulders, which felt like pure delight.
“But I failed!”
“Hush, silly girl. You didn’t fail. You passed with flying colors!”
“I - I did? But how?” My emotions were a swirl, running on a roller-coaster, and I somehow couldn’t, didn’t want, to believe her. But looking up at Lauren’s face, seeing the pleased, soft expression there, made it seem possible.
“You performed quite admirably, Bunnie.” She stepped closer and crouched down in front of me with a fluidity that belied the twenty-or-more years she had over me. “This test wasn’t just about self-control, it was also about your sense of self-preservation. A good sub must also be aware of her limits and able to voice them. If you hadn’t pulled away, if you had not used your safe word, I would have forbidden you from performing on the stage today. While pain is an integral part of our play, permanent harm is not. Yet there are subs out there who are so dependent on their owner or lover, they fail to care for their own safety. I cannot stop those from playing in private, but I will not see them damaged on my stage. Bao tells me you are quite new into the scene?”
I nodded, trying to process what she had just told me.
“And you have never experienced the whip or cane before?”
Shaking my head, I started to fear that she was about to dissuade me from my wish.
“Intriguing,” she murmured, “that you would pick such a cruel punishment then. Tell me, what is it about this punishment that fascinates you, is it the pain or the mental image?”
“It’s -” My voice caught in my throat and I had to cough. It still sounded raspy when I continued, unable to hide my nervousness, “it’s both. Mostly the mental thing at first, though, giving up the power, letting things be done to me.” I bit my lip, searching to find the right words. “Pleasing my Mistress is a big part of it too, knowing how much she enjoys to have that power.”
The fingers on my shoulders picked up their ministrations, which I hadn’t realized before that she had stopped. A tentative smile formed tugged at my lips. “But the pain is also a big part. At first it’s horrible, but it somehow changes, I don’t know how to put it, it transforms into something different and makes me...” I looked down, a bit ashamed about the crudeness of my words. “...makes me so horny I could explode.”
It somehow felt like a job interview. A very, very strange job interview, with me sitting bare-assed on the floor, my feet lewdly splayed to the sides, and the interviewer in her beautiful dress crouched in front of me and asking me quite intimate questions.
I couldn’t stop the giggle that welled up from my chest, and when Lauren looked at me with a curious expression on her face, the words left my lips on their own accord, my eyes wide like a doe’s. “Do I get the job, Ma’am?”
For an instant, she just stared at me, but then her head tilted back and her throaty laugh filled the room. “Oh my, you’re quite a feisty one. Who would have thought? You remind me very much of another girl who came to me about a year ago and also wanted to perform for the audience, just a week after her first dip into submission.”
“Did you let her?”
“No, she didn’t even have a safe word. But I gave her bum a good hiding for coming to me without one.”
Something glinted in her eyes, and then I noticed that she wasn’t looking at me, but over my shoulder. I slowly turned my head. “Mistress?”
The way she blushed, bit her lip and nodded was so not the Anne I knew. So it was true, also what Bao had insinuated earlier.
“I didn’t start out as a domme. I had this fling with one of our assistant professors who introduced me to a whole new world of kinky play. I was like a child in a candy store and simply had to try out everything.”
My voice turned into a whisper. “You were Bao’s submissive?”
“For a time. But I found I was more of a giver than a receiver.”
“It must have been hot, though!” I could see that the memory excited her, the way her nostrils flared, her lips seemed to swell and her breath grew faster.
“It’s in the past, though.”
“Did she bite you, like you did me?”
Her fingernails dug painfully into my shoulder until she became aware of it and quickly eased her grip. “Impertinent little slut!” she admonished me, but her heart wasn’t into it.
I don’t exactly know what came over me when I suggested, “I’d love to see that. Afterwards, you could both dominate me. And punish me for being an impertinent little slut.”
I probably said it a bit louder than I had wanted to, because the silence that followed my words was instantaneous and complete. Even Lauren was frozen in her place, and when seconds stretched into minutes, it finally dawned to me that I had stepped on a sore spot. On a very, very sore spot, if the lack of movement in Anne’s fingers was anything to go by.
“Oh god,” I whispered, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think…”
“That’s right!” The venom in her voice felt like a bucket of ice water. “You didn’t think, you didn’t know, but you blabbed on anyway. Let’s get out of here!”
She gripped my upper arm and pulled me roughly to my feet. But just when I had found my equilibrium and started to traipse after her, a petite body shot past us and slammed the door shut.
“Let us out!” Anne demanded, her eyes blazing. “Now!”
“I cannot do that.” Bao folded her arms in front of her. “I would not mind if it was just about the two of us. But now you have her. You need closure, if you do not want to repeat the same mistake on the other side of the line.”
“I don’t care what you think!” The pitch of Anne’s voice was rising. “You think you can just barge into my space after almost a year, without so much as a sorry, and believe you have to say something I will listen to? Talk about delusions here!”
“It is not about us.”
“About what is it, then? About your oh so very precious experiences as a domme? You can fold those and stuff them up your pretty little bum, for all I care.”
Anne had stepped closer to the Asian girl with every sentence, dragging me along, and now the two of them were almost skin to skin, my girlfriend’s eyes burning with rage, Bao’s wide and searching.
Bao sighed and dropped her arms. “I see that we will not be able to talk without arguing. But please be careful.” She tried to put her hand on Anne’s shoulder but was roughly shrugged off.
* * * * *
Anne pulled me outside and down a long corridor that twisted and turned, then through a non-descript door that had us enter the hall from the side. My emotions were all over the place, and the only two things I could focus on were not to cry and, following my girlfriend’s brisk pace, to keep my footing.
She stopped for a second at our table to tell a bewildered Jolene and Kirsten that we were heading home. Getting back to the car happened in somewhat of a daze for me; at some point I was handed my clothes and ordered to dress, but apart from that, the next thing I was aware was a stony-faced Anne driving us home, looking straight ahead the whole time, and me sitting on the passenger seat, fidgeting, trying and failing to find words to say.
Once in our room, she headed straight into the bathroom and locked the door. The shower started after a minute, and I didn’t need a lot of intuition to guess that she would take her time. I undressed and crawled into my bed, dimming the light and allowing the tears which I had fought to hold back slide down my face.
My lips curled up. “What says you can’t do all of that, and more?”
The look of defeat in her eyes was giving room for excitement. “I probably will. But don’t say you haven’t been warned.”
I nodded and took a look around. The spotlight on the stage had long since been turned off and the attention of the crowd had shifted back to their conversations. Sarah and Bao were nowhere to see.
Anne gave me a soft kiss on my forehead that stirred up those fluttery wings in my stomach again. “Come on,” she whispered, letting go of my shoulders and taking my hand, “they are probably in the backstage changing room, and we need to talk to Lauren about this.”
“The woman who did the introductions. She’s one of the club’s owners.”
When we entered the changing room, Bao was stretched out on a massage table and Sarah was rubbing some kind of oil into the skin of her back. Lauren sat on a chair to the side, and the moment we crossed the threshold, her eyes were on me. The intensity and knowledge in her eyes made me want to fidget, but that wouldn’t do. We stopped, Anne’s hand resting on my shoulder. The image of Bao, proud and graceful even while in pain, was fresh in my mind, and I unconsciously tried to emulate her. I pulled back my shoulders, clasped my hands behind my back and lifted my chin.
“Hello Lauren,” Anne greeted her with a touch of respect in her voice that I had only ever heard before when she talked about her favorite arts professor, “how are you?”
“I am well, thank you. And looking at your beautiful companion, I think you must be too.”
“I - I am.” This wasn’t the self-assured Anne I was used to. “I would like to ask a favor of you, Lauren.”
Lauren tilted her head to the side and watched us, appearing to ponder her reply. Then the fingers of her left hand vanished in her locks, returning a second later with one of those earpieces security guys normally wear. “I’m quite aware of the favor you want to ask. But, from the little that I know of your Bunnie, you will certainly be able to understand that I have a few reservations.”
My girlfriend nodded. “I understand.”
“Nevertheless, reservations are to be proven either true or unfounded. Would you agree to a little test, Bunnie?”
“You don’t need to do it,” Anne whispered into my ear, her voice filled with concern.
“But I want to,” I answered with a determination I could only wish for, “yes, I will, Ma’am.”
“Then step into the middle of the room, dear, and close your eyes. Whatever happens, keep them closed and do not make a sound. I will know if you cheat.”
The few steps took me all too little time, and then I was standing there, my eyes closed and trying to get a feel for my center of gravity. It is astounding how uncertain one can feel over a simple task as standing upright, when the sense of sight is taken away and the mind has time to think about it. I was unsure what I should do with my arms, but after fiddling around a bit, I decided that doing something was better than doing nothing, and I linked my fingers behind my head.
The clicking sound of Lauren’s heels went away, then returned. She circled me, once, twice, then she stood still at my side. I was sure she was about to hit me with something, a whip, a cane, I could only guess. My legs tensed, but the pain didn’t come. She resumed her walk, around and around. And I realized how futile all efforts on my part of anticipating the impact were. She could just hit me while she circled me.
That was the moment I relaxed and let my tension flow out of me. She would hit me whenever, wherever she was ready, and I would go with the flow and try my best to take it. Another circle, two, three, and then there was a swishing noise and a tingling heat on the back of my thighs. My leg muscles clenched, and then my body registered the severity of the impact and the searing, biting pain it brought. I wanted to scream and pull away, but that part that wanted to please my Mistress also was still working in me and held me together.
My legs trembled a bit, but otherwise I held my posture. And when the sharp pain turned into a dull, throbbing heat, it mingled with the pride about my achievement, formed into a deep feeling of satisfaction and made my heart swell.
“Very well done, little Bunnie,” Lauren’s voice whispered into my ear, “very well indeed. Now keep like this just a little longer for the second test.”
Second test? The words echoed in my mind while her footsteps receded. Something clinked, then she came back. A snap followed by a hissing sound almost made me twitch, and a little later I could smell the smoke of a cigarette. She was standing right in front of me, and at first I wasn’t sure, but after some time I noticed that the tops of my pussy lips were getting warm. Very warm. My mind made the connection, and the image frightened me. She wouldn’t burn me, would she? But I had to trust her, had to trust Anne that she wouldn’t allow something like this!
Yet the warmth grew stronger, and suddenly it was a searing heat that cut through my pussy lips like a knife. I screamed and let myself fall back. “Dragon!” I screamed, “Dragon!” I landed painfully on my bum and scuttled farther away from the danger, only belatedly thinking to open my eyes.
Lauren stood there with a wide grin, the cigarette held far to the side, her other hand holding an dripping ice cube in front of her at the height my pussy had been a few seconds earlier. A look at my pussy and a careful touch confirmed it. Everything was still intact, the only sign I encountered was a cool, moist spot.
She had fooled me. And I had reacted as if I had been burnt. I had failed! I clenched my legs together and bent over them, lowering my head to hide my tears. I couldn’t hide the way my upper body was starting to shake though.
A hand rubbed softly up and down my back. “I’m so proud of you,” Anne whispered.
I sniffled. Then I lifted my head and opened my eyes, my tear-streaked face forgotten. “Proud?” I squeaked.
“Proud. Very proud.” Her hands kneaded my shoulders, which felt like pure delight.
“But I failed!”
“Hush, silly girl. You didn’t fail. You passed with flying colors!”
“I - I did? But how?” My emotions were a swirl, running on a roller-coaster, and I somehow couldn’t, didn’t want, to believe her. But looking up at Lauren’s face, seeing the pleased, soft expression there, made it seem possible.
“You performed quite admirably, Bunnie.” She stepped closer and crouched down in front of me with a fluidity that belied the twenty-or-more years she had over me. “This test wasn’t just about self-control, it was also about your sense of self-preservation. A good sub must also be aware of her limits and able to voice them. If you hadn’t pulled away, if you had not used your safe word, I would have forbidden you from performing on the stage today. While pain is an integral part of our play, permanent harm is not. Yet there are subs out there who are so dependent on their owner or lover, they fail to care for their own safety. I cannot stop those from playing in private, but I will not see them damaged on my stage. Bao tells me you are quite new into the scene?”
I nodded, trying to process what she had just told me.
“And you have never experienced the whip or cane before?”
Shaking my head, I started to fear that she was about to dissuade me from my wish.
“Intriguing,” she murmured, “that you would pick such a cruel punishment then. Tell me, what is it about this punishment that fascinates you, is it the pain or the mental image?”
“It’s -” My voice caught in my throat and I had to cough. It still sounded raspy when I continued, unable to hide my nervousness, “it’s both. Mostly the mental thing at first, though, giving up the power, letting things be done to me.” I bit my lip, searching to find the right words. “Pleasing my Mistress is a big part of it too, knowing how much she enjoys to have that power.”
The fingers on my shoulders picked up their ministrations, which I hadn’t realized before that she had stopped. A tentative smile formed tugged at my lips. “But the pain is also a big part. At first it’s horrible, but it somehow changes, I don’t know how to put it, it transforms into something different and makes me...” I looked down, a bit ashamed about the crudeness of my words. “...makes me so horny I could explode.”
It somehow felt like a job interview. A very, very strange job interview, with me sitting bare-assed on the floor, my feet lewdly splayed to the sides, and the interviewer in her beautiful dress crouched in front of me and asking me quite intimate questions.
I couldn’t stop the giggle that welled up from my chest, and when Lauren looked at me with a curious expression on her face, the words left my lips on their own accord, my eyes wide like a doe’s. “Do I get the job, Ma’am?”
For an instant, she just stared at me, but then her head tilted back and her throaty laugh filled the room. “Oh my, you’re quite a feisty one. Who would have thought? You remind me very much of another girl who came to me about a year ago and also wanted to perform for the audience, just a week after her first dip into submission.”
“Did you let her?”
“No, she didn’t even have a safe word. But I gave her bum a good hiding for coming to me without one.”
Something glinted in her eyes, and then I noticed that she wasn’t looking at me, but over my shoulder. I slowly turned my head. “Mistress?”
The way she blushed, bit her lip and nodded was so not the Anne I knew. So it was true, also what Bao had insinuated earlier.
“I didn’t start out as a domme. I had this fling with one of our assistant professors who introduced me to a whole new world of kinky play. I was like a child in a candy store and simply had to try out everything.”
My voice turned into a whisper. “You were Bao’s submissive?”
“For a time. But I found I was more of a giver than a receiver.”
“It must have been hot, though!” I could see that the memory excited her, the way her nostrils flared, her lips seemed to swell and her breath grew faster.
“It’s in the past, though.”
“Did she bite you, like you did me?”
Her fingernails dug painfully into my shoulder until she became aware of it and quickly eased her grip. “Impertinent little slut!” she admonished me, but her heart wasn’t into it.
I don’t exactly know what came over me when I suggested, “I’d love to see that. Afterwards, you could both dominate me. And punish me for being an impertinent little slut.”
I probably said it a bit louder than I had wanted to, because the silence that followed my words was instantaneous and complete. Even Lauren was frozen in her place, and when seconds stretched into minutes, it finally dawned to me that I had stepped on a sore spot. On a very, very sore spot, if the lack of movement in Anne’s fingers was anything to go by.
“Oh god,” I whispered, “I’m sorry. I didn’t think…”
“That’s right!” The venom in her voice felt like a bucket of ice water. “You didn’t think, you didn’t know, but you blabbed on anyway. Let’s get out of here!”
She gripped my upper arm and pulled me roughly to my feet. But just when I had found my equilibrium and started to traipse after her, a petite body shot past us and slammed the door shut.
“Let us out!” Anne demanded, her eyes blazing. “Now!”
“I cannot do that.” Bao folded her arms in front of her. “I would not mind if it was just about the two of us. But now you have her. You need closure, if you do not want to repeat the same mistake on the other side of the line.”
“I don’t care what you think!” The pitch of Anne’s voice was rising. “You think you can just barge into my space after almost a year, without so much as a sorry, and believe you have to say something I will listen to? Talk about delusions here!”
“It is not about us.”
“About what is it, then? About your oh so very precious experiences as a domme? You can fold those and stuff them up your pretty little bum, for all I care.”
Anne had stepped closer to the Asian girl with every sentence, dragging me along, and now the two of them were almost skin to skin, my girlfriend’s eyes burning with rage, Bao’s wide and searching.
Bao sighed and dropped her arms. “I see that we will not be able to talk without arguing. But please be careful.” She tried to put her hand on Anne’s shoulder but was roughly shrugged off.
* * * * *
Anne pulled me outside and down a long corridor that twisted and turned, then through a non-descript door that had us enter the hall from the side. My emotions were all over the place, and the only two things I could focus on were not to cry and, following my girlfriend’s brisk pace, to keep my footing.
She stopped for a second at our table to tell a bewildered Jolene and Kirsten that we were heading home. Getting back to the car happened in somewhat of a daze for me; at some point I was handed my clothes and ordered to dress, but apart from that, the next thing I was aware was a stony-faced Anne driving us home, looking straight ahead the whole time, and me sitting on the passenger seat, fidgeting, trying and failing to find words to say.
Once in our room, she headed straight into the bathroom and locked the door. The shower started after a minute, and I didn’t need a lot of intuition to guess that she would take her time. I undressed and crawled into my bed, dimming the light and allowing the tears which I had fought to hold back slide down my face.