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A Bunnie To Play With - Chapter 14

"Can Bunnie and Anne mend their relationship after last night's event?"

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When I stepped out of the shower after a good half hour with my skin all wrinkly, I still had the smell of pee linger in my nose, but I was quite sure that it was only in my head by now. Anne was waiting for me, sitting on the toilet lid, one of my socks dangling from her fingers. I saw her wince the moment she spotted my body and couldn’t keep myself from feeling a twinge of satisfaction. I even turned around and closed the shower stall to give her a good view of my equally decorated derriere.

“Oh shit, Bunnie.”

“What?” I wanted to make her feel bad, but the anguish in her face toppled my tower of resentment. “It looks worse than it is.” I picked up a towel, dried my hair and dabbed at the few not-hurting patches of skin.

“Don’t play me for an idiot,” she hissed back, “I’ve seen enough welts in the last two years to know what hurts and what doesn’t. This is going to hurt like hell, and you’ll have a hard time sleeping for the next few days.”

There was no arguing that, so I simply shrugged. “Whatever. It won’t last forever.”

“Who did this?” Her voice was quieter now.

I stepped closer to her and put my hand on my hip. “And why would you want to know?”

“Because I…” She paused. I wanted to be able to see into her mind at this moment, to know what she was thinking. To know the truth. “Because I’m your friend.”

The dejection that slapped me over the face couldn’t be hidden, my whole posture slumped. “Friends talk to each other.” I threw the towel I was still holding into the corner and left, wanting nothing more that to curl into a ball and wail my misery to the world. I did curl up on my bed. Lying on the side was the only position where I wasn’t painfully reminded of this night’s activities anyway. I just cried silently, though.

Everything was quiet for a long time. Then I heard Anne walk across the room. When the entrance door clicked shut, I allowed my sobs some voice.

I even managed to drift into an unruly slumber after a while, but I was startled out of it by the door. When my mattress sunk in right next to me, I made sure to breathe evenly and appear sleeping. Though when something cold touched my bum, I couldn’t suppress the gasp.

“Shh,” Anne whispered, “it’s healing salve. You need that, or you’ll carry the lines for the next few weeks.”

Her finger travelled across my bum cheeks and spread the cream. I whimpered.

“I know it hurts, honey, but it’s either a bit of pain now or a constant sore for twice as many days as it will take with the salve.”

She wordlessly continued to work the salve into my backside and thighs, and apart from small whimpers when she touched especially sore spots, I was quiet too. She was thorough and took her time so she didn’t miss a single sore patch of skin.

Then she told me to turn around so she could do my frontside. I had to move around awkwardly on all fours to do so.

She started with my stomach, and every touch made my muscles twitch. Thank god I wasn’t ticklish, or this would never have worked. While she put dollop after dollop of the salve onto my skin and spread it as carefully as she could, I watched her face. The concentration and sympathy I saw finally made my walls crumble.

“Her name is Helen,” I told her, “but she wanted me to call her Auntie Helen. I bumped into her right after I had seen you. I wanted to get away, but instead I spilled her drink all over her dress.”

I told her the whole story of my night of torture, and Anne didn’t interrupt a single time, only gasping and wincing while she listened to my words. She never stopped applying lotion, and when she had worked her way up to my breasts, my story was broken by pained whimpers every so often. But, despite all her compassion, I could see her cheeks flush and her breath quicken when I described how Helen had spanked my pussy. Her flush intensified when I talked about my final degradation, how she had peed into my open mouth while I knelt in my own pee.

Afterwards, we were both silent while Anne treated the inside of my thighs. The welts there were more sore than those before, and the closer she got to the top, the sharper even the smallest of touches felt.

“I’m so sorry,” she finally said, but when I tried to say something, she held up her hand. “I’m sorry for not talking to you. I was stupid. I had been carrying that unresolved business with Bao around, and I was honest when I told you that I feared I was heaping too much onto you in such a short time. And I feared that I might be projecting my own submissive wishes into you. That’s why I visited Bao, just to talk and sort it all out. But she insisted that before talking, I would need to submit to her for twenty-four hours. That’s why you saw us at the club.”

“Did you…” I couldn’t ask the question, but she read my intent anyway.

“It was a bit of a thrill, but nothing earthshaking, and being spanked and touched was exciting, but nothing close to what I feel when I do it to you, or watch it done to you.”

“So,” I couldn’t stop myself from needling, “this whole mess was about nothing?”

She hung her head and looked away. “It was.”

“Silly mistress,” I whispered.

She nodded dejectedly, but suddenly her head swiveled around. “What did you call me?”

“Silly mistress?” I repeated and bit my lower lip.

“Insubordinate little slut,” she hissed, her eyes sparkling, “you’re aware what such a behaviour means, aren’t you?”

“That I need to get punished?” I asked with an innocent smile, tongue in cheek.

I could almost hear the wheels inside her head spin, and then she ever so slowly got up, put the salve onto my nightstand and started to pull her t-shirt over her head. “Lie on your back,” she bellowed while she stripped out of her clothes.

Lying on my back hurt, but thankfully not in a way that drove tears into my eyes, it was more of a really, really, really uncomfortable feeling. When she stepped out of her panties, I could see that she carried a few welts of her own on her shapely backside; nothing compared to mine, but a clear indication that Bao had inflicted more than just a simple spanking on her.

Once naked, she climbed onto the bed.

“What…” I started, but she shushed me.

“Spread your legs and bend your knees. A bit further. Good, keep them like this.”

She slipped in between my legs, leaving no doubts about her intentions. When her tongue snaked out towards my swollen pussy, I held my breath.

She licked all over my pussy lips, as tenderly as possible, but it still felt like being rubbed with sandpaper. I whimpered, but she ignored me, increasing her pace bit by bit. Yes, it hurt, but it also aroused me, the hot, wet feeling of need just seconds behind the small bursts of pain.

She paused. “What if I wanted to be rougher right now?” she inquired.

I swallowed hard. My heart started to beat like a machine gun. What was it about letting myself be hurt that turned me on so much? “Then you should,” I croaked, “it’s not up to a slave to decide her mistress’ actions.”

The bright smile she sent me sent a warm, fuzzy feeling directly into my heart. “However I want?”

“However you want, Mistress.”

I wondered what she had in mind. Until she had crawled around me on all fours, that is, and started to lower her body directly over mine, her pussy over my mouth. The moment when her weight settled on my breasts drew the air from my lungs, and when she parted my pussy lips with her fingers, my vision blurred. But it felt incredibly right, and the sweet scent of her sex in my nose helped me ignore my pains. I delved into her pussy like a drowning girl would grab onto a plank of wood, licking, sucking and whimpering and groaning when her tongue and fingers squeezed and pulled and sucked on my own swollen snatch.

We came almost simultaneously, she with understated, trembling, whining waves, while I shouted my release in a big torrent of lust into her sex.

Thank god she had the presence of mind to roll off me, or things would have quickly gone from pleasurable aftershocks to heavy pain.

She snuggled up to my side and rested her head on my shoulder. “You know, when you told me about having your pussy whipped, you didn’t sound all that sorry.”

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. “I wasn’t. I’m still not.”

“I would have loved to have seen that. But what about the peeing?”

This was the one point that had torn my self-image into smithereens. Would Anne understand? It took more than a minute until I could find the courage to answer. “A part of me hated it. But the other part loved it. Do you - do you think I’m sick?”

My fingers started to tremble when she didn’t reply immediately.

“Oh Bunnie,” she sighed, “perhaps you are a little deviant in some way, but would that be a bad thing? You told me she invited you for a weekend. Would you go there again?”

“I don’t think so. I’m still not sure I can trust her, and it would be too intense.”

“But you thought about it already?”

“No! Yes. How do you know?”

“Would you do it if I wanted you to? If I’d be there to make sure you aren’t permanently harmed?”

My pussy clenched. “Oh god.”

“Is that a yes?”

My skin prickled with the shameful blush that covered my whole body. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Good,” she purred, “maybe we’ll do that one day. Or maybe not. We’ll see. Now sleep, we both need some rest.”

I closed my eyes. “Mistress?”


“My back hurts.”

“Doesn’t matter,” she mumbled, already halfway asleep, “that’s what you get from going home with strangers.”

It took a bit longer than that for me to follow her into the lands of dreams, but my exhaustion won out over the pain at one point, and I dreamed of whips and shackles and crowds of cruel women, but the image that kept repeating itself was one of Anne, a cane in her hand, about to swing it at my breasts just like Helen had done earlier.

* * * *

When I awoke, the events seemed even more surreal to me than when they had happened. Anne was already busy making breakfast - apparently, she had snuck out to fetch fresh rolls, because the smells of bakery and coffee filled the room and made me salivate. I sat up, groaning with pain when I put too much weight on my abused buttocks.

“Good morning, Bunnie!” Anne put a roll onto a plate and set it on the old plastic serving tray we had kept around for no discernible reason. “You stay in bed right now! I’ll bring you breakfast in a min.”

I sank back, suddenly incredibly touched, and the world around me blurred a little. I couldn’t stay mad with her about sneaking off, not when I had seen these worried and caring looks travel my way.

She poured a cup of coffee and added a generous pouring of milk and put two spoonfuls of sugar into it, to create exactly the sweet, creamy-brown goodness I loved on slow days. On school days, I wanted kick, so I usually added just enough milk and sugar to take away the worst of the edge, but on weekends, I indulged myself.

And today, Anne was all set to indulge me. She approached with the tray and put it down across my legs, then climbed onto the bed and sat down with crossed legs, facing me. “Honey or jam?”

“I’m not an invalid.” I realized how harsh my words sounded instantly. “Sorry, I just meant… you don’t need to treat me as if I’m fragile…” My cheeks flushed.

To my relief, she giggled. “You? Fragile? That’s a good one.” Her hand searched mine and wrapped around it. “You’re the strongest, most daring girl I know.” Her thumb brushed the back of my hand, and I sighed softly. “I just want to indulge you a little. It’s my fault too that…”

“Balderdash!” I giggled when she looked at me wide-eyed. I had always wanted to use that word. “Nobody’s at fault but me. I knew deep down very well what I let myself in for. I was jealous and hot-tempered and naive, and I made a bit of a bad decision.”

A tear trickled down her cheek, and the need to catch her in my arms and kiss her senseless became almost overwhelming. I thought of the tray on my legs at the last moment and settled back down with a sigh. “Hey, Anne.” I reached up and brushed the tear away. “Mistress.”

She sniffled a bit, but she never stopped smiling, and my heart was filled with love.

“Mistress, I want us to be completely honest. I don’t want you to hold back and hide your thoughts and needs. And I’ll promise that I’ll talk to you whenever I feel left out and alone, before I can do anything stupid. Would that… would that be okay?”

I watched her expectantly. Instead of answering, she slowly picked up the tray and set it down on the nightstand. Then she pulled away the blanket.

It was almost funny that I felt myself blush when her eyes roamed all over my body.

She sighed, lying down next to me and running a hand through my hair. “Oh Bunnie, you’re so right. We should have talked instead of assuming.” Her soft kiss on the tip of my nose made me giggle. “Do you really want to know what I’m dreaming of?”

“I do,” I answered honestly, and somehow, it felt almost like an oath. “Tell me.”

She took a deep breath. “You remember Jolene? The girl in yellow latex?”

I chuckled. “As if I could forget her!”

“Right.” Anne’s grin got a bit sheepish. “Well, she’s a body artist.” She looked deep into my eyes. “And she’s really good in it. I want her to do you over. I…” I saw her cheeks flush and her lips tremble slightly. Whatever fantasy she was about to confess, it had to be powerful. Her voice grew scratchy. “I love pink. I want her to make you all pink. Your hair…” She softly stroked it. “Your brows…” She trailed their lines with a finger, then leaned very close and whispered into my ears, almost choking up, “Your lips.

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Permanently. I want you to be my pink pet, I want you to dress only in pink, and every time I look at you, I want to see that you did it for me. That you’re mine! My pink Bunnie!”

Her breath flew, and, I realized, mine did too. I turned to the side and nestled my leg between hers, ignoring the pain of the welts rubbing against her skin, and pressed my thigh against the crotch of her panties, finding it moist and slippery and hot. “I want that,” I growled into her ear. “Does she do tattoos too?”

Her answer rumbled in my ear. “Yes, she does.”

“So she could put a tattoo, in pink, with your name on my pussy lips?”

She stilled. Her breath flew. “You’d really…”

“Yes!” I bit the soft skin on her neck and felt her shiver.

“But that would be… forever.”

I trailed a wet line up to her ear with my tongue. “Forever!”

She pushed me onto my back. Her eyes glowed with arousal. God, she was so beautiful like this! She looked like an ancient war goddess, wide-eyed, flushed with the lust for the hunt and with an evil little smirk on the corner of her slightly parted lips. Her fingers wrapped around my wrists and pushed my arms down onto the cushion next to my head. She climbed on top of me, lying down on me, the fabric of her clothes rubbing awake the welts that covered my chest, and now she wiggled her leg between mine.

She started rocking back and forth, and the stocking-clad thigh ground hard against my swollen, hypersensitive vulva.

I groaned. I moaned. And then her mouth descended on mine, and we battled in a sloppy, greedy, lust-filled kiss while pain and arousal spiraled higher and higher between my legs and my juices seeped copiously from my snatch.

I came. I buckled and moaned, I writhed and whimpered her name into her mouth. It was glorious.

But she didn’t stop, didn’t even slow down. It was almost overwhelmed by the sensation. My pussy protested, the discomfort rose and rose, but just when I thought I couldn’t bear it anymore, this soft, liberating feeling of something giving way inside me returned, and the painful sparks turned into the most intense, pleasurable sensations.

I came again, and this time I was tossed around in a sea of pleasure. Reality seemed a place far away, and I rocked and jerked with these powerful waves of lust that overwhelmed every nerve ending in my body.

And Anne still didn’t appear the least bit inclined to stop. My vision blurred, and I could take it no more. I wiggled my arms free, shoved her off me and covered my twitching, throbbing pussy protectively. “Sorry!” I wailed. “I’m sorry!”

But instead of giving me a hard look or chastising me, she wrapped me in a soft hug. “Hush, Bunnie.” Soft little kisses on my lips kept me from voicing my disjoint thoughts. “You did exactly what I expected you to.”


“Huh-huh.” She winked at me, then kissed me softly. “If I trust you with my darkest secrets, I also need to trust you to tell me when it gets too much.”

I smiled. Like a butterfly that swirled in erratic patterns, the elusive trust I had been yearning for settled on my heart, and it open for it like a blossom in the first rays of sunlight.

“I love you, Mistress.”

“I love you too, Bunnie.” She poked my ribs and made me giggle. “And because I love you so much, I want you to rest well and heal, so you’re fit for the graduation party this weekend and anything that I may think of to do afterwards.”

I glanced at the clock, stifling a yawn. It was only quarter past ten. “Resting sounds good.”

“Then do that.” The warmth in her voice made my insides melt. She pulled the blanket back over me and caressed my cheek. “I’ll be heading out for a bit, but I’ll be back late afternoon.” Seeing me inquiring gaze, she sighed. “We have to clear out our worktables in the fashion lab, now that term is over. I’ll be as quick as I can. Now sleep, that’s an order!”

I wiggled onto my side and sighed contentedly. “Yes, Mistress Summers.” Who was I to refuse my Mistress’ orders?

“Do you still want some of the breakfast?”

I shook my head. “Not really.” Another yawn escaped me. “Not now.”

She softly kissed the tip of my nose. “Sleep well, my Bunnie. Love you!”

* * * *

The next few days were really, really nice, in a relaxing, healing, cozy way. Anne pampered me like a princess. She made me breakfast in bed - though that wasn’t technically necessary, she insisted - and fetched takeout for lunch, and she even cooked decent dinners that, to me, were the best meals in the world. She worked that magic healing cream into my slowly fading welts and we made the sweetest love before we fell asleep each night, entangled with each other.

It was a good thing that there were no lectures to attend anymore. I didn’t even want to start thinking about what these hard wooden seats would have done to my poor backside. I loved that I could stay in all day and needn’t worry about chafing clothes.

But the graduation ceremony was coming up too, and I still had no dress. What I did have was time, time to think and dream up a totally crazy idea. And while I fought it off at first, every time Anne was so nice to me and every time we kissed and cuddled and made love brought it to the forefront of my mind, until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.

So, on Wednesday morning, I took the opportunity when Anne was in the shower and took a peek at her phone, quickly digging through the contact list and almost dancing with joy when I found the number I was looking for. At least, I hoped it was, but her given name wasn’t that common, so I quickly scribbled it down and hid the note away in the drawer of my nightstand.

And when Anne was on her way to the small Chinese take-away three blocks down from campus, I quickly dialled the number and held my breath.

“Tats and Treats, Jolene here. What can I do for you?”

My heart started to beat faster. “Hi, uhm, this is.. Bunnie.” God, I sounded so stupid! “Anne’s girlfriend.”

There was a little pause at the other end of the line before a soft, “Oh,” could be heard. “I remember, of course I do. Haven’t seen you since. How are you doing?”

The small reminder instantly brought a fresh blush to my cheeks, and I was glad that she couldn’t see me now. “I… Anne told me that you do hair colors and permanent makeup and tattoos…” The blood started to rush in my ears. I could only hope that I could still understand her reply. “I want to surprise her, Friday, at the grad ceremony.”

Another pause. “A bit on short notice, aren’t you?”

I swallowed. “I know. It’s just… things have happened, and I really want to show her how much she means to me, and she told me that she has this fantasy of me, and… I’m rambling, aren’t I?”

A huge weight tumbled from my shoulders when I heard her giggle. “My, if it’s that important, I’ll try my best to accommodate you! What were you thinking of?”

“Pink!” The word shot from my mouth. “Hair, I mean. And eyebrows. Permanent lip makeup too, if that’s possible. And…” This was the hardest part. My voice shook. “...a tattoo. Her name. On my pussy lip.”

For a moment, I thought the blood rushing in my ears had drowned out her voice, but then I realized that she was breathing hard. “I think that should be doable. You want to surprise, so it should be rather close to the ceremony, right?”

I nodded, my nervousness suddenly skyrocketing, then realized that she couldn’t see that and quickly stammered, “Yes, that would be great! The ceremony starts at four.”

“Then… let me think… we need a little over an hour for the hair and brows. Lips just a few minutes, but I think we should forego perm makeup there. You don’t want to your lips to be swollen and hurting that evening, right?”

I hadn’t thought about that. “Right.”

“Nails too, it has to match. So another half hour. And a half hour for the tat if you’re waxed. Plus there’s the time to go back to campus, so you best be here at half past one.”

“Thank you! That’s great!” Then the other important question could no longer be avoided. “Uhm, how much is it going to…”

She didn’t let me finish. “Normally, you’d be around five-hundred bucks for the full treatment.”

My eyes widened. That was far more than I had.

“But in this case, I’ll do the work for free. You need to pay the color and polish, but nothing else.”

“Oh my god! Thank you! Thank you!” I couldn’t believe she’d do that for me.

She chuckled in answer. “Just wait until the needle dances over your pussy lips. I doubt you’ll be that excited then.”

I wasn’t so sure in that regard, but I kept that to myself. “Where exactly are you? I only got your number from Anne’s phone. And please don’t tell her.”

She giggled and told me her address. It was fortunately not that far away, just straight down the main road and across the old bridge, so I could take the bus there and back that went every ten minutes. I thanked her profusely once more and hung up in time to hear footsteps approaching.

Quickly putting my phone back on the nightstand and racing across the room, I started to pour myself a glass of water just in time.

Anne stepped into the room, looking quite flushed and adorable, and brought the most delicious smells of chicken balls and sweet-sour vegetables with her.

“Hi, Mistress!” I greeted her enthusiastically and took a big gulp, then lowered myself to my knees.

She stopped, tilting her head and studying me. “You look rather radiant.”

Bummer! She always could read me like an open book. So I decided to get as close to the truth as possible. “It’s going to be a surprise.”

“Must be a hell of a surprise that has you grinning like the Cheshire cat.”

I couldn’t stop the excited giggle that bubbled up.

She sat the boxes down on the narrow counter and started to put their contents into bowls. “You know that I could just order you to tell me.”

“I know.” I lowered my head demurely, hoping to give her some incentive not to do so.

She put the bowls onto the table and sat down, the chair angled slightly to the side. I started to rise too, but there it was, that tiny narrowing in her eyes.

“I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t kneel.” A wicked smile tugged up the corner of her mouth, and she picked up one of the breaded chicken balls, dipped it into the sauce and held it out. “Now come here, my Bunnie, and open wide.”

I crawled closer to where she held out the Chinese delicacy, but when I tried to capture it with my mouth, she pulled back. I followed, and she teased me again, and soon my lower body touched her naked leg. Sending me another wicked little grin, she finally let me have it, but when my lips closed around it, her legs slid up and her foot rubbed gently over my pussy. I froze, eyes wide, and wonderful warmth spread in my lower body.

“Oh my,” she whispered, slowly drawing the chopsticks from my lips, “you look just as delicious as lunch.” She dipped another ball in the sauce and watched a bit of it drip back into the bowl. “And you’re just as wet.”

I watched her lips capture it and her head lean back in delight, eyes closed dreamily. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “Wonderful!” Then she opened one eye and grinned at me. “I wonder…”

Another ball got picked up, but this time, instead of guiding it to my mouth, she bent forward and I felt her foot break contact.

My eyes widened, and she slowly nodded. Then I felt it, warm and slightly scratchy, slide through my folds.

She held it out for me. “Come on, Bunnie!” Her foot was back, softly rubbing, stirring that heat, and my cheeks flushed brightly. I opened my mouth.

“Such a lovely slut,” she purred and caressed my cheek with her free hand while I slowly chewed the pussy-juice-covered ball.

I was in heaven. In kinky, naked, submissive heaven. And I knew that I was doing the right thing. It still was the craziest thing I had ever planned, but the need to show her my dedication grew with every second around her. There was still a risk that she’d think it over the top. But she had shared her fantasy, and I wanted, no, needed to bring it to life.

My hips started to hump her foot.

“Naughty Bunnie,” she whispered, holding out some rice and vegetables for me.

I couldn’t agree more.

* * * *

This night, our lovemaking was less sweet but no less satisfying. My welts were healing well and had faded to red stripes that were slightly warmer than the surrounding skin and very sensitive. Anne had licked my nipples gently, fluttering caresses that felt delicious, but I could see the struggle in her eyes and the need to impose her will on me that wanted to break free.

“Bite me,” I whispered, and when she looked slightly questioning at me, I cupped her jaw with my hands and softly stroked her cheeks with my thumbs. “I can see it in your eyes. Don’t hold back. Please!”

I felt a shiver go through her body. “Are you sure? Are you really sure?” She sounded as breathless as I felt. “If I do that, I’m going to be really rough.” Her hand reached between my thighs, and I spread my legs wide, willingly. Her fingers dug into my opening, two, no three digits slipping into my already dripping snatch and spreading me open.

“Fuck, yes, I’m sure,” I gasped. “Take me! If you want to stick your whole hand inside me, do it.”

I could see her chest heave. Her eyes seemed grow dark. Her lips parted, as if to say something, but then she shivered again and, lightning fast, captured my lip between her teeth.

I moaned into her mouth, and she growled in answer. Her fingers started to fly in and out of my pussy, rough, slightly painful, delicious, and all thoughts turned to vapor and blew away. Her teeth tugged on my jaw, then went lower, down my neck, nipping painfully, and I arched my back and moaned her name, pleading, until, finally, my yearning, hard nipple got sucked into her mouth and squeezed.

“Yes!” I screamed, my voice shaking with the rhythm of her pumping fingers.

She looked up, eyes hazy with lust. “My whole hand?”

I trembled. The idea was crazy. God, she looked beautiful. Her fingers twisted in my love tunnel, slick and smooth, and pushed all air from my lungs. “Hnnnggg,” I whimpered before I managed to draw a deep, shuddering breath. “Yes!” Thinking suddenly got very, very difficult.

The smile she sent me was wicked. “Try not to come. You’ll be punished for every time you do.” Her fingernail grazed my clit.

I came.
Written by ChrissieLecker
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