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Truth Or Dare [Part 3]

"The Dare's get out of hand..."

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Author's Notes

"Part 3 of 3..."

A girl burst from the ensuite bathroom built into the front portion of the two-bed college dorm, where I found myself tied to a chair; the flush of her skin and the sheer excitement of her pose made it obvious she’d been hiding in the bathroom listening the whole time while my game of Truth or Dare with her roommate played itself out.

“Holy fuck Jen,” I couldn’t see the newcomer properly, but the tone of her voice made it sound as though she was bouncing on the balls of her feet, “I just came like three fucking times listening to you to go at it - that was seriously naughty!”

“This is Kate,” Jen said softly, “I think you enjoyed her dare.”

I looked deeply into the eyes of the girl I’d met on the bus, her face only inches from my own still, asking, “Jen?”

She smiled, kissing me softly with a little nod, the taste of her lips still salty on my tongue, “Jen, Jenny or Jennifer, if you happen to meet my mother - do you like the name?”

“Oh, yes – I like – just as long your Mum doesn’t come bursting out of the bathroom next,” it was a joke, a lame one at that, but it was clear this girl – Jen – had a kinky side, one I would taste long after this night.  

Jen smiled and leaned in to kiss me full on the mouth, playfully pumping the shaft of my still rubbery hard cock for good measure. Leaning back, she looked down at my crotch and what looked like a large life-like dildo attached there, “This thing, it just doesn’t give up?”

Looking at me squarely in the eye, with no regard for the other girl in the room, Jen started jerking my cock with intent, “God, you don’t know how badly I’ve been pining for this since I saw it on the bus.”

`“Oh, fuck,” I moaned involuntarily. My penis was still incredibly sensitive from cumming a few minutes ago, and the slight sting of pain as the girl roughly jerked it only excited me further. If this girl hadn’t just choked down several mouthfuls of my cum, I’d be fully erect and spraying all over the nightshirt she still wore covering her top half.

Jen smiled wickedly, looking right into my eyes as she tightened the grip on cock, working it up and down like a bicycle pump. Increasing her pace, she asked, “You’re really not going to cum?

“You’re still hard enough; I could ride this cock until I came, and I bet you wouldn’t even blow then?”

“You could try,” I answered honestly, but I wouldn’t be making any promise not to cum inside her.

“But I told you my pussy is just for my boyfriend,” Jen said, suddenly releasing my cock, causing me to gasp and strain against the binds on my wrists.

Climbing off my lap, Jen’s voice adopted a faux businesslike tone, a dirty smile giving away her true intent, “Anyway, it’s your turn to pick the next DARE.”

“Oooh, yes please,” the other girl said with laughter in her voice, which drew my attention to her. I was no prude, but equally, I was bound to a chair with my near-erect cock exposed, so I felt a little self-conscious about my situation.

With Jen having climbed off my lap, Kate and I had our first clear look at each other, and the new girl's reaction might’ve made me blush if my blood wasn’t committed elsewhere, “Oh, my God! SHUT UP!

“I can see why Jen has been talking about it so much,” Kate giggled as her voice dropped back to a normal level; clearly, she’d been enjoying her share of the drinking activities before my arrival had required her to hide in the bathroom.

For possibly the first time, I saw a bashful look on Jen’s face; smiling almost shyly, she said, “Well, it’s a really sexy cock.”

Kate looked at her roommate, asking, “Can I touch it?”

“It’s not my cock,” Jen answered flatly, but I’d swear there was the slightest hint of possession in her voice as both girls wordlessly turned their attention to me.

I took a series of deep breaths, trying to compose myself and play it cool, “Sure, I don’t mind.”


Kate wasn’t like Jen, who was a straight-up ten in any room; she was just a normal-looking university-aged girl who was slightly on the bigger side, something that only stood out because she was in the same room as a girl with a slim gym-toned body and exposed pussy.

Unfair voices might’ve described Kate as fat, but thick was the word that had become popular for bigger girls who were still sexy, and this girl was definitely sexy, with big curves everywhere eyes could settle, even dressed as she was in warm, unflattering pyjamas.

Add to that a pretty face with a warm infectious smile, dimples and soft brown eyes, and Kate was plenty attractive enough in her own way, complete with a pair of oversized tits that any man alive would take great pleasure sucking on.


Kate hadn’t paused after receiving her invitation and surprised me for the second time of the night. I’d expected her to come over and hold me, maybe even jerk my cock as Jen had, but instead, she bent forward and began sucking softly on the head of my cock, as if she was trying to tease a little pre-cum from me.

I laughed a little, and Jen gave me a quizzical look. “Sorry,” I explained, “it’s just I’m sitting here, like some sort of human sex toy, with a second girl using me now.”

Jen’s assured attitude had returned, even though there was a trace of jealousy on her face as she watched her roommate suck the head of my cock, “And do you like being our toy?”

Fuck, yes was the quite obvious answer, but I’d learned some of the rules of Jen’s game as the night had progressed, and so I answered, “I think it’s still my turn to set a dare?”

Kate’s mouth came off my cock, as she stood with a smile on her face; in her bubbling voice, she said, “You know, I think it is; he’s been a good boy so far.”

“He has,” Jen acknowledged, licking her lips as if to remind everyone I’d been made to swallow my own cum. I didn’t mind the degradation; at this point, it was more than worth it.

Rather than rush into the next dare, I mirrored the wicked smiles in the room, “Wasn’t there a rule in place?”

“He’s right,” Jenny admitted, sharing a look with me, “and you’re breaking it, Kate; if you don’t comply, there will be a forfeit.”

“Sorry,” Kate said, totally unphased and prepared for anything, “what’s the rule?”

Show me yours – show you mine; you have to take your PJ bottoms off, so we can see your pussy,” Jen explained.

Kate giggled again and pushed her bottoms down without hesitation, exposing herself to the room. She wasn’t bald like Jen but had a fuzzy bush that looked like she was between waxes.

The act was so brazen I had to ask, “Do you two do this often?” 

“We see each other nude all the time,” Jen answered, in a tone of voice that said - duh, obviously.

I clarified my point, “Yes, but with a hard cock in the room?”

“Fuck, no! We’d get in so much trouble if you are caught in here; this University is very old school – the boys sleep with the boys, and the girls sleep with the girls,” Jen said, while Kate just giggled along, completely at ease with her bottom half now being exposed.

I flexed my bound wrists and allowed myself a cheeky smile, “And you two sleep together?

This time, Kate gave a belly laugh, one Jen tried to restrain as she answered, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Fuck, yes,” I said without thinking.

“So, to be clear,” Jen explained slowly, “you’d rather us answer a Truth than do a Dare?”

“No, no, no!” burst from my mouth before she’d even finished asking, “That’s not what I meant.”

Jen’s eyes twinkled, “OK, so what’s the dare then?”

My mind nearly popped, with so many filthy ideas running through it at once, before settling quickly a fantasy that almost every guy had, “I dare you to go down on her.”

Kate interrupted me, answering almost too eagerly, “Oooh, yes, please.”

My cock strained back towards full hardness at the tone of her voice, which gave the impression that it wouldn’t be the first time that either girl had gone down on the other, but that wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted the girl who had bound me and made me swallow my own cum to be the one in the degrading position.

“No, that’s not what my dare is,” I spoke forcefully, trying to take control of the situation while tied to a chair. “I DARE Jen to go down on you from the back and to eat your arse out.”

For the first time since I’d arrived, the dorm room was silent.

“You’re not serious?” Jen asked, but either the look on my face or the return of my cock to its full thickness answered the question for me.

Kate mumbled something near inaudible, which Jen answered with experience, “Kate hasn’t done any arse stuff before.”

“Claire and Denise both said that anal hurts,” Kate mumbled again, “and my arse is too big and fat.”

“It’s not at all,” I interjected, trying again to sound commanding. Kate’s arse was large and not because of a thousand miles on a step machine, but it wasn’t unattractive, “If I wasn’t tied to a chair, I bend you over right now.”

The last comment was meant to sound playful, but Kate took it more seriously, “And fuck me in the arse?

“No, I’m too big to…” I trailed off; this was about as I ever got to boasting about the size of my cock, which was only slightly bigger than average, “I just mean, I wouldn’t do that without your permission.”

Looking at her roommate, Jen said, “It’s OK, I’ll just lick it and push my tongue in; I won’t use my fingers.”

“That’s OK, will you be able to make me cum?” Kate asked her, the giggle almost back in her voice, replacing the timidness that seemed so alien in the girl I barely knew.

“I’d probably have to finger your pussy this first time,” Jen said, before turning to eye me, “but if you cum Kate they’ll be a forfeit?”

I was about to say that a forfeit really wouldn’t be necessary, but Kate spoke first, the confidence with which she’d bared her pussy returning, “OK, you don’t usually make me cum with your fingers anyway.”

There were a thousand questions I wanted to ask, but Jen’s dirty smirk took control of the room, and her voice regained command of the situation, “Go to your bed, bend over it and kneel as if you were going to take it doggy style.”

I watched, tied, straining and hard, as the bigger girl complied, prompting Jen’s next set of instructions, “Now adjust your angle to the right and pull your cheeks apart so he can watch me eating you out.”

Kate’s skin seemed to change colour slightly, giving the impression that she’d blushed, but she took the command exactly, positioning herself and spreading her cheeks so I would have the best view.

Jen’s kinky side made another appearance as she spat on Kate’s arse without warning and lightly began to tease around it with her index finger, mostly avoiding the hole itself but occasionally threatening to test it with her fingertip.

Kate moaned and muffled the sound somewhat by placing her mouth onto her duvet, an action which appeared to Jen as a signal to proceed further. She spat more salvia on Kate’s arse and, this time, more forcibly worked the exposed area with her thumb, pushing determinedly against the tight pucker.

There was an intake of breath from Kate, one mixed with another soft groan, “You said you wouldn’t… just your tongue.”

“I know, I promised,” Jen said, even as she slipped her thumb down and pushed the full length into Kate’s obviously very wet pussy.

“Oh, God,” Kate moaned, burying her face again into the duvet at the same moment as Jen leaned forward and softly began licking her arse.

I watched on, listening to the ever-increasing intensity of Kate’s breathy moans, as Jen ate her arse out, pushing her tongue in deep and stretching Kate out while fucking her pussy with a thumb pushed on the front wall against the sweet spot that drove most women wild, her fingers dancing over Kate’s clit simultaneously.

It was only a matter of time before Kate’s orgasm overtook her, and she forcibly bit into her duvet as she came, her pussy gushing over Jen’s hand, which was clearly moving inside Kate’s pussy with a practised motion.

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Kate’s orgasm subsided, but Jen continued; with both hands, she spread Kate’s ass cheeks further apart and gave me the show I’d dared her for, eating her roommate from behind sensually.

It was as though I’d been forgotten, and Kate’s moaning started softly again, “That feels so good Jen; your tongue felt strange at first, but now I can feel it inside – it feels good – I’m all tingly, can you get deeper…”

Jen mumbled something but maintained her focus until Kate’s breathing began again to increase in pace, and her moaning intensified; I felt sure that it would only take the lightest touch of her clit to send her over the edge again.

I wasn’t disappointed; Jen’s hand moved and barely grazed Kate’s clit, while forcing her tongue as far into her roommate's arse as it would go.

“Oh, fuck – fuck – fuck!” Kate nearly screamed before burying her moans again into the duvet; her orgasm wasn’t wet this time but seemed all the more forceful for it.

Jen sat up again, leaving her friend quivering and bent over her bed, to look at me, “Did you enjoy the show?”

My cock was again rock hard, bigger even than it had been 45 mins ago, completely coated in pre-cum. With no exaggeration, I said, “You’re the hottest girl I’ve met.”

Jen stood and walked over to me, straddling me again, making sure to push my cock up, with the tip pressing against her belly button. She leaned forward and kissed me full on the mouth with tongues, “I think you mean the dirtiest.”

“That too,” I conceded, kissing her back.

“After making me do that, I should send you home with your cock still hard,” Jen said, “but there’s still the matter of Kate’s forfeit to take care of; I’m afraid the bad girl came when she was not supposed to.”

Sitting up, pushing herself off her mattress, Kate looked incredibly flushed, so warm in fact that she pulled her pyjama top off without a thought to expose her big belly and breasts, which looked so large I couldn’t even make a guess at her bra size.

Kate’s voice trembled with excitement as she spoke, “That wasn’t fair; you know that motion with a thumb always makes me cum; you totally cheated!”

“What about the second orgasm,” Jen asked, her face still pressed close to mine, so close that Kate couldn’t see the wicked glint in her eye.

Kate giggled again, “OK, that one was a new experience, and all you; I suppose I have to forfeit.”

Jen leaned and bit my earlobe, whispering, “Will you wait for me?”

I had no idea what she meant, but I’d been waiting since the night we’d met on the late bus, and after tonight’s performance, I’d be willing to wait for the rest of my life to spend another night with this girl.

I nodded my acceptance, and much to my disappointment, Jen climbed off my lap again and turned to face Kate, “Well, you came twice, so that’s a double forfeit – do you admit you’ve been a bad girl?”

“Yes,” Kate said, in a tone that was dripping with desire, “very bad Jennifer.”

Jen leaned forward and kissed her roommate on the lips, “Then tonight is the night you give up your arse for the first time.”

Stars exploded in my head; I wanted to move my hands or for a sufficiently strong gust of wind to blow across the head of my cock – literally anything that would set it off and allow me to cum.

Kate stared over Jen’s shoulder at me, her gaze travelling from my face to my penis, settling  on my cock and measuring me in her mind’s eye, “But he’s huge.”

“Some women prefer big cocks in the arse,” Jen said to Kate before asking me, “don’t they?

Honestly, I had no fucking clue, but there was only one possible answer, “Yes.”

“OK, Fuck it,” Kate said, then caught the double entendre and laughed, “Oops.”

Kate looked at Jen, “Will you help?”

“I already have,” Jen said, clearly making reference to the extended rimming session that had just managed to get Kate off twice, “and he’s still tied to the chair so you can control everything.”

“OK,” Kate came forward at Jen’s beckoning motion and stood in front of my chair with a spread stance.             

“Are you still relaxed…?” Jen asked, to which Kate answered, “I think so.”

“Bend over him, put your hands on his shoulders,” Jen instructed, and Kate followed.

An oversized breast was right in my face, and I couldn’t resist kissing it; Kate purred at the touch and freed up a hand to bring the nipple to my face, which I dutifully sucked on.

Kate giggled, “He’s sucking my tit.”

Breast was all I could see, but I heard Jen chuckle before Kate’s sharp intake of breath, “God, that’s a lot deeper than your tongue.”

“Is it OK?” Jen asked.

“Yes,” Kate answered and started stroking my head as I sucked her tit. While I couldn’t see what Jen was doing, it took little imagination to guess that she was fingering Kate’s arse.

This went on for a few heavenly minutes until Jen announced, “I think you’re ready - OK, now go to sit on his lap as if you were going to ride him normally, except slowly sit down on my hands.”

Jen’s hands were small enough that she comfortably put them both on my shaft, one atop of the other, while still leaving the head of my cock exposed, and that was the grip she affected now.

Kate followed the instructions, pulling her tit from my mouth, straddling the chair and my lap, and made to sit. I stared right into her face as she slowly sat, her eyes closed, her face tense as she lowered herself onto my cock.

I felt Jen’s hands guide my head to Kate’s arse and the pressure as I pushed against the ring, “That’s it,” Jen encouraged softly.

“It’s too big,” Kate answered, her eyes still closed tight.

“It’s OK,” was the soft answer from the other girl, who pulled me back to suck on the head of my cock, coating it to the point of dripping in saliva.

If I’m ever asked how I didn’t cum in this moment, I’ll never be able to answer except to say it could only be the anticipation of what was to come that held me back.

My cock soaked, Jen said, “Now, try again.”

I watched as Kate lowered herself again, felt the pressure at the tip of my cock, then felt it give way as I popped inside her arse, my full head in a single motion, which caused Kate to moan, “Fuck,” with a hint of pain.

Jen’s two hands did their job and stopped Kate from taking more of me than she was prepared for, holding her there as she adjusted to my girth, “How does that feel,” she asked Kate.

“It’s different,” Kate answered, opening her eyes to look me in the face. “It hurt at first, but it’s OK now, and I feel really full.”

Jen didn’t speak, but I felt her take the top hand off my shaft. Kate clearly felt the same, although from a different perspective, and brought herself further down, settling on Jen’s lower hand and adjusting to my cock being buried deeper in her arse.

Kate was looking at me squarely the whole time, and I could see the pleasure/pain mix in her face, “Your cock is so fucking big.”

“It’s how horny your body makes me,” I answered, and I felt Jen softly stroke my leg with her free hand; clearly, my answer was one she approved of.

“What about it, stud,” Jen said, “do you think you’re ready to let Kate ride you on her forfeit?”

I was more than ready, but I had to ask, “Are you sure you’re OK with this?”

“Fuck yes,” Kate said and leaned forward to kiss me, which brought her arse up slightly before coming back down with the motion of her sitting up. “This is really intense, but it feels good.”

I nodded, smiling, grateful that I was bound to the chair and couldn’t affect the pace as Kate slowly started riding my cock with her arse.

The sensation was incredible, easily the tightest fuck I’ve had, and I knew I was only lasting because Jen had brought me off less than an hour ago.

As Kate paced quickened, I felt Jen’s hand come off the lower end of my shaft, and Kate's next downward motion brought me deeper, more than she expected, but without the resistance provided by her friend’s hand, she came down fully and took my whole length inside her arse.

The wind went from her chest, Kate closed her eyes again, and the momentum died as she sat on me, “Oh, my god, you’re so big – I never had anything so deep inside me.”

As Kate sat on me, Jen came and knelt behind the chair, placing her lips to my cheek and kissing it. She whispered in my ear, “Are you glad you waited?”

“Yes,” I breathed; it was all I could manage; my whole body felt like it was on the edge of cumming.

“My friend is giving up her arse to you,” Jen breathed into my ear almost imperceptibly, “do you want mine next time?”

“No,” I moaned, trying to control my breathing, “I want your pussy.”

“But that’s just for my boyfriend,” Jen said, kissing me as Kate opened her eyes, signalling that she’d adjusted to my full length.

Groaning against myself, I said, “I know.”

I felt Jen’s lips smile against my ear, “That’s the right answer,” she said as she freed my hands from behind the chair.

Kate started to ride me, and I asked, “Is it OK if I hold your arse.”

She nodded, and I moved my hands forward to hold her cheeks as Kate began to increase the depth and pace at which she used my cock to fuck her arse. “This is strange, but it feels really good,” Kate said, looking past me to Jen’s face.

“I know,” Jen said and took hold of her friend's hand, which had been holding onto my shoulders. “I’ve never had such a big cock; when we tell the girls about this, they’ll be really jealous.”

Another layer of sensory overload attacked me, and Kate feeling my excitement increased her pace and smiled at Jen, “What, jealous that I’ve done anal with a big cock?”

“No,” Jen was smiling at her and kissing the side of my face, “I mean ever – in my pussy – if I tell them you took this in the butt, they’ll wince, but then they’ll clap.”

It was all getting to be too much, and it became obvious that my hands were now driving Kate’s rhythm, increasing the speed and force she brought down on my cock; Kate asked, “Are you close? I might be able to cum if you can hold on?”

I was now driving her to fuck me hard, and I couldn’t lie, “I’m sorry, I’m over the edge and can’t stop.”

Both girls understood, and I caught them exchanging a look before Kate smiled and asked in a pleading tone, “Will you cum in my arse; I’ve never felt a guy without a condom cum inside me.”

The request was too much, and I let loose; Kate’s eyes widened, and I knew she felt it, which caused her to hesitate with my cock half out. “Don’t stop,” I begged this time, absolutely desperate.

Kate understood, and with complete disregard for my size, and this being her first time doing anal, she slammed herself down on my cock over and over and over, her arse tensing and tightening as a reaction to the unusual sensation of someone cumming inside it.

I couldn’t tell when I stopped cumming, but Kate must have sensed it because her frenzy finally died, and she sat on my lap with me buried inside her arse. Our shared breathing was intense, and it was Jen who finally broke the moment, “That was the hottest thing I’ll ever see.”

When Kate finally caught her breath, she said, “I can’t believe I just did that – and he’s still fucking hard,” she added, looking directly at Jen.

Both girls laughed at that before I admitted, “I am, but you nearly broke me,” which caused the giggling to intensify. I used my hands to motion Kate up, and she climbed off me with a slight stagger and a wince as she moved away, smiling at me like she’d won a prize.

“I have to…” Kate trailed off; Jen and I silently acknowledged that she had to return to the little ensuite for a few moments.

Jen came around to the front of the chair, and I was able to hold her head in my hands for the first time as I kissed her, “That was insane.”

She kissed me back passionately and gripped my cock, “You really are still mostly hard – do you think you could cum again?”

“Probably not,” I answered, trying to deny the truth.

“What if I were to suck you off,” Jen said, dropping between my knees.

I couldn’t honestly answer.

“And am I still the hottest girl you know,” Jen smiled.

I didn’t hesitate, “Definitely.”

“And the dirtiest,” she smiled, flicking her eyes to the bathroom where Kate had gone to compose herself, “even after that.”

I stroked her hair and stared into her beautiful eyes; she knew the answer and smiled when I lied, “I don’t know.”

“That sounds like a dare,” she said before taking the head of my cock in her mouth and going down on it to take the full length in her throat while never breaking eye contact with me.



Written by shyguy82
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