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The Buttfuckostomy

"A Young Woman's first experience"

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We were sitting in the staff cafeteria revising muscle-groups and in particular the gluteus muscles when the conversation drifted into fitness workouts, bubble butts, and what turned us on and, naturally, sex.

I had admitted that whilst I loved my girlfriend dearly, I did wish that her arse was a little fuller and firmer. Dr Meadows from orthopaedics had a great arse, full and firm and it looked amazing in her tailored trousers.

Maybe unwisely, I had outlined some of the things I would like to do with her bottom, running my tongue around her rim before slipping a finger into her pucker and then finally filling her with my slimline strappy.

“You would play with her bum like that?” squealed Abigail Green, a look of shock distorting her normally placid face.

“Of course,” I replied, busily scraping out my fat-free yoghurt pot. “Naturally, I would expect her to return the favour.”

“Oh, I’ve never met someone that’s into that before,” she blushed in response.

“I bet you have, but they’ve never mentioned it.” I turned to our fellow trainee medics for confirmation.

All four were grinning and nodding.

“Not sure about a dildo, but I do enjoy a finger back there,” offered up Amelia.

“Girl, you haven’t lived until you’ve felt a warm wet tongue between your cheeks,” giggled Fran.

“But surely it’s painful and dirty?”

“Not if it’s done right,” purred Jackie, “done right it’s magical.”




Two evenings later as we were changing out of our scrubs, Abi caught my eye from the neighbouring locker row.

“Debs, you know what we were chatting about the other day?”

I deliberately looked puzzled as I turned to my colleague, now clad in nothing but lemon yellow coloured panties.

“What?” My eyes were devouring the sight of Abi’s full, rounded breasts and the large dark nipples that spang from them.

“You know; pleasuring your, your er, your rear,” she finally blurted out in a loud stage whisper.

“What about it?”

“Well, it started me thinking and I’m kinda interested but I wouldn’t know how to start, and I don’t suppose you could give me a few tips.”

I swear I could see her pulse throbbing in her neck as she spoke, but my eyes were fighting a battle of their own. I was unable to decide whether to settle on her full bouncy breasts or that lacey thong that was splitting her pussy so nicely.

“Lord girl, she’ll give you more than a tip!” Amelia’s head of auburn curls had popped out from the middle locker row to giggle and offer a helpful thought.

I swung my locker door shut with a resounding clang before replying, “Okay, give me a couple of days and yes, of course, I’ll help you out.”




Saturday evening, we were all off shift and able to assemble in my rooms. In total, there were five of us: my assistants, Fran, Amelia, and Jackie, and me, Debs.

Then of course there was the ‘Patient,’ Abi.

Being trainee medics, it was only natural to give the evening a medical theme, and in keeping with the profession to have a bit of a laugh at the same time.

We had gathered early in the evening for a light meal: veggies, dips, chips, you know the kind of thing, all washed down with a few glasses of vino.

Not quite nil by mouth for Abi but we didn’t want her too full for obvious reasons.

Abi had clearly been nervous on her arrival, but we all worked hard at relaxing her. Chatting, joking, poking fun at our fellow students all worked to allay her fears.

Once I was happy that Abi was chilled enough, I moved things up a gear. “Okay, I’ll take Abi and prep her if you prepare the room.” And with that, I slipped a hand into hers and stepped into the bathroom.

Slipping out of my jeans and sweatshirt to reveal my pastel pink thong and bra set I turned to Abi and nodded for her to do the same while I turned on the shower. “I need you to slip everything off and then kneel on this thick towel. Make sure that your bum is raised, and your boobs are low,” I explained.

“Ok, this is an enema bulb. It’s brand new and only came from the pharmacy today and It’s been thoroughly washed.” I offered the rubbery device for her inspection. “I will fill it with warm water and a little mineral oil, so it slips nice and deep inside your pucker. Don’t worry, it’s no thicker than a drinking straw.”

I filled the bulb and watched as Abi kneeled on the towel. I knew she liked to work out and was a regular for Pilates, so she was beautifully flexible.

I took a moment to rub her lower back gently, letting my hands caress her taut cheeks before trailing my fingers along her crack.

This provoked a spate of giggles from Abi which quickly tailed off into a series of low groans as my finger dallied on her pucker.

She was happily squiffy and relaxed.

I stopped my light fingering of her rosebud and just gently teased her entrance and introduced the tip of the bulb.

Reflexively, her sweet bubble butt clenched around the tube. I slipped an arm between her cheeks, allowing my hand to cup and squeeze her mound.

It took a few moments but eventually with a long deep sigh Abi relaxed and I slipped the full length of the tube into her ass, the red bulb nestled snugly between her cheeks.

“Abi does that feel ok?”

“Mmm, it feels warm against my skin,” she murmured in response.

“Okay, I’m going to squeeze the bulb gently now and ever so slowly fill you with the warm enema.”

I continued stroking her ass and mound as I spoke, eliciting a stream of contented groans.

“Once you’re full, I’m going to leave you to empty and rinse yourself and when you feel ready you come and join us next door.”

Slowly I squeezed the bulb, sending the warm oily water into Abi’s ass and bowel.

When I was happy that she had taken all the warm fluid, I slowly slipped the bulb free from her pucker.

“Oooooohh,” Abi groaned almost immediately, and a soapy froth bubbled up out of her arse.

“Okay hun, that’s my cue to leave.”




In the lounge, everything had been prepared.

Some of the furniture had been pushed aside and a massage table draped in a snowy white bath sheet now took centre stage.

Fran, Amelia, and Jackie were now suitably attired for the main event, all were naked apart from their matching green thong panties and theatre caps.

All three were sporting erect nipples and Jackie’s thong looked suspiciously dark on the front; there was a distinct air of sexual tension in the room.

I beckoned the three closer and initiated a group hug. Their soft warm skin against mine was delightful as I inhaled the heady mix of three aroused women before stepping back to raise a glass and toast our good luck.

At that point, the bathroom door rattled, and a slightly flushed Abi stepped into the room.

“I’ve never er, rinsed like that before. It’s kinda weird but nice at the same time.”

I moved to take her in my arms and hugged her tightly. Her full breasts and rigid nips rubbed against my own, triggering a release of moisture deep inside my pussy.

Moments later she was lying on the table as Fran tucked a rolled towel under her head.

I moved to stand on one side of the table with Fran at the head, Jackie opposite me, and Amelia standing at the foot.

“I hope everybody understands what’s planned. We are going to give the patient, Ms Abigail Green, an exploratory Buttfuckostomy,” I announced in my most solemn of tones.

My nurses all nodded their understanding, in addition to smiling broadly.

“Fran, you’re on anaesthetics; is the patient ready?”

“She’s had three glasses of red wine and I have a Jack Daniels on standby,” giggled Fran with mock seriousness.

“Okay, Abi, are you ready?”

“Oh fuck, please, I’ve not been so horny in ages.” Abi was tugging at her nipples in anticipation.

“In that case, Amelia, if you would lube for me please.”

Amelia stepped forward and uncapped an extra-large bottle of anal lube. She squeezed a giant dollop just above Abi’s swollen clit and then another dollop dead centre of her pucker.

I watched as Amelia’s long, strong fingers gently stroked around Abi’s pussy, working the lube into every fold and crevice.

Abi was soon reduced to a twitching writhing mess and begging for release and we hadn’t yet got to the main event.

Fran had taken to gently kneading Abi’s breasts whilst Jackie was preparing the instruments.

Abi, teetering on the edge of orgasm, seemed not to notice that Amelia had moved on to working the slick goo along her perineum and around her rosebud.

Indeed, it was only when Amelia used her finger to start packing the thick lube into her arse that she suddenly bucked her lips and screamed in release.

“Oh, would you look at that?” We all followed Jackie’s gaze to watch a slow steady trickle of cum run from between Abi’s glistening labia.

“Swab please,” I nodded at Jackie who, with great difficulty, tore her gaze away from Abi’s pussy to grab a tissue before gently dabbing away the slick honey.

Even knowing how enthusiastic Jackie had been to participate in the evening, and yes, how clearly turned on she was by what had transpired so far, I was still shocked when she held the soiled tissue to her nose and inhaled deeply before slowly licking up the thick strand of girl cum.

My arousal was now a living thing, coiling and uncoiling deep inside my belly as I felt my panties soak through with my juices.

“Fran, is the patient still ok?” I queried.

Fran moved forward to stroke Abi’s hair away from her forehead before kissing her gently on the lips. Abi groaned in response.

“Yes Doctor, the patient’s fine.”

“Okay, Jackie, instruments please.”

Jackie produced a dinner tray from the hospital canteen and placed it on a stool next to the table. It had been covered in a stiff white napkin which she lifted away to reveal the tools of the evening.

A slim black butt plug, a long, slim silicone dildo, a string of anal beads and a chrome butt plug with a red jewelled base.

Squirting more gel on to my fingers and getting them slick and glistening, I caught Abi’s eye and watched her watching my hands.

I smiled at her as I stretched and spread my fingers, she swallowed deeply letting a visible shudder pass through her body.

Gently, ever so gently, I trailed my fingers along Abi’s perineum, watching her abs tighten in response.

“Ok Abi?”

“Mmmmmmm, yes."

“Nurses, can you retract for me please?”

Jackie and Amelia moved to each gently take a foot before slowly bending each leg until Abi’s pussy and anus were fully exposed and vulnerable.

Abi’s pussy was slick and shiny, her labia swollen and puffy with desire. Moving her legs had caused another stream of cum to trickle from her depths.

Ignoring that oh so inviting cunt I moved my fingers down, gently applying pressure as moved towards her centre.

Abi groaned aloud and bucked her hips in anticipation.

My index finger traced the rim of her arse before slowly pushing against her resistance.

“Ohhhhh,” Abi groaned some more.

“Fran, a little more relaxant please.”

Giggling, Fran picked up a red cup, complete with straw and moved it to Abi’s lips.

“That’s another Jack and coke.”

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“Good, let me know if we have any adverse reactions.”

Firm constant pressure and my slick digit broke through the tight ring of muscle as I let it sink two knuckles deep before pausing.

After a few moments to let Abi adjust to the new feeling I started to gently slide my finger back and forth.

Sighing loudly, Abi moved her hands to grip and tweak her nipples.

By now my finger was fully inserted and hooking slightly to loosen the slippery passage.

“Okay, plug please.” My instructions were firm and clear.

With her spare hand, Amelia slapped the slim black plug into my hand.

Abi was sipping from the straw again and Jackie was gently rubbing her hand which was still clasping her breast.

Although thicker than my finger the plug slipped easily into Abi’s backside. In no time at all it was fully inserted, its flared base wedged tightly against her slick shiny ring.

Abi had taken to cooing rhythmically as I worked. I watched the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed deeply. With every breath, her firm melon breasts moved up and down. Her dark nipples were rigid and larger than I’d ever seen them before.

After a few minutes for Abi to adjust again, I started to move the plug, gently fucking her arse.

“Ohhh, FUCK YES.” Abi’s eyes were glazing over and she was giving herself in to the sensations that started to flow from her hidden core.

Instead of moving on to the dildo, I continued arse-fucking her with the plug.

With Jackie and Amelia supporting her legs, Abi was rocking her hips, letting the slick silicone stretch and fill her bottom.

Her moans increasing in volume and frequency were far better than any surgical monitor.

My gaze settled on her pussy, her clit, now engorged with need and standing proud of its hood, her labia deep pink and glazed with a blend of cum and lube, shone in the lamplight.

“Fran, if you can assist, I think it’s time to shock the patient.”

Fran moved from the head of the table to stand beside me, I nodded to Amelia and Jackie to ensure that they had a firm grip of Abi’s legs. I didn’t want her falling from the table.



“Shock then.”

As I corkscrewed the fully inserted plug, letting its base rub against Abi’s ring, Fran turned the silver bullet vibe to maximum and placed it atop Abi’s clit.

With a scream, Abi reared up from the table, almost folding in two as Jackie and Amelia supported her legs.

Fascinated, I watched as her butt cheeks clenched against the plug and her orgasm hit.

With a long, keening wail, Abi collapsed back toward the table, guided by Jackie and Amelia’s spare hands.

“Again.” I wanted to give her more.

Fran hit her clit again, rubbing the vibe’s tip against the tender ball of nerve endings.

This time Abi’s orgasm was quieter, a long-drawn-out groan as she struggled to take a deep breath.

Fran kept the vibe there, working it along her perineum and back to her clit.

Stomach muscles clenched as Abi sprayed warm, slick cum all over my hands.

I took a minute to lick her warm tangy honey from my fingers. Fran gripped my arm and took a finger for herself slowly licking and sucking me clean.

The feel of Fran’s warm soft mouth sucking on my finger drove me wild; butterflies swirled deep inside of me as an incurable ache overtook my nipples.

I struggled to control my breath as my excitement seeped under my knickers to decorate my thighs.

Looking across the table, I could see that Amelia and Jackie had released Abi’s legs, allowing her to relax against the soft-topped table as she rode the aftershocks of her epic cum.

My two assistants were not standing idle. Locked in embrace, their breasts mashed together, they were French kissing like long-standing lovers. Like Fran, their surgical green knickers now sported large damp spots. Jackie’s were plastered to her pussy in the most amazing clingy camel-toe.

“Okay everyone, back to work. Abi are you still happy?” I took charge again.

“Fuck yes, never been better.” Abi was grinning from ear to ear. “I could do with a little more of ol’ Jack though,” she giggled.

Fran moved back to Abi’s head and offered the red cup.

Once Abi had finished drinking, I asked the nurses to roll her over. “Abi, for this part of the procedure I will need you to kneel.”

Despite being a little wobbly from the ‘anaesthetic’ and her huge cum, Abi managed to roll over and the nurses got her kneeling with her arse high and proud.

Sticky cum and lube had dried all over her thighs and bum cheeks. “Swab please,” I asked.

Jackie stepped forward with a moist wipe and gently cleansed Abi’s thighs and arse cheeks. Every pass of the towelette over Abi’s pussy and anus triggered a mix of groans and giggles.

Just as Jackie finished and tossed the tissue into the waste bin, Abi groaned and released a froth of lube from her arse.

There was no hesitation from Jackie, she just leaned forward and with a long firm lick, cleaned Abi’s most private of places.

“What?” Jackie just smiled at our shocked expressions before licking her lips in exaggerated slow motion.

I swear I could have cum on the spot, but I had a procedure to finish.

“A little more lube please, Amelia.”

In short order, Abi’s bum and pussy shone from a thick coating of lube.

“Beads please."

Jackie slapped the beads into my hand; five shiny red beads that progressed in size from a marble to a golf ball. All joined along a silken cord.

“Abi, you assisted with a Stent last week. This is much the same idea,” I explained with a giggle.

Abi had been the first of us to assist with such a procedure and as such was the target of much group envy. There is nothing more competitive than a group of wannabe surgeons.

“Fuck, they’re not going that deep,” giggled Abi, wiggling her arse in invitation.

“No, but it may feel like it,” I sniggered, triggering a laugh from the others.

Slowly, holding the string by both ends I started to gently drag the beads back and forth between Abi’s cheeks, letting their smooth spheres massage her cunt along her perineum and around her orifice.

Abi was soon pushing back wanting more. “Fill my arse, pleeease fill my arse.”

The first marble-sized bead popped in with ease, I’m not sure that Abi even noticed it.

Number two was twice the size and met with a little resistance.

Gently rubbing her clit relaxed Abi, and with a gentle push number two passed her ring.

While Abi grew accustomed to the intrusion, I gently stroked her arse cheeks. Every so often my fingers would dance across her sex, accidentally catching her swollen labia, eliciting fruity groans of approval.

Numbers three and four were more challenging but with Amelia adding a little more lube to each bead, whilst I continued with clitoral massage, we finally pushed them home.

Abi was, by that point, riding a euphoric mix of discomfort and pleasure, urging us on one moment, and squealing, “Oh fuck my arse, my poor arse,” the next.

“Okay, Abi, just the last one left; are you happy to take it?” I checked on the patient again.

“Fuck yes, my arse has never been so full, even my cunt feels full and I so need to cum.”

“Fran, maybe top up the Jack. Jackie and Amelia, please retract for me.”

The red cup appeared again, and Abi guzzled from the straw while Jackie and Amelia took a firm but gentle grip of an arse cheek each.

“OK, here we go.”

The girls pulled, stretching Abi’s little puckered opening as far as it would go.

I drank in the sight of her stretched red ring all slick with lube. The silken cord disappearing into her passage with bead number four sitting just inside her private hole.

“Here we go.”

As I pushed number five against Abi’s straining ring, Fran locked lips with her to duel tongues.

My other hand cupped her mound with my fingers teasing her labia and tapping against her clit, which had now grown to amazing proportions.

Squealing and panting, Abi was pushing back against my fingers, helping to force the bead inside herself.

“Aaaagh fuck,” was the final roar from Abi as the last bead popped inside her arse.

I looked on for a while with her arse just gaping before the muscle rallied to close around the cord.

“How’s that feeling, hun?” I moved to look into Abi’s eyes.

Abi’s large hazel eyes were dilated with pleasure, her cheeks flushed almost as pink as her arse cheeks.

“So full, I can feel it in my belly, in my pussy; it’s amazing.” Her words tumbled out in a rush.

“Now I’m going to slip the dildo into that sweet little pussy of yours and blow your mind.”

“Fuck me, Debbie, fuck my cunt, fuck my arse and blow my mind.” Abi had lost herself to potty mouth in her need to satiate her body’s overwhelming need to orgasm.

The dildo was just six inches, slim and textured, ideal for a young girl’s first toy.

There was no need for me to lube it up. A constant stream of slick girl cum was trickling from Abi’s slit. Her labia were swollen and deep pink with arousal.

The slim tip slipped easily between her outer lips, triggering another gush of honey. Oh god, did this girl get wet when aroused.

Gently I fed the remaining length inside her, its knobbly surface catching against those puffy lips and triggering moans of delight from Abi.

As I started to slowly withdraw the dildo, I told the girls to stand close. “This is going to be a wild ride, so make sure Abi is secure on the table.”

“Fuck me.” Abi’s voice was manic with need.

In and out, slowly at first, then faster. Sometimes to its hilt, sometimes just dipping the tip.

Abi was rocking her body, groaning, and squealing with desire and pleasure.

I adjusted the angle to let me hit her magic spot and I was rewarded by a wild bucking of her hips.

“Oh FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK, I’m gonna CUM!”

Abi was right on the edge, maybe two or three more thrusts of the dildo would drive her over the edge.

I gripped the silken cord and gently took up the slack.

Abi’s arse felt the movement first, as the pressure built against her ring. An enormous shudder shook her slight body.

I caught the others' eyes. Amelia and Jackie were playing with a breast apiece and Fran was frenching with Abi as she stroked her long hair back from her face.

“Aaaaaaarrrrrh!" Abi’s orgasm hit and hit hard,

Just as her body started to stiffen, I tugged the cord, one hand working that dildo in and out, the other tugging the silken cord.

With an audible pop that largest bead shot from Abi’s gaping ring.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh, fuck!" Every emerging bead triggering another scream of pleasure.

Abi gripped the table with white knuckles as she rode the waves of pleasure.

As the last bead popped free, I removed the dildo.

With a final wail of delight and pleasure, so intense it bordered on pain, Abi relaxed and sank down against the fluffy white towel-covered table.

I took in the view before me, Abi shuddering for breath, her ring still gaping a little, lay flat on the table.

Fran had one hand supporting herself against the table as she plunged her fingers deep inside her sodden cunt.

Amelia and Jackie were on my couch, both naked and consumed with lust as they 69’d.

And I grabbed the vibe and, turning it to its maximum, drove it deep inside my throbbing tunnel.

My apartment was hot and the air thick with the bouquet of wet horny women; it would be for days.

My orgasms were popping one after another and never had I been so aroused. Clearly, neither had the others as their moans of pleasure reverberated around me.

Eventually, we would calm down and I would pop that butt plug into Abi, a little reminder of her Buttfuckostomy.


Written by leggielibby
Contributing Authors
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