Dennis was the town's longest-serving postman. There wasn't a day when, on his weary eight-hour round, he didn't think about retirement. Trudging up the long hill to Mack's filling station, he calculated that he was only one hour from finishing the gruelling 'walk'.
"Shouldn't have bothered, buddy," said the gas station's proprietor, flinging the package into the trash bin. "It's only advertising garbage. Your usual double espresso?" He clicked the controls at the back of the counter to produce a small cardboard carton of jet black coffee.
"Thanks, Mack. This'll give me a nice boost to get me back to the Sorting Office. And don't I need it!"
Parking his delivery trolley under a lean-to awning an hour later, the old postman shuffled into the staff restroom. It was just after 5 p.m. and only Gerald and Alice remained. Gerald was a standoffish ex-schoolteacher and petite Alice - the Sorting Office's youngest postal delivery employee - was the apple of everyone's eye. Trim of figure, with a cute pink-tinted blonde fringe, no-one could fail to notice how her white regulation-issue cotton blouse hung snugly against her tiny breasts. She looked up wide-eyed as Dennis shambled in. "Hi, Dennis! How did it go today?"
Dennis slumped down onto the bench beside her. "I'm bushed, Alice. Eight hours round this frigging town. Delivering bills that nobody wants and commercial trash that isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I've a good mind to file an official complaint." With a haughty sniff, Gerald walked out.
"I shouldn't do that if I was you, hun," cautioned the young postwoman. "You'll be putting your head on the block. The word is that management is looking to make eight of us redundant by Christmas."
"But that climb up to Mack's gas station is killing me."
Alice fetched two mugs of tea from the vending machine and handed one to Dennis. "How'd it be if we swapped rounds? I'll do your hill climb tomorrow and you can do my walk. I usually get it finished in five hours."
"Management would never wear it."
"Mangement won't even know, sweetheart. Those lazy gits never clock in here until 9 a.m., so we'll be off and away by then. What do you say?"
Dennis ruefully sipped his tea. "Well, if you're.willing to give it a try for just one day, Alice, I'd be extremely grateful."
"Sorted!" exclaimed the young woman.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Well before 8 a.m. Alice had sorted Dennis's delivery and loaded it into her trolley. As she walked with him to the gates of the Sorting Office to see him off on his new route, she cautioned, "There are only two dogs: a yappy little terrier at 364 Oaklands--just give him a kick--and an evil Rottweiler at the intersection with Fairlands Avenue. I just sling their mail on the lawn." Dennis nodded and heeded the warnings.
Alice quickly discovered that Dennis's walk was indeed arduous, with nary an offer of refreshment. She paused at the entrance gate to an isolated cottage with a moss-covered shingle roof, surrounded by a garden that looked more like a wildlife sanctuary. According to the small brown parcel she had fished from her trolley, this was the home of a Miss Hilda Castle. An enamel sign on the gatepost read: "Will Callers Please Use The Rear Entrance."
Alice ambled up the path through the undergrowth. At the rear of the tumbledown cottage was a small paved patio. And lying naked face down on a recliner was a tall sun-tanned woman. She stirred as she heard Alice's footfalls and hastily covered herself with a towel.
"Good morning. I have a package for Miss Castle."

"Why yes, that's me. Where's Dennis? I do hope he's not unwell."
"No, just a bit weary. I offered to do his walk for him today as it's obviously going to be hot. Can I get you to sign for this, please?"
"Oh my," exclaimed the older woman excitedly. "Has it arrived already? I only ordered it on Saturday. Come into the kitchen, won't you? Would you like a glass of homemade lemonade?"
Miss Castle's kitchen was every bit as cluttered as her unkempt garden, with moth-eaten curtains, framed sepia photographs, cracked plates and a bunch of dried lavender hanging from the lampshade.
Alice placed the package on the kitchen table. Its contents were contained within a twelve-inch long cylindrical brown tube, with taped circular white plastic discs sealing each end. Miss Castle appeared, now wearing a towelling robe. "I'm just dying to see it," she enthused.
Alice sipped her lemonade. "Well, why don't you open it?"
The woman flushed with embarrassment. "Oooo, I couldn't. You see, it's very...private. You might find it a trifle...naughty."
Pouring herself a second glass of the lemonade - and trying to appear unabashed - the young postwoman replied, "Please don't mind me. I'm virtually unshockable." And then added with a grin, "In fact, I rather like 'naughty.'"
"You do?"
"So long as it's just between us girls."
"It most certainly will be!" With which Miss Castle took a small kitchen knife from a drawer in the dresser and deftly removed the tape securing one of the caps. Then she upended the contents onto the table. Beneath several layers of bubble wrap, they could both make out a slender object wrapped in pink tissue.
Though she had a pretty shrewd idea of what the object was, Alice decided to play safe. "Is it a garden fork?"
The woman shook her head and smiled as she removed the outer layers.
Hilda Castle giggled delightedly as she peeled back the pink tissue, revealing a magnificently realistic mushroom-headed nine-inch pink plastic dildo. The tube also contained a small pouch in which there were four leather straps with chrome buckles. "Oh dear! And I especially told them I didn't want the strap-on model."
"Why was that?" Alice asked, tentatively prodding the surface of the soft plastic phallus.
"Because I only want to use it as a toy."
"Inside your cunnie?"
"Err, well yes, since you put it like that," replied Miss Castle blushing.
Alice removed the straps from their pouch and began threading them through the base of the dildo. "These toys do have dual uses, you know."
"They do?"
"Oh yes." The young postwoman reached to unbuckle her slacks, letting them fall to the floor to reveal a minuscule pair of pink panties. Picking up the big plastic cock she asked, "Care for a demonstration?"
" and me?"
She reached behind to buckle the straps across her bottom. "Why not?"
Turning to show the woman her cute bum cheeks, now crisscrossed by the strap-on's white leather fastenings, Alice asked, "Tighten the buckles for me, would you?" Miss Castle went to work with enthusiasm.
"So this will be your first time?"
"First time for what?"
Alice giggled.
"Like it says on your gatepost: 'Will Callers Please Use The Rear Entrance'."
"Most assuredly, 'yes'. I've never done it this way."
"Well, I think you're going to enjoy it." She began to liberally lube the imitation phallus with olive oil from a bottle from the dresser. "Now, just lean over the table for me and grab hold of the edges tightly. Naughty Alice is going to give you a lovely fucking!"