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Jack In The Box Ch. 3

"Jack takes control of his teacher and friends."

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Kit desperately wanted to hold Jack's hand as they walked down the hotel hallway to his room. Her student walked slightly in front of her, and she truly felt naked in his wake. The cover-up she wore over the tiny white bikini was see-through, and all it did was emphasize her near-nakedness. When they arrived at his room, she followed Jack in like a good little sub.  
Neither of them expected what greeted them. Logan and Sylvia were naked on the bed, her mouth greedily sucking on his cock. Both girls shrieked out at the surprise. Jack's laughter quickly alleviated Logan's worried look.  
"Well, this is a surprise!" Jack exclaimed. 
Jack walked closer to the bed, and Kit hid her body behind him. Everyone felt uneasy, except for Jack; he loved the moment. Logan and Sylvia were trying to cover up their nakedness from their coach.  
"Logan has a decent cock, nowhere near as big as mine, but still a nice one. Show her Logan."  
Logan moved his hand; his erection had diminished. 
"What do you think?" Jack asked Kit.  
Kit wanted to run, bolt from the room. "It's nice, Jack."  
"Stroke his cock Sylvia, show Kit how big it gets."   
"I'm sorry, Jack," Sylvia said. Her eyes stayed on Jack while her hand stroked Logan. "You're not mad at me, are you?" Even though she loved Jack, he didn't feel the same. "Logan and I came up here looking for you, and then got carried away."  
"No big deal."  
Now that Logan was over the shock of being discovered, he noticed what Coach Moore was wearing. "Holy fuck! She is almost naked!" he exclaimed.  
"I know, doesn't Coach look fantastic!" Jack boasted.  
Kit blushed; the attention was intoxicating as they admired her body.  
"Take off your cover-up and show them how sexy you are." 
Kit hesitated briefly. Her eyes fixed on Jack's. He was her new Master, and she needed to obey him. The thin top dropped to the floor, and she waited for his following command. 
"See!" Jack spun Kit around so his friends could see both sides. "Have you ever seen a more beautiful woman? And this ass is so firm!" he boasted as he gave her a rough squeeze. "I haven't fucked her ass yet. I'm saving that for later tonight."  
Logan's cock was growing, this time from staring at his teacher. "You fucked her already?" Logan asked in disbelief.  
Jack drew Kit into his arms. "I got to know some of Coach's secrets. And, yes, we fucked!" Jack's hand reached down to her barely covered tit, and he pinched her nipple. "Isn't that right, Kitten?"  
There was no escape plan; Kit brought this on herself by throwing herself at Jack. "Yes."  
Jack raised Kit's chin. Her soft dewy eyes showed nothing but obedience. "Don't worry, Logan and Sylvia promise not to say anything; we are all friends here."  
"You promise?" Kit queried. She knew it was wrong being in a hotel room barely clothed with three of her students.   
"What do you say?" Jack challenged, directing his words to Logan and Sylvia.  
Sylvia never guessed Coach Moore would end up in Jack's arms. She gave up trying to hide her tits and pussy. "I promise not to say anything!" 
"Me too!" Logan echoed.  
Kit relinquished; she had to believe them. Her life was now under Jack's control. 
Sylvia admired her teacher. "I wish my tits were as big as yours!"  
"Thank you. Yours are very firm, though."  
Sylvia grabbed her tits and tried to give them a shake, "I bet yours shake and sway."  
Jack stepped behind Kit and groped her tits. "Yup, they shake and sway," he laughed. He pulled the tiny triangles of material down, exposing her nipples to Logan and Sylvia. "Kitten likes it when I pinch her nipples hard. Really hard."  
Jack's kisses on her neck melted Kit, and she closed her eyes. She tried not to think about Logan and Sylvia watching. She anticipated Jack would be fucking her in front of them. His fingers manipulated her sore nipples, making her body come alive.
Logan reached over and pulled Sylvia closer. "Wow! Suck my cock, while I watch."  
Sylvia looked at Jack for permission; she laid down in Logan's lap after Jack nodded. Half-heartedly she performed oral more interested in what was happening in front of her.
"Thanks for not being mad about Sylvia and me. It just happened." Logan confessed. 
Jack laughed at Logan's concern. "I was going to set you two up anyways!"  
The two guys talked about the girls as if they could not hear them, making comments about their sexual preferences.  
"Really? Sylvia won't let you fuck her ass?" Logan asked. "I thought she would do anything for you."  
"Move over, and we will join you on the bed. Kit, finish taking your swimsuit off."  
Sylvia stopped sucking Logan's cock to watch her teacher get naked in front of them. Jack left a significant love mark on her coach's left tit. He liked to do that to his girls, to remind them he had fucked them.  
Kit stood naked in front of everyone and, with a deep breath, did her best to relax.   
"Put one leg on the bed and show them your red and swollen cunt," Jack ordered.  
The bite mark was still visible on her inner leg. "Did the bite hurt?" asked Sylvia.  
When Kit submissively shook her head no, Jack laughed, "Kitten likes pain. She screamed like crazy but loved every minute."  Jack reached between Kit's legs and explored her folds. "She loves my big cock in her tight cunt!"   
The humiliation of being fingered in front of Logan and Sylvia made her leak. Kit celebrated the bittersweet circumstances. She longed for Jack to fuck her, and her fantasies came true. Except her lustfulness now includes others.
"Your turn, Sylvia," Jack motioned. "Come sit on the edge of the bed."
Sylvia looked at Jack in shock. She had never touched another girl down there. The beauty of her teacher's pussy captivated Sylvia as she approached closer.

Kit cooperated by thrusting her hips forward. "It's okay, Sylvia; I want you to." 
Jack nuzzled Kit's neck and played with her nipples. "You sexy, woman!" 
Sylvia's fingers gently touched her teacher's pussy. The only other pussy she felt was her own. "Wow, it feels so soft!"  
Jack and Sylvia jointly elicited moans of pleasure from Kit. Sylvia smiled at Jack, and he blew her a kiss. 

"She likes this Sylvia; she likes the attention, " Jack claimed. "Use two fingers." 
Kit's eyes met her students. "Oh Sylvia, that feels so go! Go deeper!" 

The moment stretched on as they manipulated Kit's body. Encouraged, Sylvia concentrated on her teacher's swollen flaps. Rather than being repulsed, Sylvia found herself liberated. The smell wafting towards her joined her other senses.  
Sylvia had touched a girl's breasts at a slumber party as a dare, but this was different. She looked into her teacher's eyes in disbelief, barely comprehending what was happening. 

Kit's mind wandered from daydreaming, to self-reflection, to worry. Her sacrifice for physical pleasure left her vulnerable to Jack and now his friends.

Jack wanted to push Sylvia further. "Stand up and feel Kit's breasts."

Sylvia smelled her wet fingers and tentatively tasted them. Surprisingly the taste was similar to herself. Standing, she stood eye to eye with her teacher. Sylvia lifted each breast, surprised at how heavy they were. It made her think maybe she did not want big tits after all.  
"Kiss them for me," Kit urged. 
Sylvia looked at Jack and then at her teacher. No one said anything.  
Jack smiled when Sylvia lowered her head. He sucked his index finger, getting it nice and wet, then reached down to Kit's ass. He pushed in slowly. 
"Fuck!" Kit cried out, "Jack has his finger in my ass!"  
"Enjoy it, Kitten; later, it will be my cock!"  
Kit couldn't control the urge to squeeze Jack's fingers. "Yes! I want that!" 
Sylvia sucked on the stiff nib. When she heard Coach liked pain she bit down.  
"Oh!" Kit screamed, "Oh, god, Sylvia, yes, that feels so good!"  
Sylvia enjoyed being in control; Jack never allowed that, and Logan was just as bad. She continued to bite down on her teacher's nipple and squeeze the other until she heard Jack's voice in the background.  
"Sylvia, kiss your teacher!"  
"Yes! Kiss me! Let me suck your tongue!" Kit begged.  
"You're beautiful!" Sylvia said before their lips met.   
Kit felt so good being used by the two of them. She sucked on Sylvia's tongue, then Sylvia did the same to her. Jack fingered her ass as Sylvia pinched down hard on both her nipples. If not for Jack supporting her, she would have collapsed.   
"Please, fuck me, Master!" she begged.  
Sylvia stopped, shocked that her Coach called Jack Master.  
Logan pouted as he felt left out; everyone forgot about him. He stroked his cock as he watched the action. He wanted to join in but was scared. 
Jack pulled his finger out of Kitten's ass. "Clean my finger," he said to Kit. "Suck it clean."  
Jack held it out to her, and without saying any more, Kitten sucked his finger.  
"Oh my god, yuck!" Sylvia said. "That's gross!"  
Kit had cleaned out her ass and knew it wasn't gross; she sucked Jack's finger to prove her devotion to her new Master.  
Jack pulled his finger from his teacher's mouth and grabbed Sylvia by her hair, pulling her towards him.  
"Really? You think this is gross! Well, then you can finish cleaning my finger!"  
Logan knew better than to argue with Jack when he got in one of his 'moods' and moved further out of the way.  
Kit opened her eyes to see if Sylvia would do it. Jack waited; he wasn't forcing Sylvia, at least not physically.  
Slowly Sylvia opened her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. 

"It is okay, Sylvia, my ass is clean." 
"Wider!" Jack put his finger on her tongue. "Now suck!"  
The smile on Jack's face showed he was pleased. "That's a good girl," he praised.
When Jack was satisfied, he pulled out his finger with a loud plop. "Well, that was fun; what should we do for an encore?" he laughed as the tension in the room disappeared. 
Kit barely maintained her balance, and just before she toppled over, Jack grabbed her.  
"What do you think, Logan, ass, cunt or mouth? You get to choose."  
Logan had never tried anal sex before, and this was his big chance. "Ass!" he laughed.  
"Okay, girls, you heard the man! I want you both to bend over the bed with your asses facing me."  
Kit obediently bent over the bed. She felt sorry for Sylvia. "Shh, sweetie, don't cry; once you try it, you are going to love it! Come lie beside me, and we can hold hands."  
"We're going to need some lube," Jack said to Logan as Sylvia hesitantly assumed a position beside her coach. "Logan, go see what's in the bathroom."  
Logan came back with a couple of small containers. "We have shampoo, cream rinse, and body lotion."  
"I'll take the cream rinse, and you use the body lotion. Push the tip into Sylvia's ass and squeeze it all in her."  
Jack worked the container into Kitten's ass and squeezed it until the whole plastic container was empty. He watched Logan do the same thing.  
"If you girls don't want this to hurt too much, I highly suggest you push out when we push in!" Jack suggested.  
"What does Jack mean?" Sylvia anxiously asked her coach.  
"Push like you want to poop; it will open your ass up," Kit said as she squeezed Sylvia's hand. "Don't worry, it only hurts at first; then it feels so good."  
Jack moved behind Kitten's ass. Logan followed his lead and then waited to see what Jack did next.  
"Are you ready, Kitten?" Jack asked as he slapped her hard on the ass. He didn't wait for her answer as he lined up his cock and pushed.  
"Oh fuck, you're big!" Kit exclaimed as Jack's hard cock pierced her ass. "Please let me adjust!"  
Logan slapped Sylvia's ass and pushed. "Fuck! It won't go in!"  
Jack saw Sylvia had her ass clenched shut. "Let's switch, Logan."  
He laughed when Logan's eyes lit up. Jack didn't wait for Kit's okay as he pulled out, and Logan quickly stood behind her. Jack could tell Logan was unsure if he should do this to his teacher.  
"It's okay, Logan," Kit consented. "You can fuck my ass." 
"Give her a quick slap, then push your cock in," Jack said to Logan as Kit smiled at him.
Slap! "Oh FUCK!" Logan yelled once he buried his cock in his teacher's ass. "This feels incredible!"  
Jack smiled at Kit and mouthed the words 'thank you' to her. He wasn't sure why he did that, but he liked that she blew him a kiss.  
Jack laid his body over Sylvia's tense one and massaged her shoulders. He let her get used to the feel of his cock between her ass cheeks. "Look at Logan; he's fucking Kit's ass. You might be my girlfriend right now if you let me do that to you."  
Kit stared at Jack with love in her heart. She needed to help Master out. "Jack's right, Sylvia. Guys like to fuck a girl in the ass. Look at Logan."  
"Oh, fuck, Sylvia, I can't believe how good this feels!" Logan enthused with a wicked laugh. "My cock is in Coach Moore's ass!"  
Sylvia looked at her teacher again, "I want to, but I'm scared."  
"You lost Jack. Do you want to lose Logan too?" Kit said, "If you don't do this, he will find a girl who will."  
"I like Logan," Sylvia admitted.  
"I like you too," Logan replied as he pumped away. "But now that I know what this feels like, Coach is right. I want to do this again and again."  
Jack could feel Sylvia relaxing as his cock pushed between her legs rubbing outside her cunt. "I've wanted to fuck your ass for so long Sylvia, will you let me be the first one?"   
"Do it, Sylvia, you owe this to Jack," Kit urged, "he will be gentle, I promise."  
"Okay," Sylvia softly said as she looked into her teacher's eyes, "I'm glad Jack is the first one."  
Kit looked at Jack, and they exchanged knowing smiles. "Come closer, Sylvia, let me kiss you," Kit said.  
Jack spread Sylvia's legs apart as the two girls kissed. He didn't slap her ass; he wanted her to be relaxed. "Push out, Sylvia, let my cock in," Jack whispered into her ear.  
Kit felt Sylvia suddenly suck harder on her tongue and knew Jack's cock had found an entry into her ass.   
"Good girl, I will go slow," Jack said, "just relax and enjoy it."  
Jack 'listened' to Sylvia's body; he didn't want to make her first time painful. He only had the head of his cock in her ass, but he knew that was still a lot to take. 

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The two girls broke apart. "You're doing it!" Kit praised and squeezed Sylvia's hand. "Your first anal, I'm so proud of you!"  
Jack pushed deeper, enjoying Sylvia's virgin ass; he stood up, hanging onto her slim hips, watching his cock disappear and reappear. The hand cream was working but not as good as store-bought lube would. He looked over and saw Logan was not holding back as he fucked Kit's ass, and he was glad he switched places with him. Sylvia wasn't ready for a hard fuck yet.  
"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Logan screamed, "here it comes!"  
The sight of Logan humped over Kit was almost comical. Kit looked up and smiled up at Jack. He knew right then he was falling in love with her, and he smiled back.   
"Are you okay, Sylvia?" Jack asked.  
"Oh Jack, Kit is right; it is starting to feel good. Go faster and just a little deeper."  
Sylvia didn't know it, but she was already taking most of his cock. Jack had been working it deeper and deeper very slowly. When he had all of his cock in, he stopped. "You did it, Sylvia; you have all of my cock in your ass."  
"I did it!" Sylvia smiled at Kit. "Now I'm a real woman like you!"  
Kit loved Sylvia's innocence and excitement. "That's right; you're a woman now. Hold my hand again; Jack's going to fuck you harder and come in your ass."  
Jack felt Sylvia tense up slightly, then quickly relax again. He wasn't fucking her harder, but her mind thought he was. The deep full strokes created that illusion. 

Logan went to the bathroom to clean off his cock and stood beside Jack, watching his new girlfriend get fucked in the ass. Logan found the sight made his cock stir. "Can I fuck your ass again, Coach?"  
Kit looked at Jack and shook her head no. "Only if Jack says it's okay."  
Jack was close to coming himself. "No, but you can clean your cum out of Kit's ass."   
Jack's words stunned Logan to silence. He waited to see if Jack was kidding around.  
"Do it, or get out of the room!" 
"Please, Jack! Don't make me!" 
Kit pulled her ass cheeks open. "I'm waiting, Logan! Don't you want to have fun with us tonight?" 
Logan groaned. Reluctantly, he surrendered and knelt behind his coach. His cum drooled out of Coach's ass. He was about to lick up his cum when Jack started laughing.

"Use a wet towel not your mouth, you idiot!"  

Logan blushed in embarrassment then ran into the bathroom.

Jack laughed at Logan wiping Kit's ass. His friend would make a good cuckold one day. Jack continued to fuck Sylvia's ass, moving her body up the bed then pulling her back down by her hips. Kit held her hand and comforted her, promising it wouldn't be long before Jack came in her.  
"Now, Sylvia!" Jack exclaimed as his cock pulsed in her ass. When his orgasm receded, he leaned down on top of Sylvia and kissed her on the lips.  
The action shocked Sylvia. "You've never kissed me before."  
"I know; you earned it."  
"Before I pull out, give my cock a big squeeze." 
Sylvia loved Jack's smiling face and dimples. "Thank you, Jack! For being my first!"  
Jack kissed her once more as she clenched down. When he pulled his cock out, her ass gaped open, winking a few times like it was also thanking him, then shut closed.  
He looked at Logan, still cleaning Kit's ass. "Logan, clean out Sylvia's ass next."  
"Jack!" Logan moaned out. Everyone watched him. Logan groaned in disbelief at what he was required to do to stay part of the group. Reluctantly he moved between Sylvia's spread legs and spread her cheeks apart. Jack's fresh cum trickled out, and Logan wiped it up. Logan hoped no one would find out what he did.
"That tickles!" Sylvia laughed at Logan's expense.
Kit laughed along with Sylvia, then looked at Jack; she waited on the bed in case he wanted to fuck her ass. She wondered if Jack was going to make her lick him clean.   
"Damn, you look tempting!" he said as he smiled at her, "but I think I need to clean my cock first. Do you want to help?"  
Two things struck Kit. First, he had asked and not ordered her, and second, she had a choice. She rose from the bed and knelt in front of him.  
"Not this time Kit, why don't we go into the bathroom."   
Jack held out his hand and helped her stand. Looking down into her eyes, he saw her for the first time. "Do you know how incredible you are? I could look a lifetime for a woman like you and never find her."  
Kit stood there in shock. She felt the same way about him. When Jack's lips found hers, it was the sweetest feeling in the world.   
The loud knock on the door surprised them all.  
"Jack! Logan! It's Coach Buchanan open up!"  
Fuck was the unanimous word used by all of them.  
Jack looked around the room, formulating a plan. "Ladies, please pick up your clothes and go in the bathroom," he said calmly, "Logan lie on the bed and kneel with your ass pointed to the door. Like I'm going to fuck you."  
Everyone thought Jack lost his mind, but they obeyed him. Jack had his hand on the doorknob as he waited for the girls to close the bathroom door. He noticed Kit didn't close it completely, and he could see her spying on what was about to go down.  
Jack opened the door as Coach Buchanan knocked for the second time. The look on his Coach's face was priceless. 

"What the fuck!" Bruce exclaimed.  Logan was kneeling on the bed, and Jack stood naked in front of him with a long and hard cock. 
"Hi Coach, Logan and I are just preparing for tomorrow's race," Jack said with a straight face. "I need to get rid of all my pent-up energy so that I can focus."  

"Hi, Coach," Logan called out. 
Bruce didn't know what to do. His first thoughts were Jack was getting ready to fuck Logan up the ass.   
"Do you want to come in and watch?" Jack asked with a straight face as Logan continued to look back over his shoulder at them.  
"What? Fuck no!" Bruce stammered.  
"How can I help you then?" Jack asked with a big smile.  
Bruce was having a hard time getting his thoughts together. Jack's large cock was imposing, and he couldn't stop glancing at it. "I, I'm just doing a headcount," he finally said, then wished he had used a different word. "Have you seen Coach Moore or Sylvia? They seem to be missing."  
Jack rubbed his balls as he seemed to be deep in thought, and he could see it made his coach nervous. "I did see them earlier; they were talking about going for a long walk. I think Sylvia is nervous about tomorrow's event."  
"Damn, that's twice now Coach Moore has abandoned me. What a bitch!" As soon as the words left his mouth, Bruce regretted it. "Sorry, you won't mention I said that about her, will you?"  
Jack stroked his cock as ignored the question, "You sure you don't want to come in and watch? I'm starting to get soft."  
Bruce wasn't sure if he should say something more. "No! You boys get to bed," he stammered, "I mean, see you in the morning."  
Jack closed the door on his coach's face. "Okay, Logan, we're alone again, and I need to cum!" he said in a booming voice knowing his coach could hear him. Jack held his finger up to his lips to make sure no one started laughing. He peered through the peek hole and saw his coach shake his head then walk away.  
"Oh my god!" Kit exclaimed when she came out of the bathroom. "You were brilliant!"  
Their laughter filled the room, and everyone agreed with Kit's assessment of Jack. Logan stayed on the bed with his ass pointed at them. 
"We have a problem, though," Jack said as he looked at his three accomplices. "We need to make it real, in case Coach Buchanan asks Logan what it feels like to get ass fucked. I'm sorry, Logan, but I need you to bend over the bed as the girls did."  
The laughter stopped as they looked at Jack's serious expression. Jack stroked his cock waiting to see what Logan would do. After a long pause, Logan assumed the position on the bed.  

"Pull your ass cheeks open," Jack ordered.
The makeshift lube still on his cock helped Jack to push the bulbous head in Logan's tight rosebud. "This is going to hurt you more than me!" Jack burst out laughing. 

Logan ready himself, and Jack suddenly pulled out, leaving him empty.

"Fuck, you guys are as gullible as Coach Buchanan! I wasn't really going to fuck Logan!" 
This time Logan didn't laugh;  he subconsciously looked forward to Jack fucking his ass. After watching Jack fuck so many girls, Logan always wondered what it would feel like to have that big cock inside him.
Kit hugged Jack. "You're incredible! Fucking incredible!"  
Jack quickly picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him. "No, you are!" he said as he kissed her passionately.   
Sylvia took Logan by the hand and looked at him with soft eyes. "So, boyfriend, after you finishing cleaning Jack's cum from my ass, do you want to fuck my ass, cunt, or mouth?" Sylvia laughed.  
Relieved that no one made a big deal out of Jack's cock in his ass, Logan gave Sylvia a quick kiss. "Well, girlfriend, I never got to fuck your ass."  
"Ass it is! Thank you, Jack and Kit! Now clean my ass, Logan!" Sylvia laughed as she bent over the bed.  
Logan never hesitated as he returned to cleaning out Jack's cum from Sylvia's ass. The two teen lovers never noticed Jack carrying Kit to the bathroom or heard the sound of the shower.

It wasn't until Sylvia needed to clean up that she noticed Jack and Coach were gone. Sylvia sighed in disappointment, being with Kit and Jack was incredible, and she hoped they would all be spending more time together this weekend.  

Thank you for taking the time to read my story; if it tickled your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments. 


Written by randyfantasies
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