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A Patron of the Arts Part Three - Karen

"We worked it out in the end"

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As part of the function of the foundation that I set up in memory of my deceased wife and daughter to support the local performing arts community, I often had to meet with the directors and other supporters of programs seeking monetary assistance. At first I took these meetings at home, but soon realized that I would need a formal office/meeting space; especially since one time a group showed up at my home with about forty people who were under the impression that head-count was an important part of their presentation.

I finally ended up leasing an office suit that had a reception area, some private office space for me, a meeting room big enough to hold a table that sat twenty, a small kitchenette for preparing refreshments, and a room left as an open area in case a presentation included a “performance”. The build-out was finished at the beginning of March, and it took another two weeks to furnish and decorate. I had not, as yet, hired a receptionist. So, when people came to the locked, large glass front entrance, all they saw was an empty desk and a hand-drawn sign that said, “Please Knock Loudly”. I was now open for business.

Most days I went to the office, even if there were no appointments, because it felt good to get out of the house. Plus, the space was in a building where some of my consulting clients were located, so I was more readily available for them, and actually picked up some referrals. I spent enough time there that within a week I had kitted out my private office space with a huge “big screen” TV that was internet enabled, as well as a very comfortable leather couch and two club chairs.

The first week in April, I had received a call from a group of jazz dancers looking for a contribution toward a trip to a competition. I told them that I needed to see their tax-exempt paperwork and some other organizational documents, plus details on the trip itself. Rather than send them electronically, the person I spoke with told me that Karen, one of their members, would bring the required information over personally later that same day. So, I hung around until almost six; but Karen was apparently a no-show. I locked up and left for the evening.

For whatever reason, I woke pretty early the next morning. I did the “Three S’s”, picked up a coffee and a breakfast sandwich at a coffee chain, and hit the office parking lot at six AM. I got off the elevator, turned down the hall to the office, and immediately felt that something wasn’t right. As I got closer to the glass front, I realized that one of the side panels was totally missing. On closer inspection, it had actually been broken out, all the way around the frame up to the track where the glass panel fit in. But, there was no sign of any broken glass on the floor. It was perfectly clean.

Without unlocking the door, I stepped through where the missing pane had been, expecting to see that everything in the reception area had been stolen, but it wasn’t. I opened the door to my office, and everything that was supposed to be on my desk was there. Then I saw reflections of colors and shapes bouncing off the window behind my desk. I turned to my left and saw that the TV was on. And not just on, but playing a rather graphic porn scene in bigger than life size, with the volume turned way down.

The remains of a frozen entrée that had been in the freezer were on the end table, along with a couple of empty soda cans. The leather sofa had been turned to face the screen, and as I walked around I saw that a young woman was sleeping on it. She was an attractive looking blonde; best guess no more than twenty. She was wearing a white blouse that was completely unbuttoned, exposing a pair of bra-less tits that looked to be about a 34B capped with bright pink areola and nipples, and a short skirt that had probably covered the white cotton panties that she started out in, except that the skirt was now pulled up above her waist and the panties were off and on the floor. Her legs were spread enough that I could see wisps of a tuft of soft pubic down that matched the hair on her head, while her right hand was resting on her mound and her middle finger was resting on her slit.

I took hold of the girl’s shoulder and gently shook her, treating myself to a good view of her breasts moving back and forth on her chest. They were quite firm; the movement was slight. My intruder started to stir, but I had to shake her a couple of more times (and get to see those pert tits shake around) before she finally became awake enough to realize what her surroundings were, that I was standing over her, and that she was in a very compromised position. She quickly pulled her blouse closed and flipped her skirt down, her face reddening by the second.

“Before I call the police, I’m sure that I’d love to hear why you broke into my office, ate my food, and then fell asleep on my couch while apparently masturbating to porn on my TV.”

The red color in her face deepened. “Please, please don’t call the police. I’ll pay you back for everything. I never meant for this to happen.” By now, she was blubbering. Since her bag was across the room, and I could see that she was obviously not carrying any weapons on her person, I agreed to hold off calling the police until I heard her explanation. “Can you at least tell me who you are?”

“I’m Karen. I was supposed to drop some documents off here yesterday.”

“Yes, I was expecting you. I left about six when I got tired of waiting.”

“I’m sorry about that. I got tied up in another presentation, then had to stop for gas, then ran into traffic. I got here at seven. I was hoping that you might have been working late; otherwise I was going to try to slip them under your door.”

“Exactly how hard did you try to slip them under that you broke the glass side-panel instead?” I asked, with just a bit of skepticism in my voice.

“Well, when I got to your door, I saw all of the lights on, even in your office. I could also tell that the TV was playing. The sign on the receptionist’s desk said to “Knock Hard”, so I figured you were waiting. I guess I knocked harder than I thought, because the glass cracked, then fell apart into little pebble size pieces. It made a lot of noise, and I was expecting someone to come running out. When no one did, I came in through the opening and looked around.”

The lights and TV were on, I thought to myself. I had suspected that the cleaning people were using my office as a hang-out. I’ll need to speak to the property manager about this. “Okay,” I said, “but that doesn’t explain what I found this morning.”

“Well, I could tell that everyone was gone for the night, even the cleaning people, so I figured the least I could do was clean up the glass, which I did. I assumed since the TV was on that you would be coming back, so I sat out in the reception area to wait. I fell asleep, and when I woke up it was almost ten. You clearly weren’t coming back, and I didn’t want to leave with the place wide open, so I decided to just spend the night.”

“I was really hungry, so I nuked the frozen dinner in the fridge and went into your office to watch the TV, which was still on, while I ate. It wasn’t until I came into your office that I realized that it was playing porn. I’ve seen a little porn; my boyfriend likes to watch it when he thinks that I’ve fallen asleep. But I’ve never seen it so large. Your TV is humongous! Anyway, the longer I watched it, the hornier I got. I couldn’t help myself, which is why you found me the way I was.” She was now blushing again.

I turned to look at the screen. The porn was still playing, and the TV was “humongous”. I had to admit that watching a close-up of a hard cock piston in and out of a swollen pussy on a five-foot wide screen was powerful. And mesmerizing. I must have stood there watching for a good two to three minutes before I heard an “Ahem!” from behind me.

Now I blushed as I turned back around to face Karen. “What do we do now?” I asked her, trying to regain control of the situation. “That glass panel is pretty expensive.”

“I know, and like I said I’m really sorry. But, honestly, I really don’t have the money to pay for it, at least not right now.”

“What about the group you represent? Do they have insurance?”

“God no; we’re a shoestring operation at best. I don’t even get paid. Plus, if you told them what I did, they’d fire me for sure.” Now she was looking worried, as she picked her underwear up off the floor; but, interestingly, made no effort to put the brief garment back on.

While I stood there thinking, I noticed that Karen had started looking over my shoulder at the TV. She must have seen something good, because her nipples were now hard, as evidenced by their pronounced protrusion through the thin material of her blouse, and she had a glazed-over look in her eyes. I turned back again, to see yet another close-up. This time it was a man’s tongue furiously attacking an engorged clit while his finger probed an aroused pussy.

A clear-thinking person probably would have turned the TV off. I’m not sure why I didn’t. But as we now both stood in awe of the sex scene unfolding before us, I took note of three things. The first was that my cock was straining against the confines of my khakis.

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The second was that I could smell just how aroused Karen had become. The third was that we had somehow come to be standing right next to each other; so close that I could feel her body heat.

The scene on screen suddenly shifted. I turned to face Karen just as she turned to face me. Because we were so close, we ran into each other. There was no way that she didn’t feel my erection brush across the front of her skirt. I definitely felt her erect nipples pushing into my chest. She looked down at our waists, then up into my eyes. “Is there any way that we can work this out that doesn’t involve money?”

I reached under the back of her skirt and grabbed her ass with my left hand, pulling her in tighter as I ran my right hand up her side and found an unfettered breast. Taking the nipple between my fingers, I gently twirled it through the thin material of her shirt. “I think that could be arranged.”

I took a step back and unbuttoned her blouse, then spread it open. Her breasts looked different when she was standing; but, if anything, better. I was right about the size. The application of gravity exerted a slight downward pull on the underside, causing her nipples to have a slight skyward tilt that made them look adorable. I couldn’t resist as I resumed tweaking one nubbin while I took the other in my mouth.

Karen used one hand to direct my oral assault from left to right and back, moaning as I gently bit, tongued, and sucked each tit in turn, leaving my hands free to caress her hind-quarters; occasionally running a finger up and down her ass-crack.

Her breasts sufficiently tended to, Karen guided my head up so that our lips met. Meanwhile, she used her other hand to stroke my hard-on through my pants, moaning into my mouth as she felt its dimensions. Breaking our kiss, she said, “I’m not sure that’s going to fit.” Kneeling, she undid my pants and pulled them down, followed by my underwear. My cock sprang forward, almost hitting her in the face. As she started stroking it, I glanced over at the porn still running on the TV, and noticed that the girl looked very similar to Karen, and was also dressed in a skirt with no panties and an open blouse. Her suitor had her bent over the back of the couch in his living room, her skirt flipped up over her ass, and he was diddling her clit as he ran his tongue up and down her slit again.

In a flash of inspiration, I pulled Karen to her feet and led her around to the back of my couch. We were now both facing the screen, and I bent her over the back of my couch, flipped up her skirt, and started eating her pussy. She looked up at the screen, and suddenly realized what I was doing; I was doing her the way the guy on screen was doing his girl. She turned back and said, “Play with my clit.”

Play I did, as I continued to attack her slit with my oral weapon. Soon she was moaning and squirming, her pussy leaking copious amount of love nectar. “My ass! My ass!” she started yelling. I looked up, and the guy was now licking up and down the girl’s ass-crack, flicking the tip of his tongue over her pucker-hole as he shifted his fingers from her clit to her pussy hole. I did the same, and Karen started going crazy.

This was new territory for me. As far as my late wife was concerned, anything anal was off limits. She didn’t even want me looking at her puckered hole, much less licking it. As a result, I wasn’t sure what to do, or what to expect. I spread her cheeks apart, and she moaned. The opening to her rectum was a deep dusky rose, but the colored area was actually small. It flexed open and closed, as if it were winking. “Lick me,” she pleaded, it pleaded.

I stuck my tongue out and ran the tip up her crevice, starting below the hole and running across it; ending just above. The taste was kind of earthy, and the texture of the opening itself was softer than I thought it would be. She groaned, which I took as a good sign. I did this several more times, depositing a good deal of saliva. Her hole was now shiny and wet.

Using both of my hands, I spread her cheeks even farther, fully exposing her dark entrance and actually stretching the opening wider. I shoved my oral organ as deep in as I could and wiggled the tip. She bucked back, and it went in even farther. “Oh god, yeah, tongue-fuck my ass!” she yelled out. I did my best to comply, but her gyrations made it hard to stay inside.

I was about to slap her on the ass and tell her to hold still when the scene on the video changed. Now the guy on the screen was fingering his partner’s ass. Pretty certain of what Karen wanted next; I stuck my middle finger in her pussy to get it wet with her juices while I deposited another load of spittle from my tongue at her “back door”. Then, with a slow twisting motion I slid my finger in past the second knuckle and began an in-and-out thrusting.

Karen started babbling an obscene gibberish which I took as encouragement. When the scene on the video showed two fingers now sawing in and out, stretching the hole on the big screen from side to side, I followed suit. There was nothing but groans of lust coming from the girl that I was using in a most intimate way.

I got so carried away watching my two fingers going in and out, stretching Karen’s sphincter and exposing more and more of her inner tract that I failed to notice that the action had shifted once again. The girl on-screen was now holding her ass-cheeks wide; keeping the tight hole stretched open while the man was lubing up his dick. As Karen did the same, I quickly grabbed her purse from the couch, pulled out some hand lotion, and smeared it all over the head and length of my spear; then squirted some into her gaping hole.

Lining up, I waited; and as the dick on the screen suddenly popped in head deep, I did the same. I was doing anal for the first time. I could feel the tight ring of her sphincter muscles flexing around the coronal edge of my circumcised dick-head. Then, as the man achieved almost balls-deep penetration, I did the same. The girl on-screen screamed; Karen just grunted, let go of her cheeks, and grabbed the back of the couch. “Geez you’re big!” she exclaimed. “It feels like I have a telephone pole up my ass.”

“Do you want me to take it out?” I asked, not sure what the protocol was in a situation like this.

“Hell no! Fuck me with that thing! Fuck my ass hard!”

I looked up on the screen, and our hero was really pounding his damsel in anal distress. She seemed to be enduring it, so I began matching him stroke for stroke as Karen absorbed it all. She was clearly no stranger to anal. I watched with wonder as my cock penetrated her at a relentless rate; her bum jiggling with my effort while the skin surrounding her hole was now unpuckered, stretched tight due to the girth of my member.

“Man is that hot!” she said, looking up at the screen as I plundered her butt. “It’s like I’m watching you bang my ass!” I looked up, and she was right; it was rather surreal.

The hot, tight grip on my rod was glorious, and I probably could have held back for a while. But, by the increase in the panting sounds of the couple in the video, it was obvious that the man was about to shoot his load. Sure enough, within about a minute he suddenly pulled out and fired his sperm all over the ass cheeks of his partner. I was about to do the same when Karen yelled out, “Don’t pull out! Cum in my ass!” I worked in and out a few more times, then shoved in as far and as hard as I could, and erupted; Karen let out a growl of pure lust as contraction after contraction pushed what felt like a quart of jizz out of my nuts and up her back chute.

As soon as I finished, Karen reached between her legs and furiously rubbed her clit until she achieved her own orgasm. I knew this because my ball sack, which was resting against her pussy, got soaked by the spray of her juices, and because I could feel her ass-ring squeezing my shaft which was still hard and still buried deep in her rectum. A fact that she noticed as she calmed down.

“You’re still hard?”

“Um, yeah.”

“But I felt you cum.”

“Yeah, you did.”

“And you’re still hard?”

“Um, yeah.”

“You want to keep going?”

Just then we both heard voices from the hall. Other tenants were starting to arrive, and it was likely only a matter of time before someone saw the broken-out window and start checking on what happened. I quickly pulled out, but couldn’t resist taking a last look at her now gaping asshole with my spunk starting to ooze out; and, a bit lower, her soaked quim. I stuffed my messy cock into my pants as she stood up, pulled her panties back on, and then buttoned up her blouse. I turned off the porn.

“I’m definitely going to need to change undies when I get home,” she remarked. “Between your sperm leaking out of my back hole, and my own juices leaking out of the front… well… you get the picture.” I thought back to my encounter with Quinn, and kicked myself for not having my cell phone close by.

For a second I thought that she was going to kiss me, but instead she offered her hand, which I shook. “Thank you for being so understanding,” she said, almost formally. “I’m glad that we were able to work this out without involving the dance troupe.” She turned as if to leave, then turned back; a big, shit-eating grin in her face. “One more thing…”

“Yes?” I asked.

“Can you call me when the window is fixed?”

“Sure. Why?”

“I want to come and break it again.”

Written by Boss01
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