Short story: I grew up very sheltered and have been a good boy my whole life. I had some unhealthy relationships, and I'd like try to get over one of them, understand what mistakes I've been making, and not least of all, explore my sexuality. Input is welcome.
Longer story: It's difficult to say this, but why not start here and now... I have had two sexual relationships, each terribly unhealthy. In the first, my gf was terrified of sex, and never let me actually have sex with her, instead stopping me before penetration every single time. The second was so insecure, she never believed I actually wanted to be with her, and stopped me almost every time, and accused me endlessly of not wanting to be with her. Needless to say, these two serious relationships gave me a terrible sense of self. I enjoy reading lush stories because they remind me that women actually are interested in sex and maybe one day I can find someone who will make me feel good about myself, allow me to feel confident sexually and as an individual. I am trying very hard to restore a bit of self esteem from these past two horrendous relationships, but as they occupied the last 4 years of my life, and I had no previous relationships, it is very difficult.