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1 week ago
Bi-curious Male, 70
0 miles · Sydney


I don't shave my cock /balls but I recently had a "friend' give me a trim .

I told my partner I was thinking about trimming down stairs so I had my Lady friend give me a trim and my partner likes it so now I don't know who I will get to give me a trim again lady friend or my partner.

Yes I have two In fact not sure if I should name then............................. :-)
Once a week if that some times go for weeks at a time. 10/12/19
No but almost did once with my current partner after fooling around on the lounge (only save by the phone ringing)She made it up to me the next day for our first time having sex after being together about 6 weeks
I was cut as a baby had my 2 sons cut when they were born. My current partners EX Was uncut as as her two previous EX's. All of my partners EX'S were all uncut.

i was my late wife's second uncut partner.Her first was also uncut as well (she only ever had one B/F before we got married.
Usually some one that ive had sex with in the past or watching porn.

when having sex with my current partner I some times think about her daughter (who is in a relationship)but would never act on it tho

But most of the time i think about having sex with my late wife. Passed away 20 years ago May '98
I could never get my late wife to allow me to tie her up even after 15years of marriage.
My current partner has allowed me to tie her up to her 4 poster bed however we did have a safe word if she felt uncomfortable and one of the hand restraints was loosely tide so she could free her self.

Above all there has to be a lot of TRUST.
Only shave my cock once by my late wife after a few drinks she said I wanna shave your cock I said yes just as long as I can shave your pussy. she agreed. Only thing was it was itchy as hell when growing back.

My current partner said she wants to trim my pubes but never has
Didn't intend to but yes I have. Never cheated on my wife (she passed away18 years ago) I have my my current partner that ive been with for about 12 years why you may ask .when sex happens she just lays there puts no effort in to sex. with other woman sex was great she even liked doing anal. but now im only with my partner as really do love her and yes I did admit to her once that I did chat on her.
Something id like to try.My partner is not that interested in being tied up or tying me up.About all TRUSt is the utmost importance in this sort of actions
My late wife had a complete hysterectomy due to a medical condition in '94 i never thought any different .our family was complete 3 kids
NO either hairy pussies where pubes grow wildly or as some one else said neatly trimmed love woman who have a landing strip
the first time I did it there was a bad aroma for both of us as it was a spur of the moment when she said I want to piss on you to night I said ok.from then on I drank about 2 ltrs of water her about a ltr of water did it for a couple of months till the novelty wore off
my current partner is not that interested in sex all the time so I go looking else where where a fuk is just a fuck and nothing more
a partner a few years ago went down on me after I came in her then wanted me to go down on her but I couldn't do it don't know why just couldn' longer together.i get a big turn on when in in her then get her to taste her one justices then re enter and cum some will do it but not many.
yes a number of times thinking of what might happen when I got hot from work