Quote by Daddy_BambooThe only connection I see between the quality of my writing (which I leave to readers to decide) and my personal sexual experiences is in my ability to convey certain feelings and experiences, which is to say I haven't had a whole lot of experience. Imagination is more important, in my opinion. As far as the quality of the writing itself, sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, one has nothing to do with the other. I write erotica because it is a safe(r) outlet for me and it keeps my writing sharpish between other projects.
I've picked up writing erotica only recently, last time I did it was when I was a young horny teen writing sexy stories on loose sheets of papers to pass them to friends.
I stopped because I realized that I didn't know much about actual sex and that my stories felt like they were written by a virginal teenager (because they were). Cue to 5 years later, I'm back writing smut, I'm a better writer, but the rest didn't change. I have no sexual experience, and I often feel complexed, as a writer, about the erotic scenes in my stories. Since I have never experienced anything other than my hand and a few accessories, it's always odd for me to describe intercourse. I'm either just guessing or referring myself to the large amount of erotica I've consumed along the years. I'm perfectly able to write about what turns me on... but describing sex? For now I think so far so good, but I'm always afraid I'll eventually write something wrong or inaccurate and take the readers out of my story.
I wonder if anyone feels similarly? For the experienced authors out there, do you feel like your writing has improved exponentially in relation to the quality/variety of your sexual experiences, or does it have barely any effect on your writing? I want to know if my worries are justified or not.
And for any unexperienced authors out there... do you feel the same way?
We all want different things. I want content that is as believable (as defined by the context) as it is arousing--if a male character of mine 'oops' surprises a female character with anal, she's not going to be happy about it, for example. Most women (in my experience) don't relish the thought of bathing in cum. If someone confronts her in a dark alley, she is going to be frightened, not secretly aroused. Put yourself in the shoes of your character. Remember that what you see on pornhub is not real life. Ask questions. (You're welcome to ask me via PM. I'm a pretty open gal.) Read about the sexual experiences of men and women who have experiences. Most importantly, use your imagination!